View Full Version : Player Help skill rolls without proficiency..but with generic proficiency in the ability... how?

2018-06-15, 01:40 PM
I'm having a moment of stupid. Let me explain:
my Paladin has 16 CHA, giving him a +3. Being a paladin he's also proficient in charisma, which therefore (at level 2) means a +2, so, +5.
Now.. being a paladin he's also proficient in Persuasion.
What about Charisma checks in stuff he's not proficient in like Deception? does he get a +5 because it's still a Charisma check, or does the +2 only apply on generic Charisma checks that can't be pinned into Deception, Performance or other?

in other words, should my level 2's paladin (16 charisma) CHA stat read:

CHA saving roll: +5
Performance: +5
Persuasion: +5 (because the rules say you can't apply the proficiency bonus twice on the same roll otherwise it would be +7)
but doesn't that mean that the proficiency in a stat is in fact a blanket proficiency for all skills related to said stat?

or should it rather be
CHA saving roll: +5
Performance: +3

I'm assuming it's the second case, but would like to make sure

2018-06-15, 01:42 PM
You’re proficient in charisma saving throws, not all charisma checks.

2018-06-15, 02:05 PM
You’re proficient in charisma saving throws, not all charisma checks.

This is correct. Charisma saving throws are quite rare (by RAW), but they can occur. When you look at the official "variant" character sheet, you'll see the saving throws and skills listed alongside the commonly-applicable stats, clearly separated.

2018-06-15, 02:24 PM
You’re proficient in charisma saving throws, not all charisma checks.


No one is proficient in ability checks, only in ability saves or in skills (or in tools and the like).

2018-06-15, 02:37 PM
Thank you.. that answers my doubts