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View Full Version : I have a job interview today

2018-06-21, 05:00 PM
But...it's for a place I already work at.

I work in the special ed. department at a local high school, I've started there only late january. I started on casual, then moved onto contract, now Im being interviewed for permanency. Usually it takes at least 4 years for someone in my role to get such an opportunity, so I'm pretty nervous. If I get it, it will ensure some stability in my career rather than only being on a contract for 1 term at a time. I have a severe lack of experience for the position, but I have the advantage I'm already employed at the specific school.

I've had several jobs in my life, but none were through the traditional interview method, it's always been I've just come to fill in for someone, get my foot in the door and impress management then offered a job. I think I've had a total of 3 interviews in my entire life (and one was just a formality for high school work experience 12 years ago).

Not really sure I have a point to this thread, I'm just venting my anxiety and wondering how people manage their own nerves pre-interview.

2018-06-21, 05:06 PM
It it makes you feel any better, you also have an advantage in that they want to interview you much earlier than they normally would. Which they would only do if they want to seriously consider you for it.

2018-06-21, 05:37 PM
It it makes you feel any better, you also have an advantage in that they want to interview you much earlier than they normally would. Which they would only do if they want to seriously consider you for it.


People don't generally interview before set periods if they've got the established unless they think you're a fit.

Some Android
2018-06-21, 06:11 PM
I had a job interview once. Long story short there were no survivors.

Non sequitur aside, congratulations and I hope you get the position.

2018-06-21, 06:22 PM
Generally interviewing at a company where you already work for something that you need to be exceptional for is something that's pretty awesome! I would do practice interviews with a friend if you can find some scripts.

2018-06-21, 06:30 PM
I find interviews are a lot like performing on stage: you might be nervous to the point of shivers before "showtime", but if you've done the work and know your stuff, it's a breeze once you get going.

It doesn't seem like they'd push up the timetable for your interview so drastically if you don't know what you're doing, so unless you start panicking at the actual interview, you should be fine. =)

2018-06-21, 06:46 PM
I appreciate the encouragement all :smallsmile:

I will point out that this is a position they were going to advertise for whether or not I was already there, so there will be a lot of competition (but not anyone else from within the same school). The BSM specifically told me about it at the end of the first school term that it would be coming up and I should apply for it, but she also said she already had a lot of applications coming in. It's been 3 months since then so I can only imagine how many have already applied for it.

Either way, I know a lot of the school teachers have said they would put in a good word for me and hope I get it, and I imagine I will still have work there even if I don't get it. Im about to leave for it in 20 mins.

2018-06-21, 07:18 PM
Ask the interviewer for some chemis fruit.
When they ask what that is, say "don't they have chemis tree here?"

2018-06-21, 08:38 PM
Ask the interviewer for some chemis fruit.
When they ask what that is, say "don't they have chemis tree here?"

Unfortunately I didn't see this before I left, but I like that.

The interviewers said I had a really good application, that my answers were what they were looking for, and I will find out on monday if I get the position. So, fingers crossed from here out while I try to push it from my mind and relax on the weekend.

2018-06-22, 12:30 AM
Either way, I know a lot of the school teachers have said they would put in a good word for me and hope I get it, and I imagine I will still have work there even if I don't get it. Im about to leave for it in 20 mins.

That's also a very good sign if your coworkers want you to have this position. It means you fit into the team and that's a very important thing.

2018-07-03, 05:37 AM
The most important thing is to be yourself and to believe that you will succeed.

2018-07-03, 09:39 AM
It's good, a new step in your life.