View Full Version : Player Help Thinking about remixing my Moon Druid

2018-06-20, 01:45 PM
Hello Playground!

For about a year I've been playing Wrex the Dinomancer, Dragonborn Druid in a rotating-DM, combat-centered, MegaDungeon game. It's been a blast, and the character has been a really great way for me to learn 5E from the player side of things, but I dunno, it's just gotten kind of stale. I want to try something else.

I'm up next to DM, and I'm putting together a longer adventure about the souls of dead heroes who perished within the dungeon living underground in a giant subterranean city.

So it seems like a good time to see if I can rebuild Wrex a little bit as a newer version of himself, or maybe I just "trade him in" since this would be a good opportunity for another high level hero to jump into our roster.

I just hit Druid 8/Paladin 2, and I've been considering a rebuild for a bit now. (Started as Druid, I've got Resilient Con and +2 Wis since my starting 15 was just wasn't fun to look at 10 levels into the game.)

What I like about playing Wrex is that he's tough, simple, has great saves, hits harder than anyone else at the table on a crit, and I'm absolutely bonkers for dinosaurs (I work at a museum). He's a fairly optimized character, and I enjoy crunch. Plus I just got Polymorph and Guardian of Nature, which have both been really big fun boons to my shapechanging.

What I dislike about Wrex is that he's MAD, I don't feel like a full caster due to my lowish Wis, his ability to heal hasn't seemed important in a bit, and honestly, I feel pretty...I don't know, stagnant? If I turn into a dinosaur and miss with an attack, I deal low damage and start wishing I had Conjured something instead. If I crit-smite, I get a huge adrenaline high, but it's kinda the one thing I feel like I can do that really impacts the game, and we've already got some melee heavies.

Here's our usual roster of PCs, our games usually consist of 4-7 of us:

Dexadin of Vengeance
Hand Crossbow Thief
Archer Kensei/Fighter 2
Goliath Bearbarian 5/Fighter X
Revised Archery Beastmaster
(Sometimes) Trickery Cleric

What do you think? Do I stick with Wrex? If not, should I rebuild him as another Druid, or is there a build out there that you think would line up with what I like about my character and the roster?

Thanks in advance, yo.

2018-06-20, 02:19 PM
Hmm... How does this grab you: Half Orc Rogue 3/Barbarian 6/Fighter 1 (two-weapon fighting style) with Dual Wielder picked up somewhere along the line. Run screaming into battle with a rapier in each hand. Stack Rage damage (by using Str to attack) and Sneak Attack damage (by wielding a Finesse weapon). Crit fish with your three Reckless Attacks per turn, and let Savage Attacks + Sneak Attack let you throw 3d8+6d6.

Heck, be a Zealot Barbarian for another d6+half lv damage every turn and save rerolls. Go Swashbuckler Rogue for maximum melee Sneak Attack ability. Put a 14 in Dex for medium armor, and dump everything else in Str and Con.

Edit: looking a little more carefully at your party composition... Maybe a Bard or Divine Soul Sorcerer? You've got a lot of damage flying around, but more control and buffing might be useful.

2018-06-20, 04:20 PM
What I like about playing Wrex is that he's tough, simple, has great saves, hits harder than anyone else at the table on a crit, and I'm absolutely bonkers for dinosaurs (I work at a museum). He's a fairly optimized character, and I enjoy crunch. Plus I just got Polymorph and Guardian of Nature, which have both been really big fun boons to my shapechanging.

I didn’t expect to find Ross on a DnD forum. So, how‘s that break going for you, buddy?

2018-06-21, 09:17 AM
Maybe just refluff it to a new version of your Dinomancer... By making yourself more SAD.

My idea is going Cleric 6 / Moon Druid 4. The reason I do this is because at 6 you get your Channel Divinity 2x/rest, and can use those channel divinities while wild shaped.

For Example

Trickery Cleric - Channel divinities can make you either 1)an Invisible Dinosaur or 2) 2 dinosaurs, one of which is an illusion
Death Cleric - Channel Divinity gives Necrotic damage on hit (bite?) and you can twin your toll of the dead for faux-AoE at range, both ignoring necrotic resistance
Tempest Cleric - Thunder Lizard! Gives you a Lightning reaction while wild shaped, can maximize your Lightning spells while not wild shaped, and all lightning shoves things

2018-06-21, 08:24 PM
I didn’t expect to find Ross on a DnD forum. So, how‘s that break going for you, buddy?

Better than Chandler. It hasn’t been his day, his week, or even his year.

Also I *love* the B/F/R build. Hilariously enough, I’m using it in another campaign. Sorry friend!