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2018-06-21, 09:01 PM
The town of Falcon’s Hollow is sick. Other the course of the last two weeks numerous people have fallen ill. After a week of people being put out of commission by the disease, and one village elder dying to the sickness, the town put out a call for those such as yourselves to find a cure, and save this small town.

Maybe you’re a long time resident of the town and are rising to the call to save your friends and fellow townmates. Maybe you’re an adventurer looking to make your name in your first crusade against the forces of evil, or in this case a bad cough.

Whatever the case, you’ve answered the help wanted poster and now are standing outside the house of one Lyreven Quinn, a prominent member of the community. It’s early morning as you and 3 others stand awkwardly around, waiting for Lyreven to meet you all here at the appointed time and place.

The directions said to wait in the small grassy plot between the first two rows of houses off the river. You can hear the sound of the solitary employee of the Goose ‘n Gander just a few houses from where you’re waiting, as he starts to ready the store for the days customers.

2018-06-21, 10:33 PM
Eleanora paced anxiously between the rows of houses, looking out from beneath the carefully drawn hood of her dark grey cloak for signs of this Lyreven character. Shouldn't stop in one place for too long, Nor... They'll find out who you are. They'll ridicule you and become hostile towards you... She berated herself for allowing her curiosity to get the better of her once again.

~Rrr, mew!~

Eleanora glanced down at the lithe black cat weaving itself between her legs as she paced. "I know, Rue. I know. If no one arrives in the next few moments, we'll be off." She finished the promise with a sigh. She missed her cabin in the woods. She missed the relative stability and routine of waking up, tending to the garden, harvesting ingredients from the forest, and caring for Marjory. Constantly being on the run was hard work, Nor decided, and vowed that she would work towards making a somewhat normal life for herself and Rue.

She had been passing the town of Falcon's Hollow one day ago when an old man with a kindly face wordlessly pointed towards the homes behind her. She was about to ask if he needed help with anything when she caught the familiar faint glimmer and blurred edges of a lost soul, an apparition, a ghost. She cast a reluctant backwards glance towards the town then, but mere seconds passed before her desires to help others and to establish her own life convinced her to turn back.

At that point she became aware of the illness spreading through the town. Nor had seen the poster requesting aid and found she was excited to help. That was then. Now, waiting for others to arrive and not knowing who they would be or what their dispositions were... She wasn't so sure. At least she had Rue at her side.

2018-06-22, 12:27 AM
"It ain't like Lyrrie ta be late, especially this early in the mornin'," Kendra shrugged, looking around for any sign of the woman who'd called up this ragtag meeting. "She's always been an early riser, tendin' to her wisteria. Hope she's alright."

She turned to the others who were waiting, gathered on the front porch. Three strangers: a trim human guy who looked pretty light on his feet, a half-elf woman who was wearing the easily-recognizeable symbol of the well-meaning drunk Cayden Cailean, and... something else. It looked female, but those eyes and skin stood out like a sore thumb despite the heavy hood.

"Ain't seen y'all around here before," Kendra said with a friendly smile, planting one hand on her hip. "Y'all're waitin' for Lyrrie too, I'm guessin'. Plan on helpin' out with the stretch of sickness that's been ailin' us? We'd definitely appreciate it." Biting her lower lip in irritation, she turns and looks all around again. "C'mon, Lyrrie. You know I ain't the patient type..."

2018-06-22, 08:49 AM
Artur yawned a little, as he arrived to wait patiently outside the house. He was not much of a morning person, but, these were hardly the times for one to be sleeping in. After all, the town did seem to be in a bit of a mess, and even if it wasn't his town, no reason he shouldn't try to help. After all, he was in the area, with little else to do, and perhaps he might get something useful out of this by the end anyways.

"Morning all," he said pleasantly to the others, "Name's Artur. Looks like we're all here for the same reason. Can't say I am from around here, but, from the sounds of it, you are a local?" he asked Kendra.

2018-06-22, 05:57 PM
Shaking off the cobwebs of last night, Lucera is at peace once again being so close to the water. Being here reminds her of home, someplace she hasn't been in over a year. Determined to see the world and maker her parents proud, she set off on her own adventure. Growing up in a port town, she would often wonder what lives the people led and where they went, what they did. Out on her own hasn't been entirely easy but she does take pleasure in helping those in need; just as her parents did when they found her abandoned in an alley.

Something caught her eye about this town and she decided to help before setting off to the next destination.

As she stands waiting for Lyreven, listening to and watching the others, she wonders what could have possibly happened to this town.

Hello! My name is Lucera, pleasure to meet you. The others glance at her since her timing was a little late in introductions...

2018-06-22, 08:33 PM
Eleanora moved closer to the small gathering that was forming nearby. So far everyone seemed... Welcoming? There were no pitchforks or torches, so that was a start, at least. As she approached she kept her head bowed and allowed the hood of her trusty cloak to keep her face in shadow. Rue followed at her heels, cautious and alert.

"Eleanora. Nor, even. Wh-whichever." she gingerly stuck her hand out to shake the other party members hands and then quickly pulled it back to her side before following through with the gesture. In an effort to keep herself focused, she picked Rue up from the ground and held her to her chest. "And this is Rue." the young woman smiled, unseen, at the feline.

2018-06-23, 08:48 AM
"Well, pleasure to meet you all," Artur said with a friendly smile, before turning back to the house, waiting for this Lyreven to show up.

2018-06-23, 02:08 PM
Kendra nodded at Artur. "Lived here all my life. Pa works at the paper mill up the way, Ma at the Jak-a'-Napes. It's a cozy little thing we got here, and it pains me seein' the Hollow in such rough shape." Her smile falters a bit towards the end, but she brightens back up at the introduction of Nor's furry friend. "Aww, look at this little scamp. I bet you're a real troublemaker for this one, ain'cha?" Kendra says, giving the cat a few scratches under the chin. "I've always been a sucker for little furry things."

Following Lucera's introduction she gives the half-elf an appraising nod. "Y'know they say your god had a hand in raising mine. From what I've read about him Cayden seems like a decent guy. Here's hopin' we get along just as well."

2018-06-23, 06:34 PM
As introductions are being made the sound a of a door that hasn’t been oiled in any of your lifetimes can be heard over the low conversation.

A wizened old woman can be seen coming out of the near house, the skin of her face has wrinkles on wrinkles, it’s taken the color of well worn leather. What little hair spills out of her shawl is the stringy white of someone who has spent a good deal of time around. Her form is short, which is made more pronounced by the slightly hunched over posture she holds to. Her steps are short and careful, these are the steps of someone who is painfully aware of the fragility their old age has delivered to them.

As she makes her way to the edge of her porch she pauses to catch her breath, the exertion of her trek clearly already taking a toll on her. After a moment’s pause she clears her throat. It’s unclear if she’s doing this to capture attention or if perhaps she is starting to come down with the same cough that is rapidly spreading through the village.

”Ahh… Ahem. Good you’re all gathered. Apologies for the delay, it’s been a bit of a rough morning for me. As you’ve all most certainly heard, there’s a bit of a disease running through the town, and it’s recently taken its first victim,” Lyreven grimaces briefly before a small coughing fit overcomes her as it passes over her she gingerly sets herself down in a rocking chair on her porch.

The sound of leaves rustling down the street in the wind emmanets from the porch she’s sitting on, and it takes a moment for the realization that it was her sighing to dawn on you, ”All of the efforts of our local apothecary Laurel have been met with no success. As the head of the lumber consortium has made no efforts to solve this, or any other problem that wasn’t handed to him solved, for that matter. We must look outside of our small community to find a cure. And that is where you lot come in, this town needs to find a cure for the peculiar ailment that is haunting us.”

With her speech done she pauses for a second to glance around at everyone, finally realizing that not everyone present was from the town. ”Ah we have some newcomers to our fair town. Please come closer, my eyesight isn’t what it used to be, and I would much love to get a glance of my fearless saviors.” This last bit she says with a slight smirk, while waving everyone in towards her.

2018-06-23, 08:46 PM
Likewise Lucera says to Kendra. What a pleasant local! she thinks.

After listening to Lyreven she begins to ponder where could this disease have possibly come from.
Upon the old woman's request, Lucera slowly approaches the woman and sits in front of her.
Ms. Lyreven, when did this plague begin to manifest? Lucera asks.

2018-06-24, 11:51 PM
Kendra's face lights up when Lyreven comes out to finally greet those waiting on her, but this melts away upon hearing of the death. "Oh no, Lyrrie, that's terrible!"

Listening to the rest of her introduction Kendra steps forward. "It's Kendra, Lyrrie. You know me, you were at my little brother's birthday party about a month and a half ago. Remember, the one where those boys from town knocked down Ma's clotheslines horseplayin' and she ended up chasin' them away with a wooden spoon."

2018-06-25, 10:01 AM
Nor steps forward so as not to be rude, but doesn’t get quite as close as the others. She glances around every so often, listening as closely as she can, mulling things over.

2018-06-25, 08:52 PM
Artur steps forward, listening to what the others have to say first.

2018-06-26, 08:51 PM
Lyreven looks each of those gathered in the eyes in turn as they step up. She mutters to herself under her breath ”Would’a expected a stronger response from the locals to save the town, ” she says as she frowns mildly at each unknown face. However when she arrives on Kendra a spark of recognition starts in her mind, and upon Kendra jogging Lyreven’s memory she breaks out in a smile of relief, ”Ah, I shouldn’t be surprised that you decided to step up to this challenge Kendra. Of course I remember the party, though I don’t think I’ve seen your mother run quite that fast since she was a girl,” at the memory Lyreven smiles a little wider.

Kendra’s exclamation brings Lyreven back to the matter at hand. She frowns a look of concern that deepens the furrows of age even further as she says "Aye, it’s quite terrible. And old Amos won’t be the last if this disease is left to rampage through our town as it’s been doing."

As one of the newcomers spoke up Lyreven paused to give the speaker a more considered look. After a slightly uncomfortable amount of time Lyreven responds to the question ”We’re approaching two weeks time since it became clear this wasn’t just a passing cough. Laurel will most certainly have a better grasp on the details of it. Since this worsened I’m sure every layabout has been pestering her to be ‘cured’,” she hisses out the last word, with a look of pure disdain.

As the clearing quiets again she sends a glance between the members of the group standing outside the back of her house and says ”If you lot have nothing else for me I’d like to get back to my tea, my throat has been bothering me something fierce and I didn’t get hardly a wink of sleep last night.”

2018-06-27, 08:43 PM
Lucera stands and turns to Kendra, I guess you'll be leading us to see Laurel? If you don't mind.
Lucera wonders if the old woman will be ok or if she has the disease already.
Perception check

2018-07-01, 09:03 PM
So many new faces... What have I gotten myself into? Nor scrunches her nose up, a gesture that goes unnoticed by the others. "The sooner we look into this the b-better then, sounds like."