View Full Version : Multiplatform Best Chillout RPG?

2018-06-14, 07:59 AM
One thing that makes the Elder Scrolls stand out is that you can chill. Design a gorgeous character, turn on auto-walk, point yourself in the direction of the woods, and just...stroll off. Listen to the music. Enjoy the atmosphere. Breathe. Stab a bear for fun. Yes, you can break into an ancient tomb and fight for your life against the horrors unleashed, but you can also spend as many hours as you like walking around, chatting with people, working at the forge, etc. If you're high-energy and feeling aggressive - great, go fight something. If you're low energy and feeling sleepy and melancholy - great, go take a relaxing hike in the mountains.

Besides the Elder Scrolls, what else have you played with this level of chill? I haven't found anything really like it.

2018-06-14, 08:41 AM
As an Elder Scrolls-like, Kingdom Come is pretty good with this as well.

2018-06-14, 09:22 AM
Hmmmm, difficult in recent times.

If older games are in, try Gothic (as long as you dont stry into the dangerous forest areas, ergo you start strolling once you`re strong or stroll in cities) or its semi Successors Risen.

Great Athmosphere and "living" settlements.

Clunky gameply though, and as written above, partially dangerous.

Kingdom of Amalur might work as well, some areas are simply gorgeous just to walk through....

2018-06-14, 02:11 PM
I dunno if Elite: Dangerous fits YOUR criteria for an RPG (it does mine) but it is definitely SUPER chill.

2018-06-14, 03:17 PM
One thing that makes the Elder Scrolls stand out is that you can chill. Design a gorgeous character, turn on auto-walk, point yourself in the direction of the woods, and just...stroll off. Listen to the music. Enjoy the atmosphere. Breathe. Stab a bear for fun. Yes, you can break into an ancient tomb and fight for your life against the horrors unleashed, but you can also spend as many hours as you like walking around, chatting with people, working at the forge, etc. If you're high-energy and feeling aggressive - great, go fight something. If you're low energy and feeling sleepy and melancholy - great, go take a relaxing hike in the mountains.

Besides the Elder Scrolls, what else have you played with this level of chill? I haven't found anything really like it.

The new Fallouts (3, New Vegas and 4) are pretty much the same with the addition that you can turn on the radio on some sweet tunes as you chill.

2018-06-14, 04:21 PM
Simulation or games that are easy to pick up or put down are my chill games. Things like Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon etc fit that bill.

Suprisingly a lot of f2p mmos are also pretty relaxing to me, but probably more the older ones. Its pretty simple to make a character and follow some easy quests, get into crafting, etc

2018-06-14, 04:59 PM
I dunno if Elite: Dangerous fits YOUR criteria for an RPG (it does mine) but it is definitely SUPER chill.

Yeah, E:D is my zen game. Low engagement, noodle around doing data runs, maybe a bit of fighting if I can be bothered.

2018-06-14, 05:50 PM
Not an RPG in the traditional sense, but I can zone out playing No Man Sky. If I just want to chill for a bit, it's fun to just explore a planet and gather resources.

For actual RPGs, I tend to go with familiar JRPGs, with Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and Digimon World 3 being the ones I've been playing lately. I like the rhythmic nature of those games. It's calming to me.

2018-06-14, 11:04 PM
I got this a lot from Breath of the Wild. It's simply beautiful and fun to explore.

2018-06-15, 08:56 AM
Thanks all, some great recc's here. :smallcool:

I'm especially amused by a game called "Elite: Dangerous" being an actually relaxing experience. A deliberate irony on the developer's part?

2018-06-15, 09:27 AM
It's more that you can choose to entirely stick to non-dangerous sectors of space and just do courier runs, or asteroid mining or other activities like that. You can also pilot a giant warship, if you prefer that.

2018-06-15, 10:16 AM
Elite: Dangerous has the same thing going for it that Euro Truck Simulator does--sometimes, you just want to wander around admiring the scenery while you travel to your next destination. Both manage that pretty well.

As far as chill-out games are concerned, I've yet to find one that beats Minecraft. Yes, you can go mining and play "avoid the creeper", but you can also spend hours just building a base or drilling a tunnel through a mountain to put your railtrack on...