View Full Version : I am bored and like building characters 3.5

2018-06-18, 03:03 PM
Basically I'm bored today, I like building characters. Give me something to build.

If you need a non epic 3.5 character just post below with a rough guideline of what you would like. I usually get it done within 24 hours, however depending on how many I get I may not be able to get to you. If you would like a theme please include it! The more information you can give me the better. I also accept private messages if you dont want someone else that browses the forums to know. Be warned, I make them as powerful as I can within the confines given me, although it may or may not be powerful enough or too powerful for your group, please keep that in mind.

2018-06-18, 03:14 PM
One build I've been messing around with for years and would like as many opinions on as I can get: PsiGish Archer. Not Soulbow, traditional (C.) Longbow/Greatbow. Any Psionic class is fine but I'd like to focus on psionic buffs so preferably not too heavy use of StP Erudite.

2018-06-18, 03:22 PM
On the appraise this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?561288-Appraise-this!-A-reference-for-the-Appraise-skill) I plan on making one of many possible 12th-13th level builds that includes a seven levels of disciple of mammon. The idea is to make a build that can use the appraise skill to produce the maximum amount of GP per day/month. You're welcome to take a shot at it too. I'm doing this because it is literally the only cool use of the skill that exists in the game.

2018-06-18, 03:38 PM
Mirage Mullah (Sandstorm template) Sorcerer 12 (base race human maybe?) please.

Guardian of an oasis. Punishes trespassers, rewards defense of the oasis.

Elite array: 15,14,13,12,10,8.

All sources OK except psionics, incarnum, truenaming or other subsystems; no Dragon Mag/3rd party.

2018-06-18, 03:44 PM
How about a level 10 Paladin (any lawful good god for Forgotten Realms).

No level adjustment.
75 points of total base stats (18 + racials as max starting value).
Using anything official 3/3.5 sourcebook, so no Dragon Magazine or homebrew stuff.

2018-06-18, 03:57 PM
A level 2 character with Swift Hunter (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druid) Druidic Avenger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druidVariantDruidicAve nger) 1 + Whirling Frenzy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/classFeatureVariants.htm#rageVariantWhirlingFrenzy ) Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian 1, you can have both Rage and Whirling Frenzy, both Pounce and Fast Movement, Wis to AC and Druid spellcasting, and also a Favored Enemy.

Find a way to make that awesome, ideally advancing both spells and rage / frenzy. Note that you lose Animal Companion and Wild Shape, so you probably do not want to do the usual thing and take lots of Druid levels.

Off the top of my head, this PC probably wants the feat Extra Rage, which gives +2 uses of both Rage and Whirling Frenzy.

If you get access to Ranger spells, then you can leverage the Favored Enemy a bit. One way to do that would be Chameleon, I guess, but then it's just two weird prefix levels on a Chameleon rather than a build that advances the base Swift Whirling Avenger Lion Spirit ("SWALS").

2018-06-18, 04:09 PM
Here is an idea for ya. A build centered around Assume supernatural ability. The lower the level, and the less casting, the better. Bonus if you can get non undead minions.

2018-06-18, 04:20 PM
So to all my players don't look at this post. You know who you are.

Ok, with that covered here is what I'm looking. I need something that can challenge a party of these five players.

So far the concept I was thinking of was a master of sand sort of inspired by Gaara from Naruto. As for crunch I was thinking possibly Dvati with the Otherworldly feat (Via Celestial Attended Birth) and the evil subtype via Savage Species to get the Evil subtype. Then take levels in FoP and have one possess/animate sand made of crushed voidstone and be sealed in via Imprison Posessor to prevent exorcisions. Then follow up with a Overland Flight spell to get the Voidstone possessor to just ram into things like a big cloud of death or stand in front of the other twin to protect him. As for how to do the offense I'm thinking of having the possessing Dvati do a bullrush through the opponent's squares and have the other one cast Greater Celerity to have him do it again. The second twin probably casting. The buildup I was thinking could work would be a Wizard 8/FoP 5/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7 and use a double warding for the red and indigo veils. The problem is that I don't know what to do next, the players can make the save against voidstone in all but a natural one so as far as we are it's not much of a challenge. Maybe an Assume Supernatural ability with Draconic Polymorph and get Chronotyrin for using two Greater Celerity per round and making 3 per round could be a good idea but still does not solve the fact that they can make the save very easily. Really I just need something to really complete this and make it a challenge. Use as much as you want from what I mentioned on here and replace all you want, if it works it works, just keep the voidstone sand at minimum.

Sources allowed are all 3.5/3.0 first party, wizards web archives and dragon/dungeon magazine. Even campaign setting material from multiple settings is allowed if they are in the sources allowed here. I would rather have it be ECL 20 (LA buyoff allowed).

2018-06-18, 04:24 PM
All official sources, no home brew. A nature dragon(Dragon type not required, just general appearance)able to alter weather, land, and plants significantly from ecl 1 and have some ok melee potential without changing form if pressed.

Jay R
2018-06-18, 06:08 PM
I hope this idea grabs you, because I could use the help. I’m an old-time D&D player in his first 3.5 game, playing a Ranger. He has the Leadership feat, and has been riding a giant owl cohort. But more and more of the adventures have been indoors or underground, and the owl just sits around and waits. So he’s about to release the owl back into the wild. The DM knows this, but does not know that he will then try to attract a wizard cohort. [The party is very poor in arcane magic.]

So I need an 11th level wizard, focused on buff and utility spells, who will stay out of the line of fire whenever possible. I don’t know what stats the DM will allow. Since PCs are 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, let’s guess 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.

He will be a cohort – always 2 levels less than the rest of the party, so he won’t enter the combat, except for dispels, buffs, maybe some control spells like Wall spells, and possibly escapes. Ideally, once the buffs are in place, he goes invisible and stays out of the line of fire.

Most books are OK, but ridiculous cheese is not. I’m not interested in clever ways to subvert the rules, but I am certainly interested in clever ways to use them effectively. Prestige classes or other races are fine (although “prestige” is not usually associated with cohorts), subject to an alignment of Neutral Good.

If it matters, Gustav is from the Northern forests, his favored enemy is Giants, and he's a Fighter 3 / Ranger 4 / Horizon Walker 6. His favorite line to the rest of the party (all from a large southern city) is, "I will never understand you city folks."

mabriss lethe
2018-06-18, 07:20 PM
A functional ~T3 "Bad Class" build of your choice: (soulknife, monk, truenamer, samurai, etc) Challenge: putting as many levels of the bad class into the build as you can. Bonus kudos for using multiple bad classes/prcs

EDIT TO ADD: I don't really need this for anything, so feel free to skip it if you prefer.

2018-06-18, 09:35 PM
wow that is a lot, almost done with the psionic archer, work got a little tense so I haven't had as much time as usual. But I'll get around to you all! No one has asked for anything outrageous yet (except maybe a nature dragon that can control the weather at level 1)

2018-06-18, 09:48 PM
I am so happy to see a thread like this. I can't wait to see what you cook up :smallsmile:

2018-06-18, 10:22 PM
Why not make yourself as a dnd character?

2018-06-19, 01:42 AM
I'd like to see something done with the Osteomancer (http://dnd.arkalseif.info/classes/osteomancer/index.html) class. It's a tall order--not a very well designed class to begin with, but a very flavorful one.

This would be a backup character for an existing campaign that is currently on the precipice of level 5 but is expected to reach the teens before completing its campaign, and it would need to fit in to a party that averages around Tier 2. I accept and understand that a decently strong build for this odd class might need to wait a couple extra levels to come online and enter the Osteo PrC, but getting some kind of bone-related abilities by the prospective starting level of 5 would be a plus. I don't mind "wasting" a feat or ACF to accomplish this if you don't have a feat-starved build.

I realize that T2/3 not an easy thing to accomplish with a weak class, so let me make it even rougher: the ideal race, for story reasons, would be Catfolk or some other feline humanoid. (The character would be expected to be related to the character who died, who is a variant Catfolk (https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Cala%27diel_(3.5e_Campaign_Setting)/Races/Catfolk)

Now to make it a little easier: All resources are open, including homebrew. Mild cheese is tolerated (such as early entry stuff) and the existing party is fairly generalist, so a build that plays to any given role or roles will most likely fit in without any problems.

..this is also a request with like a 20% chance to see any use even if I fall in love with it, so don't prioritize it unless YOU fall in love with it.

One last thing. At least one attempt to 'correct' Osteomancy has emerged online at https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=134980 technically meant for PF, but if you decide there really is no way to make the vanilla version work, you can use that for a base instead--the biggest goody it offers is 3 more spellcaster levels.

The campaign is, by design, quite stingy on gold and loot, so anything that is excessively dependant on magical equipment is going to be a non starter. You can, however, use standard WBL for the initial equipment loadout.

Have fun!

2018-06-19, 03:19 AM
Alright, so this is my challenge: I want a Stormcaster. Let's say level 16. I'm thinking about Sorcerer or Bard as base class, but I'm open to other options if you think that there's better ones. You can also use a combination of as many classes and prestige classes as you want, but the main theme of the character must be storm. I'm thinking half-elf as race, but you can use any other one if you think it fits better as long as it LA isn't higher than +2.

2018-06-19, 04:45 AM
The Magnificent Magic Missile Mage.

Secret ingredient: The Force Missile Mage.
Can be gestalt. Can be PF.
Use PF feat progression.

I have a few build ideas stashed, one of which is this idea of a character that thinks magic missile is the greatest thing in the world ever.

2018-06-19, 04:46 AM
I want a character based on the god Janus. Focused in travel and viewing, high movement. I think divination and teleportation would be great, some phisical prowess would be great too

2018-06-19, 08:44 AM
I have a few build ideas stashed, one of which is this idea of a character that thinks magic missile is the greatest thing in the world ever.

Wait, Im confused. You saying that their exists people that think otherwise? :smallconfused:

2018-06-19, 11:31 AM
A build for me?

That would be great!

I'd like to have my PC's sometimes (with luck and/or skill):


Heal (non-magically, i.e. apply first aid),


Shoot arrows,




Swing swords




Please advise (unless your advice consist of a list of powers and spells, I want Robin Hood, Sinbad, and Indiana Jones, not Dr. Strange, Faust and Gandalf please!).

As few "crunch"/"mechanical" options to keep track of as possible please, most of my D&D playing was 0e and 1e Fighters, so I'd like a "training wheels build" for 3.5/PF.

If possible, core rules only please, somewhere I have The Complete Adventurer "splat book", which I can dig up if it's urgent, but I'd rather not.


2018-06-19, 12:08 PM
I wanna play this:https://orig00.deviantart.net/d692/f/2014/282/9/6/number_c9__chaos_dyson_sphere_by_1157981433-d825f87.png
Or this:https://pre00.deviantart.net/ca9d/th/pre/f/2016/213/5/b/number_81__superdreadnought_rail_cannon_super_dora _by_parrydox-dac8fxz.png
(Notice the robot eye in the middle)

How do I turn these into a playable d&d character or a playable d&d character capable of creating these things?

Jay R
2018-06-19, 02:51 PM
wow that is a lot, almost done with the psionic archer, work got a little tense so I haven't had as much time as usual. But I'll get around to you all! No one has asked for anything outrageous yet (except maybe a nature dragon that can control the weather at level 1)

We are aware that you owe us nothing. If the idea grabs you, have fun with it. And each person who gets a character from you will be very grateful.

But we are all aware that you don't owe us anything. You're only doing this because you're bored.

If something else fun comes along, please don't avoid it because you think you "owe" us characters.

2018-06-19, 02:52 PM
One build I've been messing around with for years and would like as many opinions on as I can get: PsiGish Archer. Not Soulbow, traditional (C.) Longbow/Greatbow. Any Psionic class is fine but I'd like to focus on psionic buffs so preferably not too heavy use of StP Erudite.

Daelkyr Halfblood
Stats have not been done nor calculated into the following build, your only stat requirements on feats are dexterity, although you may need a 19 dex for one of your feats!



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Gather Information +2, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Disguise +2, Knowledge Dungeoneering +4, Spot +4

Point Blank Shot, Wise to your Ways, Symbiont Mastery(B), Unnatural Enemy

Track, Favored Enemy Aberration +2, Wild Empathy







Gather Information +2.5, Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Disguise +2.5, Knowledge Dungeoneering +5, Spot +5

Rapid Shot(B)

Combat Style Archery







Gather Information +3, Hide +6, Move Silently +6, Disguise +3, Knowledge Dungeoneering +6, Spot +6

Knowledge Devotion








Gather Information +3.5, Hide +7, Move Silently +7, Disguise +3.5, Knowledge Dungeoneering +7, Spot +7

Spells, Animal Companion







Gather Information +4, Hide +8, Move Silently +8, Disguise +4, Knowledge Dungeoneering +8, Spot +8

Favored Enemy Arcanist +2 (aberration +4)







Gather Information +4, Hide +8, Move Silently +8, Disguise +4, Knowledge Dungeoneering +9, Spot +9, Search +4

Manyshot(B), Precise Shot

Combat Style Archery


Impure Prince





Gather Information +4, Hide +8, Move Silently +8, Disguise +8, Knowledge Dungeoneering +9, Spot +9, Search +4

Expanded Spell List, Lure Symbiont


Impure Prince





Gather Information +4, Hide +9, Move Silently +9, Disguise +9, Knowledge Dungeoneering +10, Spot +9, Search +4

Favored Enemy Aberration +6


Impure Prince





Gather Information +4, Hide +10, Move Silently +10, Disguise +10, Knowledge Dungeoneering +11, Spot +9, Search +4

Improved Favored Enemy: Aberration

Aberrant Anatomy


Impure Prince





Gather Information +4, Hide +12, Move Silently +12, Disguise +10, Knowledge Dungeoneering +11, Spot +9, Search +4

Aberrant Fortitude


Impure Prince





Gather Information +4, Hide +14, Move Silently +14, Disguise +10, Knowledge Dungeoneering +11, Spot +9, Search +4

Otherworldly Surge


Impure Prince





Gather Information +4, Hide +15, Move Silently +15, Disguise +10, Knowledge Dungeoneering +13, Spot +9, Search +4

Darkstalker OR Exotic Weapon Proficiency Greatbow**

Aberrant Anatomy, Favored Enemy Aberration +11


Psionic Assassin
Psychic Warrior


Basically choose a power list that you want to use. Psionic Assassin is the best for a 1 level dip, however it’s power list sucks. Psychic Warrior is great, as is Psion for the bonus psionic feat. Ardent and Wilder are kind of meh, Erudite only if you want cheese


Illithid Slayer


Favored Enemy Illithid +13, Illithid Sense


Illithid Slayer


Weapon Focus: Longbow*, Improved Precise Shot**, Poison Expert (only if you have psionic creation)***

Brain Nausea


Illithid Slayer


Lucid Buffer


Illithid Slayer


Favored Enemy Illithid +15


Illithid Slayer


Deadeye*, Far Shot**, Poison Master***


Illithid Slayer


Cerebral Blind


Illithid Slayer


Favored Enemy Illithid +17

Your animal companion is a non combatant, if you are going poison route then get a venomous animal companion and harvest venom from him. If you are going long range/scout get a bird of prey and have it assist you in scouting (if you go this way consider getting it an item of alter self so that it can take the form of different birds depending on the environment). Finally you can always get yourself a smart mount.

If you are fighting underground/inside more often than not then I suggest the poison route even more, however Deadeye does grant you dex to damage against crittable creatures which shouldn’t be a small amount.
If you are constantly fighting outside, with clear view for a while then Far Shot and Improved Precise Shot become excellent options, in this route you may exchange darkstalker for exotic weapon prof Greatbow to increase your range.

Fun items you can use:
+5 Toxic Composite Longbow of Aberration Bane
+5 Dragonbone Composite Greatbow of Distance
Hank’s Energy Bow

Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis

2018-06-19, 04:35 PM
On the appraise this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?561288-Appraise-this!-A-reference-for-the-Appraise-skill) I plan on making one of many possible 12th-13th level builds that includes a seven levels of disciple of mammon. The idea is to make a build that can use the appraise skill to produce the maximum amount of GP per day/month. You're welcome to take a shot at it too. I'm doing this because it is literally the only cool use of the skill that exists in the game.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Appraise +4, Craft +4, Spellcraft +4, Use Magic Device +4, Open Lock +4

Apprentice (Craftsman), Thug, Combat Expertise* or Exceptional Artisan**

Artificer Knowledge, Artisan Bonus, Disable Trap, Item Creation, Scribe Scroll







Appraise +5, Craft +5, Spellcraft +5, Use Magic Device +5, Open Lock +4, Sleight of Hand +.5

Brew Potion







Appraise +6, Craft +6, Spellcraft +6, Use Magic Device +6, Open Lock +4, Sleight of Hand +1

Extraordinary Artisan

Craft Wondrous Item







Appraise +7, Craft +7, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +7, Open Lock +4, Sleight of Hand +1.5

Magical Artisan: Extraordinary Artisan

Craft Homonculus







Appraise +8, Craft +8, Spellcraft +8, Use Magic Device +8, Open Lock +4, Sleight of Hand +2

Craft Arms and Armor, Retain Essence







Appraise +9, Craft +9, Spellcraft +9, Use Magic Device +9, Open Lock +4, Sleight of Hand +2.5

Disciple of Darkness

Metamagic Spelltrigger







Appraise +10, Craft +10, Spellcraft +10, Use Magic Device +10, Open Lock +4, Sleight of Hand +3

Craft Wand







Appraise +11, Craft +11, Spellcraft +10, Use Magic Device +11, Open Lock +4, Sleight of Hand +4

Legendary Artisan


Disciple of Mammon





Appraise +12, Craft +12, Spellcraft +10, Use Magic Device +11, Open Lock +4, Sleight of Hand +4, Intimidate +1

Practiced Spellcaster: Artificer



Disciple of Mammon







Disciple of Mammon





Thief, Steal


Disciple of Mammon





Magical Artisan: Legendary Artisan

Divert Attack


Disciple of Mammon





Summon Osyluth


Disciple of Mammon





Take Object


Disciple of Mammon





Imperious Command

Enhance Value


Menacing Brute





Demoralizing Stare


Menacing Brute





Resourceful Search







Craft Staff**, or Improved Disarm*

Craft Rod













Metamagic Spell Completion

You are an artificer that has CL15. Using the Artificer’s Item Creation you can craft up to CL 17 items (meaning 9th level scrolls)

Your homunculus will be able to have up to 15 HD, which means it will be great at sleight of hand, hide, and move silently to steal from enemies in combat.

Honestly I dont know how much detail I need to go into with this, your an artificer, that can turn wealth into equipment, and can turn time into wealth and can do this very well. Thematically your character is a brute, if your in eberron I highly (highly) suggest joining the bloodbound ring in Stormreach as it is right up your alley. Filcher (which no one knows is yours) applies contact poisons and sabotages opponent weapons (using disable device) before a match. You can steal your opponents items from them, or just fight them with your talent. Stormreach is a metropolis. Your Day:
You spend 2-8 hours finding a free 200 GP item. You cast Fabricate on the item to add the masterwork quality to the item, this costs you 90 GP in materials. This makes the base value 500 GP. You next hand it off to your dedicated wright. The dedicated wright enchants it with +1 costing you 112 GP, 5 SP, and 2 xp in materials, he’ll be done by the end of the night. This raises the cost of the item to be 2500 GP (at the cost of 202.5 gp and 2 xp). You then make an appraise check taking 1 hour to increase the value of the item by a %. With a 23 rank investment, a magical item (your an artificer), and a masterwork item you will have a 51 very easily. This increases the value of your item by 51%, bringing the value of the item to 3,775 GP (with a cost of 202.5 GP and 2 xp). This all nets us a daily profit of 1685 with the most strict of dungeon masters. Eventually the market will become oversaturated (if the DM cares) and these items won’t sell for as much, however they will be cheaper to purchase back. Once this all happens you can switch over to breastplates, however they will give less income. Finally after spending 3-9 hours of your day working with your item you can spend a half hour (probably less) in the arena making a small profit and some experience (they bring the encounter to you, in a “safe” environment!) where you will steadily rise through their ranks until you eventually have the title. (and yes you can extort merchants with your intimidate skill!)

I did not include stats, that is up to you, however you need int and cha and you have a penalty to both of those as a half orc. You also have 2 flaws, however neither are needed (drop the second 2 feats)

2018-06-19, 06:17 PM
Your'e a gem Falontani.

I may be using the Mirage Mullah in my next game session, so I'm interested to see how it comes out. :smallsmile:

2018-06-19, 06:54 PM
Two thoughts for the Psionic Archer:

- Mystic Ranger goes really well with Impure Prince, especially if you intend to jump out before level 10, since the expanded spell list is much nicer if you can actually cast spells up to 4th level.

- Sanctified Mind (Lords of Madness) is another full-BAB gishy class, with 5/6 advancement for either manifesting or divine casting. Unfortunately the active abilities are more focused towards a melee character, but the defenses are solid either way, and the full-BAB is nice for an archer.

2018-06-19, 08:14 PM
Two thoughts for the Psionic Archer:

- Mystic Ranger goes really well with Impure Prince, especially if you intend to jump out before level 10, since the expanded spell list is much nicer if you can actually cast spells up to 4th level.

- Sanctified Mind (Lords of Madness) is another full-BAB gishy class, with 5/6 advancement for either manifesting or divine casting. Unfortunately the active abilities are more focused towards a melee character, but the defenses are solid either way, and the full-BAB is nice for an archer.

Sanctified Mind requires you to not be an aberration, however Impure Prince requires you to have Psymbiont Mastery (or whatever that feat was called) you could do this as a human, however I believe the sharing of your daelkyr halfblood psymbiont is better (you can grow an additional one and hand it to the others in your party)

idr mystic ranger, what book was that from?

2018-06-19, 08:45 PM
Sanctified Mind requires you to not be an aberration, however Impure Prince requires you to have Psymbiont Mastery (or whatever that feat was called) you could do this as a human, however I believe the sharing of your daelkyr halfblood psymbiont is better (you can grow an additional one and hand it to the others in your party) You're absolutely right. Sanctified Mind would require being a different race, and would not be compatible with Impure Prince. Still, it could see some action as the last few levels of a Psionic Archer who didn't use Impure Prince.

idr mystic ranger, what book was that from? Dragon Magazine, and not even the Compendium, so it's a bit niche.

Gets new spell levels at even class levels -- up to 5th level spells at class level 10 -- then gets more spells per level but never advances in max spell level after that, it's a weird progression but very good if you don't intend to hit level 20 as a Ranger.

2018-06-19, 09:01 PM
I need a level 20 lich dread necromancer. A level 20 monk /swordsage and a level 20 power attack /smite evil paladin. If you have time to do that by Sunday I would be a very pleased man.
Any 3.5 official material, no pathfinder or dragon mag please. Whatever you think will be the best is cool.. Thanks

2018-06-19, 09:43 PM
I need a level 20 lich dread necromancer. A level 20 monk /swordsage and a level 20 power attack /smite evil paladin. If you have time to do that by Sunday I would be a very pleased man.
Any 3.5 official material, no pathfinder or dragon mag please. Whatever you think will be the best is cool.. Thanks

is that 4 characters, or 3 characters?

I won't promise anything by sunday, however I will continue down the list of requests.

2018-06-20, 08:26 AM
If you could have the time to help me with this build, I would very Much appriciate it.
I need a lvl 12 Artificer Warforged.
He doesn't need to be Strong in melee, but have a Focus on blasting and battle field control
(Bonus points if her can have something like Mega Mans blaster or Ironmans repulsor blasters).

I have never player and artificer, so i am at a bit og a stumb how to build this char. So any help would be appriciated

He has an item budget of 27.000 gold. Xp price is a non issue as he is an npc

2018-06-20, 12:15 PM
Mirage Mullah (Sandstorm template) Sorcerer 12 (base race human maybe?) please.

Guardian of an oasis. Punishes trespassers, rewards defense of the oasis.

Elite array: 15,14,13,12,10,8.

All sources OK except psionics, incarnum, truenaming or other subsystems; no Dragon Mag/3rd party.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Fiery Spell, Blistering Spell

Spell Shield













Craft wondrous Items













Domain Access







Touchstone City of the Dead














Desert Insight, Dust Magic, Sand Shape







Bind Elemental



High Elemental Binder





Elemental Companion (medium)


High Elemental Binder





Instant bind (1/day, weapon)


High Elemental Binder






Elemental Companions (2)


High Elemental Binder





Elemental Companions (large), Instant Bind (2)


High Elemental Binder





Instant Bind (armor)


High Elemental Binder





Fire Bloodline

Elemental Companions (3), Instant Binds (3)


High Elemental Binder





Instant Binds (swift action)


High Elemental Binder





Elemental Companions (huge), Instant Binds (4)


High Elemental Binder





Elemental Companions (4)


High Elemental Binder





Instant Bind (5, body)








Spells Known








































































































































































































































1: Amanuensis, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Mending, Tenser’s Floating Disk, Sun Stroke
2: Light
3: Power Word Pain
4: Scorching Ray
5: Burning Hands*, Produce Flame*, 1
6: Resist Energy*, Read Magic
7: Raging Flame, Wings of Cover, Magic Circle Against
x8: Bear’s Endurance¹, Bull’s Strength¹, Cat’s Grace¹, Endure Elements¹, Parching Touch¹, Speak with Animals¹, Summon Desert Ally 1¹, Eagle’s Splendor¹, Fox’s Cunning¹, Owl’s Wisdom¹, Heat Metal¹, Resist Energy¹, Summon Swarm¹, Summon Desert Ally 2¹, Control Sand¹, Dispel Magic¹, Dessicate¹, Dominate Animal¹, Haboob¹, Slipsand¹, Sunstroke¹, Tormenting Thirst¹, Wind Wall¹, Summon Desert Ally 3¹
9: Wall of Fire*, Blast of Sand¹, Wall of Sand¹, Wither¹, Summon Desert Ally 4¹, Preserve Organ
10: The only level we don't get spells
11: Flight of the Dragon
12: Fire Shield*, Choking Sands¹, Flaywind Burst¹, Flesh to Salt¹, Transmute Sand to Stone¹, Transmute Stone to Sand¹, Summon Desert Ally 5¹, Stick
13: Combust, Searing Exposure, Haste, Lesser Planar Binding
14: Fire Seeds*, Awaken Sand¹, Mummify¹, Sandstorm¹, Summon Desert Ally 6¹
15: Hypnotism**, Pyrotechnics**, Tongues**, Fire Shield**, Cloudkill**, Summon Monster VI**, Fire Stride, Wall of Magma, Fireball, Control Elemental
16: Delayed Blast Fireball**, Firestorm*, Mass Flesh to Salt¹, Summon Desert Ally 7¹
17: Teleport, Planar Binding, Dimension Door, Elemental Body
18: Sunburst**, Incendiary Cloud*, Whirlwind¹, Summon Desert Ally 8¹
19: Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Ashen Union, Arcane Fusion, Charm Monster
20: Meteor Swarm**, Elemental Swarm*, Summon Desert Ally 9¹

I'm sure you've noticed that we have a heavy emphasis on fire, however I believe that characters having a theme is usually better than the wizard who isn't partial to any spell. And sorcerers definitely have themes more than they have precise spell selection. Their magic is supposed to just manifest, not look like a carefully tailored list that best prevents them from being useless during any situation, however I believe the list of spells chosen will still allow us to do something in any situation (even fire immunity situations)
You have 2 crafting feats however one of them is very subpar normally. One thing that I strongly suggest to you Thurbane is slight homebrew of the Bind Elemental feat. Any item that clearly has an elemental inside of it should be able to be created with Bind Elemental. A personal homebrew at my games is that someone with Bind Elemental is able to create items akin to the Elemental Gem from the DMG with ease. Take a gem that is powerful enough to hold the elemental (at my table this is 50 GP/HD of the elemental, so 400 GP for the standard Elemental Gem) and then force your elemental target into the gem (it gets a saving throw if it is unwilling, DC 10 + 1/2 CL + Cha mod). Then at any point in the future you can crush the gem to summon the elemental.

As for fun things that this caster can do: obviously at level 12 we have 2 medium elemental companions that are permanent, but we also can command/rebuke creatures with the fire subtype as a 10th level cleric, meaning 5 HD (without any equipment).

2018-06-20, 12:30 PM
@Falontani: Like I said in the other Thread, you should be bored more often, that is really quite good ;D

2018-06-20, 12:59 PM
@Falontani: Like I said in the other Thread, you should be bored more often, that is really quite good ;D

Thank you ^_^
What class is imperial navy pilot, and what is the code of conduct that made you fall? Which engineer class? What book are those in ^_-

2018-06-20, 01:21 PM
Thank you ^_^
What class is imperial navy pilot, and what is the code of conduct that made you fall? Which engineer class? What book are those in ^_-

Classic Traveller (Sci-Fi) been around almost as long as OD&D and I have being doing both from the start. We play BECMI a lot too. 6 people in my group (started in 1976 when I got this little box with 3 books in it for my birthday. Got the CT rules for birthday in '78.) 3 of us have been together since '76. The baby of the group as been with us since '98. All 6 take turns DMing and we play a Friday Night Game, two Saturday games, and a Sunday Game. Jealous yet? ;D

We really didn't into 3.5 until a few years ago.

2018-06-20, 01:53 PM
Jealous yet?


Except for a little B/X I haven't played Traveller or TSR D&D since the 1980's, and I've never played 3.x WD&D (just some 5e WD&D).

2018-06-20, 02:03 PM

Except for a little B/X I haven't played Traveller or TSR D&D since the 1980's, and I've never played 3.x WD&D (just some 5e WD&D).

We play 2E sometimes, Shadowrun, Fate, a few others. Next time I DM I am running Renegade Nuns with Guns;).

Okay, back to you regularly scheduled programming.

2018-06-20, 08:57 PM
Hey there, no sweat on the timeline if you don't have the time to do the builds by Sunday. Thanks just for offering to do this, it is very nice of you to offer. It would be three characters :1 lich dread necromancer 2. Monk +sword sage 3.smite evil focused paladin. All level 20
Thanks again :)

2018-06-20, 09:18 PM


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Fiery Spell, Blistering Spell

Spell Shield













Craft wondrous Items













Domain Access







Touchstone City of the Dead














Desert Insight, Dust Magic, Sand Shape







Bind Elemental



High Elemental Binder





Elemental Companion (medium)


High Elemental Binder





Instant bind (1/day, weapon)


High Elemental Binder






Elemental Companions (2)


High Elemental Binder





Elemental Companions (large), Instant Bind (2)


High Elemental Binder





Instant Bind (armor)


High Elemental Binder





Fire Bloodline

Elemental Companions (3), Instant Binds (3)


High Elemental Binder





Instant Binds (swift action)


High Elemental Binder





Elemental Companions (huge), Instant Binds (4)


High Elemental Binder





Elemental Companions (4)


High Elemental Binder





Instant Bind (5, body)








Spells Known








































































































































































































































1: Amanuensis, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Mending, Tenser’s Floating Disk, Sun Stroke
2: Light
3: Power Word Pain
4: Scorching Ray
5: Burning Hands*, Produce Flame*, 1
6: Resist Energy*, Read Magic
7: Raging Flame, Wings of Cover, Magic Circle Against
x8: Bear’s Endurance¹, Bull’s Strength¹, Cat’s Grace¹, Endure Elements¹, Parching Touch¹, Speak with Animals¹, Summon Desert Ally 1¹, Eagle’s Splendor¹, Fox’s Cunning¹, Owl’s Wisdom¹, Heat Metal¹, Resist Energy¹, Summon Swarm¹, Summon Desert Ally 2¹, Control Sand¹, Dispel Magic¹, Dessicate¹, Dominate Animal¹, Haboob¹, Slipsand¹, Sunstroke¹, Tormenting Thirst¹, Wind Wall¹, Summon Desert Ally 3¹
9: Wall of Fire*, Blast of Sand¹, Wall of Sand¹, Wither¹, Summon Desert Ally 4¹, Preserve Organ
10: The only level we don't get spells
11: Flight of the Dragon
12: Fire Shield*, Choking Sands¹, Flaywind Burst¹, Flesh to Salt¹, Transmute Sand to Stone¹, Transmute Stone to Sand¹, Summon Desert Ally 5¹, Stick
13: Combust, Searing Exposure, Haste, Lesser Planar Binding
14: Fire Seeds*, Awaken Sand¹, Mummify¹, Sandstorm¹, Summon Desert Ally 6¹
15: Hypnotism**, Pyrotechnics**, Tongues**, Fire Shield**, Cloudkill**, Summon Monster VI**, Fire Stride, Wall of Magma, Fireball, Control Elemental
16: Delayed Blast Fireball**, Firestorm*, Mass Flesh to Salt¹, Summon Desert Ally 7¹
17: Teleport, Planar Binding, Dimension Door, Elemental Body
18: Sunburst**, Incendiary Cloud*, Whirlwind¹, Summon Desert Ally 8¹
19: Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Ashen Union, Arcane Fusion, Charm Monster
20: Meteor Swarm**, Elemental Swarm*, Summon Desert Ally 9¹

I'm sure you've noticed that we have a heavy emphasis on fire, however I believe that characters having a theme is usually better than the wizard who isn't partial to any spell. And sorcerers definitely have themes more than they have precise spell selection. Their magic is supposed to just manifest, not look like a carefully tailored list that best prevents them from being useless during any situation, however I believe the list of spells chosen will still allow us to do something in any situation (even fire immunity situations)
You have 2 crafting feats however one of them is very subpar normally. One thing that I strongly suggest to you Thurbane is slight homebrew of the Bind Elemental feat. Any item that clearly has an elemental inside of it should be able to be created with Bind Elemental. A personal homebrew at my games is that someone with Bind Elemental is able to create items akin to the Elemental Gem from the DMG with ease. Take a gem that is powerful enough to hold the elemental (at my table this is 50 GP/HD of the elemental, so 400 GP for the standard Elemental Gem) and then force your elemental target into the gem (it gets a saving throw if it is unwilling, DC 10 + 1/2 CL + Cha mod). Then at any point in the future you can crush the gem to summon the elemental.

As for fun things that this caster can do: obviously at level 12 we have 2 medium elemental companions that are permanent, but we also can command/rebuke creatures with the fire subtype as a 10th level cleric, meaning 5 HD (without any equipment).

Very nice! Thank you kindly. :smallsmile:

2018-06-20, 10:06 PM
A level 2 character with Swift Hunter (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druid) Druidic Avenger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druidVariantDruidicAve nger) 1 + Whirling Frenzy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/classFeatureVariants.htm#rageVariantWhirlingFrenzy ) Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian 1, you can have both Rage and Whirling Frenzy, both Pounce and Fast Movement, Wis to AC and Druid spellcasting, and also a Favored Enemy.

Find a way to make that awesome, ideally advancing both spells and rage / frenzy. Note that you lose Animal Companion and Wild Shape, so you probably do not want to do the usual thing and take lots of Druid levels.

Off the top of my head, this PC probably wants the feat Extra Rage, which gives +2 uses of both Rage and Whirling Frenzy.

If you get access to Ranger spells, then you can leverage the Favored Enemy a bit. One way to do that would be Chameleon, I guess, but then it's just two weird prefix levels on a Chameleon rather than a build that advances the base Swift Whirling Avenger Lion Spirit ("SWALS").




Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Swift Hunter Druid Avenger





Combat Casting, Quicken Spell, Extend Spell

Unarmored AC, Fast Movement, Barbarian Rage, Favored Enemy: Aberration, Wild Empathy, Track, Razorclaw Shifter


Whirling Frenzy Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian





Whirling Frenzy, Pounce







Power Attack

Woodland Stride







Fast Movement, Trackless Step







Iron Constitution







Southern Magician

Unarmored AC +1, Favored Enemy: Mages


Rage Mage





Spell Rage 1/day







Fast Movement







Extra Rage

Augmented Summoning, Moonspeaker Shifting







Energy Resistance: Fire 10







Extended Summoning







Great Rend

Thelanis Tie







Wild Shape 1/day







Shifter Integration (ability Bonus)







Shifter Savagery

Energy Resistance: Acid 10, Improved Natural Attack







DR 2/silver







Extra Shifter Trait: Longtooth







Extra Rage

Fire Immunity







Shifter Integration (Shifter trait)


Weretouched Master





Weretouched 1

5/day Rage for +4 str, +4 con, +2 will saves, -2 AC Lasts 3+con
5/day Whirling Frenzy for +4 str, +2 AC, +2 ref, and an additional attack saves Lasts 3+con
5/day Spell Rage for -2 ac, but she can cast while raging Lasts 3+con
3/day Secondary Shifting to gain a bite attack Lasts 8+con

Finally we are always considered shifted which grants us +4 str, 2 claws at 1d8.
While you have any of the 3 rages going (rage/whirling frenzy/spell rage) all your natural weapons increase by 2 size categories and have a 19-20 crit range.

All that with auto extended SNA and ninths. Grab that cool druid ring and you can boost them up further.

2018-06-20, 10:53 PM
Hey there Falontani! I have a very specific build in mind that I need help with. Its definitely in mind though, certainly not anywhere else, as I haven't the expertise to put it together. I have failed utterly, and now seek your wisdom in this great time of need. As far as specificity, that I have. In abundance. I ended up posting a thread of my own minutes before I saw yours, lets see if I can redeem myself with spoiler tags!

Hey there Giants! Playgrounders? Forum goers. Long time lurker, first time poster here. I've played quite a bit of DnD 3.5 and Pathfinder in my day, but for the most part I've played straight PsyWar's, with a brief campaign as a factotum, so I find myself quite a bit outside of my wheelhouse. A friend of mine is starting up a new campaign, and I've been planning a character for it but I'll need The Collective's help, as things aren't quite coming together for me. I need you, Obi-Playground Kenobi. Here is what I know for absolute certain.
Our characters will begin the campaign at Level 7. A distinction between character level and ECL was not made, but knowing the DM, I have serious doubts as to his willingness for level adjustments.
I can safely assume that I'll have the normal character wealth of a 7th level character.
All official WOTC material from 3.5 (and 3.0 material if not gruyere level) is legal, including Dragon Magazines outside of the Compendium. The DM did note that he *prefered* the campaign be psionics free. Also, Pathfinder material is legal. The DM has explicitly said that wherever something exists in 3.5 and Pathfinder, we will be using the better of the two -- Power Attack for example.
The party will likely be three players counting myself, with the possibility of a fourth. All I know about the other party member's intentions at this point is that one of them plans on building some sort of standard issue ClericZilla.
Perhaps most importantly, feats are assigned a la Pathfinder, at every odd level including numero uno.

With this information in mind, I decided that the only path forward was to be a gish boy. Not to be confused with fish boy. I've always been enamored with the Swiftblade prestige class -- I love the flavor, and mechanically, I love that it lends itself very well to a more martially focused gish, while adding extra actions also gives you the opportunity to be a switch-hitter so to speak. I'm completely married to the idea of taking the full nine levels of Swiftblade. Swiftblade was my high school sweetheart, I can't imagine my life without her. The tenth level of Swiftblade holds little value to me. Although saying that I fully understand the value of a Time Stop spell would be a blatant overestimation of my own abilities, I feel like it's much better suited for a wizard with less martial intentions that myself. I would even go as far as to say that ninth level spells are not a priority for me, let alone a requirement. I wish that I had a stub of a build to show you all, or basically something to show you at all to help you help me, but I've been having some serious struggles with the build thus far. But I do have some talking points! Or goals? I'm not entirely sure what to call them.

Currently my plans to be an elusive target come down to some feat selection, and levels in Abjurant Champion, specifically for the use of Greater Luminous Armor. I don't technically have a plan for how to deal with the ability damage, and any advice in this regard would be greatly appreciated. Dodge (specifically expeditious Dodge) and Mobility are obvious inclusions as they are required for entry into the Swiftblade prestige class. This DM has also ruled in the past that Dodge (and derivatives) and Mobility can be taken using a single feat. My rudimentary plan to get those said feats is currently Monk - well, a Dragon Magazine monk ACF that I believe is called "Cobra Strike". I know that on this forum and at basically any table, the taking of even a single level of monk is considered to be High Heresy, but note that I've already condemned myself to hell by admitting that I am willing to forgo 9th level spells. More on Monk at a later spoiler tag. Other obvious feat inclusions would be Elusive Target. The Swiftblade feat for Swiftblades, yeah? I expect judicious use of power attack, and I would like said power attacks to not kill me, if at all possible. Extra feat(s) which I know I won't have could be put to use in the form of Improved Initiative? Thematically it feels right, and I here that if you're not first, you're last.

I believe that a Trapsmith entry would be easier, what with all the crazy stuff that I'd really like to cram into my build, but there are many more arcane spells I'd like to cast than just haste. Like Wraithstrike maybe. Or Greater Luminous Armor. Especially those two. Though speaking of entry into the Swiftblade class, I had considered using some mild cheese in qualifying for this prestige class (and any other, technically). In our playgroup, Versatile Spellcaster cheese has been used before to meet the requirements of being able to cast 'X' level spells, within reason. I have no reason to believe that said cheese will not be allowed here, to shave off two levels of a spellcasting class such as wizard or sorcerer.

My plan for dealing damage is... well, Power Attack, Arcane Strike, and Shadowblade. I wouldn't be opposed to Skirmish damage, or other forms of precision damage like sneak attack honestly, if thats the way the Collective deems the build to go. Coincidentally, I'm completely invested in Shadowblade as I also plan to take the Gloom Razor tactical feat, as it lends itself nicely to the passives from Swiftblade's mega-haste. On the topic of the monk levels, I can substitute the second level of monk for the Exemplars of Evil "Invisible Fist", trading out evasion for the ability to become invisible once every three rounds as a swift action. Between Gloom Razor, and the plethora of ways even I could think of to become invisible, denying opponents Dex should be an easy feat. I guess another potential reason to consider more precision damage? Furthermore, does a Hit and Run Fighter's Dex to damage against flat-footed opponents stack with Shadowblade? Who knows?!

As I alluded to in the thread title, I had planned on the character remaining unarmed, so to speak. Note that this is not of a high priority to me, as if we're being honest with each other, I doubt that this character will be making regular use of Flurry of Blows anyway with what little monk progression I think we can squeeze out. That being said, what is of high priority to me (right now, I suppose my opinions might change after seeing what you more experienced players have to show me), is the Pathfinder "Snake Style" feat chain. I saw it after I'd written down Cobra Strike monk on a sheet of paper and thought to myself "wow! It fits both mechanically and thematically!" As I was unfamiliar with the feat chain, I'll summarize it below, or in nested spoilers. The cap of the Snake Style feat chain is "Snake Fang". It requires Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, the previous two snake style feats, Acrobatics 6, and Sense Motive 9. The just of it reads that when an opponent's attack misses me, I can make an unarmed strike against that opponent as an AoO. If this AoO hits, I can use an immediate action to make another unarmed strike against the same opponent. Another one. Snap Kick and Arcane Strike, anyone?

SO, in summation, my mind went to a thousand different places at once. Although I have a clear idea of what I imagined this character to be, I've never found myself more at a loss for how to put it together. I apologize in advance for spoiler mishaps and generally inane, rambly walls of text. Hope to hear from y'all soon!

2018-06-20, 10:59 PM



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Swift Hunter Druid Avenger





Combat Casting, Quicken Spell, Extend Spell

Unarmored AC, Fast Movement, Barbarian Rage, Favored Enemy: Aberration, Wild Empathy, Track, Razorclaw Shifter


Whirling Frenzy Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian





Whirling Frenzy, Pounce







Power Attack

Woodland Stride







Fast Movement, Trackless Step







Iron Constitution







Southern Magician

Unarmored AC +1, Favored Enemy: Mages


Rage Mage





Spell Rage 1/day







Fast Movement







Extra Rage

Augmented Summoning, Moonspeaker Shifting







Energy Resistance: Fire 10







Extended Summoning







Great Rend

Thelanis Tie







Wild Shape 1/day







Shifter Integration (ability Bonus)







Shifter Savagery

Energy Resistance: Acid 10, Improved Natural Attack







DR 2/silver







Extra Shifter Trait: Longtooth







Extra Rage

Fire Immunity







Shifter Integration (Shifter trait)


Weretouched Master





Weretouched 1

5/day Rage for +4 str, +4 con, +2 will saves, -2 AC Lasts 3+con
5/day Whirling Frenzy for +4 str, +2 AC, +2 ref, and an additional attack saves Lasts 3+con
5/day Spell Rage for -2 ac, but she can cast while raging Lasts 3+con
3/day Secondary Shifting to gain a bite attack Lasts 8+con

Finally we are always considered shifted which grants us +4 str, 2 claws at 1d8.
While you have any of the 3 rages going (rage/whirling frenzy/spell rage) all your natural weapons increase by 2 size categories and have a 19-20 crit range.

All that with auto extended SNA and ninths. Grab that cool druid ring and you can boost them up further.

Ooooo nice!

I really like how the Shifting shines specifically due to the lack of Wild Shape.

Not sure how I feel about Southern Magician + Rage Mage, though -- it seems like that's the time you'd want Initiate of Obad-Hai or some other spontaneous casting. Rage Mage does add a whole 'nother type of Rage, at least.

Thank you!

2018-06-20, 11:00 PM
I liked how you stayed on theme with the artificer disciple of mammon

2018-06-20, 11:51 PM
Ooooo nice!

I really like how the Shifting shines specifically due to the lack of Wild Shape.

Not sure how I feel about Southern Magician + Rage Mage, though -- it seems like that's the time you'd want Initiate of Obad-Hai or some other spontaneous casting. Rage Mage does add a whole 'nother type of Rage, at least.

Thank you!

Rage Mage is required as any combat that you are not raged you will not be doing the best melee as it increases your die size by 2 on 5 attacks (claw, claw, claw, bite, rend) and whenever you are raged you can't cast spells! However Rage Mage fixes this for you!

The first attempt I did had me taking 1 level of Spirit Shaman just to get spontaneous summon nature's ally to qualify for feats, however I learned that the prestige I was going to splash was actually good enough for me to make into the SI.

2018-06-21, 12:43 AM
Rage Mage is required as any combat that you are not raged you will not be doing the best melee as it increases your die size by 2 on 5 attacks (claw, claw, claw, bite, rend) and whenever you are raged you can't cast spells! However Rage Mage fixes this for you!

The first attempt I did had me taking 1 level of Spirit Shaman just to get spontaneous summon nature's ally to qualify for feats, however I learned that the prestige I was going to splash was actually good enough for me to make into the SI.

You are probably correct.

I'll give this a look when I have time to pore over Rage Mage and understand all the little knock-on perks that each rage accrues.

Anyway, kudos and thank you!

2018-06-21, 12:52 AM
Here is an idea for ya. A build centered around Assume supernatural ability. The lower the level, and the less casting, the better. Bonus if you can get non undead minions.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Alertness, Mortalbane


Sneak Attack Fighter Thug






Sneak Attack +1d6,







Track, Favored Enemy Arcanist







Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding







Maiming Strike



Mortal Hunter





Mortal Hunting +1, Mortal Skin (humanoid)


Mortal Hunter





Detect Mortals, Boost Spell Like Ability


Mortal Hunter





Arterial Strike

Mortal Hunting +2


Mortal Hunter





Smite Mortals


Mortal Hunter





Spurn Mortal Magic, Mortal Skin (any nondragon)


Mortal Hunter





Assume Supernatural Ability: Empathic Feeding

Mortal Hunting +3


Mortal Hunter





Claws of the Overfiend







Weapon Style: Two Weapon Fighting







Improved Two Weapon Fighting

Sneak Attack +3d6, Penetrating Strike


Sneak Attack Fighter Thug






Sneak Attack Fighter Thug





Sneak Attack +4d6







Master Spellthief

Steal Spell (0-1st), Sneak Attack +5d6, Trapfinding







Quick to Act, Discipline Focus (weapon focus)







Sneak Attack +8d6, Death Attack, Poison Use

This build uses cheese. Be warned.

Using the feat Maiming Strike from Exemplars of Evil you may trade 2d6 sneak attack to deal 1 Charisma damage. The feat Craven makes it so that whenever you deal damage with your sneak attack, you add your character level. Combining the two whenever you swap all your normal sneak attack damage for charisma damage and deal the charisma damage, you add your character level to how much charisma damage you deal. Whenever you would have an odd amount of sneak attack damage you sacrifice all of it for charisma damage, and the last dice for arterial strike, which makes them bleed for 1 damage/round. It’s not a lot, however it isn’t sneak attack damage (if your DM says that it is go ahead and add craven to that instead, you’ll be dealing 1+char level damage/round and this does stack with itself).
While in light or no armor you have evasion, and improved two weapon fighting, with a 16 BAB giving you 6 weapon attacks/round and your bite attack. (this means that you have 7 attacks per round and can deal 168 charisma damage in a round in an ideal situation)

Using Mortal Skin that you get at level 11 you can turn into a grey jester (I highly suggest hunting one down to make the duration permanent). While you are a Grey Jester you have the ability to deal 1d4 cha drain to anyone feeling happy within 30 ft. If they are reduced to 0 charisma then they become a “bleak one” which is basically a create spawn, however it keeps its original type. You may control up to 4 HD of bleak ones per HD you possess, so at level 20 you get 80 HD of bleak ones.

Finally with Master Spellthief we can use Steal Spell to steal any spell of up to 4th level and use it for ourselves! Or turn it in to a spell slot that we use. Either way there is no emphasis on spellcasting, but this alone can bump you up a tier if you care.
We suck against undead…. Wait… [QUOTE =Srd]Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.[/spoiler] They aren’t immune to charisma damage? Well this is excellent. Constructs we have no defense against. So…. Yea we have a weakness. If your DM gets upset at this cheesy build you have a defense.

Oh hey and I could honestly do all of this at a lower level as an artificer. I'd be better as an artificer. However creating custom items of permanent (or at will) polymorph is going to make your DM a lot angrier than the above, and it requires spellcasting and money and yea, the above is a lot more consistent!

2018-06-21, 07:19 AM


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Alertness, Mortalbane


Sneak Attack Fighter Thug






Sneak Attack +1d6,







Track, Favored Enemy Arcanist







Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding







Maiming Strike



Mortal Hunter





Mortal Hunting +1, Mortal Skin (humanoid)


Mortal Hunter





Detect Mortals, Boost Spell Like Ability


Mortal Hunter





Arterial Strike

Mortal Hunting +2


Mortal Hunter





Smite Mortals


Mortal Hunter





Spurn Mortal Magic, Mortal Skin (any nondragon)


Mortal Hunter





Assume Supernatural Ability: Empathic Feeding

Mortal Hunting +3


Mortal Hunter





Claws of the Overfiend







Weapon Style: Two Weapon Fighting







Improved Two Weapon Fighting

Sneak Attack +3d6, Penetrating Strike


Sneak Attack Fighter Thug






Sneak Attack Fighter Thug





Sneak Attack +4d6







Master Spellthief

Steal Spell (0-1st), Sneak Attack +5d6, Trapfinding







Quick to Act, Discipline Focus (weapon focus)







Sneak Attack +8d6, Death Attack, Poison Use

This build uses cheese. Be warned.

Using the feat Maiming Strike from Exemplars of Evil you may trade 2d6 sneak attack to deal 1 Charisma damage. The feat Craven makes it so that whenever you deal damage with your sneak attack, you add your character level. Combining the two whenever you swap all your normal sneak attack damage for charisma damage and deal the charisma damage, you add your character level to how much charisma damage you deal. Whenever you would have an odd amount of sneak attack damage you sacrifice all of it for charisma damage, and the last dice for arterial strike, which makes them bleed for 1 damage/round. It’s not a lot, however it isn’t sneak attack damage (if your DM says that it is go ahead and add craven to that instead, you’ll be dealing 1+char level damage/round and this does stack with itself).
While in light or no armor you have evasion, and improved two weapon fighting, with a 16 BAB giving you 6 weapon attacks/round and your bite attack. (this means that you have 7 attacks per round and can deal 168 charisma damage in a round in an ideal situation)

Using Mortal Skin that you get at level 11 you can turn into a grey jester (I highly suggest hunting one down to make the duration permanent). While you are a Grey Jester you have the ability to deal 1d4 cha drain to anyone feeling happy within 30 ft. If they are reduced to 0 charisma then they become a “bleak one” which is basically a create spawn, however it keeps its original type. You may control up to 4 HD of bleak ones per HD you possess, so at level 20 you get 80 HD of bleak ones.

Finally with Master Spellthief we can use Steal Spell to steal any spell of up to 4th level and use it for ourselves! Or turn it in to a spell slot that we use. Either way there is no emphasis on spellcasting, but this alone can bump you up a tier if you care.
We suck against undead…. Wait… [QUOTE =Srd]Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects. They aren’t immune to charisma damage? Well this is excellent. Constructs we have no defense against. So…. Yea we have a weakness. If your DM gets upset at this cheesy build you have a defense.

Oh hey and I could honestly do all of this at a lower level as an artificer. I'd be better as an artificer. However creating custom items of permanent (or at will) polymorph is going to make your DM a lot angrier than the above, and it requires spellcasting and money and yea, the above is a lot more consistent!


Oh my that is lovely. Seeing as the dm is throwing cr 12s at us poor lv5s, and even said "do your worst" I think he can have some of this sweet cheddar thrown his way:smalltongue: thank you very much.

2018-06-21, 11:43 AM
I hope this idea grabs you, because I could use the help. I’m an old-time D&D player in his first 3.5 game, playing a Ranger. He has the Leadership feat, and has been riding a giant owl cohort. But more and more of the adventures have been indoors or underground, and the owl just sits around and waits. So he’s about to release the owl back into the wild. The DM knows this, but does not know that he will then try to attract a wizard cohort. [The party is very poor in arcane magic.]

So I need an 11th level wizard, focused on buff and utility spells, who will stay out of the line of fire whenever possible. I don’t know what stats the DM will allow. Since PCs are 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, let’s guess 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.

He will be a cohort – always 2 levels less than the rest of the party, so he won’t enter the combat, except for dispels, buffs, maybe some control spells like Wall spells, and possibly escapes. Ideally, once the buffs are in place, he goes invisible and stays out of the line of fire.

Most books are OK, but ridiculous cheese is not. I’m not interested in clever ways to subvert the rules, but I am certainly interested in clever ways to use them effectively. Prestige classes or other races are fine (although “prestige” is not usually associated with cohorts), subject to an alignment of Neutral Good.

If it matters, Gustav is from the Northern forests, his favored enemy is Giants, and he's a Fighter 3 / Ranger 4 / Horizon Walker 6. His favorite line to the rest of the party (all from a large southern city) is, "I will never understand you city folks."



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Changeling Wizard Focused Specialist






Enlarge Spell, Spell Focus Transmutation (flaw)

Transmutation Specialty School, Illusion Specialty School, Banned Schools: Evocation, Necromancy, Enchantment, Conjuration















Ability Enhancer









Changeling Wizard






Limited Spell Knowledge, Morphic Familiar


War Weaver






Toughening Transmutation

Eldritch Tapestry


War Weaver






Quiescent Weaving 1


War Weaver






Quiescent Weaving 2


War Weaver






Extend Spell

Quiescent Weaving 3


War Weaver






Quiescent Weaving 4, Enlarged Tapestry








Metamorphic Spell (components)








Summon Elemental

Expanded Knowledge: Vigor, Sudden Extend








Metamorphic Spell (time)








Expanded Spell Knowledge: Heal, Sudden Metamagic Enlarge Spell








Rashemi Elemental Summoning

Metamorphic Spell (space)


Shadowcraft Mage






Cloak of Shadow


Shadowcraft Mage






Silent Illusion


Shadowcraft Mage






Augment Elemental

Shadow Illusion


Shadowcraft Mage






Extended Illusion


Shadowcraft Mage






Powerful Shadow Magic

Alright I have a wizard here. Really easy (wizards are never easy). You have four banned schools. However two of them don’t matter in the slightest. The biggest way you are hurting is the loss of Enchantment, however you can recover. By level 11 you have completed your buffer class. You have War Weaver, which allows you to create a “tapestry” at the beginning of each day. You have a 20 intelligence you can target 5 people (other than yourself) with the tapestry. You have a 22 you can target 6. Really basic, but it makes increasing your intelligence all the more important. Anyone that is connected to the tapestry is counted as “one target”. Meaning you can cast Bull’s Strength on everyone connected to the tapestry for one spell slot.
Cool part of the tapestry! You can store spells in the tapestry to take effect at a later time! Problem is when you activate the stored spells as a move action it kicks all of them in. So no prepping it with healing spells (we’ll get to that later). However You have 4 stored spells you can connect to it, meaning Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Bear’s Endurance, and eventually Vigor. Combine this with Toughening Transmutation and Ability Enhancer you are giving your full party +6 to all physical stats, fast healing 2, and DR 5/magic (or increase existing DR by 5) for a move action. At the beginning of combat. Yes you could theoretically just throw those 3 stat buffs and a polymorph at everyone, but that is… broken.
At level 14 your cohort can send literal Heal spells through the tapestry, and can send them far. 50 ft +5 ft/cl far. At level 14 that is 110 ft range heals that heal 110 points of damage and cures nearly every status affliction in the game, to your whole party, as a swift action if you so choose.

But we wont stop there. A level 6 transmutation spell called Bite of the Weretiger. You can store it in your tapestry and release it at the start of combat, to give everyone in your party +14 str, +6 dex, +8 con, 2 1d8 claw attacks, and a 2d6 bite attack. For one of your 4 spells. Send in an Enlarge Person to give everyone +4 size bonus to str, and increase their size by 1 size category, and toss in a fly spell, because you can.

We finish the build off with some rather strange feats for someone that has a prohibited school of conjuration, however using Shadow Conjuration spells we can summon elementals to be shields for the party, to throw out cones of cold, and to deal damage. This caster should never toss a direct damage spell except perhaps a disintegrate. And can very much help out the party! Oh and we get 4 additional spells slots per level for illusion spells (shadow) and transmutation spells (buffs) for the price of 1 universal spell slot. There aren’t many skills you need to grab your prestige classes, and you will have more than enough skill points to get them.

Bonus point, changelings are usually from the city, so your cohort should be able to help you understand the city folk ^_-

Jay R
2018-06-21, 07:09 PM
lots of really cool stuff

Thank you very much! I now have to go learn about War Weavers, Recasters, and Changelings, but it looks great!

2018-06-21, 07:58 PM
Right I don't really have a build in mind. Honestly its more I just want to see what the hell you will build with this prompting but could you perhaps make a build or two to fit this pictures? Anything that you believe will fit is alright. Since I too get bored and then make builds. I know sometimes the funnest and weirdest builds come off of finding a picture or something and just running with it. Also if you use any homebrew could you throw me the links in your response so I could find it/show it to my Dm. Also darling take your time there ain't no rush and I figured this would be a nice relaxer for when you have to crank out those awkward divine sneak attack gish arcane builds.. Or when you have to help someone retool their entire build because they decide to go favor soul at level twelve when before that they were pure martial.


2018-06-22, 11:22 AM
A functional ~T3 "Bad Class" build of your choice: (soulknife, monk, truenamer, samurai, etc) Challenge: putting as many levels of the bad class into the build as you can. Bonus kudos for using multiple bad classes/prcs

EDIT TO ADD: I don't really need this for anything, so feel free to skip it if you prefer.




Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Way of the Cobra Monk





Balance +4, Escape Artist +4, Tumble +4, Truespeech +2

Combat Expertise, Dodge(B), Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Nymph’s Kiss(B)

Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike


Way of the Cobra Monk





Tumble +5, Truespeech +2.5, Escape Artist +5

Mobility(B), Touch of Golden Ice(B)



Dark Moon Disciple Monk





Tumble +6, Truespeech +3, Escape Artist +6

Midnight Dodge

Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Movement +10







Tumble +7, Truespeech +3.5, Escape Artist +7

Defender of the Homeland(B)

Ki Strike Magic, Slow Fall 20 ft







Tumble +8, Truespeech +4, Escape Artist +8

Purity of Body, +1 AC


Way of the Cobra Monk





Tumble +9, Truespeech +4.5, Escape Artist +9

Spring Attack(B), Knight Training

Dodge Bonus Increase, Fast Movement +10, Slow Fall 30 ft


Dark Moon Disciple Monk





Tumble +10, Truespeech +5

Shadow Blend







Tumble +11, Truespeech +5.5

Exalted Form*(B)

Aura of Good, Smite Evil, Detect Evil







Tumble +12, Truespeech +6

Exalted Ego*

Divine Grace







Knowledge Religion +4, Truespeech +6.5

Exalted Mind*(B)

Aura of Courage, Divine Health







Truespeech +7

Turn Undead


Argent Fist





Stunning Fist, Exalted Insight*(B)

Ascetic Knight, Ki Focus, Stunning Smite


Argent Fist





Holy Armor


Disciple of the Word





Truespeech +12

Exalted Power*(B)

Known Personal Truename, Monk Abilities, Word of Movement Sublime, Word Given Form







Shield of Though

Mindblade, Weapon Focus Mindblade, Wild Talent







Exalted Reflexes*(B)








Suppress Sign, +2 initiative







Exalted Fortitude*(B), Desert Wind Dodge

Quick to Act, Discipline Focus (weapon focus)







Savnok Bound







Exalted Perfection*(B)

AC Bonus

*Exalted Form: requires vow of poverty and 8 hd
Vow of Poverty's stat bonuses are now perfection bonuses instead of enhancement
Exalted Power: requires exalted form
+2 perfection bonus to STR
Exalted Reflexes: requires exalted form
+2 perfection bonus to DEX
Exalted Fortitude: requires exalted form
+2 perfection bonus to CON
Exalted Mind: requires exalted form
+2 perfection bonus to INT
Exalted Insight: requires exalted form
+2 perfection bonus to WIS
Exalted Ego: requires exalted form
+2 perfection bonus to CHA
Exalted Perfection: requires exalted power, exalted reflexes, exalted fortitude, exalted mind, exalted insight, exalted personality, and 20 hd
Once per day you may grant yourself the Paragon template for one minute. After this time you lose all perfection bonuses for the next 24 hours

Alright what does this thing have! No seriously what does it have. Word given form is a fun one that grants us 50% concealment against any target that you declare as your dodge target. With Desert Wind Dodge, Dodge, and Midnight Dodge you get 3 dodge targets to play with per round. Meaning 3 creatures of your choice you have 50% concealment against. Combined with Shadow Blend means that you will nearly always have 50% concealment against your foes.
Now I will be the first to admit, I spent entirely too many levels just to have fun with Holy Armor and Vow of Poverty.

But all our AC things combined: +10 enhancement bonus to AC. +3 deflection bonus to AC. +2 Natural bonus to AC. +8 Armor bonus to AC. +1 shield bonus to AC. + dex mod to AC. +Wis Mod to AC.
Our bonuses to stats are +10 to one stat, +8 to another, +6 to a third, +4 to a fourth, and the final 2 give us a +2. Your probably putting +10 wisdom, +8 dexterity, +6 cha, +4 str.
If we give ourselves abysmal stats of 12 across the board except 13 in int (25 point build spread across everything because we need everything) then our final stats would be: 16 str, 20 dex, 14 con, 16 int, 26 wis, 18 cha. Which is very respectable even at level 20. This puts our AC at 47. However we aren’t done here, if you pair this guy up with that war weaver from earlier he can boost every single one of our stats using his magic. As our stat bonuses have become perfection bonuses. So we are great when paired up with a buffer. Our saves would be 26, 26, 33 which is fairly ridiculous, paired up with our 15 to all energy resistances, DR 10/evil, and always on freedom of movement we are fairly good at staying alive even in a magical world.
We got to greatsword punches (2d6) which puts us at +17/+17/+17/+12 2d6+8.
So here we aren’t that great, however when it comes to the boss battle we explode in potency. We explode up to a +49/+49/+49/+45 2d6+35, and our stunning fist has a DC of 48. Yes using this absolutely makes us terrifying, once per day. And yes our AC does increase, it increases to 76. Of course I don’t need to show off how powerful Paragon is.

2018-06-22, 11:31 AM
Did you just make a Monk NOT suck?

2018-06-22, 11:32 AM
Did you just make a Monk NOT suck?

No, I made a monk that is good at defense, and then showed off the power of my homebrew exalted feats. (Created expressly because a player in my campaign said he ran out of exalted feats to take with vow of poverty)

It is up to the playground if these feats are too powerful or not.

2018-06-22, 12:20 PM
The only one that looks too powerful is Exalted Perfection. The rest are not really a big thing. Even without the homebrew feats it's still a decent build of a crappy class. Of course, it's just my humble opinion.

2018-06-22, 12:29 PM
The only one that looks too powerful is Exalted Perfection. The rest are not really a big thing. Even without the homebrew feats it's still a decent build of a crappy class. Of course, it's just my humble opinion.
The only reason exalted perfection is that powerful is that it requires, 9 feats to acquire, and you can't start taking 7 of them until level 8. Meaning the earliest you can get it (other than classes that get additional bonus feats and can select exalted feats) is level 18. And you must sacrifice all magical items in order to do it. In perspective that is a lot of build resources your using to get that feat, and once you go into epic levels the worth of vow of poverty keeps falling. This feat keeps it relevant for longer, but it's still a worse situation than non vop builds

2018-06-22, 12:50 PM
True, of course, we all know just how bad VOP really is. Just another WotC idea that was either not thoroughly thought out or poorly executed. And we all also know how many of those are in the rules.

Jay R
2018-06-22, 03:02 PM
Changeling War Weaver build

I like the build very much, and am grateful to you for it. But I do have a few questions. I’m not saying you are wrong. I don’t know the wizard rules for this game very well, so I’m probably off-base. But I’d like some help understanding some things.

1. Bite of the Weretiger has a target of “you”. Does the war weaver ability mean that spells with a target of “you” affect other people besides you? Yes, its range is touch, not personal, so it reaches all of them. But doesn’t it still only affect you?

2. Didn’t you trade away the basic wizard first level twice? First you changed it to Focused Specialist instead of the normal wizard level, but then you went to Changeling Wizard level instead. According to the Complete Mage, “These abilities (ACFs) replace class features found in the original class description on a one-for-one basis.” But the build doesn't use the original class description; it uses the substitution level instead. Is there anything in the rules that explicitly allows applying an Alternate Class Feature to a substitution level? Or is this something usually left up to the DM’s ruling?

3. Assuming that they both can apply, I assume that I’d have to choose a specific specialized school for the Focused Specialist to apply to, just as with Spell Focus or any other ability aimed at a specific school. Wouldn’t that slow down development in the other?

[Actually, I’m pretty sure my DM would think Focused Specialist was about being totally focused on a single school, and therefore incompatible with having two schools of specialization anyway. That’s certainly how I’d rule, without a specific rule saying that they can be used together.]

I also suspect that a flaw won’t be allowed either, though I can argue it as reasonable for a cohort, who is supposed to be less than a PC. I’ll work out how to modify the Feats on my own.

Again, I’m very pleased with the build, and grateful for the work you’ve done for me. I don’t understand all the 3.5 options, and I’m asking questions in order to learn.

2018-06-22, 03:25 PM
I like the build very much, and am grateful to you for it. But I do have a few questions. I’m not saying you are wrong. I don’t know the wizard rules for this game very well, so I’m probably off-base. But I’d like some help understanding some things.

1. Bite of the Weretiger has a target of “you”. Does the war weaver ability mean that spells with a target of “you” affect other people besides you? Yes, its range is touch, not personal, so it reaches all of them. But doesn’t it still only affect you?

2. Didn’t you trade away the basic wizard first level twice? First you changed it to Focused Specialist instead of the normal wizard level, but then you went to Changeling Wizard level instead. According to the Complete Mage, “These abilities (ACFs) replace class features found in the original class description on a one-for-one basis.” But the build doesn't use the original class description; it uses the substitution level instead. Is there anything in the rules that explicitly allows applying an Alternate Class Feature to a substitution level? Or is this something usually left up to the DM’s ruling?

3. Assuming that they both can apply, I assume that I’d have to choose a specific specialized school for the Focused Specialist to apply to, just as with Spell Focus or any other ability aimed at a specific school. Wouldn’t that slow down development in the other?

[Actually, I’m pretty sure my DM would think Focused Specialist was about being totally focused on a single school, and therefore incompatible with having two schools of specialization anyway. That’s certainly how I’d rule, without a specific rule saying that they can be used together.]

I also suspect that a flaw won’t be allowed either, though I can argue it as reasonable for a cohort, who is supposed to be less than a PC. I’ll work out how to modify the Feats on my own.

Again, I’m very pleased with the build, and grateful for the work you’ve done for me. I don’t understand all the 3.5 options, and I’m asking questions in order to learn.

1. I can very well be incorrect there, however I'm fairly sure the range touch allows you to buff your target.
2. I have seen that same combo used in junkyard wars, and it was read that it worked by raw. However if problems arise you can certainly leave off one or the other. Fewer spell slots sucks, however enchantment as a school is nice!
3. By strict reading it applies to your school specialization. And the changeling's ability says that you are specializing in both. So by strict raw, it applies to both. However if your dm doesn't like it, please don't make too a deal over it as it only helps, it's not the main feature.

2018-06-22, 03:36 PM
As far as I can tell, Falontani is correct about how Focused Specialist interacts with Changeling dual-specialist racial sub levels. The Focused Specialist substitution costs you generalist slots and an additional banned school, and requires that you are a specialist. Being a dual-specialist does make you a specialist, and costs you an additional banned school. There's no conflict between them that I can see, and paying four banned schools seems like it actually hurts a lot more than banning two or three -- you'll see that she banned Conjuration, which is usually a keeper.

2018-06-22, 03:44 PM
Bite of the weretiger actually has a range of personal, so you wouldn't be able to cast it through the weave.

2018-06-22, 03:51 PM
Why not make yourself as a dnd character?

I've seen people do this lately! By judging what the encumbrance limits are on characters, then comparing that to various lifting stuff at the gym, you can probably guesstimate that as an average human you're probably between 8-12 Strength.

I haven't seen people do it for other stats, beyond some musings that there are dexterity exercises people use to play guitar that could help get your Dexterity score if we can evaluate that up...

The tricky one to judge is the mental stats, charisma, intelligence, and wisdom.

2018-06-22, 04:00 PM
I wanna play this:https://orig00.deviantart.net/d692/f/2014/282/9/6/number_c9__chaos_dyson_sphere_by_1157981433-d825f87.png
Or this:https://pre00.deviantart.net/ca9d/th/pre/f/2016/213/5/b/number_81__superdreadnought_rail_cannon_super_dora _by_parrydox-dac8fxz.png
(Notice the robot eye in the middle)

How do I turn these into a playable d&d character or a playable d&d character capable of creating these things?


I wanna see how mr.Falontani responds to this. If he just says artificer and calls it a day I'll be extremely disappointed XD

2018-06-22, 07:32 PM
I'd like to see something done with the Osteomancer (http://dnd.arkalseif.info/classes/osteomancer/index.html) class. It's a tall order--not a very well designed class to begin with, but a very flavorful one.

This would be a backup character for an existing campaign that is currently on the precipice of level 5 but is expected to reach the teens before completing its campaign, and it would need to fit in to a party that averages around Tier 2. I accept and understand that a decently strong build for this odd class might need to wait a couple extra levels to come online and enter the Osteo PrC, but getting some kind of bone-related abilities by the prospective starting level of 5 would be a plus. I don't mind "wasting" a feat or ACF to accomplish this if you don't have a feat-starved build.

I realize that T2/3 not an easy thing to accomplish with a weak class, so let me make it even rougher: the ideal race, for story reasons, would be Catfolk or some other feline humanoid. (The character would be expected to be related to the character who died, who is a variant Catfolk (https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Cala%27diel_(3.5e_Campaign_Setting)/Races/Catfolk)

Now to make it a little easier: All resources are open, including homebrew. Mild cheese is tolerated (such as early entry stuff) and the existing party is fairly generalist, so a build that plays to any given role or roles will most likely fit in without any problems.

..this is also a request with like a 20% chance to see any use even if I fall in love with it, so don't prioritize it unless YOU fall in love with it.

One last thing. At least one attempt to 'correct' Osteomancy has emerged online at https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=134980 technically meant for PF, but if you decide there really is no way to make the vanilla version work, you can use that for a base instead--the biggest goody it offers is 3 more spellcaster levels.

The campaign is, by design, quite stingy on gold and loot, so anything that is excessively dependant on magical equipment is going to be a non starter. You can, however, use standard WBL for the initial equipment loadout.

Have fun!



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features

7 (ECL 10)






(crap ton of skills)

Toughness, Weight Focus, Spell Focus Transmutation

Rakshasa Stuff







Spell Shield

9 (ECL 11)






Ability Enhancer

Boneless, Immunity to Disease







Skeletal Shift







Bone Spurs, Unnerve







Improved Natural Attack: Bone Spurs

Enlarge/Reduce, Iron Bones







Seize the Core, Silver Bones







Aligned Bones

15 (ECL16)






Practiced Spellcaster

Adamantine Bones







Sap Life







Wield the Core

(ECL 18)






Practiced Spellcaster: Sorcerer



Abjurant Champion





Abjurant Armor, Extended Abjuration


Abjurant Champion





Swift Abjuration

Full Attack Iteration, ability to choose the spell Giant Size (barely?!?) and CL 19 means Colossal Kitty with bone growing out of different areas. INA and giant size combined brings the bone spurs to 4d6, and 6d6 (for the spiked armor version).
Combined with 72 strength (16 base, +4 level up, +34 size, +18 bite of the werebear) and you deal some massive damage with your bone spurs. Remember at level 15 when you get adamantine bones you are able to begin enchanting your bone spurs!



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Paladin of Slaughter






Aura of Evil, Detect Good, Smite Good 1/day


Paladin of Slaughter





Divine Grace, Deadly Touch


Paladin of Slaughter





Weapon Focus (deity weapon)

Debilitating Aura, Divine Health


Paladin of Slaughter





Rebuke Undead


Bone Knight





Bonecraft Armor, Paladin Conversion, Rebuke Undead


Bone Knight





Mounted Combat

Bonemarch, Summon Skeletal Steed


Bone Knight





Master of the White Banner


Bone Knight





Improved Bonecraft Armor


Divine Crusader






Aura, Undead or Undeath Domain







Boneless, Immunity to Disease







Skeletal Shift







Necromantic Retribution

Bone Spurs, Unnerve







Enlarge/Reduce, Iron Bones







Seize the Core, Silver Bones







Ride by Attack

Aligned Bones







Adamantine Bones


Bone Knight





Fill the Ranks 1/day


Bone Knight





Spirited Charge

Bonecraft Weapon


Bone Knight





Improved Bonecraft Armor


Bone Knight





Exoskeleton of Undeath

Yay! The first person to get a second build, for the price of one post! Basically while I was almost done with the first one, inspiration struck. So I finished the first one, and then made this one! This one gets a bit tricky (not really). Basically it boils down to the fact that Bone Knight does not specify in it’s spellcasting that you must continually choose the same divine class to progress spellcasting. We’re just shy of full iteratives, and just shy of 9th level spellcasting. However you have all immunities of the undead save for crit immunity. You have armor made of bone, a weapon made of bone, and the bone spurs! The bone spurs are natural weapons, meaning rather than two weapon fighting you can hit someone with a secondary attack. Meaning full iterative your weapon, and then punch them with your bone spur! Onto undead control. Your CL 8, meaning you can control up to 32 HD of created undead via animate dead. You have rebuke undead as a 9th level cleric, meaning your never going to have big ones, but you can horde master. Finally you have a second pool of “granted” undead. Your “granted” undead you can have an additional 32 HD of, and you can grant yourself undead from your other pools, or you can create Karnathi Skeletons/Karnathi Zombies, which are intelligent undead, however your pool of “granted” undead can never have more than 8 HD per creature (meaning you could fill it with 4 decent intelligent undead). Finally you have a Paladin Mount that is a Warhorse controlled as if by a paladin of 12th level. Oh and it has the Skeletal Template yet retains that intelligence. 10 HD Undead Skeletal mount that can run forever and is more devoted than any other mount out there? Yes please.

I didn’t take any flaws nor use a human bonus feat, so if you want, you can be a cat folk. I guess.

Jay R
2018-06-22, 07:48 PM
Why not make yourself as a dnd character?

The biggest problem with this is the Dunning-Kruger effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect). People's self assessment is not only wrong, but often inverted. [Average to good people think they're great; great people think they're merely good.]

There was an article in either The Dragon or The Strategic Review in the mid-1970s, on how to determine your own stats. Some were nonsense. Strength was based on the number of pull-ups you could do, which would give greater strength to jockeys than to 350-pound defensive linemen.

The measurement for Wisdom was 20 minus the number of hours per week you spent on D&D. At the time, that gave me a Wisdom score of about -10. [I can't deny it.]

But in the early 90s, I played a game of GURPS in which each PC was based on the player, and the GM designed the characters. It's wonderful playing "yourself" as designed by somebody who has an absurdly high opinion of you.

2018-06-23, 08:31 AM


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features

7 (ECL 10)






(crap ton of skills)

Toughness, Weight Focus, Spell Focus Transmutation

Rakshasa Stuff







Spell Shield

9 (ECL 11)






Ability Enhancer

Boneless, Immunity to Disease







Skeletal Shift







Bone Spurs, Unnerve







Improved Natural Attack: Bone Spurs

Enlarge/Reduce, Iron Bones







Seize the Core, Silver Bones







Aligned Bones

15 (ECL16)






Practiced Spellcaster

Adamantine Bones







Sap Life







Wield the Core

(ECL 18)






Practiced Spellcaster: Sorcerer



Abjurant Champion





Abjurant Armor, Extended Abjuration


Abjurant Champion





Swift Abjuration

Full Attack Iteration, ability to choose the spell Giant Size (barely?!?) and CL 19 means Colossal Kitty with bone growing out of different areas. INA and giant size combined brings the bone spurs to 4d6, and 6d6 (for the spiked armor version).
Combined with 72 strength (16 base, +4 level up, +34 size, +18 bite of the werebear) and you deal some massive damage with your bone spurs. Remember at level 15 when you get adamantine bones you are able to begin enchanting your bone spurs!



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Paladin of Slaughter






Aura of Evil, Detect Good, Smite Good 1/day


Paladin of Slaughter





Divine Grace, Deadly Touch


Paladin of Slaughter





Weapon Focus (deity weapon)

Debilitating Aura, Divine Health


Paladin of Slaughter





Rebuke Undead


Bone Knight





Bonecraft Armor, Paladin Conversion, Rebuke Undead


Bone Knight





Mounted Combat

Bonemarch, Summon Skeletal Steed


Bone Knight





Master of the White Banner


Bone Knight





Improved Bonecraft Armor


Divine Crusader






Aura, Undead or Undeath Domain







Boneless, Immunity to Disease







Skeletal Shift







Necromantic Retribution

Bone Spurs, Unnerve







Enlarge/Reduce, Iron Bones







Seize the Core, Silver Bones







Ride by Attack

Aligned Bones







Adamantine Bones


Bone Knight





Fill the Ranks 1/day


Bone Knight





Spirited Charge

Bonecraft Weapon


Bone Knight





Improved Bonecraft Armor


Bone Knight





Exoskeleton of Undeath

Yay! The first person to get a second build, for the price of one post! Basically while I was almost done with the first one, inspiration struck. So I finished the first one, and then made this one! This one gets a bit tricky (not really). Basically it boils down to the fact that Bone Knight does not specify in it’s spellcasting that you must continually choose the same divine class to progress spellcasting. We’re just shy of full iteratives, and just shy of 9th level spellcasting. However you have all immunities of the undead save for crit immunity. You have armor made of bone, a weapon made of bone, and the bone spurs! The bone spurs are natural weapons, meaning rather than two weapon fighting you can hit someone with a secondary attack. Meaning full iterative your weapon, and then punch them with your bone spur! Onto undead control. Your CL 8, meaning you can control up to 32 HD of created undead via animate dead. You have rebuke undead as a 9th level cleric, meaning your never going to have big ones, but you can horde master. Finally you have a second pool of “granted” undead. Your “granted” undead you can have an additional 32 HD of, and you can grant yourself undead from your other pools, or you can create Karnathi Skeletons/Karnathi Zombies, which are intelligent undead, however your pool of “granted” undead can never have more than 8 HD per creature (meaning you could fill it with 4 decent intelligent undead). Finally you have a Paladin Mount that is a Warhorse controlled as if by a paladin of 12th level. Oh and it has the Skeletal Template yet retains that intelligence. 10 HD Undead Skeletal mount that can run forever and is more devoted than any other mount out there? Yes please.

I didn’t take any flaws nor use a human bonus feat, so if you want, you can be a cat folk. I guess.

Love this. The Rhak version with its +7 LA would be a tough sell to bring to the table, but you've definitely built a true melee terror.

The Bone Knight version is thematically spot on, and hits theme well before it hits the requested class.

I will definitely hold on to this one, even if my current character survives the campaign I think I'll want to explore the build in another game. :D

2018-06-23, 09:48 AM
Love this. The Rhak version with its +7 LA would be a tough sell to bring to the table, but you've definitely built a true melee terror.

The Bone Knight version is thematically spot on, and hits theme well before it hits the requested class.

I will definitely hold on to this one, even if my current character survives the campaign I think I'll want to explore the build in another game. :D

Get your group to use Inevitability's la's. Then it's only a +3

2018-06-23, 11:14 AM
Alright, so this is my challenge: I want a Stormcaster. Let's say level 16. I'm thinking about Sorcerer or Bard as base class, but I'm open to other options if you think that there's better ones. You can also use a combination of as many classes and prestige classes as you want, but the main theme of the character must be storm. I'm thinking half-elf as race, but you can use any other one if you think it fits better as long as it LA isn't higher than +2.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Savage Nature Bard





Magical Aptitude

Illiteracy, Bardic Music, Countersong, Fascinate, Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy


Savage Bard






Savage Bard





Arcane Disciple: Storm


Savage Bard





Resist Nature’s Lure


Savage Bard






Savage Bard





Storm Magic







Bardic Music, Stormsong (Gust of Wind)







Storm Spell Power, Thunderclap







Energy Substitution (Electricity)

Resistance to Electricity 10







Shield of Winds 1/day







Eye of the Storm







Heroic Spirit



Heir of Siberys





Favored In House

Additional Action Points


Heir of Siberys





Storm of Vengeance 1/day







Born of Three Thunders

Shield of Winds 2/day







Resistance to Sonic 10







Call Storm, Eye of the Storm (30 ft)







Metamagic of your Choice








Stormsong (Thunderstrike)


Sublime Chord





Bardic Lore, Bardic Music

Woo! We have a bard that specializes in the power of the storm! Air/electricity/cold/water spells cast in a storm are cast at CL 20. You can use bardic music uses (which you wont use for anything else) to deal a perform check amount of damage to a single target. You have control weather as a SLA, and Storm of Vengeance as a SLA. But really your most potent for your sonic spells and your electricity spells. You’ll have a whole bunch of sonic spells from the bard spell list, and you can help fill your list out at the end by using Sublime Chord. Don’t forget to arm yourself with a runestaff! Make the staff completely out of metal so it’s also a lightning rod. Honestly dont know what else to tell you about. Electric Walls of Fire that can also stun people/knock them on their rear?

2018-06-23, 03:58 PM
I have a game where we are starting off 6th level... But the party consists of a Druid; a centaur Knight Spellsword (most likely a switch-hitter); a rogue; and a Barbarian... Not sure how to fit in with out stepping on toes.

Our Point Buy is 40 points of a 1:1 trade; with all stats starting at 8 and have a max of 18 before racial and Level adjustments; however the DM is inexperienced so I don't want to outshine either the players or him. I'm am allowed most sources; excluding only pathfinder and 3pp ( Dragon Magazine should be okay; though I only have 358)

2018-06-23, 04:15 PM
A character that I've wanted to properly work out for a while, but haven't had chance as I don't have a group to play with, is one that I'd like to ask you for.

Goliaths (from Races of Stone) have a racial ability that lets them count as being one size large (typically Large) when wielding weapons, for encumbrance and so on. So, I would please like to see a Goliath that has been built to effectively dual-wield Scythes. I know that it's probably just a ranger with Monkey Grip, but it'd be nice to see it written out to levl 10 or so, if you wouldn't mind? :smallsmile:

2018-06-23, 06:08 PM
Get your group to use Inevitability's la's. Then it's only a +3

I'm not familiar with this concept. What resource is it in?

2018-06-23, 06:13 PM
It's a looong running thread here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?552564-The-LA-assignment-Thread-IV-Live-Free-or-Hit-Die-Hard)

2018-06-23, 10:17 PM
The biggest problem with this is the Dunning-Kruger effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect). People's self assessment is not only wrong, but often inverted. [Average to good people think they're great; great people think they're merely good.]

There was an article in either The Dragon or The Strategic Review in the mid-1970s, on how to determine your own stats. Some were nonsense. Strength was based on the number of pull-ups you could do, which would give greater strength to jockeys than to 350-pound defensive linemen.

The measurement for Wisdom was 20 minus the number of hours per week you spent on D&D. At the time, that gave me a Wisdom score of about -10. [I can't deny it.]

But in the early 90s, I played a game of GURPS in which each PC was based on the player, and the GM designed the characters. It's wonderful playing "yourself" as designed by somebody who has an absurdly high opinion of you.
I played in a one-shot that used a bunch of the different calculations people had done to convert real-world abilities to game stats. They were all over the place. Dexterity for me was the most ridiculous - it put me anywhere between an 8 and a 16. This was on the one hand due to being extremely large (6'4" and 250 lbs) in a civilization built around much smaller people, I often come across as a bit clumsy, and some of the ratings factored those types of situations in. However, I shot expert with every weapon with which I qualified in the army, so the calculations that used ranged accuracy put me much, much higher. A lot of the ability score calculations suffer this sort of bias. Each ability score represents multiple aspects and would be more an average of these than a single score that applied to all of them. (2nd edition actually came up with an optional system that did this by creating two component ability scores that made up each base ability score.)

Ultimately, if you are going to do a game like this I would recommend you use multiple different tests of each ability score and then average the results. (Or better yet, just take the highest one!)

2018-06-24, 01:10 AM
It's a looong running thread here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?552564-The-LA-assignment-Thread-IV-Live-Free-or-Hit-Die-Hard)

Awesome. I've seen the thread sticky, I didn't realize it was just one single guy doing every monster ever.

2018-06-24, 01:11 AM


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Savage Nature Bard





Magical Aptitude

Illiteracy, Bardic Music, Countersong, Fascinate, Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy


Savage Bard






Savage Bard





Arcane Disciple: Storm


Savage Bard





Resist Nature’s Lure


Savage Bard






Savage Bard





Storm Magic







Bardic Music, Stormsong (Gust of Wind)







Storm Spell Power, Thunderclap







Energy Substitution (Electricity)

Resistance to Electricity 10







Shield of Winds 1/day







Eye of the Storm







Heroic Spirit



Heir of Siberys





Favored In House

Additional Action Points


Heir of Siberys





Storm of Vengeance 1/day







Born of Three Thunders

Shield of Winds 2/day







Resistance to Sonic 10







Call Storm, Eye of the Storm (30 ft)







Metamagic of your Choice








Stormsong (Thunderstrike)


Sublime Chord





Bardic Lore, Bardic Music

Woo! We have a bard that specializes in the power of the storm! Air/electricity/cold/water spells cast in a storm are cast at CL 20. You can use bardic music uses (which you wont use for anything else) to deal a perform check amount of damage to a single target. You have control weather as a SLA, and Storm of Vengeance as a SLA. But really your most potent for your sonic spells and your electricity spells. You’ll have a whole bunch of sonic spells from the bard spell list, and you can help fill your list out at the end by using Sublime Chord. Don’t forget to arm yourself with a runestaff! Make the staff completely out of metal so it’s also a lightning rod. Honestly dont know what else to tell you about. Electric Walls of Fire that can also stun people/knock them on their rear?

I love it! Thanks a lot^^

2018-06-24, 12:11 PM
Awesome. I've seen the thread sticky, I didn't realize it was just one single guy doing every monster ever.

Don't forget that it is also being done with input from the community :)

2018-06-24, 12:23 PM
The Magnificent Magic Missile Mage.

Secret ingredient: The Force Missile Mage.
Can be gestalt. Can be PF.
Use PF feat progression.

I have a few build ideas stashed, one of which is this idea of a character that thinks magic missile is the greatest thing in the world ever.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Wu Jen





Metamagic of Choice(B), Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Spell Focus: Evocation, Metamagic of Choice

Watchful Spirit


Wu Jen






Wu Jen





Spell Focus: Illusion

Silent Magic Missile


Wu Jen






Wu Jen






Metaphysical Spell Shaper





Combat Casting

Metaphysical Metamagic


Metaphysical Spell Shaper





Metamagic of Choice(B)


Metaphysical Spell Shaper





Metamagic Mastery


Force Missile Mage





Arcane Thesis: Magic Missile

Bonus Missile, Still Missile


Force Missile Mage





Energy Missile, Swift Shield


Force Missile Mage





Overpowering Shield


Force Missile Mage





Mysterious Magic

Reflective Shield


Force Missile Mage





Bonus Missile


Argent Savant





Force Specialization


Primal Scholar





Metamagic of Choice

Xen’drik Lore


Primal Scholar





Ancient Secret: Mystery of the Quori


Primal Scholar





Ancient Secret: Mystery of Magic


Primal Scholar





Metamagic of Choice

Ancient Secret: Mystery of Xen’drik


Primal Scholar





Ancient Secret: Mystery of the Giants, Power of Xen’drik







High Arcana

The following prestige class is in a book that I can only say is 18+ to access (at least in the States). So I have copied the important bits over for people to use without having to delve into the book. I have also removed the exceedingly small section that may be inappropriate for the boards.
Metaphysical Spell Shaper: 3 level prestige class
Requires: craft sculpting or weaving 3, knowledge arcana 5, spellcraft 5, 2 metamagic feeds, 3rd level spellcasting
Features: d4 HD, 2+int skills (concentration, craft, intimidate, knowledge arcana, profession, spellcraft)
no weapon/armor prof, half bab, good will saves, full spellcasting progression
Metamagic Manipulation: At 1st level, a metaphysical spellshaper gains the ability to cast metamagic spells spontaneously by taking ability damage instead of increasing the level of the spell. The metaphysical spellshaper takes one point of ability damage for each spell level by which he is increasing the spell through metamagic. He chooses which of his ability scores to damage. All damage from a casting of a spell must got to the same ability. In this manner, the metamagic manipulation can increase a spell's level beyond the caster's normal capabilities. The caster must still have a sufficient ability score to cast a spell of the level to which metamagic enhanced it. Ability damage taken from metamagic manipulation is resistant to magical restoratives. A character attempting to cast a spell that restores ability damage (such as lesser restoration) lost by metamagic manipulation must succeed on a DC 20 CL check or the spell has no effect on the injured metaphysical spellshaper. Ability damage returns at the normal rate with rest and time. A spell cast in this manner requires more time. If the spell's normal casting time is 1 action, casting a metamagically manipulated spell is a full round action. For a spell with longer casting times it takes an extra full round action to cast the spell.

Metamagic Mastery: At 3rd level the metaphysical spellshaper reduced the final spell-level slot required by metamagic feats by one (to a minimum of one). This applies to all metamagic feats applied to a spell. This benefits both traditional metamagic spells and those cast with metamagic manipulation.

Alright so what can this mage do? Well put simply, he can cast magic missile. Very well. I wont choose your metamagic feats as one person may enjoy utilizing nearly free echoing spells, another may just want to throw on quicken, empower, and maximize it. Whereas another may want twinned repeating echoing versions (where you cast once, get 4 magic missiles out of it, and then get the spell slot back later). Someone else may want a Searing, Blistering Magic Missile of doom. Choose your metamagics to enjoy what you get! Now what you actually get from the build (before the metamagic choices!). You can cast Magic Missile without any components. This means that you manifest no physical signs when casting magic missile. I know there is a metamagic elsewhere (cityscape iirc) that allows you to have the spell originate from elsewhere too, so if you want magic missiles just coming from random directions and having seemingly nothing to do with you, awesome. When you cast magic missile you fire it with 7 missiles. Each missile does the normal 1d4+1. So 7d4+7 is your base damage, or 14-35 damage. That isn’t all that much so your metamagic choice really is the most important. Mystery of Magic allows you to spontaneously cast Magic Missile, you can apply metamagics to it as normal, meaning you never need to prepare magic missile unless you want Quickened Magic Missiles or Echoing Magic Missiles. Mystery of the Quori allows us to cast Magic Missile as an immediate action. You were surprised by a door smashing open, dont wait to see who it is, cast magic missile! This costs you 2 action points (but you dont need to worry too much about those unless you attempt to cast an immediate MM every round. Mystery of Xen’drik allows you to spend 2 action points instead of a spell slot to cast Magic Missile. And Mystery of the Giants allows you to spend action points instead of spell levels when boosting magic missile with metamagics. Metaphysical Spellshaper allows you to take ability burn (effectively) instead of spell levels to boost your magic missiles (and any other spells) with metamagics, and you can do it spontaneously! Finally you reduce the cost of metamagics by 1 whenever you use them, and then for every metamagic applied to a spell you reduce the spell level by 1 to a minimum of 1. By RAW this means if you cast a Searing, Blistering Magic, Quickened Magic Missile (+1 +0 +4), drop it all by 1 (+0, +0, +3) and then subtract the number of metamagics by the spell level (Level 4 spell slot, -3 = Level 1) you can cast spells as first level spells. A lot. Most DMs will just have the metaphysical version work like Arcane Thesis, and that is fine (however it would mean that spell is a level 3 spell.

I just noticed that said that I could use pathfinder and pathfinder feat progression, well.... I didn't check pathfinder stuff, although while researching for this I did see a metamagic that increased the amount of dice per spell by 5, so that would effectively pump you up to 12d4+12. Regardless you have more feats to spend on metamagics now! And you probably dont need to take 2 flaws! Race suggestion: anything you want, however Primordial Half Giant is where I would go.

2018-06-24, 08:00 PM
I want a character based on the god Janus. Focused in travel and viewing, high movement. I think divination and teleportation would be great, some phisical prowess would be great too



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Travel Devotion(B), Least Dragonmark of Travel, Favored in House, Weapon Focus(B)

Turn Undead, War Domain













Orien Battle Stride








Dragonmarked Heir





Lesser Dragonmark(B)

House Status


Blade of Orien





Combat Reflexes

Heir’s Mark, Improved Dimension Leap


Blade of Orien





Swift Leap


Blade of Orien





Korran’s Strength


Blade of Orien





Greater Dragonmark of Travel

Orien’s Grasp


Divine Crusader





Aura, Travel Domain







Divine Health, Oracle Domain







Evasive Reflexes

Slippery Mind


Divine Crusader






Divine Crusader





Resistance to Electricity 5


Blade of Orien





Mark of the Dauntless

Olladra’s Twist


Blade of Orien





Dimensional Push


Blade of Orien





Orien’s Wrath


Blade of Orien





Robilar’s Gambit

Shadow Shift


Blade of Orien





Orien’s Cloak


Blade of Orien





Orien’s Fury

I boosted how much you could teleport and gave you scrying. Honestly this isn’t my best work, I’m not happy with it, and I’ve spent more time here than I’ve spent on several other builds that did better. I looked at using Flicker from shadowcaster, but their only divination ability is way late and would kill your melee. Same thing with psionics. I investigated ~30 different spellcasting classes trying to find a way to get the abilities I wanted without spending too many levels or losing too much BAB. I finally settled on Divine Crusader as a base. Combining Mark of the Dauntless, Slippery Mind, and Freedom of Movement means there is very little that can stop you from moving. Combining Orien Battle Stride, Evasive Reflexes, and Robilar’s Gambit means that if someone with normal reach tries to swing at you, they provoke, you step back, since you cancelled their strike they technically miss, allowing you to take another 5 foot step.

2018-06-24, 09:26 PM
I looked at using Flicker from shadowcaster, but their only divination ability is way late and would kill your melee. Same thing with psionics. I investigated ~30 different spellcasting classes trying to find a way to get the abilities I wanted without spending too many levels or losing too much BAB.[/FONT][/COLOR] Hmm.

How about Binder 4 / Knight of the Sacred Seal 5 (focus on Paimon + one other vestige), that would get you almost full BAB.

If you picked Tenebrous as your other vestige you'd get Flicker and lots of Rebuke Undead attempts -- not good for Travel Devotion, but good for Divine Vigor which is nice in combo with Paimon's Dance of Death.

Or maybe Dantallion, for Thought Travel and the +8 bonus to all Knowledge checks, plus reading thoughts is a form of divination.

Turning into a native Outsider and getting an aligned strike makes you somewhat angelic or divine, too.

2018-06-24, 09:38 PM
lvl 3-6+ E6 character who has to be weak enough to fit in with tier 4-6 characters but covers the following niches. 2 traits 2 flaws available.

Trapfinding (can use the trapspringer 3.5 homebrew trait if needed)
ranged magic damage (repeatable)
medium-low squishy (but not so much that 0-ko is possible)
and must be an elf.
reagional feats can be refluffed but still only 1 allowed.

i have been having an issue doing this myself: closest i can come up with is a commoner using shape soulmeld/ or spending 3 feats to get 2d6 acid/fire with a reserve feat.

2018-06-25, 12:44 AM
I wanna play this:https://orig00.deviantart.net/d692/f/2014/282/9/6/number_c9__chaos_dyson_sphere_by_1157981433-d825f87.png
Or this:https://pre00.deviantart.net/ca9d/th/pre/f/2016/213/5/b/number_81__superdreadnought_rail_cannon_super_dora _by_parrydox-dac8fxz.png
(Notice the robot eye in the middle)

How do I turn these into a playable d&d character or a playable d&d character capable of creating these things?

Suggested: Warforged



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Urban Druid





Urban Tracking

City Sense, Favored City: Sharn, Urban Companion


Urban Druid







Urban Druid





Craft Wondrous Item

Alley Fighting


Urban Druid





Disease Immunity, Favored City: Metrol


Urban Druid





Urban Shape 1/day


Urban Druid





Natural Spell

Urban Shape 2/day


Urban Druid





Urban Shape 3/day


Urban Druid





Urban Shape (large), Favored City: Stormreach


Urban Druid





Craft Arms and Armor

Information Network


Urban Druid





Urban Shape 4/day


Urban Druid





Urban Shape (Tiny)


Urban Druid





Natural Bond

Urban Shape (Object), Favored City: Durat Tal


Urban Druid






Urban Druid





Urban Shape 5/day


Urban Druid





City Magic

Urban Shape (Huge)


Urban Druid





Favored City: Io’lokar, Urban Shape (Animated Object 1/day)







Envy Domain


Effigy Master





Extraordinary Artisan

Craft Effigy


Effigy Master






Effigy Master





Improved Effigy

Alright, what have we here? An obscure class? Check. More Eberron material. Of course. Anyways level 16 is what your after. You can take the form of any animated object sized Tiny-Huge. Could you take the shape of a wagon? Yea. A small house, yup. One of those pictures? Yup. It is absolutely lovely what you can turn into! Now there are two… technically homebrew feats here, although any DM that says no is crazy. Natural Spell and Natural Bond. Technically you do not have Wild Shape, nor Animal Companion. You have Urban Shape, and Urban Companion. Yay! But more to the point. You are an expert inside cities. Max out your Gather Information and take advantage of Urban Tracking, or dump Urban Tracking for whatever you want (scribe scroll, extraordinary artisan, magical artisan). Urban druids can’t wear most armors, anything with +4 AC or more is taboo. So don’t wear armor. Have your composite plating enchanted with +3, and +7 worth of other effects. You feel it is impolite to wield weapons in public, good thing you dont have any weapons, but an animated object Urban Companion. Finally, run as LE, check out http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?448542-Compliance-Will-Be-Rewarded-A-Guide-to-Lawful-Evil (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?448542-Compliance-Will-Be-Rewarded-A-Guide-to-Lawful-Evil) and be an evious, greedy, power hungry jerk, that happens to keep those emotions in check most of the time.
But no what actually can this do, well your a spellcaster with 9ths, have an urban companion leveled into the last category, and have Urban Shape. Are you as powerful as a druid? No. I’m sorry but they just have too much support and you can’t do what you wanted to do as a druid, however you come as close as you can. What else do you do? Your the party craftsman, the party face, and the guy that can just do everything. Wanna melee? Turn into a Huge Animated Object with hardness crit immunity, and spellcasting. For 16 hours. Finally we have Effigy Master and the Envy Domain. With the Envy Domain you can create Simulacrums. Of yourself. Yup. Make Simulacrums of yourself, Urban Shape into a tiny object (like a hat) and use your Natural Spell to play as yourself, without endangering yourself. As an accompanied object you are not at risk from damage unless your wielder rolls a natural 1 or they attempt to sunder you. (NICE) When combat gets real you fly off their head (wind?) and turn into a literal tank. Cast your spells with impunity with your hardness and DR! Oh and create yourself a small army of Effigies. If you *really* dont want to disguise yourself as a hat or create effigies drop the last 4 levels for something like warlock, idk.

2018-06-25, 08:42 AM
I think you forgot to build his three cannons in the second picture. And I might be wrong but I think you forgot his ability to fly around and reach the astral plane in the first picture. It's in outer space after all.


2018-06-25, 09:06 AM
I think you forgot to build his three cannons in the second picture. And I might be wrong but I think you forgot his ability to fly around and reach the astral plane in the first picture. It's in outer space after all.

He's a spellcaster. Can't he just buff himself up?

2018-06-25, 09:53 AM
He's a spellcaster. Can't he just buff himself up?

Maybe for the flight and astral plane thing (Plane Shift + Fly), but what can buffs do for the three cannons in the 2nd picture? Is there a buff that embeds a cannon into your flesh or something? o_O. Or are you saying "Cast Fireball and call it a cannon"? Cause that might be fine too, we'll never know until magicalmagicman gets here.

2018-06-25, 09:59 AM


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Wu Jen





Metamagic of Choice(B), Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Spell Focus: Evocation, Metamagic of Choice

Watchful Spirit


Wu Jen






Wu Jen





Spell Focus: Illusion

Silent Magic Missile


Wu Jen






Wu Jen






Metaphysical Spell Shaper





Combat Casting

Metaphysical Metamagic


Metaphysical Spell Shaper





Metamagic of Choice(B)


Metaphysical Spell Shaper





Metamagic Mastery


Force Missile Mage





Arcane Thesis: Magic Missile

Bonus Missile, Still Missile


Force Missile Mage





Energy Missile, Swift Shield


Force Missile Mage





Overpowering Shield


Force Missile Mage





Mysterious Magic

Reflective Shield


Force Missile Mage





Bonus Missile


Argent Savant





Force Specialization


Primal Scholar





Metamagic of Choice

Xen’drik Lore


Primal Scholar





Ancient Secret: Mystery of the Quori


Primal Scholar





Ancient Secret: Mystery of Magic


Primal Scholar





Metamagic of Choice

Ancient Secret: Mystery of Xen’drik


Primal Scholar





Ancient Secret: Mystery of the Giants, Power of Xen’drik







High Arcana

The following prestige class is in a book that I can only say is 18+ to access (at least in the States). So I have copied the important bits over for people to use without having to delve into the book. I have also removed the exceedingly small section that may be inappropriate for the boards.
Metaphysical Spell Shaper: 3 level prestige class
Requires: craft sculpting or weaving 3, knowledge arcana 5, spellcraft 5, 2 metamagic feeds, 3rd level spellcasting
Features: d4 HD, 2+int skills (concentration, craft, intimidate, knowledge arcana, profession, spellcraft)
no weapon/armor prof, half bab, good will saves, full spellcasting progression
Metamagic Manipulation: At 1st level, a metaphysical spellshaper gains the ability to cast metamagic spells spontaneously by taking ability damage instead of increasing the level of the spell. The metaphysical spellshaper takes one point of ability damage for each spell level by which he is increasing the spell through metamagic. He chooses which of his ability scores to damage. All damage from a casting of a spell must got to the same ability. In this manner, the metamagic manipulation can increase a spell's level beyond the caster's normal capabilities. The caster must still have a sufficient ability score to cast a spell of the level to which metamagic enhanced it. Ability damage taken from metamagic manipulation is resistant to magical restoratives. A character attempting to cast a spell that restores ability damage (such as lesser restoration) lost by metamagic manipulation must succeed on a DC 20 CL check or the spell has no effect on the injured metaphysical spellshaper. Ability damage returns at the normal rate with rest and time. A spell cast in this manner requires more time. If the spell's normal casting time is 1 action, casting a metamagically manipulated spell is a full round action. For a spell with longer casting times it takes an extra full round action to cast the spell.

Metamagic Mastery: At 3rd level the metaphysical spellshaper reduced the final spell-level slot required by metamagic feats by one (to a minimum of one). This applies to all metamagic feats applied to a spell. This benefits both traditional metamagic spells and those cast with metamagic manipulation.

Alright so what can this mage do? Well put simply, he can cast magic missile. Very well. I wont choose your metamagic feats as one person may enjoy utilizing nearly free echoing spells, another may just want to throw on quicken, empower, and maximize it. Whereas another may want twinned repeating echoing versions (where you cast once, get 4 magic missiles out of it, and then get the spell slot back later). Someone else may want a Searing, Blistering Magic Missile of doom. Choose your metamagics to enjoy what you get! Now what you actually get from the build (before the metamagic choices!). You can cast Magic Missile without any components. This means that you manifest no physical signs when casting magic missile. I know there is a metamagic elsewhere (cityscape iirc) that allows you to have the spell originate from elsewhere too, so if you want magic missiles just coming from random directions and having seemingly nothing to do with you, awesome. When you cast magic missile you fire it with 7 missiles. Each missile does the normal 1d4+1. So 7d4+7 is your base damage, or 14-35 damage. That isn’t all that much so your metamagic choice really is the most important. Mystery of Magic allows you to spontaneously cast Magic Missile, you can apply metamagics to it as normal, meaning you never need to prepare magic missile unless you want Quickened Magic Missiles or Echoing Magic Missiles. Mystery of the Quori allows us to cast Magic Missile as an immediate action. You were surprised by a door smashing open, dont wait to see who it is, cast magic missile! This costs you 2 action points (but you dont need to worry too much about those unless you attempt to cast an immediate MM every round. Mystery of Xen’drik allows you to spend 2 action points instead of a spell slot to cast Magic Missile. And Mystery of the Giants allows you to spend action points instead of spell levels when boosting magic missile with metamagics. Metaphysical Spellshaper allows you to take ability burn (effectively) instead of spell levels to boost your magic missiles (and any other spells) with metamagics, and you can do it spontaneously! Finally you reduce the cost of metamagics by 1 whenever you use them, and then for every metamagic applied to a spell you reduce the spell level by 1 to a minimum of 1. By RAW this means if you cast a Searing, Blistering Magic, Quickened Magic Missile (+1 +0 +4), drop it all by 1 (+0, +0, +3) and then subtract the number of metamagics by the spell level (Level 4 spell slot, -3 = Level 1) you can cast spells as first level spells. A lot. Most DMs will just have the metaphysical version work like Arcane Thesis, and that is fine (however it would mean that spell is a level 3 spell.

I just noticed that said that I could use pathfinder and pathfinder feat progression, well.... I didn't check pathfinder stuff, although while researching for this I did see a metamagic that increased the amount of dice per spell by 5, so that would effectively pump you up to 12d4+12. Regardless you have more feats to spend on metamagics now! And you probably dont need to take 2 flaws! Race suggestion: anything you want, however Primordial Half Giant is where I would go.

Neat. Thank you. I shall look it over and take a few more feats in a day or two, when I have time.

2018-06-25, 09:40 PM
I need a level 20 lich dread necromancer. A level 20 monk /swordsage and a level 20 power attack /smite evil paladin. If you have time to do that by Sunday I would be a very pleased man.
Any 3.5 official material, no pathfinder or dragon mag please. Whatever you think will be the best is cool.. Thanks

I apologize, I know it isn't required but I did try to get to this while still going in order, do you still need this?

2018-06-25, 10:25 PM
If you could have the time to help me with this build, I would very Much appriciate it.
I need a lvl 12 Artificer Warforged.
He doesn't need to be Strong in melee, but have a Focus on blasting and battle field control
(Bonus points if her can have something like Mega Mans blaster or Ironmans repulsor blasters).

I have never player and artificer, so i am at a bit og a stumb how to build this char. So any help would be appriciated

He has an item budget of 27.000 gold. Xp price is a non issue as he is an npc



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Warforged Artificer





Adamantine Body, Wand Bonding

Artificer Knowledge, Item Creation, Artisan Bonus, Disable Trap, Scribe Scroll, Infuse Self







Brew Potions







Ancestral Relic

Craft Wondrous Items







Extraordinary Artisan(B)

Craft Homunculus


Warforged Artificer





Craft Arms and Armor, Craft Weapon Familiar







Item Familiar

Metamagic Spell Trigger







Craft Wand







Craft construct(B)







Magical Artisan: Extraordinary Artisan

Craft Rod













Metamagic Spell Completion







Legendary Artisan(B)

Craft Staff


Anointed Knight





Divine Clarity


Anointed Knight





Impervious Weapon


Anointed Knight





Practiced Spellcaster: Artificer, Power Attack(B)


Anointed Knight





Inspired Strike


Anointed Knight







Uncanny Trickster





Magical Artisan: Legendary Artisan

Bonus Trick, Favorite Trick


Uncanny Trickster





Bonus Trick, Favorite Trick, Skill Mastery


Uncanny Trickster





Bonus Trick, Favorite Trick, Forge Ring

2018-06-25, 10:26 PM
If you could have the time to help me with this build, I would very Much appriciate it.
I need a lvl 12 Artificer Warforged.
He doesn't need to be Strong in melee, but have a Focus on blasting and battle field control
(Bonus points if her can have something like Mega Mans blaster or Ironmans repulsor blasters).

I have never player and artificer, so i am at a bit og a stumb how to build this char. So any help would be appriciated

He has an item budget of 27.000 gold. Xp price is a non issue as he is an npc
[/SPOILER]Alright, your weapon of choice: Livewood Elvencraft Longbow with 2 Wand Chambers. You can enchant this bad boy as: A bow, a Staff, a Double Weapon, and a Wondrous Item. In addition you may sacrifice goods at full value to enchant it, and every time you put at least 1 CP towards it you may swap out all the enchantments already upon it. Now what to enchant it with? Well this is honestly a big gray area. In my groups artificers may create their own custom enchantments, and if the DM is okay with them they can use them. Example: Always on Mage Armor. +4 armor bonus to AC. CL SL 1 costs you 1k gold before any reductions. That is insanely good compared to bracers of armor, however you have the disadvantage that anyone that casts Dispel Magic at you will negate it for at least 1 round. Now at level 12 what *could* you put on your staff? Well… a lot. A guide from a previous post of mine using nearly the same build (was slightly more martial focused)

Weapon familiars are intelligent magic melee weapons crafted by a warforged artificer with the craft weapon familiar class feature. Each weapon familiar is magically linked to its creator, much like a normal familiar is linked to its master. A weapon familiar grants special abilities to its creator while held (as shown on the table below). Each weapon familiar grants one special ability based on the effort required to use it (light, one-handed, or two-handed) and its damage type (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing). If a weapon familiar has more than one property in the same category (such as a morningstar, which deals both bludgeoning and piercing damage), the creator chooses which special ability the weapon familiar will grant.
Light: +3 bonus on Disable Device checks
One-handed: +3 bonus on Use Magic Device checks
Two-handed: +3 bonus on Concentration checks
Bludgeoning: +2 bonus on Fortitude saves
Piercing: +2 bonus on Reflex saves
Slashing: +3 hit points
Note: Best ones here are +saves, +umd, and +HP, and the HP is only good because it makes it harder for others to destroy our weapon familiar
Weapon Familiar Basics: A weapon familiar is an intelligent magic weapon, with a basic description as given in the Player’s Handbook and the additional features described below. See Intelligent Items, page 268 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, for more information.
Ability Scores: As an intelligent item, a weapon familiar has Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. Two of these abilities have a score of 14 and one has a score of 10, as determined by the warforged artificer at the time of creation.
Hit Points: A weapon familiar has the normal hit points for a weapon of its type (see Table 8–8, page 158 of the Player’s Handbook) and enhancement bonus, plus bonus hit points equal to one-half its creator’s hit points (not including temporary hit points), rounded down. For example, if the creator of a +1 heavy mace weapon familiar had 25 hit points, the weapon familiar would have 42 hit points (20 for a heavy mace, +10 for being a +1 weapon, +12 for its creator’s hit points). Note: This is important to know! Write it down! We become great at surviving sunder attempts and oozes trying to eat us!
Saving Throws: A weapon familiar need not make any saving throw unless its wielder rolls a 1 on a save against an effect that could also damage the weapon familiar (such as fireball) or if the effect specifically targets the weapon familiar (such as shatter). For each saving throw, a weapon familiar uses either its own base save bonus (2 + 1/2 its creator’s artificer level) or its creator’s save bonus (from all classes), whichever is better. A weapon familiar adds its own ability modifiers on saving throws (Dex –5, Con +0, Wis varies). Note: Hallelujah it can save!
Senses: A weapon familiar has darkvision out to 60 feet, and it can hear as well as a normal person. Note: We dont have darkvision, it does. It can talk to us. We now can “see” while in darkness even though we still take miss chance. Familiar will relay location and we can fire something off in that direction
Communication: A weapon familiar can speak and understand Common, plus one language per point of Intelligence bonus (if any). It can also communicate telepathically with its master as long as it is held. Note: Good! It starts with 3 languages, one of which is common. Choose languages we don’t know.
Alignment: When created, a weapon familiar has the same alignment as its creator. Note, though, that a weapon familiar and its creator might find themselves in conflict if the creator’s alignment ever changes.
Ego: As an intelligent item, a weapon familiar has an ego score. Though it never engages in a personality conflict with its wielder, it automatically does so if another character attempts to wield it. For the purpose of determining ego score, a weapon familiar is considered to have six lesser powers, and to gain new lesser powers when its creator attains 11th level and 13th level.
Weapon Familiar Ability Descriptions: All weapon familiars gain or impart special abilities depending on their creator’s artificer level. The abilities given on the table are cumulative.

Creator Caster Level
Hardness adj.

Alertness, Deliver Touch Infusions, Improved Evasion, Share Infusions



Spell Resistance

Scry on weapon familiar


Hardness Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement to the weapon familiar’s existing hardness. Note: Eventual +6 Hardness. That is DR 6/- and 6 to all its elemental resistances. Our weapon familiar can take a beating, adding in it’s hp it probably can take more of a beating than we can
Alertness (Ex): The presence of a weapon familiar sharpens its creator’s senses. While a weapon familiar is held, the creator gains the effect of the Alertness feat (see page 89 of the Player’s Handbook).
Deliver Touch Infusions (Su): If a weapon familiar is held by its creator at the time the creator imbues an infusion with a range of touch, the creator can then deliver the infusion by touching a target with the weapon familiar (either as a melee touch attack or as a normal melee attack). If the creator imbues another infusion before the touch is delivered, the touch infusion dissipates. Note: This is useful when fighting other constructs as we can now channel Inflict Damage infusions through our weapon when we fight. It’s not as awesome as a duskblade, but we’ll make do
Improved Evasion (Ex): A weapon familiar can avoid damage from certain attacks with a successful Reflex save and take only half damage on a failed save. See the monk class feature, page 42 of the Player’s Handbook. Note: Haha! Improved evasion, means when we roll a 1 on ref save vs fireball it gets to attempt to save, it fails, and still only takes half damage. Then as an item takes half again from the damage, AND THEN applies it’s hardness. Unless someone attempts to break the weapon familiar it shant be broken.
Share Infusions: At the creator’s option, he can have any infusion he imbues on himself also affect his weapon familiar. The weapon familiar must be held at the time of casting to receive the benefit, and the creator and his weapon familiar can share spells even if those spells don’t normally affect objects. This ability otherwise functions identically to the share spells ability (page 53 of the Player’s Handbook). Note: This has several major applications. N1: When we repair ourself, we repair it and vis versa. N2: When we use Weapon Augmentation we boost it, and our slam, and any other natural weapons we have. N3: It calls out that this functions like share spells as well, meaning if we use one of our many magic items to buff ourself, we can buff our Weapon Familiar
Spell Resistance (Ex): If its creator is 11th level or higher, a weapon familiar gains spell resistance equal to the creator’s artificer level +5. The creator’s infusions automatically overcome this spell resistance. Note: SR 17 by the time we’re done. That is nice. It mainly means that others won’t accidentally polymorph it.
Scry on Weapon Familiar (Sp): If a creator’s level is 13th level or higher, he can scry on his weapon familiar (as if casting scrying with automatic success) once per day. See the spell description, page 274 of the Player’s Handbook. Note: Hope that you never have to use this.

[SPOILER-Item Familiar] [General]
Choose a permanent magic item that you possess. You establish a link to that magic item, and the item improves in capability as you gain levels.
Prerequisite: A character must be at least 3rd level to take this feat.
Benefit: By establishing a link to a particular item, you enable that item to gain power as you gain levels. The exact nature of the item and the powers are described in the following text.
Special: If you ever lose the chosen item (have it removed from your possession for a continuous period of more than one day per level) or if the item is destroyed, you automatically lose 200 XP per level as well as all benefits derived from possessing the linked item (plus any resources you put into the item). If you recover the item, you regain these XP. You may replace a lost or destroyed item familiar after you have advanced one level, as if you were gaining an item familiar for the first time.

In order to be an item familiar, a magic item must:
—Have a price of at least 2,000 gp.
—Be usable by the character (if it is a weapon, the character must be proficient with the appropriate category of weapon).
—Have a permanent magical effect that the character can (and knows how to) use.

When a character selects an item and chooses the Item Familiar feat, the character establishes a permanent, supernatural bond to the item familiar. This bond can be suppressed by an antimagic field or similar effect, but it cannot be dispelled. Once the character has become bonded to the magic item, the item may gain additional powers or intelligence. The character can also begin investing abilities into the item, using the item familiar to improve her own capabilities.

Table 5-12: Item Familiar Abilities

Character Level

Invest Life Energy; Invest Skill Ranks; Invest Spell Slots

Sapience; Senses; Communication

Special Ability

Special Ability

Special Ability

One Special Ability per 3 levels above 20

Invest Life Energy: A character of 6th level or lower may invest a portion of her life force into her item familiar, receiving bonus XP in return. These XP are actually part of the item, however, so if the item is lost or destroyed, the character loses not only the bonus but a quantity of her existing XP as well. When a character chooses to invest her life energy into her item familiar, her current XP total and all future XP awards increase by 10%. However, if the character loses the item, she loses all bonus XP gained, plus an additional 200 XP per character level. Note: Do this at level 3. Your character must play as though this weapon is their life, so you will never lose this weapon.
Invest Skill Ranks: Whenever a character with an item familiar gains skill points, she may choose to put some or all of those skill points into her item familiar. She assigns the skill points normally, but notes that they now reside in the item familiar. For every 3 ranks she assigns to the item familiar, she gains a +1 bonus that she can apply to any single skill. This bonus can be applied to a skill in which she already has maximum ranks. She can apply multiple bonuses to the same skill, but she may not have more points of bonus in a skill than she has ranks. If the character loses the item familiar, is separated from it for one day per level (see the Item Familiar feat description), or if the item familiar is destroyed, these skill points and the bonuses related to them are lost. Note: I suggest doing this for all your future ranks in Spellcraft, Craft, and Knowledge Arcana. Apply the bonuses to UMD. This way if you ever do lose your weapon your not useless as you can still use your artificer skill set
Invest Spell Slot: Only spellcasters may choose to use this option. A character with an item familiar may choose to invest a single spell slot in her familiar and gain a bonus spell slot in return. The single spell slot must be of the highest spell level she can cast, and the bonus spell slot is always two levels lower than the slot invested in the item. As the caster gains (or loses) levels, the spell slot invested in the item changes so that it is always of the highest spell level she can cast, and the bonus spell slot also changes accordingly, remaining two levels lower than that. If a spellcaster does not have a spell slot two levels lower than the highest spell level she can cast (if she can cast only 0- and 1st-level spells), she cannot use this option. As with all other investiture options, if the item familiar is lost or destroyed, so are both spell slots. Note: If you do this then your weapon can later cast an infusion on you, or itself mid combat without you needing to take action. Suggested Infusions are: Repair Damage, Power Surge, Weapon Augmentation, Armor Augmentation
Sapience: If a character with an item familiar is at least 7th level, the item gains rudimentary sapience. It gains Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. Two of these scores (player’s or DM’s choice) are 10 and one is 12. The item familiar also gains an Ego score (see Item Ego, page 270 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). This last score should not come into play very often—an item familiars is completely loyal to its master, unless its master radically changes alignment or one or the other is affected by some strange compulsion. Note: You can basically ignore this aspect of the item familiar
Senses: If a character with an item familiar is at least 7th level, the item can see and hear in a 60-foot radius as if it were a creature. It does not normally make Spot or Listen checks separately from its master, but its master gains the benefit of the Alertness feat while wielding the item. Note: You can basically ignore this aspect of the item familiar
Communication: If a character with an item familiar is at least 7th level, the item begins to communicate with the master using basic emotions or feelings. The item may try to tell the master of danger, for example, by putting forth a feeling of fear. It can only communicate in this manner while being worn or carried by its master. Note: Empathic Links are great and all, but they are usually meant for when the item familiar is away from you, which it will never leave your grasp
Special Ability: When an item familiar’s master reaches 10th level, and at every four levels thereafter, the master chooses a new special ability for the item from the following list. Once an ability is chosen, it becomes a permanent part of the item (unless otherwise specified). Some abilities have prerequisites.
Armor, Shield, or Weapon Special Ability: An item familiar empowered with this special ability gains an ability equivalent to a +1 bonus (as found on Table 7–5, 7–6, or 7–14 in the Dungeon Master’s Guide), such as the light fortification, bashing, or defending special ability. This ability contributes to the overall enhancement bonus of the item and its value but does not cost the master of the familiar any gold pieces or time. This ability may be used in conjunction with the normal rules for improving an existing magic item (see Improving an Item Familiar, below, and Adding New Abilities, page 288 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). A character may select this special ability multiple times, each time enabling her familiar to gain a different ability equivalent to a +1 bonus.
Prerequisite: The item familiar must be a type of magic armor, a magic shield, or a magic weapon. Note: This is only nice if you are not using Ancestral Relic
Cantrips/Orisons: An item familiar empowered with this special ability can cast 0-level spells. The familiar may cast any spell invested in it as a standard action (or longer, as defined by the spell’s casting time) as long as the spell does not have an expensive material component or an XP component. The item familiar need not provide any verbal or somatic components, and it need not provide any material components that cost less than 1 gp. It has access to all the 0-level spells from any single class spell list of the master’s choice (taking into account any alignment restrictions against casting spells of a certain class or alignment subtype). It can cast a number of 0-level spells per day as if it were a sorcerer of the master’s character level (though the master does not have to be a spellcaster). The item familiar uses its own ability scores to determine spell save DCs but can cast its 0-level spells only on its master’s order. The master may use a free action on her turn to issue these orders, or she may give a number of contingency orders (such as “If I fall unconscious, cast cure minor wounds on me”) equal to one more than her Charisma modifier (minimum one). Note: Unfortunately we do not have cantrips or orisons
Greater Power: An item familiar empowered with this special ability gains any single greater power listed on the Intelligent Item Greater Powers table, page 270 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The item uses this power as described, at the master’s command. A character may select this special ability multiple times, each time applying it to a different greater power.
Prerequisite: An item must have at least one lesser power (see below) for every greater power it is given. The master must spend the amount of gold pieces given in the Base Price Modifier column of the Intelligent Item Greater Powers table to purchase the greater power. The process of empowering an item in this way takes 24 hours. Note: I’ll detail these a bit later
Greater Senses: An item familiar empowered with this special ability gains blindsense out to 30 feet.
Prerequisite: The item familiar must already have the improved senses special ability (see below). Note: Useful, we are never unconscious and neither is the familiar, meaning that its always a warning if someone without darkstalker is attempting to sneak up on you
Improved Senses: An item familiar empowered with this special ability gains darkvision out to 60 feet. Note: Unfortunately for Greater Senses we would need this, making it eat 2 of your 3 nonepic Special Abilities, pass.
Increased Sapience: An item familiar empowered with this special ability gains +4 to any single ability score and +2 to its other two scores. The item can now communicate telepathically in a recognizable language with the master out to 120 feet and can speak audibly in Common. It can speak, read, and understand one additional language per point of Intelligence bonus. A character may select this special ability multiple times, each time improving all three of the item’s ability scores and increasing the number of languages it can speak, read, and understand. Note: This is absolutely amazing, due to Anointed Knight, we’ll get to that though.
Lesser Power: An item familiar empowered with this special ability gains any single lesser power listed on the Intelligent Item Lesser Powers table, page 269 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The item uses this power as described, at the master’s command. A character may select this special ability multiple times, each time applying it to a different lesser power.
Prerequisite: The master must spend the amount of gold pieces given in the Base Price Modifier column of the Intelligent Item Lesser Powers table to purchase the lesser power. The process of empowering an item in this way takes 24 hours. Note: We’ll talk about these later too
Special Purpose and Dedicated Power: An item familiar empowered with this special ability gains a special purpose and a dedicated power chosen by its master (see the Intelligent Item Purpose and Special Purpose Item Dedicated Powers tables on page 270 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). An item familiar usually displays more flexibility in how it carries out its special purpose than a standard intelligent item, especially if its purpose conflicts with its master. However, if a master (especially one who gave the item a special purpose in the first place) consistently acts against the item’s special purpose, the item has even more leverage for keeping the “master” in line. An item familiar can temporarily sever the link between item and master, essentially shutting down access to any abilities invested in the item plus all its normal magical abilities, as if the item had been lost or destroyed. The item only reestablishes the link if it is convinced the master is committed to helping it fulfill its special purpose. No item familiar may have more than one special purpose and one dedicated power.
Prerequisite: The master must spend the amount of gold pieces given in the Base Price Modifier column of the Special Purpose Item Dedicated Powers table to purchase the dedicated power. The process of empowering an item in this way takes 24 hours. Note: This is a double edged sword. On one hand we can have resurrection be cast on us if we fall, on the other hand if our alignment is shifted forcibly our familiar no longer serves us. Quite possibly a bad thing, this is definitely more of a role play one, and thus it may be unsuitable for some tables.
Spell Use: An item familiar empowered with this ability may cast any spell invested in it as a standard action (or longer, as defined by the spell’s duration) as long as it does not have an expensive material component or an XP component. The item familiar need not provide any verbal or somatic components, and it need not provide any material components that cost less than 1 gp. The item familiar must meet the ability score prerequisites for the spell but casts the spell at the master’s level. The item familiar may cast the spell only on the master’s order (as described in Cantrips/Orisons, above). If an item familiar casts an invested spell, it is as if the master cast it for purposes of spells per day and preparation.
Prerequisite: The item must have an invested spell slot of the appropriate spell level (see Invest Spell Slots, above), and the master must have the ability to cast 3rd-level spells. Note: Pure gold. You really want this one if you want your Item Familiar to be able to buff mid combat, or heal you! Please remember about Share Infusions from way back in the other spoiler
Item Familiar Alignment: An item familiar gains its master’s alignment and, if the character changes alignment, it generally changes alignment accordingly. However, if this alignment change would be in direct conflict with the item familiar’s special purpose (if any), the item does not change alignment, and it immediately severs the link between itself and its master. The link can only be reestablished when the master changes to a nonconflicting alignment. If an item familiar changes to an alignment that would preclude it using some of its powers not tied to a special purpose, the change in alignment takes place, no severing of the link occurs, and the item cannot use those powers until its alignment becomes compatible again.
Improving an Item Familiar: An item familiar can be improved as other magic items can be. By spending gold pieces (and time and experience points, assuming the character is the one doing the work), a character can add new abilities to her item familiar. This type of improvement has nothing to do with the master’s character level, though it may affect the item’s eventual Ego score. Note: It is a really good thing that our Item familiar NEVER challenges us to an ego contest. We would lose horribly.

Level + Cha Mod Ability/Effect

Level + Cha Mod

3 or lower Good Weapon
+1d6 good damage vs evil creatures, counts as good for DR purposes, and if someone evil takes your weapon from you they lose a level while holding it

4-6 Sunder Resistance
+10 Hardness

7-8 Unicorn’s Blood
Any evil creature wounded by the weapon must make a DC 17 Fortitude save or suffer the weakening effects of unicorn blood.

9 Impervious
The Ancestral Weapon gains +50 hp

10+ Sentience
The Ancestral Weapon Becomes Intelligent

Note: I suggest Sunder Resistance and Impervious, however Sentience is very useful

2 at 12, 1 at 10: Empathy, one lesser, 30 ft vision/hearing
2 at 13, 1 at 10: Empathy, two lesser, 60 ft vision/hearing
2 at 14, 1 at 10: Speech, 2 lesser, 120 ft vision/hearing
2 at 15, 1 at 10: Speech, 3 lesser, 60 ft darkvision/hearing
2 at 16, 1 at 10, Speech/read, 3 lesser, 60 ft darkvision/hearing
2 at 17, 1 at 10, Speech/telepathy, 3 lesser, 1 greater, 120 ft darkvision/hearing
2 at 18, 1 at 10: Speech/telepathy, 3 lesser, 2 greater, 120 ft darkvision/blindsense/hearing
2 at 19, 1 at 10: Speech/telepathy, 4 lesser, 3 greater, 120 ft darkvision/blindsense/hearing
Lesser Powers:
1000 GP Bless 3/day Decent, you can do better
1100 GP Faerie Fire 3/day Doesn’t scream awesome to me
2200 GP Minor Image 1/day ehh?
2700 GP Deathwatch Better
3600 GP Detect Magic Phenomenal
5000 GP 10 intim *
5000 GP 10 decipher script *
5000 GP 10 knowledge (choose one) *
5000 GP 10 search *
5000 GP 10 spot *
5000 GP 10 listen *
5000 GP 10 spellcraft 10+ranks invested+Intelligence; Yes please
5000 GP 10 sense motive *
5000 GP 10 bluff *
5000 GP 10 diplomacy *
5400 GP major image 1/day Useful
6500 GP darkness 3/day
6500 GP hold person 3/day
6500 GP daze monster 3/day
6500 GP locate object 3/day
6500 GP Cure Moderate Wounds 3/day Nice, it can heal itself.
*All useful to augment your own skills

Greater Powers: detect opposing alignment
7200 GP detect undead
7200 GP cause fear
7200 GP dimensional anchor 1/day
10000 GP dismissal 1/day
10000 GP lesser globe of invulnerability 1/day
10000 GP arcane eye 1/day
10000 GP detect scrying
10000 GP wall of fire as a ring 1/day
10000 GP quench 3/day
16000 GP status
11000 GP gust of wind 3/day
16000 GP clairvoyance 3/day
16000 GP Magic Circle vs opposite alignment Yes, take it
16000 GP haste 3/day Great, unless your DM lets you create custom items, in which case you have permanent haste already
16000 GP daylight 3/day
16000 GP deeper darkness 3/day
16000 GP invisibility purge 3/day
16000 GP slow 3/day
30000 GP locate creature 3/day
30000 GP fear 3/day
44000 GP detect thoughts definitely a good power

Dedicated Powers:
50000 GP Ice Storm
50000 GP Confusion
50000 GP Phantasmal Killer
50000 GP Crushing Despair
50000 GP Dimension Door Very potent
56000 GP Contagion
56000 GP Poison
56000 GP Rusting Grasp
60000 GP Lightning Bolt
60000 GP Fireball
80000 GP +2 luck bonus to d20 rolls Great choice
81000 GP Mass inflict Light Wounds
81000 GP Song of Discord
81000 GP Prying Eyes
130000 GP Greater Shout
164000 GP Waves of Exhaustion
200000 GP True Resurrection 1/month Take this if your DM lets you. You will always be holding your item and now it can raise you if you fall

That was a lot of spoiler, finally: What to make your Ancestral Relic, Item Familiar, Weapon Familiar, Signature Weapon into?

I suggest: Masterwork Livewood Quarterstaff with 2 wand chambers. Cost: 800 gold and 1.5 copper.
Reasons: As a Quarterstaff it can be enchanted as a staff, a weapon, a wondrous item, and a double weapon; It is both a 2 handed weapon and a 1 handed weapon The quarterstaff is the favorite weapon of many characters, from travelers, peasants, and merchants to monks, rangers, and wizards. A quarterstaff is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon (see Two-Weapon Fighting, page 160). You can also strike with either end singly, a fact that allows you to take full advantage of openings in your opponent’s defenses. A creature wielding a quarterstaff in one hand can’t use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round.
The quarterstaff is a special monk weapon. This designation gives a monk (see Chapter 3: Classes) wielding a quarterstaff special options. This means that while you can enchant each end separately you only have to wield it in one hand (which is important for something else)
A wand chamber is a thin, cylindrical slot on the handle of a weapon or the edge of a shield that can hold a single wand. When a wand is loaded in the chamber, it is considered ready and can be activated without having to drop the weapon or shield. Changing the wand in the chamber is a full-round action. Artificers use wands. Simple enough.

2018-06-25, 10:28 PM
Another of the unusual woods of Aerenal, livewood is a green-colored hardwood with a highly magical nature. When livewood trees are felled, they do not die, though they stop all growth. Livewood can be worked like normal hardwood, while it remains completely alive. In most respects, livewood is just like normal wood.
A few spells affect livewood in different ways from normal wood, however. Plant growth causes worked livewood to sprout small branches and leaves, though diminish plants has no effect. Speak with plants allows a character to communicate with a livewood object, though such an object has no more awareness of its surroundings than most normal plants. Blight deals damage to a livewood object as if the object were a plant creature (1d6 points of damage per level; the wood's hardness does not apply). A character can use tree stride to move from one livewood object to another, or from a livewood tree to a livewood object (and vice versa), as long as the livewood object is large enough. Animate plants can animate a livewood object.
Dryads occasionally make their homes in livewood trees instead of oak trees. Such a dryad looks no more kindly upon the felling of her tree than other dryads do, but the felling of her livewood tree does not kill her—nor does it end her dependence on the tree. As a result, dryads can be found within livewood objects, including buildings, furniture, and ships.
Livewood has hardness 6 and 10 hit points per inch of thickness. The cost of a livewood item is half again as much (+50%) as a normal wooden item. Items without wooden parts, including armor and bladed weapons, cannot be made from livewood. Well now this is interesting, a wooden weapon that is still alive. You can heal it with cure spells, or repair it as it is an object that is alive. Regenerate
Conjuration (Healing)

Clr 7, Drd 9, Healing 7
V, S, DF
Casting Time:
3 full rounds
Living creature touched
Saving Throw:
Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance:
Yes (harmless)

The subject’s severed body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of multiheaded creatures), broken bones, and ruined organs grow back. After the spell is cast, the physical regeneration is complete in 1 round if the severed members are present and touching the creature. It takes 2d10 rounds otherwise.
Regenerate also cures 4d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +35), rids the subject of exhaustion and/or fatigue, and eliminates all nonlethal damage the subject has taken. It has no effect on nonliving creatures (including undead).
So now as long as they did not magically kill your weapon (although if they did its still a weapon) and did not actually drop it to 0 HP (won’t be easy) You can cast regenerate on your weapon to reform it. (yes this does make it into a tree which you would then need to carve into a staff).

Finally: Any character capable of creating a magic item can make the same magic item as a warforged component, and any warforged character capable of using a magic item can use the same item as a warforged component. Warforged components use the special rules given below, and otherwise conform to the normal rules for creating and using magic items. Warforged component usually occupies the same space on the body that a magic item of the same kind normally would. Components that do not occupy any space on the body cost twice what they would cost as ordinary magic items. These components only work when bonded to the body of a warforged; they are not usable by members of any other race.
There is no chance of damaging an embedded warforged component when the warforged rolls a 1 on a saving throw, and an embedded component cannot be targeted by an attack independently of the warforged who bears it. Attached components, however, can be damaged and targeted.
If a warforged component requires activation, the character with the component can activate it with a thought. Doing this requires the same kind of action as for an ordinary magic item (usually a standard action), but the warforged can do it silently and without moving, and never provokes an attack of opportunity to activate a component.
Attaching or detaching a warforged component is a standard action that never provokes an attack of opportunity.
If a warforged character has at least 1 hit point, embedded or attached components cannot be removed unless the warforged wants them to be. A disabled warforged (-1 to -9 hp) has no choice in the matter; embedded or attached components can be removed from a disabled warforged. If a warforged is destroyed (-10 hit points), each component gets an appropriate saving throw to remain intact; intact components can be salvaged.
Your item can not be removed from you without your permission.

2018-06-26, 12:21 AM
Hey there Falontani! I have a very specific build in mind that I need help with. Its definitely in mind though, certainly not anywhere else, as I haven't the expertise to put it together. I have failed utterly, and now seek your wisdom in this great time of need. As far as specificity, that I have. In abundance. I ended up posting a thread of my own minutes before I saw yours, lets see if I can redeem myself with spoiler tags!
Race of choice: Dvati!!



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Combat Wizard





Improved Initiative(B)







Stunning Fist

Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Unarmored AC







Practiced Spellcaster: Wizard, *







Quick to Act, Discipline Focus (Shadow Hand)







Combat Casting

Unarmored AC


Enlightened Fist





Ki Strike (Magic), Monk Abilities


Enlightened Fist






Fist of Energy


Enlightened Fist





Arcane Fist


Enlightened Fist







Enlightened Fist





Arcane Rejuvenation







Shadow Blade, Spring Attack(B)

Swift Surge +1/+0







Blurred Alacrity







Snake Style

Sudden Casting







Arcane Reflexes, +1/+10 ft







Snake Sidewind

Evasive Celerity







Fortified Hustle







Snake Fang

Bounding Assault, Swift Surge +2/+10 ft







Diligent Rapidity







Elusive Target

Perpetual Options







Innervated Speed, Swift Surge +2/+20 ft

Yea, this is garbage. BAB 15, 6th level spellcasting. Redeeming qualities? Yes, what you want? No. Doesn’t even contain all the cool stuff!



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Whirling Frenzy City Brawler Lion Totem Barbarian





Improved Unarmed Strike(B), Multiweapon Fighting(B), Dodge, Weapon Focus: (deities weapon), Combat Casting, 2 flaws

Whirling Frenzy, Pounce, Illiteracy







Uncanny Dodge







Superior Unarmed Strike

Trap Sense +1







Whirling Frenzy 2/day







Improved Natural Attack: Unarmed Strike

Improved Uncanny Dodge







Improved Multiweapon Fighting(B)

Trap Sense +2


Hit and Run Fighter





Snap Kick, Snake Style(B)


Divine Crusader





Aura, Time Domain


Divine Crusader





Southern Magician


Rage Mage





Spell Rage


Rage Mage






Overcome Spell Failure







Spring Attack(B)

Swift Surge +1/+0







Snake Sidewind

Blurred Alacrity







Sudden Casting







Snake Fang

Arcane Reflexes, Swift Surge +1/+10 ft







Evasive Celerity







Combat Reflexes

Fortified Hustle







Bounding Assault, Swift Surge +2/+10 ft







Power Attack

Diligent Rapidity







Perpetual Options

Well still not perfect. This build is really needing feats more than anything. Feats that you need for the build: Snake Style, Snake Sidewind, Snake Fang, Dodge, Mobility. Feats you want: Arcane Strike, Power Attack, Snap Kick, Gloom Razor, Shadow Blade, Elusive Target. That is 11 feats. A normal character gets: 10 feats. Issues with this: Shadow Blade requires you to have a shadow hand maneuver, meaning at least 1 level of swordsage, or a feat investment. Snap Kick requires you to be able to unarmed strike, meaning you need either 1 level of monk, or Improved Unarmed Strike (and Superior Unarmed Strike if you dont want it to be worthless). So now we’re up to 11-14 feats with 0-2 class levels taken. You need haste and do not want the early entry, so we need at least 5 levels of a normal spellcasting class or 3 levels of divine crusader, divine crusader means we take 2 more feats (weapon focus prerequisite, and Southern Magician to count it as arcane for advancement). Congrats now we’re up to 11-16 feats and 3-7 levels taken. Lets add in Swiftblade levels. 12-16 levels are taken.
In short. I can’t make it fit. If we divorce from unarmed combat then the build is simple. D’vati Duskblade 4, Hit and Run Fighter 1, Swordsage 2, Abjurant Champion 5, Swiftblade 8 with the feats: Power Attack, Dodge, Combat Casting, Exotic Weapon Proficiency Spiked Chain(B), Shadow Blade, Arcane Disciple, Mobility, Arcane Strike, Gloom Razor, *, Rapid Blitz.
*With 2 flaws you grab Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, and Knockdown.

2018-06-26, 10:13 AM
For those debating on wherever or not to request, wanted to let you know I'm almost down to the bottom of the list of requests.

2018-06-26, 10:35 AM
For those debating on wherever or not to request, wanted to let you know I'm almost down to the bottom of the list of requests.

Let's not let all that talent go to waste ;D

A Halfling Mounted Archer Build. All 3.5/unsuperseded 3.0 1st Party allowed

Go for broke with up LA+3 on character and LA+3 for the mount.

Casting is not required but would be a plus. You can use the Arcane Archer PrC

2018-06-26, 11:43 AM
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/BGfc7fabHYu6kajx9PnGl8lUf5jO0W_eMbORq7cq6fc-raQeuwfAhOstAEpfWALzrUYZirQKnr4w6G7EdG2DvEpPUMxyKx Of3q6rCpO9q_XheIlHdmk1DAJTU5cSPItaCfgI95DT



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Extraordinary Artisan, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Warhammer, Murky Eyed, Poor Reflexes

Artificer Knowledge, Item Creation, Artisan Bonus, Scribe Scroll







Brew Potion







Magical Artisan: Extraordinary Artisan

Craft Wondrous Items







Legendary Artisan(B)

Craft Homunculus







Aura, Detect Opposition


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Weapon Focus: Warhammer

Shield Bond


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Secrets of the Forge


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Forge Lore


Ironsoul Forgemaster






Chakra Bind (Arms)







One with the Hammer, Secrets of the Forge







Flesh of my Flesh +1







Heavy Armor Optimization

Forged in Fire


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Armor Bond


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Chakra Bind (waist)


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Greater Heavy Armor Optimization


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Chakra Bind (Shoulders)


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Weapon Bond


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Shield Specialization

Chakra Bind (Heart)


Psychic Warrior





Deflective Armor(B)


Psychic Warrior





Focused Shield(B)

Alrighty, you can craft wondrous items, scrolls, and potions at up to CL 3, spell level 3. However. You can craft arms and armor at CL 43. So sure, you can craft minor trinkets, make some scrolls, and make a few potions, but your weapons, armors, and shield are legendary. In combat you shine blue. Basically this character’s combat ability comes from his equipment. But he’s a dwarf. Dwarves have one set of equipment, so you dont have a bunch of bane weapons, no you have one massive warhammer that you use for every circumstance. Need to make a weapon? Got your hammer. Neet to bash an orc skull in? Got your hammer. The legendary dragon Prismatic Dragon Kthk’xxzk has decided that your clan’s mountain is it’s new home? Got your hammer. You take pride in your equipment to the point of perfection. Honestly I designed this character to have the personality of Bruenor from the Legend of Drizzt. Sure he will make potions of lesser vigor, of cure critical wounds, of fly, of stoneskin, etc. But those are for himself. Sure he’ll make scrolls when he needs them, however he’ll carry the parchment and ingredients to make them on the fly rather than prepare them. I really dont know how else to describe this guy.

2018-06-26, 11:55 AM
Where's the bloody Like button ;D

2018-06-26, 01:21 PM
Hm, since you specifically mentioned more requests, I will make one.

I want a human character built around using the charging minotaur maneuver (Tome of Battle, Stone Dragon strike, allows to bullrush the target without moving along with them) with dungeoncrasher (Extra damage when you bullrush someone on the wall, among other things I don't care), for the hilarious "I throw my enemy into a wall and they break the wall while taking tons of damage".

Bonus points if you can find a way to use charging minotaur multiple times a fight without needing to recharge, and even more if you use as little magic as possible (beyond magic itens).

2018-06-26, 01:41 PM
I have a game where we are starting off 6th level... But the party consists of a Druid; a centaur Knight Spellsword (most likely a switch-hitter); a rogue; and a Barbarian... Not sure how to fit in with out stepping on toes.

Our Point Buy is 40 points of a 1:1 trade; with all stats starting at 8 and have a max of 18 before racial and Level adjustments; however the DM is inexperienced so I don't want to outshine either the players or him. I'm am allowed most sources; excluding only pathfinder and 3pp ( Dragon Magazine should be okay; though I only have 358)



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Mounted Combat

Skirmish +1d6/+0, Trapfinding







Battle Fortitude, Uncanny Dodge







Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Greatbow

Fast Movement +10, Trackless Step, Skirmish +1d6/+1







Far Shot(B)







Favored Enemy: Arcanist, Track, Wild Empathy







Swift Hunter

Evasion, Skirmish +2d6/+1, Favored Enemy: Magical Beasts







Flawless Stride, Skirmish +2d6/+2













Mountain Warrior

Discipline Focus, Quick to Act +1







Improved Initiative(B)

Camouflage, Skirmish +3d6/+2


Cragtop Archer





Adept Climber, Far Sight


Cragtop Archer





Weapon Focus: Greatbow

Strike from Above


Cragtop Archer





Arcing Shot


Cragtop Archer





Horizon Shot


Exotic Weapon Master





Swift Ambusher

Close Quarters Ranged Combat


Exotic Weapon Master





Ranged Disarm







Rapid Shot(B)

Favored Enemy: Dragon







Improved Skirmish

Skirmish +3d6/+3, Endurance







Animal Companion







Skirmish +4d6/+3

+5 Dragonbone Greatbow of Distance (you can enchant this more)
Range Increment: 420 ft. Maximum of 15 range increments is 6300 ft. To put this in perspective, the Heavy Trebuchet (the biggest of the siege weaponry and the largest range) has a maximum range of 1500 ft. This is over a mile away you can begin to shoot people. A dragon with haste flying at you full speed will still take 5 rounds to get to you. And that is using the Run Action. With Haste. But you dont just stand there and let it get to you. No. You fire from 6300 ft, and then your Centaur friend moves as quickly away from the dragon as possible. A normal Centaur has a 50 ft run speed with the Run feat and haste he has a speed of 400 ft. Meaning in the time it takes him to reach your original position you have moved 2000 ft. Causing him to take 2 more run actions to reach your new position. Your Centaur friend will then run an additional 800 ft. Meaning the dragon will have to run once more and use a charge action. Giving you a total of 9 rounds of combat against the dragon BEFORE the dragon even reaches you. As a Goliath using a Greatbow you deal 2d8 + str + 6d6 damage. Favored Enemy pushes you to 2d8+str+2+6d6 damage. Now add in Sniper’s Shot. Swift Action uses 1 of your ranger spell slots to give you an additional 7d6 sneak attack damage.
Round 1: Drink potion of True Strike
Round 2: Cast Sniper’s Shot
Round 3: Snipe the Dragon from over a mile away for an average of 62 damage (BEFORE YOUR STRENGTH). If your DM is kind then you’ll be able to get it enchanted with Hank’s Energy Bow enchantment (for power shots) or will allow you to take the pathfinder feat. So you can power shot him.

Now you dont step on other people’s toes because your an archer filling a niche that your party doesn’t have, and with your Far Sight you can spot things from twice as far. Your a great scout despite your powerful build. If your centaur allows you to ride him into battle then swap out your animal companion for distracting shot. Otherwise stick to the animal companion for a disposable mount. You can fire into melee for great damage and can do it in melee thanks to your close quarters shot. With full iteratives 6-8+int mod skills most of the time, and camouflage you successfully don’t best the barbarian at damage, you don’t out utility the druid, and you aren’t a gish. Since you said the Centaur was a switch hitter you’ll be able to full iterative while getting your skirmish damage most of the time.

2018-06-26, 02:33 PM
A character that I've wanted to properly work out for a while, but haven't had chance as I don't have a group to play with, is one that I'd like to ask you for.

Goliaths (from Races of Stone) have a racial ability that lets them count as being one size large (typically Large) when wielding weapons, for encumbrance and so on. So, I would please like to see a Goliath that has been built to effectively dual-wield Scythes. I know that it's probably just a ranger with Monkey Grip, but it'd be nice to see it written out to levl 10 or so, if you wouldn't mind? :smallsmile:



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Multiheaded Goliath





Monkey Grip, Improved Initiative(B), Combat Reflexes(B)

2 RHD, LA +2, and +1. Superior 2 Weapon Fighting, +1 nat ac, +2 con, Darkvision 90 ft, +2 listen, search, spot







Power Attack(B),
Disciple of Darkness

LA +1 Buyoff!







Combat Expertise(B)







Battle Clarity, Weapon Aptitude








Uncanny Dodge


Disciple of Dispater





Device Lore


Disciple of Dispater





Iron Hews


Disciple of Dispater





Improved Critical: Scythe

Rusting Grasp, La +2 drops to LA +1!


Disciple of Dispater





Iron Power +1


Disciple of Dispater





Summon Erinyes


Disciple of Dispater





Great Cleave

Greater Iron Hews, LA +1 Buyoff!


Disciple of Dispater







Disciple of Dispater





Iron Power +2


Disciple of Dispater





Flay Foe


Disciple of Dispater





Iron Body


Psychic Warrior





Improved Bull rush(B)







Shock Trooper

Battle Ardor













Leap Attack(B)

Honestly. You have yourself a despicable vile creature here. With no magic, and only Expansion for powers you aren’t going to outmagic your foe. However introducing a pair of 3d6 16-20*4 scythes to the mix isn’t exactly nice. Grabbing Superior Two Weapon Fighting at level 1 along with Monkey Grip allows us to start dual wielding the scythes from the beginning, and through our leveling they only get more dangerous. Honestly there is so much we can do with a few feats its not funny. Like Two Weapon Rend? Or what I have shown here: Shock Trooper. If you are going into epic then prep yourself for Devastating Critical by level 24.

2018-06-26, 03:10 PM
lvl 3-6+ E6 character who has to be weak enough to fit in with tier 4-6 characters but covers the following niches. 2 traits 2 flaws available.

Trapfinding (can use the trapspringer 3.5 homebrew trait if needed)
ranged magic damage (repeatable)
medium-low squishy (but not so much that 0-ko is possible)
and must be an elf.
reagional feats can be refluffed but still only 1 allowed.

i have been having an issue doing this myself: closest i can come up with is a commoner using shape soulmeld/ or spending 3 feats to get 2d6 acid/fire with a reserve feat.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Truespeech and UMD maxxed!

Favored: Pragmatic Assembly

Known Personal True Name







Knowledge Focus







Skill Focus: Truespeech



















Primary Contact

Truename Research

Alright assuming you have an 18 intelligence. You have a +19 truespeech check. Maxxed ranks + Primary Contact gives you an additional 1 giving you 10 ranks. Skill Focus gives you another 3 + 4 stat mod and a +2 masterwork item. Your most powerful utterance allows you to give an ally fast healing 5 for 5 rounds, or deal 4d6 damage to an enemy each round for 2 rounds. Strike of Might can give an ally +10 damage (which is just slightly behind adding +3d6 to their attack) or give an ally an extra strike. You can do any of your utterances as long as you can make the DC. The DC being 27 for you and your allies and the most powerful E6 heroes. (so you succeed on an 8 without any magical equipment, or bonuses from the pragmatic assembly). Every single time you successfully use one of your utterances the DC for that utterance increases by 2. Meaning you have a maximum number of uses on EACH utterance of 7 (although you become more and more unreliable as the day goes on). Out of combat healing, just take 20 on the check. You can try again as many times as you want until you beat the DC, so just tell your DM your trying until you succeed.

2018-06-26, 03:55 PM
Leverage Therapeutic Mantle (Incarnum) or similar on a melee toon for solid self-healing in combat, while still being combat effective.
Preferably with Trip or some similar area control to actually fulfill a "tank" role. Keep the bad guys away from the squishies in the back, make them think they are accomplishing something while poking holes in me, and then tank the damage through DR/selfheals/etc.

One idea. Lots of strikes while in Martial Spirit stance? For 4+(2*essentia) per hit.

P.S. I like moving reasonably quickly.

2018-06-26, 05:11 PM
i had completely forgotten the truenamer. thank you sir! this should work better than what i was thinking with the commoner just utilizing feats. really hope that giant adds a like button at some point.

2018-06-26, 05:15 PM
i had completely forgotten the truenamer. thank you sir! this should work better than what i was thinking with the commoner just utilizing feats. really hope that giant adds a like button at some point.

Be sure to read Zaq's guide if you haven't. I doubt I'd understand how good an e6 truenamer would be without it.

2018-06-26, 08:42 PM
ok here is one i only got to play to level 10, but I'd like to see your take on it, feel free to go nuts :D

chaotic good Human, (feel free to adjust, humanish?) Sorcerer/dragonheart mage, skill in alchemy, Day job, short order cook. (got to pay those gambling debts some how right?)


2018-06-26, 09:33 PM
Let's not let all that talent go to waste ;D

A Halfling Mounted Archer Build. All 3.5/unsuperseded 3.0 1st Party allowed

Go for broke with up LA+3 on character and LA+3 for the mount.

Casting is not required but would be a plus. You can use the Arcane Archer PrC
Halfling from the Talenta Plains



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Wild Cohort, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus: Talenta Boomerang

Favored Enemy Animal, Track







Fighting Style: Two Weapon Fighting


Barbarian Horselord (mag 338)





Talenta Warrior

Battle Ecstasy, Dinosaur Rider


Hit and Run Fighter





Boomerang Ricochet(B)







Precise Shot(B)


Master Thrower





Quick Draw(B), Mounted Combat



Master Thrower







Master Thrower





Palm Throw







Mounted Archery

Appraise Mount, Chosen Mount







Mount Assistance, Mount Bonus Feat!







Improved Mounted Archery(B)

Mount Healing







Boomerang Daze







Mount Friendship, Mount Bonus Feat!













Improved Two Weapon Fighting(B), Greater Two Weapon Fighting

Mount Link













Mount Luck, Mount Bonus Feat!







Free Feat? IDK!


Exotic Weapon Master





Close Combat Shot


Master Thrower





Snatch Arrows

Few classes are as viscerally satisfying to play as the barbarian. Barbarian rage - that carnival of crushing and screaming, grunting and cleaving that can so quickly reduce a pack of opponents into piles of so much tainted meat - provides a thrill hard to resist. Clearly, the standard barbarian taps into the spirit of Conan and the tales of Viking berserkers: the powerfully built wild man who can enter a frenzied orgy of violence at will.

Historically, not every warrior belonging to a group considered barbaric relied on his physical prowess. Some of history's most notorious barbarians - Attila the Hun, Arpád the Magyar King, and Genghis Khan, for instance - hardly reflected Schwarzenegger-esque proportions (Attila was reputed to be quite a small man, in fact). How, then, were they able to loot and pillage just as effectively as their burly Viking colleagues? The answer lies in a contemporary description of the warriors of the Mongol horde: "They were small men on the ground, but they were giants in the saddle."

The horselord is a variant barbarian. Unless otherwise noted, a horselord advances in the same manner as a barbarian (same Hit Die, base attack bonus, saving throw bonuses, skill points, and so on). When a character elects to take a level of barbarian or horselord, he may not later take levels in the other class. This prevents the character from gaining the benefits of a 1st-level barbarian twice.

The horselord loses fast movement and trap sense, but gains several new abilities. The horselord does not rage, replacing that ability with a battle ecstasy he can use with the same frequency.

Battle Ecstasy: Traditional cultures from the Celts to the Sioux speak of warriors able - through special prayers, protective garments, or even nakedness in battle - to become invulnerable to the weapons of the enemy. A horselord who enters battle ecstasy becomes difficult to harm. He temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Dexterity, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and damage reduction 1/-. The horselord's damage reduction while in battle ecstasy stacks with the damage reduction he receives at higher levels (thus, a 7th-level horselord has DR 2/- while in battle ecstasy). A horselord can use any skill or feat while in battle ecstasy, but all skill checks except for Handle Animal and Ride take a -2 penalty. Battle ecstasy lasts as long as a barbarian's rage and has the same fatiguing effect. Beginning at 17th level, the horselord is no longer fatigued after leaving a battle ecstasy. The horselord's battle ecstasy has no greater rage or mighty rage equivalents.

Skills: A horselord takes no penalty on Ride checks for riding bareback and gains a +2 bonus when using any kind of saddle (which stacks with the normal +2 bonus on Ride checks when using a military saddle). A horselord must choose a kind of animal he knows of and has ridden as a mount at least once. He receives a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks whenever dealing with the selected kind of animal (most horselords choose the animals their tribes routinely use).

Alright there is so much we can do here, but I want to point out that this guy’s mount gains 8 free HD, 10 natural armor, 4 str, and 3 bonus feats. At 20th level you could get a megaraptor with 24 HD, a T-Rex with 28 HD, or a velociraptor with 21 HD. However you gave me the ability to play with templates. I noticed while I was making this build. What would happen if we made the halfling into a centaurlike creature. Oh I dont know, Tauric? Anyways….
Throwing! You have two weapon fighting up to greater. If you want to look odd scrap all the TWF feats, drop all the ranger levels, and grab multiheaded. As it stands, full BAB = 4 iteratives, gtwf gives us 3 offhand throws, Palm Throw doubles that to 14 throws. Haste gives us 2 more throws. Rapid Shot gives us 2 more throws. Boomerang Ricochet means that every throw can possibly hit 2 people, doubling our throws to 36 hits. So… 36d4 that's still an average of 90 damage per round. However arm him with a pair of +5 Flaming Burst boomerangs of X Bane boosts that to 720 damage per round. Without critically hitting with any of the 36 hits.

2018-06-26, 09:34 PM
ok here is one i only got to play to level 10, but I'd like to see your take on it, feel free to go nuts :D

chaotic good Human, (feel free to adjust, humanish?) Sorcerer/dragonheart mage, skill in alchemy, Day job, short order cook. (got to pay those gambling debts some how right?)


dragonheart mage? please link?

2018-06-26, 09:51 PM
dragonheart mage? please link?


Races of dragons, page 88


Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks

Feats: Draconic Heritage

Spellcasting: Ability to spontaneously cast arcane spells.
Languages: Draconic.

2018-06-26, 10:15 PM
I'd like a level 15 totemist, no other requirements. Thanks.

2018-06-26, 11:15 PM


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Extraordinary Artisan, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Warhammer, Murky Eyed, Poor Reflexes

Artificer Knowledge, Item Creation, Artisan Bonus, Scribe Scroll







Brew Potion







Magical Artisan: Extraordinary Artisan

Craft Wondrous Items







Legendary Artisan(B)

Craft Homunculus







Aura, Detect Opposition


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Weapon Focus: Warhammer

Shield Bond


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Secrets of the Forge


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Forge Lore


Ironsoul Forgemaster






Chakra Bind (Arms)







One with the Hammer, Secrets of the Forge







Flesh of my Flesh +1







Heavy Armor Optimization

Forged in Fire


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Armor Bond


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Chakra Bind (waist)


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Greater Heavy Armor Optimization


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Chakra Bind (Shoulders)


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Weapon Bond


Ironsoul Forgemaster





Shield Specialization

Chakra Bind (Heart)


Psychic Warrior





Deflective Armor(B)


Psychic Warrior





Focused Shield(B)

Alrighty, you can craft wondrous items, scrolls, and potions at up to CL 3, spell level 3. However. You can craft arms and armor at CL 43. So sure, you can craft minor trinkets, make some scrolls, and make a few potions, but your weapons, armors, and shield are legendary. In combat you shine blue. Basically this character’s combat ability comes from his equipment. But he’s a dwarf. Dwarves have one set of equipment, so you dont have a bunch of bane weapons, no you have one massive warhammer that you use for every circumstance. Need to make a weapon? Got your hammer. Neet to bash an orc skull in? Got your hammer. The legendary dragon Prismatic Dragon Kthk’xxzk has decided that your clan’s mountain is it’s new home? Got your hammer. You take pride in your equipment to the point of perfection. Honestly I designed this character to have the personality of Bruenor from the Legend of Drizzt. Sure he will make potions of lesser vigor, of cure critical wounds, of fly, of stoneskin, etc. But those are for himself. Sure he’ll make scrolls when he needs them, however he’ll carry the parchment and ingredients to make them on the fly rather than prepare them. I really dont know how else to describe this guy.

You.. I want to hug you.. I had a few ideas involving blood storm blade and tome of battle stuff among a few other things for this picture but.. This is.. It brings a tear to my eye to see such a functional and thematic class. I honestly can't wait to see what else you imagine for the other pictures or hell just all the builds you make.

2018-06-26, 11:42 PM

Races of dragons, page 88


Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks

Feats: Draconic Heritage

Spellcasting: Ability to spontaneously cast arcane spells.
Languages: Draconic.

Somehow I have missed that class in all my trips into Races of the Dragon. Probably because I've only read that book once, compared to books like Complete Warrior where I have read it cover to cover several times.

2018-06-27, 12:42 AM
Hm, since you specifically mentioned more requests, I will make one.

I want a human character built around using the charging minotaur maneuver (Tome of Battle, Stone Dragon strike, allows to bullrush the target without moving along with them) with dungeoncrasher (Extra damage when you bullrush someone on the wall, among other things I don't care), for the hilarious "I throw my enemy into a wall and they break the wall while taking tons of damage".

Bonus points if you can find a way to use charging minotaur multiple times a fight without needing to recharge, and even more if you use as little magic as possible (beyond magic itens).



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Power Attack, Cleave(B), Martial Study: Charging Minotaur


Dungeon Crasher Fighter





Dungeon Crasher













Improved Bullrush








Dungeon Crasher Fighter





Powerful Charge

Greater Dungeon Crasher







Weapon Aptitude, Battle Clarity







Stonebond: Goliath







Greater Powerful Charge

+4 dodge vs giants, +1 to hit vs giants










Goliath Barbarian





Mountain Rage







Destructive Rage

No Time to Think, +2 Str







Great Swing, +2 Str







Mighty Rock Throwing, +2 Str







Intimidating Rage

Mighty Swing, +2 Str


Frenzied Berserker





Frenzy 1/day, Diehard


Frenzied Berserker





Supreme Cleave


Frenzied Berserker






Frenzy 2/day


Frenzied Berserker





Deathless Frenzy


Frenzied Berserker





Frenzy 3/day, Improved Power Attack

Assuming an 18 base str we hit an astonishing 43 strength. Without equipment or magic. When you use Charging Minotaur you deal 13d6+16 + PA damage. You have a +15 to hit without your BAB (doing full power attack). Meaning you deal 13d6+60 damage. You have a base +26 on your bullrush check, however you have Knockback. Knockback means that whenever you hit an enemy with power attack you get a free bullrush attempt… and you add your power attack bonus. Meaning sacrificing 15 BAB gives you a +45 bonus to your already impressive +26. That is a +71 to knock back anything that you have just hit with power attack. Nothing states that this does not stack with Charging Minotaur. So you charge in with a charging minotaur and make two separate checks, a +26 and a +71 check. And you knock them back 5 ft for every 5 ft you beat them… on both of them. So lets be easy and give you a die roll of 10 against your standard human fighter 20. Thats a 23 str, meaning your average human fighter’s opposed str is a 16 vs your 36. So you knock them back 20 ft. However Knockback kicks in too. 81 vs their 16 means you knock them back 65 ft. That is 85 ft of clearance when you hit something. Iteratives? How the hell can you keep up on iteratives?!? No so we gave you Mighty Swing. Your attacks are AOEs! So now you charge in and throw everyone nearby 85 ft into walls. And just because we could we have destructive rage! 34 break check… before rolling. So with a roll of a 1 we break… everything except 3 feet of hewn stone that has a break DC in the SRD. Without magic items. We can destroy 3 feet of hewn stone on a roll of 16. And we are using people to do this. It doesn’t matter if your using an improvised weapon (a tree) you hit people so hard that they fly away at 58 MPH to slam into anything around, and if it is anything less than 3 ft of hewn stone they just smash it and keep going. Oh and your will save is garbage so, just have the wizard make a sentient object that controls you. Or have him charm you. Or dominate. shrugs

2018-06-27, 03:05 AM
Honestly. You have yourself a despicable vile creature here.

Honestly, everything that I wanted from the build you got pretty much from Multiheaded and the rest just got better and better. He's definitely coming out to play the next time I get to start a character above level 1 - thank you very much! :smallsmile:

2018-06-27, 10:55 AM
Honestly, everything that I wanted from the build you got pretty much from Multiheaded and the rest just got better and better. He's definitely coming out to play the next time I get to start a character above level 1 - thank you very much! :smallsmile:

No problem ^_^

2018-06-27, 12:01 PM


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Wild Cohort, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus: Talenta Boomerang
Favored Enemy Animal, Track


Fighting Style: Two Weapon Fighting

Barbarian Horselord (mag 338)

Talenta Warrior
Battle Ecstasy, Dinosaur Rider

Hit and Run Fighter

Boomerang Ricochet(B)


Precise Shot(B)

Master Thrower

Quick Draw(B), Mounted Combat

Master Thrower


Master Thrower

Palm Throw


Mounted Archery
Appraise Mount, Chosen Mount


Mount Assistance, Mount Bonus Feat!


Improved Mounted Archery(B)
Mount Healing


Boomerang Daze


Mount Friendship, Mount Bonus Feat!



Improved Two Weapon Fighting(B), Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Mount Link



Mount Luck, Mount Bonus Feat!


Free Feat? IDK!

Exotic Weapon Master

Close Combat Shot

Master Thrower

Snatch Arrows

Few classes are as viscerally satisfying to play as the barbarian. Barbarian rage - that carnival of crushing and screaming, grunting and cleaving that can so quickly reduce a pack of opponents into piles of so much tainted meat - provides a thrill hard to resist. Clearly, the standard barbarian taps into the spirit of Conan and the tales of Viking berserkers: the powerfully built wild man who can enter a frenzied orgy of violence at will.

Historically, not every warrior belonging to a group considered barbaric relied on his physical prowess. Some of history's most notorious barbarians - Attila the Hun, Arpád the Magyar King, and Genghis Khan, for instance - hardly reflected Schwarzenegger-esque proportions (Attila was reputed to be quite a small man, in fact). How, then, were they able to loot and pillage just as effectively as their burly Viking colleagues? The answer lies in a contemporary description of the warriors of the Mongol horde: "They were small men on the ground, but they were giants in the saddle."

The horselord is a variant barbarian. Unless otherwise noted, a horselord advances in the same manner as a barbarian (same Hit Die, base attack bonus, saving throw bonuses, skill points, and so on). When a character elects to take a level of barbarian or horselord, he may not later take levels in the other class. This prevents the character from gaining the benefits of a 1st-level barbarian twice.

The horselord loses fast movement and trap sense, but gains several new abilities. The horselord does not rage, replacing that ability with a battle ecstasy he can use with the same frequency.

Battle Ecstasy: Traditional cultures from the Celts to the Sioux speak of warriors able - through special prayers, protective garments, or even nakedness in battle - to become invulnerable to the weapons of the enemy. A horselord who enters battle ecstasy becomes difficult to harm. He temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Dexterity, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and damage reduction 1/-. The horselord's damage reduction while in battle ecstasy stacks with the damage reduction he receives at higher levels (thus, a 7th-level horselord has DR 2/- while in battle ecstasy). A horselord can use any skill or feat while in battle ecstasy, but all skill checks except for Handle Animal and Ride take a -2 penalty. Battle ecstasy lasts as long as a barbarian's rage and has the same fatiguing effect. Beginning at 17th level, the horselord is no longer fatigued after leaving a battle ecstasy. The horselord's battle ecstasy has no greater rage or mighty rage equivalents.

Skills: A horselord takes no penalty on Ride checks for riding bareback and gains a +2 bonus when using any kind of saddle (which stacks with the normal +2 bonus on Ride checks when using a military saddle). A horselord must choose a kind of animal he knows of and has ridden as a mount at least once. He receives a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks whenever dealing with the selected kind of animal (most horselords choose the animals their tribes routinely use).

Alright there is so much we can do here, but I want to point out that this guy’s mount gains 8 free HD, 10 natural armor, 4 str, and 3 bonus feats. At 20th level you could get a megaraptor with 24 HD, a T-Rex with 28 HD, or a velociraptor with 21 HD. However you gave me the ability to play with templates. I noticed while I was making this build. What would happen if we made the halfling into a centaurlike creature. Oh I dont know, Tauric? Anyways….
Throwing! You have two weapon fighting up to greater. If you want to look odd scrap all the TWF feats, drop all the ranger levels, and grab multiheaded. As it stands, full BAB = 4 iteratives, gtwf gives us 3 offhand throws, Palm Throw doubles that to 14 throws. Haste gives us 2 more throws. Rapid Shot gives us 2 more throws. Boomerang Ricochet means that every throw can possibly hit 2 people, doubling our throws to 36 hits. So… 36d4 that's still an average of 90 damage per round. However arm him with a pair of +5 Flaming Burst boomerangs of X Bane boosts that to 720 damage per round. Without critically hitting with any of the 36 hits.

Sweet! Much better than a plain archer. Thank You!

2018-06-27, 12:35 PM
Hey Falontani, no worries, I did them myself as the game was on Monday. However I would be interested in seeing how you would optimize a dread necromancer 20. I will still be using him and as DM can swap him out for my hastily constructed one in future sessions. Thanks a bunch

Edit:doesn't even need to be full 20 dread necromancer as long as he becomes a lich

2018-06-27, 12:48 PM


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Travel Devotion(B), Least Dragonmark of Travel, Favored in House, Weapon Focus(B)

Turn Undead, War Domain













Orien Battle Stride








Dragonmarked Heir





Lesser Dragonmark(B)

House Status


Blade of Orien





Combat Reflexes

Heir’s Mark, Improved Dimension Leap


Blade of Orien





Swift Leap


Blade of Orien





Korran’s Strength


Blade of Orien





Greater Dragonmark of Travel

Orien’s Grasp


Divine Crusader





Aura, Travel Domain







Divine Health, Oracle Domain







Evasive Reflexes

Slippery Mind


Divine Crusader






Divine Crusader





Resistance to Electricity 5


Blade of Orien





Mark of the Dauntless

Olladra’s Twist


Blade of Orien





Dimensional Push


Blade of Orien





Orien’s Wrath


Blade of Orien





Robilar’s Gambit

Shadow Shift


Blade of Orien





Orien’s Cloak


Blade of Orien





Orien’s Fury

I boosted how much you could teleport and gave you scrying. Honestly this isn’t my best work, I’m not happy with it, and I’ve spent more time here than I’ve spent on several other builds that did better. I looked at using Flicker from shadowcaster, but their only divination ability is way late and would kill your melee. Same thing with psionics. I investigated ~30 different spellcasting classes trying to find a way to get the abilities I wanted without spending too many levels or losing too much BAB. I finally settled on Divine Crusader as a base. Combining Mark of the Dauntless, Slippery Mind, and Freedom of Movement means there is very little that can stop you from moving. Combining Orien Battle Stride, Evasive Reflexes, and Robilar’s Gambit means that if someone with normal reach tries to swing at you, they provoke, you step back, since you cancelled their strike they technically miss, allowing you to take another 5 foot step.

Sorry took me too much to see this. It's actually very good, i tried a combination of Cleric 5 Fighter 2 Jaunter 4 Horizon Walker 6 and Wayfarer Guide 3, and i'm also not happy with, perhaps a middle place of the two could be better. It's a very hard concept to make true, and i believe that travel was never a focus part of dnd classes. Great work though even if you are not happy.

2018-06-28, 12:22 PM
Make Ultimecia, from FFVIII!

Or Maleficent! (Sleeping Beauty ver., not Angelina Jolie ver.)

2018-06-29, 04:11 PM
Came across this in my Facebook feed today (Luiz Prado Arts), and was wondering if you could make a character out of it?

Looks to me like some sort of plant-race, with a character who is able to grow his own wooden weapons out of his body...


2018-06-29, 05:12 PM
First thing that popped into my brain when I saw that image?

Warforged with the Woodling Tempate. ;D

2018-06-29, 07:36 PM
This thread is amazing, thank you Falontani for all your work! A humble request if you're genuinely bored:

A Swift Hunter boomerang build but not using Incarnum or Psionics and no/minimal Dragon Magazine. Playable from level 1 with no required magic items (feel free to Vow of Poverty if that's remotely useful!).

As an aside, I've been wracking my brain to come up with a way of Fighter 10/UA Rogue 10 - it nets you a bunch of skill points and an extra Fighter feat over just going to Figther 20, and all it costs you is +3 BAB and some HP... I really like this thread, I love making characters and trying to problem solve and I've nowhere near the experience or knowledge you have, so I'm learning a lot from your work!

2018-06-29, 08:35 PM
First thing that popped into my brain when I saw that image?

Warforged with the Woodling Tempate. ;D

That's a very interesting thought. Unfortunately, Woodling (or Greenbound, or Wood Element) can't be applied to a Living Construct, so may require another template added first.

Does Warshaper allow you to grow swords out of your body?

2018-06-29, 08:38 PM
That's a very interesting thought. Unfortunately, Woodling (or Greenbound, or Wood Element) can't be applied to a Living Construct, so may require another template added first.

Does Warshaper allow you to grow swords out of your body?

I didn't say it was legal, just the first image that popped into my warped mind ;D

2018-06-29, 08:49 PM
please ignore the above poster. Just a many times banned user that rears up from time to time. Now he is also posting porn images.

2018-06-29, 09:46 PM
That's a very interesting thought. Unfortunately, Woodling (or Greenbound, or Wood Element) can't be applied to a Living Construct, so may require another template added first.

Does Warshaper allow you to grow swords out of your body?

if there is any creature with a natural attack that uses swords then yes. I believe there is....

Keeper is one. Keeper has the ability mimic which allows them to grow any weapon they have ever witnessed out of their body and attack with them, it specifically counts as natural weapons and manufactured weapons (akin to monk unarmed strike) so thus would be growable via Warshaper. Interesting.

Also just letting people know, its going to take me a little while to get back to this again; a new competition has reared its head and begs me to put my skills to use in the competition. Once I'm done (probably soon) I'll get back to your regularly scheduled builds. Most likely starting off with another of the picture builds!

2018-06-30, 04:17 PM
Also just letting people know, its going to take me a little while to get back to this again; a new competition has reared its head and begs me to put my skills to use in the competition. Once I'm done (probably soon) I'll get back to your regularly scheduled builds. Most likely starting off with another of the picture builds! So long, and thanks for all the fish!

@ lylsyly:

https://preview.ibb.co/dX7ozy/Screen_Shot_2018_06_30_at_5_11_59_PM.png (https://ibb.co/joTHsJ)

2018-07-02, 02:50 PM
Leverage Therapeutic Mantle (Incarnum) or similar on a melee toon for solid self-healing in combat, while still being combat effective.
Preferably with Trip or some similar area control to actually fulfill a "tank" role. Keep the bad guys away from the squishies in the back, make them think they are accomplishing something while poking holes in me, and then tank the damage through DR/selfheals/etc.

One idea. Lots of strikes while in Martial Spirit stance? For 4+(2*essentia) per hit.

P.S. I like moving reasonably quickly.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Shape Soulmeld: Therapeutic Mantle

Aura, Detect Opposition







Chakra Bind, Crown







Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Kusari Gama

Expanded Soulmeld Capacity, Incarnum Radiance 1/day







Chakra Bind (Feet, Hands)







Steely Resolve 5, Furious Counterstrike







Combat Expertise, Improved Trip(B)









Soldier of Light





Turn Undead, Detect Undead


Soldier of Light





Two Weapon Fighting

Divine Grace, Smite Undead


Soldier of Light





Positive Fortitude


Soldier of Light





Energon Companion


Soldier of Light





Awesome Smite

Divine Vengeance


Soldier of Light






Soldier of Light





Fast Healing 1


Soldier of Light





Combat Reflexes

Energon Companion, Positive Energy Burst


Ordained Champion





War Domain


Ordained Champion





Diehard, Smite







Cobalt Expertise

Bonus Domain, Divine Health







Slippery Mind







Lets break this down bit by bit! Incarnate 4, increases your soulmeld’s essentia capacity by 1. This means we can eventually put 5 essentia into the Therapeutic Mantle. Which means +10 healing every time it ticks. It also gives us ⅘ essentia that we need to fill the mantle. We also get some maneuverability from our bound soulmeld. Crusader 1 gives us Crusader Strike and Martial Spirit. So by level 5 we have our basis. Whenever we hit something we heal ourself for 2+2+2*essentia, this sets us up for the end game to heal ourself for 84 points of damage if we hit with all our strikes + haste. Fighter, we needed feats, we needed BAB. Enough said. And now Soldier of Light! Lovely prestige class. You get turn undead, you get smiting (more on that later) and you get the fun Energon Companions. They sit back and heal you for 1d8 (they need a ranged touch to hit you) or 1d6 (they just touch you) each round. They can boost that to 3d8+5 or 1d6 + 2d8+5 5 times per day. That means when they both snipe you from 120 ft away with their rays they heal you for a total of 2d8+24 each round (averages out to 33 healing/round) We also got ourself fast healing 1, buecase we don’t heal enough. Now we grab levels in ordained champion. 2 of them. For Smite. Smite is a fun ability that lets us turn our Turn attempts into Smite attacks using our turning level for bonuses to damage. 3+cha mod smites/day, grab a nightstick and you got yourself 7+cha mod smites/day. We aren’t dumping Cha (of course we need all our stats so…. We’re screwed in that department). These smites let us deal additional damage to any creature, and let us trigger Awesome Smite. Which gives us free trip attempts on those that we smite! YAY! Contemplative is there to give you whatever domain you want to stick onto this. And our final level of crusader gets us the better strike that heals someone (forgot what its called, doesn’t matter to much since its a standard action to activate.

So you have two kusuri Gamas, which are 1H spiked chains (keeps the reach and striking adjacent, and the bonus to trip or disarm). Allowing you to strike with your offhand weapon for more healing. You have Improved Trip and Knockdown to increase how much people are knocked down. You have awesome smite to allow you to trigger knockdown more often, and get more attacks (because you smite them, then get to trigger awesome smite’s knockdown and knockdown) and then get to hit them again.

2018-07-02, 03:06 PM
if there is any creature with a natural attack that uses swords then yes. I believe there is....

Keeper is one. Keeper has the ability mimic which allows them to grow any weapon they have ever witnessed out of their body and attack with them, it specifically counts as natural weapons and manufactured weapons (akin to monk unarmed strike) so thus would be growable via Warshaper. Interesting.

Also just letting people know, its going to take me a little while to get back to this again; a new competition has reared its head and begs me to put my skills to use in the competition. Once I'm done (probably soon) I'll get back to your regularly scheduled builds. Most likely starting off with another of the picture builds!

Psychic warrior also gets the weapon graft power.

Also graft flesh (illithid) can grant a permanent weapon graft also.

2018-07-06, 04:28 PM
ok here is one i only got to play to level 10, but I'd like to see your take on it, feel free to go nuts :D

chaotic good Human, (feel free to adjust, humanish?) Sorcerer/dragonheart mage, skill in alchemy, Day job, short order cook. (got to pay those gambling debts some how right?)




Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Draconic Heritage: Deep, Arcane Preparation, 1 flaw and EITHER Skill Focus: Craft Alchemy¹ OR Least Dragonmark of Making*

Spell Shield













Heighten Spell














Dragonheart Mage





Earth Sense, Draconic Breath

Draconic Breath 2d6


Dragonheart Mage





Draconic Arcane Grace


Dragonheart Mage






Dragonheart Mage





Earth Spell, Draconic Power


Dragonheart Mage





Draconic Breath 2d8


Dragonheart Mage











Brew Potion


Dragonheart Mage





Draconic Legacy


Dragonheart Mage






Dragonheart Mage





Magical Artisan: Brew Potion

Draconic Breath 3d6


Alchemist Savant* OR Master Alchemist¹


+8 or +10*


+13¹ or +11

Efficient Alchemy*, Poison Use* OR Brew 2/day¹


Alchemist Savant* OR Master Alchemist¹


+8 or +11*


+14¹ or +11

Brew Spellvial* OR Brew Potion 4th¹


Alchemist Savant* OR Master Alchemist¹


+9¹ or +11*


+14¹ or +12*

Efficient Alchemy 2/day* OR Brew Potion 5th¹


Alchemist Savant* OR Master Alchemist¹


+9¹ or +12*


+15¹ or +12*

Create Alchemical Mixture* OR Brew Potion 6th¹


Alchemist Savant* OR Master Alchemist¹


+9¹ or +12*


+15¹ or +12*

Brew Universal Potion*, Efficient Alchemy 3/day* OR Brew 3/day¹

Yay for splitting up the last 5 levels, that isn’t at all confusing. First 15 levels: Your a sorcerer with 1 spell level down. However you traded it to allow you to use a dragonbreath attack. Cool I guess. Oh wait what are we going to do to that. Using Arcane Preparation and Earth Spell you can heighten a spell from 0 to say 3rd. When doing this you boost your CL by 3, but it is counted as a 4th level spell. Meaning if you burn an acid splash heightened to 3rd level you deal 12d6 damage with your breath attack. Not as cool as a fireball, but still flexible. Doing the same thing and heightening an acid splash to 9th level pushes it up to a 10th level spell and lets you cast it at caster level 27. Sacrificing it allows you to deal 30d6 with a breath attack. That is a scary breath attack. Honestly I would have changed your last 5 levels from one of the alchemist classes to a full casting progression class and grabbed metabreath feats. And yes this scales into epic! Each epic feat you take you get the feat that gives you an extra spell slot at your highest spell slot level +1. Earth Spell allows you to boost your caster level into the stratosphere (example: Disintegrate Heightened to a 9th level slot deals 42d6 damage on a failed save, or can be dropped for a 30d6 aoe breath attack, with a metabreath like maximize it does 180 damage to anyone in your breath’s area or an average of 147 with disintegrate). You are a sorcerer with 9th level spells with a slight emphasis on Charm spells (you can take that if you choose to, or change your draconic heritage).

On to the alchemist classes! Alchemist Savant is an eberron class through and through. It may not be usable depending on your DM, however the same is not true for Master Alchemist. Alchemist Savant gives you the ability to bottle your single target spells and use them as thrown weapons, and you can combine them with poisons or alchemical concoctions if you are so inclined. Master Alchemist allows you to create the buff potions of higher level spells which is more traditional alchemy.

2018-07-06, 04:52 PM
There's a feat in Dragon Magazine #351 which might be useful on this build:

You possess greater magical versatility than most of those who share your dragonmark.

Prerequisite: Member of appropriate dragonmarked race and house, does not possess an existing dragonmark, sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: Add all sorcerer spells from your dragonmarked house's least, lesser, and greater dragonmarks to your list of known spells, even if you are too low of level to cast them yet (you cannot cast these spells until you are of the appropriate level to do so). You also gain a physical dragonmark, although this does not provide you with spell-like abilities. Initially, this resembles the least dragonmark of your house. When you gain the ability to cast a spell replicating the power of a lesser or greater dragonmark, your mark changes to the appropriate shape and size.

Special: Once you take this feat, you may not take Aberrant Dragonmark, Greater Dragonmark, Least Dragonmark, Lesser Dragonmark, nor may you take this feat if you already have one of these.

Also, you can get Draconic Heritage as a bonus feat as a level 1 Sorcerer using the Dragonblood Sorcerer racial sub level (from Races of the Dragon), I think that racial sub level + Silverbrow Human (Dragon Magic) might save you a Flaw.

2018-07-06, 05:59 PM
There's a feat in Dragon Magazine #351 which might be useful on this build:

You possess greater magical versatility than most of those who share your dragonmark.

Prerequisite: Member of appropriate dragonmarked race and house, does not possess an existing dragonmark, sorcerer level 1st.

Benefit: Add all sorcerer spells from your dragonmarked house's least, lesser, and greater dragonmarks to your list of known spells, even if you are too low of level to cast them yet (you cannot cast these spells until you are of the appropriate level to do so). You also gain a physical dragonmark, although this does not provide you with spell-like abilities. Initially, this resembles the least dragonmark of your house. When you gain the ability to cast a spell replicating the power of a lesser or greater dragonmark, your mark changes to the appropriate shape and size.

Special: Once you take this feat, you may not take Aberrant Dragonmark, Greater Dragonmark, Least Dragonmark, Lesser Dragonmark, nor may you take this feat if you already have one of these.

Also, you can get Draconic Heritage as a bonus feat as a level 1 Sorcerer using the Dragonblood Sorcerer racial sub level (from Races of the Dragon), I think that racial sub level + Silverbrow Human (Dragon Magic) might save you a Flaw.

That is a nice feat, and the acf would be good. I was just trying to stick to base human and core

2018-07-06, 06:09 PM
That is a nice feat, and the acf would be good. I was just trying to stick to base human and core

Well the breath weapon upcasting is really nice.

Also the feats have some potentially great synergy with Shadowcraft Mage, assuming you abandon your humanity in favor of gnomish glory (and abandon alchemy in favor of illusions). That fails the request since it's got no particular alchemy, but it's a nice & somewhat novel combo for a Sorcerer.

Mildly Inept
2018-07-07, 05:52 PM
If you're still taking requests, I'd like a dirty cleric. Human, Sacred outlaw feat, Cleric/Rogue multiclass, convinces people he's a humble and pious cleric and scams them. Wealth and Trickery domain. PrCs that fit the theme are acceptable.

2018-07-07, 11:13 PM
If you're still taking requests, I'd like a dirty cleric. Human, Sacred outlaw feat, Cleric/Rogue multiclass, convinces people he's a humble and pious cleric and scams them. Wealth and Trickery domain. PrCs that fit the theme are acceptable.

Hello Locke Lamora.

2018-07-08, 03:24 PM
Dunno if youre still taking requests, certainly no rush, have an inkling to play an earth genasi lesser planetouched duergar fighter/cleric/battlesmith/divine agent/elemental warrior. Or something along these lines, greathammer/throwing hammers, medium armor was basics of what im thinking. Going for a thematic build personally, but would like to see what someone with better optimization and greater knowledge than i would do. Again, no rush, thanks in advance if you get to it.

Edit: cleric of grumbar, domains of earth and metal, then pick up time domain as divine agent was what I was thinking.

2018-07-10, 05:32 PM
I have a fairly simple one if you're still doing requests.

I need a cultist of Zuggtmoy as a bad guy for my E6 game, CR around 3 or 4. I'd like him to have some sort of gimmick to make him a bit more memorable but inspiration hasn't struck. He'll be accompanied by a Yellow Musk Creeper and maybe a few plant "zombies".

2018-07-10, 05:55 PM
Wanted to let people I AM still doing these. Working on a warforged totemist right now.

2018-07-10, 11:55 PM
I've got one for you, with plenty of details:

Ninja Spy 4 (from OA p43). No more levels in this PrC, no less.

It must be a jumplomancer ninja who jumps instead of flying (perhaps using some kind of spider climb ability to stick to walls). Tumble will likely also be important to be able to jump+tumble through occupied enemy spaces without provoking. Tiger Claw and Shadow Hand maneuvers might be in order based on these requirements, but that's up to you.

If you're looking for a theme: brutal, Ninja Assassin (the movie) style.

No real optimization limitations, just don't make a character that's not within theme. Dark Chaos feat shuffle the exotic weapon proficiency feats if you want or make a pact insidious with the devil. The world is yours.

The challenge? Try to stuff in as many "ninja" themed skills and abilities (for intelligence, espionage, etc.) as you can while remaining optimized for combat. I'm thinking Hide and Move Silently at a bare minimum (just because of how powerful the Rules Compendium made it), but I don't really care where you go from there. You don't even have to make sneak attack the primary source of damage (it could be a spiked chain tripper if you want).

I'm partial to psionics and martial initiators for something like this, but you don't have to do either of them. Give it your own flavor if you want or think of something better.

Some ideas:
- Control Light power to make sure there is always some kind of shadow to use Hide in Plain Sight with.
- Maybe a "shadow buddy" that can help flank.
- If you go the sneak attack route, have a way to get around immunities.

2018-07-11, 09:54 AM
I'd like a level 15 totemist, no other requirements. Thanks.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Warforged Fighter





Unarmored Body

Battle Hardened







Wild Empathy, Illiteracy







Great Fortitude

Totem Chakra Bind (+1 Capacity)







Whirling Frenzy, Pounce, Illiteracy, City Brawler (unarmed strike +twf when using unarmed)







(Weapon Focus: kukri, kama, handaxe, claw, greataxe, and unarmed strike)(B)

Quick to Act (+1), Discipline Focus (Tiger Claw)







Superior Unarmed Strike

Wild Empathy, Track, Favored Enemy: Humanoid









Fist of the Forest





Feral Trance 1/day, Unarmed Strike, AC Bonus, Primal Living, Fast Movement


Fist of the Forest





Beast Strike

Uncanny Dodge, Untamed Strike


Fist of the Forest





Feral Trance 2/day, Scent


Bloodclaw Master





Shifting 1/day, Claws of the Beast


Warforged Fighter





Second Slam(B), Alertness







Energy Drain







Soul Strength







Jaws of Death

Soul Blast







Soul Enhancement







Soul Endurance







Snap Kick

Soul Radiance







Energy Drain 2







Soul Agility

What do we have here???? 13 claw attacks? 2 slams? 1 bite? 7 Unarmed Strikes? 28 negative levels in 1 round? Alright, but it has no monk levels, it can’t possibly have good unarmed damage… wait whats this? Naked it has a 2d10 punch?!? But no honestly. Every unarmed strike you do can add claw damage or slam damage as well. Meaning 2d10+1d4+str mod. This does not keep you from doing claw attacks or slam attacks as well. So we have 4 iteratives on your unarmed strike. Brawler Barbarian grants TWF specifically for unarmed strike so it should allow us a fifth strike, and Circle Kick pushes up over to 6 Unarmed Strikes. Each of these adding either claw or slam damage as well. Totemist grants us 4 additional claws. Finally since you can make an unarmed strike with any part of your body (most likely your feet) means that your hands are free, to use either 2 claws or 2 slams. I suggest claws as due to Claws of the Beast your claw attacks always use full str mod. Meaning your attack sequence is: +13/+13/+13/+8/+3/+11/+11/+11/+11/+11/+11/+11 and if any of the first 6 hits you get a final +13. Damage is 2d10+1d4+str/2d10+1d4+str/2d10+1d4+str/2d10+1d4+str/2d10+1d4+str/2d10+1d4+str/1d4+str/1d4+str/1d4+str/1d4+str/1d4+str/1d4+str/+1d6+½ str/2d10+1d4+str. Finally every single one of those attacks do 2 negative levels, grant you 5 temporary hit points, and 1 soul point which can be used for a variety of things. With barbarian you get pounce, however sometimes, you think its cheesy, or not the combat style you wish. So if you would prefer you can go Bear Totem Barbarian to get Improved Grab instead! And you are a savage grappler. You are also a swordsage with second level maneuvers in Tiger Claw. You have skill points enough to be a skill monkey, however without the relevant skills your most likely going to focus on tracking, and awareness, however you have a good selection of skills. Finally you are a savage. I believe this embodies the Neutral Evil Totemist very well.

2018-07-21, 08:02 PM
Sorry it took a while to reply, internet issues followed by a trip and then catching up but really wicked crazy fun build. Thank you very much for it.

2018-07-22, 09:06 PM
If you're still taking requests, I'd like to ask for a couple of things actually.

Firstly, something that would be a good counter to a broken as hell Tome of Battle Warrior/Psionic/Doohikey that can use his Concentration for combat and basically smack stuff down without breaking a sweat. :p

Also, some sort of non-Drow spider based character (likely a Druid I guess, though I miss the class kits from 2nd Ed). :p
Something that's all about spider pet, spider spells (like making lots of them crawl all over the place, explode from people, etc).

My wife's horribly arachnophobic. And I'm an ass. :p

2018-07-23, 12:57 AM
If you're still taking requests, I'd like to ask for a couple of things actually.

Firstly, something that would be a good counter to a broken as hell Tome of Battle Warrior/Psionic/Doohikey that can use his Concentration for combat and basically smack stuff down without breaking a sweat. :p

Also, some sort of non-Drow spider based character (likely a Druid I guess, though I miss the class kits from 2nd Ed). :p
Something that's all about spider pet, spider spells (like making lots of them crawl all over the place, explode from people, etc).

My wife's horribly arachnophobic. And I'm an ass. :p

Good thing I am too!
and... have you tried a wizard that nukes the psychic warblade from orbit?
I can do both of those, should be on my list pretty soon, just as soon as I finish making.... 20? level 7 goblins?

2018-07-29, 02:08 PM
If you still having fun with these, I had a char idea i was interested in seeing put to paper (pixel?) by some one with more skill then me, its technically a replacement char if my current game char dies,

Pixie sorcerer, as a spell-warp sniper, I'm thinking a lot of explosions like the type that could be used to assault the keep of the Big bad as well as fight a single target, maybe some utility, but offense would be the main focus of this blaster,

Any extra classes are free for you to choose, Silly things are always appreciated because if your not having fun, then whats the point :D

lets say an alt setting my GM was thinking of, the world ended sorta, villages, some city's remain, lots of dumb undead roam about,

Any 3.5 books are cool other then homebrew,

GM has a house rule that for every 2 flaws we get one extra feat.

And SR is pretty much 0 unless a class ability,spell or feat gives it to a person/monster

and if any one is wondering, this came from the idea came from my current char as well as the fact that a pixie as a siege gunner amused me to no end, little pixies in combat helmets kinda made me giggle yes,

2018-07-29, 05:41 PM
If you still having fun with these, I had a char idea i was interested in seeing put to paper (pixel?) by some one with more skill then me, its technically a replacement char if my current game char dies,

Pixie sorcerer, as a spell-warp sniper, I'm thinking a lot of explosions like the type that could be used to assault the keep of the Big bad as well as fight a single target, maybe some utility, but offense would be the main focus of this blaster,

Any extra classes are free for you to choose, Silly things are always appreciated because if your not having fun, then whats the point :D

lets say an alt setting my GM was thinking of, the world ended sorta, villages, some city's remain, lots of dumb undead roam about,

Any 3.5 books are cool other then homebrew,

GM has a house rule that for every 2 flaws we get one extra feat.

And SR is pretty much 0 unless a class ability,spell or feat gives it to a person/monster

and if any one is wondering, this came from the idea came from my current char as well as the fact that a pixie as a siege gunner amused me to no end, little pixies in combat helmets kinda made me giggle yes,

May I ask why the sorcerer entry? Don't get me wrong it's awesome and I can do it, and plan to (after I finally post Thurbane's disaster)

2018-07-29, 07:23 PM
Imagine that you have permission to treat martial scripts as spell creation items. Make a martial script artificer

2018-07-29, 09:44 PM
Imagine that you have permission to treat martial scripts as spell creation items. Make a martial script artificer

This will be fun! Will craft wondrous items work?

2018-07-29, 11:44 PM
This will be fun! Will craft wondrous items work?

Oops. Aggressive predictive text messed me up. Make that spell completion items. Scribe martial script needs to be on the build... I've been messing with this for days and keep on getting option paralysis.

Scribe martial script has a prereq of crusader or swordsage 1st level.

2018-07-30, 12:37 AM
Oops. Aggressive predictive text messed me up. Make that spell completion items. Scribe martial script needs to be on the build... I've been messing with this for days and keep on getting option paralysis.

Scribe martial script has a prereq of crusader or swordsage 1st level.

Okidoki, can this artificer use his cl or must he use his IL?

2018-07-30, 07:58 AM
Okidoki, can this artificer use his cl or must he use his IL?

IL but you can treat all prestige classes as +1 IL.

2018-07-30, 10:21 PM
May I ask why the sorcerer entry? Don't get me wrong it's awesome and I can do it, and plan to (after I finally post Thurbane's disaster)

Honestly? I just like the concept of the sorc, and though a lot of my char's tend to be at least more or less usable they tend to lean heavy on concept more then anything, I like wizards, but the idea of just inherent power just strikes me, as well I always viewed the difference between wizard and sorcerer like the difference between an engineer and an artist, have them both build a statue, and even if it looks the same, the reasons for every detail will be unique to there world view, youj know, one learns magic, the other feels magic type of thing,

2018-07-30, 11:07 PM

Makes sense, I personally was thinking maybe warmage.

2018-07-31, 01:27 PM
Came across this in my Facebook feed today (Luiz Prado Arts), and was wondering if you could make a character out of it?

Looks to me like some sort of plant-race, with a character who is able to grow his own wooden weapons out of his body...


Thurbane, I give up. My idea was to use a combination of landforged walker, a non druid base, and Verdant Lord. I wanted to get you the plant type, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't get you the plant type without messing everything else' appearance up. I've tried ~20 builds. My wife got tired of me trying and told me to just give it a break. That's why it has been a while since I've posted. I love the challenge, but in this one I have lost the idea.

2018-07-31, 02:06 PM
Thurbane, I give up. My idea was to use a combination of landforged walker, a non druid base, and Verdant Lord. I wanted to get you the plant type, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't get you the plant type without messing everything else' appearance up. I've tried ~20 builds. My wife got tired of me trying and told me to just give it a break. That's why it has been a while since I've posted. I love the challenge, but in this one I have lost the idea.When I saw this it got me thinking along the lines of some sort of wooden Effigy Creature (CA 151) subjected to Awaken Construct (SC 21) maybe with levels of Warshaper or something like that. While I know Thurbane mentioned a plant race, it looked more carved to me than natural.

I even considered the novelty of a wooden Effigy Creature (Warforged) at one point.

2018-07-31, 02:22 PM
Thurbane, I give up. My idea was to use a combination of landforged walker, a non druid base, and Verdant Lord. I wanted to get you the plant type, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't get you the plant type without messing everything else' appearance up. I've tried ~20 builds. My wife got tired of me trying and told me to just give it a break. That's why it has been a while since I've posted. I love the challenge, but in this one I have lost the idea.

Did you account for the fact that verdant lord is 3.0, and thus the control plants spell that it lists as a prereq is not the level 8 spell of 3.5 edition.

3.0s control plants became 3.5s command plants and vice versa.

2018-07-31, 03:22 PM
Thurbane, I give up. My idea was to use a combination of landforged walker, a non druid base, and Verdant Lord. I wanted to get you the plant type, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't get you the plant type without messing everything else' appearance up. I've tried ~20 builds. My wife got tired of me trying and told me to just give it a break. That's why it has been a while since I've posted. I love the challenge, but in this one I have lost the idea.

No worries, thanks for trying.

It's cheesy, but the only way I could think of was Greater Humanoid Essence + Greenbound.

2018-07-31, 04:43 PM
Did you account for the fact that verdant lord is 3.0, and thus the control plants spell that it lists as a prereq is not the level 8 spell of 3.5 edition.

3.0s control plants became 3.5s command plants and vice versa.

No I did not, I tried getting the 8th level spell early, which obviously didn't work. (Cmon Divine Crusader, let me cheese you for more!)

2018-07-31, 05:32 PM
This thread is amazing, thank you Falontani for all your work! A humble request if you're genuinely bored:

A Swift Hunter boomerang build but not using Incarnum or Psionics and no/minimal Dragon Magazine. Playable from level 1 with no required magic items (feel free to Vow of Poverty if that's remotely useful!).

As an aside, I've been wracking my brain to come up with a way of Fighter 10/UA Rogue 10 - it nets you a bunch of skill points and an extra Fighter feat over just going to Figther 20, and all it costs you is +3 BAB and some HP... I really like this thread, I love making characters and trying to problem solve and I've nowhere near the experience or knowledge you have, so I'm learning a lot from your work!



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Wild Cohort, Mounted Combat

Skirmish, Trapfinding







Track, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy







Two Weapon Fighting(B), Mounted Archery







Battle Fortitude +1, Uncanny Dodge







Fast Movement +10 ft, Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, Trackless Step







Swift Hunter

Whirling Frenzy, Fast Movement, Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC, Favored Enemy







Appraise Mount, Chosen Mount, Empathic Link







Mount Assistance, Mount Bonus Feat







Point Blank Shot(B), Boomerang Daze

Mount Healing


Halfling Outrider





Mount, Alertness, Ride Bonus


Halfling Outrider





Defensive Riding


Halfling Outrider





Boomerang Ricochet

Unbroken Charge


Halfling Outrider





Stand on the Mount


Halfling Outrider





Leap from the Saddle


Halfling Outrider





Improved Skirmish


Halfling Outrider







Halfling Outrider





Full Mounted Attack







Power Attack(B), Brutal Throw







Power Throw(B)







Alrighty right off the bat lets get this out of the way, I wish you had more feats. Mounted TWF thrown weapon builds are always feat heavy. You could use ITWF, GTWF, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, and so many more feats. But I think we got the necessities. With TWF, Rapid Shot, and Whirling Frenzy you can take -6 to hit on all attacks for the round to gain another 3 throws. IF you can not get an item like pathfinder’s blinkback belt, or a way to get more boomerangs in your hand then swap ranger’s TWF style for archery style, take advantage of rapid shot and use the gained feat to grab quick draw. You’ll end up with 1 fewer throw per round, but could then equip a shield, I guess. Your Wild Cohort progression looks like this:
Level 1 cohort: Fastieth
Level 4 cohort: Fastieth +1 HD
Level 7 cohort: Clawfoot +2 HD
Level 10 cohort: Carver +2 HD
Level 13 cohort: Great Carver +2 HD
Level 16 cohort: Great Carver +3 HD
Level 19 cohort: Swordtooth Titan +2 HD (optional, not optimal) or Great Carver +5 HD
Level 20 cohort: Swordtooth Titan +4 HD (optional, not optimal) or Great Carver +7 HD

Starting at level 17 when your mount (the Great Carver) takes only a single move action (or a charge action) you can make a full attack. So when your cohort (the Great Carver) charges into melee (Great Carver just pounced) you get a full attack of: +10/+10/+10/+10/+5/+0/-5 before adding your dex modifier or weapon enchantments. Each successful hit you do can target an adjacent target, and all of them deals boomerang damage +str +4d6 damage (if susceptible to precision damage) and you force a fort save DC 10+damage dealt (this includes your skirmish damage) or they are dazed (which means they take no action)

2018-07-31, 07:13 PM


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Wild Cohort, Mounted Combat

Skirmish, Trapfinding







Track, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy







Two Weapon Fighting(B), Mounted Archery







Battle Fortitude +1, Uncanny Dodge







Fast Movement +10 ft, Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, Trackless Step







Swift Hunter

Whirling Frenzy, Fast Movement, Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC, Favored Enemy







Appraise Mount, Chosen Mount, Empathic Link







Mount Assistance, Mount Bonus Feat







Point Blank Shot(B), Boomerang Daze

Mount Healing


Halfling Outrider





Mount, Alertness, Ride Bonus


Halfling Outrider





Defensive Riding


Halfling Outrider





Boomerang Ricochet

Unbroken Charge


Halfling Outrider





Stand on the Mount


Halfling Outrider





Leap from the Saddle


Halfling Outrider





Improved Skirmish


Halfling Outrider







Halfling Outrider





Full Mounted Attack







Power Attack(B), Brutal Throw







Power Throw(B)







Alrighty right off the bat lets get this out of the way, I wish you had more feats. Mounted TWF thrown weapon builds are always feat heavy. You could use ITWF, GTWF, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, and so many more feats. But I think we got the necessities. With TWF, Rapid Shot, and Whirling Frenzy you can take -6 to hit on all attacks for the round to gain another 3 throws. IF you can not get an item like pathfinder’s blinkback belt, or a way to get more boomerangs in your hand then swap ranger’s TWF style for archery style, take advantage of rapid shot and use the gained feat to grab quick draw. You’ll end up with 1 fewer throw per round, but could then equip a shield, I guess. Your Wild Cohort progression looks like this:
Level 1 cohort: Fastieth
Level 4 cohort: Fastieth +1 HD
Level 7 cohort: Clawfoot +2 HD
Level 10 cohort: Carver +2 HD
Level 13 cohort: Great Carver +2 HD
Level 16 cohort: Great Carver +3 HD
Level 19 cohort: Swordtooth Titan +2 HD (optional, not optimal) or Great Carver +5 HD
Level 20 cohort: Swordtooth Titan +4 HD (optional, not optimal) or Great Carver +7 HD

Starting at level 17 when your mount (the Great Carver) takes only a single move action (or a charge action) you can make a full attack. So when your cohort (the Great Carver) charges into melee (Great Carver just pounced) you get a full attack of: +10/+10/+10/+10/+5/+0/-5 before adding your dex modifier or weapon enchantments. Each successful hit you do can target an adjacent target, and all of them deals boomerang damage +str +4d6 damage (if susceptible to precision damage) and you force a fort save DC 10+damage dealt (this includes your skirmish damage) or they are dazed (which means they take no action)

Oooh! Thank you so much! I'd not even thought about going into mounted combat! Also never really had a wild cohort, so a lot of reading up to do. Thank you again, it's much appreciated!

2018-07-31, 07:39 PM
Oooh! Thank you so much! I'd not even thought about going into mounted combat! Also never really had a wild cohort, so a lot of reading up to do. Thank you again, it's much appreciated!

no problem, if you, or anyone else has questions please let me know.

I went mounted because halflings are mounted warriors naturally. Talenta halflings (the boomerang ones) ride dinosaurs. And mounted combat is perfect for skirmish damage

2018-07-31, 09:35 PM
If you're still taking requests, I'd like a dirty cleric. Human, Sacred outlaw feat, Cleric/Rogue multiclass, convinces people he's a humble and pious cleric and scams them. Wealth and Trickery domain. PrCs that fit the theme are acceptable.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Able Learner, Persuasive

Antiquarian, Sneak Attack +1d6


Cloistered Cleric





Trickery Devotion(B), Trickery Devotion(B)

Knowledge Domain, Trickery Domain (no domain power), Wealth Domain (no domain power), Turn or Rebuke Undead (Your choice!), Lore


Cloistered Cleric







Cloistered Cleric






Cloistered Cleric











Southern Magician



Prestigious Bard





Bardic Music, Inspire Courage +1, Fascinate, Bardic Knowledge


Prestigious Bard











Sacred Outlaw

Quick to Act +1, Weapon Focus: Kukri, Sneak Attack +5d6


Cloistered Cleric





Sneak Attack +6d6


Cloistered Cleric






Cloistered Cleric





Skill Focus: Knowledge Religion

Sneak Attack +7d6







Tyrant Domain, Divine Health







Slippery Mind


Divine Oracle





Trickery Devotion(B), Heighten Spell

Oracle Domain(no Domain Power), Scry Bonus +1


Cloistered Cleric






Cloistered Cleric





Sneak Attack +8d6


Cloistered Cleric





Whatever you want, I suggest Extra Turning or Divine Metamagic


Cloistered Cleric





Sneak Attack +9d6


Cloistered Cleric





With 9d6 sneak attack, evasion, and 8th level spells I say we did good! Now what did we actually get? Well let’s see. Easily a lot of skill points thanks to cloistered cleric being 4+int mod, and having nearly every skill as a class skill. We got 3+ (turn attempts/3) uses of Trickery Devotion, which is entirely fantastic with the rogue theme. You can be two places at once! Or 6 places if you so choose. However that is concentrating on a lot of different things. We got 8th level spells with 5 domains, even if you go spontaneous cleric (from unearthed arcana). We got +3 DC on all compulsion spells, and access to every BARD only spell in the game. That does include Glibness. I really wanted to find a way to get access to charm person without a beguiler dip, and I’d also like to drop a cleric level in favor of a second swordsage level, to gain access to more goodies there and wisdom to AC would be nice. There were just so many ways to go with this kind of character as usually is the case. I would say that this one lands safely in the Face category while still taking a heavy dose of caster supremacy. There was clearly a split back there that you could divert your course. If you decide you would rather step towards the darkside and gishiness you could drop prestigious bard, throw the swordsage level a bit earlier, and start taking lovely lovely Black Flame Zealot levels. Its a cleric gish with a kukri and sneak attack. Too bad it’s only half caster. Obviously we can go more fully cleric and hit 9ths by dropping prestigious bard altogether. Honestly the more I look at this build the more different paths I see, but the way I saw this character envisioned in my head is the happy go lucky rogue with gold on the mind and a lie on the tongue. When stuff gets real you throw down a command or greater command and tell everyone what’s what. And if push turns to shove, throw down a Symbol of Insanity and watch as everyone goes insane. Have fun with Geas/Quest being your bread and butter!

2018-08-01, 11:27 AM
Dunno if youre still taking requests, certainly no rush, have an inkling to play an earth genasi lesser planetouched duergar fighter/cleric/battlesmith/divine agent/elemental warrior. Or something along these lines, greathammer/throwing hammers, medium armor was basics of what im thinking. Going for a thematic build personally, but would like to see what someone with better optimization and greater knowledge than i would do. Again, no rush, thanks in advance if you get to it.

Edit: cleric of grumbar, domains of earth and metal, then pick up time domain as divine agent was what I was thinking.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Power Attack(B), Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Goliath Greathammer(B), Weapon Focus: Goliath Greathammer(B), Greensinger Initiate

Elemental Companion, Nature Sense, Earth Domain (Racial), Metal Domain (Racial)







Woodland Stride







Augment Elemental

Trackless Step







Iron Constitution







Wild Shape 1/day







Natural Spell

Wild Shape 2/day







Dwarven Armor Proficiency(B)


Planar Shepherd





Elemental Plane of Earth Planar Attunement, Elemental Compaion, Wild Shape 3/day


Planar Shepherd





Great and Small

Detect Manifest Zone, Wild Shape (Large)


Planar Shepherd





Wild Shape Magical Beast


Planar Shepherd





Plane Shift 1/day, Wild Shape 4/day


Planar Shepherd





Power Attack

Planar Bubble 1/day, Wild Shape Tiny


Planar Shepherd






Planar Shepherd





Intensify Manifest Zone


Planar Shepherd





Improved Bullrush

Plane Shift 2/day, Wild Shape 5/day


Planar Shepherd





Wild Shape Elemental, Wild Shape Outsider, Wild Shape Huge


Planar Shepherd





Shock Trooper

Planar Bubble 3/day, Planar Self







Source: Bastards and Bloodlines
"Half-elemental (earth)" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature that doesn't have a natural fly speed as a result of wings (hereafter referred to as the "base creature"). It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
AC: Natural Armor improves by +4.
Speed: The creature gains a natural burrow speed of 30 ft. If the creature had a natural fly or swim speed greater than 30 ft., increase the burrow speed to match. Lose any natural fly or swim speed.
Special Attacks: A half-elemental (earth) retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those listed below.
Spell-Like Abilities: Half-Elementals (earth) gain spell-like abilities based on their Hit Dice, as noted below. These abilities are usuable once per day. they are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of the same level as the half-elemental's Hit Dice.
1-3: Magic Stone
4-5: Soften Earth and Stone
6-8: Stone Shape
9-10: Spike Stones
11-13: Wall of Stone
14-15: Stoneskin
16-18: Earthquake
19+: Iron Body
Spells: Half-Elementals (earth) with a wisdom score of at least 12 can cast spells as either a druid or cleric (but not both) of a level equal to one-half their HD. A half-elemental may not cast any spell with the air descriptor.
Special Qualities: A half-elemental (earth) retains all the special qualities of the base creature, and gains the special qualities listed below.
Earth Mastery (Ex): A half-elemental (earth) gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and it's foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the half-elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifies are not included in the stat block.)
Push (Ex): A half-elemental (earth) can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers in Earth Master, above, also apply to the half-elemental's opposed strength checks.
Resilience (Ex): half-elemental (earth) gain a +4 racial bonus to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning saving throws. half-elemental (earth) have a 25% chance of ignoring the result of any critical hit or sneak attack, instead taking normal damage from such attacks.
Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Con +2
Feats: half-elemental (earth) gain Power Attack as a bonus feat.
Level Adjustment: +4.

Alright, so we have 18 levels, that isn’t quite a normal build here. But hey when your rocking an LA +4 that’s what happens! Lesser Duergar Haf Earth Elemental. You gain casting as a 9th level cleric and a 17th level druid. You have goliath greathammer proficiency and all armor proficiencies. See if your DM will allow it as me and my groups usually allow it, but full stone armor should be a thing when you combine magic and dwarves. We house rule it to be 1.5x as heavy, and obviously it has the hardness of stone rather than metal. Anyways you have 9th level spellcasting, a cool set of spell like abilities, and potency as a martial. Are you going to be as powerful as a fighter in melee? Nope, but will they be able to turn into a huge elemental? Probably not. In normal form throw up a SLA Enlarge Person, then use wild shape uses to increase your size further, otherwise enchant your hammer with sizing, use a free action to drop your goliath warhammer, turn into an outsider or a huge elemental, next round pick your hammer back up and you have an enchanted hammer that you can use with the strength score that you’ll be enjoying. Also love shock trooper! A form to note:
Earth Weird! Elemental Command lets you take control of anything with the earth subtype if they fail a will save that seems to be either wis or cha based, gain sorcerer casting as an 18th level sorcerer with access to the destruction and earth domains, and gains a pretty epic Earth Pool.

This is for a cosmology that isn’t eberron, if you choose Eberron then you get to grab Lammania which opens up your options greatly to include Djinn/Efreet, all the elementals, and nearly any magical beast.

2018-08-01, 04:56 PM
I've got one for you, with plenty of details:

Ninja Spy 4 (from OA p43). No more levels in this PrC, no less.

It must be a jumplomancer ninja who jumps instead of flying (perhaps using some kind of spider climb ability to stick to walls). Tumble will likely also be important to be able to jump+tumble through occupied enemy spaces without provoking. Tiger Claw and Shadow Hand maneuvers might be in order based on these requirements, but that's up to you.

If you're looking for a theme: brutal, Ninja Assassin (the movie) style.

No real optimization limitations, just don't make a character that's not within theme. Dark Chaos feat shuffle the exotic weapon proficiency feats if you want or make a pact insidious with the devil. The world is yours.

The challenge? Try to stuff in as many "ninja" themed skills and abilities (for intelligence, espionage, etc.) as you can while remaining optimized for combat. I'm thinking Hide and Move Silently at a bare minimum (just because of how powerful the Rules Compendium made it), but I don't really care where you go from there. You don't even have to make sneak attack the primary source of damage (it could be a spiked chain tripper if you want).

I'm partial to psionics and martial initiators for something like this, but you don't have to do either of them. Give it your own flavor if you want or think of something better.

Some ideas:
- Control Light power to make sure there is always some kind of shadow to use Hide in Plain Sight with.
- Maybe a "shadow buddy" that can help flank.
- If you go the sneak attack route, have a way to get around immunities.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Point Blank Shot

Quick to Act +1, Weapon Focus: Dagger


Hit and Run Fighter





Precise Shot(B)

Dex to damage vs flat footed







Combat Expertise, Rapid Shot







Favored Enemy, Track, Wild Empathy







Two Weapon Fighting(B)







Desert Wind Dodge

Advanced Spelunker


Master Thrower





Quick Draw

Palm Throw


Master Thrower







Ninja Spy





Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Shuriken(B), Darkstalker

Poison Use, Ki breath


Ninja Spy





Slow Fall 20 ft, Improved Evasion, Sneak Attack +1d6







Underdark Affinity, Hide of Stone +1







Improved Trip

Lesser Cavesense







Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain(B)

Exotic Weapon Style


Ninja Spy





Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Kusari Gama(B)

Leap of the Clouds, Acrobatics +10


Ninja Spy






Slow Fall 30 ft, Hide in Plain Sight







AC Bonus


Psychic Warrior





Combat Reflexes(B)







Shadow Blade, Psicrystal Affinity(B)













Insightful Strikes

You have a lot of skills to mess around with here, and not much more that is actually required. Your fighting style consists of either ranged or melee, up to you. When you range you have 12 thrown shuriken attack in one full attack action each made at -4 to hit. Using your power points and some use magic device each one of these shuriken should have some sort of poison on them, and should probably be made of fire (no evidence, deals more damage, the eternal wand pays for itself). When you melee you have two spiked chains with the normal range of a spiked chain and you have yourself the usual tripping feats. You have some pretty awesome maneuvers capping out at 6th level maneuvers. When you melee with a shadow hand (or tiger claw) maneuver you get str to hit, str to dmg, dex to dmg, wis to dmg, and if they are flat footed take another dex to damage! If your dead set on swapping out using dark shuffle (I wouldn’t mind actually) swap kusari gama for an ambush feat, swap weapon focus dagger for weapon focus shuriken, and turn weapon focus shuriken into whatever you’d like (probably poison related), finally lesser drow have a large number of exotic weapon proficiencies you can swap out.

2018-08-02, 05:51 PM
If you're still taking requests, I'd like to ask for a couple of things actually.

Firstly, something that would be a good counter to a broken as hell Tome of Battle Warrior/Psionic/Doohikey that can use his Concentration for combat and basically smack stuff down without breaking a sweat. :p




Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Persuasive, Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike

Jester's Audacity +1, Jester's Performance, Fascinate, Inspiring Quip







Deflect Arrows(B)





















Snatch Arrows(B)

Jester’s Audacity +2







Combat Expertise

Calming Performance


Battle Dancer





AC Bonus, Unarmed Strike







Soul Binding 1 Vestige







Improved Disarm

Pact Augmentation: +2 Initiative


Thug Fighter





Combat Reflexes


Divine Crusader





Aura, Tyrrany Domain


Divine Crusader





Grappling Block


Mystic Theurge






Mystic Theurge






Mystic Theurge





Spell Focus: Enchantment


Mystic Theurge






Mystic Theurge






Mystic Theurge





Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment


Mystic Theurge






Mystic Theurge





Let’s See here. Command as a Jester spell, as a Divine Crusader Spell, and as a ⅕ rounds spell means you’ll be casting command… a lot, and with a DC of 16+cha mod that isn’t bad. Use your words carefully and you can win many enemies with just this! Next up we have Greater Command at DC 20+cha mod, which is very practical when used on warriors with low will saves. Now we get to Taunt! As a standard action you begin the taunt and keep it up as a free action each round. You mess with their tactics if they fail a will save DC 18+cha mod, by forcing one melee of your choice to focus entirely on you, and they will keep attempting to reach you. When they finally reach you, you just take their weapon from them. When you know they are about to reach you cast True Strike, hold an action for it! But the reason for a Jester here, is that if your going to be facing a doom and gloom psionic gish you can’t take them seriously! If you settle to fight them fair you are going to lose! In this thread alone it is blatantly obvious that martials are much more powerful than they are often given credit, however that is because combat is all they are usually good at. So you turn a combat encounter into something that isn’t their specialty, just like you would with a mage. Mage’s are great until you rip their magic from them, martials are great until you rip their combat from them! Oh and if you want you can make this guy good aligned, throw in two flaws, and give them the Vow of Nonviolence. Because that’s what he is.

2018-08-03, 12:59 PM
Here I was, thinking maybe you'd forgotten about me. Very interesting build, lots to think about, thanks.

Edit: am I missing where the casting as a 9th level cleric comes from?

2018-08-03, 01:29 PM
Here I was, thinking maybe you'd forgotten about me. Very interesting build, lots to think about, thanks.

Edit: am I missing where the casting as a 9th level cleric comes from?

Racial, check the template

2018-08-03, 04:42 PM
Racial, check the template
Ok. And I thought the descriptions in RoS said that dwarves are proficient with the dwarven armors, so why the feat?

2018-08-03, 09:03 PM
If you're still taking requests, I'd like to ask for a couple of things actually.

Also, some sort of non-Drow spider based character (likely a Druid I guess, though I miss the class kits from 2nd Ed). :p
Something that's all about spider pet, spider spells (like making lots of them crawl all over the place, explode from people, etc).

My wife's horribly arachnophobic. And I'm an ass. :p



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features







Quickchange, Verminfriend

Aranea Racial Traits







Eldritch Blast +1d6









Master of Flies





Practiced Spellcaster: Warlock

Summon Swarm, Eldritch Blast +3d6


Master of Flies





Swarm Shape 1/day


Master of Flies





Swarm Shape 2/day, Pied Piper


Master of Flies





Ability Focus: Poison

Swarm Shape 3/day


Master of Flies





Swarm Shape: Plague, Insect Plague


Master of Flies





Swarm Shape 4/day


Master of Flies





Improved Natural Attack: Swarm

Swarm Shape 5/day, Flyblown


Master of Flies





Swarm Shape: Doom, Creeping Doom


Master of Flies





Swarm Shape 6/day, Awaken Vermin


Master of Flies





Poison Spell

Swarm Leap


Eldritch Theurge





DR 1/Cold Iron


Eldritch Theurge





Fiendish Resilience 1


Eldritch Theurge





Spiderfriend Magic

Spellblast, Eldritch Blast +4d6


Eldritch Theurge





DR 2/Cold Iron


Eldritch Theurge





Eldritch Spellweave, Eldritch Blast +5d6

Soooo what can this do? It can use Eldritch Spear from 250 ft away and apply a web to the area that it hits. That’s fun. It has a nearly unlimited supply of spider swarms… okay when I said nearly unlimited I meant you spent an invocation on Summon Swarm so you have an unlimited number of swarms! Now you have Creeping Doom 10 times per day, which summons 5 swarms of centipedes (which you simply reflavor as more spiders). You have Insect Plague 10 times per day which summons 3 swarms of locust (which you simply reflavor as flying spiders). You have at will Summon Swarm which summons a single swarm of spiders that last for concentration +2 rounds (so you can have at most 3 of these out at once). That means that with some prep time you can have 83 swarms of spiders plus yourself! You yourself can teleport through the swarms at will, and you have casting as a ninth level sorcerer (which isn’t the best) but you have some fun things to combine it with! Spellblast and Spellweave are fun abilities to use, Awaken Vermin and Handle Animal (affecting vermin) means you’ll have several “companions” that are spiders. You deal a good amount of damage with your swarm attack since swarm damage is based off of Hit Dice. You can channel touch spells through your swarm attack meaning Hideous Blow doesn’t require a roll to hit. Add in Poison Spell to your Hideous Blow which allows you to turn self produced Aranea Venom into a component.

Long story short, lots of spiders, lots of webs, lots of poison.

2018-08-03, 11:55 PM
Your level chart is off a bit. Starting at 5? And some levels are doubled?

2018-08-04, 02:52 AM
Your level chart is off a bit. Starting at 5? And some levels are doubled?

3 Hd, 2 la. La buyoff at levels displayed

2018-08-04, 04:31 AM
Ooooh kay. Build I could never quite get to work was someone who could Awaken enemy minions mid combat.

Basically imagine if the Awaken line of spells (and Incarnate Construct too, cuz why not) could be used to make an anemy mook friendly and self aware right there during combat.

Closest I got was Arcane Archer or magic items that store spells like traps.

Any 3.x allowed including magazine content (several of the Awaken variants are 3.0 and Dragon content after all).
No homebrew please.

3rd party isn't a dealbreaker just a can of worms best left avoided.

Additionally being able to Mineralize Warrior during combat would be amazing too.

EDIT: Oh yeah, getting past Golem magic immunity is a must. Somehow.
Ethergaunt tech, or Gnome Artificer of Lantan tech could maybe do it.
Pathfinder tech could definitely do it but this is. 3.x build.

2018-08-05, 01:04 PM
3 Hd, 2 la. La buyoff at levels displayed
Oh, I see.

2018-08-06, 02:30 AM
Soooo what can this do? It can use Eldritch Spear from 250 ft away and apply a web to the area that it hits. That’s fun. It has a nearly unlimited supply of spider swarms… okay when I said nearly unlimited I meant you spent an invocation on Summon Swarm so you have an unlimited number of swarms! Now you have Creeping Doom 10 times per day, which summons 5 swarms of centipedes (which you simply reflavor as more spiders). You have Insect Plague 10 times per day which summons 3 swarms of locust (which you simply reflavor as flying spiders). You have at will Summon Swarm which summons a single swarm of spiders that last for concentration +2 rounds (so you can have at most 3 of these out at once). That means that with some prep time you can have 83 swarms of spiders plus yourself! You yourself can teleport through the swarms at will, and you have casting as a ninth level sorcerer (which isn’t the best) but you have some fun things to combine it with! Spellblast and Spellweave are fun abilities to use, Awaken Vermin and Handle Animal (affecting vermin) means you’ll have several “companions” that are spiders. You deal a good amount of damage with your swarm attack since swarm damage is based off of Hit Dice. You can channel touch spells through your swarm attack meaning Hideous Blow doesn’t require a roll to hit. Add in Poison Spell to your Hideous Blow which allows you to turn self produced Aranea Venom into a component.
I remember writing kind of the same build, but on levels 1-7 :
- use Aranea monster class described in Savage Species
- replace innate sorcerer spellcasting with innate warlock spellcasting

Main idea there was that a PC female drow cleric of Lolth died in The World's Largest Dungeon. The drow head suddenly found some kind of sentience again and spider legs, eat the reminder of the corpse, and went its way in the dungeon as a baby aranea... before being killed by PCs again.

2018-08-06, 12:10 PM
Came across this in my Facebook feed today (Luiz Prado Arts), and was wondering if you could make a character out of it?

Looks to me like some sort of plant-race, with a character who is able to grow his own wooden weapons out of his body...


Thurbane, I give up. My idea was to use a combination of landforged walker, a non druid base, and Verdant Lord. I wanted to get you the plant type, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't get you the plant type without messing everything else' appearance up. I've tried ~20 builds. My wife got tired of me trying and told me to just give it a break. That's why it has been a while since I've posted. I love the challenge, but in this one I have lost the idea.

Hmm, making a wooden sword...

Soulknife 2 / Cleric 3 (travel, ___) / Landforged Walker 5 / Soulbow 10 -> low-ish power (level 4 spells at level 20) but might be fun, theme all your class-generated weapons as wood.

Incarnate 2 (law) / Cleric 3 (travel, law) / Landforged Walker 5 / Sapphire Hierarch 10 -> high-ish power (gets level 9 spells at ECL 20), you'll have to bind a soulmeld to get your sword but that's quite reasonable, it grows from your soul-energy so it's reasonable to make it some odd substance. Note that Law is required (as a domain and an alignment), and that the Incarnate Weapon for Law is a longsword, so that fits the picture too.

Cloistered Cleric is even better, especially if you take it at level 1, but either of these is doable with regular Cleric.

2018-08-06, 05:20 PM
When I first saw the request I was thinking the Woodling template and soulknife mixed with a little DM cooperation.....

2018-08-07, 12:31 AM
If you still having fun with these, I had a char idea i was interested in seeing put to paper (pixel?) by some one with more skill then me, its technically a replacement char if my current game char dies,

Pixie sorcerer, as a spell-warp sniper, I'm thinking a lot of explosions like the type that could be used to assault the keep of the Big bad as well as fight a single target, maybe some utility, but offense would be the main focus of this blaster,

Any extra classes are free for you to choose, Silly things are always appreciated because if your not having fun, then whats the point :D

lets say an alt setting my GM was thinking of, the world ended sorta, villages, some city's remain, lots of dumb undead roam about,

Any 3.5 books are cool other then homebrew,

GM has a house rule that for every 2 flaws we get one extra feat.

And SR is pretty much 0 unless a class ability,spell or feat gives it to a person/monster

and if any one is wondering, this came from the idea came from my current char as well as the fact that a pixie as a siege gunner amused me to no end, little pixies in combat helmets kinda made me giggle yes,



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Pixie Battle Sorcerer





Concentration +4, Spellcraft +4, Hide +2, Move Silently +2

Point Blank Shot



Battle Sorcerer





Concentration +5, Spellcraft +5, Hide +2.5, Move Silently +2.5


Battle Sorcerer





Concentration +6, Spellcraft +6, Hide +3, Move Silently +3

Weapon Focus Ray


Battle Sorcerer





Concentration +7, Spellcraft +7, Hide +3.5, Move Silently +3.5


Battle Sorcerer





Concentration +8, Spellcraft +8, Hide +4, Move Silently +4


Battle Sorcerer





Concentration +9, Spellcraft +9, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Sleight of Hand +1

Ranged Recall


Battle Sorcerer





Concentration +10, Spellcraft +10, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Sleight of Hand +2


Battle Sorcerer





Concentration +11, Spellcraft +11, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Sleight of Hand +3







Concentration +12, Spellcraft +12, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Sleight of Hand +3, Swift Concentration

Martial Study: Shadow Jaunt

Assassin’s Stance, Weapon Aptitude, Battle Clarity


Spellwarp Sniper





Concentration +13, Spellcraft +13, Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Swift Concentration



Spellwarp Sniper





Concentration +14, Spellcraft +14, Hide +6, Move Silently +6, Sleight of Hand +5, Swift Concentration

Sudden Raystrike +1d6


Spellwarp Sniper





Concentration +15, Spellcraft +15, Hide +6, Move Silently +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Swift Concentration, Conceal Spellcasting

Silent Spell

Precise Shot


Spellwarp Sniper





Concentration +16, Spellcraft +16, Hide +7, Move Silently +7, Sleight of Hand +7, Swift Concentration, Conceal Spellcasting

Sudden Raystrike +2d6


Spellwarp Sniper





Concentration +16, Spellcraft +16, Hide +8, Move Silently +8, Sleight of Hand +8, Swift Concentration, Conceal Spellcasting, False Theurgy

Ray Mastery


Uncanny Trickster





Concentration +17, Spellcraft +17, Hide +9, Move Silently +9, Sleight of Hand +9, Knowledge Arcana +4, Swift Concentration, Conceal Spellcasting, False Theurgy

Still Spell

Bonus Trick, Favored Trick, Sudden Raystrike +3d6


Uncanny Trickster





Concentration +17, Spellcraft +17, Hide +9, Move Silently +9, Sleight of Hand +9, Knowledge Arcana +4, Escape Artist +7, Disable Device +4 Swift Concentration, Conceal Spellcasting, False Theurgy

Bonus Trick, Favored Trick


Uncanny Trickster





Concentration +17, Spellcraft +17, Hide +10, Move Silently +9, Sleight of Hand +9, Knowledge Arcana +4, Escape Artist +7, Disable Device +7, Decipher Script +7 Swift Concentration, Conceal Spellcasting, False Theurgy

Bonus Trick, Favored Trick, Sudden Raystrike +4d6


Arcane Trickster





Concentration +19, Spellcraft +19, Hide +10, Move Silently +11, Sleight of Hand +10, Knowledge Arcana +4, Escape Artist +7, Disable Device +7, Decipher Script +7 Swift Concentration, Conceal Spellcasting, False Theurgy

Deceptive Spell

Ranged Legerdemain 1/day


Arcane Trickster





Concentration +21, Spellcraft +21, Hide +11, Move Silently +12, Sleight of Hand +11, Knowledge Arcana +4, Escape Artist +7, Disable Device +7, Decipher Script +7 Swift Concentration, Conceal Spellcasting, False Theurgy

Sneak Attack +3d6


Arcane Trickster





Concentration +23, Spellcraft +23, Hide +12, Move Silently +13, Sleight of Hand +12, Knowledge Arcana +4, Escape Artist +7, Disable Device +7, Decipher Script +7 Swift Concentration, Conceal Spellcasting, False Theurgy

Impromptu Sneak Attack 1/day

18/20 casting! Actually decent BAB on a spellcaster??? 10d6 ray sneak attack damage from 60 ft away is actually fairly decent, and I managed to fit a large amount of skills on here. 8 at 2+int mod, 3 at 8+int mod, and 9 at 4+int mod is actually fairly decent.

Remember: Volley rules are that you only get precision based damage on the first shot of the round if you use a standard action to activate it. If you take a full round action you get full precision damage (one/hit). A standard action Scorching ray will deal 26d6 damage. If you cast a Stilled Scorching Ray as a Full Round Action you deal 56d6 points of damage. Disintegrate deals 46d6 damage for comparison. With Spellwarp you can turn any spell into a ray spell, meaning a Meteor Swarm ray spell will deal either 72d6 in total (48d6 bludgeoning, 24d6 fire) or 42d6 (18d6 bludgeoning, 24d6 fire). Finally there are some weird ones! Chain Missile as a ray spell could deal 110d4+11, or it could deal 11d4, or it could even deal 20d4. So… yea!
Another confusing one: Vampiric Touch… as a ray. Each round you get 1 touch attack (normal) the area of the spell becomes Ray, however it has no area, its range stays the same (which is touch)... soooo nothing changes but it is counted as a ray for sudden raystrike?

I just wrote that whole above description somehow thinking I got 10d6 ray sneak attack, please lower that to 7d6 and adjust all numbers down. My bad.

2018-08-07, 03:46 AM
Hey Falontani,

I have 2 ideas of characters that i would like to have your wealth of knowledge help me out with. Just for some basic info we utilize a 32 point buy for these characters starting stats at 10 and also the Pathfinder Feat Progression.

1st im looking for a level 20 Character who may or may not have made a pact with a demon for Immense power to usher the demons to conquer our world. How the character fights is not really that important so any way you think is best. The character will Slay his master once he hits that level say 20 and will then begin ruling over that demons Legion (the character will be played from time to time but mainly just to try and score some PK's. All of 3.5 is allowed minus psionics.

2nd character would be a form of a spellsword using magic for enhanced mobility and burst damage while in melee form also looking to be level 20. (if you have read the book Ascend Online basing it of the main character in the book). Overall a good character who yet again would be used alot more so for story aspects of our campaign and to save the players when the potential bad guy from above shows up.

I know its not alot to go on but if you could help me out it would be awesome like i said previous psionics are not allowed in our world along with no additional homebrewed stuff other then our own and also we have a our races built for our world i will post them here for you to pick from.

Wood Elves
Wood Elves find home in the Le Almaarea Taur Forest of San’Susia, and claim Rosenburg as their Capital. While many visit the lands of San’Susia very few venture far from the river or outskirts of the Le Almaarea Forest. It’s not so much that the elves are hostile, but the forest is a dangerous place for the ill-prepared. Wood Elves are short usually standing 5feet tall, and have slender but muscular builds. Their hair color ranges from every color of autumn as well as their eyes. They have great respect for nature in all of its forms and most members in the High Druidic Council are rumored to be Wood Elves themselves. Wood elves are considered Fey and elves for all intent and purposes.
• +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution
• Low-Light Vision
• Qick Reflexes Improved Initiative for free
• 40 Movement speed
• Wood Elves are strictly found in the great forest of San’Susia, and ofen learn to climb through the forest at an early age. They have a climb speed of 20f and receive a +8 on all climb checks.
• Once per day, a Wood Elf may commune with Animals as the spell Speak with Animals
• Wood Elves are immune to magical sleep efects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made again enchantment spells and efects
• Wood Elves always treat Survival and Knowledge (Nature) as class skills.
• Starting languages: Elven and may choose from the following with a high intelligence: Common (New Balor), Old Balor, Peoples Langauge, Goblin.
High Elves
High Elves are distant cousins of the Wood Elves. Over the eons since the fall of the Old Balor Empire, a sect of elves started to embrace the arcane more so than nature, and adopted more of a human life-style, as they prefer city dwelling than that in the forest. They stand tall (6f) and lean, ofen with blonde or brown hair and brown eyes. High Elves are renown for their magical talents and many High Elves have found a home in the City of Towers. They ofen make great Sorcerers, Bards, or Wizards. High Elves are considered people of the Fey for all purposes as well as elves.
• +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
• Low-Light Vision
• High Elves have a strong afinity towards the arcane arts and may cast comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, faerie fire, obscure object, sanctuary, and read magic once per day. They must have an intelligence score of 11 or higher to do so.
• Their magical innate ability allows a constant efect of non-detection targeted on them, and they receive a +1 to caster level on all abjuration magic. They also receive a +1 to DC for all spells cast from the enchantment school. If the High Elf has a Charisma of 15 or higher, they may cast Charm Person once per day as a spell like ability. (
• High Elves are, much like their brethren, immune to magical sleep efects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and efects.
• High Elves gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition they also receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraf checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
• High Elves are accustomed to city dwelling, and know how to make their way around socially. They receive a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Sense Motive checks made to get a hunch about a social situation.
• High Elves start with New Balor and Elven, with high intelligence may pick additional languages.
Shemdelver has not seen an Empire since the Old Balor Empire, except for the Peoples Republic, who has colonies all across the Realm Shemdelver. The people of the Peoples Republic are known as Citizens. They have, by some method, gain the gods favor and have been bless by them, separating them from the rest of the Hume race. They look just as humans do (and come in various shapes, sizes, color) but tend to have a single angelic feature – fair skin, blue eyes, or the likes. Citizens are Humans with the sub-type (Outsider).
• +4 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity, - 2 Intelligence
• Outsider: Dark Vision
• Citizens have a natural connection to the divine, gaining a +2 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks, and Citizens cast spells with the good or light descriptor at +1 Caster Level. Lastly, they receive DR 5/magic.
• Citizens have vowed to vanquish all demons or devils that cross their path and are highly trained in fighting them. They receive a +1 on atack rolls against these creatures
• The People of the Republic are known for their negation skills, they may roll twice when making a bluf or diplomacy skill check once per day and take the beter roll
• The divine blood that runs through a Citizens veins gives them a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against diseases and mind-afecting efects.
• Starts with the Peoples Language, and New Balor. High Intelligence may acquire additional languages.
The peak of Steam technology, these automated constructs are fueled by steam technology and controlled by a living soul deep inside the constructs chest. Various people of Shemdelver have traded in their body for that of a Clockwork, and others may have been forced. Once the soul is locked into the Clockwork body, the memory of the Clockworks previous life fades into nothingness. They stand 6f – 7f tall, and are ofen made of various parts wood and metal. Clockworks are known for their ferocity on the batlefield, if nothing else. Clock works are Constructs, and follow construct rules unless stated below.
• +4 Strength, -2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence
• If hit below 0 hit points, but still not dead, the Clockwork can continue to fight. If he does the clockwork is staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. He still dies when its hit points reach a negative amount equal to its constitution score.
• Clockworks can not be raised or resurrected. They do not eat, sleep, or breathe unless they wish to. Lastly Clockworks receive +2 bonus on saving throws from disease, mind-afecting efects, poison, and efects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue.
• Once per day, if injured, a Clockwork may go into a frenzy for 1 minute: +2 bonus to Constitution & Strength, and a -2 to AC. A bellow of steam comes out of the Clockworks crevices as he rages.
• Clockworks receive a +10 movement speed when charging, running, or withdrawing, powered by steam technology they are capable of such burst of speed.
• Clockworks metal and wood structure gives him a +2 bonus to Natural Armor.
• New Balor, with High Intelligence may choose from (Draconic, Elven, Old Balor, Drawven).
During the rule of the Old Balor Empire, it was common practice for the demons to be sexual pray of Humes; or Humes giving their body to the demons for political power. Because of this the blood of Humes and demons has intermingled to create the race of a Asura. Asuras typically look just like Humes, except their skin has a reddish tint, cat-like eyes, and small horns protrude from their forehead. Lastly they have a red long devil like tail. Asuras are usually looked upon as outsiders and with great distrust. They serve as a constant reminder of the dark clutches the Old Balor Empire once had over Shemdelver. They rule, with the Humes, the Old Balor Empire, where they wish to cleanse their heritage and wrongs of their demonic ancestors.
• +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
• Asurans blood is tainted with that of outsiders, and are considered native outsiders. They have dark vision up to 60f, as well as Low-Light Vision. (4)
• As they are atuned to Hades, they are with fire. Asurans are treated as +1 level higher when casting spells with the fire descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, using bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline, using the revelations of the oracle’s flame mystery, and determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage. This trait does not give members of this race early access to level-based powers. Asurans with a charisma of 11 or higher may cast the following once per day: dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The caster level for these spell-like abilities is equal to the users character level. (3)
• Asurans have tails which may do 1d8 plus strength damage. The reach is 5 feet and may be used to make atacks of opportunity. (3)
• The Asurans are all well aware of their history in hopes of not repeating the same mistake once again. Asurans gains a +2 on all Ancient History Knowledge checks. (2)
• Ferociously stubborn they gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm/compulsion) sub-schools. If they fail such a save, the Asuran gets another save the next round at the same DC. If a similar ability (such as rogue’s slippery mind) is gained by the Asuran, they may not use this ability and that ability the at the same time, but one afer another. (2)
• Asurans are well integrated within their own society as well as others, finding it optimal in order to keep the peace. Asurans gain a +1 bonus on Bluf, Disguise, and Knowledge (local) checks.
• Starts with New Balor and Common, with high intelligence may choose additional languages.
Dwarfs hail from the Confederate Tribes of Mal’lichkar. Most of them are ofen found in the Frozen Hills to the North or the Southern Mountains which define their border with the New Balor Empire. Dwarfs rarely venture out of their own lands. They are a very proud people with strong traditions and a strict caste system. They make great warriors and craf some of the best Airships, armor, and metal weapons the Realm has ever seen.
• +2 Strength, +4 Constitution
• Outsider (Earth)
• 60 feet Dark vision
• Dwarfs move at a speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
• Dwarfs are incredibly resilient, receiving a +2 to all Saving Throws.
• The hardy folk of the dwarfs have a natural resistance to magic of all kinds. They have a spell Resistance of 6 + character level. (2)
• The crafsmanship of Dwarfs are known through out Shemdelver. All dwarfs receive a +2 racial bonus on all Craf or Profession checks to create objects from stone or metal.
• All Dwarves are considered proficient with all Hammers – exotic included.
• Drawven, with high intelligence may choose New Balor, Elven, Draconic, Peoples Language.
Goblins hail from the swamplands surrounded by the Jagged Reach Mountains, the place is called Abbaklernic. Goblins were originally on the side of the Old Balor Empire, but quickly were traded and enslaved by the demonic forces. They played a crucial part in the overthrow of the Old Balor Empire, and their alliance with the other humanoids have drastically changed, as goblins are typically either chaotic or neutral, but as evil as any human, and have relations with the other races just the same. Goblins are known for being very outspoken, loud, and rude. Their jokes are ofen misunderstood by other people of Shemdelver as racist, and find their opinions closed minded and absurd. They are very small, ranging from 2.5-3.5 feet, and have black beady eyes and dark hairless reddish skin. They have shown a knack for steam technology, and ofen find themselves as the sole reverse engineers of steamcraf technology.
• -2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, -2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence. Goblins are extremely Dexterous and fairly intelligent. Unfortunately, there brashness and honesty tends not to win over others. 6 points
• Goblins are small in stature (standing nearly 2-3f tall). +1 size bonus to atack rolls, -1 CMD, +4 Stealth checks.
• Goblins are home within wetlands, receiving a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks in this terrain type. (1)
• Goblins are an incredibly curious and inventive people, credited with bringing the SteamTek Age to Shemdelver. They hold this position as a badge of honor. Goblins receive a +1 on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. They are also treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafed themselves. (2)
• Dark Vision (60f) (2)
• A Goblins smile is worth a thousands words, and one brutal bite. A goblins bite is considered primary, unless they goblin is wielding a manufactured weapon, which is then a secondary atack. A bite does 1d3 damage. (2)
• Goblins look at sneaking and Worg riding as an art and part of their cultural heritage. They always treat Sneak and Ride as class skills.
• Goblins start with New Balor and Goblin as their languages. They may have more if they have a high intelligence.
Humes can be found scatered across Shemdelver. They are ofen found in trading hubs and metropolises around the world. Most Humes hail from the New Balor Empire, and share this state with the Asurans. The Capital of the New Balor Empire is Carolinapolis. Humans are known best for their versatility and ambition, which is either envy by others, or seen as a flawed trait by some. They are also found in the City of Towers. While the Peoples Republic was heavily populated with Humes, since the appearance of the Citizens, most have migrated to their ancestor’s homeland – the
New Balor Empire. It’s dificult for others to pinpoint a Humes perspective on life besides the will to succeed and the thirst for individual freedom. The best of them are humble and gracious, the worse remind the other races they wouldn’t exist without the Humes interference with nature and magic – though they tend to leave out the scar of the Old Balor Empire.
• Humes receive one +2 any one stat, due to the variety of physical and mental abilities Humes have within their ranks. 0
• Medium: As Medium creatures, Humes have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Humes base land speed is 30 feet.
• Humes may choose two extra skill which is always a class skill for them. 2
• Humes receive one bonus feat at first level, and a free exotic weapon proficiency. Centuries ago, the Hume race freed themselves from the enslavement of the Old Balor Empire, and leading the other races to freedom. The have zealously trained in the art of war since then, wishing to protect themselves and their families. 6
• Humes are multi-talented and diverse and may have two favored classes at 1st level and gain a +1 hit points or +1 skill rank whenever they take a level in either of those classes. (2)
• At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, Humes gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice in any skill. Their diversity and dedication to all things gives them an edge in focusing on many aspects of life.
• Humes speak New Balor and may choose any other language if they have a high enough intelligence.
• Kobolds are small in stature (standing nearly 2-3f tall). +1 size bonus to atack rolls, -1 CMD, +4 Stealth checks.
• +4 Charisma, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 Strength
• Kobolds are use to the caves of their mountains. Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds Kobolds for one round, and they are dazzled as long as they remain in that area. This is ofen overcome (to a degree) via a special pair of goggles adventurers and traders of the race wear.
• As the Age of the Gods have grown in length, so has many miracles across the lands. One of these are Kobolds are naturally born with Draconian like wings. Though not good enough to fly, they grant a +4 fly bonus if flight is goten by other means. Their wings do grant some lif when jumping, however, Kobolds are always considered to have a running start when making acrobatic checks.
• Kobolds have Dark Vision out to 120 f.
• Taking afer their beloved and very distant relatives, Kobolds are fond of gems, gold, and other precious materials. Kobolds gain a +2 bonus on Appraise checks to determine the price of non-magical good that contain precious metals or gemstones.
• Either due to their ancient Draconian blood, or strong bond to dragons themselves, Kobolds with a Charisma of 11 or higher may cast the following once per day: comprehend languages, deathwatch, and stabilize. The caster level equals that of the user’s character level.
• Kobolds, being somewhat Xenophobic, start out with Draconic (native tongue) as their language. Kobolds with a high intelligence modifier may choose the following bonus languages: Common (New Balor), Peoples Language, Elven, and Dwarven.
Necrovants are another byproduct of the Old Balor Empire. During the demonic rule of the empire, humes who would not obey their demon masters and accept enslavement were turned into undead servants. There were, at one time, an overwhelming population of Necrovants, as the elite of the Old Balor Empire would enforce this punishment on the most misdemeanor crimes. They are cursed to roam the Realm of Shemdelver for all of eternity, unless they reach an unlikely death as they don’t die from old age. Necrovants have a cycle lasting 80-200 years in which they enter a deep slumber and only to return to the living with no memory of their past lives for the exception of a few scatered nightmares and dreams. They rule the land of Abbarach, and are ofen til this day misunderstood by the other races of Shemdelver. Necrovants have gray skin and white hair, their bodies seemed to be made of marble. The eyes of a Necrovant are all black devoid of any pupils. A unique trait they possess, that other undead do not, is the wisp of ethereal smoke that follows them about. The Necrovants refer to this wisp as their Anima, or other races claim – their imprisoned soul.
• +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
• Dark Vision 60f
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-afecting efects
• No penalties from energy-draining efects, though they can still be killed if they accrue more negative levels than they have Hit Dice. Afer 24 hours, any negative levels they’ve gained are removed without any additional saving throws.
• Necrovants are harmed by positive energy and healed by negative energy.
• Necrovants are capable of further concealing themselves by wrapping their bodies within their Anima. Anytime a Necrovant has concealment, they receive a +5% bonus.
• Though Necrovants have dificulty recalling past lives, they ofen retain enough knowledge to put enough pieces together to make it easier this time around. Necrovants may pick any two Knowledge skills. They gain a +2 racial bonus on both these skills, and those skills are treated as class skills regardless of what class the Necrovant is.
• Teetering between the fine line of life and death, Necrovants are well versed in Necromancy. They gain a +1 DC to any saving throws from the Necromancy school. If a Necrovant has a wisdom score of 11 or higher they are able to cast the following spells once per day: bleed, chill touch, detect poison, touch of fatigue. The DC for these spell-like abilities is equal to 10 + spell level + wisdom modifier.
• Necrovants are strangely hopeful, receiving a +2 to saving throws against fear and despair efects. Also, once per day, afer a natural 1 roll they may roll again (on any save) and take that result.
• Necrovants start out with Old Balor, and with a High Intelligence may also pick from Goblin, Elven, Gaint, and New Balor.
You are likely to see a dwarf woman before you see a VemiCoth, but their reputation as wise warriors from the cold North is very well known. They live in small isolated setlements and fishing towns in the Northern Reach. Very few are able to tolerate the desert ice-land of their homeland, and those that can muster the cold stay on the coast were it is typically cooler and much safer. Very litle is known about the heritage or customs of the VemiCoths, as they have just started traveling outside of the Northern Reach.
VemiCoths stand at an average of 8f tall and weigh in at 300lbs to 450lbs. The skin tones of the VemiCoths can be anywhere from dark brown to midnight shades of black. Their hair is typically long and black or brown in color and have hazel to purple eyes. They ofen brush of material wealth as nonsense due to the harsh conditions they live in. They are very loyal and have strong family ties that even would make a dwarf feel ashamed.
• VemiCoths are incredibly strong and resilient due to their hulking size; receiving +2 to Constitution. They are ofen very wise gaining a +2 to wisdom as well, thanks to there long lifespans and quick childhoods.
• The VemiCoths are accustomed extreme climate and harsh conditions in their homeland. They receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill efects from running, forced marches, and starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments. (2)
• VemiCoths are large creatures, they get a +2 size bonus to Strength -2 penalty to Dexterity. Large races take a -1 size penalty to their AC, -1 to atack rolls, and a +1 on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a -4 size penalty on Stealth checks. A large creature takes up 10x10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet. (7)
• They gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened thanks to their harsh environment and the very litle vegetation that grows in their homeland – a lot of it poisonous.
• VemiCoths are immune to cold damage.
• Speaks Gaint, and with High Intelligence may choose Old Balor, Elven, Peoples Langauge, and New Balor.

Thanks in advance if you decide to help out

2018-08-07, 09:51 AM
Hey Falontani,

I have 2 ideas of characters that i would like to have your wealth of knowledge help me out with. Just for some basic info we utilize a 32 point buy for these characters starting stats at 10 and also the Pathfinder Feat Progression.

1st im looking for a level 20 Character who may or may not have made a pact with a demon for Immense power to usher the demons to conquer our world. How the character fights is not really that important so any way you think is best. The character will Slay his master once he hits that level say 20 and will then begin ruling over that demons Legion (the character will be played from time to time but mainly just to try and score some PK's. All of 3.5 is allowed minus psionics.

2nd character would be a form of a spellsword using magic for enhanced mobility and burst damage while in melee form also looking to be level 20. (if you have read the book Ascend Online basing it of the main character in the book). Overall a good character who yet again would be used alot more so for story aspects of our campaign and to save the players when the potential bad guy from above shows up.

I know its not alot to go on but if you could help me out it would be awesome like i said previous psionics are not allowed in our world along with no additional homebrewed stuff other then our own and also we have a our races built for our world i will post them here for you to pick from.

Wood Elves
Wood Elves find home in the Le Almaarea Taur Forest of San’Susia, and claim Rosenburg as their Capital. While many visit the lands of San’Susia very few venture far from the river or outskirts of the Le Almaarea Forest. It’s not so much that the elves are hostile, but the forest is a dangerous place for the ill-prepared. Wood Elves are short usually standing 5feet tall, and have slender but muscular builds. Their hair color ranges from every color of autumn as well as their eyes. They have great respect for nature in all of its forms and most members in the High Druidic Council are rumored to be Wood Elves themselves. Wood elves are considered Fey and elves for all intent and purposes.
• +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution
• Low-Light Vision
• Qick Reflexes Improved Initiative for free
• 40 Movement speed
• Wood Elves are strictly found in the great forest of San’Susia, and ofen learn to climb through the forest at an early age. They have a climb speed of 20f and receive a +8 on all climb checks.
• Once per day, a Wood Elf may commune with Animals as the spell Speak with Animals
• Wood Elves are immune to magical sleep efects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made again enchantment spells and efects
• Wood Elves always treat Survival and Knowledge (Nature) as class skills.
• Starting languages: Elven and may choose from the following with a high intelligence: Common (New Balor), Old Balor, Peoples Langauge, Goblin.
High Elves
High Elves are distant cousins of the Wood Elves. Over the eons since the fall of the Old Balor Empire, a sect of elves started to embrace the arcane more so than nature, and adopted more of a human life-style, as they prefer city dwelling than that in the forest. They stand tall (6f) and lean, ofen with blonde or brown hair and brown eyes. High Elves are renown for their magical talents and many High Elves have found a home in the City of Towers. They ofen make great Sorcerers, Bards, or Wizards. High Elves are considered people of the Fey for all purposes as well as elves.
• +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
• Low-Light Vision
• High Elves have a strong afinity towards the arcane arts and may cast comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, faerie fire, obscure object, sanctuary, and read magic once per day. They must have an intelligence score of 11 or higher to do so.
• Their magical innate ability allows a constant efect of non-detection targeted on them, and they receive a +1 to caster level on all abjuration magic. They also receive a +1 to DC for all spells cast from the enchantment school. If the High Elf has a Charisma of 15 or higher, they may cast Charm Person once per day as a spell like ability. (
• High Elves are, much like their brethren, immune to magical sleep efects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and efects.
• High Elves gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition they also receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraf checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
• High Elves are accustomed to city dwelling, and know how to make their way around socially. They receive a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Sense Motive checks made to get a hunch about a social situation.
• High Elves start with New Balor and Elven, with high intelligence may pick additional languages.
Shemdelver has not seen an Empire since the Old Balor Empire, except for the Peoples Republic, who has colonies all across the Realm Shemdelver. The people of the Peoples Republic are known as Citizens. They have, by some method, gain the gods favor and have been bless by them, separating them from the rest of the Hume race. They look just as humans do (and come in various shapes, sizes, color) but tend to have a single angelic feature – fair skin, blue eyes, or the likes. Citizens are Humans with the sub-type (Outsider).
• +4 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity, - 2 Intelligence
• Outsider: Dark Vision
• Citizens have a natural connection to the divine, gaining a +2 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks, and Citizens cast spells with the good or light descriptor at +1 Caster Level. Lastly, they receive DR 5/magic.
• Citizens have vowed to vanquish all demons or devils that cross their path and are highly trained in fighting them. They receive a +1 on atack rolls against these creatures
• The People of the Republic are known for their negation skills, they may roll twice when making a bluf or diplomacy skill check once per day and take the beter roll
• The divine blood that runs through a Citizens veins gives them a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against diseases and mind-afecting efects.
• Starts with the Peoples Language, and New Balor. High Intelligence may acquire additional languages.
The peak of Steam technology, these automated constructs are fueled by steam technology and controlled by a living soul deep inside the constructs chest. Various people of Shemdelver have traded in their body for that of a Clockwork, and others may have been forced. Once the soul is locked into the Clockwork body, the memory of the Clockworks previous life fades into nothingness. They stand 6f – 7f tall, and are ofen made of various parts wood and metal. Clockworks are known for their ferocity on the batlefield, if nothing else. Clock works are Constructs, and follow construct rules unless stated below.
• +4 Strength, -2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence
• If hit below 0 hit points, but still not dead, the Clockwork can continue to fight. If he does the clockwork is staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. He still dies when its hit points reach a negative amount equal to its constitution score.
• Clockworks can not be raised or resurrected. They do not eat, sleep, or breathe unless they wish to. Lastly Clockworks receive +2 bonus on saving throws from disease, mind-afecting efects, poison, and efects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue.
• Once per day, if injured, a Clockwork may go into a frenzy for 1 minute: +2 bonus to Constitution & Strength, and a -2 to AC. A bellow of steam comes out of the Clockworks crevices as he rages.
• Clockworks receive a +10 movement speed when charging, running, or withdrawing, powered by steam technology they are capable of such burst of speed.
• Clockworks metal and wood structure gives him a +2 bonus to Natural Armor.
• New Balor, with High Intelligence may choose from (Draconic, Elven, Old Balor, Drawven).
During the rule of the Old Balor Empire, it was common practice for the demons to be sexual pray of Humes; or Humes giving their body to the demons for political power. Because of this the blood of Humes and demons has intermingled to create the race of a Asura. Asuras typically look just like Humes, except their skin has a reddish tint, cat-like eyes, and small horns protrude from their forehead. Lastly they have a red long devil like tail. Asuras are usually looked upon as outsiders and with great distrust. They serve as a constant reminder of the dark clutches the Old Balor Empire once had over Shemdelver. They rule, with the Humes, the Old Balor Empire, where they wish to cleanse their heritage and wrongs of their demonic ancestors.
• +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
• Asurans blood is tainted with that of outsiders, and are considered native outsiders. They have dark vision up to 60f, as well as Low-Light Vision. (4)
• As they are atuned to Hades, they are with fire. Asurans are treated as +1 level higher when casting spells with the fire descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, using bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline, using the revelations of the oracle’s flame mystery, and determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage. This trait does not give members of this race early access to level-based powers. Asurans with a charisma of 11 or higher may cast the following once per day: dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The caster level for these spell-like abilities is equal to the users character level. (3)
• Asurans have tails which may do 1d8 plus strength damage. The reach is 5 feet and may be used to make atacks of opportunity. (3)
• The Asurans are all well aware of their history in hopes of not repeating the same mistake once again. Asurans gains a +2 on all Ancient History Knowledge checks. (2)
• Ferociously stubborn they gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm/compulsion) sub-schools. If they fail such a save, the Asuran gets another save the next round at the same DC. If a similar ability (such as rogue’s slippery mind) is gained by the Asuran, they may not use this ability and that ability the at the same time, but one afer another. (2)
• Asurans are well integrated within their own society as well as others, finding it optimal in order to keep the peace. Asurans gain a +1 bonus on Bluf, Disguise, and Knowledge (local) checks.
• Starts with New Balor and Common, with high intelligence may choose additional languages.
Dwarfs hail from the Confederate Tribes of Mal’lichkar. Most of them are ofen found in the Frozen Hills to the North or the Southern Mountains which define their border with the New Balor Empire. Dwarfs rarely venture out of their own lands. They are a very proud people with strong traditions and a strict caste system. They make great warriors and craf some of the best Airships, armor, and metal weapons the Realm has ever seen.
• +2 Strength, +4 Constitution
• Outsider (Earth)
• 60 feet Dark vision
• Dwarfs move at a speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
• Dwarfs are incredibly resilient, receiving a +2 to all Saving Throws.
• The hardy folk of the dwarfs have a natural resistance to magic of all kinds. They have a spell Resistance of 6 + character level. (2)
• The crafsmanship of Dwarfs are known through out Shemdelver. All dwarfs receive a +2 racial bonus on all Craf or Profession checks to create objects from stone or metal.
• All Dwarves are considered proficient with all Hammers – exotic included.
• Drawven, with high intelligence may choose New Balor, Elven, Draconic, Peoples Language.
Goblins hail from the swamplands surrounded by the Jagged Reach Mountains, the place is called Abbaklernic. Goblins were originally on the side of the Old Balor Empire, but quickly were traded and enslaved by the demonic forces. They played a crucial part in the overthrow of the Old Balor Empire, and their alliance with the other humanoids have drastically changed, as goblins are typically either chaotic or neutral, but as evil as any human, and have relations with the other races just the same. Goblins are known for being very outspoken, loud, and rude. Their jokes are ofen misunderstood by other people of Shemdelver as racist, and find their opinions closed minded and absurd. They are very small, ranging from 2.5-3.5 feet, and have black beady eyes and dark hairless reddish skin. They have shown a knack for steam technology, and ofen find themselves as the sole reverse engineers of steamcraf technology.
• -2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, -2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence. Goblins are extremely Dexterous and fairly intelligent. Unfortunately, there brashness and honesty tends not to win over others. 6 points
• Goblins are small in stature (standing nearly 2-3f tall). +1 size bonus to atack rolls, -1 CMD, +4 Stealth checks.
• Goblins are home within wetlands, receiving a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks in this terrain type. (1)
• Goblins are an incredibly curious and inventive people, credited with bringing the SteamTek Age to Shemdelver. They hold this position as a badge of honor. Goblins receive a +1 on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. They are also treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafed themselves. (2)
• Dark Vision (60f) (2)
• A Goblins smile is worth a thousands words, and one brutal bite. A goblins bite is considered primary, unless they goblin is wielding a manufactured weapon, which is then a secondary atack. A bite does 1d3 damage. (2)
• Goblins look at sneaking and Worg riding as an art and part of their cultural heritage. They always treat Sneak and Ride as class skills.
• Goblins start with New Balor and Goblin as their languages. They may have more if they have a high intelligence.
Humes can be found scatered across Shemdelver. They are ofen found in trading hubs and metropolises around the world. Most Humes hail from the New Balor Empire, and share this state with the Asurans. The Capital of the New Balor Empire is Carolinapolis. Humans are known best for their versatility and ambition, which is either envy by others, or seen as a flawed trait by some. They are also found in the City of Towers. While the Peoples Republic was heavily populated with Humes, since the appearance of the Citizens, most have migrated to their ancestor’s homeland – the
New Balor Empire. It’s dificult for others to pinpoint a Humes perspective on life besides the will to succeed and the thirst for individual freedom. The best of them are humble and gracious, the worse remind the other races they wouldn’t exist without the Humes interference with nature and magic – though they tend to leave out the scar of the Old Balor Empire.
• Humes receive one +2 any one stat, due to the variety of physical and mental abilities Humes have within their ranks. 0
• Medium: As Medium creatures, Humes have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Humes base land speed is 30 feet.
• Humes may choose two extra skill which is always a class skill for them. 2
• Humes receive one bonus feat at first level, and a free exotic weapon proficiency. Centuries ago, the Hume race freed themselves from the enslavement of the Old Balor Empire, and leading the other races to freedom. The have zealously trained in the art of war since then, wishing to protect themselves and their families. 6
• Humes are multi-talented and diverse and may have two favored classes at 1st level and gain a +1 hit points or +1 skill rank whenever they take a level in either of those classes. (2)
• At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, Humes gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice in any skill. Their diversity and dedication to all things gives them an edge in focusing on many aspects of life.
• Humes speak New Balor and may choose any other language if they have a high enough intelligence.
• Kobolds are small in stature (standing nearly 2-3f tall). +1 size bonus to atack rolls, -1 CMD, +4 Stealth checks.
• +4 Charisma, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 Strength
• Kobolds are use to the caves of their mountains. Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds Kobolds for one round, and they are dazzled as long as they remain in that area. This is ofen overcome (to a degree) via a special pair of goggles adventurers and traders of the race wear.
• As the Age of the Gods have grown in length, so has many miracles across the lands. One of these are Kobolds are naturally born with Draconian like wings. Though not good enough to fly, they grant a +4 fly bonus if flight is goten by other means. Their wings do grant some lif when jumping, however, Kobolds are always considered to have a running start when making acrobatic checks.
• Kobolds have Dark Vision out to 120 f.
• Taking afer their beloved and very distant relatives, Kobolds are fond of gems, gold, and other precious materials. Kobolds gain a +2 bonus on Appraise checks to determine the price of non-magical good that contain precious metals or gemstones.
• Either due to their ancient Draconian blood, or strong bond to dragons themselves, Kobolds with a Charisma of 11 or higher may cast the following once per day: comprehend languages, deathwatch, and stabilize. The caster level equals that of the user’s character level.
• Kobolds, being somewhat Xenophobic, start out with Draconic (native tongue) as their language. Kobolds with a high intelligence modifier may choose the following bonus languages: Common (New Balor), Peoples Language, Elven, and Dwarven.
Necrovants are another byproduct of the Old Balor Empire. During the demonic rule of the empire, humes who would not obey their demon masters and accept enslavement were turned into undead servants. There were, at one time, an overwhelming population of Necrovants, as the elite of the Old Balor Empire would enforce this punishment on the most misdemeanor crimes. They are cursed to roam the Realm of Shemdelver for all of eternity, unless they reach an unlikely death as they don’t die from old age. Necrovants have a cycle lasting 80-200 years in which they enter a deep slumber and only to return to the living with no memory of their past lives for the exception of a few scatered nightmares and dreams. They rule the land of Abbarach, and are ofen til this day misunderstood by the other races of Shemdelver. Necrovants have gray skin and white hair, their bodies seemed to be made of marble. The eyes of a Necrovant are all black devoid of any pupils. A unique trait they possess, that other undead do not, is the wisp of ethereal smoke that follows them about. The Necrovants refer to this wisp as their Anima, or other races claim – their imprisoned soul.
• +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
• Dark Vision 60f
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-afecting efects
• No penalties from energy-draining efects, though they can still be killed if they accrue more negative levels than they have Hit Dice. Afer 24 hours, any negative levels they’ve gained are removed without any additional saving throws.
• Necrovants are harmed by positive energy and healed by negative energy.
• Necrovants are capable of further concealing themselves by wrapping their bodies within their Anima. Anytime a Necrovant has concealment, they receive a +5% bonus.
• Though Necrovants have dificulty recalling past lives, they ofen retain enough knowledge to put enough pieces together to make it easier this time around. Necrovants may pick any two Knowledge skills. They gain a +2 racial bonus on both these skills, and those skills are treated as class skills regardless of what class the Necrovant is.
• Teetering between the fine line of life and death, Necrovants are well versed in Necromancy. They gain a +1 DC to any saving throws from the Necromancy school. If a Necrovant has a wisdom score of 11 or higher they are able to cast the following spells once per day: bleed, chill touch, detect poison, touch of fatigue. The DC for these spell-like abilities is equal to 10 + spell level + wisdom modifier.
• Necrovants are strangely hopeful, receiving a +2 to saving throws against fear and despair efects. Also, once per day, afer a natural 1 roll they may roll again (on any save) and take that result.
• Necrovants start out with Old Balor, and with a High Intelligence may also pick from Goblin, Elven, Gaint, and New Balor.
You are likely to see a dwarf woman before you see a VemiCoth, but their reputation as wise warriors from the cold North is very well known. They live in small isolated setlements and fishing towns in the Northern Reach. Very few are able to tolerate the desert ice-land of their homeland, and those that can muster the cold stay on the coast were it is typically cooler and much safer. Very litle is known about the heritage or customs of the VemiCoths, as they have just started traveling outside of the Northern Reach.
VemiCoths stand at an average of 8f tall and weigh in at 300lbs to 450lbs. The skin tones of the VemiCoths can be anywhere from dark brown to midnight shades of black. Their hair is typically long and black or brown in color and have hazel to purple eyes. They ofen brush of material wealth as nonsense due to the harsh conditions they live in. They are very loyal and have strong family ties that even would make a dwarf feel ashamed.
• VemiCoths are incredibly strong and resilient due to their hulking size; receiving +2 to Constitution. They are ofen very wise gaining a +2 to wisdom as well, thanks to there long lifespans and quick childhoods.
• The VemiCoths are accustomed extreme climate and harsh conditions in their homeland. They receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill efects from running, forced marches, and starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments. (2)
• VemiCoths are large creatures, they get a +2 size bonus to Strength -2 penalty to Dexterity. Large races take a -1 size penalty to their AC, -1 to atack rolls, and a +1 on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a -4 size penalty on Stealth checks. A large creature takes up 10x10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet. (7)
• They gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened thanks to their harsh environment and the very litle vegetation that grows in their homeland – a lot of it poisonous.
• VemiCoths are immune to cold damage.
• Speaks Gaint, and with High Intelligence may choose Old Balor, Elven, Peoples Langauge, and New Balor.

Thanks in advance if you decide to help out
That is an extensive racial list and I just want to give props to your dm, your world sounds full of history and lore. I personally use Eberron when I dm and that's how I get my lore. I'm no good with extensive world building sadly. (If you are the dm, big props!)

With that said a few questions: making a pact with a demon is definitely viable, but usually people make pacts with devils. Are you certain that it is a pact with a demon? There are several things I can use that is fostering l different between devils and demons.

On the second character, you say melee form, is their other form a spellslinger?

2018-08-07, 12:52 PM
I have a request. Give me the best possible necromancer. I am just looking to upgrade my pal's old 3rd edition character, which was an elf wizard/cleric/mystic theurge focusing in necromancy, specifically minion-mancy. I know we can do much better than that. Restrictions are must be an elf (probably gray?) and must have two sources of spellcasting (arcane/divine is normal, but if you can mash up two divine or arcane sources instead, more power to ya!). No LA and whatever point buy is normal. Any and all sources are cool too if I can access them online. If it matters, the character was True Neutral. Thanks!

2018-08-07, 03:14 PM
That is an extensive racial list and I just want to give props to your dm, your world sounds full of history and lore. I personally use Eberron when I dm and that's how I get my lore. I'm no good with extensive world building sadly. (If you are the dm, big props!)

With that said a few questions: making a pact with a demon is definitely viable, but usually people make pacts with devils. Are you certain that it is a pact with a demon? There are several things I can use that is fostering l different between devils and demons.

On the second character, you say melee form, is their other form a spellslinger?

A devil would be fine aslong as the theme is their as for the second question the character could be a spellslinger but the character I'm basing it off of has traits that prevent them from regaining mana from natural ways he has to absorb mana from the things he is fighting in order to cast more spells its more of a mmo type of character so his spells are normally lower level spells that dont have high mana cost so converting it into a dnd character is causing me problems.

As far as our world we have been playing in the same world for 12 years now and no I'm not the dm but we are constantly changing the world with new seraphs (demi-gods) and the likes if u want some more info on the world we have a site its a little outdated but if you google realm of shemdelver I believe it is the second search result. Our dm is great at not rail roading us and allowing us to influence everything in the world I think thats why we have stuck together so long lol.

2018-08-07, 11:32 PM
Hey there, Falontani,

I do have two suggestions I'd like to see you tackle.

The first is a phantom thief on the level of Arsene Lupin (probably needs around 20 levels to be honest). The master-planner, the man who seems to be able to predict your moves before you do them, a good fencer, and above all, a gentleman who keeps his word when given. Rogue is a given, but take it how you see fit. Maybe there's some magic in there, maybe it's all skill, who knows? But whatever he does, he always seems to be on top of things with perfect plans.

I guess the second thing I'd like to see is a Kitsune, specifically a nine-tailed variety. You know, the mythological Yokai from Japanese mythos that is a shapeshifter, turns into a beautiful woman and seduces men, can be either a dedicated, loving wife or a seductress that will drain the life out of you like a Succubus. I was going to try to make one for a build, but I didn't have the time. The hardest part was trying to make the Kitsune creature in 3.5. I know Pathfinder has them as a race, but I wasn't taking an easy route due to the competition's ruling.

Lemme know if either of these interest you!

2018-08-26, 08:36 PM
I have a request. Give me the best possible necromancer. I am just looking to upgrade my pal's old 3rd edition character, which was an elf wizard/cleric/mystic theurge focusing in necromancy, specifically minion-mancy. I know we can do much better than that. Restrictions are must be an elf (probably gray?) and must have two sources of spellcasting (arcane/divine is normal, but if you can mash up two divine or arcane sources instead, more power to ya!). No LA and whatever point buy is normal. Any and all sources are cool too if I can access them online. If it matters, the character was True Neutral. Thanks!
A forenote! oOoo Never done one of these before. The best necromancer will vary depending on your flavor of best! There are many contentions that may arise with this.
The most Powerful necromancer is going to be an artificer. They get access to all arcane/divine spells, along with the ability to craft scrolls of animate dead at level 1. Sure they can only create up to 2 HD (a human zombie, or 2 skeletons) per scroll, with up to 4 HD of control, but what they do afterwards is what makes them the most powerful. Creating a wand of animate dead and tossing it on a familiar, a cleric, a wizard, a rogue, or anyone else that could possibly be a necromancer or hit UMD 20 and you have yourself more people creating this army. Create a command word item of command undead and you have a nearly limitless army of mindless undead.
If instead you are looking for the necromancer with the most reach on what they can do, your looking at a factotum chameleon, or even your wizard/cleric mystic theurge. There is not much they can’t do! (although artificer beats both of them still)
So what I will classify as “best” necromancer, is the most flavorful necromancer that we can get. The necromancer that really fits the theme, necromancer.



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Necromancer (UA 63) Combat Wizard (UA 59)





Precious Apprentice, Improved Initiative(B)

Enhanced Undead, Skeletal Minion







Death Domain, Deathbound Domain, Rebuke Undead







Spell Focus Necromancy














True Necromancer





Mother Cyst

Rebuke Undead


True Necromancer





Create Undead 1/day


True Necromancer





Necromantic Prowess (+1)


True Necromancer





Fell Energy Spell

Zone of Desecration


True Necromancer





Create Undead 2/day


True Necromancer





Necromantic Prowess (+2)


True Necromancer





Craft Wondrous Items

Major Desecration


True Necromancer





Create Greater Undead 1/day


True Necromancer





Necromantic Prowess (+3)


True Necromancer






Horrid Wilting


True Necromancer





Create Greater Undead 2/day


True Necromancer





Necromantic Prowess +4


True Necromancer





Nimble Bones

Energy Drain


True Necromancer





Wail of the Banshee


Mystic Theurge





Effective Cleric Level 18 for casting and rebuking
Effective Wizard Level 15 for casting
You cast Divine Necromancy spells at CL 22
You cast Arcane Necromancy spells at CL 19

You are unfortunately 2 levels behind a cleric of your same level, and 5 levels behind a wizard of your same level, which often means that they are more powerful. However when it comes to necromancy, minionmancy, and effective necromantic power you are probably going to be number 1.
Don’t forget that you start out with a 2 HD skeleton that you can create again for 100 GP (expensive). This guy is going to be your actual character for those beginning levels. Good armor + shield + weapon and it will be a stronger frontline than the fighter at level 1.

2018-08-27, 09:10 AM
Much appreciated Falontani!

2018-08-27, 10:26 AM
Was I missed? :(

2018-08-27, 11:10 AM
I have a fairly simple one if you're still doing requests.

I need a cultist of Zuggtmoy as a bad guy for my E6 game, CR around 3 or 4. I'd like him to have some sort of gimmick to make him a bit more memorable but inspiration hasn't struck. He'll be accompanied by a Yellow Musk Creeper and maybe a few plant "zombies".

I apologize Coma, I'm bad with cr, and I'm not very knowledgeable about e6.
This isn't really the thread for monster assistance. However look into myconids. A corrupted (bvd) myconid cleric with the plant domain and some commanded shrieker mushrooms could be what your looking for. The gimmick is vile damage. It can't be healed without going to a hallowed area, which in E6 will be especially difficult. The cleric should know this, and only close to use his vile damage. Perhaps use violate spell which turns half spell damage into vile as well

2018-09-21, 05:26 PM
I am back to taking requests! If you have a request that I missed please make another request below here, I know there are a few of you; and I know there were a few PMs that I accidentally deleted with requests (meant to delete sent mail, deleted my inbox). Thank you in advance!

2018-09-21, 08:16 PM
Ooooh kay. Build I could never quite get to work was someone who could Awaken enemy minions mid combat.

Basically imagine if the Awaken line of spells (and Incarnate Construct too, cuz why not) could be used to make an anemy mook friendly and self aware right there during combat.

Closest I got was Arcane Archer or magic items that store spells like traps.

Any 3.x allowed including magazine content (several of the Awaken variants are 3.0 and Dragon content after all).
No homebrew please.

3rd party isn't a dealbreaker just a can of worms best left avoided.

Additionally being able to Mineralize Warrior during combat would be amazing too.

EDIT: Oh yeah, getting past Golem magic immunity is a must. Somehow.
Ethergaunt tech, or Gnome Artificer of Lantan tech could maybe do it.
Pathfinder tech could definitely do it but this is. 3.x build.

I'm still stymied on how the above could work as a build if you're interested. WBL-mancy as means to this end expected and approved.

2018-09-21, 08:46 PM
Initiator 1/artificer x/??? x
Abuse the heck out of the Scribe martial script feat and treat them as spell completion items.

2018-09-21, 09:09 PM
A Healer (base class) divine gish! :smalltongue:

2018-09-21, 11:05 PM
How about an optimal Angel-Summoner, using only Core and the first string of Completes (Divine, Arcane, Warrior, Adventurer)? Preferably something that can both summon literal angels (as opposed to Celestial creatures) at as low a level as possible, as well as do it better than anyone else at higher levels. Bonus points if the race is somewhat monstrous or demonic/daemonic/devilish!

2018-09-21, 11:29 PM
Reposting my two ideas:

The first is a phantom thief on the level of Arsene Lupin (probably needs around 20 levels to be honest). The master-planner, the man who seems to be able to predict your moves before you do them, a good fencer, and above all, a gentleman who keeps his word when given. Rogue is a given, but take it how you see fit. Maybe there's some magic in there, maybe it's all skill, who knows? But whatever he does, he always seems to be on top of things with perfect plans.

I guess the second thing I'd like to see is a Kitsune, specifically a nine-tailed variety. You know, the mythological Yokai from Japanese mythos that is a shapeshifter, turns into a beautiful woman and seduces men, can be either a dedicated, loving wife or a seductress that will drain the life out of you like a Succubus. I was going to try to make one for a build, but I didn't have the time. The hardest part was trying to make the Kitsune creature in 3.5. I know Pathfinder has them as a race, but I wasn't taking an easy route due to the competition's ruling.

2018-09-22, 08:05 PM
So I have a game coming up in a few months and I have this soldier-gish I wanted to play. The basic idea is basically a LN human that is devoted to his country and determined to do what he has to do in order to preserve it.


Level 6

I would prefer Fighter/Wizard (specialization is ok but not required) but if you come up with something else that casts arcane spells that should be fine... I have all non setting books (afaik); but dragon magazine and setting books are unavailable.