View Full Version : a nonexistent blade game (ic)

2018-06-14, 08:23 PM
The night a cheerful and splendous night as it always is. The crew convened at the underground lair in charterhall.

2018-06-15, 03:39 AM
When Songbird came into the room she saw Swordfish leaning against the strange curved bookshelf half-full of books and strange knickknacks as she told some tale of her travels to an enraptured Frost & Flame. Across the room on the other side of the old but sturdy circular oak table and in front of the gonfalon that had long since lost all but the vestiges of it's symbols and its color that might once have been a brilliant blue or green, Butterfly stood there one eye on the conversation and another on Saber and Siren who respectively chopping away some toxic roots from the park above and moving a crate of who knew what out of what had become their meeting room into another.

She saw that Butterfly saw her enter, but Butterfly didn't say or do anything in response. Because that was how Butterfly was away from the eyes of those with expectations of her behavior. Songbird wasn't offended at the lack of attention, even before she learned that was just how Butterfly was.
Swordfish on the other hand stopped her tale when she heard Songbird enter and turned to greet her with a smile, still full of mirth about whatever the story was, "Ah Songbird-"
Whatever Swordfish was about to say was cut off by Frost excitedly getting up from her chair and giving an enthusiastic greeting over her own, "Songbird!" Then the girl turned to Butterfly, "Songbird's here Butterfly!" as if Butterfly could have somehow missed that. Butterfly for her part just nodded, which Frost took as approval as much as simple acknowledgement of her words.
Swordfish for her part gave Songbird an amused smirk at Frost's antics as Songbird walked over and sat on the table next to Frost & Flame's chair.

Songbird then said, "Looks like everyone's here. Good. I had an idea you might like Butterfly."
At this Butterfly still said nothing, but walked a bit closer to the table and gave Songbird a go-ahead gesture.
She continued, "So I was thinking, I ran with the Red Sashes for a bit before you guys found me. I figure I could maybe make introductions and see if they wouldn't mind doing some training with us? I figure that might please our Lady. At the very least we'll pick up some skills. What d'ya think?"

Butterfly gave Songbird a rare genuine smile, clearly pleased with the idea and that Songbird in particular was the one to bring one, showing she wasn't just brawn and beauty, but a contributing member of the leadership of cult... as it were.
Seeing that she had Butterfly's approval, Songbird smiled clearly pleased with herself.
And then Frost was actually jumping around in excitement. "They're the ones with the school right!? That's so great! What a great idea Songbird! I can't wait! This will be great!"
Swordfish for her part also look excited, though not quite as exuberantly as Frost, and commented, "I have to admit, being able to get on the inside of an Iruvian battle school is something I've wanted to do for a long time. There wasn't even a slight chance of being allowed into the ones in Iruvia. Good job Songbird."

Between Butterfly's approval, Frost's jubilance, and Swordfish's appreciation, Songbird was practically grinning from ear to ear, happy that everyone else was happy with her.

"Can we go now? Let's go!" Frost practically demanded in her enthusiastic way.
Songbird looked to the others to check if this was something they were doing right away. Swordfish deferred by looking the Butterfly who shrugged and made a "lead the way" gesture.
"Ok then." Songbird replies as much to herself as Frost and got up off the table and moved to leave. As she did so she make a beckoning gesture to Saber and Siren to make sure they knew they were included in this too.

2018-06-16, 03:29 PM
Once they're at the Red Sash's school, Songbird fairly nonchalantly pushes open the fence gate and walks up to the door. She knocks in a rhythmic pattern. Not because it's some kind of code or has any particular meaning, but just because that's the kind of thing she always does.
Swordfish looks at the building with a bit of surprise as it's an entirely different kind of building than the martial schools in Iruvia.
Frost & Flame just marvels at the size and impressiveness of it, as it certainly sticks out as one of my more impressive buildings in Crow's Foot.

2018-06-16, 03:36 PM
The door is opened and a man of iruvian descent. Says "Hello. It is a beautiful night. It is most pleasant to meet you. For what pleasure do you come into the red sash training school?"
As you look beyond you see the rooo beyond cobwebbed, and with red furnushings.

2018-06-16, 04:06 PM
"It is a nice night yeah. I'm Songbird, pretty sure we never met if you were around back when I was doing some work with you guys. Any chance you could tell Mylera I'm here and I was wondering if she could spare some people for a day of training for me and my friends?" Songbird asks matching the greeter's chipper tone.

2018-06-16, 04:48 PM
"Of course that sounds like a grand idea. Dagger! Why don't you guide them to Mylera.

Dagger gives a gruff nod, and beckons you to follow him.

2018-06-16, 05:13 PM
Songbird gives the greeter a smile and follows after this Dagger fellow. And then others follow after her, all three of them looking around appraising the place in rather different ways. Swordfish taking in the style, Frost & Flame taking in the newness and different tone than most of the rest of Doskvol (though to be fair most everything in a city, any city at all, was new and interesting to her), and Butterfly just viewing it in tactical terms.

2018-06-16, 05:19 PM
Eventually they find Mylera in an office talking to a man who leaves soon before they arrive. Mylera sees you, and says "Take a seat. It is a pleasure to meet you again songbird. Who accompanies you? "

2018-06-16, 11:47 PM
As the other three take seats like normal people, Songbird turns her chair around before sitting on it so that her chest is against the back of the chair. Seeing her do this, Frost looks like she's considering doing it too because it looks fun and looks to Butterfly who gives her a negatory shake of the head and Frost gets the message not to do it.

"This is Swordfish" she says indicating Swordfish who gives Mylera a sort of informal bow of the head as she learned they do in Iruvia. "Frost & Flame" she says pointing directly at Frost & Flame so there's no confusion that she might be talking about two different people instead of just the one (that can be seen anyway), who in turn tries to mimic the head bow Swordfish gave a bit hesitantly, not sure if that's the custom or not. "Butterfly" Who for her part just gives Mylera a polite smile and acknowledging nod of the head. "Siren and Saber" she says, indicating them again with more pointing directly at the individuals in question.

"We were hoping you might lend us a few of your guys for the day to train with." she adds, preempting Mylera asking why they were here.

"Preferably women." Butterfly adds. She then looks at Frost & Flame and continues, "There would be less complaining about fighting a little girl I imagine." Though that's not her real reasoning at all and is instead thinking that their attempt at consecrating the school for the Lady of Thorns through the ritual of combat would be more likely to succeed if it was an all female group of people involved in it.

2018-06-17, 01:27 PM
"Of Course I was going to offer some tea, and pleasantries, but I should have known Songbird you wouldn't be interested in that. Of course I have enough female trainers for each of you to get a personal one. Frost and Flame I know someone who I'd think you'd like she goes by Candy. Butterfly due to your attire would you be interested in a former military officer training you? Beret would teach you if so. Swordfish I guess you'll be going with Plunger she's rather proud. Siren, You'll be under the tutalage of Draft, and Saber you'll have Dust . Songbird You'll be learning under Mer. I'll tell them about this and you can discuss your training schedules with them individually. And tomorrow I will want to discuss an operation I'd like you to undergo. " Mylera replied.

2018-06-17, 01:40 PM
Songbird looks a little sheepish at having jumped over the small talk that she hadn't figured Mylera would be interested in.

"That sounds like a good arrangement." Butterfly says both in reply to the assigned people and the job offer.

There's a pause before Frost & Flame asks, "What's tea?" Which elicits looks of mildly horrified surprise from both Songbird and Swordfish. They both then turn to look at Butterfly accusingly, clearly thinking "Why are you depriving this child of an education in culture?"

Butterfly responds with a shrug and, "I have not yet gotten around to tea. I thought clean water, milk*, and fruit juices were more appropriate for her palate." Which is basically her implying that despite their assumptions, she doesn't think a kid from out in the deathlands would have a refined enough sense of taste to really care for tea before she got more used to other things.

*Milk here means goat's milk since most people in Doskvol have probably never even seen a cow.

2018-06-17, 01:55 PM
Mylera takes a moment to contemplate before replying. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss?"

2018-06-17, 01:57 PM
Everyone looks around at each other and there's a general shaking of heads.
"How have you and the gang been?" Songbird asks, still a bit sheepishly.

2018-06-17, 02:04 PM
Mylera replies honestly. Truth is the war between us and the lampblacks is looking like it can go either way. And it's kind of forced us to shut down a lot of our businesses for the time being as we focus on the war. It's done the same to the lampblacks, We still have a couple of businesses running like this training school to keep some money pooring in, but most of them are really understaffed as we focus on trying and take down our opponents. It's hectic our coffers are dwindling, and really It sucks. There are some internal problems as well. But generally my men seek vengeance for what the lampblacks did to us, so I will provide it. That's the gritty bit of it. But we are going to win this war especially if you help me in a small venture. But a lot of the gang is also running double shifts, and otherwise having multiple duties to take care of. So how is it on your end?

2018-06-17, 04:26 PM
Songbird nods along as Mylera speaks, conveying "yup, that's what I've heard".

"Well as you can see, I've finally found a group that's a fit I think. We're set up in a good spot, pretty close on the other side of the bridge actually. I also got myself a little place over in Tangletown." Songbird answers in a friendly way.

Meanwhile Frost & Flame has leaned way over to whisper as close as she can to Butterfly's ear and asks, "Really, what's this tea thing?" To which Butterfly gives a sigh and says back in an equally hushed volume, "I'll tell you when we get back home." Frost & Flame doesn't look super satisfied with that answer, but she knows she's not going to get anywhere by pushing the issue.

2018-06-17, 04:28 PM
I'm glad it's working well on your end as well. Frost and flame would you like some tea?

2018-06-17, 04:34 PM
"Yes!" Frost & Flame immediately answers without a second's thought.
Butterfly immediately sighs and wishes people would stop encouraging her. Swordfish sees this look on Butterfly's face and gives her an amused grin. Frost doesn't even notice. "Thank you!" she adds as an afterthought.

2018-06-17, 04:37 PM
Alright. I'll be back in just a minute.mylera replies As she leaves the room to get some tea.
She returns after a little while with a silver platter carrying tea, and some biscuits and honey.
She places it on the desk, and gives a cup of tea to Frost and flame. "Careful it's hot."

2018-06-17, 04:51 PM
Frost immediately scarfs down a biscuit with basically no sense of class. It's on the plate on moment, there's a blur of movement, crunching, and crumbs on her mouth and her hand reaching out for a second that Butterfly is now putting her own hand atop of. Frost looks at Butterfly and clearly thinks "oh right that manners thing".
Songbird makes some more small talk asking about this person or that while they all wait for the tea to cool down enough. When Butterfly judges it has, only then does she remove her hand from Frost's.
Frost them copies Butterfly as she delicately takes the cup of tea and sips. Frost's face scrunches up at the taste of it, clearly finding it too bitter for her. Butterfly rectifies this by adding some honey to Frost's cup. A fairly generous amount (that's probably inappropriate for anyone aside from a child). Frost clearly likes this much better, and just seems completely focused on the taste of it. Though she does continue to copy Butterfly as for how often she sips and stops to take a bite of biscuit.

Songbird and Swordfish have tea and biscuits like normal people. Though Songbird holds her cup in a much more delicate and refined way than Swordfish does and never makes any slurping or sipping noises. Which is only really noticeable as a contrast to Frost.

2018-06-17, 06:19 PM
They come back again the next night
Well it is really nice to see you again songbird. The tea's fresh, and the biscuits even fresher. Alright let's get down to business So ... As she says that. An attack happens at the base. and A lamblack enters the room. Wielding a gun to shoot Mylera, surprised that you were there. He instead turns his gun at frost and flame.

2018-06-17, 07:08 PM
Songbird and Frost & Flame react the quickest to the sudden incursion. Frost immediately dives behind Mylera's desk for cover, giving a little shriek of alarm, while Songbird kicks the intruder in the chest, and hopefully out the window, as part of getting up out of her chair.

Did a Desperate Prowl for Standard Effect as a Group Action with Songbird and Frost & Flame. Got a 6.
Since it was a Desperate action, Songbird and Frost & Flame both get 1xp in Prowess.

2018-06-18, 11:26 AM
the lampblack falls to his death. From a 4 story building. Dying he passes out.

2018-06-18, 12:05 PM
Songbird looks out the window to watch the man fall to his death, to make sure he's not going to continue being a problem.

Seeing the Songbird has the situation handled, Butterfly leaves the room in search of a good vantage point to assess the situation. Seeing her leave, Swordfish follows along to help out with that.

Butterfly rolling Risky Limited Survey. Pushing for Effect so Risky Standard.
Swordfish taking 1 Stress to help Butterfly for a bonus die.
Got a 6.

2018-06-18, 10:03 PM
As Butterfly continues on analyzing the situation she quickly realizes with Swordfish's help that the lampblacks are quickly losing against the red sashes it seems to her that the fight was doomed from the start. So as she continues on she sees several lampblacks, and she realizes that the lampblacks are all over. They arrived through the windows of the manor. She can even hear the sound of swords swiping through flesh as the bell finally rings. Some lampblacks flee when they hear the bell, but most don't seem to have heard it, or are too worried to notice it as their primal instincts have them continue their fight against the red sashes. As you near the main hall of the second floor the place where most of the fighting seems to be happening now even though there is still scuffling on the others. You see a lampblack charge on Beret shouting "LEEROY JENKINS!" and he is promptly slain. You don't seem to be seeing the other teachers or anyone you are familiar with on this main hall. perhpas they died or perhaps they were somewhere else you have no idea.

2018-06-19, 12:49 AM
Figuring all this out, Butterfly and Swordfish briefly discuss a plan of attack as they await Songbird and Frost & Flame, who they notice is certainly a much irritated Flame by the faint burning embers in her eyes, catching up. There's really no need for anyone to ask why that switch happened, as they all know one of Flame's main drives is to protect Frost and a man pointed a gun straight at her. Not Mylera or one of the three other adults in the room, her kid sister!
Butterfly quickly relays the plan to everyone and then they split up. Songbird and Flame going one way, while everyone else goes the other.

Both pairs decent opposite stairways the lead down into the second main hall. On the right side Butterfly, Songbird, Siren, and Saber take up a sort of defensive position behind the banister. Butterfly aims a shot at a Lampblack, hoping to catch all of their attention. Then Songbird, Siren, and Saber open fire with theirs, not really aiming to do more than cause mayhem and distract the invaders from looking the other direction.

Then while the Lampblacks are looking the wrong way, Songbird and Flame come sneaking up behind them and attempt to insert some blades into their backs.

Butterfly starts us off with a Hunt Set Up action. Controlled Standard. Rolled a 2 so.... nothing useful there. Not trying a different or risky approach.

Swordfish leads a Wreck Group Action with the Sword Maidens as a Set Up action. Controlled Standard. Swordfish gets a 6, Sword Maidens didn't give her stress so Songbird and Flame get improved effect on their upcoming action.

Flame leads a Prowl Group Action with Songbird. Controlled Standard, but Great instead because of the successful Set Up action. Flame gets a 6, but Songbird rolls a crit, pushing Effect up to Extreme.

2018-06-20, 10:24 PM
As they do so they hear a Wilhelm scream and so they proceed after another 2 and another 2 until those that were inside were either dispatched by the red sashes or their backstage of silent but murdery death. Soon with butterfly and swordfishs pure awesomeness the only ones left alive were those that had already left. Many bells were tolled, but the lamblack sneak attack was foiled.

2018-06-20, 11:52 PM
Though the action was brief, it was also intense and bloody. As Flame began to move after the Lamblacks that had fled, Butterfly put a hand on her shoulder and shook her head. There was a brief moment of blinks as Forst had to wrestle control over her body back from Flame who was still rather angry about the whole "pointed a gun at my sister" thing.

Then she looks down at her nice clothes, now covered in blood and exclaims, "Oh no! I'm so so so sorry Butterfly!" But Butterfly just shook her head and said, "It's fine. I have gotten blood on all manner of things in my life. I know an appropriate person to see to get the stain out. Rather than the clothes, are you alright?"
While Butterflies words might sound like genuine concern, they aren't entirely at least, but at least half of the reason she's asking is to assess the strange child.

In answer to her question, Frost nods and says, "Yeah. Flame's still real angry though so.... I might be.... distracted for a while?"
To this Butterfly just nods, as if she understood more than half of what that must mean.

During this exchange Swordfish looks at Songbird and gives her a look as if to say "You're not gonna make a big deal about your clothes being stained in blood?"
Songbird just gives her back a shrug and licks a bit of blood from her lips in that way you somewhat automatically do if something's on them. Though she doesn't grimace or seem to make any notice of the taste afterwards.

Butterfly then looks at the Red Sashes around them and states to nobody in particular, "Well, we best go find Mylera and resume our conversation about that job."

2018-06-22, 11:13 PM
They find mylera in her office. Waiting patiently for you to return. She replies "Take a seat. You guys will be hitting the lampblacls where it hurts. In the pocket. I know the location of one of the lampblacks drug dens. I need them to stop working with and paying tribute to the lampblacks I do not care the means for how this is done. All I need you to do is make sure the lampblacks aren't getting money from that establishment."

2018-06-22, 11:22 PM
Butterfly looks at the others to make sure there are no immediate objections. Swordfish and Songbird nod in approval, Frost & Flame doesn't seem to be paying attention. Butterfly turns back to Mylera and says, "We would be happy to help you. If you do not mind we will take a few days, so that they mayhap let their guard down or you have diverted their attention by whatever reprisal for this incursion you will make. Or perhaps we could strike simultaneously if that works for you?"

2018-06-22, 11:30 PM
Mylera "That's completely fine. It would be unreasonable to assume otherwise."

2018-06-23, 12:18 AM
Downtime Start Stuff
Rep 4
Coin 1
Heat 2

Songbird XP: 4
Butterfly XP: 3
Frost & Flame XP: 3
Swordfish XP: 3
Crew XP: 6

2018-06-25, 09:27 PM
A cypher shows up at butterfly's home and knocks on the door.

2018-06-25, 09:28 PM
Butterfly answers the door, asks the Cypher to wait a moment, and reads the message.

2018-06-25, 09:30 PM
"Gagan, Meet me at charterhall"

2018-06-25, 09:35 PM
Butterfly waves the Cypher off and closes the door. She informs Frost & Flame they need to go out and they both get dressed in less casual attire. A little while later they head off to Charterhall University to meet with Gagan.

2018-06-25, 09:38 PM
As they arrive they see that Gagan has just finished with a lecture. Relieved Gagan the sneeze-ling weasel that she is replies "Butterfly! It's nice to see you. The Sons of the father threatened me, and said if you didn't offer them recompensation you wouldn't like what comes next, and neither wold I. I think they were going to kill me. Frost and flame I have some cookies right here for you. She opens a drawer, and offers frost and flame a cookie.

2018-06-25, 09:42 PM
"The who? Compensation for what?" Butterfly asks, ignoring Gagan's theatrics about their threats.

Frost & Flame immediately and happily gobbles down some cookies with a big smile.

2018-06-25, 09:45 PM
Fathers of the Son. They worship the father of the abyss an old iruvian deity. He is quiter talented in swordsplay, and tends to have his followers center around great schools of learning of the blade, or magic. He's pretty much just an iruvian god of education and war. Did you do something in a school that might have provoked them? Gagan replies in an educational, and uncomfortable manner.

2018-06-25, 09:48 PM
Frost & Flame stops mid-cookie and let's out, "Oops."
Butterfly gives a sigh. "Well that's unfortunate. Do you think they're the kind that would accept an apology and a payoff?" she asks.

2018-06-25, 09:52 PM
I think so, but it would have to be pretty big. However you deal with it. Gagan replied.

2018-06-25, 10:10 PM
"Right. And where or to whom would we send this payoff to?" Butterfly asks.

2018-06-26, 07:42 PM
They said If your planning to repay them for your transgression be near the road to ironhook prison In coalridge. Gagan replied.

2018-06-26, 07:44 PM
Butterfly nods and gives a few parting words, Frost & Flame wave goodbye and thank Gagan for the cookies.

Later, Butterfly has assembled the others and their payment and walk up to the designated meeting spot.

2018-06-26, 10:22 PM
As they arrive 3 figures come towards them.The one in the center says calmly Are you here to insult us further or pay us back for your transgression? the man replies.

2018-06-26, 10:48 PM
Songbird visibly bristles at this provocation, but Swordfish puts a hand on her shoulder to signal her to stand down.

Butterfly signals Saber to come forward with the heavy purse of Coin and says, "We offer you our apologies and hope we can remain amicable as those of similar outlooks and who face similar hardships. This is a token of that feeling."

Frost & Flame just studies them curiously as she's never met those from other cults before. She looks them over for ways in which they might be similar or different from those of the Rose Garden.

2018-06-27, 06:33 PM
The 3 figures one whom frost and flame realizes is female beneath the cloak come towards them.The one in the center says calmly as he grabs it and examines what it contains "I hope so too. Let this be a learning experience. And i hope you don't do this again. Heck perhaps in the future we might become allies. I've learned that you also worship a war deity. Who is an appreciator of the arts from what I gather." the man replies.

2018-06-27, 06:40 PM
"The Lady of Thorns is not a 'war deity' specifically, though she is one of warriors and weapons and yes, the arts. Still, that puts us close enough in alignment I should think. If you wish to learn more of her you could always talk to Gagan. If you are still welcome in the University." Butterfly replies, emphasizing the word talk to imply some fault on their part for hastily threatening the academic.

Frost & Flame looks at Butterfly and pauses for a while and eventually gives Butterfly an "oh I see what you did there".

And with that, she turns to leave. The others move with her, though Songbird and Siren's eyes linger on the other group, just to make sure they're not going to try anything.

2018-06-27, 06:53 PM
The group departs peacefully.

2018-06-27, 08:10 PM
Not long later the group is hanging around the lair.

There is some discussion of excitement about the upcoming job. Which leads into a discussion of concerns about the amount of attention that will draw and how people wish they were better equipped.

"I wish we could just go in and cut them all down and the bluecoats would just not care we killed a bunch of gangsters." Songbird grumbles.
"Yeah, that'd be nice." Swordfish replies off-hand in a "yeah, that's not how things are" way.
Butterfly makes a contemplative face and says, "Perhaps that is something we can work on."
Songbird and Swordfish both blink in surprise and look at Butterfly wondering what scheme she could have in mind. If it were anyone else they wouldn't have taken the comment seriously. But Butterfly.... well who knows with her?

After a bit Songbird again starts up the conversation with, "You ladies could use some better weapons. The Lampblacks aren't poorly equipped or anything. Not that they're used to what I guess Butterfly was used to facing in the war or anything but..." and at this she looks at Swordfish. Who gives Songbird an annoyed look and says, "I'm only one person you know! I can only make so much so quickly." She then sighs and says, "Though if anyone has any special requests, go ahead and ask."
"I want to know what this thing is. Don't you?" Frost & Flame says, clearly trying to entice Swordfish rather than cajole her.
"Yes, yes I really do." Swordfish replies in an almost hungry way.

"I would certainly appreciate a good rifle and electroplasmic ammunition. Though I have been thinking on something else as well since I met you." Butterfly states.
Swordfish raises an eyebrow at this and asks, "Oh? Do tell."
Butterfly nods and continues, "I feel like it would be good to have a symbolically appropriate weapon. Something other than a sword, which we already have covered. Perhaps something that evokes the image of thorns?"
Swordfish thinks on this for a few minutes and says with a bit of enthusiasm, "How about a spiked whip? It's sort of vine-like and thorn styled spikes would look good with it. As a bonus it would be pretty intimidating." "Just like it's wielder." she thinks.
Butterfly gives a toothy smile at this suggestion and nods.

Then Swordfish turns to Songbird who initiated this whole thing and asks, "Alright, so what do you want?"
Songbird replies in deadpan, "I'm good."
Swordfish gives a groan of frustration at this and sets off to work.

Swordfish decides to tackle the easiest project first. It doesn't take her more than a few days to make the design for and finish crafting the special order for Butterfly, who is very pleased with the whip. Swordfish is also pleased with the quality of her work when Butterfly scares her quite a bit by suddenly practicing with it and practically destroying a target dummy.
((Downtime Action to Study the design. Got 1 tick. Used Analyst for 2 more ticks to finish. Then a downtime action to craft it, got a 4. With the bonus of the Workshop was quality of tier + 1, which is what this projected needed to be completed.))

((Songbird, Butterfly, and Frost & Flame all spend a downtime action on Resolve Training. I don't have any special idea what this looks like, so no flavor description this time.))

Songbird spends some time over the next few days intimidating some locals until she finds someone who knows something useful about which Bluecoats in Charterhall to talk to if she wanted to get to the ear of the Captain of the local precinct. She passes this information on to Butterfly who tracks the man down and in typical Butterfly style she presses him for who she would need to talk to or what she would need to do. He gives her the name of another bluecoat, who unfortunately isn't available at the moment.
((Songbird and Butterfly both spent downtime actions working on the Cover Operation clock. Songbird got 3 ticks, Butterfly got 1 tick.))

After Swordfish handed over Butterfly's new weapon, Frost & Flame immediately started pestering her about the strange weapon she had again.
"Alright, ok sure. Can I borrow her for a while?" she asks Butterfly who gives and nod and replies, "Yes, if you can keep her until evening tomorrow night I would appreciate it."
"Yay! Sleeping in a boat!" Frost & Flame cheers.
Swordfish is caught off-guard by this sudden turn of events for a moment and then sighs and quickly follows that up with a chuckle, "Sure, sounds fine. Let's get going kid." she says and leads Frost & Flame off to the Wandering Isle where they proceed to spend almost the entire rest of the time studying the weird item. For every thing they figure out, it seems like there's two more questions that need answering.
((Butterfly uses Calculating to give Swordfish an extra downtime action. Swordfish and Frost & Flame spend their last downtime actions working on the Tuning Fork Sword clock. They each get 2 ticks, for a total of 4.))

2018-06-30, 10:19 PM
As the crew stands outside of the rose shop. Frost and flame hold a red sash ghost reasy to release it. It seems oddly quiet perhaps the attack from the red sashes is drawing them away from even here. Of could something more sinister be happening?

As you stand outside you can see that there are roses outside to attract customers inside. The 1 story building has no obvious routes other than the front door, perhaps there's a secret back route but it isn't popping out to you just by looking at the building.


2018-07-01, 01:30 PM
Frost & Flame looks to Butterfly as they all watch the rose shop from around the corners or in the shadows. Butterfly gives Frost & Flame a nod. Frost & Flame then ushers over the ghost and says, "Ok, time to go! Go in there are scare everyone away. Please don't attack anyone who isn't a Lampblack ok?"

As the ghost goes off to do its thing, Frost puts on her spirit mask and reaches out and attempts to enhance the ghost's terrifying presence so that it's as scary as possible.

Frost & Flame did a Attune. Controlled Standard. Got a 5.

2018-07-02, 10:49 PM
The ghost was truly frightening it scared the customers right out of the store, and the lampblacks inside were instead frozen with the same fear. At least for the briefest of moments.

2018-07-03, 01:03 AM
After the customers were done streaming out of the door, Butterfly signaled the group and they rushed in. Though the Sword-Maidens remained outside to keep an eye out and to bar anyone from entering or leaving.

2018-07-04, 10:51 PM
As they entered the 4 visible Lampblacks shook off their fright, and went to gather their weapons. It seemed that none of the lampblacks had their weapons on them at the time. This room seems to be the one where customers would buy the roses, as a desk in the front with a lampblacks seems to indicate. There are roses mostly plaid, and clear in this room. Two doors head further into the building both lead to by the same stone path. The rest of the floor is made of wood, and it seems like chaos happened as the people left didn't bother to avoid anything, as a result roses have been destroyed tranpled by customers

2018-07-10, 10:25 PM
We flash back to a bit earlier where the group is discussing the plan.
"It would be best to avoid any deaths on site if we can, to avoid drawing the attention of the authorities before we're finished up." Butterfly says.
"And before we would be caught with any bodies." Songbird says.
At this everyone nods.

"We've got the ones in here ghosty!" Frost says to the ghost, letting it know she wants it to go mess with the lampblacks who are elsewhere.

Even before the words finish, everyone springs into action working in pairs.

Butterfly works with Songbird, who is humming some melancholy tune, to trip and then knock out one pair of men.
While Frost lets Flame take the reigns and join with Swordfish, who is armed with a mace, in breaking elbows and knees to disable the men as both of them are more on the forceful side than the skilled side like the other pair.
"Uh uh uh." Swordfish taunts a lampblack that almost has his hand on a sword.

Two group actions. Songbird and Butterfly & Frost/Flame and Swordfish.

Songbird leads the first group action. Butterfly pushes for an extra die.
Group Skirmish. Risky Great Effect (due to their fine weapons).
They get a 5.

Swordfish leads the second group action. Frost & Flame pushes for an extra die.
Group Wreck. Risky Standard Effect.
They get a 5 and Swordfish takes 1 Stress.

2018-07-15, 11:08 PM
As they take them down. Songbird is cut when she grabs hold of a risky part of clothing, and Swordfish is feebly locked in the shins.

2018-07-15, 11:33 PM
But thankfully they're wearing armor, which protects them!

Yup, using up load to declare they're wearing armor and reducing the level 1 harms to no harm.

2018-07-16, 11:28 PM
The ghost attempts to possess a lampblacks the 2 lampblacks manages to easily fend it off for the time being, and harm it in the process.

2018-07-17, 01:10 AM
The girls burst into the room where the two lampblacks are struggling with the ghost.

Songbird stops her humming and pauses to look around to check if there are any more. There aren't. She sighs and says, "Well this is disappointing, I thought we were going to be having a real fight."
"Please be satisfied with the fact that at least these opponents are armed." Butterfly says with a hint of annoyance in her voice at Songbird's antics here.
Songbird just shrugs and the two again work together to disable one of the lampblacks, in this case the one that the ghost wasn't trying to possess.

While they've been talking, Frost & Flame has decided to again attune to the ghost, but this time to assist it with its attempt to overpower the will of the lampblack it's trying to possess.

Meanwhile Swordfish entered the room and wasn't quite sure what to do. Especially seeing the they weren't repeating the tactic of the previous fight. For a moment she's stumped at how to be of use, rather than just get in the way. And then she has an idea and starts laughing, almost madly cackling. She takes out a packet of Trance Powder and proceeds to blow it into the to-be-possessed Lampblack's face.

I assume Songbird & Butterfly would be at Risk Great for this skirmish again, this time because they outnumber the lampblack?

As for what Frost and Swordfish are doing, mechanically I'm using a very appropriate item and having Frost try to power up the ghost to the point that taking over the lampblack would be no-contest for it. So I'm thinking Controlled Great effect?

Sonbird leads and gets a 6. Butterfly rolls poorly and gives Songbird 1 Stress. Risky Great Skirmish.

Swordfish takes 1 stress to Help Frost, who gets a 6. Controlled Standard Attune.

2018-07-22, 12:24 AM
As one is dropped due to Songbirds and butterfly's antics.

The other lampblack is possessed turns to the other lampblacks and starts madly cackling itself.

2018-07-22, 10:43 PM
Noticing the ghost has suddenly decided maybe it's going to go crazy and turn on them after they helped each other all get what they want, the group exchanges annoyed looks.

"Consider your next move wisely. You can take that body and all but one of the rest of these to feed on, so long as you don't kill them here, or...." Butterfly says, staring daggers at the possessed body.

"Or we can see how much you forgot about pain while you didn't have a body." Songbird says with a nasty grin.

Butterfly and Swordfish look at Songbird a bit surprised that she went a bit farther than they were expecting for the threat.

Group actions Command with Songbird as lead and Butterfly. Risky Standard. Got a 5.
Butterfly rolls Resolve to resist the consequence. She rolls a 6 and takes 0 Stress.

2018-07-25, 01:35 PM
The ghost leaves with no fuss.

2018-08-01, 12:19 PM
With the ghost and most of the not-yet-dead lampblacks taken care of, the Rose Garden goes about consecrating the place. But before they do, they have a brief discussion about it.

"I cannot think of a more fitting place as one consecrated to our Lady. Perhaps we should try for something special here. Though that burden would fall mostly on you little one, so if-" Buttefly says, but gets cut off by Frost.
"I'm happy to do it!" she says.
Butterfly gives a simple nod.
"How about something that's dangerous to our enemies? I bet they wouldn't expect a place to be hostile by itself." Songbird says with a wicked grin.
Butterfly gives this an appreciative noise and Swordfish and Frost nod their heads in agreement with the idea.
"And maybe the opposite too? A welcoming place for allies of our Lady?" Swordfish suggest.
At this Butterfly, Songbird, and Frost nod in agreement, Frost a bit more vigorously and Songbird practically apathetically.

After a moment of contemplating this, Songbird comments almost wistfully, "Having flowers will be nice."
Frost chipperly agrees, "Yeah. They're so colorful and smell so nice! So different from the gray and brown scratchy stuff out there." By which she means outside the lightning barrier.

They spend a few minutes collectively arranging the flowers and some of the spilled blood while chanting and humming in a ritualistic way. Then Songbird and Butterfly head outside to make absolutely sure no unwanted guests come to disturb Frost's concentration.

Swordfish gives Frost a bit of Spark, which leaves the child sparking with energy, and continues the chant while Frost performs the ritual itself. She pours out power into the air and flowers and blood and calls The Lady of Thorns attention to this place and tries to imbue it with a bit of her power.

Butterfly and Songbird are doing a Set Up Action of Command. I assume Controlled or Risky and Standard Effect. Butterflying leading.
They got a 5. So success but with a consequence or something.

Swordfish spends 1 stress to Help Frost.

Frost & Flame. Controlled Limited Attune. Set Up Raises it to Standard. Pushing position down to Risky to push effect up to Great. Pushing down to Desperate for Extreme effect. Also Pushing herself for a bonus die.
She gets a 6.