View Full Version : Let's... Skyrim: Journal of Valerian Valtieri

2018-06-18, 06:21 PM
So, after some discussion on the Elder Scrolls thread I've decided it's for the best to split this off into its own thread. In this thread I'll be posting the IC journal I've been writing as I play through Skyrim. Despite the prefix, it's not a "proper" Let's Play. I will add my thoughts on my build and the mods I use as I go, answer questions if any come up, but this is pure self-indulgence. I'm writing this for my own entertainment, if anyone else finds any value in it, that's a bonus.

Anyway, this is a modded game, and the add-ons I'm using are as follows:

-Creation Club-

Adventurer's Backpack
Plague of the Dead
Tundra Homestead


A Quality World Map
Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded
Alternate Start - LAL Extension
Alternate Start - Live Another Life
Amazing Follower Tweaks SE
Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
Apotheosis - Lifeless Vault
Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement
Become a Bard
Belt-Fastened Quivers
Better Dialogue Controls
Better MessageBox Controls
Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE
Bruma Signs SMIM patch - SE
Campfire - Complete Camping System
Castle Volkihar Rebuilt
Cave of the Forgotten
Cloaks of Skyrim SSE
Clockwork (SSE)
Common Clothes (by FranklinZunge for SSE)
Cutting Room Floor
Dawnguard Delayed - Level 40
Diverse Guards Skyrim
Dragon Stalking Fix
Dragonborn Delayed - Dragonslayer
EasierRider's Dungeon Pack
Economy Overhaul and Speechcraft Improvements
Flora Respawn Fix
Hallgarth's Additional (Vanilla) Hair SE
Hammet's Dungeon Packs for SE
Hearthfire Display Case Fix by Krucify
Heavy Armory - New Weapons
Heavy Armory Enchanted
Helgen Reborn
Hope's Abandon
LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons
Lore-Based Loading Screens
Moonlight Tales MCM
Moonlight Tales Special Edition
Necromancer's Camp - Empty SkyUI for Campfire SE
Not So Fast - Mage Guild
Not So Fast - Main Quest
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim - Thief Skills Rebalance for Ordinator
PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions
Pick up books simple SE-VR
Point The Way
Ravengate - Riften Underground
Realistic Capacity
Royal Armory - New Artifacts
Run For Your Lives
Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim
Scarcity SE - Less Loot Mod
Septims Have Weight
Simple Horse SE
Skyrim Particle Patch
Skyrim Project Optimization SE
Skyrim Sewers 4
Slower Companions Advancement Remade
SSE Fixes
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim
The Book of UUNP Volumes 1 2 and 3
The DoubtSuspended Quest Pack
The Evil Mansion - Final Edition
The Forgotten City
The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SE
The Paarthurnax Dilemma
Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion
True Storms Special Edition
Undeath Remastered
Unofficial Creation Club Updates - Plague of the Dead
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
VIGILANT Voiced - English Addon
VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE
Wearable Lanterns
Wet and Cold
Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim
Winter Is Coming SSE

Gameplay-wise, the notable additions are the EnaiSiaion overhauls (If you've played modded Skyrim at all you probably know about Ordiantor at least), greatly expanding on vanilla perks, spells, enchantments, birthsigns, shouts, vampires and combat, and a suite of survival mods, headlined by Chesko's Frostfall Hypothermia Simulator, but also including iNeed for food, water and sleep, Scarcity reducing the available loot and Economy Overhaul making shops a lot more stingy on the gold.

Aside from the gameplay mods, I have a goodly number of more armour and weapon styles, and a number of quest, dungeon and "new lands" mods. Anyway, if you have any questions about the mods I'm using feel free to ask.

Well, that's enough about that. On with the journal!

2018-06-18, 06:23 PM
Val's Journal
Falkreath Prison, Last Seed 17
Well, here I am. Stuck in a soggy cell in the backside of Skyrim. Yeah, sure, technically I did cross the border illegally, but that was hardly my fault, the Chorrol guard chased me all the way up here! I wonder who that guy was, never seen anyone be so upset about not being pickpocketed before.

Nothing to but cool my heels until the guards decide it's a waste of time keeping lil' old me locked up. I already managed to charm one of the guards into getting me a new journal to replace the one I lost on the way here, I don't think it'll be too long.

Dead Man's Drink, Last Seed 22
The guards finally let me go. I gather they were bringing in some sort of dangerous prisoner and figured it'd be safer if they didn't have me around. Taking stock of my situation, I remembered I had lost most of my things on the way here, even my clothes were shredded. With only about a hundred septims to my name, I have some work to do before I can get out of this place.

I spent the morning about town, asking around about work. A lot of the people here didn't want anything to do with me, and a lot of people just stayed at home due to the rain, but the blacksmith, Lod, let me help out around the forge for the afternoon. I got a small amount of coin and a dagger I helped work on out of it. I'm happy with that, even in Cyrodiil I wouldn't want to travel without a weapon, and I hear Skyrim's roads are more dangerous.

I convinced the innkeeper, Valga, to let me sing for the inn's patrons in return for a place to sleep for the night. I think she was just taking pity on me in my dishevelled state, and the crowd didn't think much of Nibenese folk song I started with. So I followed that with a Nord song I picked up the words to while in jail, and that went down much better, and I even got a few tips.

In the coming days I'm going to need to get some travel gear together, somehow. I better stay out of trouble too, I don't think the guards will be happy if they have to lock me up again so soon.

Screenshot of Appearance (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1405767312)

2018-06-18, 06:46 PM
Val's Journal
Dead Man's Drink, Last Seed 23
In the morning I saw that Lod had posted a job on the notice board: to deliver a weapon to Half-Moon Mill up the road. Seemed like easy enough money, until Lod handed me a greatsword as tall as I am to drag up the hill. Still, once I had strapped it to my back it wasn't too bad.

The trip up the road was somewhat eventful. I spotted a pair of dead men. Bandits by the look of them, near the road. I crept over to rifle their gear, and as I did I realized the bodies were still warm, and heard a horrible buzzing from inside a nearby ruin. As a green glow lit up from inside, I ran, taking some furs and a hatchet with me.

The rest of the trip there went smoothly. One of the people that run the mill, Hern, offered to pay me to chop firewood for her, which I did for a few hours, but something about her was unsettling, and I headed back with a bit of a quickness after collecting my pay.

Back in Falkreath, I ran into Dengeir. The paranoid old Nord wanted me to break into Lod's house and steal a letter for him. I wanted to stay out of trouble, but he is one of the bigwigs around here, so the job seemed worth it. Luckily I still had some lockpicks, and got in and out of Lod's house without being noticed. The letter wasn't what Dengeir thought, no surprises there, but I got paid all the same.

With my pay and the furs I collected I got myself some serviceable clothes. Valga let me have the room for another night. I think tomorrow it's time for me to move on. I don't want to impose on her any further, and unless I want to spend my days picking potatoes there's not much in the way of work to be had here.

Character Appearance (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1406548202)

Bleak Falls Barrow, Last Seed 24
I hit the road early in the morning. Rain had set in again, and my nice new coat and cloak were drenched in short order. It was a relief when the rain eventually passed. When I came to a fork in the road I, on a whim, headed east towards Riverwood. Along the way, I found a trio of standing stones depicting the star signs of the Thief, Warrior and Mage. I touched the Thief stone and it flared into life, sending a shaft of light up into the sky. I'm not sure what it means, maybe the Thief watches over me now? Ha.

In Riverwood I got myself acquainted with the town, 'borrowing' some things that were unlikely to be missed. I was approached by an elf, Faendal, who wanted me to make Sven look bad to their shared love interest. Well, the elf rubbed me the wrong way, and Sven seemed much more likable, so we turned it about on him, and Camilla ended up being rather upset at "Faendal's" letter. Sven, a bard, also mentioned he was trained at the Bards' College up north in Solitude. I should head up there myself. ...or maybe I should brush up my skills first. And replace my lost lute...

Anyway, when I went to find Camilla, she was arguing with her brother about trying to recover an item stolen from their shop. A "Golden Claw". Rashly, I suggested I could go find it. And so I headed out, light dimming, to sneak my way into Bleak Falls Barrow, where the thieves were known to be hiding out. I managed to get in the door without being seen, but once inside I got spotted by a pair of bandits. In hindsight I probably could have taken them, but instead I fled deeper in and lost them.

I saw a third bandit ahead trying to open a locked door, but he tripped a trap and fell to a flurry of arrows. Naturally, I figured the "puzzle" lock easily, and got through, taking the dead man's hatchet with me. I locked the door again as I passed, making sure the bandits couldn't follow me.

I picked up some magical trinkets as I delved deeper. A scroll of Fireball proved useful, along with the axe, as I ran into a giant spider. A fire blast and a few solid blows dealt with it, though I was hurting after. The spider had caught another of the bandits, the thief himself, who went ahead of his comrades. He was still alive, and begged me to cut him down from the webs. He promised me everything, but when he was free he instead fled deeper into the Barrow. I heard a trap trigger, and once I had recovered enough from the fight I followed, carefully, and took the Claw and a journal from his body.

The claw was a key to a door deeper in the Barrow, and would unlock "the power of the ancient Nords". I was sceptical, and rightly so, but I figured those two bandits would have gathered their friends by now so I kept going deeper, carefully and quietly, watching for traps and being unsettled by the many preserved corpses lining the walls. It was only when I got much deeper that I first saw one of them rise from its sarcophagus. I was forced to fight it, surely there's be a dozen or more that would wake up if I fled back. It took a good few smacks, and I took some hits in return, but I put the undead thing down.

So I went deeper, carefully avoiding waking the dead as I could, slipping past the ones that were already awake. It didn't always work, but I managed to get through to the final locked door with nothing more than some nasty scrapes. Thank goodness I picked up that axe, I wouldn't fancy my chances with just a dinky iron dagger.

The final chamber was unlocked with the claw. The room was dominated by a carved monument. I recognised the carvings as being Draconic letters, not that I can read them. Though one word stood out to me briefly. My reading was interrupted by a stone coffin behind me being bashed open from within. Realizing the danger, I charged the undead thing within before it could pull itself out, but it shrugged off my attacks and soon we were trading blows. I finally knocked it off balance with a good riposte and slammed my axe deep into its skull. Whatever magic kept it moving dissipated on that strike.

Bleeding and exhausted, I gave the room a cursory search before moving on. I found a secret door that takes me to a cave that leads outside, and set up a rough camp. It should be safe to rest here for a few hours 'til dawn.

2018-06-18, 07:38 PM
Val's Journal
Sleeping Giant Inn, Last Seed 25
As I returned from Bleak Falls, I spotted a hidden cave behind a waterfall not far from town. I had to dive to make it through, and when I emerged, I found an odd burial site. Baleful magics sealed off sections of the cave, and as I explored, I was attacked by the dead bursting from some twisted cairn in the middle of the cavern. These undead were far less durable than those of the barrow, and I quickly felled them with the magic blade I found there. As I did so the cairn crumbled, revealing the orginal fixtures of the burial site. I had a thought that re-lighting the old braziers may help somehow, and as I did, some sort of malevolent spirit burst forth from the small chamber at the back of the cave. It came at me with a sword not unlike my own, but I was faster and the enchanted blade soon dissipated the spectre.

After that the feel of the cave changed, the dark magics left. The final room was a priest's antechamber, with a bed, a shrine to Arkay and a stone chest, perhaps once a reliquary. The cave could make for a useful bolt-hole should I have the need. I'll remember it.

After that I headed back to town. Returning the claw earned a substantial reward, and I set about expanding my travel gear. A rucksack, a small tent and a proper bedroll were my agenda after last nights outing. I finally headed over to the inn to spend the night.

The Bannered Mare, Last Seed 26
Well, today was... eventful. Yeah, I'll go with that. To start with, this morning as I left town a group of thugs showed up to "teach me a lesson" I took one look at them and made haste in another direction. I lost them somewhere along the way, thankfully. So much for staying out of trouble.

My flight led me to Whiterun. Safely in the city, I decided to do some shopping, buying for myself a nice steel shortsword. Seems like a good idea in light of recent events.

I saw on the notice board two jobs for "Greenspring Hollow", one to clear out some dangerous animals, and another to recover a lost ring. I took a look over the city wall just to see if I had been followed, and headed out.

The jobs weren't too difficult. I spotted my quarry, a Sabre Cat, before it saw me, and got a couple of arrows into it before pulling out my sword and finishing it off. The hollow itself was a hunter's camp, before said hunter was cat food. I ransacked the camp, finding the ring in a locked chest and gathering the many hides the hunter left behind. I also found a somewhat tatty cloak, I would have discarded it but I sensed a faint aura of magicka about it. I'll clean it up tomorrow.

On the way back, I ran into another thug. This one was alone, but out for blood. I comfortably outfought him, and found on his body a note about some sort of undisturbed ruin, with instructions to rob travellers for equipment for the expedition.

And finally, just as I headed back into Whiterun, a courier approached me and gave me a letter. I guess I'll leave it in this book for reference, but the gist of it is that one "Cassia" has heard about my exploits in Bleak Falls Barrow and is asking for my help with finding her brother in an old Dwarf ruin. Whew. I've collected my rewards, sung a few verses at the inn, and now I can get some rest. What a day. I guess tomorrow I should track down this Cassia. Riches beyond your wildest imagination, eh?

Reachwind Eyrie, Last Seed 27
I gathered my supplies and set out in the morning. It was belting down rain for most of the day. The journey was largely uneventful, though I did find some excitement when I ducked into a cave to get out of the wet for a bit. I was attacked by some eyeless goblin-thing. Its weapons hit with a ferocity, and poisoned too, I'm sure. I put it down, but the noises I was hearing from deeper in the cave convinced me to move on quickly. As it got dark, I spotted this Dwemer tower nearby. It looks long abandoned, and a good place to get out of the rain for the night. It's not too much further to the location Cassia wrote about.

2018-06-18, 08:11 PM
Val's Journal
The Forgotten City, Last Seed 1, 194?
What have I gotten myself into... Cassia's brother, a time portal, the Dwarves' Law? Maybe that fall knocked me out and this is all a dream.

I met with Cassia, a Legion deserter, who begged me to go into a dwarf ruin after her brother, who had entered some days ago and hadn't been heard from since. I found him, but he had spent a lifetime here before hanging himself. His spectre tried to stop me from unsealing what tormented him: a portal to this same city years ago, now populated by a couple of dozen people, including the self appointed "Jarl". A letter that the Jarl left for those that find the portal spoke of some impending disaster for this place.

At first blush this place seems like a paradise, the threat of the "Dwarves' Law" keeping crime nonexistent. But the people aren't happy, and if this Law is to be believed, breaking it will spell death for the entire place. And there's no way out, not apparently anyway. This seems less like a city and more like a magical prison, now that I think about it. To make things even better, the Law hasn't even been fully translated.

To add to the fun, a group of bandits dropped in, looking for someone here. I had to hold them off from entering the city, lest they trigger the Law's effects. Everything seems to hinge on that Law. I should see to speaking with the towns scholars to try and make sense of it. I need to rest, too. Hopefully the place doesn't blow up in the meantime.

The Forgotten City, Last Seed 2, 194?
My sleep was fitful, unsurprisingly, and I rose early... as much as that means anything here. The artificial sun was yet to ignite. Since the town was yet to wake, I decided to do some exploration. I found my way to the abandoned palace, locked tight, but...

I slipped in, I found the place much like the city before I passed through time: dark, burned corpses everywhere These corpses, however, moved. The Jarl's list of residents did mention a missing person that dabbled in necromancy. I must say, I'm getting quite handy with my sword. And the sneaking, too, I got a few of the ambulatory corpses from behind, thankfully it seems the Law doesn't extend to the undead. I found that necromancer, in much the same condition as his creations. And more importantly I found a text by the past people here. A speech, written out, about the Dwarves' Law, and how it doesn't exist. It ends with the speaker proclaiming he will test this out by striking another man. The charred body kneeling at the podium tells me how well that went.

After that, I found my way back out, and bent to find Brol, the scholar. I spoke to him about the Law, and also about Time Travel. On the former, he was grateful for the confirmation, and told me that he theorised that there must be some kind of 'judge' out there. On the latter, he refused to accept that I came from the future, at least on the face of it, but theorised that causing some sort of paradox could get me back to my time. But to make it stick I'd have to do it in a way that would stop me coming back, either removing the means: the portal, or the cause: the coming catastrophe.

I needed more information. I ended up talking to the town invalid: Dooley. I wound up agreeing to find that "fortune" that his brother left. The only clues being a key and that he would have to "hold his breath". I remembered seeing a totally submerged building when I was ...nuts to it, when I was first here. And sure enough, I found a trap door that his key fit. It led to an underwater passage, too long for one breath, but the town healer could furnish me with some water breathing potions. What I found on the other side was a group of trapped Argonian cannibals that apparently forgot they can swim. They weren't exactly subtle about their intentions for me, and I was able to fend them off. Felt a bit sorry for them, but I'm not going to be anybody's lunch.

I found that "fortune". A key, to the locked door of the Citadel, and a note warning Dooley not to trust the Jarl. I passed on the message, and kept the key. What is Metellus up to? Once "night" comes I may find out.

The Forgotten City, Last Seed 2, 194?, night
THAT BASTARD! THAT ABSOLUTE BASTARD! He's got a woman locked up in a dungeon there! His book of arrivals... so that's what "potential" means? And there's nothing I can do about it. If word gets out, or if I let here loose... boom. I have no intention of dying here. I need to find that "judge".

The Forgotten City, Last Seed 3? 4?, 194?
I'm so close. I'm sure of it. I've explored the whole city, I've helped many of the residents and found the skeletons in the closet of even more. There's only one place left I haven't been, the lower tunnels. I even know how to get past the energies that killed the Vigilants that went down before me. There's just one thing left in my way. Rykas. The lug has the last piece of Immaculate Dwarven Armour that I need to get down there. I've tried everything to get him to part with it. If Brol's theories are right, then maybe I could just... no, too risky. If he's wrong I burn with everyone else. There has to be a way... Metallus. He knows how to get around the Law. And I surely have enough evidence to point the finger at Rykas as the threat to the City. He's been threatening the Grocer... This doesn't feel right, but I don't see any other way. Whatever 'great evil' is down there... Either way, I am so bringing down that Jarl when I'm done.

The Forgotten City, Last Seed 1, 194?
Metallus was wrong. I tricked Rykas into following me into the tunnels under the city and murdered him there, but the city's doom was triggered all the same. But Metallus, he made his portal again, so here I am again. Back a the start. But with knowledge, and the armour. I started going through the motions, speaking with Metallus like we had never met... but then I told him what happened, that I had triggered the law acting in his instructions. Turning my back on him, I went back down to the city, fought off the assassin's force again. I then bought all the supplies I could afford. So much for the riches.

...am I a murderer now? I guess it doesn't matter, Rykas isn't dead. Yeah. doesn't matter...

The Forgotten City, Last Seed 1, 194?
Another loop. But I did it, I found the judge, the Arbiter as the overbearing elf called himself. He sure has some ideas about how law and order should work, and decided to kill everyone just because I challenged him. Well, I killed him there and took his helm as proof. Let's see if he values his life more than his Law.

The Forgotten City, Last Seed 31
Urgh... my head. All this time... stuff is so confusing. I remember confronting the Arbiter, convincing him to stand down on threat of destruction... I also remember having just come down here to find Cassia's brother. The people here, yes there are people here now, are the same, telling stories of an anonymous warrior clad in brilliant dwarven armour who appeared suddenly to free the people and vanished just as suddenly, but they also remember me, and what I did for them.

What's important now is this hidden city is thriving. I could make my home here, should I desire... but every time I see Rykas I remember running him through. Every time I see where one of those statues once stood I remember them coming to life and burning everyone.

No, I can't stay here. Tomorrow morning I leave.

2018-06-18, 09:21 PM
Val's Journal
The Bannered Mare, Heartfire 2
I decided to head to some more familiar territory, and made the long trip back to Whiterun. I made a visit to my little "bolt-hole" to stash a few things it didn't feel right selling, but I didn't want to carry with me, and spent the night at the inn. Day after, I saw another job clearing out an animal den on the board. With money in short supply, I decided to take it. It proved rather more exciting than I had anticipated. I'm not much of a fighter, I've been forced to get better, sure, but a pair of trolls, that was trouble. Thankfully I still had a scroll of Fireball in my pack. With one of them reeling from the blast, I could quickly finish it off and focus on the other. With my full attention I could dodge almost every clumsy swing. I sure felt the ones that hit, though.

With my victory, I looted everything I could from the cave, another former hunter camp complete with the former hunters, and travelled back to Whiterun for my pay. With a job well done, I retired to the inn for some music and some rest.

And I finally 'acquired' a lute, too. I'll give it a little work and no one will be any the wiser. Now if I just knew a few more good songs.

Frostfruit Inn, Heartfire 3
I saw a job posting to deliver a weapon to Dragon Bridge. That's a ways to go, but that's why I get paid, right? The first leg of my journey brought me to Rorikstead, where I decided to stop for the night. I had a few hours, so I took a look around the surrounds. Just as well I stopped, as I spotted bandits all hiding up around the next crossroad.

I also spotted an abandoned house, surrounded by skeevers. The rodents attacked me, but I can easily handle a few overgrown rats. Inside, I was immediately taken back by the stench, like something had died in there. Very much like something had died, as the former occupant was rotting on his bed. I quickly turned to leave when a cloak left on a shelf caught my eye. I'm surprised I saw it, as it seems to blend with the shadows so well.

With this... "treasure" in hand, I returned to the Rorikstead inn. Not many people, but I played all the same, trying out my new instrument for real. Not bad at all.

Chillwind Depths, Heartfire 4
I cut cross country to avoid the bandits, which were again skulking around the crossroad, and instead of following the road, as I could make out what looked like a makeshift fort just over the bridge, I followed the river bank northwards. As I did, I came up to a empty campsite. A journal left behind revealed the camp belonged to a group of adventurers investigating attacks on caravans nearby. It was clearly some days since this entry was written, so I decided to take a look myself.

Following the stream that the camp was next to, I came up to a cave. Almost as soon as I entered I found a dead body. Some sort of small camp was set up here... perhaps he was hurt and had to rest here? The first parts of the cave were filled with webs, and spiders. Nothing compared to the giant spider in Bleak Falls, thankfully. Deeper, and I found the real threat here: those same eyeless monsters I had faced before. But in the last week I've seen so much fighting and sneaking that I could handle them... or at least I could lead them into their own traps when I couldn't.

In the end none of those adventurers survived. At least I could help myself to all the shiny things they looted from the merchant caravans. With that done, the hour was late. And so I set up camp a short way from the cave. If I'm ever going to travel up north I'm going to need the practice. Who knew lighting a fire could be so hard?

Four Shields Tavern, Heartfire 5
I finally arrived at Dragon Bridge fairly in the morning. It was the innkeeper that took possession of the battle axe I lugged all the way here. Wonder what she needs it for. Since the day was still young, I decided to carry on up the road, to Solitude.

That... may have been a mistake. I arrived in the city as they were staging a public execution. I averted my eyes from the grisly sight. But that didn't stop me hearing the distressed children, the morning family... the normal-seeming people baying for blood. I tried to put it out of my mind as I sought out the reason I came all the way up here: the Bards' College.

It happened that the College's headmaster was hanging around the foyer as I entered. When I spoke to him about my interest in the College, he told me that prospective Bards must undergo a test, and in this case he wanted a lost text that may still exist in an old barrow. Whether I go investigate it or not, I haven't decided, but I left the city anyway, didn't feel like hanging around after this morning. But I did pick up a couple of new Songbooks first.

I returned to Dragon Bridge, and spent the afternoon practicing a song from back in Cyrodiil. I performed it that evening. The tavern wasn't exactly packed, probably for the better, but the music made me happy, at least.

2018-06-18, 09:43 PM
Val's Journal
Dead Man's Respite, Heartfire 6
Feeling aimless, I decided to head out for where that lost poem was hidden. Seems like a lot of trouble for no gold, but maybe it'll pay off. It was an uneventful trip, and I set up camp outside the barrow before I went in. I more-or-less knew what to expect, or so I thought. What I didn't expect was to see the ghost of a bard as I entered. I caught glimpses of him as I explored this place, gradually leading me to the hidden cell in which he died. That was where I found King Olaf's Verse, the book I came here for.

As I made to leave, I saw the ghost guiding me towards another passage. He brought me to the central tomb, where he manifested and called out a challenge to Olaf. The many dead there began to rise, and I was forced to fight alongside the ghostly bard. Luckily he was a capable fighter, and together we defeated the many undead, and the risen king. After Olaf fell, the bard faded away, leaving me to pick over the spoils.

The book... has seen better days. Much of the text is degraded beyond reading. I'll have to think about what to do about that, but first I'm weighed down with all the shiny things I've collected. Morthal is the nearest town, I'll try to barter these things there.

Solitude, Heartfire 6
Morthal ended up being... disappointing, I guess. Apart from the apothecary there were no merchants to speak of, and what's a potion maker going to do with a dwarven sword? I saw someone had posted a letter delivery job that would take me along the way back to Solitude, so I took that and headed on my way.

It wasn't too late when I arrived back in Solitude, and I took the book right to the College. Viarmo was dismayed to see the state of the text, but together we pieced together the narrative only taking ...minor liberties.

Viarmo brought the finished poem to the Jarl immediately. The Jarl had banned the College's annual festival "The Burning of King Olaf". Not too surprising in light of recent events. But the story of Solitude standing fast against a false king, that she found inspiring. So much so that the festival was reinstated immediately. Viarmo's enthusiasm was infectious, and when he asked me to tell the college, I ran over. I hadn't felt so excited about a festival since... I don't even know when.

Seems like the College was ready to put on the show at the drop of a hat, because in a few hours they had the whole thing ready. Good food, music, praise and even some money from the Jarl. The night could scarcely be better. I'm an official bard of the College, I don't know how much of a difference that will make for me, but the college teachers have apparently shown some interest in my skill at finding things. I guess I'll find out what they want tomorrow.

2018-06-18, 10:25 PM
Val's Journal
Frostfruit Inn, Heartfire 8
I spoke with the teachers at the college. Each had an instrument of significance that they wanted acquired. Well, two did. Pantea wants me to find her lost flute.

It seems like the best way to make a name for myself as a bard will be to travel, play at inns across the province. I can do that, and collect these instruments along the way. So strapping my lute to my pack I headed back out into Skyrim, down the road to Rorikstead. It was still fairly early in the day when I arrived, but I was already tired. Too much song and wine last night. Still, I found the energy to play some songs before going to my room. Falkreath tomorrow, I think.

Dead Man's Drink, Heartfire 10
After spending the night at the inn in Falkreath, I made my way to Halldir's Cairn, a discrete little cave by a seldom used road. At least from the outside. Inside was a substantial tomb complex, seemingly a lot older, or maybe just more decayed, than the barrows I've already explored. The cairn itself was right in the entrance, surrounded by dead bandits and sending a shaft of baleful energy up into the complex above.

The bandits... well the smartest of them left a journal. Halldir mind-controlled them into hurling themselves on the cairn. Still, I couldn't help myself, and explored further.

Ghosts. Bandit ghosts patrolled the corridors. Whatever held them here was tenuous, thankfully, by sword dispelling them quickly. There were a couple of more solid undead guarding the way, but I reached the main chamber without much resistance. But as I entered, the gate shut behind me.

I sneaked around the room, looking for an escape route. I don't know how I stayed hidden from Halldir, but I didn't find anything that could open a way, so I creeped up behind the undead sorcerer and struck him as hard as I could. He turned around unphased.

We traded blows, and it was clear I was completely outmatched. But my break came when he, for reasons I don't understand, split into three copies of himself. Each was weaker than him, weak enough that I could handle them individually, and the massive pillars of the room let me keep them split up. When the last one fell, I saw the energies re-gathering into one. But that gave me time to pull out the ace up my sleeve: A scroll of Guardian Circle. The magic restored my strength, and forced Halldir to flee. Right into the locked door. I hacked at him in a frenzy, and he fell just as my spell faded. The mechanism holding the door shut reset and I was free to loot the place. I found Rjorn's Drum in a chest at the back of the room. Halldir's sword is a vicious little thing, imbued with ice magic. This will come in handy.

Anway, with my new... "new" sword and all the other shiny things I found packed up I returned to town to rest. That was close.

2018-06-18, 10:54 PM
Val's Journal
Vilemyr Inn, Heartfire 11
I heard from a guard that Lod was looking for some stray dog out on the road. I figured that I owed him a favor, so I agreed to try and bring it here. That... that was a mistake. I found the dog easily enough, because it was looking for someone who could help him. Which I know because he can talk. Because he's Barbas, the hound of Clavicus Vile. I had agreed to help him before I had even thought about it, and reneging seems like an... unwise decision.

So I'm going to meet him at a shrine to Vile. To help him convince Clavicus to take him back. What have I gotten myself into?

The Bee and Barb, Heartfire 12
I reached Haemar's Shame today. I sneaked in carefully, avoiding the cultists that seems like they wouldn't be happy to see me. When I reached the inner shrine it was clear that Barbas had no such compulsions, as he was surrounded by a small pile of the dead. Wincing at doing something I've always been told is a bad idea, I approached the shrine.

So... interesting. Vile has offered me his boon if I go collect a certain axe for him. And maybe then he'll take back Barbas. Vile is very much weakened without his hound, and he knows it, so what is he waiting for? Well, maybe I can make a profit out of this. Unfortunately, that axe is in a cave in the far northwest of the province. Getting there may be the hard part.

Duskglow Crevice, Heartfire 14
Urgh... taking the north road was the worst idea. It wasn't too bad until I came across a bandit-occupied fort that straddled the road. That forced me off the road, and with the cold I needed shelter fast. So when I came across this cave I had no choice but to enter.

A short ways in I was jumped by a pair of bandits. Barbas, being an immortal daedric dog, is a pretty handy friend to have in a fight, and we fought them off. Mostly Barbas, given I was shivering violently by this point.

As I recovered from the cold, we explored the cave more deeply. The bandits were fighting with the eyeless things that seem so common here in Skyrim. We took advantage of the chaos to finish off the monsters, and I gathered a few nice things for my trouble.

I guess I'll make camp somewhere in here, if I can find a spot clear of death, and head out again after dawn. I think if I cut cross-country I should reach Morthal quickly, and from there I can reach Solitude and then Rimerock.

Lost Echo Cave, Heartfire 15
I finally reached Rimerock today. Despite Barbas' noise, I managed to sneak the Axe out without been seen. Quite good work, if I say so myself.

Not long after we left, a rainstorm started to belt down. Being drenched and out in the deadly cold would be a recipe for not making it back, so we ducked into a nearby cave to wait it out.

I found a small tomb, protected by a simple hidden door. But beyond that door was not the undead, but still more of those goblin-things. We cleared them out, before setting up camp for the night.

Vilemyr Inn, Heartfire 16
After a long day of hard travel, we finally made it back to Haemar's Shame. Clavicus made an offer: I could keep the axe if I killed Barbas with it. So that's what he was waiting for. But I have no need for a big ol' axe, no matter how cosmic it is, so I insisted he take his axe, and Barbas too. He complained, a lot, but kept to our bargain and granted me his boon: the Masque of Clavicus Vile. Its magic could be very useful for what I do.

With that finally done, I made my way back to Ivarstead. I need to take a break from travelling for a while.

2018-06-19, 12:05 AM
Val's Journal
Vilemyr Inn, Heartfire 17
Wilhelm, he innkeeper here was chatting about his problems. The barrow so close to town being "haunted" was keeping away customers. They all are, to an extent I suppose, but a "ghost" was seen wandering around nearby, which is unusual. I offered to investigate, and soon found this ghost... all glowing and spectral and... walking... around it's living quarters... yeah, not a ghost. I "borrowed" his journal and showed it to Wilhelm. That sorry elf was posing as a ghost for so long he lost his mind, probably a side effect of his potion.

In return for my help, Wilhelm gave me a treasure: a sapphire claw. I've seen a couple of these claws before, and rightly figured it was the key to go deeper in the barrow. The same key that elf lost his mind searching for. I couldn't help myself but to explore deeper. All these barrows are fairly similar, it seems. This one was a bit more trap-laden than the last, and the final room locked me in to fight a number of the undead, but they were no Halldir and I picked them off from the shadows. I found another one of those interesting carved walls, too. I wonder if I'll ever know what they say.

I left the barrow with heavy bags. I guess I'll have to head to the city to unload them.

The Ragged Flagon, Heartfire 18
Things have moved rather quickly since I last wrote. As I bartered in the Riften market, I was approached by a charatain of a merchant who told me I had "never worked an honest day in my life". Well, he had me there. And he had a little... less than honest work for me.

Well... one thing led to another and I was invited into the Thieves Guild. A little lockpicking, a little pickpocketing, a little thuggery... I can handle all that. And "keeping my blade clean" is all the better.

There's a wrinkle, of course. The boss here want to really put me to the test, and have me rob heavily guarded estate.

Sounds like fun.

The Ragged Flagon, Heartfire 19, Morning
The raid on Goldenglow Estate went off without a hitch. After scouting the perimeter of the island from a distance, I swam across under the cover of darkness. My first objective was to torch three and only three of the beehives. As guards rushed over to investigate, I slipped into the water again, making my way to the old sewer Vex informed me of. The other end of that tunnel took me right to the door.

Inside was perhaps less well defended. Still plenty of guards, but they didn't seem to give a skeever's tail about actually guarding the place for the most part, and were easily avoided while I looted the rest of the place.

Upstairs, I found the estate's owner, and helped myself to his keys as I went. The safe, the contents of which was the target of this job, was in the basement, locked up but now I had the key.

I actually had to distract one of the guards to reach the safe. A well-placed arrow did the job, and I slipped past as he searched for the noise. The safe itself held a good bit of gold and some business documents. There was a drop into the old sewer back there, too, letting me get out easily. Back at the guild, I delivered the papers. Heh, more bark than bite, huh? Well, I'll let the boss work out what to do with that, I need to get some sleep.

2018-06-19, 01:18 AM
Val's Journal
The Bannered Mare, Heartfire 19
After I awoke sometime mid-morning, Brynjolf told me that the Guild's "Important Client": Maven Black-Briar, wanted to see me. Despite not finding me to be "impressive", she's seen fit to give me a job to... deal with a competitor over in Whiterun. So much for not travelling, but at least it's not to the far side of Skyrim and back again. And there was another matter I could attend along the way.

That matter was Finn's Lute. Inge Six Fingers had discovered its location in a cave not too far north of Riften, along with the bandits that stole it from the College in the first place. Naturally, I sneaked in easily. One of them did get a glimpse of me briefly, but I was back in the shadows before he could make anything of it. I may have accidently tripped a trap and gotten bowled over by a swinging mace, but I recovered quickly and got back into hiding before they arrived to investigate. I guess that thing goes off at the drop of a hat, because they gave up the search before long.

With access to the inner chamber, I able to quickly gather up the lute, their loot, and even picked the pocket of the boss bandit, finding what looks like some sort of treasure map.

I picked a couple more pockets on the way out, and resumed my journey to Whiterun. It was after dark by the time I arrived, so I took of my thief's hat and put on my bard's, played for the crowd and got a room for the night. Tomorrow I'll contact Mallus Maccius, Maven's agent here.

The Bannered Mare, Heartfire 20
Mallus' plan was simple: Sabjorn was to hold a mead tasting for the captain of the guard today, but... has something of a skeever problem. Itinerant wander comes up, hearing about possible work, Sabjorn gives them the job of clearing out the vermin, along with poison and access to the meadery. Brew "mysteriously" gets poisoned, captain tastes the fouled mead, Sabjorn gets arrested. Mallus gets control of the meadery and sells it to Maven. What could possibly go wrong? Nothing, with me on the job. Pity I couldn't con Sabjorn into paying me in advance.

There was some crazy alchemist breeding the skeevers under the meadery. Mallus didn't bother mentioning that he was down there, so I didn't bother mentioning that he was still alive. Apart from that I also needed the meadery's business papers. Same symbol, same sort of promises as Goldenglow... Whatever, the business stuff is all Akaviri to me.

You know, the captain sounded pretty sick. I hope I didn't overdo it.

2018-06-19, 01:58 AM
Val's Journal
The Winking Skeever, Heartfire 23
Not long after I got back to Riften, the boss had another job for me. Seems one of the Guild's old contacts is wrapped up in the Goldenglow affair. So I needed to head up to Solitude and lean on him for information. Along the way I dealt with some side jobs for the guild and a couple of regular old errands, it is a long trip after all.

In Solitude I had... words with the argonian Gulum-Ei. While he made a deal with me where I "acquired" a case of wine for him in exchange for information, he still didn't give me a name. Brynjolf reckoned that Gulum-Ei would have something going on that I could use against him, so I shadowed him to his place of work: the East Empire Company warehouse. Hidden under the noses of his erstwhile employers I found Gulum-Ei's little secret: a substantial outfit smuggling goods out through a tunnel secreted behind the shelves.

I quietly slipped past the EEC's guards, and Gulum-Ei's cronies, finally catching up with him at the far end of the tunnels. The Lizard knew he was beaten. Even if he called for help he couldn't stop me from leaving, and Mercer would have him killed for setting up a rival operation. So he spilled the beans. Karliah. Never heard the name myself, but apparently she's a former Guild member, who murdered the old guild master. And she's "where the end began"... I wonder what the boss will make with all this.

The Winking Skeever, Heartfire 24
Today, I returned to the College. In return for return the Lute and Drum, Inge and Giraud both taught me a lot, not about music or history, but lots of little tricks that they picked up over the years that might come in handy for me. Inge in particular seems to know quite a lot about thievery. Makes me think she was walking the same path as me when she was younger.

As I was in the College, Viarmo called me over. He had lined up a job for me, to play for the Jarl of Riften. He also hinted that he's be very interested to hear anything I might overhear while there.

One of these days a week's going to go by without a trip to the far side of the province and back again. Hopefully I can stay down south for a while, I hate the cold.

2018-06-19, 02:37 AM
Val's Journal
The Ragged Flagon, Heartfire 26
So much for staying where it's warmer. Mercer figures the place where "the end began" is Snow Veil Sanctum, and he wants to drag me along. Snow Veil is north, somewhere past Windhelm. Not exactly the Alik'r. So I spend the day making preparations. Not going to make the same mistake of heading out that way with my normal gear again, I've gotten myself a thick fur cloak, as well as a small pile of firewood in case it comes to that.

I'm not sure why the boss wants me along. I haven't even heard of this Karliah before, and it's clear he intends to kill her, and I'm no fighter. Well, guess I'm heading out tomorrow.

Snow Veil Sanctum, Heartfire 28
Damn it, damn him, damn that Mercer! The jackass tried to kill me! Damn near did, too. Would have bled out on the floor if Karliah hadn't dragged me out of there.

Backing up a little... Mercer and I went through the Sanctum, dodging... Mercer called them "draugr", and traps as we went. Mercer had me lead the way, I found out why when we reached Karliah and she pegged me with a paralyzing arrow.

I don't know if Mercer knew I was still aware when he had an exchange with Karliah about what happened here decades ago. Mercer killed the old guild leader Gallus and pinned it on Karliah. They were all "Nightingales", whatever that means. Don't think they were singers.

With her ambush not panning out, Karliah retreated, leaving me with Mercer, who said something about getting me "out of the way" before stabbing me with Malice. And then I blacked out.

I came to at Karliah's camp. She had dragged me out of there after Mercer left. She says the poison she used stopped me bleeding out. I say I wouldn't have gotten stabbed if I wasn't paralyzed. Regardless, I'm pretty interested in taking that guy down. She found the journal of the old guild master in the Sanctum. Encoded. She wants me to take it to a friend in Winterhold, Enthir, who might be able to translate it, while she properly buries Gallus' remains. Well, guess I'm in, though I need to rest up some more before I go.

2018-06-19, 04:23 AM
OK, now that I'm caught up, it seems like a good idea to go over Val's build.

Valerian Valtieri
Level 24 Imperial

Discipline (buff allies in combat)
Imperial Virtues (random regen buff each combat)
The Human Spirit (+100 Stamina, -50 Magicka)
The Human Spirit (+50 Poison Resistance, -25 Cold Resistance)

The Shadow

Blur (+20% move speed in combat)
Hide in Shadows (+20 sneak when near a wall)


Speech Mastery
Perform (can play once a day to receive money based on audience)

Sneak Mastery
Silent Roll
Fog of War (better sneaking against targets in combat)
Infiltrator (make less noise)
Right Behind You (better sneaking at close range)
Clean Escape (nearby enemies stop searching for you faster)

Pickpocket Mastery

Lockpicking Mastery
Game of Fate (places 5 "dragons of fate" in random locked chests around the world, each give a bunch of gold and a perk point)

Light Armour Mastery
Light Armour Fit
Keen Senses (can go without a helmet and still get full set benefits)

Appearance (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1416103134)

It's probably apparent that Val is pretty much a pure thief, mainly focused on sneaking around. With no investment in combat or magic or even sneak attacks she really isn't much of a fighter, having gotten through tough encounters through the application of high-powered consumables. Which are in short supply at this point. Her attributes were levelled roughly equally, The Human Spirit notwithstanding, so her magicka is about 50 below her health, which is about 100 below her stamina. Perform is just there because I'm using Become a Bard, and it felt kinda cheaty to not take it when BaB gives a very similar effect.

Oh, and as a reminder, I'm using the EnaiSiaion overhauls. Imperious (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1315), Andromeda (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14910) and Ordinator (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1137/) are the ones that matter here.

2018-06-20, 12:54 AM
Val's Journal
Nightgate Inn, Heartfire 29
I left camp in the morning, slogging through the snow north to reach Winterhold. I found Enthir in the tavern, and spoke with him as I warmed up again. He told me Gallus' journal is written in the Falmer language, a script few can translate. Apparently Calcelmo, the court wizard in Markarth, has been researching the subject. If I can get a hold of his notes then maybe translating the journal will be a possibility. With that, and with the sun still high, I set out south once more. But not before checking the notice board. I picked up a letter to deliver to Old Hroldan Inn, along the way.

While it was clear when I set out, I got caught in a snowstorm along the way. I found a cave near the road to shelter in, but it was inhabited by what I now know are debased Falmer. I explored the cave all the same, and emerged as the storm abated. After that, I made it as far as Heljarchen before night fell. I'll be glad to reach the south side of Skyrim tomorrow. I hate the cold.

The Bannered Mare, Heartfire 30
It was still morning when I made it to Whiterun. I browsed the shops, finding a elvish shortsword that seemed like just the thing for me to use, replacing the ancient blade I took from Halldir. That left my purse decidedly light, so I took a look at what jobs were available here. I couple were to retrieve lost items from nearby places, which is kind of my speciality, so I took them.

The first was to retrieve a stolen pair of boots from a bandit gang. I was sloppy, I admit, but I got through without a scratch. The second was a ring lost in an animal den. Not a problem. With a decent sum of septims in my pouch I performed a song for the crowd at the Mare and retired for the night.

Old Hroldan, Frostfall 1
I was attacked on the road to the reach by some sort of assassin. I killed her... I had to. At least she wasn't a strong fighter, probably counting on the ambush. I don't know who hired her, but I have a guess. But could Mercer really have worked out I'm not dead already?

I continued as far as Old Hroldan Inn, stopping for the night and delivering that letter. There weren't any other guests, so I just payed for a room and went to bed.

My sleep was interrupted by a scream. I bolted up, and out of the room, fully expecting another assassin. But that wasn't it. It was a ghost.

The ghost was that of a warrior, and he was waiting for one called Hjalti. Waiting for Hjalti to give him his sword and become Sworn Brothers. The ghost seemed to mistake me for this Hjalti, somehow. I guess that's why it suddenly manifested while I was here. The Innkeeper Eydis figures that the ghost may have been one of Tiber Septim's men. A battle took place not far from here before Septim marched on Hroldan, and perhaps Hjalti's Sword might still be there. Seemed like a long shot, but I agreed to take a look.

What was the site of that battle is now a Forsworn redoubt. As I approached from higher ground, I could reach the ramparts and towers directly, and it just happened that of the two highest towers, the one I entered was where they stashed their goodies. Amongst them, I found an ancient nord sword that looked out-of-place, and had a faint shimmer. I figured if Hjalti's sword was here, that would be it, and made a quick escape.

Whether it was the right sword or not, the ghost was satisfied, and departed. It does make me wonder who Hjalti was, and why I of all people would be mistaken for him.

2018-06-20, 07:34 PM
Val's Journal
Silverblood Inn, Frostfall 2
When I arrived in Markarth the first thing I saw was a man creeping up on a woman, dagger in hand. As he raised his weapon, I grabbed him, throwing him to the ground. Within moments the guards were on top of him. Rather a lot more attention than I would have liked. That woman gave me a necklace by way of thanks. Leaving the worried mutterings about forsworn in the city behind, I made my way to the keep.

As expected, Calcelmo wouldn't just share his work, though he did offer to let me see his Dwemer Museum if I did some pest extermination for him. I'm sure I could get in without his key, but having legitimate access would make things easier, and squashing a spider... I can do that.

So I went down to the excavation site and killed that spider for him. It was a big one, sure, but no bigger than others I've killed. As I began to leave I noticed the body of a legionnaire by a door leading deeper. He carried a journal, describing an expedition that went into another dwarf-city below Markarth. Despite finding these dwarven ruins unsettling, I decided to investigate.

The city was a nest of Falmer. I sneaked around, these ones didn't have any "pets", and their sightlessness made it easy for me to avoid detection. I gradually discovered the bodies and journals of the expedition members, and in the reading realised that maybe killing that spider may not have been a good idea, as there really was nothing else stopping the Falmer reaching Markarth. Unless...

I found the mechanism that the researchers said would bring the city back to life. Well they seemed pretty sure that Markarth is completely separate, so I did it. And as I made a hasty retreat, I saw the dwarf machines laying into the Falmer. I left that place behind, bringing Calcelmo news of the spiders demise, and the journals of that expedition. He gave me a key to the museum and what one of those researchers would have been paid in return.

The hour was late, so I headed to the inn to spend the night. But apparently a stone slab is what is considered a bed in this town. Fie. I guess I'll pull out my bedroll.

2018-06-22, 09:41 PM
Val's Journal
The Ragged Flagon, Frostfall 5
Enthir was surprised to receive a charcoal rubbing, but was able to use it to quickly translate Gallus' journal. The contents were what Karliah had hoped, evidence of Mercer's treachery. We set out for Riften the next day.

When we arrived at the Guild, we were confronted by Brynjolf, Vex and Delvin. Fortunately, Karliah was able to get Brynjolf to read the translation before things got ugly. To confirm, they opened the super-secure guild vault, that requires two keys to open. Mercer had cleared it out.

And so the Guild spoke, just as Karliah hoped. Brynjolf instructed me to break into Mercer's house in Riften. A tricky endeavor, even after buying out his "watchdog". The house was full of mechanisms and traps and secret doors. And guards, just thugs, probably selected for lacking the imagination to mess with the secret door. While Brynjolf authorized me to ignore the guild rule against killing on the job, I let them be. They were harmless to my job, after all. I found Mercer's study hidden in the tunnels under the manor, plans left on the desk. Along with some valuable trinkets that I helped myself to. Possibly for the second time.

Looks like Mercer is heading for Irkngthand, a dwarf ruin, for the "Eyes of the Falmer, a pair of massive gems set into a statue. I wouldn't have called raiding a dwarf ruin a heist, maybe if you do it all sneaky? Everyone seems sure that Mercer is going to make for the border soon, but Karliah has something she wants to show be and Brynjolf before we go after him, some sort of 'Edge'. It's going to have to wait for tomorrow, I'm knackered.

Nightgate Inn, Frostfall 6
It's done. Mercer is dead by my hand, the Key is in my possession. All that's left is to bring it to the Twilight Sepulcher.

This morning, Karliah brought us to a hidden cave just outside Riften. Karliah explained that she wanted us to become Nightingales, agents of Nocturnal. I had an inkling that this might be the case, of course. No one stays in this business for long without coming across bits and pieces about Nocturnals influence, and I've heard the rumors about Nocturnal's Nightingales. But to transact an oath? The terms, the powers of a Nightingale in return for defending the Twilight Sepulcher should the need arise. No other demands or limitations, apart from the oath persisting after death until Nocturnal sees the contract as fulfilled. Well, what's there to loose? She's the patron of thieves after all. Soon, the three of us were assembled, clad in midnight armour. And we made the oath, before an apparition of Nocturnal.

Karliah told us what Mercer's "true crime" was, apart from murdering Gallus and stealing from the guild, he desecrated the very place he was sworn to protect, stealing the Skeleton Key, capable of opening any lock. With 25 years of practice, he learned he could employ it on metaphorical locks, too. Without the Key, the connection to Nocturnal's realm was severed, cutting rouges around the world, and the Thieves Guild in particular off from her influence.

With that done, we set out after Mercer. Getting into Irkngthand proved a little tricky, as a bandit gang had taken it over, but by scrambling up the mountain and dropping down I got in undetected. Inside was a massacre. It seems Mercer doesn't care about keeping his blade clean. Not that I'd expect that he would by this point.

The bandits never went deeper, the place was a den of Falmer. The Nightingale Armour muffled our movements even further than our skills, making sneaking past the eyeless creatures fairly simple. We did have to eliminate a couple in a tight space, but did so without alerting the rest of them.

Mercer was there, we saw glimpses of him early on, and he spent time leaving traps and taunts as he went. In the end, we caught up with him, at the statue, prying out the Eyes of the Falmer.

Using the key, Mercer split us up. He caused a ledge to collapse beneath me, and then used his own Nightingale powers to force Brynjolf to fight Karliah. With a mocking speech, he declared his blade would taste "Nightingale blood again", and we fought. Mercer was undoubtedly the better combatant, but he hadn't counted on me envenoming my sword. It doesn't matter how good you are when afflicted by paralytic poison. Soon he fell, and I took the Key, the Eyes and his sword Malice from his body. But in his last gasp he used the Key once more, shaking the room and opening it to the water above. We were trapped, until the chamber cumbled further, exposing a cave through which we made our escape. Nocturnal's luck? Perhaps.

This cave brought us out near Heljarchen. We split up, Brynjolf returning to the guild and Karliah... "not ready to face Nocturnal". It falls to me to take the Key back to the Sepulcher, in Falkreath. I guess there's nothing stopping me having some fun with it along the way.

2018-06-23, 06:23 PM
Val's Journal
Dead Man's Drink, Frostfall 9
I've returned the key to its place in the Twilight Sepulchre. To do so I had to pass through trials created by self-proclaimed priests of Nocturnal to reach the inner sanctum and the Ebonmere.

The entranceway was guarded by a Nightingale Sentinel, the spectre of a Nightingale past still bound by his oath. This ghost was none other than Gallus. He was overjoyed to hear both that I had come to return the key, and that Karliah still lived. But he could offer me no assistance, bound to guard the entrance, fading away due to the Key's absence. The Nightingales never walked this Pilgrim's Path and could offer no insight as to what was ahead. All I had to go by were riddles transcribed by one who... I suppose intended to do what Mercer did.

I won't write on the riddles or the trials here... better that those secrets stay secrets, at least for me. With the Ebonmere reopened, Nocturnal manifested to... acknowledge my success. That I had done what was expected of me as per our contract. Karliah, who arrived by the Nightingale's path as it reopened, thinks Nocturnal was pleased. I suppose a face-to-face meeting with a Daedric Prince would have gone very differently if She wasn't.

My reward for doing this is the promised power of a Nightingale. At the Ebonmere I can draw upon the power of an Aspect of Nocturnal: Stealth, Subterfuge or Strife. I chose the power of Stealth for now, but if I return I may take on a different Aspect.

Gallus and Karliah met for one last time before Gallus moved on to his afterlife in Nocturnal's realm of Evergloam, his Contract fulfilled.

I think Karliah has the right idea: after all this seriousness a good crime spree is in order.

2018-06-24, 11:04 PM
Val's Journal
Eye of Cyrodiil, Frostfall 18
I've spent the last week or so travelling Skyrim, doing small jobs, independent thievery. Nothing remarkable, until a small shack to the west of Riften caught my eye. From the outside, it looked like an old, abandoned overgrown shack. But that thing was locked up tighter than a safe. When I got in, what I found inside guided me here, a ruin in the mountains south of Falkreath. The gates were locked up, but I managed to find a way over the crumbling walls to get behind them and open them up.

I've set up my camp nearby. I'll begin my exploration shortly, once I've warmed up by the fire.

Ben Erai, Frostfall 22
By the gods, it's been days. Stuck in an underground gauntlet of tricks, traps and locks, only to finally find my way out here, in some isolated valley in Hammerfell. There's a town here, thankfully. I can finally get some rest and resupply. It's fortunate that the way I came was loaded with valuable trinkets.

I'll explore further once I've had some rest.

2018-06-26, 07:08 PM
Val's Journal
Cursed City, Frostfall 23
After securing accommodation in Ben Erai and getting some rest, I figured I should get to know my new surrounds. The locals had some jobs posted up on the board outside the tavern, Hunting wolves and "dunerippers" was simple enough. The latter are very dangerous, but as long as I keep my distance and stay hidden I can safely kill them with my bow.

Another simple job was to retrieve an amulet from someone who had fled to the "Forgotten City" He had died pretty much at the gate, but I decided to investigate the city. It was filled with ghosts, the result of a curse laid upon the place by a Draugr whose tomb the inhabitants stumbled upon. I stole my way into the tomb to see if there was anything I could find in there. Ultimately I did find that draugr, and managed to bring it down as it tried to cast its spells. I left with plenty of trinkets and a bow with a powerful enchantment placed upon it, and set up camp nearby.

Al Shedim, Frostfall 25
I've identified my true target here, and I've spent the day preparing, gathering the keys I need. A literal key and a magic amulet that will protect me from the highly dangerous beasts that gather around there. The amulet was of course protected by more of those beasts, but not so many that I couldn't slip past and claim the pendant.

The key was held in an old temple in the middle of this hidden valley. Many undead patrolled its corridors, but I slipped in and out, dodging traps along the way.

Tomorrow I'll scout around the valley, just to see if I can find anything before I strike for my target. But soon, I'll have my prize.

Ben Erai, Frostfall 27
Victory! With all the items I had gathered along the way, I opened the way to the mausoleum, and to my goal. I had some... interesting but thankfully brief interactions with the artifacts prior owner before the final portal to its hiding place was unsealed.

And now, the Grey Cowl is mine. Fitting that it comes to me, who will be the greatest thief in Tamriel. And now it comes time for me to leave. It seems almost a shame, this place is concealed from all the troubles of Skyrim and the Empire. But I'll never achieve anything staying here.

The Ragged Flagon, Frostfall 29
After tying up some loose ends, I gathered up the best of the treasures I found and made my way back. Back to Riften. Back to... home? Maybe not, but I don't think anyone in the guild's going to nick anything from my stash. That was a long journey, but profitable. And with a worthy prize at the end. The small jobs just aren't going to feel the same.

2018-06-26, 08:01 PM
OK, now that I'm caught up, it seems like a good idea to go over Val's build.

Something that I really love about using Ordinator is that any skill can become a combat skill. You want to do a sneaky character based on pickpocket? We got something for you. Alchemy? Poison that sticks to your blade for 11 strokes, how's that? Even enchanting has combat applications with all its scroll and staff perks. It's wonderful.

Val's Journal
Cursed City, Frostfall 23

Hmm. I don't remember any quest sending you after the Grey Cowl. Is that part of Legacy of the Dragonborn, or a different quest mod?

2018-06-26, 08:26 PM
Something that I really love about using Ordinator is that any skill can become a combat skill. You want to do a sneaky character based on pickpocket? We got something for you. Alchemy? Poison that sticks to your blade for 11 strokes, how's that? Even enchanting has combat applications with all its scroll and staff perks. It's wonderful.

Hmm. I don't remember any quest sending you after the Grey Cowl. Is that part of Legacy of the Dragonborn, or a different quest mod?

It is in fact the mod The Grey Cowl of Noturnal (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4509/). For the record, I thought the gameplay of the mod was good, I had a lot of fun, apart from one section that I hated. But the story I thought was pretty bad, which is why I skipped over it in my journal. I thought about rolling back my save when I was done, but decided to just ignore the parts that didn't make sense instead. Which was almost everything.

2018-06-27, 07:53 PM
Val's Journal
The Ragged Flagon, Frostfall 30
On the Riften docks met a hysterical Argonian. She practically forced a dwemer artifact: a Lexicon, onto me, begging me to return it to Avanchnzel, a ruin in the Rift. She said something about been "unable to stand the memories"

I think I understood what she meant when I entered the ruin. I thought I saw some sort of ghosts before me, but they looked different from any other I had seen before. Then I noticed the same Argonian from Riften amongst them. I think those were memories projected by the Lexicon.

Avanchnzel seemed more dangerous than other dwarven ruins I had explored before. The machines seemed more... on alert. I suppose it makes sense, the party before only just "woke" them. Still, I managed to get in undetected, following the images as I saw them. Seeing how each of them died, apart from the last. I got quite a jolt from the cube as I placed it back in its stand, but still managed to keep myself hidden from the centurion guarding it. With that done I made my way back to Riften. Not the most profitable of adventures, but I still feel I gained something.

Candlehearth Hall, Frostfall 31
While I was up in Windhelm for some Guild jobs, I happened upon a murder scene. A guard was already there, and as he complained about the guards been stretched too thin, I offered to help. I had to get permission from the steward to investigate in any official sense, but he readily accepted any assistance he could get. The murdered woman was the fourth in recent weeks. No one saw anything, but there was a blood trail leading away from, or rather to where the woman was found.

Following that trail led me to an abandoned house. Locked up tight, but since when did that stop me? In the house I found some journals, a strange amulet, a collection of "Beware the Butcher" pamphlets, and a secret room containing a necromantic altar and various body parts. Really now, did he think no one would find a wardrobe nailed to the wall odd? I suppose I have seen it before.

Following up on what I had learned, I spoke with Helgird, in the Hall of the Dead, and found there were unusual cuts on the body, made with tools not dissimilar to her own. This matched what I read in the journals, of someone harvesting body parts to assemble into a vessel.

I also spoke with Viola Giordano, who authored the pamphlets I found, requesting information about the killings. When I mentioned necromancy was involved, she immediately accused the court mage. Apparently rumors about him practicing necromancy have been around for years. Having met the man, I can see why.

I brought the amulet I found to the Steward. He said I should bring it to Calixto Corrium for appraisal. That I did, and Calixto told me it's part of the ceremonial garb of court mages, and offered to buy it off me. I probably shouldn't have accepted, and realized as I returned to the Hall of Kings that the steward would certainly recognize the official symbols of the court wizard. I returned to Calixto's shop to find it locked up and Calixto nowhere to be seen.

And it was after that I spoke with the court wizard Wuunferth the Unliving. He identified the amulet as the Necromancer Amulet, and using the information in the journals figured that the murderer would have to strike again soon, that night in fact, to complete the necromantic ritual described.

I returned to Calixto's shop, broke in and searched the place. I found one more journal, he was definitely the killer, but no sign of him. There was nothing left to do but wait. I caught him in the market that night, creeping up on a woman, dagger drawn. I took him down with my own blade before he could strike.

And with that the case, as it were, was closed. I brought the news, and the evidence, back to the steward. As for the Amulet, it found its way back into my pocket. It's different from when I held it before, I suppose a death at the right time and place was all it needed to be awoken.

2018-06-28, 07:20 PM
Val's Journal
The Ragged Flagon, Sun's Dusk 3
Ha! No one can say I'm not one of the very best, not with the "Summerset Shadows" robbed and humiliated.

Delvin had a special job for me, and told me to contact Torsten Cruel-Sea in Windhelm for details. His daughter had been murdered, and her heirloom locket was stolen. The culprits were a guild of Altmer thieves trying to get established in Skyrim, calling themselves the Summerset Shadows. All I had to do was track them down, retrieve the locket and send them a message. As Torsten had already tracked down the killer, all I had to go by was a name: Niranye, an Altmer merchant in Windhelm.

Niranye had little spine, and caved at the mention of violence. She revealed she was a fence for the Shadows, and spilled the beans on their hideout: Uttering Hills Cave. I reminded her that violence isn't how we do things in the Guild, and made my preparations to head out that night.

Sneaking into the cave wasn't difficult, I climbed up above the cave and dropped down quietly behind the elf guarding the entrance. I easily dodged the handful of patrolling Shadows inside, and found the built up complex deeper in the cave. I picked the pocket of the one that seemed to be their leader, stealing the locket, and also helped myself to the stolen goodies they had stashed away.

They had put up a rather fancy banner in the main room. I figured torching it would send the right message. Of course, doing that whilst remaining hidden would be tricky, but I pulled it off. As they gave up searching for the culprit I made my escape.

When I returned the locket, Torsten pledged to use his influence in the city to help the Guild. Niranye is once more fencing for the guild. And the guards are whispering "the Thieves Guild is back".

2018-07-01, 07:17 PM
Val's Journal
Valthume, Sun's Dusk 6
While I was in Markarth on... business, I saw Calcelmo had posted a job to retrieve a staff from an old barrow in the hold.

When I entered the barrow, I encountered a ghost, guarding the tomb. He... sort of enlisted me to to destroy the evil he was keeping sealed. It wasn't too difficult to steal the vessels that the lich here needed to regain its power. Draining the vessels caused it to awaken. It was powerful, powerful enough that its ghostly guardian fell immediately, But I'm no fool, and didn't try to face it head-on, instead I stalked it from the shadows, using the power of the Cowl to keep myself hidden while I destroyed it with my bow.

When the litch finally fell, the ghost thanked me before it faded away. I claimed the lich's mask and staff, and found the staff Calcelmo wants. This was a very profitable adventure.

The Bannered Mare, Sun's Dusk 8
Delvin had a job for me with an important client. Olfrid Battle-Born, patriarch of one of the most powerful families in Whiterun. The job was a simple one: get into Dragonsreach, steal a letter from the Jarl's chambers, and change a prison record in the steward's. Reaching the steward's room without being seen was the easy part: it links directly to the servant's quarters, unguarded and abandoned during the day. The Jarl's private rooms was a trickier order, but the guards outside didn't seem too attentive while the Jarl wasn't there, letting me help myself to the letter, and a few fancy trinkets I later fenced.

And with that, Olfrid's friend Arn gets away with murder, and the Battle-Borns are in the Guild's debt. That will make doing business in Whiterun a good deal easier in the future.

The Winking Skeever, Sun's Dusk 10
I was up in Solitude for business today, and finally got around to returning Pantea's Flute to her. In return she taught me some tricks she picked up while working at the Mages' College. I never really thought about learning magic before, always seemed like too much work. But learning to use some simple spells might be worth it.

2018-07-07, 12:42 AM
Val's Journal

Silver Blood Inn, Sun's Dusk 16
Delvin had a job for a special client for me: a silversmith in Markarth. His family has had association with the guild in the past, and he had a problem that he couldn't get the authorities to deal with. A special silver mold he had ordered was stolen by a bandit gang in Falkreath. I don't know what's so special about the mold, but stealing it back was an interesting job.

The gang's hideout was in a cave system hidden under a cottage by the road. A secret door hid the entrance in the basement. For all that trouble, they didn't spend much effort in keeping it secret, leaving notes around referencing "behind the bookcase". I kept to the shadows until the one of them that was left house sitting bent to bed, and opened up the way deeper.

Apart from revealing the entrance, the notes also revealed the existence of a treasure room. The boss of the gang was a paranoid sort, and set up all kinds of traps and locks to protect her loot. A pity, really. My escape was somewhat less graceful than my way in, but that didn't matter. With the job done, the Guild is well and truly back in business in the Reach.

The Winking Skeever, Sun's Dusk 19
Another important job for the Guild, this time for Erikur, Thane and courtier in the Blue Palace of Solitude. The job was to acquire some Balmora Blue, and plant it in the possessions of a captain who reneged on a deal.

I should have discussed expenses with Erikur, as the contraband wasn't cheap, but it should be worth it in the long run. With the contraband in hand I just had to sneak aboard the Dainty Sload and plant the stuff in the captain's foot locker. Very strange layout to the boat, the captain's quarters was only accessible through the cargo hold, which made it tricky to get to, as the hold was well guarded and cramped, but with some careful planning I got there and back again.

Erikur must have had more faith in me than he let on, as when I got back to him the captain was already arrested. With his support the capital is now in the Guild's grasp. From what Delvin told me, that means that the Guild is just about back at full strength, as it was before Mercer took over. Speaking of, Brynjolf said something about naming me as Guild Master once we were done rebuilding.

The Ragged Flagon, Sun's Dusk 21
Well, I guess no one else wanted the job, so after two months I am now Guild Master. Kinda diminishes the prestige of the title, really. But with everything running smoothly without a boss, who better to take on the role than the "best damn thief in the place"?

After the little ceremony, which, surprisingly, even Maven showed up to, Tonilia presented me with a new suit of Guild armour befitting a Master thief, and Brynjolf gave an amulet that serves as a badge of office, of sorts.

Thieves aren't much for spending, so celebrations were brief. I may be the "boss" now, but nothing really changes. Still, there's always more to steal. I'll just have to be on the lookout for more interesting targets.

2018-07-11, 08:29 AM
Evening Star 2
I... I think I'm safe. For now.

I was heading up to Windhelm when I suddenly remembered that guy that attacked me out of the blue after the first time I visited Whiterun. He had a note, something about undiscovered Dwemer ruins in the area. Following up on that was a mistake. The tunnel collapsed behind me, and that wasn't nearly the worst of it.

A ghost. Or some sort of spectre, it doesn't look like any other ghost I've seen. It screamed like nothing I've heard, and it hurt just to be in its presence. The first time I encountered it, it paralyzed me, and when I came to, the tunnels had changed. Bones everywhere. Undead skeletons too.

I found my way deeper, to some sort of frozen lake. All the while the ghost lingered beneath the ice. As I finally found a path leading back towards the surface, the ghost appeared in my way again. I managed to juke around it, and then just ran. There were more skeletons, but I just kept going. The tunnels began to fall, and I just kept running. Finally I reached the surface and the tunnels collapsed behind me.

I'm in some sort of valley in the mountains. There's a... I'm, not sure, it looks like a manor house, but covered in dwarf machinery. I'll investigate tomorrow. I just need to rest.

Clockwork Castle, Evening Star 3
This place is certainly unusual. A manor house, High Rock architecture. Owned by a Breton merchant, but now abandoned, apart from two... I'm hesitant to call them automata, but I don't know what else to call them, Lahar and Lamashtu.

I'm sure how this place came to be is fascinating, but I have a pressing concern. The way I came collapsed behind me, and there was no other way in or out. And Lahar and Lamashtu don't eat food. There is some sort of "Transport Machine" in the house, but the various machines of the house are non-functional. The two have told me that the house is connected to the Dwemer city of Nurndural, under the Mausoleum, and that steam pipes would have to be repaired to get the machines working again. The city is supposedly inhabited by others like them, but "gone wild". I guess I have no choice, I only have a few days of supplies after all.

Clockwork Castle, Evening Star 4
Urgh... Those machines... those "gilded" give me the creeps. All muttering in broken Cyrodilic, some even ramming rotted food into their metal masks, like their not even aware that they aren't human. At least their lack of awareness extended to their surroundings, making it fairly easy to get around and fix the pipes. If I ever have to go down there again it'll be too soon, but it looks like I'll have to. Something is stopping me from using the Travel Machine. Lahar, he can use it just fine, but something is forcing me back. I spoke to Lamashtu about it, and she started babbling like the gilded down below.

Lahar wants me to find a special type of soul gem down below, a new "heart" for Lamashtu. Well, at least I'm not going to starve here, as Lahar brought in some fresh food. He also told me about a Gilded called "Amalgam", who has been collecting these crystalline hearts down there, and is the most likely source of an unfilled one.

Clockwork Castle, Evening Star 5
This "Amalgam" had rebuilt itself into a damned Centurion. Gods only know how that even works. At least he was kind enough to stand in front of an old ballista. With him thoroughly smashed up, I was able to open his chest and retrieve a still-dark gem.

In my absence, Lahar had just happened to knock together a Soul Transfer Device with parts lying around. With it, Lamashtu's soul was passed the new heart, and she was returned to her senses.

With that, Lamashtu finally explained what was going on. With the Gilded, with the Travel Device, and with that ghost from the tunnels.

Lahar, Lamashtu, and those in the ruins below were all once Dwemer. Illness stricken and seeking immortality, they underwent a process that transferred their souls to crystal hearts, burned away their flesh and clad their bones in metal. Lahar himself was the one who developed the process. But the process was flawed, and the heart would gradually degrade.

Lamashtu was the last. Lahar had thought the process perfected, but clearly was mistaken. She was the last because she was undergoing the process at the moment when the living Dwemer vanished. This coincidence also somehow created the ghost in the tunnels, Lamashtu's "Shadow".

So the new plan is to bring Lamashtu down to Nurndural's animunculi, which is where Shadow generally "lives". There, if we can overpower the ghost, she will Soul Trap it and bring it into her soul gem. And then, if everything goes right, I can finally leave.

Clockwork Castle, Evening Star 6
It's finally done. Something finally went to plan, and we tracked down Shadow. It put up a fight, but this time it didn't seem to have the same power. Maybe it was Lamashtu's presence making it more tangible. We overpowered it, and Lamashtu cast her spell, drawing it in to rejoin her soul.

We made our way out (Lahar had warned me that the fallen Gilded would get up again, so I made sure to collect their weapons, which did make egress easier), and I could finally reach the Travel Machine. Lamashtu taught me a spell that could bring me back here, Maybe one day I'll avail myself of the facilities here, but I don't think I'll be making a home here, despite the convenience. Still, I'll spend another night here before I head back out to Skyrim.

2018-07-11, 06:41 PM
Candlehearth Hall, Evening Star 11
With things getting back to normal, I finally got out to Windhelm for that job. While I was there, I saw some missives posted, offering rewards for clearing the cave "Cronvangr Hall" of spiders and bringing back a lost necklace. With two jobs in the one place, it seemed well worth my time.

In clearing out the spiders, I took the chance to practice some of the spells I'd been learning. I managed to set the spiders on each other while staying hidden and silent myself. I seem to have a talent for Illusion magic in particular.

Everything went swimmingly until I spotted a hidden switch on my way out. Turns out there was a coven of necromancers hiding out here. The contract was for the spiders, so I just looted their things, but I was spotted as I made my way out. I ran back deeper into the cave and looped around to loose them. Got hit a few times, nothing serious, but I feel like I'm going to be aching for a while. Whatever. Spiders are dead, I found that necklace, I'll get paid tomorrow.

2018-07-11, 06:47 PM
Abandoned Prison, Evening Star 14
Gods, I feel like death. I staggered in here just to get out of the damned sun. I was just on my way back to Riften when illness just hit me like a wave. I've been feeling kinda crook for days, but nothing like this. I'm just going to have to rest for a while. Hopefully there's nothing in this broken tower that's going to find me.

2018-07-13, 07:37 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
The Ragged Flagon - Evening Star 15, 4E201
I awakened at midnight, surrounded by spectres of the dead. How apt. The mad ghosts were hardly a test of my power, and soon I was on the road to Riften, stopping only to have a meal with a fellow traveller still on the road at this late hour.

I've attended to business at the Thieves Guild, and will soon set out again. The jobs are banal, but it will do for now, while I explore the extent of my abilities.

The Ragged Flagon - Evening Star 18, 4E201
I've spent some days travelling here and there, both doing work for the Guild finding jobs available in the various towns I've visited. All simple, banal tasks: breaking into homes, retrieving lost possessions, clearing out beasts from their dens... hardly challenging, but I've come to some useful understanding all the same.

Travelling by foot is intolerable during the day. Happily, that problem is easily resolved. A black horse of Whiterun is a suitable conveyance when travelling beneath the sun is unavoidable.

I've learned that there is some truth to the old stories. While engaging in burglary, or otherwise trespassing, I found my energy draining away, leaving me physically and magically depleted. This would be a problem if I was ever to be discovered, I'm sure. As such, I am not concerned. But I must keep it in mind, should I ever confront someone in their home.

More than anything else, I know I must have more power. I lack the strength to deal with the insolents that attack me on the road. With the sun bearing down there is nought I can do but flee. This must change, and the banal work of thieves is not going to help me.

I need more power, and I believe I know how I will acquire it.

2018-07-14, 09:29 AM
Mmm. Red text for Dark Brotherhood, I take it?

2018-07-14, 09:58 AM
Mmm. Red text for Dark Brotherhood, I take it?

Myself I was guessing an infection of vampirism, with the sleeping needed to set it fully on.

I like these much better now they are out of the main ES thread, I used to skip them there, but I find myself reading them here.

2018-07-15, 09:01 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
College of Winterhold - Evening Star 20, 4E201
I left my guild armour behind and set out north, for Winterhold. It was hours before dawn when I arrived. I had a quick meal and rented a bed at the inn to wait for sunrise.

As the day began, I approached the College of Winterhold. A mage was standing guard outside to keep away the gawkers and worse, but she soon understood I was there to learn, and let me past. I then spoke to the Master Wizard, and was accepted as an Apprentice there and then.

I was directed to the Hall of the Elements, where Tolfdir was running an introductory lecture. Nothing revelatory, even with my rudimentary understanding of magic, but lectures were never going to be the value of coming here. No, it's access to the resources and accumulated knowledge of the college that will give me what I'm after. Naturally, it's not going to be handed over to me simply for showing up. I'll have to work towards it, and I'm sure there's plenty of errands the senior wizards would send apprentices on.

2018-07-15, 09:08 PM
Mmm. Red text for Dark Brotherhood, I take it?

Myself I was guessing an infection of vampirism, with the sleeping needed to set it fully on.

I like these much better now they are out of the main ES thread, I used to skip them there, but I find myself reading them here.

Yep, red text for Vampire Val. At this point I'm not sure this character will even go to the Dark Brotherhood, even though I figured she would when I first conceived of her. Maybe if I can figure a good way to work in her family history. Of course the further along I go, the less sense becoming an assassin makes. Same reason why whenever I make a character that's going to be a thief joining that guild is one of the first things they do.

2018-07-19, 01:16 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
College of Winterhold - Evening Star 27, 4E201
It's been a week since I joined the College. I've been making myself known to the faculty, helping with whatever they would entrust an apprentice with. The librarian Urag gro-Shub in particular must have a list of books he wants acquired as long as Arcanaeum's catalogue, and I've been more than happy to head out and find the tomes he's tracked to more dangerous locations. To say the climate up here doesn't agree with me would be an understatement.

My efforts are already bearing fruit. I've added some powerful new illusion spells to my repertoire. Of course, not everything is so pleasing. If I hear that obnoxious Ancano's voice again it will be too soon. I may just make a point of taking my meals with him when I can.

2018-07-19, 09:31 AM
My efforts are already bearing fruit. I've added some powerful new illusion spells to my repertoire. Of course, not everything is so pleasing. If I hear that obnoxious Ancano's voice again it will be too soon. I may just make a point of taking my meals with him when I can.

What's Valerian's skill setup right about now? I remember you had it a page ago, but was wondering how it's changed.

2018-07-19, 06:08 PM
Valerian Valtieri
Level 47 Imperial (Imperious)/Vampire (Sacrosanct)
Birthsign: The Shadow (Andromeda)
Skills (Ordinator):

Light Armour 100
Light Armour Mastery 1/2
Light Armour Fit
Keen Senses

Sneak 100
Sneak Mastery 1/2
Silent Roll
Fog of War
Right Behind You
Clean Escape
Behind Enemy Lines

Lockpicking 97
Lockpicking Mastery 1/2
Game of Fate
Robber's Eye
Gone in Fifteen Seconds
Wax Key
-Seen This Before- (100)

Pickpocket 47 (67)
Pickpocket Mastery 1/2
-Lawless World- (50)

Speech 67
Speech Mastery 1/2

Alchemy 16 (6)

Illusion 74 (94)
Illusion Mastery 2/2
Illusion Dual Casting
Quiet Before the Storm 1/2
Dream Thief
Kindred Mage

Conjuration 16

Destruction 22 (12)

Restoration 26

Alteration 41

Enchanting 56

Smithing 67 (87)
Smithing Mastery 2/2
Arcane Blacksmith

Heavy Armour 24 (14)

Block 52

Two-Handed 16

One-Handed 86

Archery 64

Character Appearance (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1442605425)

2018-07-19, 07:23 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
College of Winterhold - Evening Star 29, 4E201
This morning, Tolfdir called the apprentices over and told us to convene at Saarthal, an ancient Nord city that is being excavated and studied by members of the College. The first Nord city in Skyrim, in fact. While it wasn't far, the cold was insufferable. Even with a thick fur cloak and charms to keep the cold at bay I could feel my body seizing up by the time I arrived. Myself and the other apprentices waited around a fire for Tolfdir to arrive and finally open up the entrance.

Once we were inside, Tolfdir assigned us to various tasks. I was sent to assist Arniel Gane in cataloging the items found in the ruin. He sent me to scrounge around in the dust for any small objects that might still be around. Picking up one such object, and amulet, triggered a trap of sorts, closing me in the room I found it.

Wearing that amulet revealed some sort of magical distortion. At Tolfdir's suggestion I tried casting a spell, Calm, into it. At which point the wall collapsed revealing a new passage and the trap mechanisms reset. Leaving Gane to his cataloguing Tolfdir and I explored further.

As we entered these newly revealed areas, I was visited by a vision of sorts. A message from a member of the Psijic Order. A warning of danger ahead, of "events set in motion". Cryptic nonsense. I can't even say if the message was meant to dissuade or encourage further exploration. While Tolfdir stayed behind to examine an apparently very interesting arrangement of coffins, I chose the latter and explored further.

The place didn't seem much different from any other Draugr-infested ruin. Same traps and puzzles. Tolfdir caught up with me after a while, and we entered the main chamber together.

Now, that was different. A massive, floating orb in the heart of the room. A Draugr here rose up to attack us, seemingly immune to our spells and attacks. Tolfdir realised it was drawing power from the orb, and while I kept it busy he worked on dispelling that connection. I was battered by the Draugr's blows, but as soon as its protection fell two quick strikes from Malice laid it to rest.

And that left us with this giant orb. Tolfdir told me to go inform the Archmage, as to not leave it unattended. Before I left I took a look around. I found a note and a broken amulet on the Draugr's body that seemed like it could warrant investigation, and then made my way out and trudged back to the College.

I found the Archmage in his quarters, and let him know that Tolfdir wanted him to see what we found. I also asked him about the Psijics, it would appear that everyone knows the name but not much more. I'll need to speak with Mirabelle Ervine about arrangements now that Tolfdir and the Archmage are occupied, but that's for tomorrow. I wonder who's still around, it's about time for a drink.

2018-07-21, 08:54 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
The Bannered Mare - Evening Star 30, 4E201
Nothing can be simple. Ervine sent me to research the orb in the Arcanaeum, but I only learned that the relevant books had been stolen some time ago, by mage who thought he might offer them to a group of renegade mages and join them. While the college knew where those mages were the whole time, it would seem the Archmage prefers to let problems "solve themselves" rather than deal with them. I suppose that is what happened today, to an extent.

That obnoxious "advisor" questioned me about the orb as I set out for Fellglow Keep. Not that I knew anything more than the rumors that were already swirling around the college. No one in the college seems to trust the elf, which begs the question why the Archmage keeps him around. Another problem that will solve itself with time, perhaps.

Getting into Fellglow was simplicity. Between my skills and my magic what could stop me? Their leader, some mad-mage calling herself the "Caller", was the only one who even knew I was there, and she just let me take the books and go. Given the name I doubt she has any interest in books that aren't conjuration texts. Something that our book thief probably now understands very well: I spotted him stuck in a cell as I made my way in.

I think I'll spend the rest of the day here in Whiterun, maybe play a song all two at the inn before setting back out after dark. In the meantime I'll read through these books. I remember Tolfdir mentioning something about "the night of tears", so that's where I'll start.

2018-07-23, 05:25 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
The Winking Skeever - Evening Star 31, 4E201
I returned the books to the college. Tolfdir and the Archmage are still wrapped up in their investigations, so I began some research of my own: into "Jyrik" the draugr we defeated in Saarthal. I found the text "Lost Legends" in the Arcanaeum, that spoke of an archmage Gauldur and his three sons. This seemed to match what I found in Saarthal, so I've set out for another site mentioned in the book: Folgunthur, near Solitude.

Silverblood Inn - Morning Star 3, 4E202
All that trouble over some trinket. In Folgunthur I found the remains of a mage who had been there before, along with his entourage. He had apparently spent decades researching the Gauldur legend, and the "powerful" amulet at its heart. Sadly he destroyed most of his research, save for some notes covering the most pertinent points, just to styme people like me, I assume. He died to the draugr, along with his men, but his notes did prove useful in guiding me to the final two locations.

In both Folgunthur and Geirmund's Hall I encountered I found the undead remains of one of the Gauldurson brothers, and recovered the remaining two shards of the amulet. And in Reachwater Rock I found the tomb of Gauldur himself. The brothers fought me again in spirit-form, before the ghost of what I assume was Gauldur banished them and made the amulet whole once more.

I've examined the amulet several times. Its enchantments are not insignificant, but it hardly seems like an artifact that wars would be fought over. And I've learned nothing about the orb, Gauldur's time was well after Saarthal fall. Maybe they've learned something back at the college.

2018-07-27, 06:23 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Arkngthamz - Morning Star 4, 4E202
The college faculty was still entirely absorbed in studying the orb, so I ended up browsing the Arcanaeum. On a whim, I picked up the book "The Aetherium Wars". I was intrigued enough to follow on what I read, just as importantly it would not involve being present in Winterhold over midwinter.

I rode out to Arkngthamz, the Dwemer city mentioned by name in the text. An earthquake shook the ground as I approached. In hindsight it was foolish of be to proceed underground immediately afterwards, but that is just what I did.

Within, I heard a voice trying to sound mysterious and fearsome, and failing. The voice belonged to the ghost of Katria, the "friend and colleague" Dreth mentioned in his book. She told me that Dreth had stolen her research for the book, and was endeavoring to find the Aetherium Forge herself to prove it. And then she died by triggering a trap. A trap that caused the earthquakes in the area.

She came along as I explored the ruin. Surprisingly capable in combat for being recently dead. Her knowledge of the ruins was also useful, as there were mechanisms here that I've never seen before. There was little but Falmer in our way as we made our way through. Along the way we found her body; she had me grab her journal as to use her notes to help get through the final lock. Between the journal and notes left by another failed adventurer I could ascertain what the correct sequence was and left any remaining traps dormant.

Past the lock we found what Katria thinks is part of a key. The key to the Aetherium Forge. If her theory is correct then there's another three parts across Skyrim, and it looks like she knows where they should be. I'll keep going along with this endeavor, so we'll see if she's right.

Bthalft - Morning Star 7, 4E202
The shards of the crest were all where Katria expected them to be. Surprisingly undefended, given what we went through at Arkngthamz. I took those pieces to Bthalft. An unassuming ruin, but once we cleared out the bandits camped here and assembled the crest in the appropriately shaped reciprocal, mechanisms came to life, revealing a dwarven lift.

It took us deep below the earth, to a dwemer structure untouched by time. Within we found it: the Aetherium Forge. After I turned some valves to redirect venting steam, the facility came to life. We were swarmed by waves of automatons: spiders and spheres. Wielding my magic I created illusion-constructs like those used by Sigdis Gauldurson, but instead of cloning myself, I created doubles of each of the attacking machines. And while my illusions were fragile, they struck with the strength of the real thing and were replaced as soon as they fell. By the time my magicka was exhausted only a few remained to be finished off.

After that, an enhanced Centurion awoke, the final defense of the forge. While it used a powerful flaming blast at range, up close it had the same weakness in mobility as other centurions, and couldn't fight me effectively once I was around its legs slamming Malice into its joints.

All that was left to do was prove it was indeed the Aetherium Forge. With materials on hand and the only aetherium we had: the key that opened this place, I created a circlet using the forge. With that Katria was satisfied and faded away form the world, the purpose keeping her from moving on done.

I'm sure this circlet has some power to it, I can sense as much, but what exactly it does I don't know. Some research for later, because surely the mages at the college have made something of the orb by now.

2018-07-29, 01:52 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
College of Winterhold - Morning Star 8, 4E202
When I returned to the college, I was immediately confronted by Ancano. In amongst his blithering he told me that a Psijic Monk had arrived at the college and asked for me by name. When I went to meet him he stopped time briefly to allow us to speak in private. I'm not sure why, he didn't have much to say apart from to speak with the "Augur of Dunlain" and general warnings of some non-specific doom. He then left, leaving Ancano and Aren rather confused.

Tolfdir told me where to find the Augur, who was a past student, who, probably accidently, turned himself into an incorporeal seer bound to the energies of the college. He was in the "Midden", the underworks of the college. There were some interesting things down there, a magic forge and a conjuration artifact both warrant further investigation. I soon found where the Augur had sealed himself away.

There's something about seeing the future that makes you couch everything you say in unnecessary warnings. In amongst the doom and gloom the Augur told me that "To see through the Eye of Magnus without being blinded requires His staff", and to bring that information to the Archmage. All he could tell me was that Mirabelle had mentioned the staff recently. She, on the other hand, had met with some mages of the Synod that seemed to think the college kept the Staff of Magnus "in a closet somewhere". They were based in the Dwemer ruin of Mzulft, so that's where I'll begin my search.

College of Winterhold - Morning Star 10, 4E202
That snake Ancano has played his hand. He's usurped the Eye, drawing power from it, forcing us out of the Hall of the Elements. He killed the Archmage in the process. None of us know what he's up to, but all the mages of the college can do now is try to contain him. Mirabelle gave me a... some sort of bracelet that Aren told her was connected to Labyrinthian. I'll leave as soon as there is a break in the weather. Though if this snowstorm doesn't lift soon I'll just have to brave it.

In Mzulft I found the Synod expedition. All but one of them were killed by the Falmer. The one remaining had rigged the Oculory to visualize magical energy across Tamriel, just needing a special crystal carried by one of the deceased. The result wasn't to his expectations, as the Eye drowned out almost everything on the map. Everything except Labyrinthian. If the Staff of Magnus is connected to the eye, then that would have to be it.

Best not to think about what happens if it's not there.

College of Winterhold - Morning Star 12, 4E202
I arrived in Labyrinthian at the break of dawn. The place is huge, exposed, and freezing, so the first thing I did after clearing out some trolls was set up a base camp.

The first area I explored turned out to be Shalidor's Maze. A trial meant for prospective archmages. It made sense to me that the Staff might be there, but my prize for solving its riddle was a magical crown. Useful, but not what I was there for. The greatest challenge of the maze wasn't the riddle, or the conjured daedra at the end, but the simple fact it was open to the sun and cold as death.

The second part of Labyrinthian I went to was sealed, needing Aren's torc to open. This was the remains of an older city: Bromjunaar. As I explored, and fought off the undead, I would occasionally be spoken to by something powerful deep within. At first it mistook me for Aren, who had sealed the place years ago. When it realized I wasn't Savos, it just resorted to gloating about how it was going to destroy me.

That something powerful was a lich, contained by the ghosts of two mages. The lich had the staff, so I had no choice but to banish the spectres and release it. The boastful sorcerer ill considered my crafty use of magic, and from the shadows I hexxed it with curses that drained away its physical and magical strength, leaving it frail and powerless when I drew Malice to finish it off. I claimed the Staff and its magical mask from the remains and made to leave.

I was famished by this time, after two lengthy explorations, so it was very thoughtful of Ancano to have a meal waiting for me as I left. I quickly packed up my camp and rode out to the college at a gallop, trailing witchfire as I went.

Back at Winterhold I found that Ancano's barrier now engulfed the entire college, forcing everyone out. Wielding the Staff I dispelled the shield with a gesture. Tolfdir and the college guards stormed into the Hall alongside me. Ancano was immune to our spells and attacks as long as he drew power from the Eye. But as I channeled energy from the Eye with the Staff he was cut off, and only had a moment to realize this before he was blasted across the room.

Even with Ancano dead, whatever he had done to the Eye wasn't stopping, it was still surging with uncontrolled energy. It was then that the Psijics made themselves known once more, taking the unstable artifact ...somewhere else.

In the aftermath, there's been talk of naming me Archmage. Which is preposterous: It's been three weeks since I was accepted as an apprentice, I'm hardly the most accomplished mage, and I'm not about to settle down into an administrative role. Still, if they want to call me Archmage while Tolfdir does the actual work... I can work with that.

2018-08-01, 01:50 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Solitude - Morning Star 23, 4E202
I happened to be in the Blue Palace while a farmer from Dragon Bridge was petitioning the Jarl, concerned about dark magic at a nearby cave. He was brushed off by the Jarl's advisors, but the steward did promise to send someone to investigate. Since dark magic is ostensibly my problem now, I offered to investigate. Falk conceded that he wasn't really intending to send anyone, but offered to compensate me if I cleared the cave out.

It turned out that dark forces were indeed at play, with a group of necromancers attempting to suppon and bind the spirit of Potema, the Wolf Queen herself. The cave was an old fastness of hers. A well placed Frenzy spell put an end to the ritual, and the magical energies soon dissipated. With that, the draugr minions of the necromancers were no longer under their control, and the whole place erupted into a skirmish. I finished off the survivors and returned to the steward, receiving his thanks and a sizable sum of gold for my trouble.

2018-08-01, 01:51 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Amber Creek - Morning Star 28, 4E202
Well, this has been an unexpected journey. In Riften an old man told me about odd goings-on at the nearby mine, and after sneaking past the resident bandits I found the bodies of the mercenaries he was talking about, along with the source of the odd noises: a badly damaged centurion. These were in a section of dwemer ruins beneath the mine, along with an odd gate. The one I presumed was the leader had a lexicon amongst his possessions, and that fit into a stand nearby, causing the gate to come to life with a shimmering portal.

Caution gave way to curiosity, and I passed through. Curiously, this led to a distant land colonized by Nords. And notably, the gate on this side isn't active, missing the lexicon on it's matching pedestal. I was roped into helping one of the local guards clear out some bandits to rescue an abducted boy. After that he had me report to the local Jarl as to what happened.

I haven't learned much, only that there was some sort of a prophecy about the Traveller passing through the gate, and that there has been war between the noble families here. The Jarl asked me to go speak with some monks that used to be heavily involved in the politics of this land.

Before I can do any of that, I'll need supplies and to get to know the lay of the land. It was already becoming night, so I'd have to wait on the day to come to do business, so I decided to investigate the hot springs that one of the guards mentioned, that there was something wrong with it and there were necromancers,

Well, there aren't any necromancers there any more. Curiously, just under the springs were some Dwemer machines, almost like the springs were artificial. Now that I think of it, the fact that the portal I came through was of dwarf make didn't warrant a mention either. Is dwarven machinery common here?

2018-08-11, 01:31 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Amber Creek - Suns Dawn 2, 4E202
I've made arrangements for accommodation. I've needed to take on some jobs around town to pay for it, as I wasn't carrying much coin when I came through the portal.

On one of these jobs, I discovered a curious crystal. It was being used by necromancers... it looks like they were controlling the local wildlife with it. This warrants further investigation. I can't get back to the college, but maybe those monks would have some idea of what it is. Agnar told me they were once the court wizards here.

Falskaar Docks - Suns Dawn 4, 4E202
I've spoke with the monks of Bailun Priory. Of Jarl Agnar's request, they simply don't want to get involved in any brewing war. As for the crystal... I spoke with one Brother Arnand. He told me about a former prior that was expelled when his magical research almost killed some of the other monks, and how that prior dabbled in dark magic. He had a hidden lair on the priory grounds, and in searching it I found a journal, and another crystal like the one I already found. I left it with Arnand, who hopes to learn what it is. In the meantime, I returned to Agnar, who requested I liberate the docks from some bandits. Since I'm otherwise stuck here, I went along with it, freeing the captives they had taken.

I now have a way home, and I don't think I'll be playing soldier for Agnar any further. Once I've finished investigating those crystals I think I'll head back.

Falskaar Docks - Suns Dawn 8, 4E202
Well that was fruitless. Arnand identified the crystals as shards of the "Dream Crystal", a daedric artifact of Vaermina. The former prior "Vernan" had distributed the shards to his necromancer acolytes to study and try to unseal. They weren't hard to track down with the effects of the shards causing various odd effects that the people of the island noticed.

I brought the shards back to Arnand and we set out for Volkrund Keep, where Vernan had made his lair. Arnand figured that Vernan may have figured a way to make the crystal whole, which would stabilize it.

Things did not go to plan, as Vernan poisoned Arnand and claimed the crystals. Vernan's use of the assembled Dream Crystal caused strange distortions of the keep, but couldn't stop us from reaching him. Once we had felled his undead lackies he tried to use the Crystal again, but the fool necromancer just managed to drag himself and the Crystal into Oblivion.

After that waste of time, I think I'll make my way back to Skyrim. The ferryman owes me a favor, so he's promised to cut his fare for me.

Bah, I just realised I'll have to walk back to Riften.

2018-08-11, 08:13 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Frostmere Crypt, Suns Dawn 9, 4E202
Almost as soon as I arrived in Dawnstar, I was accosted by some mechanical creature. It called itself Llavados. What it was saying was disjointed and hard to follow, but the gist of it was that its friends need, or will need, help, and I can get to where they are through Stonehole Mine.

It then disassembled itself in front of me, and told me to take its "glowing part" Apparently it's something called a "Fabricant", and that part, a "Pneuma", is its soul? I'm intrigued to see where this creature came from, but having only just arrived back in Skyrim, I need to resupply and get my equipment in order before proceeding.

I've recovered my horse (I'm surprised it was still there, being so close to Riften) and set my equipment in order. But as I was en-route to Stonehole Mine I noticed a commotion at a crypt near the road. I recalled seeing a bounty out for the bandit leader at Frostmere Crypt, so I figured it might be worth investigating.

I was right, the bandits had unearthed some cursed magic sword there. I claimed the blade for myself, then destroyed the spirit haunting it. The bandit leader was almost dead when I found him, but the Jarl doesn't need to know that. It's not far back to town, so I'll sort that out before continuing to the mine.

2018-08-13, 01:17 PM
What mod is that fabricant from? It seems like it'd be referencing Tribunal things, but I'm not familiar with it.

2018-08-14, 05:26 PM
What mod is that fabricant from? It seems like it'd be referencing Tribunal things, but I'm not familiar with it.

The Wheels of Lull (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/748).

2018-08-22, 07:48 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Lull-Mor, Suns Dawn 26, 4E202
It's been some time since I last put ink to paper, and in all honesty the less said of recent events the better. While I take some satisfaction in thwarting another Thalmor plot, this success was in spite of my erstwhile allies. I will admit, I was rather taken by the spectacular technology on display in Lull-mor, but in the end it's all in decay, like everywhere else. For all it's shining brass and glowing script, it was all very mundane and maintained by people who barely know what they are doing.

Maybe the Thalmor have a point.

Solitude, Suns Dawn 29, 4E202
Falk Firebeard sent for me by courier. It turned out that the spectre of Potema was still around after the summoning a month ago, and had taken up residence in the catacombs under the city. Getting rid of her for good would require recovering her remains from the catacombs to be consecrated by a the a priest of Arkay.

She had already raised a small army of undead in the catacombs, as well as attracted a number of vampires to her cause. I fought through the lot of them; my hemomancies have become a potent if indiscriminate weapon against both the living and the dead. After that, all that was left was the Wolf Queen's ghost, still weak and vulnerable. Her ectoplasmic form was soon splattered across the chambers walls, allowing me to collect her bones and take them back to the Hall of the Dead to undergo Arkay's rites.

Falk rewarded me with a hefty pouch of gold and a magical shield. I don't normally use a shield but the enchantments on this one make it seem worth keeping on hand. He said something about the jarl wanting to keep the affair quiet, but I get the impression she doesn't even know what was going on. It occurs to me that I could have rather a lot of influence in Solitude should I want it, between my connections with Erikur and Falk.

2018-08-29, 12:54 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
College of Winterhold, First Seed 2, 4E202
As I was returning to the college, I was approached by some mad khajiit, who was ranting about the sky falling. I eventually managed to get out of him that he saw something fall from the sky over the sea of ghosts. Since I was already heading back to Winterhold I decided to look into it, and rode out across the sea to see what I could find. What I found was the "Marker". It claimed to represent the Magna-Ge, and directed me towards a shipwreck some ways to the west. I learned that the crew was trying to retrieve something from the sea floor, and after taking a swig of snowberry extract I dived down to find what looked like a glowing shard of glass, like welkynd stone. When I touched it, it vanished in a flash.

I returned to the Marker, but it didn't offer me any further enlightenment. So I returned to Winterhold, still confused by what happened.

First Seed 3, 4E202
I was approached by a priest of Meridia, or Merid, as he seems to prefer. He seemed to be aware of what I encountered yesterday, and suggested I investegate Trolhetta Temple, a ruin once dedicated to the Magna-Ge. His connection to those spirits stems from Merida once being counted among their number, at least to hear him tell it.

First Seed 5, 4E202
I've been contacted by two of the Magna-Ge, members of warring factions, both wanting me to tip the balance in their favor. Astetu, a spirit of light, and Ilmaasi, of void. The experience seems to have given me a new connection to the energies of Aetherius, in the form of magic of light and void.

As for the Magna-Ge, they've remained cryptic, even as they ask for my allegiance. Perhaps more will reveal itself with time.

Riften, First Seed 7, 4E202
It had come to my attention that a group of vampire hunters had begun to establish itself near Riften. I realized that it would behove me to see what this group was up to, and if they could be made useful. The latter has been the case, as when I arrived I soon learned about some important "vampire artifact" in a cave near Dawnstar. Well, if there's some powerful vampiric artifact out there, I certainly want to make sure it ends up in the right hands, so I left the insignificant Dawnguard to their fort, and returned to Riften to wait out the day and prepare for the trip.

2018-09-16, 01:39 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Dimhollow Crypt, First Seed 8, 4E202
Now this is intriguing. The 'artifact' turned out not to be a thing, but a person. A vampire sealed away for a thousand years. And on her person, nothing less than an elder scroll. Now that certainly warrants further investigation. The vampire, Serana, is tight lipped over how and why she has such a thing. She has, however, requested escort to her family home, a castle to the far northwest, near the border with High Rock.

I suppose I'll take her there, I could well learn more that way. Come dusk, we'll set out.

Castle Volkihar, First Seed 9, 4E202
Well, that was a turn of events. I brought Serana to her family home, still very much inhabited by her father: Lord Harkon, and his clan of vampires. As a "reward" for bringing his daughter home safely Harkon offered his blood, to make me a vampire of his clan. This would greatly enhance my vampiric powers, but if I were to refuse I would simply be allowed to leave unmolested.

I gave it some thought, the situation did not feel right, but I accepted. I want to keep track of the Scroll, and whatever events might form around it, and I can hardly do that if I walk away.

The process of being turned was...unpleasant to say the least. But as promised my powers have become greater as a result. Harkon has "suggested" a task for me. He had Garan Marethi fill me in: I am to fill the Bloodstone Chalice at Redwater Den. It will also require adding the blood of a powerful vampire, but I'm getting the sense that will not be a problem.

Castle Volkihar, First Seed 10, 4E202
As I expected, other vampires of Harkon's court tried to interfere with me as I filled the Chalice. That solved the blood problem. The filled chalice has some useful properties, enhancing vampiric magic.

Harkon has made a declaration. The clan is to track down a Moth Priest, who may have arrived in Skyrim following rumours of an Elder Scroll. Well, if there's a Moth Priest in Skyrim I know just the orc to ask.

2018-09-24, 07:00 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Castle Volkihar, First Seed 13, 4E202
Serana asked to come with me as I headed out, and I'm not unhappy to have the company. We set out for Winterhold.

As I had hoped, a Moth Priest had visited the arcanaeum. Urag was able to tell me that the priest was headed for Dragon Bridge, and as we travelled that way we found his carriage, wrecked and surrounded by corpses, both legion and vampire. There was no sign of the scholar, but a trail of blood led away to a cave.

Within that cave is an entire fortress, concealed in a large cavern. And when we arrived it was occupied by the Dawnguard. Isran's been busy I see. I manipulated them into fighting each other as we explored the structure, eventually finding the Moth Priest Dexion imprisoned a magical device. It was easily opened, the "key" was on the body of a vampire that the Dawnguard had killed.

I wasn't certain what I would do with the priest, but that decision had already been made, as the vampires that attacked him had already broke his will. He was in a frenzy after his master's death, so I used my own powers to redirect that devotion to myself. I directed him to travel to the castle, and Serana and I did the same, stopping for the day at an old nord barrow along the way.

When we arrived, the court had already assembled for the reading of the Scroll. I ordered Dexion to read, and he spoke:

"Among the night's children, a dread lord will rise. In an age of strife, when dragons return to the realm of men, darkness will mingle with light and the night and day will be as one."

He also saw a vision of Auriel's Bow, but the secrets of the bow's power are held elsewhere, in two more Scrolls. Apparently one of these in in the possession of Harkon's estranged wife, wherever she may be, and the other... just somewhere in Skyrim. I suppose I'll consult with Urag, see whatever texts the college might h--

2018-09-30, 01:31 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Castle Volkihar, First Seed 16, 4E202
Well, that was quite the excursion. Not long after Dexion's reading, Serana interrupted me to talk about where her mother, Valerica, with the Scroll, might be. Her only clue was "somewhere that Harkon would never look". While that could be any obscure place in Tamriel, the fact that was told to Serana as a meaningful statement suggested otherwise.

We came to the theory that she could be sequestered in some hidden place within the castle itself. Harkon did have the parts of the castle used by his wife sealed off after she fled with the Scroll, so by all appearance those places have been undisturbed for the last thousand years. Serana, however, knows all the little passages and back ways of the castle, at least she thought she did, and led me to the castle's courtyard through an almost inaccessible dock and the castle undercroft. The courtyard is dominated by the "moondial", a modified sundial marked with the phases of the moons. Of course the courtyard sees no direct light from either, so it was simply a sculpture. And, as it turned out, the hidden entrance to an entire wing of the castle.

Serana confessed to not having seen this part of the castle before. It was largely ruinous and guarded by undead and gargoyles. Eventually we found rooms used by Valerica and, hidden behind a fireplace, her laboratory. Serana recognised what her mother was doing: creating a portal to the Soul Cairn, the plane of Oblivion where the souls of the soul trapped ultimately end up. Notes left behind by Valerica confirmed that she had intended to hide there from Harkon, and to prevent being followed she keyed the portal to require her own blood to open. Thankfully, Serana's blood proved to be a sufficient substitute. With the way opened, we took some time to prepare for an extended expedition before venturing through the portal.

The Soul Cairn was about as pleasant as one might expect. The part of the plane the portal emerged within was converted into a prison for Valerica, with a number of external guardians maintaining a barrier around a central complex. These guardians proved entirely susceptible to my hemomancies, as did the other psudo-undead that harried us as we explored, and by the time we approached the central building the barrier had been dispelled. We found Valerica within that building. Serana's reunion with her mother was initially tense, Valerica seemed entirely at ease with her and her daughter remaining sealed away 'til the end of time if it meant keeping away from Harkon, but in the end Serana convinced her that we could find a better way. One thing if for certain, Harkon cannot be trusted.

Valerica took us to where she kept her Scroll, but our actions had alerted one final guardian: the dragon Durnehviir. Power enough to be Valerica's jailor, certainly, but no match for three Vampire Lords.

As we left, Durnehviir, already restored to corporeal form, stood before use, but this time he wanted to speak. He told his tale of being tricked into being Valerica's eternal jailor, and suggested I might be able to use his name to summon him in Tamriel.

Valerica intends to remain in the Soul Cairn. Serana and I left with the second Scroll in our possession. But now we have no leads on the third, and in the meantime we need to consider what we might do about Harkon.

As I was writing this, Serana asked me about my own family. I was taken aback: I hadn't thought about my own past since turning. Not that ever knew a family to speak of: all I know is my parents were killed in some riot in Bravil. Still, maybe I should find the time to head home for a while, back to Cyrodiil. But not now.

2018-09-30, 05:27 PM
As I was writing this, Serana asked me about my own family. I was taken aback: I hadn't thought about my own past since turning. Not that ever knew a family to speak of: all I know is my parents were killed in some riot in Bravil. Still, maybe I should find the time to head home for a while, back to Cyrodiil. But not now.

Is that an indication of a coming Beyond Skyrim playthrough?

2018-10-03, 08:42 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
College of Winterhold, First Seed 19, 4E202
With nothing else to go by, I returned to the College to consult with Urag once more. He was unusually mouthy when asked about the Elder Scrolls, perhaps it's a matter of pride: as vast as the Arcanaeum is, he has almost nothing about the Scrolls.

Of the two texts he was able to provide, there was little to be learned. The first was about the effects the Scrolls have on their reader. It's concerning that an unprepared reader could be struck blind, but there's nothing I could do with that knowledge now.

The second book was almost, no, completely incomprehensible. Urag told me that the author, Septimus Signus, is a College mage and an expert in the Scrolls, but he had become obsessed with the dwemer and left to study an artifact long ago, in an outpost to the north.

Serana and I rode out across the water to find that outpost. Signus seemed about as sane as his writings would suggest, but once I got past all the odd metaphors and rhymes I got what I needed. He gave me an Attunement Sphere, a key that can get me below the lowest levels of the dwemer city Alftand, along with a Lexicon, this one empty. He told me that a Scroll can yet be found in Blackreach, below the dwemer ruins, in a place called Mzark. In return, he wants me to use the machinery there to inscribe the Scroll's contents onto the Lexicon.

We set out across the water towards Alftand, but as we reached the coast we came across an abandoned camp. Not much indication of what went on, but a lost journal page indicated that someone was looking for a special sword, and had moved into Bleakcoast Cave, intending to try and trick someone into retrieving the blade for them.

I decided it would be worth following up on, and ventured to the cave to see. I found section sealed off by a door, and within was attacked by three Atronachs each in turn. No matter, and as the third fell, I saw a chest over by the far side of the room. Within, a letter from one Theldyn Terano, promising a reward for returning with the Ice Blade of the Monarch, along with its location, and the dagger Krahvalok, which has the power to summon an Ice Monarch, the defeat of which may or may not be needed to claim the sword. I tested the dagger on some Draugr I had left behind in Snow Veil, and sure enough, after I killed a few a giant Ice Atronach was summoned, which I promptly destroyed.

The sword itself was underwater, not far from Signus' outpost. If I still needed to breath or stay warm this may have been a problem, but I don't, and when I gripped the sword's hilt it slid freely from the stone it was embedded into. The sword is a pleasing thing, slender and balanced far better than most Nord longswords. When I returned to the cave, in a truly shocking turn of events Terano attacked me. Well I say attacked, it was mostly him running around screaming as he was devoured by a swarm of flesh-eating bats. Based on his journal, he thought that killing its current owner might allow him to claim the Ice Blade, as everything else he had tried failed, including killing an Ice Monarch. And as a bonus I could claim his staff, a powerful weapon in its own right called "Apotheosis".

We'll return to the College before heading out for Alftand once more. We could probably use some more supplies for the coming expedition, not to mention it's been a long night and I could use a meal.

2018-10-03, 08:50 PM
Is that an indication of a coming Beyond Skyrim playthrough?

Depends on how close I get to Helgen along the way. In hindsight, maybe I should've started in Bruma, but then I wouldn't have had the use of some of the mods that defined my early game. (In hindsight I kinda regret making Val into a vampire wizard. Starting the main quest while still just a thief would've made for a more interesting story.)

2018-10-06, 02:34 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Castle Volkihar, First Seed 23, 4E202
Blackreach. Who would've guessed that the old dwemer cities were linked up deep underground. I could write at length about all the things we found there, but it's approaching dusk and I intend to head out tonight.

In Alftand we came across the remains of an expedition led by one Sulla Trebatius. And like so many other expeditions of the sort they were taken by the Falmer. Perhaps if the fool wasn't so adamant about avoiding anyone associated with the College he would've had someone who knew what a Falmer was in his party. As it happened it was only him and his bodyguard managed to make it to the Great Lift. The two had come to blows, so I calmed them with magic before unlocking the way out, and further down. I figured if they didn't have the sense to just leave they could at least serve as... supplies.

Blackreach itself provided much fruitful exploration. The first thing we discovered was an outpost set up by an alchemist, to study a strain of Nirnroot endemic to the cavern. He was long deceased, but he did have an apprentice of sorts in Skyrim. We brought some samples to her on our way back.

In the heart of the cavern was another dwemer city, entirely taken over by the Falmer. These falmer were unusual in that they had taken slaves from the surface. We left the slaves largely alone, using calm magic as needed. We figured we weren't going to find any other food down there.

Beneath the city was a network of tunnels that once connected all the dwemer cities in Skyrim. We got an old engine working, with the aid of a dwemer ghost bound to it, and ended up clearing out a lot of the tunnels of beasts and worse, including a gigantic centurion. With this system opened up we have a way to travel far from the sun all over Skyrim. I also ended up in possession of the staff 'Steambroiler', which does exactly what the name would imply.

We eventually found which of the many structures on Blackreach is Mzark. It housed a device not dissimilar to the Oculory of Mzulft. When the Lexicon was inserted it came to life, and by working the controls I got the device to focus and inscribe the lexicon, after which it opened up to reveal the Scroll we came for. Mzark linked up to the surface, and from within could be re-opened, but we instead used the engine to travel further south, so we'd pass the home of Avrusa Sarethi as we returned.

Finally we returned to Castle Volkihar so Dexion could finally read the full prophecy. Except he can't. He blinded himself on the first reading. At least he could inform me of an "Ancestor Glade" in the south of Skyrim. A ritual can be performed there, involving a special kind of moth, to read the Scrolls. Seems very chancy, but Dexion believes that the very fact that I was able to gather together three Elder Scrolls would imply that I'm meant to read them. I'm not keen to risk my own vision, but from everything I understand of the Scrolls it's a valid point.

I guess I'll have some time to think about it as we make our way to Falkreath.

2018-10-09, 06:16 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Falkreath, First Seed 25, 4E202
Travelling to the location Dexion told us, we found an unassuming cave. Serana was unimpressed until we passed through to discover the hidden glade beyond.

I took the risk and performed the ritual as Dexion described, drawing the moths of the Ancestor Glade around me and opening the three Scrolls before me, each in turn. I tried not to observe the patterns on the Scrolls as I did, instead letting the moths create an image, however that works. After I closed the third Scroll I saw a map before me, marked upon it was Darkfall Cave, to the North.

After the reading, a group of Dawnguard burst into the glade. Gods only know how they found this place. It didn't feel right to disturb the peace of that place, so I simply invoked the spell of Harmony and left the Dawnguard milling about, their will to fight extinguished.

Great Chantry of Auri-El, First Seed 27, 4E202
Well, this turned out to be a lot more... expansive than I was expecting. Darkfall was just a simple cave, but at the end of it was a shrine, and a protector. Knight-Paladin Gelebor greeted us there. A Snow Elf. An actual, not-some-horrible-goblin-thing Snow Elf. He was expecting we were there for Auriel's Bow, and had a proposition: we could have the bow if we killed his brother, who had somehow been corrupted by the "Betrayed", the common Falmer, when they attacked the Great Chantry of Auri-El many years ago.

To do so would require following a ceremony performed by initiates back when the Chantry was a living temple. Filling an ewer at a number of wayshrines before approaching the inner sanctum.

The wayshrines, those are interesting. Connected by teleportation magic, though they need to be activated. Shades of past priest still attend them, lost in the memory of the past. They'll unlock them as we proceed with the ceremony.

Gelebor's shrine led into a cave system, infested by Falmer. That led to another shrine, which took us to a hidden, snowy valley. This place is vast, I can see this taking a number of nights just to explore. There's some unusual wildlife here, and we also encountered a gigantic snow troll. Oddly, it possessed an enormous sapphire that fit into a socket of a nearby structure. Placing it caused another portal to open, leading to a hidden treasury. If there's many more such secrets we could leave here very wealthy.

2018-10-14, 08:30 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Great Chantry of Auri-El, First Seed 30, 4E202
How does one damned elf manage to to make so much trouble?

In reaching the Inner Sanctum, Serana and I explored the valley quite thoroughly and fought our way through a veritable city of Falmer. Well, they mostly fought each other: a mage of my calibre hardly needs to actually engage such lowly opponents.

The water collected in the Ewer activated the mechanism of the door. Within, we found the frozen remnants of of the slaughter that happened here. It soon became apparent that the frozen falmer were far from dead. That was soon rectified.

Before long we came to the Arch-Curate's chamber. He made some lecherous-sounding comment about bringing Serana to him, before unleashing waves of frozen falmer upon us. One would have thought he'd stop after seeing the first wave destroy themselves. But he kept going until he exhausted his supply of minions and thrown an atronach at us. Finally he unleashed a powerful burst of magic himself that brought the building down around us. I'm not sure what he thought that would achieve, given what we then learned making us fight in the sun was not to his advantage.

It turned out that Vyrthur was a vampire. After he turned and was rejected by his god, he plotted against Him, creating the prophecy we've been following all this time. How on earth one manages to create a prophecy that then gets scribed in the Elder Scrolls I doubt I'll ever understand. Regardless, for all his age and power, Vyrthur was not much of a force on his own. After a simple blood-hex I used my magic to tear him apart from the inside.

Upon his death a final Wayshrine opened, with Gelebor emerging to greet us. That wayshrine held Auriel's Bow, which we claimed. Gelebor offered to bless arrows for us with the power of the sun. Given what we're expecting to be up against I readily agreed.

All that's left now is to return to the castle. Serana's resigned to what has to happen. Vyrthur's prophecy will be resolved, one way or another.

2018-10-17, 12:58 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Castle Volkihar, First Seed 31, 4E202
It's over. Harkon is dead, the prophecy resolved.

He was waiting for us in the castle chapel when we returned. We all knew how it was going to end, though he did demand we hand over the bow all the same.

In the end, Harkon and I were evenly matched. He may have possessed more raw power than I, but he wielded it with all the finesse of a cave troll, and the complex web of blood-hexes I weaved was just as devastating. He would try to draw power from the shrine, but all that achieved was to allow me a clean shot with the Bow. Eventually his defences could take no more, and a final sunblessed arrow ended the fight, and Harkon.

After Harkon fell, Garan entered the chapel. He offered his condolences to Serana, before announcing that I am now Master of the castle, having proven to be the most powerful vampire around. So much for Orthjolf and Vingalmo.

I shall let Valerica know about Harkon's demise, and see if Harkon left behind anything of interest. I probably should check in at the College again before long, too: I still have Septimus' lexicon.

2018-10-18, 12:41 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
College of Winterhold, Rain's Hand 8, 4E202
I had learned of the locations of a pair of "Rings of Blood Magic". After a week focused on that dreary castle, I decided it was high time to set out again. Serana seems inclined to keep travelling with me, and I'm not sorry to have the company.

The first of these two rings was deep within a large, draugr filled barrow. Nothing I hadn't seen before, and in the deepest chamber we recovered the "Ring of the Erudite", a ring that provides an ample amount of additional magicka to its wearer. I can certainly make good use of that.

We've now returned to the College. I suppose I should return this Lexicon to Septimus before I seek out the ring's mate, which I believe is in Solstheim.

College of Winterhold, Rain's Hand 8, 4E202
It seems I've caught the eye of another Daedric Prince. Upon returning to the Lexicon to Septimus he requested I gather samples of the blood of the living races of elves, as to create a facsimile of Dwemer blood, which of course is somewhat harder to come by these days. This, he figures, will unseal the dwarven vault he's studying.

I'm not entirely sure what he expects to find in there, but it would appear Hermaeus Mora has an interest, having deigned to appear before me as I left Septimus' outpost. I'm confused as to why, as all he wanted from me is to do what Septimus already asked. Which, apart from the Falmer blood, I probably won't even need to go out of my way to achieve. Still, I can certainly see the benefits of Mora's favor. I'll go rile up some more Falmer once enough suicidal Dawnguard and bandits have accosted me to provide the rest of the samples.

2018-10-20, 11:40 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Caranthir Tower, Rain's Hand 10, 4E202
I was approached by a robed man today, who passed me a letter, telling me to open it someplace private, before vanishing. In the letter he claimed to be Andion, a member of some secret order dedicated to delivering magic artifacts to their proper owners. What a ridiculous story. It went on to tell of someone having robbed this order of part of something that was meant to be delivered to me, and a location not too far from Winterhold. Since it wasn't far out of the way I decided to investigate.

I found the "thief" at the location described. Dead, undisturbed, and with the sword that went with the pommel gem included with the letter. This doesn't make sense: as far as I can tell the guardian would only wake with the complete sword, and what else out here wouldn't rob or eat him? I suspect I'll be seeing Andion again now that the tower's guardians are dealt with.

On that subject, when I placed the sword in a nearby pedestal a statue of a dragon became animate and attacked us. I weakened it with blood-curses, and once it left an opening I finished it with the Ice Blade. When I retrieved the gem-sword, the magic concealing a vast tower was undone, revealing Caranthir Tower before me. The structure the dragon was sat on also opened up, revealing a modified Falmer wayshrine, which was the way into the tower.

Upon entering, I witnessed a ghost using a flame spell to light up a brazier. The interior of the tower is in disrepair: the former owner packed up his possessions before hiding the tower, and the remaining furniture has felt the ravages of time.

Following the suggestion of a book left for whoever might uncover the tower, I re-lit the forge in the lower levels. In the process I had to face the tower's other guardian: an "Ebony Warrior" guarding the vault. Somewhat tricky in that it was tied to the gem-sword, which was used as the key for the vault, but once I figured that out it fell in short order.

I've gotten the basic amenities of the tower, in particular the teleporters between each floor, activated. It's going to take a lot of work to fix up the tower and unpack everything, though I'm certain it would be worthwhile. I may hire some labourers to do the menial work. If I'm going to remain here for any length of time it will be worth having some mortals around anyway: it's a way to go to find a good meal from here.

Caranthir Tower, Rain's Hand 18, 4E202
Work on the tower interior is largely complete. There is a lot of resources here: a vast library, a dedicated alchemy lab, as well as private quarters and lodgings for a number of assistants. Perhaps I should make use of this. I have ways of ensuring loyalty if needed after all.

2018-10-26, 05:38 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Caranthir Tower, Rain's Hand 19, 4E202
I returned to Septimus with the collected blood samples he required. As he suspected, the combination of meric blood could open the lockbox. Shortly after opening the vault, his body was consumed by energy. I guess Mora really was done with him. Within the box was the Oghma Infinium, explaining Mora's interest in having the box opened. An intriguing text to study I'm sure, but holding Hermaeus Mora's eye perhaps isn't such a good idea.

Caranthir Tower, Rain's Hand 21, 4E202
I've made a brief excursion to Solstheim, to collect the Ring of the Beast, as well as a lost text for Urag. The weather was truly vile, so once I completed my errands I left as quickly as I arrived.

Those ash creatures were a nuisance. Mindless and bloodless. At least I have my void magic to deal with them.

2018-11-04, 06:48 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Caranthir Tower, Second Seed 7, 4E202
I've discovered a curious book describing "Deirge Cathedral", an abandoned temple of Mara situated off the north coast. Apparently it was built over the top of some Falmer ruins, and abandoned after the oblivion crisis. But what's more curious is that there was a key hidden within the book. I wonder if it is connected to that temple.

Deirge Cathedral, Second Seed 8, 4E202
Sure enough, the key I found allowed access to that temple. Within, I found the remains of a vampire clan. Vampire cult may be a more accurate description.They were dedicated to the worship of Lamae Bal, the first vampire. From the fragments of their doctrine that remain, it seems like they treated her like an aspect of Mara. They also had an obsession with fire, echoing the myth that Lamae was burned on a pyre only to awaken.

Those vampires are gone now, when I entered the cathedral I observed the last of them fighting a Falmer. The two killed each other before before I could have intervened. It turned out that the Snow Elf ruins the cathedral was built atop of was a shrine to Molag Bal. And the Falmer eventually made their way in through the basement and killed everyone, as they do.

Performing a ritual that the vampires had left unfinished caused a fire to erupt in the main hall, from which two fiery daedra emerged. Once they were dispatched, I discovered a set of oblivion-forged blades within the pyre. I believe they could be imbued with power using the effigies by the ruined altar, but I decided to leave them as is. I am an Archmage after all, I'll spin my own enchantments should I care to use them.

I'll spend some time examining the magics at work here before I head home, I may be able to apply some insights into my own blood magic.

2018-11-07, 05:46 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Caranthir Tower, Second Seed 12, 4E202
I've spent some time working in the tower. Aside from preparing a new raiment for myself, I've also re-enabled one of the last devices left dormant in the tower: A long-range teleportation device. I can now instantly travel to any of the major cities in Skyrim, and transport myself back to the tower with a spell. I've even established a link to Castle Volkihar for when I wish to avail myself of the resources there.

In ensuring that the portal worked to my expectations, I returned to the Rift. While there, I decided to investigate the "foul presence" in Darklight Tower. There, I found a coven of witches and hagravens. I also met Illia, a former member of the coven who wanted to stop her mother becoming a hagraven. By killing her first, that is. I chose to help her, and we wiped out her former coven, before confronting and killing her mother. It's a shame I couldn't learn anything about the coven's methods along the way, I'm sure the process is fascinating. With that achieved I left Illia to mourn for her dead, and returned home.

Caranthir Tower, Second Seed 13, 4E202
In the writings left by the tower's former master, I found reference to his practice of "Dark Magic" I've now found where he practiced it. In his journals he drew attention to his mastery of all the schools of magic. When I noticed a destruction sigil hidden in an obtuse corner of the vault, I realised the meaning. There were sigils for each of the five schools across the tower, that last one more hidden than the rest, as it was only visible when directly looked at. Casting a spell of the appropriate school at each of the sigils caused a hidden door in the forge to unlock, opening a lift leading to the "Underforge". Within, I found the scroll "Kel Do Faraan". This spell has the potential to grant great power, but might instead do just the opposite. It is what killed the tower's creator, according to his writings, and is the only part of his "dark magic" that he did not destroy before hiding the tower.

Hmph, no sense in taking that kind of risk. Still, it may be a worthy object of study, and this hidden Underforge may be just the place for some of my own darker work. It even has an alchemy station set up for working with blood. Finally, there was the power source for a device on the tower balcony hidden down here. With it I can control the weather around the tower. A swirling snowstorm is just the thing for discouraging unwanted visitors.

2018-11-11, 01:44 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Ravenscorn Spire, Second Seed 19, 4E202
Illia had sent a message to me by courier, informing me of a group of necromancers that her coven had dealings with. Those necromancers were planning to ambush a group of Vigilants transporting some artifact. I teleported over to Markarth, and following the road east I found the remnants of the Vigilant caravan.

Examining the wreckage, they were transporting some book of dark magic to the College of Winterhold to be contained. A note on the body of a deceased necromancer revealed that they were based in Ravenscorn Spire, south of Windhelm. With some umbrage at having been stolen from, I flashed back to my tower before teleporting to the city and heading out.

Ravenscorn had been largely abandoned, but their leader, Antioch, had thoughtlessly left some journals behind. It seems he was researching the method of becoming a lich, which the artifact he stole is related to. He dispatched his followers to prepare various components needed for the ritual. Antioch himself has already left for the Dragontail Mountains.

I can't exactly just head into the mountains after him. Perhaps one of his minions knows the path he took. Maybe I'll take those components, too. If the power of a lich is half as impressive as he believes it would well warrant further investigation.

2018-11-11, 06:08 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Caranthir Tower, Second Seed 20, 4E202
I've tracked down two groups of Antioch's followers. The first was stealing the "Trappings of a Fallen Archmage" from a grave a short way from Winterhold. The ghost of that archmage didn't appreciate it when I took his robes myself, but that was but a minor interruption.

The second group was preparing an alchemical elixir at a ritual site in the Reach. I dealt with them, and completed the potion "Namira's Corrosion" myself. With that done, I retreated to my tower as the day had already begun.

Caranthir Tower, Second Seed 21, 4E202
The last gruesome ingredient was to be harvested from the Temple of Arkay north of Falkreath. The necromancers had already slaughtered the majority of the priests. After dealing with them, I found their leader had directions to Scourg Barrow, where Antioch had travelled. I took the final ingredient, and left to prepare for the journey.

2018-11-13, 05:48 AM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Scourg Barrow, Second Seed 23, 4E202
It took a good day of travel to catch up to Antioch and his remaining followers. They were trying to uncover the secrets of the many twisting tunnels and chambers of this place: Scourg Barrow, though they had failed to open any of the sealed chambers. There were two such chambers. The first, unsealed by two jewelled skulls hidden in closed alcoves, hid a powerful necromancy spell, along with a unique staff, guarded by an undead mage. The second held a tome marked with the image of Hermaeus Mora.

That tome holds the secrets of lichdom that Antioch sought, though not in quite the way I expected. It served as a portal, to Apocrypha I imagine. A vast, twisted library. This proved far more dangerous than many of my recent endeavours, as it was inhabited by powerful, hostile daedra, and somehow my beloved shadows would burn me there. With my most powerful magic ineffective, and forced into the open, I relied on my staff Steambroiler to dispatch my enemies.

It took many hours for me to find my way to the heart of the labyrinth, where I found what appeared to be another copy of the book that brought me there. But that book I could read, and soon I was back from whence I came, with mind filled with the secrets of undeath. If I am to use this knowledge I will require many more ecoteric materials: black pearls, concentrated magicka and more besides. But my work here is done. Antioch and his acolytes are no more, and the secrets they sought are mine. I'll return home, and contemplate where to source these items.

2018-11-14, 06:04 PM
Journal of Valerian Valtieri
Ritual Site, Mid Year 19, 4E202
Everything is prepared. The circle, the phylactery, the shroud, and the potion. All that remains is to cast the spell and imbile...


2018-11-14, 06:26 PM
And that's where I'm calling it done for this character. In truth, i was kinda done for a while, and I'm sure it showed in my writing, but I wanted something of an ending for Valerian, not to just fizzle out.

I have to say, Ordinator Illusionist is so OP as to not really be fun. And that's not a knock on Ordinator, the nature of illusion spells is such that they're either super-powerful or useless, and the former is definitely preferable to the latter IMO.

I did regret taking Val down the path I did. It would've made for a much more interesting story to see how Val the thief reacted to becoming some legendary hero. Which is why one of the two character ideas I have for next time is another Imperial thief/bard.

My ideas for my next character are:

Elius Allectus, Imperial bard/rogue, starting in Bruma. I do have a few new thiefy mods to add. Unfortunately Become a Bard only works in Skyrim (which, IIRC is why Val started in Falkreath), so that bard part would be left on hold until crossing the border.

Raan (working name), Orc Vigilant. Two-handed heavy-armour fighter with Alteration and Restoration magic, relevant spellsword-type perks and vancian casting. One idea I had for this character is to add a mod that adds lycanthopy as a disease, and to have to deal with being both a paladin and a werewolf (involuntary transformations from Moonlight Tales is a must).

I'm going to take a break from Skyrim for a bit, but first, while it's still fresh in my mind, I want to clean-install Skyrim and switch over to Vortex as my mod manager. Seems like it'll suit me just fine.