View Full Version : DM Help Ex-Communicated... But What Now?

2018-06-14, 10:03 PM
So I came up with this idea a long time ago but I didn't know where to go with it or anything, and recently my group was over and we decided to start a game so I used this prompt:

The party is marooned on an island after a ship mutiny. Unbeknownst to the newly arriving party, there are many secrets on this island, ones that the characters will have to discover if they wish to survive.

Just looking for some directional help. To fill you in, the characters so far have discovered a city reminiscent of an Aztec city, with technology but less advanced than what the characters are used to. They started at level 8, and so I had them fight off a mind flayer in order to receive help from the city to leave the island. The local leader, after they returned with the mind flayer head, sent them to another man who is a three days journey from the city. They haven't left the city yet. All the players know is that this person should be able to get them off of the island.

Any input would be great, thanks.

2018-06-14, 11:55 PM
The guy they’re sent to is also a mindflayers.

Everyone else back at the city we’re secretly mindflayers who didn’t like those other two.

They don’t let you back into the city and chase you to a hidden cave, occupied by mindflayers.

It’s late and I tried.

2018-06-15, 12:40 AM
So I came up with this idea a long time ago but I didn't know where to go with it or anything, and recently my group was over and we decided to start a game so I used this prompt:

The party is marooned on an island after a ship mutiny. Unbeknownst to the newly arriving party, there are many secrets on this island, ones that the characters will have to discover if they wish to survive.

Just looking for some directional help. To fill you in, the characters so far have discovered a city reminiscent of an Aztec city, with technology but less advanced than what the characters are used to. They started at level 8, and so I had them fight off a mind flayer in order to receive help from the city to leave the island. The local leader, after they returned with the mind flayer head, sent them to another man who is a three days journey from the city. They haven't left the city yet. All the players know is that this person should be able to get them off of the island.

Any input would be great, thanks.

What if the person sending them around is a doppleganger? He could want the mindflayers gone, because they could read his mind and know what he truly is.

So his current guise is whatever you have him/her as (Human?) - and after sending the party around doing various missions for (we will call him) "Bob" - one of the missions the party is sent is to go kill a Halfling who is known for his streak of assassinations. The party goes after this halfling (or whatever) and the halfling tells the party that there's no way that Bob can be sending them to do all these missions - while yes, it's true - the halfling is an assassin - he knows for a fact that Bob is dead - because, well, Bob was one of his victims.

So now the party is like - "Wait. What?"

Is the Halfling telling the truth? Or is he lying? What does the party do? How do they prove that Bob isn't Bob?

2018-06-15, 05:16 AM
The man might know of some old ruins which he knows contains some magical items that they could use to escape (eg. carpet of flying). However in the process of getting the items they trigger some ancient mechanism or accidently break some kind of seal. Leaving the island becomes impossible because a storm starts to form around the island making it too hazardous to leave. They need to follow some clues they found to fix the problem first. Perhaps the former ruler of the island made some kind of bargain for the magical items but realized the wording of the bargain meant that it would cost him a lot more than he expected. He used a loophole of his own and never took possession of the items but now that you have claimed them you have to pay the price.

2018-06-15, 06:16 AM
The guy they’re sent to is also a mindflayers.

Everyone else back at the city we’re secretly mindflayers who didn’t like those other two.

They don’t let you back into the city and chase you to a hidden cave, occupied by mindflayers.

It’s late and I tried.

this really brightened up my day