View Full Version : What is "Red Shell", and is uninstalling affected games enough to remove it?

2018-06-18, 01:55 PM
So I heard a few games out there have been apparently installing some sort of skeezy program called Red Shell.
After looking through my owned games, only one was on the list, and IO hadn't played it since January, and just now uninstalled it. Am I still at risk? How do I check?

2018-06-18, 02:25 PM
It's a marketing info tool, basically. Creates an identifier based on your Steam profile/Google Play profile/Facebook profile/whatever and then uses that to follow which games you play, how long, who you play with, which (if any) ads you watch and which ones you go one to click through and check out their full store pages, etc. I don't think it should be doing any active harm to you (IE, not placing viruses or anything- it's "only" another privacy violation used for purposes of creating better-targeted advertising and/or selling market data to other companies), and if the games you play have stopped using it or never tried it to start with there shouldn't be any special action needed.

2018-06-18, 04:20 PM
It's a marketing info tool, basically. Creates an identifier based on your Steam profile/Google Play profile/Facebook profile/whatever and then uses that to follow which games you play, how long, who you play with, which (if any) ads you watch and which ones you go one to click through and check out their full store pages, etc. I don't think it should be doing any active harm to you (IE, not placing viruses or anything- it's "only" another privacy violation used for purposes of creating better-targeted advertising and/or selling market data to other companies), and if the games you play have stopped using it or never tried it to start with there shouldn't be any special action needed.

Well....thats disturbing. Excuse me while i go check my drive.