View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] Yak Folk Fiend of Possession

2018-06-14, 02:08 PM
Hey all,

Need some help as a DM.

How do I get a Yak Folk (MM2, p.200) to qualify for the Fiend of Possession (FF p.204) PrC?

Here's something I posted in the Simple RAW thread:

Q 033

Is there any template, class, feat or item that can add an alignment subtype to a large Monstrous Humanoid, such as a Yak Folk?

(Specifically NOT any rituals from Savage Species please).

A complete list would be outside the scope of this thread, but here (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=12219.0) is a useful reference for templates.

Some prestige classes, such as Winterhaunt of Iborighu, can also do it.

FoP requires (among other things) the being to be an outsider with the evil subtype.

There's plenty of templates that would provide the Yak Folk with the outsider type (such as Half-fiend), but the subtype is trickier.

Mulhorandi Divine Minion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a) changes type to outsider, and changes any existing alignment subtypes to evil (assuming an evil deity).

Winterhaunt of Iborighu (Fr p.72) PrC gives the evil subtype at level 10, but also changes type to elemental. Elementals cannot acquire the Mulhorandi Divine Minion template.

I'm the DM, and I'm trying to do this with as low a CR on the Yak Folk as possible.

Here's things I'm trying to avoid:

Houseruling/homebrewing/rule-zeroing a solution.

Using the rituals in Savage Species.

Polymorph/Reincarnate shenanigans.
Using the Human Heritage feat.

Can any of the brilliant and innovative Playgrounders find something I've missed?

Cheers - T

The Viscount
2018-06-14, 02:39 PM
Divine Disciple is a 5 level PrC from Players Guide to Faerun and Forgotten Realms Campaign setting. The capstone for PGtF version changes type to outsider and gives you the alignment subtype corresponding with the selected deity. Choose an evil deity and you're qualified. It requires 4th level divine spells, so you'll need to spend a bit qualifying, but it will do the job.

Hope this helps!

2018-06-14, 02:41 PM
Isn't there a truenamer utterance that gives you the fiendish creature template?

If you can find an example of a non-outsider/elemental/construct creature with the evil subtype, the egoist power metamorphosis should do it, or a psionic item that does the same.

Or...you could be made into a kaorti thrall. Which could arguably change your type and subtype.

Creatures transformed into kaortis retain any class abilities and modify their ability scores as follows: Str -4, Dex +4, Int +4, Cha +6. They become neutral evil and embrace the racial ethos of the kaortis. They gain all of the other abilities and disadvantages of a standard kaorti. This transformation is the only way the kaorti can propagate their kind.

Are types and subtypes under the banner of other abilities and disadvantages? It also doesn't explicitly say that you lose racial abilities. It's +2 LA though. Consider being a Tauric elven dog or camel/ yak folk to get the CR down.

The Viscount
2018-06-14, 02:46 PM
Reversed incarnation of the angels gives you the fiendish creature template, but that won't give you the evil subtype.

Demonbinder, from Drow of the Underdark will give you the Evil subtype for as long as you're bound, which lasts for 10 minutes at a time, but you can refresh the points in between to do it as often as you like.

The Demonic Blood Infusion spell from Ghostwalk will also temporarily give the evil subtype.

2018-06-14, 03:01 PM
There's apparently a very obscure template called "Divine Messenger" in the Dragonlance book "Holy Orders of the Stars" that does something similar to the Mulhorandi Divine Minion - away from the books at the moment, but it's possible that will add the subtype, not just change it like Divine Minion does.

EDIT: No go on the Divine Messenger; it's for Animals, Plants, Vermin, and Magical Beasts only.

2018-06-14, 03:15 PM
Necrocarnum zombie will add the [evil] subtype, but also makes you undead. At that point, half-elemental (Dragon 326/Manual of the Planes) or pseudonatural (Lords of Madness) should do it. Total CR would be 6 respectively 5.

Piggy Knowles
2018-06-14, 04:00 PM
Unholy scion (HoH p155) is an inherited template rather than an acquired one, but it changes your type to outsider (evil, native). It also gets some very strong abilities. Its CR isn't overwhelming considering the abilities it gets (+1 to +3, depending on HD), and it scales nicely with level (a 6 HD unholy scion will be throwing out charms and the occasional enervation, while a 20 HD unholy scion gets goodies like PAO and gate), meaning it can be a threat that grows with your PCs.

The problem is that it needs to apply to humanoids or animals, so technically yak folk do not qualify, and you'll need to cheese in humanoid somehow (if you don't want to mess around with rituals, dustform -> incarnate construct or similar works... unholy scions possess pre-birth, so if a dustform incarnate yak folk mates with an outsider in an area with high taint, I don't see any reason from either a RAW or a fluff perspective why the resulting fetus couldn't be an unholy scion). It will even appear as a normal member of the mortal parent's race.

EDIT: Wait, are yak folk large or do they just have powerful build? If they’re actually large, you’ll need to reduce the size somehow or else incarnate construct will make them a giant.

2018-06-14, 04:57 PM
Unholy scion (HoH p155) is an inherited template rather than an acquired one, but it changes your type to outsider (evil, native). It also gets some very strong abilities. Its CR isn't overwhelming considering the abilities it gets (+1 to +3, depending on HD), and it scales nicely with level (a 6 HD unholy scion will be throwing out charms and the occasional enervation, while a 20 HD unholy scion gets goodies like PAO and gate), meaning it can be a threat that grows with your PCs.

The problem is that it needs to apply to humanoids or animals, so technically yak folk do not qualify, and you'll need to cheese in humanoid somehow (if you don't want to mess around with rituals, dustform -> incarnate construct or similar works... unholy scions possess pre-birth, so if a dustform incarnate yak folk mates with an outsider in an area with high taint, I don't see any reason from either a RAW or a fluff perspective why the resulting fetus couldn't be an unholy scion). It will even appear as a normal member of the mortal parent's race.

EDIT: Wait, are yak folk large or do they just have powerful build? If they’re actually large, you’ll need to reduce the size somehow or else incarnate construct will make them a giant.

They're Large Monstrous Humanoids.

2018-06-14, 07:07 PM
OK, so some really promising suggestions here, thank you all.

So I'm wondering if using Demonic Blood Infusion, and acquiring Mulhorandi Divine Minion template while still under the spell effects would work? I guess it's a DMs call whether the subtype would remain after the spell duration expired or not. The spell is 1 hour/level, so if cast by a high level caster and Extended, it would hang around for well over a day; long enough to acquire the template, and take a level in FoP? The PrC only check for reqs at time of entry.

With the wording of the spell, the template may not even be required.

It's cheesier than I would have liked, but unless I want to deal with unwelcome amounts of class levels and CR increases, this is looking like the best option...

2018-06-14, 09:27 PM
If your yakfolk was a sorcerer in a Past Life (DMG2 p159), they can gain any 5th level sorcerer spell as a spell-like ability once per day (and they gain a +2 insight bonus on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks). Make it Sanctum Spell Demonic Blood Infusion (or a custom-researched version that is discounted a spell level for being self-only). +2 CR.

2018-06-15, 03:17 AM
Winterhaunt of Iborighu (Fr p.72) PrC gives the evil subtype at level 10, but also changes type to elemental. Elementals cannot acquire the Mulhorandi Divine Minion template.

What's your opinion on the Savage Species type pyramid? I believe Outsider is at the top of that - so if you lay with that rule, and put Divine Minion on before finishing Winterhaunt, it should give you the [Evil] subtype but the change to Elemental type will fail, leaving you as still an Outsider.

2018-06-15, 09:59 AM
You don't need Divine Minion specifically for that, any method of becoming an outsider will do, even inherited ones. As a bonus, the way the ability is worded, you should still get all the immunities.

2018-06-15, 04:07 PM
Hmm, the type pyramid is always an interesting one. It's certainly something to think about.