View Full Version : A Bizarre Universe (ic)

2018-06-18, 12:43 AM
At last you've arrived at Stellar-Stop. You depart from the public transit ships you arrived on into a room full a departing and arriving ships. A series of force fields maintain the airlock in the room despite this. A large banner hangs above an archway lit by many neon lights. It reads;
"Welcome to Stellar-Stop
a city in the stars!
Location #6040323
Quadrant 4 - Orgus"
Two mem dressed in blue spandex, a sash, and wearing oxygen-masks one human and one elf walk from the archway towards the travelers departing from the bus like transit ship.
The human speaks up "Welcome to Stellar Stop. As per Cosmic Order Governor Wilsmit's decree we must record the name of all visitors upon their arrival." The elf seems to have zoned out watching ships but suddenly exclaims "and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask"
The transit shuttle takes off.

2018-06-18, 03:14 AM
A huge, three armed man, walks up casually to the two officers. He could almost smell the stench of a government official permeating from their uniforms.

Orion of the Lotus Clan. Identification number 8364331K09. Orion tenses slightly as he spewed out the ID number the pirates gave him. He hoped it could be authenticated, being a fake and all. If not, it would be a very short trip before the Reme, sold him off as a slave once again.

The usual codes of,conduct apply here or do you have some unique ones we should be aware of?

2018-06-18, 12:03 PM
The elf waves his hand repeating the identification number back to you "You're from Tresius the Planet of The Refugees. Welcome to the Cosmic Order, I won't ask what brings you here considering..."
The human speaks up "I believe my cousin is the departure officer stationed in the quadrant. How was he doing when you left?"

2018-06-18, 12:10 PM
walking up behind and slightly to the right of Orion, after he is done with introductions... Greetings I am Priscilla Kae trobairitz, In addition to his question what laws & ordinances should we know about while we are here?

2018-06-18, 12:35 PM
You call us “MAC“, don't you? the Cyborg says. Why we are here is the thing I want to know.

2018-06-19, 12:44 AM
Jamie Hook wanders through the shop, her mannerisms giving her the air of one of so many vapid humans in their late teens. She pokes and prods at random bits of merchandise listlessly. In time she finds herself in front of the human running the place. "Hey, Jamie Hook, mercenary. I hear there's work in 'ere?"

2018-06-20, 11:06 AM
The human responds "Just act civil and don't poke your nose were it doesn't belong, as for you Mac your reasons for coming here are your own. You may want to stop by the repair store and grt your RAM looked at though."

The shop keep, a small old man with a sullen look and kind eyes, "The only work I have is delivery work, but it's honest pay for honest work."

2018-06-20, 12:52 PM
Tell me, small man, what are we supposed to do?

MAC wasn't sure if he wanted to remember himself. He was used to being a cyborg and all. So he didn't went to the repair shop. He wanted to earn some kredits to upgrade himself.

I thought of playing him like Franky from One Piece. Not his personality but the fact that he turned himself into a cyborg and upgrades himself (equal to leveling up) every once in a while

2018-06-22, 03:54 AM
Orion relaxed a bit, the credentials checked out...

To be honest, I met a great many people that day... I don't recall anyone looking ill or troubled if it is to any benefit.

The others from the shuttle spoke up, with the mention of jobs Orion eagerly listened.

Deliveries seem to be a good way to learn this area and earn a few credits... I would be interested.

Orion looked around, he doubted the others wanted to learn the station for the same reasons he did. However, some of these people seemed... Colorful to say the least.

2018-06-23, 09:19 AM
The elderly shopkeep says "Its a larger group than usual for a small delivery like this but if you're willing to split the pay could yall take this quantum receiver to Captain Eyerus down at the observation lounge?" The man produces a 3x3ft box from a nearby shelf. "I can transfer the credits to you after you deliver it. The observation lounge is the lowest part of the Stellar Stop... oh and try to get it to him before the days up. He paid for express delivery"

2018-06-25, 10:47 AM
Looking at the package, sounds simple enough but often the simple things tend to have hidden trouble, but it is money so I am in.

2018-06-25, 11:17 AM
"Yeah, I'm game. Don't think I've ever done honest work before." Jamie says, loosening the straps on her bow. "Could be fun."

2018-06-25, 12:33 PM
Good, good. A new group MAC thought. He was long enough alone and he didn't care what they were doing - as long as they did something.

let's go

2018-06-25, 04:16 PM
As you exit the market place and head towards the nearest lift you notice a small group of Triachiarm children playing rock paper scissors with all their hands simultaneously, you note a taller one with one eye that seems to win more games than the others.
In the lift with you are a Slugman and two Hibrixians, Humans of the planet Hibrix, wearing suits. The Slugman's eyeshoots begin to pulsate black and the male Hibrixian speaks up "Wheres are you guys's heading?"

2018-06-25, 11:32 PM
"That would be our business, not yours. Though I might be up for a guide around here. Is that your deal? You a guide in your city here?" Jamie appears much more alert than she was before.

2018-06-26, 11:05 AM
Orion stands between the cargo and the strangers in the lift. The slugman peeked his interest as Orion carefully eyed the group.

Jamie, you sound all suspicious. Your not trying to pick a fight are you? Orion half laughed as he spoke.

2018-06-26, 11:14 AM
"Of course I'm suspicious. Random strangers asking questions? That's literally a test question in the Ethics and Conquest class I took in my senior year back home. Anyway, I ain't picking a fight. I'm calling a bluff while leaving open the chance for help."

She flips her hair back with one hand, "I aced that course, by the way."

2018-06-26, 12:30 PM
Motionless but ready for whatever will come, MAC was standing besides the box. Looking at the strangers he wondered what they had planned.

2018-06-27, 01:10 AM
The slugman's stalks pulsate as the Hibrixians say "As a matter of fact we're the stellar stop official guides just tell us where you need to go and we'll get you there"

2018-06-27, 02:45 AM
Orion walks towards one of Hibrixians.

He does flashy eyes and you speak... Are both of you puppets or bound at the wrists as blasted slaves?

Orion's posture changes slightly as he gets within arms length.

2018-06-27, 01:12 PM
A booming voice emits from somewhere within the Slugman "I'd recommend you don't try anything rash in the city, folks. These are my employees Jack and Jake." The Hibrixians wave in turn as he says their names "now do you need a guide yes or no?" The voice subsides

2018-06-27, 01:16 PM
slightly more concerned about the package to be delivered than the questionable guides... yes you can help we need to get to the observation lounge, how many different routes are available to take to get there, and what possible dangers are with each, and do you have something we can transport a large package with?

2018-06-27, 01:56 PM
One of the Hibrixians says "Theres are a fews different ways to gets ya there but pretty much jus head down..." He trails off and the other picks up "Us guides's have got to make some money. How many creds do yous got"

2018-06-27, 10:59 PM
"See? I called it. No fight. They've been vetted by our employer. Unless this was a falsified audio gambit designed to get us to lower our collective guard. If that's the case they'd have received passing scores in my school."

2018-06-28, 06:55 PM
The lift comes to a stop: an automated voice says "Now arriving in Stellar Stop Residential Block 8: Behave and Mind the Governor"
The slugman's eyes pulsate and the Hibrixians bark "Do you's want die-rections or not?"

spelled like that for accent

2018-06-29, 04:18 PM
looking towards the others, then to the package.. well I unless something is provided to carry that, pointing to the package then I would say directions are essential if we are carrying it.

2018-06-29, 10:59 PM
"That'll be fifty cred'ts" the slugman's deep voice rings in your ears and you feel its bass in your chest. One of the Hibrixians pulls out a pad with buttons labeled 0-9 "just type your account number and the amount and it'll transfer to us"

2018-06-29, 11:48 PM
"I got this. Let me see that pad." Jamie takes hold of the tech and entered her account authorization. "Word of advice, if a fight comes, stay out of my line of shot. Let's move on when you're ready."

2018-06-30, 01:15 AM
Orion grins ear to ear.

I like to get up close and personal... But I know my way around a blaster...

2018-06-30, 07:38 AM
One of the Hibrixians chaffs "Its been a pleasure doing business wit yah. Make your way through block 8 and take the staircase down to the lounge" the other picks up "That's where yous's are off to right?"

2018-07-01, 12:51 PM
Good, let's go.

>>I assume this box isn't too heavy, ya?<<

MAC took the parcel and lifted it on his back. He was ready to carry it.
What are we waiting for?

2018-07-01, 03:47 PM
no check is required to carry it
also if you want to roll for something you can do so in a spoiler in this thread
You step out of the lift. Almost immediately it fires off in a new direction, slugman and Hibrixians on board. You decide to make your way through the residential block. It seems quant. Small apartment buildings and a few medium houses make up this neighborhood. You note a few stalls set up with items like hotdogs and what looks like an ear piece. A man approaches you "You wreak of slug. You get conned too?"

2018-07-02, 11:31 AM
looking at the man..Conned in what way? money or location ?, looking to the others well what now?

2018-07-02, 03:28 PM
Orion couldn't help but let loose a deep quick laugh.

What was that about acing a class?

Once he gathered himself he looked around quickly.

I take it the way is clearly marked?

2018-07-02, 06:46 PM
"Nah, it's cool. I correctly identified the other possibility. I accepted the outcome then. Though if I see them again I'm still going to kill them. But that's just on principal." Jamie fingers an arrow.

2018-07-03, 12:26 PM
"Err... money" the human in rags bumbles out "That slugman took me for everything I own"

2018-07-04, 12:52 PM
Sorry man. We have something to do.
The cyborg let him stood and walked past

2018-07-04, 01:25 PM
Let us deliver this first and we might be able to help you... I don't really like people who prey on others.

2018-07-04, 08:50 PM
"Really? you'd help me?!?" the man says his eyes tearing up "A poor excuse for a person who lives on the streets!!" he begins to sob "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!" he cries quietly for a little longer before wiping his eyes, he suddenly has a gleam of hope in them "I'll go and wait at the Observation Lounge for you all, I can't thank you enough!" He takes off running towards the staircase and through the revolving door and quickly disappears

2018-07-05, 03:31 AM
"Huh, you gave him hope. Is that how it works." Jamie brushes her hair back and adjusts get jacket, "So let's get moving, ya?"

2018-07-05, 01:22 PM
The cyborg moved slower, so he was beside Jamie and asked her What's happened with your arm, girl?

2018-07-05, 01:51 PM
"My arm? What do you mean?" Jamie flinches and flails around for a moment, "Is there a spider on it?! Eew!"
Though it does take her a minute, she's eventually catches on that he means the cybernetic arm that currently has no spider on it. "Oh that, yeah. Right of passage. Everyone gets a piece replaced when we hit sixteen. That's when they log us into the gene-base so our LnW can be carried out when we kick it."

2018-07-05, 02:06 PM
That wasn't what he expected. Getting a body part voluntarily replaced seemed ... strange at least. But what does he know? He had to replace or modify his whole body...

Your what? he doesn't know what an LnW could be

2018-07-05, 02:26 PM
"LnW? Loot n Wealth contact. Pretty standard. States who gets my stuff when I go. It's gene-locked to prevent tampering." The girl obviously couldn't be less bothered by the idea of her eventual demise.
"You... don't do that kind of thing? How do you show your love for someone if you don't put them in your LnW? How does your stuff get handed out when you die?" Okay, now she looks weirded out.

2018-07-05, 03:10 PM
I don't know... I mean, there isn't someone I know. And I don't know if I could 'die'
This was a topic MAC hasn't thought about

2018-07-05, 03:37 PM
"You don't know anyone? What, you have no past? And you don't even know if you can die? Where's the fun in that?" Jamie glances at MAC as they walk, "That's just..."

2018-07-05, 04:06 PM
taking up a position towards the front, well lets get that package to where it needs to go.

2018-07-05, 04:08 PM
Maybe I knew someone. If so, I couldn't remember... My past is long ago. Does this make sense?
Nobody said that it makes fun, but it helps to focus. the Cyborg replied while carrying the box.

2018-07-06, 12:48 AM
Hey Mac, if its possible for a mechine to get tired let me know and I'll take over.

Orion, looked over his shoulder every now and then. As much as he wanted to help the poor man, he couldn't help but feel paranoid.

They had already been conned once...

2018-07-07, 11:41 AM
You finish your walk down the stairs and the hallway and find yourself at the threshold of the Observation Lounge. As you cross the revolving doors, a pink light shines across your body. Inside the lounge you immediately notice the almost infinite stars around you through the windows. You make out constellations, and find yourself looking for your home star. Suddenly you realize the that all around you are people partying and drinking. Clouds of smoke roll about the room.

2018-07-07, 11:47 AM
Jamie Hook shoves her way through the partiers to someone who looks like they work there. She keeps an eye on the armed group nearby as she asks, "Hey, where can I find Captain Eyerus?"

2018-07-07, 12:12 PM
"E-Eyerus..." the cocktail waitress looks terrified. The party dies down and you notice everyone is staring at you. The woman shrieks and runs. You feel a large hand on your shoulder. You here a man's voice "Who wants to know?"

2018-07-07, 12:29 PM
The first expression of true excitement anyone here has seen on Jamie glows onto her face. "Just a couple well-armed mercs with a delivery for the Captain." She turns around as she speaks stepping back only far enough to leave the grip on her shoulder. She slowly, almost seductively, takes off her vest, "Now, do you want to introduce me to him or do I push past you?"

2018-07-07, 12:41 PM
The Cyborg wanted to say something but saw that the girl could handle the situation well enough. Nevertheless some gears were shifting.

MAC readies himself and prepares an Eldritch blast - just in case. But the box was still on his back

2018-07-07, 03:49 PM
Placing a cautious hand to the hilt of her blade, looking over the crowd, in a whispered voice to her comrades... Hey some of them have weapons concealed

2018-07-07, 04:58 PM
Call them out, I can stall one or two of them if things go sideways... Orion carefully places all three hands onto his "daggers" hilts.

2018-07-08, 08:30 PM
The large man points his head down and tips his hat down partially over it "did you say someone was concealing weapons? Come with me" with that he turns around and calmly walks out. A Four eyed, humanoid with antennas shouts "LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED AGAIN DJ!" You notice a Triachiarm with many old-school turntables around him. He quickly spins around flipping, skipping, and changing discs resulting in an instrumental electrojazz/rock song. The people resume partying

2018-07-09, 01:45 AM
"Wah-hoo! We got our intro, guys!" Jamie waves her hand to MAC, Orion, and Priscilla. She follows the guy closely.

2018-07-09, 10:55 AM
Priscilla quickly follows jamie, keeping a cautious eye out for the trouble that she think will happen

2018-07-09, 02:47 PM
MAC was glad the guy let Jamie go.
Yet MAC was far from careless. They could still hear one or two gears buzzing

2018-07-10, 05:05 PM
You attempt to follow Eyerus through the crowd but as you make your way through you find it hard to keep your eyes (or eye) on him. You make your way to a clearing. A man with an afro, sunglasses, bell-bottom jeans, fishbowl boots, and a groovy shirt with the top three buttons undone dances in the middle. After doing a complex spin on his head to his arms and then to his back, he jumps up on his feet "If you want to leave you're going to have to show me the FUNK first!!"
The people around you form a circle and begin yelling "DANCE OFF!" and "Fendricks gonna GIVE 'EM THE FUNK"

2018-07-11, 12:56 PM
No... just, no! MAC carried the box further in the direction he thought Eyerus would be...

2018-07-11, 11:30 PM
Jamie looks around at the encircling mass of people. She studies the dancing man. She raises both hands in the air and waves the crowd to a quieter level.

With their attention on her, Jamie spins around and points her metal index finger at Fendrick. "You challenge us to a dance off. Hands off, no trash talk, no back walk. On the black top, just me, you, that's all. No cat calls, no tag teams, no mascots. Is that right now, dance off?"

2018-07-12, 02:44 PM
MAC's events
You reach the edge of the circle and quickly force your way through. You don't see Eyerus in the club so you decide to exit and look for him. As you exit the club you spot a large man in a hat turn a corner farther up. You turn the same corner and begin to chase after him trying to keep your eye on him. You make your way through stalls of vendors, and through corners and even across the transit line. You realize you no longer see Eyerus and what more you don't know where you are.

The man stops dancing and tilts his glasses down and glares at you "Thats right groovy lady. If you beat me, me and dance party friends will let you go, but if you loose you've got to stay and PARTY ALLLL NIGHT" the man grabs his crouch, extends his feet, bends his knees, throws up his other hand, and bends forward with his torso. He spins on one foot in 360 degrees. "I'm Fendricks King of Funk" the people surrounding you sing "Fendricks gonna give 'em the funk"

2018-07-13, 04:20 PM
"Alright, Queen of Funk. You go first, age before beauty!" Jamie is dripping bravado. And wishing she'd every learned to dance!

2018-07-14, 02:00 AM
Still with the box on his back MAC looked around if something looks similar. But with all the blinking and shining commercials and the loud and busy streets, he got lost. Everything looked the same. Such a sensory overload he wasn't used to.

But standing there and wait for his delivery-partners wasn't an option either. So he went to the next person and said:
Hello. Can you help me please? It seems I'm lost. I'm searching... he didn't know where they were ... You know where my comrades are? he didn't know their names ... a girl with a robot arm. And one guy with three arms... *sighs*
The only name he knew was Eyerus. you know Eyerus?

2018-07-15, 10:05 AM
The next person you see is a human woman with one large antenna ending in a green pom-pom on her head. She looks at you with a confused face as if shes trying to place you and the pom-pom an opaque amber "Is that you... no it can't be. Anyways, do you mean Jack Eyerus? Why would you be looking for someone like him?"

Fendricks begins to count "1 an' 2' an 3' an 4' an' 1..." he's doing a basic salsa, stepping on the offbeats. He stops counting but keeps his rhythm perfectly "I discovered this dance style in an old ruin lightyears away. It's called THE SPACE SALSA DE CASINO RUEDA!!" the people in the circle around you are doing the basic steps. Fendricks starts to cross one foot over the other on each step. He starts to walk forward with the basic step. He flairs his leg out at the end. As he steps back he falls down to his knees. He shifts falls forward and catches himself on his hands. He's now doing a hand stand and doing the basic steps. He looks up at you his smile reflecting the multicolored lights from the club "THIS IS THE FUNKTASTIC POWER THAT IS THE SPACE SALSA!!"

2018-07-15, 01:06 PM
I have a delivery for him. You know where I could find him?

2018-07-16, 12:13 AM
Jamie desperately hopes no one is noticing her sweating...

She waves at the DJ, morning for quiet. When he kills the music Jamie walks around the inner edge of the circle, clapping her hands in a beat. After a moment the audience is clapping in time with her, keeping her beat, despite themselves.

She pulls a wide strip of cloth from her quiver and, already moving in time with the beat, she blindfolds herself.

Almost independent from the top half of her body, her legs and feet begin to move. They move quickly to the clapped beat, each step appearing to be closer to falling. It's... like... she's shuffling.
Her top half isn't idle. She's got some version of the running man going into a macarena followed by a mighty convincing robot.

She finishes with a flourish, her steel hand pointing like an arrow at Fendrick. She whips off the blindfold and watches his response.

2018-07-17, 02:39 PM
trying to keep aware of those around, & yet follow the package around

2018-07-18, 04:29 PM
MAC's Events
The girl says "That idiot really ordered something when he knows he's being hunted down... Listen I think I may know where he is but we can't talk here so follow me" She grabs you by the hand and begins to lead you through the alleyways. Finally you come to a secluded, dimly lit alley next to a Tiabrenese restaurant. You stand next to a door and the girl looks at you, suddenly her pom-pom becomes red and she's holding a a sword to your neck "Who are you with? Why are you really looking for Jack?"

Fendricks funkaliciously gets back up on his feet "Well... that was something. I'm going to let you go because I can tell you're a seriously grooovy lady." He pushes his sunglasses up "Just come back and boogie baby" and with that the dance circle breaks away. You can tell that the large man is no longer in the club

2018-07-18, 05:17 PM
I have a delivery for him.

No shrug, no anger, no fear. MAC repeated the few simple words he said before.

It seems to be that Eyerus wasn't people's best friend. But what does it matter? MAC just wanted to deliver the box. The customer paid for express.

You know where I could find him?

2018-07-18, 05:55 PM
MAC'S Events
The girl looks you dead in your eye "Who are you working for? who sent you, cyborg?"

2018-07-19, 12:19 AM
An elderly man, a small shopkeep.

Ok girl, put away that sword and listen. I see your ears so I assume you can listen. And I see your eyes so I assume you can see.
On my back is a box. This is a delivery for the captain. And if you aren't willing to help me, I go now. Good day. The Cyborg walked back to the main street.

2018-07-22, 10:20 AM
Jamie looks around for her friends and wonders off in search of them. No point in finding Eyerus if she doesn't have the package around.

2018-07-27, 02:10 PM
You wonder to the main street to find it deserted except for your party members. You hear crickets chirping, and a tumble weed rolls through the street. It stops in the street for a second and then rolls in reverse before continuing to roll out of sight

2018-07-27, 03:32 PM
Priscilla wandering about looking for signs of where the package is or might have gone off to.

2018-07-27, 04:02 PM
Where have you been? We have a delivery to do!

2018-07-27, 06:45 PM
Jamie whips out her bow and nocks an arrow, "Guys, how long has this been so quiet? This is exactly like a textbook gauntlet scenario. Or a perfect 360 ambush. I'm beginning to think we were sent here to die..."

2018-07-29, 06:54 PM
A women with a green pom-pom on her head comes onto a screen in a room where several men wearing leather jackets, sunglasses, and different types of ripped jeans sit in drinking, smoking, and playing magnet pool "Boys, I think we have a lead..."
Magnet Pool is played within a series of electromagnetic strips arranged to form the vertices of a cube. There are 29 slightly charged balls arranged into an octahedron in the middle of the cube and one white cue ball with a small stress-based generator inside of it. In each of the corners of the cube there is a sphere with a motion detecting door that opens for the balls as they fly towards it. The player holds a cue-stick and "hits" (sends an electromagnetic pulse at to repel) to send it at the balls to send them hurdling into the "pocket" spheres

You see a large man in a hat sitting on a bench reading a paper.

2018-08-02, 12:22 PM
Priscilla looking at the man with the paper slightly confused, Jamie It just happened ... I think

2018-08-12, 06:03 PM
You stand ready to fight. You feel the electricity in the air as you prepare yourself for combat. A tumbleweed rolls by accompanied by a western jingle. The man turns the page of his paper- suddenly its floating in the air; he stands 10ft. away holding two blasters, cape flowing from a wind you can't feel "Oh its you" its Eyerus

2018-08-14, 05:04 PM

On her turn: Casting Sleep on the man with the blasters:

Spell causes a magical slumber to come upon 4 Hit Dice of creatures
Area: One or more living creatures within a 10-ft.-radius burst
Duration: 1 min
Saving Throw: Will negates DC 15
Spell Resistance: Yes - if appropriate will roll this later

2018-08-23, 05:19 PM
Am I right that you are Eyerus? Sir, put your guns down and take this pencil instead. You have to sing here for your package.

The cyborg tries to be pacifistic and calmly he could be. All he wants to do is to deliver the carriage just in time.