View Full Version : Subject statement regarding V's gender

2007-09-08, 07:02 PM
Proof of V's gender presented

2007-09-08, 07:12 PM
Annoyed response at yet another 's gender thread. Quote from another source disproving above proof. Generic insult to your manhood.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2007-09-08, 07:14 PM
What above poster did times eleventy-two.

2007-09-08, 07:17 PM
Annoyed response at yet another 's gender thread. Quote from another source disproving above proof. Generic insult to your manhood.

Repeating OP assertion with highlights.

Statement about my rights to post in this forum

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2007-09-08, 07:29 PM
Statement regarding the "No more posting V's gender threads" rule. Statement saying "look at the FAQ". Statement saying. "Argh! i give up i cant talk like this!"

2007-09-08, 07:34 PM
Complaint about lack of new comic for no apparent reason

2007-09-08, 07:37 PM
yeah this is why the FAQ were done in the first place
this V gender threads have been all about flaming.

2007-09-08, 07:38 PM
Expression of disappointment that this thread is not as funny as the last one about V's gender started by ag30476.

2007-09-08, 07:43 PM
:thog: Thog make self-deprecating comment for not being funny

2007-09-08, 07:47 PM
Statement that ag30476 rocks, but this thread is pushing it a bit. :smallcool:

The Extinguisher
2007-09-08, 08:11 PM
Absurd theory on V's gender involving a random object. Obscure reference to other material also involving previous random object. Insult to those not understanding the reference.

Sarcastic punchline involving a less absurd theory from previous posts.

2007-09-08, 08:19 PM
I've also wanted to know her gender of course everyone wants to know!!! Order of the stick is great but I hate miko she hates Belkar.

2007-09-08, 08:22 PM
Statement calling ag a piece of **** for starting this thread.

2007-09-08, 08:27 PM
WHAT! Hinjo sucks monkey butt but Belkar he's cool!

2007-09-08, 08:38 PM
Plea to keep thread on-topic and rant against those who don't have the decency to keep thread on-topic

2007-09-08, 09:02 PM
Remark indicating that format of thread may be too subtle for some individuals attempting to participate therein.

Green Bean
2007-09-08, 09:05 PM
Nearly incomprehensible rant about how the Giant sucks for not revealing gender 200 strips ago.

Pun Pun
2007-09-08, 11:34 PM
Threats for everyone who has posted on this thread, along with anyone ever born.

2007-09-09, 12:57 AM
Reference to a pronoun in a random strip from 2005.

Patronizing assurance that the whole issue has just been solved for good.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-09-09, 01:27 AM
Wryly sarcasting monolouge pointing out english grammar protocols, and the purpose of a running gag, all of which is most likely ignored.

2007-09-09, 03:31 AM
Link to further and extremely sketchy evidence that has been referenced in just about every previous thread. Claims of definite proof agreeing with OP. Comments bordering on flaming towards the opposed, all while clearly ignoring above monologue.

2007-09-09, 05:03 AM
Long list of links to all the V's gender threads in the last month, one of which is not a gender thread but a zombie link.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-09, 07:39 AM
Posts the same proof the first poster posted. Also claims that its proof not thought of before.

Harry Joy
2007-09-09, 07:51 AM
Link suggesting the OP look at a particular strip as evidence of this poster's viewpoint.

Humorous Image Macro

Thanatos 51-50
2007-09-09, 08:39 AM
Humorous Image Macro

Short blurb about macro contained therein. Further ranting about grammar. Basically, making a QFT while trying to not appear to do so.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-09, 08:48 AM
Link suggesting the OP look at a particular strip as evidence of this poster's viewpoint.

Insulting him for just doing an already disproven theory unlike my new cool theorys.

2007-09-09, 12:09 PM
Insulting him for just doing an already disproven theory unlike my new cool theorys.

Insulting him for insulting other guy, then stating that his cool theories are just as dumb.

2007-09-09, 02:41 PM
:smallfrown: For not being cool enough to come up with something like that.

2007-09-09, 02:58 PM
Something in all capitalized letters that insults this thread and the posters in it. Links to threads already linked to by Stu42.

Green Bean
2007-09-09, 03:03 PM
Something in all capitalized letters that insults this thread and the posters in it. Links to threads already linked to by Stu42.

Insinuation that lack of lower case letters demonstrates mental incapacity. Veiled insult of poster's parentage.

The Glitter Ninja
2007-09-09, 03:44 PM
Expression of disappointment that this thread is not as funny as the last one about V's gender started by ag30476.

Insistence that this thread contains humor equal to, or greater than, the thread started by ag30476. Concern that dakiwiboid has some previously-undiagnosed mental condition.

2007-09-09, 04:38 PM
Random off-topic statement expressing dislike of the Mr. Scruffy fanclub.

2007-09-09, 05:06 PM
Insistence that this thread contains humor equal to, or greater than, the thread started by ag30476. Concern that dakiwiboid has some previously-undiagnosed mental condition.

Statement of obvious fact that this thread was also started by ag30476. Further statement of the fact that this thread has now begun to acquire a greater level of comic potential than hitherto evidenced. Congratulatory noises in the general direction of ag30476.

2007-09-09, 05:43 PM
Borderline statement intended to inflame thread!

2007-09-09, 05:47 PM
Annoyance at how this subject is so frequently discussed. Suggestion that everybody forgets about it.

2007-09-09, 05:47 PM

2007-09-09, 06:21 PM
Comments regarding general lack of humor in forum leading to impolite slang phrase meant to further provocation.

Harry Joy
2007-09-09, 07:39 PM
Random and irrelevant mention of a sensitive religious subject that also cites the transgressions of the original poster compared to a unsavory tyrannical icon of history in an attempt to get the topic closed.

Green Bean
2007-09-09, 07:46 PM
Random and irrelevant mention of a sensitive religious subject that also cites the transgressions of the original poster compared to a unsavory tyrannical icon of history in an attempt to get the topic closed.

Indignant reference to Rules of Posting, complete with quotes. Unintended irony when rules on 'Vigilante Moderators' are accidentally included.

John Campbell
2007-09-09, 07:54 PM
Assertion that an only tangentially related comment from the author settles the matter.

Harry Joy
2007-09-09, 08:25 PM
:Vaarsuvius smilie: "Vaarsuvius quote"
:Haley smilie: "Haley quote"
:Vaarsuvius smilie: "Vaarsuvius quote"
:Roy smilie: "Roy quote"
:Haley smilie: "Haley quote"
:Belkar smilie: "misquote"
:Vaarsuvius smilie: "improperly attributed quote"
:Roy smilie: -----

2007-09-09, 08:30 PM
:Vaarsuvius smilie: "Vaarsuvius quote"
:Haley smilie: "Haley quote"
:Vaarsuvius smilie: "Vaarsuvius quote"
:Roy smilie: "Roy quote"
:Haley smilie: "Haley quote"
:Belkar smilie: "misquote"
:Vaarsuvius smilie: "improperly attributed quote"
:Roy smilie: -----

:Thog smilie: "not" quote

2007-09-09, 08:53 PM
:MiTD smilie: "MiTD quote"

Comment about my severe lack of posting in these forums based on the amount of time I have been registered here.

Assertion that everyone in this thread should listen to Nickelback.

Harry Joy
2007-09-09, 08:57 PM

Suggestion that the poster in question Google "related video game based web-comic".

The Glitter Ninja
2007-09-10, 02:35 AM
Random and irrelevant mention of a sensitive religious subject that also cites the transgressions of the original poster compared to a unsavory tyrannical icon of history in an attempt to get the topic closed.

Insistence that deliberately invoking that particular law of the Internet invalidates the effectiveness of the law. Assertion that poster is attempting to unfairly squelch forum members' freedom of expression. Demand that all attempts at prohibiting free speech cease immediately; snippets of U.S. Constitution quoted.

2007-09-10, 03:51 AM
Assertion that everyone should be reading alternate V gender thread also started contrary to forum rules. List of reasons why alternate is better, all of which are highly misconstrued or misleading.

Immature comment, similie to make it 'all right', which fails to work in the same way that putting your hazard lights on doesn't mean you can now park anywhere

The Extinguisher
2007-09-10, 04:27 AM
Further reposting of proof in the first post. Second proof the contradicts the first one. Claims of problem solved. Insult towards the mental capacities of anyone who disagree.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-09-10, 06:59 AM
Further reposting of proof in the first post. Second proof the contradicts the first one. Claims of problem solved. Insult towards the mental capacities of anyone who disagree.

Disagrees, complete with mini rant. Somehoe mentions The King in Yellow for no obvious reason. Mild suggestions that V's gender is C'Thulu.

2007-09-10, 08:27 AM
Assertion that V's gender is doily.

2007-09-10, 08:31 AM
It's just not the same.

2007-09-10, 08:36 AM
Irrelevant statement about Roy's mistreatment of Miko.

2007-09-10, 08:41 AM
Mention of a flaw in OP's sig that is not yet fixed.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-10, 10:30 AM
Further reposting of proof in the first post. Second proof the contradicts the first one. Claims of problem solved. Insult towards the mental capacities of anyone who disagree.

Mentions that flames are against the rules then flames.

2007-09-10, 11:56 AM
Mentions that flames are against the rules then flames.

Threatens poster with forum action.

2007-09-10, 12:14 PM
Complains about how many of these threads already are and tries to kill the thread.

2007-09-10, 12:29 PM
Derailing comment laced with poor grammar and spelling errors regarding the MiTD.

2007-09-10, 12:33 PM
The problem is when someone open a thread like this one does acknowledge there won't be any discussion only spam, flaming and complains(like this one)still is an issue of common sense between what is constructive for the forum and what is not.

Kurald Galain
2007-09-10, 12:35 PM
Poorly spelled flame deriding the previous poster's poor spelling.

Kurald Galain
2007-09-10, 12:36 PM
Poorly spelled flame deriding the previous poster's poor spelling, double posted.

2007-09-10, 12:40 PM
Nitpick on spelling.

2007-09-10, 12:41 PM
Nitpick on a stupid typo on above posters comment.

Green Bean
2007-09-10, 01:53 PM
Nitpick on a stupid typo on above posters comment.

False nitpick of correctly spelt word. Segue into statement that current educational standards are to blame.

2007-09-10, 01:54 PM
Completely irrelevant comment leading to an argument about dead female monk/paladin.

2007-09-10, 01:58 PM
Completely irrelevant comment leading to an argument about dead female monk/paladin.

Participation in argument about dead female monk/paladin.

2007-09-10, 01:59 PM
Participation in argument about dead female monk/paladin.

Futher participation in argument about dead female paladin starting an alignment discussion.

2007-09-10, 02:00 PM
Futher participation in argument about dead female paladin starting an alignment discussion.

Amusing anecdote about former amoral paladin in D&D game.

2007-09-10, 02:12 PM
Participation in argument about dead female monk/paladin.

Beginning the procedure to bring said dead female monk/paladin back to life to please half of the posters and anger the other half. Then begin the procedure to organize a duel to death between said female monk/paladin and a certain hafling ranger/barbarian to please everyone.

Complex equation and the inverse ninja law determine that the androgynous elf is in fact a construct from another dimension. Random offensive comment about the physical features of anyone who disagree.

2007-09-10, 02:14 PM
Vacuous inquiry about chances of androgynous elf's mate ever appearing in comic.

2007-09-10, 02:33 PM
Vigilante modding and flaming of above poster, because he/she strived from the original topic, a dead female monk/paladin.

2007-09-10, 03:43 PM
Reply in large, bold letters saying we don't know if said mate will appear.

2007-09-10, 03:54 PM
Declaration that above poster should join the Church of Banjo.

2007-09-10, 03:56 PM
Brief acknowledgement of the character in question, then wander into intelectual-sounding musings on gender, complete with pedantic glossary of technical terms from the study of grammar. Vague invocation of post-modernism, but not in enough detail to explain what I'm driving at or what I mean by postmodernism. Makes no reference to any post since the OP and never posts in the thread again.

2007-09-10, 03:59 PM
Tries to convince the thread that everybody in it should speak in 3rd person. Makes long, angry statements about how this thread is on it's 3rd page.

2007-09-10, 04:15 PM
Misquotes the 3rd post in the thread. Argues venomously that the poster is a moron and questions his/her parentage before picking up on a small point in the 19th post of the thread and threatening bloody murder on the poster.

Finally re-raises the alignment debate and argues that because V is so obviously purple he must therefore be [long drawn out hypothesis that contradicts it's self 3 times, but that's OK because everyone stopped reading after the 1st sentence]

2007-09-10, 04:17 PM
Claims recently opening account to participate in thread, proceeds to add no value.

2007-09-10, 05:31 PM
Irrelevant and poorly spelled rant about the comic authors inability to post the strips on time proving the posters lack of interest in reading news section. Claim that the situation is causing boredom in the boards which result in people opening useless threads. Statement suggesting that the thread is an example



"proud <not-so-funny-title> of the <crappy-club-idea> club" signature

2007-09-10, 05:39 PM
something sarcastic

Kurald Galain
2007-09-10, 05:42 PM
Quoting the entire previous post about the dead female monk/paladin, adding a one-liner that monks are overpowered.

The Extinguisher
2007-09-10, 06:22 PM
Query on the result of The Belt of Gender-Changing being placed on the androgynous elf. Philisphopical discussion on the need for genders.

Fails-to-be witty, off topic joke on dead female monk/paladin.

2007-09-10, 06:28 PM
Drunken reply with something to the effect of placing bags of holding in extra-dimensional spaces.

Green Bean
2007-09-10, 06:38 PM
Quoting the entire previous post about the dead female monk/paladin, adding a one-liner that monks are overpowered.

Response that monks are underpowered without actually giving evidence.

2007-09-10, 07:10 PM
Response that monks are underpowered without actually giving evidence.

Exclamated agreement, also without evidence!

2007-09-10, 07:27 PM
Belt of Gender-Changing being placed on the androgynous elf


2007-09-10, 07:30 PM
Inane speculation about gender of Windstriker.

Harry Joy
2007-09-10, 07:51 PM
Link to a picture of a Lolcat declaring a TPK.

2007-09-10, 08:45 PM
Generic complaint about comic's lack of updates, followed by generic complaint about <character's name> not appearing enough in comic. Note: aforementioned character's name is blatantly misspelled.

Kai Maera
2007-09-10, 08:58 PM
Question about the apparent lack of conventional D&D gods, reminder of the Oracle's prediction of V's future, questioning about the mechanics of quoting others in the thread, fully irrelevant to the current subject.

Quote from Family Guy, also irrelevant.

Harry Joy
2007-09-10, 09:08 PM
Highlight the space below for an SoD spoiler:

SoD Spoiler


The Ninja
2007-09-10, 09:42 PM
Random spam comment unrelated to the thread.

2007-09-10, 11:55 PM
Random spam comment unrelated to the thread.

Also unrelated spam comment remarking that above random spam comment is unrelated to the thread.

2007-09-11, 12:06 AM
Exclamated agreement, also without evidence!

Proof of monk's balance vs. the ninja, using a mathematical model only a mathematician specialized in probability theory could understand, with concepts drawn from other gaming systems.

Kurald Galain
2007-09-11, 04:11 AM
Vehement dissent with the above proof, incorporating a spurious pirates-vs-ninjas reference, that is misspelled, and lots of exclamation points, that are also misspelled.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-09-11, 05:32 AM
Wry, mispelled, comment on the insane amount of typographical errors present in the thread.

2007-09-11, 11:04 AM
Wry, mispelled, comment on the insane amount of typographical errors present in the thread.

Weak retort, addled with poor grammar and mispellings, criticizing you for your mispelled comment on the insane amount of typographical errors present in this thread. Underhanded comment relating you to a nazi.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-11, 11:42 AM
Statemen that monks are well over powered because thier better than <the class that snan't be named.>

2007-09-11, 11:48 AM
Statemen that monks are well over powered because thier better than <the class that snan't be named.>

Lamentation that thread has drifted.

Complains nonethelss that Sorcerers are the most underpowered class especially when compared to classes like the Beguiler.

John Campbell
2007-09-11, 12:17 PM
Generic complaint about comic's lack of updates, followed by generic complaint about <character's name> not appearing enough in comic. Note: aforementioned character's name is blatantly misspelled.

Observation that aforementioned character was in the last comic, and has actually appeared xth most often in the last y comics. Assertion that everyone is sick of aforementioned character's subplot by now. Expression of desire to see some minor character who no one else remembers again instead.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-11, 12:38 PM
Agreement with the above fact. Statement of V's gender.

Kurald Galain
2007-09-11, 12:54 PM
Agreement with the above fact. Statement of V's gender.

Complaint that the previous post is off-topic for this thread.

2007-09-11, 01:36 PM
Completely ignores half the thread, insults to the OP and all who agree with them, link to random outdated Wiki article as proof that the OP is wrong. Plea to keep thread on topic, then launching into a discussion on Belkars alignment, complete with claim that he is Lawful Stupid.
Edit: Adds rant on how the whole forum is completely crazy and badly formatted.

2007-09-11, 01:52 PM
Reassertion of own's interpretation of V's gender issue without statement of own's interpretation.

Sidenote of praise for the Original Poser's conceptual formation of this topic thread, followed by insults backed by current poster's desire but lack of initiative to create same topic thread.

Side sidenote of humourous smilies to denote sarcastic humor backed by current poster's sudden guilt of misinterpretation of intent with above insults.

2007-09-11, 02:20 PM
Poorly spelled flame deriding the previous poster's poor spelling, double posted.

Day-late comment on previously quieted flame war, complete with significant crimes against grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Convoluted nonsensical psuedo-insult lobbed to OP and/or Kurald Galain.


Signature out of compliance with new graphics guidelines

2007-09-11, 02:24 PM
Convoluted nonsensical psuedo-insult lobbed to OP and/or Kurald Galain.
Signature out of compliance with new graphics guidelines

Reply posht made unner intoxfication

2007-09-11, 02:26 PM
Apologizes for above overdramatically

2007-09-11, 02:55 PM
Reply posht made unner intoxfication

New flame with failure to acknowledge presence of apology. Poorly veiled assaults on your social behaviors. Derisive remarks and petulant demands that thread return to topic.

Broken image links.

Quote of ag30476's drunken comment

The Ninja
2007-09-11, 03:10 PM
Statement of V's gender. Defense of said statement with absolutely no proof. Flame towards all who called random spam comment spam, gradually transforming into random comment about the formation of the universe. Conclusion that monkeys eat bananas.

2007-09-11, 03:15 PM
Statement about not reading entire thread. Ambiguous statement about V's gender. Apology for lack of content.

2007-09-11, 04:24 PM
Advertisement for viagra, cell phones, and mp3 players.

2007-09-11, 05:14 PM
Statement regarding length of time lurking. Verbose, fawning exclamations of desire to bear the Giant's progeny.

Indication that years of honed observation have enabled a pronouncement of V’s gender. Congratulations extended to OP for creating the thread, acknowledgement of other poster’s theories in the form of backhand compliments.

Statement of profound happiness that first-ever forum post can definitively resolve this contentious issue.

Dissertation follows:
1. Reference various panels from every book (with spoiler tags).
2. Cross-reference various online panels.
3. Links to online graphs demonstrating evolution of pronouns, shape of characters, character of forum debate, life-cycle of various repeated arguments over time.
4. Dubious secondhand claim from guy who once shared a cab with Rich.
5. Scanned scrawl obtained from crumpled paper found in Rich’s trash.
6. Links to photos of Rich in his backyard taken with telephoto lens.
7. Links to fan-site dedicated to tracking Rich’s every movement.

Conclusive statement summarizing epiphany had while spending quality alone time in the bathroom this morning.

Thanks extended to all, expressed hope that topic may be laid to rest forever.

Repeated desire to have the Giant’s baby.

2007-09-11, 05:20 PM
Edit: Adds rant on how the whole forum is completely crazy and badly formatted.

Quizzically posed and slightly mocking query regarding a term used in the quoted rant.

2007-09-11, 05:27 PM
Repeated desire to have the Giant’s baby.

Inappropriate comment followed by inappropriate PM

2007-09-11, 05:33 PM

Shes not a guy?!?

2007-09-11, 05:36 PM

Shes not a guy?!?

Reiteration of V's gender with overwhelmingly forceful formatting and punctuation

2007-09-11, 05:39 PM
Repeated desire to have the Giant’s baby.
Inappropriate comment followed by inappropriate PM

Pathetic public follow up to inappropriate PM to first time pixie poster

2007-09-11, 05:47 PM
Pathetic public follow up to inappropriate PM to first time pixie poster

Expression of shock and disgust. Comment regarding insensitivity. Appeal to forum rules.

Link to blog on personal Rich-tracking website regarding character of people who post on forums.

Return to lurking.

2007-09-11, 05:54 PM
Expression of shock and disgust. Comment regarding insensitivity. Appeal to forum rules.

Link to blog on personal Rich-tracking website regarding character of people who post on forums.

Return to lurking.

Generic comment disparaging poster. Denial of interest in communication. Immature comments insulting everyone to assuage feelings arising from rejection.

2007-09-11, 05:55 PM
I'm still confused.

Is she a man or not?

What about her bird?

Is it a Boy/Girl bird or a Girl/Boy bird?

I just don't know anymore.

2007-09-11, 05:57 PM
I'm still confused.

Is she a man or not?

What about her bird?

Is it a Boy/Girl bird or a Girl/Boy bird?

I just don't know anymore.

Comment regarding the relationship of technology, canines and the incarcerated.

2007-09-11, 06:04 PM
Comment regarding the relationship of technology, canines and the incarcerated.

What does that mean?

Shes a Robot Prisoner with fangs?

Prisoner of who?
What kind of robot?
And what do fangs have anything to do with anything?

It still doesn't answer my question.

Is V a girl robot, prisoner, with fangs or a boy robot prisoner robot with fangs.

Besides... I thought she was an elf guy, Like Legolas and Galadriel.

And what about her bird?

Now I'm even more confused.

2007-09-11, 06:06 PM
Shes a Robot Prisoner with fangs

2007-09-11, 06:24 PM

To a thread about insane, carnivorous robots posed as gender-bending elves?

Will it Help?

2007-09-11, 07:00 PM
Statement about not bothering to read previous four pages. Reiteration of hypothesis originally stated on page 1, and rebutted on pages 2 and 4.


Harry Joy
2007-09-11, 07:21 PM
Reports post.

2007-09-11, 07:25 PM
To a thread about insane, carnivorous robots posed as gender-bending elves?

Will it Help?

Question regarding poster's use of unfamiliar grammar and first-person perspective. Statement to assuage other forum attendees of current poster's rational desires for question.

Disclaimer regarding current poster's desire not to contribute to before-mentioned flame war.

2007-09-12, 12:40 AM
Commentary on being tired of V's gender threads, possibly stating a false belief that this issue was laid to rest a year ago.

Link to irrelevant thread. (possibly one of the several with disturbing fanart images, followed by a claim that one of these images settles the debate)

Insult to the mental capacities, of all who disagree, comparing them to one or more undesirable groups, past or present. Insult to the genetics of anyone who posts in a thread like this (completely ignoring the irony of being currently posting in such a thread).

Irrelevant reference to another webcomic.

Appeal to have this thread, and possibly all future threads on the topic, closed.

2007-09-12, 12:46 AM
Sock puppet: praises OP

2007-09-12, 12:54 AM
Alter ego: Attacks OP and raises strawman and makes ad hominem attack

2007-09-12, 12:57 AM
Sock puppet: Destroys strawman and points futility of arguing against asserted V gender. Decries opponents can only resort to basless ad hominem attacks.

2007-09-12, 01:00 AM
First and only post by unknown pixie poster: Claims sock puppet is sock puppet

2007-09-12, 01:02 AM
Sock puppet: Denies claim. Laughs derisively. Points to extensive differences between sock puppet and OP.

2007-09-12, 01:04 AM
Vehement denial of the use of sock puppets. Claims no need to talk to self.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-09-12, 01:05 AM
Accuses all parties in the previous exhange of flaming, Offers to buy other thread patircpants popcorn to enjoy the pyrotechnics.

The Wanderer
2007-09-12, 01:19 AM
Speculation about the possibility of V being a hermaphrodite, and that this could account for V's trouble with gender issues. Blatantly ignore Haley's hints at knowing V's gender, and hopes no one else brings it up.

2007-09-12, 02:03 AM
Speculates as to whether V's gender ambiguity is an integral part of his/her/it/:smalleek: 's character, and therefore suggests that revelation of said gender would at least partially ruin the character- segue into impersonal yet fierce attack on OP

The Ninja
2007-09-12, 05:44 AM
Accepts thanatos5150's offer of popcorn and searches for a good seat to watch the show.

Kurald Galain
2007-09-12, 05:51 AM
Angry rant about how much the forum has gone downhill since the introduction of Miko, followed with marginally-comprehensible lament and the dramatic decision to leave the forum 4-ever. Just like I did last week.

2007-09-12, 07:34 AM
Advertisement for viagra, cell phones, and mp3 players.

2007-09-12, 08:02 AM
Advertisement for viagra, cell phones, and mp3 players.

Don't forget about whatyacallit prolongation offers.

Kurald Galain
2007-09-12, 08:58 AM
Don't forget about whatyacallit prolongation offers.

Innocent post by a twelve-year-old fan who does not get the above and asks for an explanation.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-12, 10:01 AM
Asks people to look at the heads.

2007-09-12, 10:02 AM
Innocent post by a twelve-year-old fan who does not get the above and asks for an explanation.

Fit of laughter and comment that poster will understand in a few years.

2007-09-12, 10:09 AM
Makes a huge disruptive post contrary to the majority opinion of the thread, and demands that everyone else stop posting, trying to get the last word.

2007-09-12, 10:26 AM
Makes a huge disruptive post contrary to the majority opinion of the thread, and demands that everyone else stop posting, trying to get the last word.

Agrees with above theory. States prior supposition of this theory and attempts to take credit. Cites former post made but provides no link. Apologizes for being too lazy to find former post.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-12, 10:28 AM
Kriestors theory.

Clain that he came up with it first though was supporting the other side.

2007-09-12, 10:42 AM
Reiteration of demand everyone stop posting. Insult towards individuals presumptuous enough to help me, as if I needed it.

Harry Joy
2007-09-12, 11:25 AM

2007-09-12, 11:27 AM
Statement made to attract moderator attention

2007-09-12, 11:31 AM
Abominable byelorussian profanity.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-12, 11:32 AM
Asking whether Rawhide post here will get his attention.

2007-09-12, 12:07 PM
Repetition of the title of the song the original theory.

2007-09-12, 12:56 PM
Post w innym języku, aby przyciągnąć uwagę moderatorów. :smallwink:

Harry Joy
2007-09-12, 12:57 PM
Return to thread, as if the flame-out never happened.

2007-09-12, 01:02 PM
Feverish flame about how posters keep flaming.
Complain over last 50 posts being off-topic.
Evaluation of the Robot Prisoner with fangs topic, reaching the conclusion that the fangs are an absolute invention of previous poster. Misquotes Foucault as proof that Robot Prisoners are always of dubious gender. Adds useless link to an OotS comic that proofs absolutely nothing, but expects that people will like the fight of a small-sized psychopatic homicidal ranger/barbarian and an equally psychopatic homicidal fallen and bisected monk/paladin.

Poster's remark that he clearly should run the forum, to ban awkward posters. Foreseeing nazi remark, retorts that he has one jewish friend or two, and wishes them a good rosh a shaná.

2007-09-12, 01:10 PM
Reference to real-world religion in which the question of V's gender would be an abomination.

2007-09-12, 02:52 PM
Reference to real-world religion in which the question of V's gender would be an abomination.

Vigilante Moderation with threats of reporting you for referencing a real world religion.

2007-09-12, 02:56 PM
Vigilante Moderation with threats of reporting you for referencing a real world religion.

Vigilante moderation with threats of reporting you for vigilante moderation.

2007-09-12, 03:01 PM
Vigilante moderation with threats of reporting you for vigilante moderation.

Idle threats against you {scrubbed}

2007-09-12, 03:32 PM
Bardly speled seudo-PC proklamaton that everibody is untitled to there oon opion, and that comics r unly four intertainment and nut worth series discution.

Apologeez fore the bad speling even tho has eksess to a wurd prossessing program such as MS Wurd.

2007-09-12, 03:37 PM
Reference to six other threads regarding original subject, including links.

Sycophantic statement that this thread covers subject in greatest depth so far.

2007-09-12, 04:06 PM
Statement about knowing what V's gender is.

Links to random OotS comics.

Inane theory about how said comics prove V's gender.


Avatar Credit
Image of strange purple pet
Random quote
Broken Link to gallery
Link to webcomic
Nominations images

Thanatos 51-50
2007-09-12, 04:09 PM
off-topic musing about the length to which this thread has gronw. Complaints about a lack of pyrotechnics.
Forever lost line due to moderator clean-up.

Kurald Galain
2007-09-12, 05:11 PM
Post that vehemently agrees, but does not specify what it's agreeing to.

2007-09-12, 05:14 PM
Claim that the thread is getting too long and someone should make a new thread.

Harry Joy
2007-09-12, 10:26 PM
Thread crap.

2007-09-12, 11:45 PM
Obligatory post giving an opinion made to sound as though all the posts have been read but which repeats a lot of useless points and really gives the impression of ignorance.

2007-09-12, 11:53 PM
Bump even tho there is no need to bump

2007-09-13, 12:10 AM
Comparison of someone to Nazis in an effort to end the thread.

2007-09-13, 02:49 AM
*unnecessary action* Reiteration of multiple insults. Strange blend of illogic aimed at a previous post. Further insults. Further appeal to have thread shut down. Idle threats to all.

2007-09-13, 02:56 AM
Reference to how that kind of post happens to me all the time on the other forum I frequent.

Seriously, it's weird how often that happens to me.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-13, 10:08 AM
Post that vehemently agrees, but does not specify what it's agreeing to.

Agreed 10 letters.

2007-09-13, 10:22 AM
Statement regarding the fact that this thread is still on the first page. :random bored smiley:

2007-09-13, 11:37 AM
Statement regarding the fact that this thread is still on the first page. :random bored smiley:

Statement in explicit violation of forum rules regarding what can be said ina thread about other threads, thread counts, moderation, etc.

Expressed desire that thread be locked


2007-09-13, 01:36 PM
Assertion that another forum is quantitatively better because of, or in spite of, the fact that posters there frequently holler obscenities, verbally abuse and insult other posters, and moderators spend more time insulting posters than moderating, but supposedly respect each other.

Link to said forums inserted, yet leads to a dead page.

2007-09-13, 07:41 PM
Long post that argues the exact opposite point of view to the only other post that I've made in this thread.

No one notices though.

2007-09-13, 11:10 PM
Laments death of thread. Long discourse to waste time for self. Turning off subscription. Sad smiley.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-14, 10:37 AM
Statement that it's not dead yet.

2007-09-14, 11:29 AM
Statement that it's not dead yet.

Statement that thread is in fact dead, ironically putting back at the top of the first page once more.

2007-09-14, 12:05 PM
Attempt at humor by way of nonsensical non sequitur.

2007-09-14, 12:11 PM
Statement pointing out the general silliness of the comment without noticing it was meant to be funny.

2007-09-14, 12:30 PM
Complex argument which claims to settle once and for all the question of a certain elf's gender in such a convoluted way that any reader without a PHD is incapable of determining which gender the poster is actually arguing for.

Monty Python quote.

John Campbell
2007-09-14, 12:42 PM
Line-by-line rebuttal of previous post that still doesn't make it clear which side either poster is arguing for, except that they're very definitely in opposition.

2007-09-14, 12:42 PM
Complex argument which claims to settle once and for all the question of a certain elf's gender in such a convoluted way that any reader without a PHD is incapable of determining which gender the poster is actually arguing for.

Sentence by sentence rebuttal, which completely eliminates any chance of retaining context, and expects the poster to be able to support each sentence as a stand-alone argument.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-14, 12:52 PM
Complex argument which claims to settle once and for all the question of a certain elf's gender in such a convoluted way that any reader without a PHD is incapable of determining which gender the poster is actually arguing for.

Monty Python quote.

Quoting it all just to give another monty python quote.

2007-09-14, 12:52 PM
Laughter at unusually similar and simultaneous posts by the two previous posters. Line by line rebuttal of each of their line by line rebuttals with no attempt to reduce the amount of text quoted. Results in an extremely long post with lots of quote nesting.

Half of a Monty Python quote bizarely matched up with half of an Animaniacs quote.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-14, 12:58 PM
Laughter at unusually similar and simultaneous posts by the two previous posters. Line by line rebuttal of each of their line by line rebuttals with no attempt to reduce the amount of text quoted. Results in an extremely long post with lots of quote nesting.

Half of a Monty Python quote bizarely matched up with half of an Animaniacs quote.

Qote of all of it, to say he agreed and to add another monty python quote.

2007-09-14, 04:15 PM
Qote of all of it, to say he agreed and to add another monty python quote.

Statement portraying dislike of Monty Python, despite the obvious like of Monty Python by the poster.

2007-09-14, 04:16 PM
Sentence by sentence rebuttal, which completely eliminates any chance of retaining context, and expects the poster to be able to support each sentence as a stand-alone argument.

Word by word rebuttal, contesting the use, choice, and reason for each word, concluding that the poster is either a) racist, b) sexist, c) a Nazi, or d) a chicken.

Green Bean
2007-09-14, 04:43 PM
Statement that poster has never liked Monty Python, and asks that people refrain from quoting the show to avoid offending him.

2007-09-14, 04:50 PM
Rebuttal insulting the above posters intelligence and personal hygiene, in a poorly transcribed French accent and a claim that the 1st person has 'already got a grail.'

2007-09-14, 06:54 PM
Expression of love for chicken.

2007-09-14, 10:42 PM
Expression of love for chicken.

Expression of love for beef.

Green Bean
2007-09-14, 10:57 PM
Condemnation of previous two posters, implying that they are murderers for eating beef.

Lengthy paragraph about benefits of subsisting purely on bean sprouts.

2007-09-14, 11:17 PM
:belkar: Sniff! I love you guys! (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0128.html)

2007-09-14, 11:19 PM
Condemnation of previous two posters, implying that they are murderers for eating beef.

Lengthy paragraph about benefits of subsisting purely on bean sprouts.

Non sequiter showing zero knowledge of anything posted before.

2007-09-14, 11:28 PM
<Inane comment with lame attempt at in-joke to disguise newbie status>
Wait! What?</Inane comment with lame attempt at in-joke to disguise newbie status>

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-15, 02:54 AM
Condemnation of previous two posters, implying that they are murderers for eating beef.

Lengthy paragraph about benefits of subsisting purely on bean sprouts.

Plant murderer.

Kurald Galain
2007-09-15, 04:17 AM
Explanatory link to a number of "boy-to-girl-morph" or other transgender webcomics, that doesn't actually explain anything.

2007-09-15, 09:11 AM
States that he would like to further explore an off-topic query regarding Windstriker's gender from a few pages back and then launches into a long and annoying rant about how Windstriker is female and/or male.

2007-09-15, 12:07 PM
:Happy smilie:

Excited statement about having just discovered the forum and finally being able to discuss V's gender.
Statement of personal opinion backed with no evidence.
Expression of eagerness to hear other posters opinions.

:More happy smilies:

2007-09-15, 12:19 PM
Thoughtful rebuttal of unimportant point made on page 2 that no one had previously paid attention to.

2007-09-15, 12:53 PM
An attempt to put the thread back on topic, making an argument about the subject of V's gender using quotes from SoD without spoiler quotes, and then apologizing for not knowing how to use spoiler quotes even though the poster clearly knows how to use them.

Completely random Monty Python quote

2007-09-15, 02:32 PM
Link (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0441.html) to random comic that proves everything. Ever.

Random Monty Python Quote.


2007-09-15, 08:32 PM
:Happy smilie:

Excited statement about having just discovered the forum and finally being able to discuss V's gender.
Statement of personal opinion backed with no evidence.
Expression of eagerness to hear other posters opinions.

:More happy smilies:

Scathing and uncalled for rant that ruins newbie's innocence forever and possible gives him nightmares and/or gender issues. Sits back with sense of having accomblished something worthwhile.

2007-09-15, 08:41 PM
Thoughtful rebuttal of unimportant point made on page 2 that no one had previously paid attention to.Repetitive counterargument.

Scathing and uncalled for rant that ruins newbie's innocence forever and possible gives him nightmares and/or gender issues. Sits back with sense of having accomblished something worthwhile.Backseat moderating.

2007-09-15, 09:30 PM
Vigilante moderating chiding previous poster for vigilante moderating... in an exact copy-paste of someone else's post earlier in the thread.

2007-09-15, 09:54 PM
Backseat moderating.

Violent declaration of innocence. Use the word ‘Nazi.’

Feel slightly guilty nonetheless, reassure one’s self that it happened to me once and had no ill effect

Goes to bed to ponder gender issues.

2007-09-16, 12:46 AM
Too much information on own personal life, sex and gender issues. V's gender defended in light of.

Kurald Galain
2007-09-16, 04:27 AM
Violent declaration of innocence. Use the word ‘Nazi.’

Angry post demanding that this thread be ended and locked immediately, because of Melwin's Law.

Emperor Demonking
2007-09-16, 04:40 AM
Query about what Melwim's law is.

2007-09-16, 05:43 AM
Claim that this V gender thread is "superior" to all other V gender thread.

Claim that this V gender thread has "saved" the OotS forum.

2007-09-16, 07:15 AM
Scathing and uncalled for rant that ruins newbie's innocence forever and possible gives him nightmares and/or gender issues. Sits back with sense of having accomblished something worthwhile.

:Many unhappy smilies:

Whiny lament about being ill-used by Ladorak, the forum and the world at large. Heart-wrenching allusions to poster's troubled life, how poster was hoping to find comfort in OOTS forum and how hopes are ruined forever now.

:A lot more unhappy smilies:

2007-09-16, 08:13 AM
Condemnation of previous two posters, implying that they are murderers for eating beef.

Lengthy paragraph about benefits of subsisting purely on bean sprouts.

Condemnation of poster as murderer for eating plants

Partially Copy/Pasted lengthy paragraph about benefits of subsisting purely on grains of salt and sugar.

2007-09-16, 10:56 AM
Advocates rights of minerals to exist uneaten.

Apology to Reed, complete with philosophical ramble about the idea of ‘gender’ generally that’s insulting to anyone whos gender is clearly defined.

Laments continuation of V’s gender threads, pleads to let topic drop.

Hits submit button while idly playing with amulet of irony immunity.

2007-09-16, 10:11 PM
Demand that all other gender thread mockery thread cease and desist. Call for making this thread be made the official, original, V gender thread mockery thread.

2007-09-16, 11:10 PM
Expresses agreement that this should be the official V gender thread mockery thread.

Random Monty Python quote