View Full Version : Need some ideas for a mount

2018-06-19, 11:16 AM
Estver, Sisava, and Inno - don't read!

I plan on having a reoccurring character in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign I'm running, and I need a mount(s) for him since the PCs killed his current mount last night.

Originally he was riding a hadrosaurus, but even him making use of his Mounted Combatant feat (able to take any physical hits aimed at his mount upon himself) resulted in the death of his dinosaur. Him having a mount is essential, as he is going to be chasing the characters and needs to be able to catch up.

So I need a mount that is 1) Fast - needs to have a move speed greater than 30 or a fly speed. 2) Tank-y or able to resist spells. 19 HP for a hadrosaurus is absolutely pitiful and it went down to phantasmal force and then it was easy pickings. 3) Need to be able to get more than one or be given a lot of options, because I won't be surprised if the PCs just aim for the mount again (they are all very creative/experienced D&D players). 4) I'm not really worried about CR as long as it isn't crazy high, as this group has shown time and time again that they are able to pull through in escaping trouble (The group is currently level 5).

The mounts can be expendable - the character is possessed as all hell and is completely bent on getting revenge on the PCs so he has no problem running his mounts to death. The only reason why he redirected the hits with his hadrosaurus is because he wanted to run away quickly if necessary.

The mounts can also be as small as size category medium, as the rider is a batiri goblin. I would prefer size category large though, as he will then get advantage on melee attacks against enemies.

If anyone can think of any intelligent creatures that would serve as a mount (and why they might serve as a mount), I would love to hear those ideas too! I briefly toyed with the idea of this character riding Tinder the young red dragon, but if I recall correctly (currently AFB), Tinder is a very proud dragon and probably wouldn't allow anyone to ride her. The PCs also haven't met Tinder yet, so I can't use the excuse of her having a personal vendetta against them and teaming up with the rider.

Thanks in advance!

Note: I am NOT looking for spells/builds/items that would involve teleportation and getting to the PCs via magic. The character's class is set in stone for background/flavor reasons. I have also solved the problem of how the character figures out the PC's location, so I'm all set there as well.

2018-06-19, 11:26 AM
What about the crag cat from Storm King's Thunder? They seem to fit the bill for everything but being an intelligent mount.

2018-06-19, 11:32 AM
Or a Nightmare? At CR 3 they aren't that high, and they have close to 100 hp if memory serves. They are also summonable for those willing to put out the expense and the bother, and so are easily explained.

2018-06-19, 03:14 PM
Allosaurus for T. Rex lite. It's fast, reasonably tough and powerful. Triceratops if you want proper tank. Bulette is even tankier and closer to your party's CR. Real tyrannosaurus, if you want to make the mount more dangerous than the rider, though you may want to lower its HP and damage. The last 3 are huge, though, so unless the goblin is an archer, attacking from the mount may be a problem.