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2018-06-22, 04:41 AM
Last posts from previous thread:

Andrei and Lucky

Andrei's shoulder clap surprises the young fellow and makes him spill some of his drink, but the others only laugh this off. The more serious looking man from the first table leans to throw a disapproving look at all the clamor emanating from the adjacent table.

As he makes his move, Ironfist and Lucky also approach to make the table a full six people. With the lack of any prior preparation, Ironfist introduces Lucky as Sir Glueklich, an unlanded knight from a minor family.

The trio greet Andrei and Sir Glueklich, and introduce themselves as Sirs Lothford, Erno, and Osberth. Lucky faintly remembers Sir Osberth's voice from somewhere else, but can't quite make it.

Sir Vayne quickly takes Andrei up by the offer and orders another glass of brandy for him. While they focus on Andrei, Lucky can see that the trio was playing something similar to blackjack with some extra rules.

"It goes perfect my bemuscled friend. Care to join us for a hand?"


Leolin's lewd story finds its perfect audience in the mostly mercenary-worker crowd, and the abrupt ending makes a lot people laugh in half-empathy half-surprise.

"Now, this girl can tell a story!" exclaims the thick armed woman, and even the more grizzled mercenary can't help but nod his head. One of the servants listening from near the kitchen comes along and tops her glass. The young worker seems to be encouraged by this rather good storytelling, and tries to take the next word.

He starts telling what apparently happened to a friend of his friend, and how he personally survived a beast attack in right in the middle of Steadwick just a month ago. A lot of it seems to have been lost in translation, but apparently some kind of exotic animal got loose in the old Smoldering Boar Inn -- some kind of grizzly bear or mountain lion or something, and how it started mauling people before they called in a crack team of city guards which killed the beast.

"Why didn't they just shoot it?" asks one wiseguy.

"If it's a grizzly, if you don't hit it right in the skull, you'll just make it angrier. And even then it's a toss at best," comments one outdoorsman from a nearby table.


Bullwhip grumbles frustratedly but doesn't move her gaze. "I will win if everybody would just..."

Which only manages to entice the man more. "You reaaaally need to focus if you want. To make. This shot."

She takes the shot at last, but the knife doesn't strike true, instead only managing to hit the third circle just next to the smug man's face. He flinches, but then sees the result and barks a victorious laugh. Bullwhip stomps the ground, almost popping a vein.

"Gods. Effin. Damn it! Augh!"

She suddenly holds her head after her outburst, as if something had just jabbed her in the brain. She closes her eyes in pain for a few seconds, and slowly recollects herself. But even the smug darter seems to give her a breather before coming in to collect.

Ian laughed at the remark.
"That I don't, but it's not for lack of trying. It just seems that whenever I try to tempt Lady Luck, she gives me a good slap to the side of the face. However, I notice that others seem to benefit from my misfortune. It's almost as if Lady Luck sees fit to take what portion of fortune I should have had on anyone else nearby."
He took a moment to wait for the next roll of the dice before it was his turn.
"I do find that a good chat goes a long way to appease her,"
he frowned at the double ones staring back, "for everyone else that is."
He handed the dice to the next man.
"Does anyone happen to know of a lout by the name of De Renlon? My student said the fellow would help him to prepare for his studies but I somehow doubt that after coming here."

Caster Level Check to manipulate dice: [roll0] +4? (tools)
Ian will make sure that his own rolls are usually poor but will not lose more than 3 gp in total to the game. To that end, he will make a few spectacular rolls. (Gee, who does this remind me of?:smallyuk:)

2018-06-23, 01:15 PM
"I'm not sure I'm familiar with this game, but I'm sure you can teach me!" Andrei grins broadly, taking a seat and enjoying the new glass of brandy he is provided. "I am Andrei, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

2018-06-24, 01:19 AM
Leolin is a little miffed about the inn story, but she doesn't say anything. It's not like her character would know about it, being relatively new to the city and all. That said...

"Well, you know what I heard - I heard some chungus tried to kill a duchess in the middle of her own party. A real piece of work, they said. Stumbling around like he was sleepwalking or something."

2018-06-24, 03:12 PM
Moira takes in the scene unfolding before her. Mildly concerned, she looks at Effin. "What's wrong with her?" She asks, jerking her head towards Bullwhip.

2018-06-26, 04:03 AM
Andrei and Lucky

The blond-haired Sir Vayne grins as he cuts, shuffles, and deals the cards as the others watch. He opens a king in front of Andrei.

"Lets start from the basics, then. Surely you know blackjack?"

At which point the goatee'd Sir Erno interjects. "Wait, are you here perchance for that guy?" he says low-key, nudging from his head to the adjacent table. "As a prospective bodyguard?" The Viscount at the other table doesn't seem to realize he's been pointed at, and they go on with their game.


"The duchess?" replies the grey-haired, grizzled mercenary skeptically. "No way, we would have heard something."

"Unless they hush-hushed the whole thing up," retorts the Talented woman. "And by the way, I did hear of some shenanigans in her party. But a murder attempt? Hoho."


"Effin" mumbles strategically at Moira as he passes near her.

"She gets an awful headache when she gets real angry. Heh, the flipside of making people's brain melt, I guess."

Several seconds later, after Bullwhip recollects herself, Effin recollects his winnings and the duo face Moira.

"So, you want a round?" says Bullwhip, actually paying attention to Moira for once, examining her thoroughly and trying to ascertain if she's a tough opponent or not.

"I kinda want to win my money back, so."

2018-06-26, 09:01 AM

Ian can very successfully lose his money through careful manipulation of the dice, and as far as he believes, he manages to do it very inconspicuously.

His talk of Lady Luck receives some knowing nods across the table, and his general loss of money seems to ingratiate him towards the men. Which is why when he mentions the Viscount as "the lout", the thick-necked worker to Ian's left hushes him quickly instead of letting him blabber on.

"Are you crazy? You shouldn't talk about a highborn like that with his henchmen standing so close by." He looks towards the table in the middle as if to underline his point.

2018-06-27, 07:54 AM
"Oh really?" he grated, actual frustration from being involved in yet another social situation coloring his words.
"Perhaps I can get them to explain why my no-good pupil decided to skip out on his studies. I know I said I didn't care so long as I'm paid but that isn't quite true. At the very least I can see about getting him barred from this place in the future so he doesn't waste his life away. Excuse me gentlemen."
He threw the dice in his hands vigorously across the table, not bothering to control or keep watch of the roll, as he stalked over to the middle table.
Final dice roll: [roll0]
Upon arriving, he tapped the shoulder of the closest 'henchman'.
"Excuse me, I have a question that perhaps you can answer."
He paused to ensure he had the man's full attention before continuing on.
"My student is shirking his studies and I would like to know just what in the world is so blasted important that he feels his studies can wait. I've half a mind to drag him out myself if he's simply 'partying it up'."
Diplomacy: +7 bonus
Gather Information: +5 bonus

2018-06-28, 01:40 AM
Andrei shrugs, "Something like that. He seemed preoccupied though, so I thought I'd kill some time before introducing myself." He looks over to Sir Vayne "You said blackjack, right? I know how blackjack works."

2018-06-28, 02:29 AM
Moira recalls some of her past experiences with gambling in her early academy days and grimaces. "Maybe. How much?"

Lynam III
2018-06-28, 03:16 AM
Lucky joins the game of blackjack, and tries to join the conversations without bringing up a topic himself for now.

2018-06-28, 09:58 AM
Andrei and Lucky

Sir Erno nods sagely at Andrei, content that his guess was on point. "I suppose that is wise." Sir Vayne, in return, turns his handsome face into a grin and quickly lays additional cards in order to explain the game to him.

"So, Nightstick is like blackjack but you also get a five card hand, which you can add or subtract as bonus cards, but only once per round..." he goes on.

With them more or less occupied, Ironfist introduces Lucky to the third knight, Sir Osberth, with the added whisper of "Boomstick".

The mustachio'd Sir Osberth smiles knowingly before shaking Lucky's hand.

Ian and Leo

Waltzing onto the middle table where Leolin was regaling the listeners with her tale, Ian lucks out and faces the young worker as the closest one to him. The simple-looking man, in his defense, listens valiantly to Ian's speech but still can't stop a confused expression blooming on his face. With all his wit, he manages:

"Uhh... who is your student, milord?"


Bullwhip seems to consider that for a second, and then declares, if a bit hesitantly, "Half a big one!", which Moira mentally translates as 5 golds. Effin raises his hands to object to the large sum, but the mercenary seems to hold her ground.

"Oh, you're not ready for the big leagues? Afraid that I'd win back my debt?"

Effin looks like he normally wouldn't take the bait and rather decline, but he looks at Moira for an excuse instead.

2018-07-01, 12:58 AM
Moira almost refuses outright when Bullwhip names her price, but reconsiders. Bullwhip might have information that could help the investigation, and Moira doubts she's one for small talk. This is probably her best opportunity to learn anything from her. She decides to take the in that she's been given, even if the cost is a bit steep. Hopefully she'll win the bet and it'll work out, since she doesn't think the Watch is likely to reimburse her if she loses.

"Sounds good," she says evenly, trying to project more confidence than she feels. "What are the rules?"

2018-07-02, 06:20 AM
Moira's Sharpshooting Extravaganza

"The rules are simple," Effin explains, casually putting a hand on her shoulder and turning her to face the piece of painted plank that acts as a target.

"Well, kinda. The head and heart are 2 points, the rest is 1, and you get three shots. And if you call a shot, it's plus one if you hit, or minus one if you miss."

"Yadda yadda. Let's bring it on! Put your bigs in the hat." She points to the hat on the ground near the target, a bit of desperation in her voice.

2018-07-02, 07:02 PM
Ian hesitated a bit.
"To be perfectly honest, I have no idea. My student keeps dodging that particular question and I need the work more than I need a name. Just some noble that I've been hired to teach."
He then steels himself once more.
"But I know what the ungrateful fool looks like so I'll drag him out if need be! So I ask once again, why is it that the Viscount is summoning all of these nobles? Does this have anything to do with all of the hubbub about weirdos running amok?"

Diplomacy: +7
Gather Information: +5
Bluff: +1

2018-07-02, 07:41 PM
Andrei nods along, looking forward to playing the game. He used to play cards a lot before he came to the university, and he's looking forward to having a chance to do so again. "I think I've got everything, thanks for explaining it."

2018-07-02, 10:09 PM
Sam can only shrug in response to Ian. It's hard work glossing over how suspicious that story is.

"Beats me. I just kind of figured it was a social club thing."

2018-07-03, 05:02 AM
The Awkward Life of Ian and Sam

The grizzled mercenary just nods at "Sam". "It is."

The butch-looking thick-armed woman realigns herself in her chair, however, apparently affronted by Ian's abrupt arrival and poor choice of words. "Uh. What about them weirdos?" she asks slowly.


Vayne Lothford runs Andrei through some beginner games with rather small bets to get him comfortable. Sir Erno seems to be further intrigued by him, however. He pulls at his own goatee, wondering something.

"So, uh, did you ever kill anyone in your line of work?" It seems understandable that while these young knights may have had some training, none of them should have been in an actual life-or-death battle.


To Moira, Bullwhip seems like a typical gambler at the moment: having lost a good deal and trying to win it back all at once. Also, her headache might be agitating things further.

2018-07-03, 11:11 PM
Andrei winces at Sir Erno's lack of tact. "That is...maybe a question better suited for later in the evening. After I have had -many- more drinks we can talk." He focuses back on the card game feeling like he's getting a grasp on the rules and some basic strategy.

Roughly how old are they?

2018-07-04, 08:18 AM
Small Bets For A Big Man

All three seem to be in their early twenties, more or less, which would explain their jovial attitudes.

Sir Erno doesn't seem to be flustered at all, taking Andrei's response in stride. "Sure, sure, my good man, I guess these matters are best spoken after at least the first bottle." He also takes this for a cue and gestures for another round of drinks.

Andrei can signal Vayne for more serious hands, if he so wishes, or do something else.

2018-07-04, 07:28 PM
Andrei is gonna look around, see what the Viscount is up to, and if he looks like he's still preoccupied he'll signal for some more serious hands. What kind of stakes are they playing for?

2018-07-04, 10:28 PM
Moira nods along to Effin's explanation, depositing her gold into the hat. Assuming that his re-positioning of her was an invitation to go first, Moira picks up one of the nearby knives. She curls her fingers around it carefully, getting a feel for its size and weight, and looks at the target. Teeth digging lightly into her lower lip, she gets into place before it and lines up her shot. "Heart," she calls out, and throws the dart.

sense motive +6
gather info +1
disguise, bluff, diplomacy, intimidate: -1

not sure if these are relevant
spot, listen: +10


2018-07-05, 01:25 AM
If there was anything Ian could rely on, it was his uncanny ability to talk himself into a bad situation.
"And what would you call Talented that threaten other people's lives? Hoodlums? It makes those that have taken lives seem no more dangerous than those willing to swipe a pear from the fruit stand. No, no. They do not deserve the name of Talented."
Ian did have to admit that the name 'weirdo' tasted vile as he said it. However, he had a role to play.
"Now I do believe I still have yet to receive an answer about what my student is doing in this place."

2018-07-06, 08:18 AM

Andrei notices from the money on the table that they are possibly playing for at least a crown a round. Though admittedly, they are nobles. The Viscount, in the meantime, still seems to be playing and conversing silently with his peers around the next table. It's hard to read the man's mind, though, so it's not entirely sure if he saw him yet prioritized his conversation, or just didn't see him.

We could do this with d20's, because simulating an actual hand will be a bit hard IMHO.


Effin happens to cough just at the same moment with Moira's shot, and the distraction is enough to let the throwing knife go wildly amiss, miss the plank and embed itself to the wall nearby.

"Ha!" barks Bullwhip triumphantly. "I have a good feeling for this round."

She and Effin take their first tries as well, not calling the shots for now. Both hit the Heart, making the scores -1, 2 and 2.



Ian's confusing answer seems to have disarmed the woman, and she re-rearranges herself to her previous comfortable position.

"Look old man, no one understands what you're talking about. This is a club for noblemen, where they play, drink, plough, and sometimes do all at the same time. Surely you knew this before coming here!"

"Look, just what is the name of the noble you're looking for?" cuts in the grizzled mercenary, his palm covering his exasperated face.

Lynam III
2018-07-06, 12:51 PM
Lucky returns the knowing smile of Sir Osberth -- the guy with the big gun from Snowfall's band of noble vigilantes. "A pleasure to meet you."

After some rounds of Nightstick and laughter, Lucky turns to the trio. "It is wonderful to meet such like-minded gentlemen here. The clubs in Stahlberg are a lot less jovial to be sure."

If they ask him why he is visiting Steadwick: "Half business, half pleasure. My family wants me to explore a potential business deal with the Viscount. I am hoping to meet him later tonight, but I am a bit stressed. I want to leave a good first impression." He pauses. "Say, could you guys fill me in a little bit about him? Who he likes, who he doesn't like, why he hires strong fellows like Andrei here... I wouldn't want to make a faux pas and scuttle a deal before it gets going."

2018-07-06, 05:44 PM
As Ian struggles to satisfactorily evade the question, Sam looks him up and down suspiciously. Leolin needs to find a way to defend him without actually defending him.

"OHHH, I get it," her character blurts out. "You're one of those freelance Weirdo Tutors, right? I bet your kid's family told you not to say their name so no one finds out about them."

She dismisses whatever response Ian stammers next with a wave of her hand. "Don't worry, old man, I know how it is." That this is the case is supported by the way she expertly avoided naming names in her brothel story. "The point is, he probably just wanted to play cards with his rich kid friends. You've got nothing to worry about. Unless you're worried that not everyone studies psionics 17 hours a day, then I'm afraid you're in trouble."

She winks. That joke was for the benefit of the whole table.

2018-07-06, 07:21 PM
Moira flushes with embarrassment at having missed the plank entirely. She side-eyes Effin with suspicion, wondering at the timing of his cough. Regardless, she throws her next knife, cautiously deciding not to call the shot this time.

sense motive +6
gather info +1
disguise, bluff, diplomacy, intimidate -1
spot, listen +10


2018-07-08, 06:51 PM
Andrei will play a few rounds, figuring his people skills are pretty solid so even if he doesn't know the game too well he shouldn't embarrass himself. His memory tricks might come in handy too. He keeps an eye on the Viscount, ready to go talk to him should things quiet down there.

Yeah that makes sense.
Potentially relevant modifiers
Autohypnosis +11 (avoid having tells, counting cards)
Concentration +11
Bluff +11
Diplomacy +13
Intimidate +16

Cha +2
Int +2
Wis +0

Wallet - 40.5 GP

2018-07-09, 10:32 AM
Lucky and Andrei

Lucky and Andrei can enjoy some rounds of Nightstick at relatively high bets with the young knights. Lucky's short-term premonition helps him in some rounds, while Andrei makes good use of his photographic memory trick, which works especially well in a game similar to blackjack.

The trio answer some of Lucky's questions (with lowered voices, since the guy is on the next table) while the rounds pass and gold is being exchanged.

"Well, we don't really know much about de Renlon, to be frank. The fellow mostly keeps to himself and his buddies, always talking between themselves and rarily letting anyone in their conversations. Those are Lords Coldbrook and Gallagher, the grim one and the fat one respectively." Vayne Lothford explains.

"Maybe the older patrons would know him better?" Sir Erno ventures.

Lucky (to add +2 to each die): [roll0]
Andrei (to add 0, +2 and +4 respectively): [roll1]
Sir Lothford: [roll2]
Sir Erno: [roll3]
Sir Osberth: [roll4]

Ian and Sam

Sam's words draw some chuckles around the table and defuse the situation further, and the Talented woman mellows out when she hears that Ian might be a Talented tutor.

"Yeah, they just play cards and plot up there, mostly. But at least they pay well, so in the end it's alright, right?"

"Yes, as long as it's just a bodyguard job. This here is a cakewalk compared to wartime sellswording," chimes in the more grizzled mercenary silently.


Moira can hit it right on the heart without calling it out this time. Effin looks back and shrugs at her innocently, before combing back his hair and trying to line his shot. As they make their shots perfectly again, and the round revolves back to Moira, Effin opens up conversation.

"So, who do you babysit for?"

The scores stand at 1, 4, 4, but the both mercenaries seem like they'll try the called shots now that they are tied.


2018-07-09, 08:09 PM
"Huh, yeah," Sam follows up to the mercenary's paradoxical silence. "Still, I heard some commander-type gathered his cronies and started a gang of robbers on the one road west of here. I don't know whether people like that miss the action or just the big bucks."

She takes a swig from her mug and follows up with big-arm, too. "But plotting, huh? I didn't really peg mine for the political type."

2018-07-09, 09:08 PM
Andrei eyes Sir Osberth, "You're pretty good at this, eh? Maybe you could teach me some tricks later. I've got some good stories I could tell you, or I could teach you a few tricks I've picked up with a blade." He looks over at the Viscount before settling in to play another few hands. Hopefully he can win back his money.

I'm pretty sure Sir Osberth won each hand?
Are we losing big money?

2018-07-09, 09:51 PM
Moira's preparing her next throw when she's disrupted by Effin's question, and scrambles to remember Lucky's cover name for this mission. "Uh, Sir Gluelicker. Or something." She shrugs, "I'm new, and it's short term. You?"

She throws the dagger, calling it, "Heart."

sense motive +6
gather info +1
disguise, bluff, diplomacy, intimidate -1
spot, listen +10


2018-07-10, 10:33 AM
Andrei and Lucky

Some rounds pass and Sir Osberth wins a modest sum of 9.5 crowns, while Andrei manages to tie at one round and lose only half a crown in total. Lucky, despite his namesake, loses 3 crowns along with the rest of the young knights.

Sir Osberth twirls his mustache as he counts the coins in front of him. "There are some strategies involved, yes, though I can only explain you after we finish the game," he says with a laugh.

Andrei also realizes by now that unless he gets himself to a place where he can eavesdrop the Viscount's table, his only option to make sure is just going over there and introducing himself.

The Social Spectrum of Sam and Ian

"Really?" the grizzled mercenary raises a mildly surprised eyebrow. "He must be a fool if he plans to rob people this close to Steadwick. If the patrols won't get them, someone would call up the Broken Arrows for a contract."

Strongarm shrugs, not believing Sam. "Feh. All of them nobles plot in one way or another. What else can they do with all that free time?"


"Never heard of him. Is he from Stahlberg or something? I'm with Coldbrook for, what, three years now?" The way he tells it suggests that it's a name Moira should probably know.

Effin's strategic banter, again, distracts Moira enough that she misses his called shot, instead hitting the body. The minus negates the plus, and she ends up with a rather unfortunate final score of 1. Bullwhip's face portrays a mixture of joy and expectation as she only needs to beat Effin now to win her money back.

"Heart!" she calls and makes her shot. Like Moira, she misses the heart but hits the body, for a final sum of 4 points.

"No call for me," Effin says, seeing both of their shots and smirking heavily, before making his own shot. He hits the body and ends up with 5 points.

Bullwhip's face, in response, slowly falls. She stares blankly for a second, and then she sucker punches Effin. Who somehow seems to be expecting this, and just sidesteps her. "Hey, hey," he calls, still grinning and raising his hands. "You brought this onto yourself, Whipgirl. No need to make it personal."

A fuming Bullwhip looks at him with the eyes of an enraged, well, bull.

Some eyes turn from the other tables to the spectacle here, but not enough to show that this is really a novel occasion.


2018-07-10, 10:10 PM
Moira grimaces at the final score, but doesn't say anything; she sort of saw this coming. Going first put her at a disadvantage, and she probably should have talked the price down at the beginning, but these things are always more obvious in hindsight. She's a bit sour over Effin's distractions, still, a loss is a loss. Bullwhip doesn't seem to be taking defeat as well, though. Moira says as much.

"Hey, fair's fair. Shouldn't bet anything you can't afford to lose." She chimes in to their squabble. "What, your boss not paying you enough?" She adds, fishing. Maybe a disgruntled employee would have some dirt on the viscount. Hopefully she's not being obvious.

sense motive +6
gather info +1
disguise, bluff, diplomacy, intimidate -1
spot, listen +10

can I get a knowledge(local) roll for who coldbrook is if it's common knowledge? or is still knowledge nobility?
know local + 8

2018-07-10, 11:11 PM
"It has been fun playing with you boys. Perhaps we will play more another day. I should speak to the Viscount." He nods at Sir Osberth, "You will teach me to better play this game, yes?" before downing his drink and getting up from the table. He moves over to the Viscount's table, his massive frame making him all but impossible to ignore. He makes eye contact with the Viscount, and when a pause presents itself, interrupts their conversation. "I think you have been expecting me, no?"

A crown = 1 gp, right? Just wanna confirm
Potentially relevant skills
Diplomacy +13 (to not appear too rude when he interjects)
Intimidate +16

Does Andrei have any idea where he could find Osberth in the future? If not, then he'll probably have exchanged some form of contact details with him when he first asked to be taught.

2018-07-11, 10:33 AM
Some NPC portraits to follow.


Moira doesn't seem to have heard about Coldbrook at all.

Bullwhip gradually cools down, but not before taking another swing or two at Effin. He dodges them again, but there's a familiarity in their stances toward each other that suggests the two knowing each other before at the least.

"He pays even better, which is why he always tries to swindle me out of my crowns," she says mid-swing.


Sir Osberth convinces Andrei that he can find him here the next time, and he could very well teach him the ropes.

Andrei decides to take his chance, and he manages to appear tactful enough to find an opening between the conversation in the Viscount's table to cut in. The Viscount makes a face at not being addressed in the proper manner, but he seems to put it aside. It takes a couple of seconds to register Andrei as his interviewee.

"Oh, the 'gladiator'. Do come. These are Lord Eldred Coldbrook and Baron Gallagher of Dalibor. You can speak freely around them without worries." The nobles nod respectively. "So, 'Bullwhip' apparently tagged you as one of the more promising warriors in the, uh, business. Among those that aren't already affiliated with someone else, at least." He sniffs.

"So, do you have what it takes to work for me? I pay well, but also require a certain level of decorum from my underlings."

Yep, a crown is a gp, a throne or a "big one" is a pp.

2018-07-11, 12:16 PM
Having been saved from a rather bad situation, Ian decided to take a different route.
"Oh fine," he huffed, "I am a bit put off that he would leave me behind."
He turns to address one of the ex-sellswords.
"Were you all sellswords? Seems like you could charge quite a fortune if you were all Talented. What then brings you to work for the Viscount?"

2018-07-12, 10:24 AM
As promised:

https://orig00.deviantart.net/b3da/f/2013/340/7/0/game_of_thrones__ascent_character_artwork__knight_ by_dashinvaine-d6wxiac.jpg

2018-07-12, 07:19 PM
"Oh," Moira says, confused by the pair. "Who's Coldbrook?"

2018-07-13, 10:13 AM

"We don't all work for the Viscount, she does," corrects the third mercenary around the middle table, pointing to the thick-armed Talented woman. "And yes, she does charge a lot."

Strongarm dismisses that with her non-huge left hand. "Not that much, really. It's as if these nobles all have scorpions in their pouches."


Effin ***** his head. "You don't know Lord Coldbrook? He's one of the top dogs of Broken Arrow. A big name in the merc business, and a pretty smart guy."

"Not to mention that he pays like clockwork." He grins.

2018-07-13, 07:55 PM
"Heh! Yeah..."

Leolin appreciates a good simile.

"But, no, I could never really get into mercenary work. I tripped over this place's fighting ring the other day, but, just, ugh. They've got a real racket going, don't they?"

Sam fully expects this to be a thing that all of the Steadwick locals have already heard of; Leolin is prepared to go into a whole, What? You haven't heard of this? spiel.

2018-07-14, 09:24 PM
Moira nods along to the explanation, unsure what to do with the information, but keeping it in mind anyway. "He pays that much for just 'babysitting'?"

2018-07-17, 10:26 PM
Ian shook his head.
"I expect he's got quite a few people guarding him. Any of the others Talented? Can't be more than one or two others if he's paying everyone as much as you are alluding to."

2018-07-20, 04:30 AM
Sam and Ian

Sam's bit obviously draws a response from Strongarm. She slams the table excitedly. "The Underground Arena, right? What a crapshow. I fought in it a couple of times, even, but apart from all the renown and the eyes of the nobles, the prizes are just not worth it. The place is probably raking them thrones even now. Look, I even got a scar from a spearwoman I fought there," she says, showing a scar the size of a large-ish coin on her bare shoulder.

"Why would they open up such a place otherwise?" the older merc comments in a defeatist manner.

Strongarm then turns to Ian, a bit of exasperation in her voice. "It's just me and Bullwhip for now, though he has some other guys doing stuff for him as well, I guess. If you worry for the coins or whatever, don't. He pays on time."


Effin just shrugs, merrily counting the coins he just won from the two women. "Better to pay and be bored than skimp and be dead, I guess?"

Bullwhip, who has calmed down a bit at this point, leans on a nearby wall, getting her hair off of her face. "Cushiest job ever, if it weren't for swindlers such as this one," she says, staring daggers at Effin.

2018-07-22, 07:41 PM
"Right? I bet they made as much off of us as they did the audience." Sam nods to acknowledge Strongarm's nice scar. "You know, somehow I thought someone here was doing some headhunting there. It must have been Fluffy who mentioned it."

Fluffy is her nickname for Andrei for as long as she's supposed to be his bodyguard.

2018-07-22, 09:23 PM
"Do I have what it takes to work for you, milord? I can't say for sure until I know what the job is, exactly. Bullwhip wasn't exactly clear as to the nature of the work. As to decorum, I've worked with lords in the past. I'm confident I can handle it."

Sorry for the delay
Diplomacy to seem appropriately decorous -> +13

2018-07-27, 10:31 PM
Ian became a bit more interested in that area of the conversation.
"Oh? You mean he's hiring? I might be interested in signing up if my student keeps trying to dodge my lessons. Who would I talk to in order to make the arrangements for an interview?"

Lynam III
2018-07-28, 05:12 PM
Lucky thinks long and hard on how to introduce himself to the Viscount, but he cannot find a foolproof way to do so. In the end, he decides that using Andrei's interruption as a chance to join the table as his best bet. He adjusts his clothes, takes a deep breath, and walks next to Andrei.

"Greetings, Your Lordship. I hope you wouldn't mind if I joined the conversation along with my friend Andrei here. I am Gluecklich of Stahlberg. We have never met before, but everyone knows of your honor and business acumen. My family has therefore requested me to bring to your attention a potential business deal that you might be interested in. I know this is out of the blue, but I would be greatly honored if you would be willing to hear it out after you conclude your business with Andrei."

2018-07-29, 02:19 PM
Sam and Ian

Strongarm chuckles and waves nonchalantly at Sam. "Oh yeah, that was us. Or mostly Bullwhip. I was busy hydrating with a mug o' ale, mostly -- that place is sweltering!"

She scratches her head, puzzled at Ian's remark.

"Wait, weren't you already hired by de Renlon? Why were you looking for him?" she glances at both the older merc and at Sam to reconfirm. The older merc also looks skeptic.

Andrei and Sir Glueklich

Andrei chooses his words carefully, but a weird frown appears on the Viscount's face. Andrei can't tell the exact reason, but either he didn't come up as smooth as he felt, or the nobleman got upset from some other reason.

"Ah, yes. Hmm. You seem... well-spoken for a mercenary. Well, it's mostly a mixture of bodyguard and messenger work. You may also oversee some of my business projects from time to time. Tell me, what are your particular... skills?"

Sir Glueklich interjects at an opportune time to not interrupt much of the conversation. The Viscount doesn't seem to be bothered, but the other two noblemen give hints that they are -- Lord Coldbrook's brows furrow grimly, while Baron Gallagher yawns, losing his attention.

"Worry not Sir Glueklich, I always look forward to new business ventures. But, Stahlberg? How is the, uh, situation there?"

Lucky thinks he refers to the current political climate and thus sounds a bit skeptic.

2018-07-30, 09:52 PM
"Heh. I think you're in the wrong department, old dude. Looking for fighters, not tutors." The suspicious glances kind of go over Leolin's head. Sam's here with a visitor; she doesn't work for de Renlon, so why would she assume that Ian does? "That said, what's de Renlon recruiting for if he's already got you guys?"

Lynam III
2018-08-02, 02:57 AM
Following the Viscount's positive reaction to his interruption, Lucky pulls up a chair, and goes over his cover story that he put together with input from Anton in his head. This would be delicate. To the question regarding the political situation in Stahlberg, he sighs and shakes his head. "Nothing good, I am afraid. In fact, the political situation is one of the reasons my family decided to investigate this potential deal. Having all your assets tied down in the same place is not the best of ideas during risky spells, I think you would agree."

"How would you assess the situation here in Steadwick? From what I have seen, trade seems to be flourishing. I heard there has been a slight increase in crimes, but both the merchants and the nobles looked pretty content to me."

2018-08-02, 09:26 AM

The older one shrugs at Sam as if to say "mine doesn't", but Strongarm takes a swig of her drink and burps.

"I don't know, 'his lordship' seems to have a bit too many fingers in too many pies. I mean, there was also this tribesman with us at some point, but I haven't seen him in a while. And some other guy before that, I guess..."


As Lucky pulls up the chair, he can feel increased attention on him by Lord Coldbrook, and decreased attention by Baron Gallagher. The Viscount seems impressed by Lucky's answer, however.

"That's wise of you, yes. As you said, Steadwick has a spell of increased criminal activity, but I find that it never pays to shirk from business in such circumstances."

"I find that paying a little extra for mercenary caravan guards works wonders," adds Lord Coldbrook matter-of-factly, with just a bit of sarcasm.

"Tell me, what do you trade in? To be frank, I haven't heard of your family name before."

2018-08-02, 06:52 PM
Almost got it.

"Haven't seen him? Where did... whoa, wait. His name wasn't, uh," Sam snaps her fingers, trying to think of a name she heard in a fictional rumor mill. Leolin needs to make it juuuust close enough. "Ewar, was it?"

2018-08-02, 08:15 PM
Moira looks balefully at her lost coin and gives a nod in acknowledgement to their explanation. She stares at the target and wonders idly if she could continue target practice alone; without gambling. Whose knives are they anyway? "Do your bosses drag you here a lot, then? For you to have lost to him so often?" She asks, still eyeing the target.

2018-08-02, 11:15 PM
"I'll give you two a few minutes to discuss business"
Andrei steps back, turning his attention to the Baron as he also seems uninterested in the current conversation. "Baron" He nods "I hope you're having a nice evening."

2018-08-03, 12:50 AM
Ian knew he was about to be in some hot water and he had to think of something quick.
"Just because I'm currently working for him doesn't mean I am satisfied with who I am teaching. As for looking for fighters... I might not be very capable as a warrior but I very much doubt that I could miss with those throwing daggers if you doubt me so."
He left the challenge hanging there, half-hoping someone would take him up on the offer so that he could win back some money for the rather sullen-looking Moira who had undoubtedly been bested by the gloating mercenary with the bad goatee.

2018-08-03, 10:12 AM
Sam and Ian

Strongarm seems amazed that Sam knows the guy as well.

"Oh, yeah! Wait, no, Iwar, I think. Redhaired, tall guy, right? Yep, that's him. I've not seen him for a while now, though, so he must be on a job, I guess."

Upon Ian's claim, she looks like she was about to jump on the bet, but she remembers the earlier conversation and stops herself.

"Really? I'd love to see th- wait... you probably have a trick or something, right?"


Bullwhip throws a side glance at Effin.

"Our employers often hang together, so unfortunately I get to see this swindler a lot. There is usually also this other lord, but I guess he's not here today."

Moira can easily see that despite the earlier bout of fury, the irritation comes from more of a friendly place rather than an actual hostility.


As Andrei approaches the plump Baron, he inadvertently pulls his chair a bit back to be able to actually look at Andrei's face.

"Oh? Oh, yes, I am, thank you. So, ah, you do mercenary work?"

Lord Coldbrook, having deprived of both of his conversationists, slowly gathers the playing cards and begins to shuffle them, though it is clear that he keeps a sharp ear on both conversations happening next to him.

2018-08-03, 10:03 PM
"Oh, Jegus, that's-!" Realizing that Iwar's whereabouts might be a sensitive subject, Sam lowers her voice and leans in to whisper to Strongarm. "That's him, yeah! He's the guy! Duchess attack guy!"

2018-08-04, 02:51 AM
Ian grinned at the woman's sudden stroke of common sense.
"Oh there's always a trick to these things. I suspect that man over there," he waved at goatee man, "employed a few of his own to win earlier. The question now is: am I bluffing?"
Ian decided to up the ante a bit.
"I'll tell you what, let's make it a bit more interesting. If I can get two daggers into the bullseye while blindfolded, you'll tell me how to land a job with your boss. If I can't, you'll get 5 crowns for each dagger that isn't in the bullseye. If I take the blindfold off or ask for someone else's help, I forfeit the crowns. Those are the conditions."
He wasn't keen on losing money but he was reaching the point at which he simply didn't care anymore how he got the job done just so long as it was over with.

2018-08-04, 11:54 PM
"Oh," Moira pauses, and wonders if this lord's current absence is important, "so you have a third friend and he works for this guy?"

sense motive +6
gather info +1
disguise, bluff, diplomacy, intimidate -1
spot, listen +10

Lynam III
2018-08-06, 12:02 AM
Lucky nods at Lord Coldbrook's comments on crime in Steadwick. "Very true. Hiring a few extra bodies compared to your competition can deter most scoundrels who want easy pickings."

Lucky smiles upon hearing the Viscount's question. He was expecting this. "As I mentioned, my family is looking to make investments outside Stahlberg. While it makes perfect business sense, there are also some people who distastefully try to curry favor with the Duke by trying to paint others as loyal not to the Duke, but King Terric -- as if any patriotic Arknean has to choose between his lieges. Still, in order not to give any ammunition to these unfortunate souls, my family would like to keep this investment very low profile." Lucky laughs. "And that's probably the reason my father picked me for the job, since few people in Steadwick would recognize me." He sighs. "Unfortunately, my father forbade me from revealing our name without his approval, even in the presence of upstanding gentlemen like yourselves. However, I am certain he will allow me to do so as soon as he receives my letter. For now, I am at liberty to say that we deal mostly in mining, and that we are ready to conduct trades in thrones instead of credit."

2018-08-06, 06:43 AM
Sam and Ian

Sorry guys, you're both talking to the same character in totally separate subjects, so I'm going to let Leo/Sam's one take priority for now, since the name drop is pretty important. We can resolve Ian's speech afterwards, or Ian can change target or strategy if he wants.

The woman leans as well, taking it in. Then her eyes open up in a mixture of surprise and confusion.

"Wha- who? But that was a rumor? Wait, really?"

Noticing the surprise on Strongarm's face, the nearby listeners shift in their seats and try to lean in as well. The only non-merc young man voice everyone's thoughts.

"What? What's with the tall guy?"


Lucky/Sir Glueklich pulls the investor act immaculately, and even Andrei (if he listens to them) can momentarily believe that the guy is not his squadmate but an outreaching entrepreneur from the eastern Duchy.

"I understand the need for privacy, Sir Glueklich. These are tricky times for both the political and the economic theater. Rumors of allegiances and treason can often end up being one's downfall, even if one's heart is on the right side. Do inform me of your situation when it becomes a bit... clearer, however, because I do like what I'm hearing."

Lucky notices that Lord Coldbrook was giving him the once-over for several seconds now.

"Say, Sir Glueklich, do you dabble in court fencing?"


"Yup, goes by the name of Strich. A really merc's merc kind of fella. Kinda like Broken Arrow sort, but even more professional. Works for a Lord Lawrence or something."

"Yeah, but I can't make much money outta him as much as I do this gal right here," cuts in Effin from the side. He quickly ducks to avoid a half-mock punch.

2018-08-07, 12:10 AM
The worst thing Sam could do is stop to explain this to onlookers. Instead she stays focused on Strongarm and makes any eavesdropping potential mind murderers come to her.

"I heard some other tribespeople talking about him the other day. Their Iwar went missing right around the time yours went missing, then turned up in jail for doing the thing. It can't be a coincidence. He's probably still there."

2018-08-07, 12:39 AM
Andrei smiles at the Baron. "Ex-mercenary at the moment. Raised in a mercenary company, did that for a while. Then got a talent, spent some time learning how that worked and am now looking for work."

2018-08-07, 02:04 AM
Seeing that 'Sam' had gotten a reaction, Ian decided to leave well enough alone. It was one thing to get a lead. Quite another to spoil a potential one.
With that, he went to the other mercenaries that Strongarm had pointed out to be on the same payroll.
"Well what about you? Would you care to make a wager about my skills?"
He then repeats the conditions he'd made earlier.
"If I can get two daggers into the bullseye while blindfolded, you'll tell me how to land a job with your boss. If I can't, you'll get 5 crowns for each dagger that isn't in the bullseye. If I take the blindfold off or ask for someone else's help, I forfeit the crowns. Sound reasonable enough?"

2018-08-07, 10:34 AM
Sam and Ian

Strongarm seems really surprised, but not 100% sold as well.

"But I thought the assassination thing was made-up? Nah, it can't be true. Why would the Viscount send someone to off the Duchess?"

Seeing that the private conversation is continuing to be private, one of the mercenaries turns to Ian to take his bait.

"Fine," he says, encouraged by the very advantageous terms. "If you wanna lose money that much, I can wager you a meeting with milord Baron Gallagher."

He accompanies Ian to where Moira, Effin and Bullwhip had concluded their game.


Andrei can see that the Baron is a bit intimidated by him, despite his manners. He pulls his chair back a tiny amount more, and gestures to Lord Coldbrook.

"Oh, really? You and him must have a lot to talk, then. He's also in the mercenary business, though from a different angle."

Coldbrook throws a blank look at Gallagher that could really mean a lot of different things.

2018-08-07, 08:38 PM
"I don't know! You're the one who said these guys are always plotting something."

Sam was about to suggest that maybe someone else paid Iwar off, but Leolin likes Strongarm's idea better.

"Look, maybe you're right and I'm connecting rumors that don't go together. I still know for a fact that there's a tribesman named Iwar in that jail right now. Maybe you can go ask him?"

2018-08-07, 10:00 PM
"Ah yes, I suppose he has a bit more experience from the other side of things. What about Baron Gallagher and yourself? I'm sure you do lots of interesting things." Andrei does what he can to avoid being overly intimidating.

Dipcy +13

2018-08-07, 10:48 PM
"Uh-huh," She sees the new group approach the target area. What's Ian doing? Still staring at Ian and his crowd, she responds further with forced casualness. "Is the reason you can afford to lose to this guy so frequently because he pays you extra since you're Talented? I haven't heard good things about the viscount's opinion of people with powers."

sense motive +6
gather info +1
disguise, bluff, diplomacy, intimidate -1
spot, listen +10

2018-08-08, 12:36 AM
As he approached, he waved at Moira and the others there.
"Please stay would you? I'd hate for this fellow to call me a cheat when I win. After all, placing two daggers into the bullseye while blindfolded really isn't all that difficult if you know how to do it."
He snatched up a couple of daggers that had been used in the previous game from a stool. He then picked up a rather grungy cloth that had probably been used in cleaning off the tables and tied it around his head firmly so as to cover his eyes.
"Feel free to find a larger cloth or a sack if you suspect that I can still see. Ah, but no need to move out of the way, it might actually prevent you from getting skewered if you're worried about this next part."
He then placed a dagger in each hand and then proceeded to spin himself about.
"Now it helps to know exactly where the target is, but how can I know? I've lost my sight and I have lost all of my bearings. How could I possibly be able to place both daggers in the bullseye?"
He then stopped abruptly.
"Here's the trick to this overly dramatic act," he smirked, "I never said I'd throw the daggers, nor that I wouldn't move from this spot."
He then took several sure-footed steps around some people, both daggers still brandished in front of him before he rammed both into the dead center of the target.
"Having a very good memory helps as well I might add."

Ian's using his Touchsight ability to know exactly where things are to pull this stunt off.

2018-08-08, 10:33 AM

As Sam backs down, Strongarm seems to wallow in the process of wrapping her head around this whole thing.

"Yeah, yeah, could do that..." she says, gears still turning in her head.

"So? What happened to that guy?" asks the young worker, now really curious.


"Ah, well, you know, our days are never empty, what with the meetings, politics, the overseeing of businesses, and so forth..." the Baron trails off.

Andrei sees that Coldbrook has momentarily been engaged with Lucky instead.

Moira and Ian

"Is that what the rumors say? Nah. Why would he hire Talenteds like us if he were a Talent-hater?" says Bullwhip, shaking her head. She seems honest to Moira, at least.

As Ian pulls his shenanigans and begins his walk, the mercenary starts to cry in outrage, but then realizes that the trick is still somewhat impressive. Also the fact that he doesn't have much stake in this thing helps, probably.

"Hey- hmm. Wait, is this thing see-through?" He takes the cloth and tries to look through it in vain. After some time, he gives up.

"So what's the trick? Are you like a farseer or something?"

2018-08-08, 08:49 PM
"...I don't know." Sam's gaze lingers on Strongarm just long enough to make it clear that this answer is less from her honest opinion and more from respect for privacy. She'll have to track her down and continue this conversation later.

As for everyone else, she lets Li Lin out a little bit to help change the subject. "It could go a lot of different ways though. Who here's been in jail before?" She raises her own hand, suspecting that this crowd would bring in a pretty high percentage. Even if it doesn't, that just makes the joke even funnier.

2018-08-10, 10:42 AM
While Strongarm mulls this over, Sam can tell from the fidgeting that she definitely looks like she's going to talk to someone about this -- either try her luck with the jail, or have a chat with Bullwhip. She might even go and confront the Viscount.

The worker boy seems sad at his exclusion from the secret, and given the current state of everyone in the middle table, Sam's question surprisingly results in zero hands. She might have lost some traction with the group, all in all.

Lynam III
2018-08-13, 04:31 PM
Lucky smiles at the Viscount and nods. "Thank you very much for your understanding, Your Lordship. This is indeed wonderful to hear. I will relay this to my family, and inform you posthaste of their answer."

Lucky turns to Lord Coldbrook: "Indeed, I do enjoy spending a considerable amount of my free time improving my swordsmanship." Lucky gives a once-over of his own. "You have keen eyes, sir. Would I be off the mark if I guessed that you share this interest as well, Lord Coldbrook?"

2018-08-13, 09:14 PM
"Just me? Huh. Okay then."

Whatever, it's still funny. You just have to imagine, like, an outside observer seeing this and chuckling at how inept Sam is. It's at this point she decides to join Ian and Bullwhip at the other side of the table.

"So, what's going on here? Pin the tail on the bull's eye?"

2018-08-13, 10:30 PM
He couldn't help but draw himself up to his full height, which wasn't all that impressive to an onlooker, as if to teach a class.
"But of course I succeeded! Now the method by which one may perform this feat are numerous. One could employ the mystic techniques of feeling the flow of ki, though some discount this as a delusion and more akin to a Talent rather than some form of heightened state of awareness or being a 'farseer'. Yet another method could be to prepare the scene long beforehand and coat the daggers with the dust of strange stones that seem to 'stick' to certain metals and embedding one into the target, this could be effective but would require a monumental amount of effort..."
He continued to ramble on, listing perfect recall, long hours of practice, and even pure luck as methods to secure this feat.
"Ah, but I digress. I believe you owe me an audience with your employer, yes? I would also love to hear what he's looking for as I would hate to be caught in an... unpleasant situation should he be expecting something that I am unable to provide."

2018-08-16, 07:21 AM

Lucky notices that there is a certain fitness to the Lord's stance as well. He validates this with a nod. "I do dabble in a bit of fencing, yes, if only for the sport of it. Though I observe better than I perform, admittedly."

"Say, if you are really thinking of hauling big caravans between here and Stahlberg in the future, you'll probably need to hire some protection as well. I can help you not only with that, but also with any problems you might have about crossing the two duchies, especially in this political climate."

Sam and Ian

The mercenary seems a bit bummed out by Ian's lengthy yet vague explanations. He waves a hand in dismissal. "Yeah, sure, just tell him that Jerty vouched for you. Hey, but really, how did you do it?"

Sam arrives just in time to find Ian duping a sellsword with a telekinetic trick. To the side, she can also see Moira with two other mercenaries. The male one, temporarily dubbed "Effin", notices Sam, and grins.

"Ah, you've just missed your chance. These two already lost all their money. Really sad. And this one got tricked by this old man here." Sam can see that even while he talks, Effin keeps a side-eye at the woman, Bullwhip, as if expecting another swing from her.

2018-08-16, 02:43 PM
"Oh, makes sense." Moira says. Maybe the Watch's information was wrong then, either way Moira's at a loss as to how to further this conversation when she's distracted by Ian's display. She's slightly impressed by Ian's ploy, but immediately tunes out when he starts up on another unwanted lecture. At least she's not the target audience this time. As she's trying to think of what to say to Bullwhip, Leolin approaches.

Moira stiffens.

Leolin is more likely to get something useful out of her new friends, but she suddenly realizes she has no idea if she or Leolin or Ian are supposed to know each other, or what name Leolin's going by right now, or Ian, or herself for that matter. Did she even introduce herself? What's her fake name? She better think of something because she knows if she gives Leolin the opportunity to name her, she'll regret it.

sense motive +6
gather info +1
disguise, bluff, diplomacy, intimidate -1
spot, listen +10

2018-08-20, 10:17 AM
Moira's social sense hints that, now that she has (sort of) broken the ice with the bunch, they'd be less on guard for any slip-ups that might occur between her and Leolin, but it would of course pay to have some sort of a plan.

2018-08-20, 12:37 PM
"Jerty? An odd name, a nickname perhaps? As for revealing my secret, I would expect anyone to know that it is quite a poor idea to reveal the answer to a question without allowing the student some time to contemplate. Plus, a magician never reveals their secrets."
That was quite the claim coming from Ian, as he would have loved to have rambled on about how he'd actually done it or give some story of how he had perfect recall even with the disorienting spinning and his call for people to stand still was so that the scene would remain the same.
However, he knew he couldn't lie very well so he quelled the urge to do so.
"However, if you'll give me a hint as to how I can get in Baron Gallagher's good graces, I'll give you a hint as to how to figure out the trick."

2018-08-22, 10:26 AM

The mercenary seems affronted for a moment. "Hey, Jerty is my given name. My grampa was named Jerty as well."

When asked for the fat noble's weak point, he replies, "Just drop a hint or two that shows you're religious. Specifically of the Church of the Family. He gobbles that crap up."

2018-08-24, 02:08 AM
"Heh." Leolin's happy to see the old professor in top form again, even if it's part of an act. In fact, especially because of that. "We were wondering why he was so cagey about what exactly he did. Must be a retired street magician or something."

She looks to Moira and Bullwhip, having managed to catch the last few words of Moira's conversation as she trundled in. "You two work with Strongarm and Iwar, right? Were you just talking about the de Renlon?"

Moira doesn't have to pretend she works with anyone. Sam is allowed to get the wrong impression of people she's just meeting.

2018-08-24, 03:41 PM
"No, I've never heard of them." Moira responds to Leolin, guessing they're not supposed to know each other. She redirects the question to Effin and Bullwhip. "Those friends of yours?"

2018-08-25, 05:14 AM
Ian looked a bit affronted by the 'street magician' jibe.
"Come now, let's not be absurd. My ability to perceive what others cannot is no mere parlor trick. It is a gift that has far greater uses than simply as amusement."
He returned to giving the mercenary his hint.
"As I just stated, I was capable of using one of my senses constantly and with an exceeding degree of accuracy despite the temporary loss of my sight. There is your hint, it wasn't my eyes."
He then left the gathering of mercenaries, it was getting late and Ian had only gotten one tentative lead so far. It wasn't a guarantee that getting an interview with the Baron would net him any results. However, he was already here and might as well get something accomplished.

2018-08-27, 07:48 AM
Moira and Sam

Effin also redirects the query onto Bullwhip, who checks Sam out and shrugs. "Yep, I work for him. Why? You want a spot, now that the big guy isn't around?"


The mercenary points a finger and grins. "Aha, so you were using something like a Talent, right?" he says, but at this point he's just grasping at straws, so Ian can leave without any issues.

As he moves across the room, however, he notices a subdued scuffle at his old table -- the one he sat earlier and lost some money. It looks like one younger fellow was in the process of grabbing his winnings, while the burly worker type across him holds him by that arm and doesn't let go. Ian can hear the problem easily as he approaches.

"You filthy cheater! We said from the start that this was a trick-free game!" Ian can deduct that he probably refers to the usage of Talents.

2018-08-27, 11:22 PM
"Ha! No, I'm good; Fluffy's a handful as it is. I actually wanted to ask about Iwar. Do you know what he was supposed to be doing before he wandered off? It turns out I know his sister, and she's been looking for him."

That's all true! One hundred percent ninety-five percent true.

2018-08-28, 02:47 AM
The old man simply smiled at the man's suggestion before he walked off.
Hm, maybe I shouldn't be as careless next time. If he could guess at it, maybe I'm not as sly as I once was.
The sudden shouting woke him from his reverie and triggered his usual irritation.
What. Now?
He turned to the two squabbling gamblers and walked over.
"Might there be a problem?"
Of course there is. Why wouldn't there be?

Lynam III
2018-09-02, 01:50 PM
Lucky considers Lord Coldbrook's proposition. "That's actually something we haven't given much thought to as of yet. But it is certainly true that we will need some protection, and hiring locals instead of people from Stahlberg might have many advantages. I am certainly intrigued."

"Would you mind giving me more details on what can be arranged?" He looks at Andrei who is engaged in a conversation. "For instance, would the guards include Talented like our friend Andrei here? That would certainly provide a lot of extra protection, but I am unfamiliar with how much such specialist would cost."

2018-09-05, 08:51 AM

Bullwhip ***** her head, surprised at the coincidence but taking it in stride.

"Oh, Iwar? I really don't know about his job and whatnot, but he was to meet a contact in the Arena, I think. Before the last tournament, I mean. Sort of like a sub-contract thing? We didn't really talk much, that guy is... not really much of a conversationalist. Ugh."

Sam can see that Bullwhip's hand goes to her head, as if to alleviate a headache or something.


The grabbing fellow glances sideways at Ian briefly as not to lose his focus on his prey.

"This guy is a godsdamned wei- Talented! He's been calling our bluffs the whole day, without fail, and we agreed that this was supposed to be a trick free game!"

The younger guy (or the "grabbee") does something like a mixture of a grimace and a grin. "Uh, maybe you guys, just... suck at bluffing?"

Naturally, the worker doesn't take this nicely and shakes the man violently, trying to make him drop his winnings. But the younger man keeps holding on to them. Still, Ian can see that a scuffle seems not far off.


Lucky can see Coldbrook examining Andrei for a while, but then returns to Lucky with a slow head shake.

"No, I'm afraid our methods would be simpler and to the point." Taking Sir Glueklich as a real potential client, he gestures him closer to talk a bit in detail as to what a deal would entail. He basically mentions the package including a small group of caravan guards with its size depending on the shipment's size, and the necessary documents and palm-greases he has to make in order to let a possible shipment pass both control points of the two Duchies. Lucky surmises that the man definitely knows people in the Stahlberg region as well, and also, if he cares about the business part of the thing, that the costs begin to fly up as the size of the shipment gets bigger.

2018-09-05, 02:29 PM
“So, wait. He was supposed to be in the arena? The contact didn’t come back saying he didn’t show up or anything?”

2018-09-05, 09:53 PM
Leolin's question doesn't register with Moira as she stares intently at Bullwhip, lips thinned.

"Does she get them a lot, the headaches?" She asks Effin quietly. "Do you know for how long?"

2018-09-07, 02:35 AM
Not having been given much to work with from the Baron, Andrei returns his attention to the now free Viscount. "I believe you asked about my skills? Unfortunately this isn't the best venue to show off my most um, unusual skills. Perhaps a demonstration could be arranged?"

Diplomacy +13

2018-09-07, 12:38 PM
Ian sighed at how ridiculous the whole ordeal was.
"See here both of you, if you feel so inclined to play one more game with winner taking all of the winnings with no further argument, I'll be standing by to make quite sure that no one is cheating. Talents or otherwise. I have quite a bit of knowledge concerning how to tell if someone is using an unusual ability."
He gave a stern look to the both of them as if he were scolding a couple of schoolboys.

Know. (Psi): +15
Psicraft: +15

2018-09-12, 08:33 PM
Yup, sorry again. House and moving and job stuff again.


"I don't know if they actually met or spoke or whatever, but this was way before the tournament, at least a couple of weeks. So they might have actually met."

If Bullwhip is telling the truth, this would match with Iwar's last memory being in the Arena.


Effin tries to answer with his most under-the-breath voice possible, while shrugging.

"Yeah, usually when she gets mad or uses her powers. Or I dunno."


At first the young man seems unwilling to bet all his already-earned winnings to another game of chance, but seeing how he has little other choice, he agrees. They play one more round of poker under Ian's careful watch, and the young man wins again (albeit barely), in a rather bluffless faceoff of two pairs versus two pairs, with the worker's pairs just having lower numbers. He lets out a grunt and stands up in anger, but is definitely less decided on the young man's cheating capabilities, also as he saw that there was no interruption or rebuttal by Ian.

To Ian, it feels like a totally normal round of poker.


The Viscount waves away that thought with a hand. "If Bullwhip vetted you, then that would be enough to show your skills. As I mentioned before, it was just your class and caliber that I... tried to assess as a final test. And I think I have gathered enough right now. You'll be hearing from my bodyguards if you've made the cut or not. There are a lot of potential candidates wanting to work with me, you know."

Both to Andrei's and Lucky's eyes, a strange disappointment could be seen on de Renlon's face briefly during these last sentences.

2018-09-13, 04:41 PM
"Really? I've never heard of anyone having that problem before, have you?" Moira whispers back to Effin "Does she have mind powers or something?"

sense motive +6
gather info +1
disguise, bluff, diplomacy, intimidate -1
spot, listen +10

2018-09-13, 10:26 PM
Welp. This pretty much confirms Leolin's suspicions.

"Huh. Well, whatever he was doing, I think he's in trouble with the guard. I don't want to snoop around in your boss's private business..."

That's a lie; she totally does. But, I mean, who wouldn't, right? A veneer of politeness over her established interest in Iwar hardly counts as breaking character.

"...but if he put him up to it, you might want to make it your business before he tries to throw you into the same mess." She pauses for a second, distracted. "Hey, are you alright? You were clutching your head."

2018-09-17, 09:54 PM
Ian harrumphed as the workers left.
"Now, if you would keep yourself out of trouble I would greatly appreciate the service for getting you out of that tight spot."
At Leolin's remark, he turn his attention back to where he left.
"Is something wrong over there? I am also well studied in medical procedures."

2018-09-18, 01:23 PM
Hmm. It seems I miscalculated the pacing for this quest, which didn't get helped by both my and some of yours' posting rates. I think I'll have to fastforward this if we are to liven things up.

2018-09-19, 08:49 PM
Back at the HQ

The shenanigans last for a while more, and eventually the group makes their getaway before the nobles nor their henchmen start to get too suspicious. Back in the HQ the Commander seems to be taking care of some other business, but Lieutenant Rhon, Sergeant Anton, and the squad can come together in a brainstorming session in order to make heads and tails of all the tidbits everyone gathered.

Putting all the pieces together of the present and the past, the brain trust comes to the following conclusions:

-Iwar's last contact seems to be at the Underground Arena, before the tournament. From what you know, when the tournaments are not in session, the place should not be open to the public. So the last contact must be tied to the Arena in some way, or be a part of that organization.

-Other mercenaries of de Renlon don't know (or are too good at acting) much about any shenanigans with their employer.

-There's a definite alliance between de Renlon, Lord Coldbrook and Baron Gallagher. Also of interest are:
-Lord Coldbrook's connections with the Broken Arrow mercenary company. Which may or may not allude to some connection to the time the rogue Talented called Marshal and some Broken Arrow goons waylaid the squad to free Marshal's crewmates.
-At least Baron Gallagher being an avid supporter of the Church.
-Viscount de Renlon's strange disappointment in Andrei, despite the latter having proper decorum (at least as seen by Andrei and Lucky). Perhaps he was expecting something else?

There might still be some loose ends, so any further deductions/theories/connections the squad might offer could prove to be tremendously useful at this point.

2018-09-20, 12:48 PM
Ian took a bit of time to add a small bit of information he'd gleaned.
"I believe de Renlon may be looking for people with very specific Talents in mind. The other ex-mercenaries stated that only one of them was Talented and if he truly was disappointed with Andrei, perhaps he's looking for something more than just muscle? It would also mean that his underlings aren't privy to all of his plans."

2018-09-21, 06:17 AM
Rhon reminds Ian that according to Moira's findings, Bullwhip does possess some kind of a mind power. Also, as far as Leo and the others have seen, Strongarm's absurdly grown right arm also should be a hint of her Talent. Those put together makes three Talented along with Iwar under de Renlon.

Other than that, Ian's speculation of a Talent pattern could have some merit. Though it also could be another pattern that de Renlon was looking for.

2018-09-22, 02:12 AM
"Perhaps he was looking for someone a bit less decorous? I was scouted at an illegal underground fighting ring, after all. And I don't think Bullwhip saw me interacting with people much outside of trying my best too put them down..."

2018-09-23, 09:19 PM
Leolin fidgets uncomfortably.

"But he is looking for a replacement, then? Because if that's the case, it means he already knows Iwar isn't on the payroll anymore, but never told Bullwhip or Strongarm."

Somehow, Leolin isn't over the idea that someone might just wander off after a job and no one would bother trying to find them. You can write that off to more of her weird barbarian circus ethos showing though. "We need to figure out who the mystery contact is, and I think Iwar's old colleagues might have the same idea. Is anyone up for snooping around the arena on an off-day?"

2018-09-24, 03:40 AM
Moira hangs back and avoids talking through most of the debrief, but makes sure to give all the details she's learned when it's her turn to go over the night's events. She does, however, not disclose the amount she lost in her game with Effin and Bullwhip. 'Some money' is all her bosses probably need to know, and she'd rather keep the full depth of her poor decision-making to herself.

Leolin's suggestion draws her attention. Sneaking? She can sneak. Please let her sneak. She did not think being a guardsmen would entail the amount of socializing that is has so far, and sincerely hopes that this has been an irregularity. Being shot at and set on fire was much easier.

"What kind of snooping?" She directs at the ex-performer.

2018-09-24, 11:23 AM
Ian wasn't so much for sneaking as he was making sure he came through with his end of a deal.
"I have some business of my own to conduct at the Arena. I will accompany you for some additional research."

2018-09-24, 09:41 PM
"I was thinking the kind of snooping where you see what's going on and no one else knows you're there, but that works too."

2018-09-26, 04:34 PM
Rhon and Anton seem to agree with the idea of paying the Arena a return visit, since all the clues point to that certain way.

"It's a shame we couldn't find out about this during the first visit..." Rhon muses out loud. She then tucks her blond hair behind her hair and recollects herself. "It's not that I'm trying to discredit your work, I as well as Anton know the difficulty of undercover jobs, but I just hope that the trail hasn't gone cold."

"Have the rest of the... hm, is it evening already? Anyway, let's regroup in the morning and see what the Commander has to say."

As she said, you have the rest of the evening to yourself for any preparation/research/downtime.

2018-09-27, 03:51 PM
Ian decided it would be best to make sure his research was in order for Saint. He still wasn't happy that he couldn't completely eliminate his mistake, but at least it wouldn't be as bad for Demonhand.
Otherwise, he made sure he got a good night's rest after continuing his research into the lodestones.

2018-10-01, 07:34 PM
Andrei doesn't have any plans for the evening, though he's hungry and going to go get some food.

2018-10-01, 08:23 PM
Moira's unclear on what tomorrow's plans are; are she and Ian going together or is everyone going and is she sneaking or not? Before she can ask, everyone starts to head off on their own. She looks at Ian's back as he's leaving and thinks maybe they should coordinate since he's definitely going, but then gives the entire thing a mental shrug. No one else seems to care and she sure doesn't mind if the brainwashing wannabe duchess assassin gets away.

Instead she tags along with Andrei to whatever greasy tavern he's headed to this time.

"Pay for me." She says without preamble. "I lost a bet on a knife throwing contest, and you still have your bonus from the arena." She sighs and leans back in the chair. "I think I hate this job already. How about you?" She gestures vaguely in Andrei's direction. "Aren't you some experienced mercenary? How'd you fail a fake job interview with some noble anyway."

2018-10-02, 12:40 AM
"Should have thrown better then," Andrei grunts "Maybe you can try winning it back somewhere. There's probably gonna be someone playing cards or something." Andrei tries to remember some quality taverns. Anywhere some of his friends might be at? "I'm usually pretty good at that kind of thing, not sure what went wrong. Probably wasn't looking for a normal mercenary, I've got that kind of thing covered. I'm not so good at other things though."

2018-10-02, 05:30 PM
Moira and Andrei

Andrei can remember some classy coffee places and inns he accidentally found in the more posh districts. Though the fact that he is eyed wherever he goes remains.


With all the exhaustion, no one does any sort of extra work save for Ian, and the morning comes rather quickly.

As the lieutenant foretold, the Commander greets you in her room, though she seems rather tired despite the hour. She speaks with a hand on her temple.

"Well, Rhon briefed me of the situation. If the lead points to the Arena, then there you should go. If the place is on its off-day though... it might be harder for you to maintain a disguise. I could send a backup squad after you, just in case?"

2018-10-02, 08:40 PM
Leolin spends the evening... pretty much just goofing off. She goes out for a walk to see if there are any stands still open, but there aren't many.

But wait! There's another woman in the squad now, and Moira probably got the room next to Leolin's if not the same one. She shoots the breeze with her until it's time to sleep.

In the morning, she's pretty eager to get back to work. "Huh, on an off day everything that goes on there is pretty much invitation-only, right? I don't know if a disguise even gets around that. Wasn't Ian the only one who was asked to come in?"

2018-10-03, 10:30 PM
"We could send in Ian with a couple bodyguards maybe?"

2018-10-04, 11:48 AM
He chuckled as they began discussing the issue.
"I'm very certain they would be expecting me. I have little doubt anyone would be willing to antagonize me after the last... display. Guards would make my being there somewhat suspicious... unless you think they can keep well out of sight?"
Whatever their decision, he took his veil and became Cain again. Heading off to meet with his contact to trade his hard-earned research for someone's easily lost freedom.

2018-10-04, 06:09 PM
I assumed that Ian didn't report his personal deal with Demon Hand and the crystal knowledge business to HQ, since... that would probably create a whole bunch of problems, and Ian is 99% sure that the Commander wouldn't let Ian hand over such valuable info to basically criminals. So Ian has to keep that a secret if he really wishes to go through with it.

Anton comments from the sidelines as usual, not knowing Ian's deal.

"I don't know what exactly you spoke with the fellas over there, but I don't suppose there would be a problem with all five of you going back, if you can present a believable enough cause in the first place. I think they must have gotten used to making deals with other unsavory groups, even on off days."

"So, what's your excuse, and do you need the backup team?"

2018-10-04, 08:22 PM
"Huh, yeah, Ian can probably just bring a bag of knives and be fine from what I remember. I'm just trying to figure out how that gets the information we need, or how he'd even call the backup team if he does need it."

2018-10-05, 04:43 AM
Moira rolls her eyes at Andrei's lack of sympathy, but pays for her own food without any fuss. It was worth a shot. Later in their shared room Moira is bemused by Leolin's interest in speaking to her, but is content to sit and listen as long as Leolin doesn't mind if she doesn't contribute as much as she does.

The next day at the meeting, Moira listens to the others and speaks after Leolin does. "Should our stealthier members try to sneak in as back up while our talkers go in the main door?"

2018-10-06, 05:22 PM
Anton shrugs at Leo's and Moira's theories.

"You all could go along Ian as his 'men', and I might cobble up a second squad with one of my guys on the head as another gang who wanted to cut a deal with Saint or his accountant retainer. I'd suggest against sending Ian alone, even if you did establish friendly contact with them the last time. This is still undercover business, where a lot of stuff can go wrong."

He glances at the Commander for approval, at which she nods back.

2018-10-07, 03:13 AM
Ian frowned as he recalled how the last bit of the meeting went.
Having the others along could be problematic. However, I'm still not certain how much of this I should release. Perhaps I was rash.
It was something he mulled over the entire way to the Arena. It was then that another thought struck him:
Should he tell the others in the squad?

Lynam III
2018-10-08, 05:38 PM
During the debriefing

Lucky provides his own take of the Viscount's disappointment: "The Viscount started showing some disappointment after Andrei said he worked for other lords. My guess is that the Viscount might have been after a mercenary who has no connections to other members of the nobility. If true, this would suggest that the Viscount intended to use him for some activity he did not want other nobles to be aware of. This could be something comparatively innocent, like hiding his meetings. This could also be something as drastic as assaulting a political target like the Duchess."

2018-10-08, 07:19 PM
"Huh! That might make sense, if he was worried about it for loyalty reasons. Andrei, did you happen to let slip that you liked any previous employer? Maybe we can figure out if he's more likely to bring on someone who also wants to knock them down a peg.

"But anyway, the stadium. I think tailing Ian is a good idea, Moira. Try to stay out of sight, and you can slip away and get us if anything weird goes down.

"As for the backup squad, I don't think there's really anywhere to put them close enough without drawing attention. The rest of us weirdos can hang around the area and watch for a cue, but I think that'll be enough."

2018-10-10, 05:29 PM
The Commander seems to trust Leo's instincts and lets the squad devise their own formation. The job is then clear: to return to the Underground Arena and question whomever possible about Iwar's last contact there.

The squad is free to leave right now, but what will the exact formation be?

The feeling I got from your posts is:

Ian (point)
Moira (sneaking)
The rest (close by)

Though you'd probably be better off clearing that up for me.

2018-10-10, 07:38 PM
Moira nods at the end of Leolin's explanation and, unless anyone has anything else to add, prepares to head out as Ian's back-up.

2018-10-10, 08:56 PM
Leolin returns to her room and resumes her guise as Sam, just in case one of her contacts from poker night happens to have the same idea as we do.

"Huh, Sam might even be able to just go in and start asking questions for her own reasons at this point... but then, the Redfangs definitely had their own reasons and they didn't turn up anything. Plus, the arena people might recognize me from before and wonder why I'm following Ian around."

She looks at the city map that HQ has posted on the wall to organize patrol shifts. "Let's see, what else is on that street... Andrei, maybe the two of us can sit down at this tavern right here? Then Lucky or Anton can sit on the corner of the alley where we can see from the window, playing panhandler or fruit cart or something. I don't know, I'm not an expert in the kind of show that avoids attention."

Lynam III
2018-10-11, 09:26 AM
Lucky nods. "Yeah, I suppose I can peddle some wares in the corner. Perhaps the Watch has confiscated some goods recently that I can use? We just need to make sure I don't have to cook anything. We don't want people dying in the streets after all." He grins.

2018-10-12, 11:01 AM
The little voice in Ian's mind called conscience finally whispered loud enough for the old man to hear.
I need to tell them. They deserve that much trust.
Ian made sure the squad was out of HQ before he pulled them aside to explain the situation in full.
"I'm sorry I haven't been forthcoming but this whole situation has been weighing on my mind for quite some time. Do you remember the match with Demonhand? Evidently, with his loss he has become a type of slave to the Arena since he now has a debt that a noble would be hard pressed to pay."
He sighed as he recalled the young man's pitiful state after the fight.
"Feeling responsible for the whole ordeal, I offered Saint my current research on lodestones to cut his debt in half. While the research isn't as gruesome as the Beast's operation was, it certainly improves a Talented's ability to exceed his or her limits. I'm having second thoughts about giving this into their hands."
He would answer any questions for further details but his attitude conveyed one of an old man trapped by poor choices.

2018-10-13, 05:12 AM
Anton corrects Leo during her planning.

"Weren't you going to the Underground Arena? If you were thinking about covering the tavern that fronts the entrance, there was still a lot of distance to travel after you go underground, and you won't be a help to anyone there.

"Since there probably will be only a skeleton crew, you'll all need reasons to be there, by yourselves or as a group, according to the formation you'll be choosing.

"Hmm. I think I might borrow Andrei for a short while and lend you Basset instead. I have a special mission planned for him, and since Basset knows the underground paths well, he could be of help."

As some of you might remember, Basset was one of Anton's Investigators that had brought Andrei, Moira and the others to the arena to meet with Leo, Lucky and Ian.

Following btanh's post, I removed Andrei from this mission, at least temporarily.

If you were thinking about the tavern that Ian was supposed to meet the contact in,
no one knows that but Ian at the moment.

Lynam III
2018-10-17, 02:12 PM
Lucky listens to what Ian has to say with interest.

Someone with more foresight and concern regarding the welfare of the citizens of Arkney could have objected to handing such delicate research to people running an illegal business. Unfortunately Lucky just isn't that person.

"That's an interesting situation you have put yourself into, Gramps. I mean, I getcha. Who wouldn't have felt a little guilty after sticking so many swords into a gal and a guy. Both of those fellas would be stiffs swimming in the river if it weren't for the Saint's talent." He looks into Ian's eyes and raises an eyebrow. "Which is a little unexpected from you given the fits you threw when I was a little too forthcoming in applying my saps, but anyway. I'm always here if you wanna talk about that."

"They probably took your deal in a heartbeat, though. Your trick with the lodestones is pretty nifty, and you can bet all your gold that those guys will extract every last crown from the Talented who want to give their powers an edge. Are you sure you want to hand over the research? We could open up a business on the side and sell lodestones ourselves. We could probably make more than enough money to pay that guy's debt twice over, and divvy up the rest among ourselves. Did you give your word, or can you still walk out of that deal?"

2018-10-17, 04:25 PM
Ian shook his head at Lucky's line of questions.
"While I could renege on our deal, they already know the procedure works and then Demonhand would be stuck with a debt that could take most of his life to pay. Lodestone selling is also out. Since no one knows how powerful these items are, they are incredibly easy to obtain. One possibility is to somehow get a duel with the champion and use the favor to get him out of the debt. However, I have no idea if that deal is still available or not."
He didn't seem too confident about that last suggestion, but he genuinely seemed stumped by the predicament.
"As for the... stabbings... the situation called for it and they knew what they were getting into."
His thoughts turned to his misguided actions to keep his daughter uninvolved.
Far too late to stop now, he thought.

2018-10-17, 10:13 PM
"Ian..." Leolin is a bit quiet, watching Ian sympathetically as she tries to decide what to think. After a moment of listening she comes to a conclusion. "Huh, I mean, it is your research, right? You can do what you want with it! I'm just glad you're doing something good for someone and not just sneaking out to deal quack treatments on the side."

She's turned away from the map by now, having been informed of the problems with her needlessly-complicated stakeout idea. "Okay! How about this: Everyone who was there for the tournament went out for drinks after leaving last time, we've been hanging out ever since, and when we heard Ian's character was going decided to follow him there to say hi, because we're all idiot street fighters with no impulse control!"

She's really leaning into this silly story. Silliness alone doesn't make a story suspicious; after all, real life is already sillier than any story we can make up.

2018-10-18, 02:36 AM
Moira was idly spinning one of her arrows in one hand on the way out the base,and didn’t stop during Ian’s confession. She only comes to a pause when there’s a halt in the conversation, apparently her turn to give some sort of reaction. She turns toward the others and then catches the old man’s gaze.

“Ian, I have no idea what you’re talking about, and I honestly don’t care either way, as long as it doesn’t effect me personally.” She maintains eye contact as she continues, “But, later on, if I put my own goals ahead of the what’s good for the guard, and you complain, you’ll be awfully hypocritical.” She looks away. “I hope you remember that.”

Moira frowns and the arrow resumes spinning.

Lynam III
2018-10-18, 09:35 AM
Lucky considers Ian's answer. "Well, I am pretty sure we could make more money before the Saint and pals can figure out what they exactly need to do based on what you already told them, but it is your call. Maybe try to negotiate for all of the debt instead of half?"

Upon hearing Leolin's plan: "How about a slight modification: The three of us" -- Lucky indicates himself, Leo, and Moira -- "indeed met in the Arena and went out for drinks. As for why we are there, Ian could have brought me along to show that the lodestone trick actually works."

2018-10-18, 12:43 PM
Ian hated to be the devil's advocate, but he needed actual solutions.
"My method takes a whole day before it actually produced results. Besides, from what I have noticed, few of you have actually developed the mental stamina required to fully harness its power as I do. As for being a hypocrite-," he turned to Moira, "-when you get to be my age, you discover that black and white are rare to see. Shades of gray are more common. It is a harsh lesson to learn."
His last option didn't make him any happier but he thought it could possibly provide a way out if someone else could help him think things through.
"Perhaps I could offer to provide the service rather than the research. However, I have little time to be peddling a mental stimulant rather than furthering my research while also being shackled to the Academy and Watch duties."

2018-10-18, 01:22 PM
Unsurprisingly, Ian takes the opportunity to give another one of his impromptu lectures. Moira rolls her eyes, but doesn’t respond.

Moira listens to Leolin’s updated plan, and rankles at her ‘idiot street fighter’ comment but doesn’t argue. She’d prefer to sneak as previously planned, but isn’t sure where Ian would’ve been meeting or if there was anywhere to hide in the arena in the first place, so she’s willing to go along with Leolin’s idea. She says as much to the rest out loud.

2018-10-20, 05:42 PM
Fortunately, it takes a while for Anton to get a hold of his agent, Basset, so that Ian's secret can be contained within the squad. When he arrives, though, he notices the conversation dying out, and he raises an eyebrow in a mousey manner.

"What? Is it something on my face?"

When the squad eventually gets on the move, they pass the streets of Steadwick to arrive at the alleyway behind the tavern where the trapdoor into the underground can be found. Though now with a slight difference -- the gatekeeping scoundrel who had checked your "names" and abilities is now absent.

You could retcon your discussion to continue on for a post or two still. After then, it gets interrupted by Basset.

Lynam III
2018-10-25, 10:06 AM
Lucky approaches the trapdoor and looks around. Not being able to see anyone, he knocks on the trapdoor a few times so that a nervous guard behind it does not shoot them. If he hears nothing, he pries it open. "Come on, let's go."

2018-10-25, 12:11 PM
Ian followed, still wondering how things got so out of hand.
He hadn't brought his multitude of greatswords with him. If it was an off-season, they shouldn't expect him to fight... not that Ian was particularly eager to bash some heads this time around.

2018-10-25, 03:49 PM
Moira trails along behind the rest of the group, attempting to remain unseen with eyes and ears open.

hide +12
move silently +12
spot +10
listen +10

2018-10-27, 08:39 AM
The group enters the trapdoor and continues on inside the winding sewer complex that eventually leads to the Underground Arena. The whole path is disturbingly silent, however, and Basset grows a bit concerned that he's traveling with the point men.

"This smells like trouble, Corporal," he says to Leolin, eyeing every nook and cranny that you pass. "It might be that they are running on a skeleton crew on off days, but I'd wager my left sack that they smelled something and just packed up the whole thing, pardon my language."

Regardless, the squad proceeds with Moira sneakily on the rear guard, and finally makes their way to the entrance of the Arena complex. The main cavern that housed all the hustle and bustle of hundreds of people seems completely empty now, but the state of the place clearly indicates that something went wrong here. There are marks of scuffle everywhere, the all of the benches around the fighting grounds are either overturned or broken, and there are even a couple of broken bodies lying around.

There are some faint voices coming from all the way to the other side of the arena complex where they last had these small rooms for storage, medical purposes, and more. The echo of the place makes it a bit unrecognizable, but they sound like conversation.

Ian notices the hulking figure of the Immortal sitting statue-like on his throne, his head cocked backwards as if he's resting.

Lynam III
2018-10-28, 02:26 PM
Lucky tenses as he hears the faint voices. He quickly raises a hand and motions the rest of the party to stop. He speaks in the lowest voice possible. "I think I can hear some people talking. I don't like the look of this. One of us should scout ahead before we do anything else."

Please check out the OOC thread. Let's coordinate our next actions.

2018-10-28, 07:41 PM
Moira keeps going despite Lucky's signal. Lucky seems to have heard too and she figures he'll explain to the squad. Meanwhile she wants to get ahead quickly, before she misses any more of their conversation.

hide +12
move silently +12
spot +10
listen +10
movement: 40ft

Moira is "hurrying" but I not moving fast enough to get a sneak penalty, if that was unclear. I don't know what the layout is like so she's just trying to get near enough to properly hear what they're saying but maintain a safe distance

2018-10-30, 09:08 AM
Here's something that looks like the main cave area, which I expanded upon the earlier Arena map. The browns are the benches (light browns being normal height and dark browns being elevated 5 ft. higher), and the maroon colored squares are further light obstructions: stool, broken barrels and crates, the odd dead body, etc.

The light blue squares are the ramp-like inclinations the both parties used to enter the lowered battlefield area.


Moira can reach the group with no problems but it doesn't help her making out exactly what the voices are for. For that, either a noiseless moment or less distance seem to be needed.

On the opposite side of the cave, three exits branch out to the corridors which housed the various side-facilities. Ian vaguely remembers one of them leading to the "medical quarters" in which he spoke with one battered Demon Hand, but he can't quite recall which corridor that was.

A hint/warning from me to you would be to describe each action with care now.

2018-10-30, 12:09 PM
Ian was a bit horrified with the scene of carnage.
With how powerful the Immortal was, Ian found it hard to believe that the man could be killed without leaving some sort of trace and the amount of destruction seemed wanton to his eyes.
He quickly took to checking one of the nearby bodies. It would take a miracle for one of them to be alive.
However, Ian was looking for clues. How long ago they were killed, the cause of death, and possibly if they should all retreat.

Ian's moving to the closest body. I'm thinking the one at the far left of the map (if it is a body) would be good to start making an investigation.
Heal Check?:[roll0]

2018-10-31, 01:39 PM
Moira advances in front of the group to scout, and after a moment, Basset decides to accompany Moira as well. It seems like he can keep up with Moira's stealth, but unlike her, worry is openly visible on the watchman's face.

With some help from the closed distance and from a lucky moment of pure silence, she manages to actually pick up words of the conversation coming from all the way to the east.

"This is taking too long. Let's just break this thing down."

"Why should we? Just hold still for a half day and they'll just have to surrender."

Ian moves on to the nearest body and starts to examine him. He can't be truly sure, but he looks like one of the henchmen that was working in the Arena. It's possible that his back was broken. It doesn't look too recent, but the body doesn't seem to be putrefied awfully, so Ian guesses anywhere from 1 to 3 days?

Lucky and Leolin are assumed to keep still and silent.


2018-10-31, 02:58 PM
This screamed trouble and a possible trap. The Immortal wasn't a pushover and he was sprawled across his throne... dead? Unconscious?
I don't see Saint here. Perhaps he's still alive. Most likely, with the ability to heal, it would be rather difficult to kill him. But why leave their best fighter behind if he is?
Ian wasn't sure but he was determined to have his questions answered.
He briefly considered just levitating Immortal over to the group, but he decided against it. If he moved him, he could miss out on some vital clues.
Instead, he moves towards Immortal. If the man was still breathing, Ian was sure his supernatural senses could inform him long before he reached the man.
Ian is going to walk up to Immortal. He does have Touchsight out to 70 ft. so he autodetects quite a few things if this ability matters to avoid trouble.
Also, if he does reach Immortal without incident, he'll check Immortal out a bit more thoroughly.
Take 10 on Heal: 20
Take 10 on Psicraft: 25
Search: [roll0]

Lynam III
2018-11-01, 10:40 AM
Lucky draws his Fiveshooters and silently moves near Basset and Moira without saying anything; prepared to shoot any hostile if they are detected, excluding the Immortal.

Move silently (+10) to the tile SW of Basset. Prepare std. action to shoot.

2018-11-01, 07:55 PM
Moira continues to head towards the noise, moving quietly along the upper side of the room, with her eyes and ears open towards any threat.

hide +12
move silently +12
spot +10
listen +10
movement: 40ft

not sure if we're in round-by-round actions right now, but if so Moira's taking a double move action at half speed in the direction of the noise. is there anything new in the room i can see now? since i'm past the benches and can see more the room further in and the arena itself now.

2018-11-02, 05:14 AM
As Moira proceeds further into the room, she finally notices the elephant in the room, so to speak, which gives her a bit of a scare -- the huge man, dubbed "Immortal", is sitting still on his giant throne with his head slumped backwards. It's not crystal clear yet to Moira whether he's sleeping, lying in wait, or merely dead. From her point of view she can see both into the arena battleground and the northeastern corridor, which both look empty at the moment. The eastern benches still block her view somewhat towards the other two corridors along the eastern wall, however.

Ian starts to walk confidently... until Immortal enters the range of his telekinetic senses. His instincts tell him to pause there.

Normally the field would only let him sense if there are people or not, but combined with his medical knowledge, he can expertly estimate that Immortal is both alive, and not sleeping. Which is why his instincts tell him to stop there.

Lucky moves forward and covers his teammates with his pistols, while Basset does something similar, but from a more... secure position.

Leolin stays still, not daring to crack a joke just yet.


2018-11-02, 09:32 PM
Moira freezes upon seeing the Immortal, swallows a curse, and hides behind the nearest available obstruction.

three squares left and one square down, behind whatever that is

Lynam III
2018-11-03, 12:48 PM
Lucky moves near Basset again, ready to shoot. This wasn't going to go according to the plan, was it?

Move silently (+10) to the tile SW of Basset. Prepare std. action to shoot.

2018-11-05, 06:09 PM
Ian froze, unsure of what to do as the man sat there.
He's waiting for something, but what?
He took another look around.
Could he have caused this? Why? They're his own men! Unless...
He moved around to get a better look at the Immortal's forehead, searching for any hints of one of the accursed lodestones that had instigated a similar massacre in the past.
As he searched, he began formulating possible ways to bring the giant down.
His physical strength is certain, but his Talent is still as of yet an unknown factor. Though I would reckon his name has some clues...
He held his hand out to the others to signal them to stay back as he moved ever closer the waiting giant.

Moving to the backside of the chair to get a look at his forehead.
Knowledge devotion
0-10: -1
11-15: +0
16-25: +1
26-35: +2
36+: +3
Know. (Psi):[roll0]
(Spent an inspiration to add +6 to the check for a total of +21)
To also get this moving a bit faster:
Ian will continue to move towards Immortal so he can check. If Immortal makes a move to attack, Ian has an action ready to manifest Telekinetic Thrust on himself and, provided it's not too heavy, Immortal's chair. It will push Ian backwards as far as possible without slamming himself into a wall while pushing the chair directly into the arena area, hopefully shoving Immortal into it.

2018-11-06, 04:41 PM
Despite the squad's best efforts, Ian's rather noisy march finally creates enough noise, and everyone can see Immortal opening his eyes and turning his head sideways (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/0d/68/99/0d689923f43f0c32acd875cf4b6b3145--viking-artwork-lords-of-the-fallen.jpg). Focusing on Ian, he stands up from his chair, his open vest dropping from around him to reveal a huge, impossibly muscled body with hundreds of crimson scars crisscrossing in every direction imaginable. Ian, judging the man to be heavy enough to resist his telekinesis (also, by the way, seeing no gem or crystal upon the man's brows), instinctively manifests his power on himself and flies back some 80 ft. Lucky also opens fire, as planned, but remarkably a momentary flinch makes his shot go wide.

Just several seconds later, somewhere from the east of the cave, a distinct running sound can be heard moving away. Everyone hears some heated conversation coming from that way, but only Moira can make up the words.

"Chief, something's up! The big guy is at it again!"

"That means the place got some new visitors. We can't risk a team up now. Boys! Tear this thing down! You two! Hold the corridor while we finish off these barbarians."

If anyone wants some theme music, here you go. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW9XCFHfa5k&list=PLKzg0DeoAjD8kkBC33GsrIH1xPwch14CO&index=22) :smalltongue:



Lucky readied shot: [roll7]

2018-11-06, 05:20 PM
Well he doesn't seem to have a lodestone. However, I'd prefer to NOT fight this man.
"What happened here Immortal? Were you the one who killed everyone?"
Ian had little doubt that Lucky's shot had been heard as voices echo through the halls.
It was about now that Ian was regretting his choice to leave the mass of weapons behind. He looked about for anything that could serve as a good weapon to be thrown via telekinesis.
However, he was more concerned with the way Immortal was eyeing him down.
This is just as bad as the time I had to stare down a charging bull because Anna talked me into trying some strange sport that involved waving a flag in front of it.

Gonna try a rushed diplomacy: [roll0]

Lynam III
2018-11-06, 05:37 PM
Lucky instinctively shoots the Immortal when he makes a move to attack Ian. Seeing that Ian was unhurt, he regrets his decision to have started the fight. He just hopes they will be able to run fast enough if the giant doesn't go down. In a hopeless attempt, he tries some "tough diplomacy."

"We..." BANG! "...just want to..." BANG! "...talk!"

Yeah. That should work.

Dodge on the Immortal.

HP: 40/40
AC: 21 (22)

Attack 1: [roll0] (range penalty applied)
Attack 2: [roll1] (range penalty applied)
Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Lynam III
2018-11-06, 05:42 PM
Diplomacy: [roll0] - 100? :P

2018-11-07, 04:24 PM
Shrugging off the pain from Lucky's shots, Immortal walks with great steps towards him, ignoring his and Ian's attempts at reconciliation at all. As he passes by Moira, however, he notices the more accessible target and reaches out with a huge hand towards the girl. It's visible to the squad members that something is wrong with him, however. Though he was aloof and cold before, now he seems to act like a robot -- without any rage or even mild annoyance. Could it be..?

Leolin, getting the cue, replies with a hearty warcry as well, and finally lets her true size come out. "OOH? ARE WE DOING A GROUP HUG?" she bellows, and leaps onto Immortal with her equally intimidating size.

Those that keep an ear out realize that some chopping and crushing noises can be heard from the east, as if someone is doing construction work. Basset sounds pretty tense as he looks for a clear shot with his pistol, but then decides against it, circling around instead. "Guys, we, uh, maybe need to look at this other stuff as well?"

[roll0] against Moira's touch AC 16.
Grapple roll is pretty much an autosucceed.

Leo's grapple against Immortal: [roll1] vs. [roll2]

So, three way grapple.



Lynam III
2018-11-08, 02:05 PM
Lucky is not surprised when his shots do little to stop the juggernaut. His heart sinks when Moira is noticed, but Leolin's "group hug" eases his concerns.

He also notices the strange look on the Immortal's face, which makes him recall the Beast incident at the Smoldering Boar. Could it be that the Immortal was under someone's control? The only person that Lucky knew who could pull such a feat was Madhouse from Breaker's team of mercenaries. If they were in the back... Well, Lucky knew the limits of his own group, and he wouldn't even take a bet that paid 100 to 1 on himself.

Lucky is as conflicted as Basset regarding shooting into the Clash of Giants (and a half). He nods at Basset and rushes forward to deal with the people in the back. He shouts back while running: "Gramps, handle this!"

Move to north + northeast of Basset, hunkers down, and hides.

2018-11-08, 03:24 PM
As Lucky dashes off, Ian's annoyance at the whole situation turns into worry.
"Get back here Lucky!"
He then goes haring off after the sprightly man after he shucks his heavy pack.
I need to get rid of that ladder, I don't use it much anymore.
Sure, it might help to have someone else to help back them up against immortal, but Ian knew for a fact that his abilities wouldn't even annoy Immortal. It was best to keep the trigger-happy fellow from getting himself hurt.
Ian drops his pack so that he isn't encumbered anymore and moves to follow Lucky. He'll try to get as clear a line as he can so that next turn he can take a Run action to get to the halls.

2018-11-09, 02:19 AM
Moira attempts to escape the Immortal's grasp.


2018-11-12, 04:57 PM
As the three more cautious members of the squad skirt the brawl, two giants and a normal kind of girl grapple each other in a mess of pushes, shoves, and grabs. Immortal tries to tackle and overbear Leolin while he shakes Moira around like a toy doll, and slams her to the ground with his off hand.

Leolin tries to counter the big man's moves, but she can see that the "king of the arena" has studied grappling extensively, like herself.

First grappling check is to damage Moira, autosucceeds:
Possible massive damage check from Moira: [roll1]
Moira succeeds, but I'll give the option to fail the save intentionally in order to fall to -1 and go limp, hoping that Immortal will leave you. Otherwise a similar hit might take her directly below -10 the next round.

Next checks are to pin Leo, if he succeeds at first, then he'll use the next one to damage.
[roll2] vs. [roll3]
[roll4] vs. [roll5]

Then at Leo's turn, she'll either try to get out of the pin, or if she's out already, then she'll try to get Moira out.
[roll6] vs. [roll7]

Nothing happens.


Lynam III
2018-11-13, 11:41 AM
Lucky continues to rush forward.

Lucky was to N + NE of Basset; not NW. Now he will move to the empty space NW of the 7-square red obstacle, take cover and try to hide.

Edit: Also, if Lucky sees someone, he changes his Dodge bonus from the Immortal to the closest enemy he detects.

2018-11-16, 06:11 AM
Ian looks on helplessly as Moira is brutally overpowered by Immortal.
"We have to get to whoever's controlling him NOW!"
With that he dashed to the halls where the noise was coming from.
If it isn't the one making Immortal act like this, at least we can try to get help.

Just using the run action to move as far to the right as possible towards the 'construction crew'.

2018-11-16, 08:47 PM
Moira passes out from the Immortal's blow, and goes limp in his deadly embrace.

2018-11-17, 03:15 PM
Leolin growls as she struggles to tear the champion's squishy prize out of his grip. "RRRRAGH! JUST DROP IT! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Of course, everyone else is shouting exactly what is wrong with him in the background. Someone mind-controlled him into attacking Moira, and now he's running on autopilot. Under other circumstances, she'd feel sorry for him, but seeing Moira fall limp in his arms just makes Leolin angrier.


- Use Iron Grip if you haven't turned it on already
- Max out Power Attack
- Do Damage

I'm, uh, not completely sure what I have to roll here, especially if you're changing the grapple rules as we speak.

2018-11-19, 05:52 PM
From up close, Leolin can easily notice the blank expression in Immortal's face, but that somehow proves to deduct not much from his wrestling prowess. Fortunately he releases Moira as she becomes limp in his hands, though, so some thought processes apparently do continue to run in his addled mind. As Leolin tries a huge hammer fist into the man's neck, however, Immortal deftly maneuvers and evades the attack, getting on Leo's back with a classic choke hold.

Ian, Lucky and Basset hustle towards the source of the hacking and hammering noises, which are getting more and more final. A gruffer yet more muffled voice can be heard shouting over the clamor:

"Aye boys, get ready, this'll be it!"

Basset whistles out to Lucky and Ian behind the cover of the benches, and points to the middle corridor.

Moira is at -1 and as per my rules, disabled until up to -4. Normal disabled rules apply, so she can do a few things here still. Immortal doesn't seem to care as long as she looks like she's a non-threat like this.

I've already been using Leo's max check, so that assumes Grip of Iron, I think?

Anyway, Leo's attack, assuming a normal attack since the mention of the max Power Attack:

Immortal's pin checks, and if they succeed, grapple damage checks:
[roll2] vs. [roll3]
[roll4] vs. [roll5]
[roll6] vs. [roll7]


2018-11-20, 01:48 AM
Ian continues to move his aching bones as fast as he could towards the corridor pointed out by Bassett.
I'm getting too old for this kind of work!
As the voice travels through the corridor, he gets ready to disarm the situation... literally.

Move as close as possible to the middle corridor while being able to look down its hall. Ian is going to manifest Telekinetic Thrust on as many weapons as possible. If I have room, throw the guy who is closest to the door into the ceiling.

2018-11-20, 10:06 PM
Moira flops to the ground, bruised and unconscious but still breathing. Dire Felicia doesn't really know whether the champ considered his mental command satisfied or whether her strangling attack got the attention of his survival instincts. Either way, this is good news.

"HUH! THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!" the performer shouts as she twists to face her opponent head-on, "OKAY DOGGY! LET'S GO FIND WHO'S HOLDING YOUR LEASH!"

Leolin twists around to switch places with the big guy and lets up enough to bait him into chasing her toward the rest of the action. Risk-wise, she can hold him off well enough. Reward-wise... well, raging only lets one think so far ahead.

Lynam III
2018-11-21, 10:58 AM
Lucky sees Ian rush past him and whispers loud enough for him to hear: "Slow down, old man! We can barely catch up." He continues to rush forward.

Lucky moves to the red L below. Same disclaimer regarding dodge.


2018-11-22, 06:12 PM
Lucky and Ian finally reach where the ruckus was going on. As Ian gets in position to finally spy the two mercenary-looking characters, one of them yells to him:

"Stay back! This is a official mercenary business!" He doesn't seem to notice how flimsy that sounds, and nevertheless, they both chuck their readied javelins as soon as Ian tries to manifest his talent.

Their readied actions trigger, but I'm going to interrupt the flow to give Ian a chance to exactly target his Thrust. All of the guys mostly have two light weapons, while the Captain in the back has a longsword and shield combo. 3, 4 and 5 are hacking at the north door.



2018-11-22, 09:18 PM
One of the javelins ricochets off of an invisible shield as Ian reflexively puts his arm up to block it... only to leave himself open as the other grazes his shoulder.
"AGH! Well our authority supersedes yours young man! So OUT OF MY WAY!"
He's able to fight through the pain just enough to keep from losing his concentration as various objects and one mercenary are grasped by an invisible hand, threatening to send them flying.

DC 17 negates. All of these will be the heaviest weapon in-hand. However, I have no idea what weapons each of them have so I'll let Cespenar deal with damage. No Inspiration points will be spent on these.
Ian will grab 1 weapon from 3, 4, 7 and have them strike 3.
#3 Weapon: [roll0]
#4 Weapon: [roll1]
#7 Weapon: [roll2]
Ian will grab 1 weapon from 5, 6, & C's and those will hit 5.
#5 Weapon: [roll3]
#6 Weapon: [roll4]
Captain's Weapon: [roll5]
If the ceiling is high enough to warrant ANY fall damage, 4 will go flying straight up. Otherwise he goes into the wall behind him.
Wall slam: [roll6]

Power Points (last round): 6/11

2018-11-24, 10:37 AM
The mercenaries come off only with minor injuries from the storm of weapons Ian has created, but it serves enough to mark the old man as a primary target. Their leader, a clean shaven mercenary with a red bandana on his shoulder, lowers his shield, takes only a moment to assess the damage on his fellow men, and points at Ian with an open hand.

"Mongooses, focus on the weirdo! Encircle and take down!"

With the coming of the new and possibly greater threat, most of the mercenaries leave their work of breaking down the barricaded door and hustle towards Ian. The first two visibly flinch as they turn the corner and come off against Lucky, but they seem to recover quickly, as expected from experienced fighters.

"There's another one of them here! Two in total!" they call back to their friends, and attack Ian with the handaxes they just drew. Ian finds their maneuvering and feints quite puzzling while Lucky recognizes the roots -- these 'Mongooses' seem to have married underhanded street fighting tactics with military skirmishing to create their own brand.

"That's three..." Basset whispers, and shoots his already cocked pistol from the back of a barrel, at one of the mercs trying to encircle Ian.

As the siege against the room stops, an infuriated yet familiar sound can be heard from inside:

"What's going on out there?! Aren't you man enough to come in and finish the job?!"


Leolin continues to wrestle with the brute, and though she seems to have used Immortal's open lack of forethought to her advantage, she fears that the man's superior physicality may give him the edge if this carries on. Immortal underlines this by using just a small fortuitous moment to pop and dislocate Leolin's shoulder. She can free herself with some desperate moves, but the pain was enough to blur his vision for a few moments.

All of them double move, except 1 and 2, who move and attack:

Ian's armor check, thanks to the Duchess (4 negates the sneak attack): [roll3]

Edit: So, Ian receives 8 dmg before DR.

Basset vs. 7:
[roll8] vs. flat footed AC

Immortal vs. Leo, to pin and then damage:
[roll11] vs. [roll12]
[roll13] vs. [roll14]
[roll15] vs. [roll16]

Leo vs. Immortal, to pin or break pin, I assume(?):
[roll19] vs. [roll20]

Edit: Leo receives 23 dmg (before DR) but then she breaks the pin.


Lynam III
2018-11-24, 12:44 PM
Lucky is taken aback by the rush of seven mercenaries out of the corridor. He is noticed by them, which sinks his plans of shooting two down hidden at the corner. He loses his temper. "Ian, stop spoiling all of our ambushes by rushing forward, for Gods' sake!"

Hearing the sounds coming from behind the previously besieged door, Lucky shouts out a reply: "Redfang, is that you? We are here to help. Break out so that we can encircle these vultures between us!"

AC: 24
HP: 40/40
PP: 8/8

5-foot-step to NE
Fighting Defensively

Full Attack: First attack targets 3. If 3 doesn't go down, second attack targets 3. Else, second attack targets 6.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Lynam III
2018-11-24, 12:45 PM
Dodge bonus moved to 3.

2018-11-24, 10:07 PM
Figures. She finally has room to try something fun and the brain-dead champion practically rips her arm off without even saying a word.



to disengage

the check for immortal's inevitable opportunity attack

2018-11-25, 02:01 AM
Says the man with two noisy pistols, was his thought as yet another stab made it past his armor.
"Well you can have the rest of them if you're so upset!"
Their tactics were going to be extremely problematic, but a sudden memory of an expedition to a strange monastery of martial artists.
Ignore all distractions and meaningless noise... Wait. Wasn't that for raising a rambunctious child?
He put a bit more effort into his Talent as he flew through the air into the Arena's benches, throwing the important-looking 'Mongoose' towards the ceiling while a swarm of weapons threatened to follow after him.
As Leolin roars in frustration, he spares a glance behind him only to to behold Moira's bleeding form.
"Hold them off! Moira needs help!" He shouts.
With that, he began to make his way back to the wrestling titans.

Manifesting Telekinetic Thrust on self to go land on top of top right square of the benches. 5-foot step first if needed, otherwise, use move action to jump down the benches and move closer to Moira. Captain is flying straight up into the ceiling while weapons from 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 go flying into him. As I can't add a roll after it's posted and since I don't know how many of the weapons will still fit within the weight parameters, I'll just say:
Will save is 17
BAB + Intel. = +8
Concentration for defensive manifest: [roll0]
Inspiration: 2/4
He's spending an extra 2 PP to bump up the weight to 300 lb. max.
PP: 3/11

2018-11-28, 05:34 PM
Leo's cries wash over the blank face of Immortal as he doesn't let Leo go, pulling her back with a half dance-like half clothesline-like move, and trying to chokeslam her to the ground.

The Mongoose leader notices Lucky's call and suddenly realizes the threat of being flanked. With the troubled eyes of a general who must battle in three fronts, he raises his shield to survive Ian's last salvo, pulls a nearby man, turns him around, and accompanies him to block the corridor and face the Redfangs, while yelling orders to the rest:

"Buddy system! Chase down and take out!" The Mongooses that lost their weapons draw their last backup daggers, and try to team up on the squad members in a 2 by 1 formation. The two that chase Ian mumble to each other:

"Crap, the he is runnin' towards the big guy. Is he mad?"

Lucky's call strengthens the Redfangs' already coalescing theory, and with a fiery explosion, the already damaged door flies off into the corridor. Out comes three "barbarian" mercenaries the group is already familiar with -- the tribe elder, the cocky fighter they called Azwar, and the warrioress, all come out, thought at first with partial trepidation as they glance around to assess the situation. But like proper predators they quickly notice the Mongooses, and spew their namesake powers all at once.

"Hah! Did you think we could be caged, you ever-fools?!"

Immortal vs. Leo, same deal:

[roll0] vs. [roll1]
[roll2] vs. [roll3]
[roll4] vs. [roll5]

Edit: Miraculously, nothing again.


Edit: So, 6 hits Lucky if he doesn't pull a shenanigan.

Azwar's Energy Missiles:



Elder's Energy Spray:



Basset tries to tumble away and then just run.

[roll31] vs. 15
[roll32] vs. 17

Potential AoOs:


2018-11-29, 03:44 PM
Getting sick of the stalemate, Leolin suddenly gets an idea.

"RRRGH! COME ON! AT LEAST DO THIS IN THE ACTUAL ARENA SO EVERYONE CAN SEE!" If she were being mind-controlled into fighting her friends, she imagines that this would work on her. It's the most efficient way her deluded mind would be able to explain the mandatory fighting instruction. "CAN'T YOU HEAR THEM? YOUR FANS ARE ALL CALLING YOUR NAME! WE'VE GOTTA GIVE THEM SOMETHING!"

Perform??? [roll0]

2018-11-29, 03:46 PM
Also Grapple to move this party more towards center stage:


to gain control, or maybe to pin if that's what needs to happen

to do the pushing thing

2018-12-02, 01:11 AM
Good job Miss Leolin, Ian thought as she began to push against Immortal.
He continued to hustle over to where Moira lay bleeding, taking out his dagger and kneeling down as he got ready to do some emergency first aid.
"Hang in there! You're not dying while I'm around!"

Just a simple double move to the space above Moira. Will the Heal check be a standard or because it's a special Heal check will it be a Full?

Lynam III
2018-12-02, 01:39 PM
Lucky winces in pain as the flanking mercenary manages to hurt him despite his frantic efforts to prevent it. He notices Basset making a run for it. "Good thinking Basset! Stay at the entrance, I am coming!"

HP: 31/40
AC: 24 (25 against 6)
PP: 5/8

Lucky asks Basset to stop his movement at the entrance of the tunnel (the northern square).

1) Tumble north 5 ft, successful (see OOC), costs 10 ft.
2) Move north 5 ft.
3) Move northeast 5ft. Provokes AoO from 6. Use Evade Attack (3PP).
4) Move northeast 5ft, costs 10 ft.

Standard action: Fighting defensively, shoot at 6.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-12-03, 05:03 PM
Ian runs towards Moira, bringing himself dangerously close to the fighting titans while still being chased by a pair of Mongooses. The swinging giant legs and torsos miss the old man barely, but he ends up in the prime spot to watch the following scene.

Either it's how cheesy Leolin's line has sounded, or it did something within Immortal's mind, but Leo can swear she sees the tiniest hint of recognition in the ol' slab o' meat's eyes, which she capitalizes on perfectly by blindsiding him. The two giants stumble their way with imbalance atop Ian and Moira and towards the 20-feet deep arena, and if there were any audience (apart from Ian, Moira, and two mercenaries), they'd probably be dumbstruck by the flying half-ton of muscle and bones. The impact on the ground creates an explosion of sand and is accompanied quickly by a muffled rumble throughout the cavern. Now that Immortal is inside the actual arena, however, it seems to Leolin that he fights an immeasurably small bit more happily now.

Lucky manages to persuade Basset to make up some kind of a bottleneck on the corridor's mouth, and though his shot creates a painful yet shallow wound on the Mongoose's arm, soon all four mercenaries fall upon the two watchmen with their small yet deftly-handed weapons. Basset does his best to dodge and weave, looking moderately injured as he is.

Ian can do it as a standard action vs DC 20, but also beware that the Mongooses are catching on.

[roll0] vs. [roll1]
[roll2] vs. [roll3]
[roll4] vs. [roll5]

Edit: Leo is miraculously unharmed, yet again. Both she and Immortal get 2d6 falling damage, though, which I forgot to roll. Let's do 7 as a nice average.


Edit: Ooops, sorry, minus 4 on both of those guys because no flanking, so both are misses.


Redfangs' full blast part 1 (elder):



Part 2 (Azwar):



Mongoose 4 is down from the fire damage.

Basset takes step back and does full defense.


Lynam III
2018-12-03, 09:50 PM
Lucky manages to avoid getting skewered this time, but the situation is looking grim. He takes a step back to move together with Basset, while continues to fire his Fiveshooters.

"Hey, I know we started off on the wrong foot, but can you guys just chill and parley for a moment? I was once a mercenary like you, and I want to get out of this alive as much as you do..."

HP: 31/40
AC: 24 (25 against closest enemy who remains standing)
PP: 7/8

5 foot move to east. Full attack, fighting defensively. Attack 1 targets Mongoose 6. Attack 2 targets Mongoose 6 if he is still standing; Mongoose 2 otherwise.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2018-12-04, 08:35 PM
Ian was getting pressed for time and breathing room as he began to cut strips from his clothing, binding up the worst of Moira's wounds. A bout of inspiration comes to him as he recalls a small, yet quite relevant, piece of wisdom he had gained during his younger years on how to treat one who had suffered severe blunt trauma.
"Keep your head down," he whispered in her ear before he dove for cover behind a cluster of barrels.

Moving 20 ft left and then 10 ft up. Yes, I know that I can just move diagonally but I want to make absolutely sure that Ian is placed exactly where I am intending him to be.
Heal: [roll0]
Inspiration: 1/4
PP: 7/11

2018-12-06, 11:08 AM
Ian bandages Moira with the efficiency and speed of a battlefield surgeon on his graduation exam, but can't avoid getting clobbered by one of his axed pursuers. Whether Moira would choose to get up or stay down would be her choice, however.

Down below a couple paces away, the two titans continue to grapple on the sand covered floor of the arena. Leolin seems to be avoiding a deadly clinch every other second either by luck or skill, yet the brainwashed Immortal shows no signs of slowing down.

Away on the northern corridor, Lucky brings one of the Mongooses down with his fiveshooter, which causes the other mercenaries to snarl angrily and continue their attacks with renewed strength. One of the mercenaries, a young one with a goatee and a bandana, replies ironically through gritted teeth while trying to bring Lucky's dear chokehold-buddy down. "Well, 'twouldbe more believable if you didn't just shot Fred down, now innit?"

"Uh, I'm sure that was purely instinctual of my friend here. What say we all lower our weapons?" Basset presses on while trying to dodge the axes and fall another step back. It's obvious from the situation, though, that without an actual ceasing of fire, any diplomacy attempt would be moot.

A moment later, the captain's voice rings off, sounding a bit harried. "Fellas, need some backup over here!" At which one of Lucky's assailants leave off south to reinforce his leader. It seems like the Redfangs are pushing off their front as well.

Immortal vs. Leo, still can't believe how this is going down:

[roll0] vs. [roll1]
[roll2] vs. [roll3]
[roll4] vs. [roll5]

Leo v Immo:

[roll8] vs. [roll9]

Edit: No damage, Leo breaks the pin that happens. Seriously.


2 and 3 attacks Basset, 1 double moves, 7 charges Ian.


Edit: Mon9 should be Mon7, but anyway, Ian gets hit (I believe?) for 8 dmg.

Captain tries to tumble:

[roll20] vs 15

[roll23] vs 17

The Redfangs advance cautiously and also try to refill their power points.

Basset full defenses and steps back.


2018-12-06, 07:45 PM
Ian barely manages to shift just enough to allow both his Talent and the specially hardened armor to cause the axe blade to skitter harmlessly off of his shoulder. Though he still felt every jar through his old bones and it was making him cranky.
"Urf! You'll think twice before trying that again!"
He put some cover between him and his assailants before he once more 'grabbed' his targets in an attempt to throw them in a tangled mass.

Ian is taking a 5-foot step top right.
Then manifesting Telekinetic Thrust on 7 to throw him bottom left into the ceiling and dropping him into the Arena's pit. (aka right below the two grapplers)
He will also grab 1 & 7's weapons in hand to throw them at 1.
He will move the left and right red squares (from Ian's new position) down one to prevent either of them just 5-foot stepping into Ian. (Unless it can actually be thrown at 1 and 7 respectively but land in said square, then he'll do that.)
Other 2 targets, if weight doesn't prevent this, will be grabbing any weapons from 1 and turning them on him.

As always, DC 17 negates throw.
PP: 4/11
Inspiration: 1/4

Lynam III
2018-12-07, 06:23 PM
Lucky moves back in lockstep with Basset. "You are pursuing us, not the other way around. If you want, take cover behind the walls away from us and we can negotiate." He squeezes the triggers once more.

(I noticed I had not applied DR to the damage I received. +1 HP because of that)

HP: 32/40
AC: 24 (25 against closest enemy who remains standing)
PP: 8/8

5 foot move to east. Full attack, fighting defensively. Attack 1 targets Mongoose 3. Attack 2 targets Mongoose 3 if he is still standing; Mongoose 2 otherwise.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Lynam III
2018-12-07, 06:28 PM
Adding +2 to Attack 2 if Lucky does not see the target wearing a breastplate or holding a shield of any kind.

2018-12-10, 05:11 PM
As Leo and Immortal hug it out on the relative comfort of the sandy Arena floor, Ian and the two Mongooses skirmish with each other in the relative safety that Leo prepared for them. The skilled mercenaries dodge and roll around the thrown crates and take little to no damage, and soon bear on Ian with their signature two weapons.

"Give up old man, it's two against one, and your pet strongwoman has no chance to beat the big guy."

Similarly, up to the east, Lucky severely wounds a mercenary with his double shot, not hitting vital organs but still bleeding the man a fair amount. They bear down on Basset in retaliation, but Lucky can see that their will to fight is a bit waning.

"We are 'pursuing' the barbarians for a mercenary contact, mate! It's your gramps who came up and attacked us with his weirdo powers!"

Still, that doesn't help Basset from succumbing to the handaxe attacks which hook his leg from under him, making him fall and knock his head on the floor, passing out. Though it'd be humanly impossible, Lucky can almost swear that Basset was throwing him an accusatory look in mid-air.

Immortal vs. Leo, same deal:

[roll0] vs. [roll1]
[roll2] vs. [roll3]
[roll4] vs. [roll5]

Leo vs. Immortal:
[roll8] vs. [roll9]

Edit: That's a pin on Leo.


Edit: That's 11 and 9 damages on Ian.


Edit: That's Basset down, even if I correct the attacks and damages with non-flanking.

5 and C try some readied move actions:

Azwar's Energy Missiles:

[roll34] vs. 17



Elder's Energy Spray:

[roll43] vs. 16



Warrioress's Energy Spray against 5:



Lynam III
2018-12-11, 04:55 PM
Lucky sighs as he sees Basset drop on the floor, feeling partially responsible, but mentally blaming Ian for the whole catastrophe this mission turned into in general. "Well, Gramps and I are going to have a *long* conversation if we make it out alive; you can trust me on that."

He drops his Fiveshooters and draws his saps, hoping that the mercenaries will note that he is not drawing his swords that are in plain sight. "That explains the Redfangs. What about that crazed giant? What made him like that?" He aims one of his saps at the legs of the already injured Mongoose and swings.

HP: 32/40
AC: 27 (28 against the healthy Mongoose)
PP: 8/8

Drop Fiveshooters. Draw two saps. Attack the injured Mongoose (Combat Expertise 6)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (nonlethal)

2018-12-11, 09:40 PM

Welp. This is about the end of it. Leolin's rage is running out of gas, and it shows in the way she's pressed up against the pillar. She's going to get choked out just like Moira did.

...wait. Oh. OHHHH. Leolin's eyes light up in realization. To all the world, her mind has cleared just in time for her to figure out how screwed she is. Inwardly, though...

"Hnngh!" She puts on a show of a big struggle to get a word out, but brain-dead immortal isn't really focused on keeping her quiet. "Guys! A little... *grk* help..."

Leolin closes her eyes and pretends to be tranquilized.

2018-12-12, 09:13 PM
Ian takes a step back, more to clear enough distance than a desperate attempt to retreat.
"As if giving up would keep us from senselessly going at each other's throats," he scoffs back, "is the coin really worth the trouble?"
He launches himself up onto the benches, clearing their heads with ease as he utilizes his abilities once more, taking more caution than usual as he was exposed on the high ground.

Manifesting Tel. Thrust again.
Going to the top left part of the benches.
Throwing 6 weapons. All from 1 into 7. Priority goes to any ranged weapons he can use. If all ranged weapons are used up from 1, take them from 7 and smack him with it.
Will save of 17 to negate.
Also, Fighting defensively. -4 on attacks but +2 dodge AC.
PP: 1/11
Inspiration: 1/4

2018-12-15, 06:38 PM
Sorry guys, I've been down with flu this week, so, anyway.

The Mongoose rolls on the floor, narrowly dodging the torrent of weapons thrown by Ian. He counter-scoffs Ian as he pursues him to his newfound perch. "Why are you attackin' us then, if not for coin?"

Down in the arena, Leo lets herself go limp just as Immortal executes a second textbook sleeper-hold. It fits the narrative so snugly that Leolin starts to lose the line between her own acting and the subtle drift into actual unconsciousness. Nevertheless, Immortal drops her to the ground and eyes his surroundings, now that he's in the arena.

In the corridors to the east, Lucky's sap connects heavily with the Mongoose's knee, dislocating it and eliciting a sharp cry from the mercenary. He crumples to the ground and passes out from the pain. The remaining mercenary hesitates now that his allies are gone, and retreats to rejoin with his fellow brothers in arms, too unfocused to answer any of Lucky's questions. He half-reports half pleads to his captain.

"Sir, Jeffrey and Thom is down. We couldn't even touch the fella." The captain spares a moment to consider this, and then another. "Tch. Must be another band of mercenaries. Just our luck." He then takes a step back and raises his voice up, addressing both the Redfangs and the squad members in the vicinity, which only includes Lucky at the moment.

"Okay, we're ready to talk if you let us go. Otherwise we will just go down fighting." But the Redfangs don't seem to take positively to this, having been sieged by these guys for who knows how long. They continue on with their attacks.

"To hell with that! You'll squeal like piglets anyway!"

It seems that without someone's intervention, the Redfangs would rather die than to give them any sort of mercy or consider any negotiation. As if to underline the point, the boisterous Azwar hacks into the Mongoose captain just as the latter sticks his dagger deep into the Redfang's stomach, and they both collapse to the ground one by one.

Immortal vs. Leo, same deal:





Lynam III
2018-12-17, 04:42 AM
Lucky pursues the fleeing mercenary just in time to see the captain go down. He addresses the barbarians as he encircles the Mongeese still left standing. "Good work, brothers. Please try not to kill them. We need to figure out how to calm down the crazed giant to save my friend, and they might know something. Also, we might want to meet their boss..."

HP: 32/40
AC: 21 (22 against 2)
PP: 8/8

I think Lucky was one more square to the west. Lucky moves to the west of Mongoose 2 in a way that doesn't trigger an AoO.

2018-12-17, 09:48 PM
"COIN!?!?" Ian shouts incredulously, "You think we're here for coin?!?"
He drops his guarded stance to point angrily down into the Arena, just as Leolin gets dropped like a bag of potatoes.
"HE is being controlled by mind tricks and killing everyone that moves! I'm trying to find the one responsible and instead I get attacked! OF COURSE I'LL FIGHT BACK!"
This was outrageous, Ian had come expecting some sort of mastermind and all they'd found was a pack of greedy sellswords.
"Now help save your own skins by stopping him or get out of my way so that I can do my job as a doctor and save lives!"

Diplo again, mainly for fluff since I can't see this conversation being taken with a Total Defense action.
Diplo as full-round with Inspirtion (already took penalty into account): [roll0]

2018-12-19, 11:57 AM
"Ssh. Shut your yap for a sec, old man."

At first, Ian's rambling sounds like it only helps to irritate and aggravate the sellswords more. But then, as if on cue, the gritty-grindy sounds of something large climbing on rough stone draws everyone's attention to the arena. The Mongooses quickly turn color, and half push half shove Ian down the steps and then quickly behind the benches. One of the Mongooses, a veteran with a couple of face scars, hushes down both Ian and his friend.

"Right-o. Let's wait for the big guy to go, before anything."

Moments later, all three men can watch the large figure of Immortal climbing atop the pillar, and then jumping off to the main cavern floor as if nothing. He then takes a moment to look around from behind his hairy brows like a hunting dog, and given that the Ian/mercs group doesn't make any noises, starts to move towards the eastern front.

On that very front, Lucky arrives to the scene to see that the Redfangs are a bit too riled up to listen to reason just yet.

"No way! These bas'ards hunted us down for hours, now it's time that they get what they deserve!"

They whale on the Mongooses, who try their best to step back and dodge, but with their captain down, they seem like they might revert to fighting if this continues on.

The Mongooses practically grapple-move Ian behind the benches so that everyone could hide for a sec.

Edit: Yep, that passes, with the circumstance bonuses.

Eastern Mongooses do full defense.




Lynam III
2018-12-20, 06:17 PM
Flanking both Mongeese, Lucky performs his famous dance of saps.

HP: 32/40
AC: 23 (24 against 2; 5 if 2 is down)
PP: 8/8

Combat Expertise 2. Full attack. Lucky flanks both 2 and 5. Attack 1 is against 2. Attack 2 is against 2 if he is still standing; otherwise 5.

Attack 1: [roll0] (Flank bonus included)
Damage 1: [roll1]
Sneak 1: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4]
Sneak 2: [roll5]

2018-12-21, 06:22 AM
Ian really didn't like them.
He truly didn't.
But he liked the idea of getting turned into jelly less, so he was prevailed upon to stay quiet for the time being.
Then Immortal's trundling figure heading towards the commotion to the east attracts Ian's attention.
Is Miss Leolin all right? I need to get a look at her. Perhaps now would be a good time as any to use a few of those tools of mine.
"Stay calm," he whispers, "I need my bag if any of us plan on getting out of this alive."
Hopefully, they wouldn't freak out at the floating bag and attack him.

Manifesting Control Object on Ian's bag to bring it into his square. Then using a move action to sheathe the dagger he had in hand.
PP: 4/11
Inspiration: 0/4

2018-12-22, 06:14 PM
As Immortal leaves her side, Leolin realizes that she didn't really succumb to Immortal's sleeper lock, and it was mostly her own acting. Nevertheless, she feels like she can move now.

Ian's trick doesn't amaze the Mongooses since they know that he is a telekinetic from all the weaponry he's been throwing at them for minutes. The veteran one admonishes Ian harshly but still in whispers:

"Look, do what you want with the big guy. We have a legitimate contract on those lawless barbarians on account of all the people they killed here. Understood? Get your friends and leave."

As much unaware of the situation at the west as they are of the situation here, Lucky nevertheless steps into the blind spots of the two Mongooses and knocks them both out with two very accurate hits to the head. The Redfangs look surprised and impressed for a moment, and begin to cheer, but that cuts short, since the lumbering but deceptively quick figure of Immortal runs around the benches and charges at them with full speed. Even the elder looks a bit taken aback, and his voice cracks a little as he talks.

"Simu, take Azwar and leave. We'll hold this guy off. Right, friend?" he says to Lucky and without waiting a reply, launches a line of red hot fire at Immortal. Though both Lucky and the Redfang warrioress can see that that might not be the wisest idea, she doesn't question his elder's directive, and tries to get Azwar's limp body and hurry to the corridors.

Energy Bolt: [roll0]
[roll1] vs. DC 14


2018-12-24, 03:20 PM
Leolin's still out of gas, but it's hard not to here the brute clamber out of the arena and charge at the fleeing Redfangs. Sure, she couldn't keep up her rage forever, but at this point, she's willing to bet that he won't have it much longer either.

"Hey." Dire Felicia's voice echoes from the pit as a low growl, as loud as a shout but too huffed and drawn out to be considered an exclamation. Drained from exertion, but with renewed focus from her quick breather, she musters her powers to dash and leap out of the pit. With a cloud of sand and dust on her heels, she to a stop right next to her tailor-made rival.

"I'm not done with you yet."

Hustle and Mental Leap together should give her enough movement to set up a flanking-esque position.

Jump: [roll0] (+13 'normal' +10 psionic -2 fatigue)

Lynam III
2018-12-25, 12:16 PM
Lucky has a smug look on his face as he knocks out the two mercenaries in one go. The smug look disappears as the giant rushes forth to engage them. Upon hearing the elder's words, he gulps and nods weakly. "Riiight..." He forces himself into his most defensive stance and starts swinging at the Immortal. "If we somehow survive this, you owe me big time, y'hear?"

Leolin's arrival on the scene restores his hopes considerably. Lucky mentally upgrades his assessment of their chances of survival from deader than a stiff in Steadwick's sewers to a guy with a bounty of a million thrones visiting the local bounty hunters guild.

HP: 32/40
AC: 27 (28 against the Immortal)
PP: 8/8

Full attack against the Immortal. Combat Expertise 6. I am also rolling for sneak attacks in case Lucky can flank him (using 5 foot move if necessary).

Attack 1: [roll0] (+2 if flanking)
Damage 1: [roll1] (nonlethal)
Sneak 1: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3] (+2 if flanking)
Damage 2: [roll4] (nonlethal)
Sneak 2: [roll5]

Lynam III
2018-12-25, 12:17 PM
I somehow messed up the rolls.

Attack 1: [roll0] (+2 if flanking)
Damage 1: [roll1] (nonlethal)
Sneak 1: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3] (+2 if flanking)
Damage 2: [roll4] (nonlethal)
Sneak 2: [roll5]

2018-12-28, 03:10 PM
Lucky, not having fought many times with a brute as big as this one, miscalculates his strikes and has his saps glance off the meaty thighs of Immortal. He, on the other hand, doesn't even recognize Lucky as a threat (yet), and turns to the flame-wielding tribesman. Reaching at him, he grabs the elder like a doll and smacks him to the ground. The Redfang falls limp, not moving any more.

At this point, the remaining trio of Academy graduates receive a sudden inspiration about something that the Headmistress (who was a telepath herself) had mentioned in a lecture once.

Immortal vs. Elder
Grapple check autosucceeds.

Grapple check autosucceeds.
[roll2] vs. 15

Grapple check autosucceeds.
[roll4] vs. 15

Knowledge: Psi, DC 15, +4 circumstance bonus from lesson

You remember from the lecture that even the most powerful forms of "mind control" often has to take into account the victim's own personality, unless it risks receiving too much resistance. Thus, orders or suggestions often have to be formulated in plausible and tricky ways. Connecting this to Immortal's behavior so far could hint to the limits of the mind control.


2018-12-28, 03:52 PM
Leolin huffs as she stomps in pursuit of the big guy. "HEY! What the hell?! Am I BORING you now? I SAID," she grabs his arm to turn him around, "I'm not DONE with you yet!"

She knows she won't be able to pin him in her condition, but she just needs him to focus on her and stop dodging Lucky's attacks.

Grab Attack: [roll0]

Grapple: [roll1]

Lynam III
2019-01-01, 07:34 AM
Lucky curses as the giant strikes the Redfang down. Out of all options, he starts thinking on how they can best avoid being giant food. The sudden inspiration on how mind affecting talents work gives him some new ideas. He lists down what they know about the Immortal in his head.

1) The Immortal did not attack the Moongeese in the second tunnel despite the fact that they could easily be heard from his throne.
2) The Immortal attacked them when they were fighting in the large room.
3) The Immortal did not attack to kill -- he left unconscious people alone.

Lucky reasons that the Immortal might not pursue them if they leave the large room, and he wouldn't kill the others either. Then they could stealthily move the unconscious people out of the large room one by one.

"Leo! Let's make a run for the tunnels! I have a hunch that the Immortal will not leave the room!"

HP: 32/40
AC: 21 (22 against the Immortal)
PP: 8-?/8

Lucky moves as in the map below. The first 5 ft is Tumble (see OOC for the roll). If the second square is also threatened, Lucky uses Evade Attack (3PP) to get rid of the AoO.


2019-01-01, 08:00 AM
By the way, given how Leo came to help Lucky but he now retreats, I'm willing to let Leo retcon (if she likes) the post and try and retreat as well, on the account of Lucky actually being ahead of Leo on initiative list.

2019-01-01, 08:35 PM
Lucky interrupts Leolin as she's stomping over to yell at Immortal, but his idea kind of makes sense for some mind control strategies. She nods and runs around the column to follow him to the corridor, letting her expansion power wear off so she can maneuver more easily.

2019-01-02, 06:58 PM
Leolin finds retreat to be easier now that brute is a bit away, but Lucky is not that lucky. With the Redfang elder out of the fight (or worse?), the only target in Immortal's reach seems to be the swashbuckler-looking-watchman, and he makes a beeline for him. Lucky notices the movements of the "King of the Arena" are getting slower as his adrenaline rush presumably is subsiding (something he often observed in his teammate, Leolin), though it remains obvious that the huge fist coming for his head still has the power to down an ox.

That reminds me, both Leo and Immortal should be out of rage, by now. Which means no charge nor run. Anyway,

[roll0] vs. 22
[roll1] vs. 13
[roll2] vs. 15, possibly

Lucky should remember that if he uses Evade Attack to evade this, he wouldn't be able to use it in his next turn, due to how immediate actions work.


Lynam III
2019-01-04, 06:59 AM
Lucky is extremely surprised when the giant's fist -- do you still call them fists if they are the size of a boulder? -- connects with him despite all of his efforts to avoid it. As he experiences trauma worse than being hit by a racing horse on full gallop, it takes all of his mental power not to pass out and join the slumber party on the arena floor. Realizing the next punch might very well snuff the life out of him, he starts running like never before, evading the opportunistic attack from the beast he can anticipate coming. As Lucky runs for his life, he screams out his rather crass personal opinions regarding the Immortal's ancestry and sexual life in graphic detail that could make a pirate blush.

HP: 12/40
AC: 21 (22)
PP: 4/8

Lucky runs in a straight line (with a slope of 1/12) all the way to the other end of the arena. He uses Evade Attack to get rid of the Immortal's AoO, paying 3 PP.


2019-01-06, 01:57 AM
Ian had frozen up earlier, unsure of how to resolve this without further losses.
"Where's Bassett?" Ian calls out to Lucky.
He wasn't exactly sure how to stop someone who could go toe-to-toe with Leolin and beat her, but he could possibly slow him down.

Holding action to manifest Control Object on the object that is to the right of Moira. Trigger is if Immortal comes within 15 feet of an ally, it will be moved to interpose itself between the two while making a single slam attack if possible.

2019-01-07, 06:39 PM
Leolin, Lucky and the newly resuscitated Moira all manage to scarper into the mouth of the tunnel, and the fact that the mercenaries follow suit can mean two things: either they are just blindly escaping from Immortal's wrath as well, or that they already know something similar to what Lucky surmised. It seems to Lucky's senses that the latter might be likelier, but one never knows.

The galloping Immortal, on the other hand, jumps over his own throne only to be blocked and attacked by a telekinetically animated barrel. Ian thinks he maybe costed him about 10-15 feet of movement as the brute tries to circumvent the blockade, but now that he's the only one standing in front of him, he would better make a decision, and quick.


Edit: Ian's attack hits, for a very low amount of damage.


Lynam III
2019-01-08, 07:42 AM
Lucky shoots a deadly glare at Ian as he runs past him. "He is right where you left the two of us to deal with the eight mercenaries you provoked. Now shut up and follow."

As he runs past the two remaining mercenaries: "All of your comrades including your captain are knocked out. It's time we have a word about this crazy mess. Follow me."

Lucky positions himself in the middle of the corridor, still clutching his two saps, bloodied by his wounds. The mercenaries can easily figure out that Lucky is not intending to let anyone get past him. He also motions Leo and Moira to stand beside him if they choose to do so.

If everyone enters the corridor and the Immortal does not enter

Lucky addresses the two mercenaries. "Before we begin, let me make some things clear: One, I personally knocked out four of your pals while they were busy stabbing my friend Basset, and I am rather pissed. Two, if you want to save your friends, or your own skin for that matter, your best bet is full cooperation. Now, first tell us everything you know about the crazy giant. Continue with what you were doing here and for whom. I already know you were here for the Redfangs, but not the reason."

HP: 12/40
AC: 21 (22 against 7)
PP: 7/8

Lucky moves as indicated below.

Diplomacy: [roll0]


2019-01-09, 03:21 PM
Some short distance into the corridor, it becomes apparent that the Immortal isn't pursuing the group for whatever arcane reasoning governs his mind.

Lucky can see that the mercenaries are pretty fed up by all this chaos as well, and though their hands still grip their weapons, they point them downwards non-threateningly. The older, more experienced-looking one sizes up the group and sighs before replying.

"No need to snarl at us, sellsword. The situation is hairy as it is. Which band are you guys from, by the way? Never heard of your group before."

"Look, we don't know who the big fella is, nor why is he acting the way he does. The Cap only said that we had to avoid him while getting the Redfangs. We're told they are responsible for wrecking this place up, and it's probably right. What do you expect from a bunch of unwashed barbarians anyway?

"I don't know much about the client other than the fact that he's a really rich guy. The pay was more than double for something such as this, even considering the danger factors. But... it seems they didn't consider it enough.

"For more, we have to get Cap outta there. He should know more about the client, since he talked with them himself."

Lucky feels like the guy is trying to get a little something out of the situation, which is probably his captain's life. But otherwise, he seems to believe what he tells.

Lynam III
2019-01-13, 04:56 PM
Lucky chuckles at the question about their band. "We are not an outfit; we were just paying a visit to the Arena."

"That giant goes by the name the Immortal, and I think a weirdo messed with his head and drove him crazy. Speaking of that, have you seen his friend the Saint around?" He briefly describes the Saint.

"Heh, I agree that you took a nasty job. Look, here's the deal: You two and I sneak around the long way to the south, and bring all the unconscious people one by one. The thing is, I don't want you skulking around Basset or the Redfangs. If the Redfangs are alive, do not do anything to provoke them either. Once everyone is back safely, I expect your Cap to provide more details than you did regarding the employer."

"Do we have a deal?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Lucky recharges Precognition if he has the time.

If the group starts the process of recovering the bodies, Lucky will first check the pulse on the Redfang elder. then he will check up on Basset and recover and reload his Fiveshooters. In the next run, he will visit the second corridor. In the final run of the mercenaries, Lucky will stay at the entrance tunnel and greet them with his pistols ready to convince them to disarm.

2019-01-14, 06:52 PM
From the look on the mercenary's face it's clear that he doesn't believe the story that you're not an outfit and "just paying a visit to the arena". But he doesn't press on.

"Okay... deal. I guess we could go and renegotiate this wagonwreck of a situation with whichever moneyman the Cap talked to.

"Also, there's a second exit from the cave when you follow the middle corridor where we were fighting. So, we could just carry everyone over there, and it'd be way faster."

As the trio makes their way around the arena, they see that Immortal has gone back to his seat in the middle, which makes the sneaking at least a bit easier. And in a few minutes, Lucky and the mercenaries can pull everyone back in the middle corridor. A cursory check on the elder suggests that he's dead. His neck lies in an unnatural angle thanks to the punch from Immortal, and he doesn't seem to respond. For the rest, a bit more examination might be needed.

Still, Leolin and Ian -- the somewhat less sneaky members of the squad, remain on the other side.

Edit: Meh, mucked up the rolls.

2019-01-14, 07:02 PM
Let's make kind of a group check for fun.
[roll0] vs. DC 13
[roll1] vs. DC 13
[roll2] vs. DC 13

[roll3] vs. DC 3
[roll4] vs. DC 3
[roll5] vs. DC 3

Okay, you have more than 3 successes. He hears something, but it doesn't trigger anything bad.

2019-01-17, 10:51 PM
Ian goes back to the stands, ashamed at how his alarm and haste had nearly gotten them all killed.
He sees Basset's form in the distance and begins to levitate him slowly through the air towards the group so that he might tend to his wounds.

Manifesting Telekinetic Force on Bassett's armor so that Ian can move him through the air silently and towards safety.

2019-01-18, 07:09 PM
By hiding behind the benches, Ian manages to telekinetically bring Basset close enough to the middle corridor on the east side so that Lucky could get him to safety. But doing more would require Ian to stealthily circumnavigate the arena himself.

2019-01-21, 07:45 AM
Come on, guys...

Ian and Leolin manage to follow suit and sneak around the arena themselves, and the distance, coupled with all the cover they get from the benches allow them to successfully make it to the other side. They find Lucky and the other two Mongooses having brought everyone away from the main cave and to the safety of this side corridor.

A cursory triage suggests that all of the mercenaries have somehow survived, albeit with deep wounds. The only casualty seems to be, sadly, the barbarian elder, who got a rather unlucky punch from Immortal.

Nevertheless, the Mongoose captain wakes up, and seems to be lucid enough to answer a few questions.

Lynam III
2019-01-22, 07:47 PM
Lucky nods at the rest of the squad, and gives the mercenary captain some time to recover. "You guys did put up a good fight, but it looks like your quarry has already escaped. Well, all except the elder who was killed not by your men, but the giant." Lucky pauses for a bit. "I took care to knock your men out instead of killing them. In return of that and safe passage, we would like to know the identity of your employer and every detail you can tell us about the job you took. My advice would be to be truthful. This mess you got yourselves into... I wouldn't touch it for a thousand crowns; let me say that much." Lucky does not explicitly mention their advantageous position which should be obvious to a seasoned mercenary like the captain.

2019-01-24, 01:09 PM
"Cap" Dulton, a clean shaven no-nonsense guy that could be anywhere between 25 and 45 years old, props up to a sitting position and examines his own wounds while Lucky talks. From up close, Lucky can make out a few minor details he hasn't seen before: a red bandana on his shoulder who probably signifies his rank, and a dripping-wet pelt nailed onto his shield -- could that be a do-it-yourself precaution against the Redfangs' fiery talents?

Regardless, Cap Dulton smirks as Lucky mentions the "thousand crowns" figure. "That was, uh, 1200, actually. But you're close. Damn, man. I usually try to stay connected to the merc world, but I've never heard of your posse. What were you fellas called again?"

"Regardless, you had me on safe passage. If you really mean it. Anyway. Uh, it was one of Lord Coldbrook's men, goes by Young Jon. He didn't use his lord's name, but I asked around, and yeah, it turns out he was his bodyguard or something, another ex-merc. He didn't explain much, especially about the big guy apart from just a cryptic warning, but apparently these Redfangs wrecked this place up and he wanted retaliation. So I shot up the price, took along my full crew, and thought that was enough. I didn't expect this whole battlefield of a situation, though.

"Anyway, did some checking afterwards, found that he was Coldbrook's man, and everyone knows Coldbrook's connection to Broken Arrow. What I don't understand is who this big guy is, and who you guys are. You're not with Coldbrook now, are you?"

2019-01-25, 12:39 AM
Ian's brow furrowed as he thought on the information provided.
Broken Arrow? Haven't I heard that name somewhere?
"The big man is named Immortal. His ability allows him to take on several people all by himself. We came for some information from one of his associates, not for coin. Unfortunately, that looks to be out of the question as it is likely he escaped when someone forced Immortal to go berserk."

Know. (Local): [roll0]
I'm assuming the encounter we were on has ended or at least 1 minute has gone by since then. So spending an inspiration point to boost this check by +6.

2019-01-25, 08:18 PM
"Huh... yeah... about that..."

Leolin leans against the wall as she struggles to get the words out without wincing. It's hard to stay in character while you're clutching, like, three broken ribs. "Were you guys around when the big guy snapped? I wanna find who did that to him and kick their face off."

2019-01-27, 11:37 AM
Dulton nods at Ian as he takes everything explained at face value. He mainly looks nonplussed but there is a hint of irritation on his face.

"Figured it was something like that. All these Talents and stuff are really complicating the mercenary business. Hmph."

He looks at Leo next, and shrugs. Then he thinks about it a little longer.

"No, but... hmm. I spoke with Coldbrook's guy two days ago, so it shouldn't have been after that. Unless it was a planned thing. I... have no effin' clue."

"You did manage to wrestle with the fella long enough, though, so it can't be that big of an issue, right?"

I dumped the info you asked in the OOC thread, if you haven't seen already.

Lynam III
2019-01-27, 09:07 PM
Lucky cracks a smile at the repeated attempt to get the name of their 'mercenary outfit.' "We are on a long-term contract, and keeping a low profile is part of that. It's best if we keep it like that, but thanks for the compliment."

Upon hearing the whole story behind the mission, Lucky whistles. "Coldbrook, huh? He must either be overconfident or desperate... Two days ahead? Interesting..." He nods. "He was one of three people I suspected, so I believe you are telling the truth. I appreciate that. The Redfangs couldn't have caused this carnage; didn't have any reason to. It was probably the giant, and he looks like he is under the influence of a weirdo."

"It looks like Coldbrook simply hired you to tie some loose ends, the Redfangs. Someone didn't want them to talk. The problem is, the coverup is for a crime that could be described as... treason, I guess? Or maybe rebellion? I don't know. It is something that could cost some nobles their heads. You should have seen this coming, though. The twelve hundred number should have tipped you off."

Lucky pauses a bit to let the Captain appreciate the situation. "I have an offer if you are interested, though. You could get out of a botched mission alive, distance yourself from this mess, and get paid in full. Those remaining Redfangs; we will make them disappear. And when the City Guard come to clean this place up, they will report three Redfang corpses. This way, you can report your success to your contact, get the full reward, and walk away. You can tell him the giant downed all Redfangs, and no one will be the wiser. There is also the fact that the giant's friend, the Saint, has powers to revive people who stop breathing. I kid you not; I saw the man do it twice, here in this arena, not many days ago. So even if there is a slip, I don't think anyone would doubt the sincerity of your report."

"If you accept this offer, I would suggest not dealing with Coldbrook anymore. He is... too hot to shake hands with. And you should make sure your guys" -- Lucky points at the two mercenaries who are still on their feet -- "don't get too chatty. If you don't want to play along, that's also fine. We won't force you to. But if that's your intention, let me know so that I don't have to pull strings for the complicated coverup. We can live with both options, but my proposal would be more beneficial for both of us."

"What do you say?"

Diplomacy: [roll0] (added +2 via Precognition)

2019-01-28, 04:26 PM
The mercenary captain looks like he's considering the proposition, but Lucky can tell (partly with his Talent) that he's relieved. The guy was probably thinking that they were going to be attacked anyway after giving out the information.

"That'd be... a favorable deal for us. I mean, I'd thank you if not for the fact that you guys stopped us from doing our job in the first place. But I shan't look a gift horse in the mouth, as they say."

He gives the group another once-over, still trying to figure out who you are. After a moment or two, he shrugs, apparently giving up.

"Whoever you are, I think I understand enough that I think we'll be better off away from Arknian politics for a while. I've heard that the weather is pretty fair in the city states these months. What do you think, guys?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Whatever you say, cap."

"Then we accept. And I think it's high time we get going. These wounds aren't going to stitch themselves."

Unless the group has anything to add, the eight mercenaries begin to hobble their way out of this place via the eastern corridor. After they've gone, Basset similarly hobbles to the front while nodding approvingly.

"Nicely done there chief. The commander would want to hear about this Coldbrook situation."

Is the squad ready to leave?

Lynam III
2019-02-01, 04:22 AM
Lucky is relieved to hear the mercenary's decision. "Great choice. I myself might visit the Free Cities after our business here is done. Good luck on your next job."

Once the mercenaries are gone, Lucky proposes a plan to search for the barbarians right away. "We should find the Redfangs right now before their trail goes cold. Let's send one person back to the headquarters to ask Anton to meet us here while we split up and ask around. When we find them, we cannot parade them back to the headquarters either, so Anton will be key to find a location where they can lay low."

If Moira or Basset agrees, Lucky asks one of them to go to the HQ, inform Anton, telling him that he should bring a few men that he would trust not to be in any noble's pocket.

Gather information: [roll0]

2019-02-01, 09:33 PM
"Yeah, about that. When you said we'd make them, 'disappear,' what was your plan there exactly? It was pretty dumb of the Redfangs to come here, but they're looking to get justice for Iwar, same as us."

Leolin looks over her shoulder to see if Immortal has moved. "We should keep someone here too. The big guy probably won't remember any more than Iwar did, but we can at least get him out of here if the mind control wears off."

Lynam III
2019-02-01, 11:17 PM
"I was thinking of finding some place they can stay at and recuperate for a few days so that Lord Coldbrook's people lose track of them. After we learn what they know, we could help them sneak out of the city, or provide them with a more long-term place if they want to stay in the city until they see justice delivered. If some nobles were willing to spend so much money and send a small army after them, they must know something incriminating."

Lucky nods. "You're right. Let's do that."

Cespenar: Perhaps one of Basset or Moira can do that?

2019-02-02, 01:41 AM
Ian was still unhappy with how this whole situation had turned out, but then when has Ian ever been happy about a situation?
"I'm going to check on the room they were taking shelter in, perhaps there are some clues. I doubt that they will be waiting for us since there is another exit."
With that, Ian floated across the Arena, making sure to steer clear of the recently calmed Immortal.

Manifesting Telekinetic Force on armor and going across to the room mentioned.
He barely takes a moment to duck his head as he floats through the shattered remains of the door.
Now let's see if we can find anything useful here.
Taking 20 on Search and spending an Inspiration point on it to bump it up to a grand total of:31
Honestly not sure if Touchsight will do anything but just in case it's dark in there or someone's trying to ambush Ian, I'll put it out there.

2019-02-02, 10:57 AM
Upon listening Leo and Lucky's ideas, Basset suggests he can stay behind while Moira offers to return and get Anton.

Meanwhile, Ian enters the storage room (which they were standing right next to), and examines the various crates and barrels therein. He realizes that giving the room the "perfect" rummage would take him something like 15-20 minutes, so he (probably) does a cursory check at first.


Ian finds out that there are a lot of common storage items in the room, as no one apparently cared about fully moving them during the crisis. Besides food, tools and racks of common weapons, Ian discovers a small yet clean and expensive looking chest, containing not only top notch medical ingredients, but also five red-colored poultices of some uncommon origin.

First, the ingredients let Ian upgrade his Healer's Kit to Masterwork.

By taking 10 on both Heal and Psicraft for 20 and 25, Ian can make a Sherlock Holmes deduction that these are "prototype" poultices containing a mixture of medical herbs and Saint's blood.

They take 1 minute to take effect, and heal 10 damage. It can't bring someone above %50 HP.

If/after the planning is complete and the group is done here, does the squad split and try to find the Redfangs as Lucky suggests, or do something else?

2019-02-03, 11:41 PM
Leolin is keen on finding the Redfangs again.

Lynam III
2019-02-04, 11:50 AM
Lucky prepares to leave the arena and search for the Redfangs. Before leaving, Lucky passes his whisky flask to Basset. "Thanks for standing your ground with me in that mess, Basset. If it weren't for you, we would most likely end up dead. I owe you one."

2019-02-04, 07:46 PM
Basset looks pretty worn out and covered with small wounds, but he takes the flask and tries to grin. "No problem, chief. It was, uh, a tactical decision, you know."

If you have any methods you want to try in order to find them, you can describe them along with two skill checks of your choice that are reasonable. Lucky already used one on Gather Info, for example.

This should be reasonably easy though.

Lynam III
2019-02-05, 11:01 AM
Lucky asks around whether anyone has seen a barbarian woman carrying a wounded person.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2019-02-07, 05:56 AM
Ian honestly wasn't sure if there was any point to trying to find the Redfangs but he followed the others, making sure to tuck the newly acquired medical supplies and resolving to actually invest in a dedicated medicine bag.

2019-02-08, 06:21 PM
In the time that Moira returns with some of Anton's men, Lucky manages to find the Redfangs by simply asking around. It turns out they headed for the first surgeon they could find to stitch themselves up. They don't take the death of their elder lightly (if Lucky tells them), and swears and death-threats are uttered in droves.

Soon, however, all is ready for the group's plan, and some of Anton's men help move the Redfangs to a secure location while others cordon off the various entries to the sewers and contain the situation, and hopefully wait for Immortal to come around.

Back at HQ, considering the medical condition of the squad members, Commander Maela postpones the standard-length debrief for tomorrow, and lets everyone get a good rest and proper patching up.

Lynam III
2019-02-13, 10:45 PM
Lucky explains the situation to Anton, and asks for his help in covering up Redfangs' escape. When the situation in the Arena is wrapped up, everyone in the Watch must hear all Redfangs died in the Arena.

During the meeting with the barbarians, Lucky asks Azwar and the other Redfang to share everything they know with the group.

2019-02-16, 06:22 PM
The Redfangs, spiteful about the loss of their elder, tell everything they can to the group and Anton. From their explanations it looks like they didn't really find out much about Iwar that the group already hadn't known. But they apparently did their investigations much more conspicuous than the squad -- multiple visits back to the Arena, asking around in a lot of shifty taverns, etc. that it eventually drew someone's attention. They continue to describe a certain "Young Jon", who asked them to come to the Arena for some "information" about Iwar's disappearance. The squadmembers recall that he was the right hand of Lord Coldbrook who also the point of contact with the Mongooses.

The squad can also reflect that they might have inadvertently triggered all of this when they had told the Redfangs about Iwar's disappearance back in their first visit to the Arena, agitating them enough that they started doing their own investigations. Though this, admittedly, would have been hard to foresee.


The next morning, the scouts around the Arena report that Immortal is still in his sentry-like state, occasionally resting, but still under the influence.

The group finally does their debrief with Commander Maela, and with every word she becomes visibly more and more angry to the point of her lips becoming just a thin line on her face.

"Right, we move on Coldbrook and Renlon."

Lieutenant Rhon is quick to counter. "Commander, they are high ranking noblemen, not to mention they would just let their henchman take the fall-"

"I know, Lieutenant. I mean, we move on their assets. Broken Arrow. This Young Jon. Renlon's Talented bodyguards. I want full eyes on them."

Anton clears his throat. "Ma'am, as you know, since that event with Marshal, I already planted a few guys into Broken Arrow. We know the whereabouts of most of their safehouses in the Duchy."

"Right. I want a last full report on these safehouses before we pick our strategy. If we can take in most of their top guys all at once, there would be just too many fingers pointing at these 'Lords' for anyone to ignore."

"That will take a few days, ma'am."

"Okay, get on it. And don't stare your eyes out at me, Rhon. Fine, let's talk alternatives instead, just in case. Oh, and great job, guys. Good thing you avoided a carnage there. It's sad about the elder, but you can't save everyone. Anyway, you earned a break. Try to get some rest and have those nicks and bruises looked up, eh? But don't venture out too far, in case something goes wrong with Immortal again."

With that, the group has a good-earned day of rest. Also, a long-awaited visit to the quartermaster nets you your 20 crown pay, with a 20 crown bonus to boot. The quartermaster's assistant winks at Lucky as he hands over the crowns, whispering under his breath that he heard Samir got some new items.

"Do let me have a peek if you buy anything interesting, though."

Lynam III
2019-02-20, 12:46 AM
During the debriefing

Lucky considers whether he should keep his theories to himself or not, and then decides to share them with the commander anyway. He clears his throat. "The most straightforward explanation for this mess would put Coldbrook and Renlon behind the attack against Duchess Glaucia. However there are some problems with that. From my interactions with Lord Coldbrook, I could tell that he was no fool. If he was behind the plot, it would be very uncharacteristic of him to leave a link that directly leads to the viscount and himself like Iwar. There is a possibility that Iwar was brainwashed by a Talented without the consent of the two -- or at least Coldbrook. In such a case, it would make sense for him to try to tie loose ends and kill the Redfangs in desperation. Attempting to have the Redfangs murdered is a crime however you look at it, but we do not have conclusive evidence of treason until we find out what their relationship to the mind-controller was. Finding out how they became aware of the Immortal's situation might help."

"If my hunch is right, the goal of the mind-controller might be to start open conflict between the nobles close to the Temple and the Duke by using one group's man to attack the other."

"To find the mind-controller, we need to think harder. I first thought it could be Madhouse from the Breaker's crew that we met in the past. But that guy's talent was to make us see things, not wipe memories and command people around like what happened to Iwar and the Immortal. There was another Talented criminal that Silvas had mentioned back in the day: the Whisperer. Maybe this could be the person behind all these events. We might want to contact the Academy to learn more about him."


When collecting his pay from the quartermaster's assistant, Lucky counts the coins and adds. "Hey, do not forget the extra crown! I am Senior Watchman, now, remember?" He winks. Lucky thanks him for the tip, and decides to pay a visit to Samir's emporium.

"Hey, Samir! It's your favorite Watchman. Do you have anything new for me? Any luck on a fast reload solution we talked about the last time?"

2019-02-20, 02:51 PM

Anton nods. "I expect not only just Coldbrook but also de Renlon to have enough of a mind to not plan an open assassination against the Duchess. They were probably taken by surprise by this as well, but we have no idea of the connection this mind controller has between de Renlon and Coldbrook to theorize who was using who and through which means. Though if you have any ideas..?"

When Lucky speaks about Whisperer, the mechanics of telepathy, and asking the Academy for help, Maela waves a hand. "Ian, you keep in touch with the Academy, correct? You can handle this?"

"Oh, and speaking about the Academy, I almost forgot. People, let's bring in our new members to the squad."

With that, two men and one petite woman walk into the room. Maela confers to her notes by each one, greeting the new members with a nod and reading off the info.

"Theophilus. Can physically change shape, turn into animal-like forms. It also writes here that you're in absolute control of your Talent, unlike one incident with a certain 'Beast' that we had to deal with. Welcome to the team. I am positively sure that you will be of great help."

"Archibald Strain. Goes by 'Ghost'. Can alter, recall and implant memories, and make people forget him. If you didn't have an alibi, we'd have you in for questioning now," she jokes. "I expect you to be of great help since we established we're dealing with a mind controller. Still, I hope I don't need to remind you about reining in your power, now that you're working for Duke Aldhard and his law."

"And... Minnie Ratjakowski, also known as 'Mouserat'. I believe some of our men already know of you. Before anyone says anything, though, let me underline that Private Mouserat is here on probation. Her 'deeds' aren't forgotten, but she supplied (and continues to supply) the Watch with enough information that Duke Aldhard has issued a pardon for her past crimes. It will probably be in her interest, though, to not fall back to her old habits. Anyway, welcome."

2019-02-20, 09:30 PM
It's a good thing Lucky has a good head on his shoulders. Never could stand these debriefings.
At the mention of 'cuts and bruises' Ian snorts in derision but makes no comments as he is assigned another project.
Ian sighed a bit, not wanting to speak with Lucky as it was Ian's curiosity that had roused Immortal and nearly gotten everyone killed.
"Come by the study later, I should be able to answer most of your questions. I can also write a letter back to the Academy if I absolutely have to."
This last part is grated out, brow wrinkled in what could be most closely described as disgust.

As the newcomers are introduced, his reaction is mixed.
"Ah! Mr. Theophilus! Perfect timing that you should join us, I would like you and Ms. Leolin to test a new procedure I have thought up of. However..."
He pauses in scrutiny of the three.
"I don't suppose any of you kept up with keeping control of your abilities while under extreme duress have you? If not, I have little to offer you and I'll be continuing my research on my own."
He gives a suspicious glance at Mouserat, not entirely aware of it himself.
Why do I have the feeling we've met somewhere?

Ian spends much of his time looking for more ways to expand the possibilities of enhancing Talents, he looks for other possible materials that are purported to enhance Talents or the lodestones' unique properties. Precious metals perhaps?
He even goes so far as to crush some lodestones and puts trace amounts into a concoction for drinking, looking for Leolin and Theophilus to help test his theories that the minerals found in lodestones could be absorbed by the body much like other minerals were, even if only temporarily.
Lastly, he looks into how to further refine or obtain purer lodestones, convinced that there were exceptionally powerful lodestones in existence.
He even goes so far as to go to Samir's to see if such a thing could be obtained.
Yeah, I know that lodestones are pretty much natural magnets but might as well try to use what an 18th century fellow would know in order to try to figure this out.
If any of these matter:
Know. (Psionics): 16 + 7 Take 20
Psicraft: 16 + 7 Take 20
Know. (Nature): 6 + 7 Take 20
He makes sure to buy a set of daggers and another greatsword to complement his array of weapons.

2019-02-21, 03:40 PM
Theophilus looks at Ian somewhat sideways.

"Well then, I guess I will be happy....not to help you?" he says quizzically.

"As for the rest, it's a pleasure to meet you all and I look forward to working with you. If there's anything you think I should know about how you do things please let me know so I can smoothly integrate into your team. I'm sure you'll find my skill set quite useful in the field."

With that, Theophilus leans against the wall and waits to hear from the rest of the team.

2019-02-21, 04:08 PM
Ghost enters and nods at his introduction, a slight smile upturning the corner of his mouth at the suggestion that he needed an alibi.

Wearing a modest suit, and a cane, he looked the part of a business man, as common as could be in a tailor store uptown, a timepiece hid in his breast pocket, the chain fashionably dangling down in a loop of golden metal, attached to his vest button. He wore a bolo hat, cocked ever so slightly to the side, and he was well groomed underneath it, his face was clean shave, and teeth were impeccable.

You got the impression, he was showing what he wanted, and hiding what he didn't, as if he could slip into a crowd, and become someone else entirely.

But he did look good in that Bolo hat.

He smiles and greets everyone "It is nice to meet you all." he says quietly, and calmly "Glad that I'll be working with you all, what is the next step of this investigation? locate this Whisperer?"

2019-02-21, 05:30 PM
"Huh! Hey everyone!" Leolin beams as the other academy newbies show up. She offers high fives to whoever happens to be next to her, but she's so much taller than Minnie that she has to make it a chest-high five just to meet her halfway.

"So, Immortal is still under the influence, after all that? I guess we know Iwar's memories were toast, but I thought hypnotic commands were supposed to wear off eventually." ...of course, she's far from the expert on the matter. She looks to Ghost, figuring that this is kind of in his wheelhouse. With Ian proccupied with crystal study, having someone else familiar with this stuff around is going to be a godsend.

"So, we don't think Renlon's doing it, just that someone recruited Iwar from under him, and the only one we know can do this minds stuff is Whisper, who no one's actually caught yet. Who benefits from pitting Renlon and the church against each other? I can't think of anyone."

Lynam III
2019-02-24, 11:26 AM
Lucky welcomes the new members of the group. He nods at Theophilus. "That Talent sounds very impressive. I am looking forward to see how it works. Uh... Do we need to carry some extra clothing around?" He grins.

Lucky shakes Archibald's hand and whistles. "Your outfit is impeccable, Archibald. I wish you were with us earlier in our investigation missions. They would be a cakewalk. The abilities you mentioned... sound scarily useful. Welcome to the team."

The name Mouserat makes Lucky pause. He doesn't recall her face, but after a moment or two, he connects the dots and his jaw drops. "Mouserat, from Blacklight's gang?" Lucky looks at Commander Maela again in incredulity. "Uhh.. Nice to meet you Minnie. You gave us quite the slip at the auction. You must have already briefed the Commander on the details, but it would be wonderful if you could also clarify a few details of your mission back then. Like who you sold the jewels to, and who this Marshal fella is."

Lucky is a bit surprised that everyone took his theory regarding the mind-controller's identity as a fact. "Well, the mind-controller can be Whisperer, but my idea was just based on me not knowing any other people with a mind-controlling Talent. But as our new friend Archibald proves, we have no idea how many people with such Talents are wandering around in Steadwick." He looks at Ian. "Ian, why don't you send a letter to the Academy asking them to share everything they know about Whisperer? Doesn't have to be long. Let's hear what they know."

2019-02-24, 12:59 PM

Sergeant Anton steps to join in the conversation, nudging Theophilus after his talk with Ian.

"Don't worry, he is usually like that to everyone."

Then he tries to answer Archibald's question. "The focus is on the Broken Arrow mercenary company right now. We have no knowledge about this Whisperer, if he or she is really called that, but we feel that as soon as Immortal wakes up from his haze, we'll be able to shed some light on that."

If anyone wants to continue with the theorycrafting, they are still free to do that.

After the Briefing

If one or more of the senior members care to give the new members a tour of the HQ, their path will inevitably go to the Quartermaster's offices, where the newcomers will be given their first weekly pay in advance as well. Namely, a small pouch of 20 crowns (gp). They are also free to requisition any mundane items or weapons that they might need from here, within a sensible limit.

Afterwards, Lucky, Ian or Leo can accompany them further into the city and to the so-called Samir's Emporium, the premier shop in Steadwick on cutting edge arms and armor. There, Samir, the moustachio'd and richly clad shopkeeper greets the group with unparalleled vigor, even going as far to give Lucky a hearty, double-handed handshake.

"Ah my friends! Bringing in new people as well, oh, what a surprise! Very well met, to you all." Then, to Lucky, he continues.

"I've looked into the matter you spoke of, but sadly, there isn't yet something that can help you reload faster than you already do. But at least be content, my friend, that your fiveshooters are still the fastest way to pour some lead into a problem on the battlefield. That said, I've acquired some neat new items that might interest you all."

"Here's a new something called a 'Breechloader (http://shipwrecklibrary.com/wp-content/uploads/Dolep_Break-action_Flintlock.jpg)', from Stahlberg. Notice how it breaks at the breach, allowing for quicker than normal reload. A bargain at 70 crowns, if you also consider that it's of exceptional quality.

"Also here is a truly collector's item, a sister piece to your sword, my lucky friend. Called 'Baron's Left Hand', supposedly this parrying dagger (http://brightblades.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/SH1031b.jpg) saved Lord Steiger in many of his fencing bouts. Just 75 crowns."

"And last but not least, this one (https://www.replicadungeon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/image-392.jpeg) comes from a captain of a northern pirate ship. He supposedly called this 'The Sneaky', and used it to end many a knifefight... with a bang. Again, a masterwork item, and quite affordable at just 60 crowns."

"Not to mention my usual stock as well, of course."

To the side of the shop, the squad can easily find a sign listing Samir's other items that he had shown them in their earlier visits.

Bulletproof Cuirass (increased DR against firearms): 70 crowns.
Pocket Pistol (concealable): 20 crowns.
Wyrmling (shorter, heavier musket): 40 crowns.
Volleybox (inaccurate, multiple bore pistol): 40 crowns.
Fiveshooter (repeating pistol of shoddy quality): 90 crowns.
Lead-lined shield (supposedly protects against psionics): 60 crowns.
Mancatcher (polearm which can grapple): 5 crowns
Axegun (greataxe and musket combined): 50 crowns
Swordcane (concealable masterwork rapier): 70 crowns
Blunt arrows (nonlethal damage): 15 bits (silvers) a quiver
"Wound" (special, Talent-crafted dagger): 250 crowns
A good appraise check can give you the full stats of the item, along with a bonus on a price negotiation, if possible.

Ian's Experiments

Ian finally manages to put another day into his research, and though it isn't much to go with, he does end up testing some of his thoughts.

-Lodestones are only to be used on the person's forehead. Ingesting them does nothing other than what ingesting bits of metal would otherwise do.
-It feels like from his tests that purer lodestones could help in easing the process, but is unlikely to increase the effect. He can order some from Samir, if he'd want.
-About other materials: Ian finds references of precious metals like gold and silver having some kind of relation with Talents, but can't be certain how. Similarly, lead is mentioned in a few places as well, but its mentions seem to differ from lodestones, gold and silver.

2019-02-25, 12:39 AM
Theophilus gives a small smile. "I appreciate the thought but no. My clothes go...somewhere else when I change into something that couldn't wear them. Or perhaps they become part of me, honestly I can't say for sure. As for the rest, unfortunately most of my time recently has been spent training so I'm not particularly up on the current politics and I can't really say who might benefit from any sort of conflict. Who is this Whisperer you speak of?"

At the shop

Theophilus looks around with some interest. "Sadly, I'm not skilled in the use of firearms, however some of these seem quite interesting."

2019-02-25, 12:33 PM
Ghost nods to Lucky's compliments with a smile and listens to Sergeant Anton's response.

He is quiet as he is taken about, and shown the HQ and then the quatermasters, where he simply pockets the advance pay. His eyes light up when taken to Samir's Emporium, the sword cane was an obvious choice for him, but he lacked the funds, another time then.

Afterwards, he moves over to Ian "I might be interested in what you were talking about earlier? Controlling our talents under duress?"

Lynam III
2019-02-25, 10:01 PM
Lucky looks puzzled after hearing Theo's explanation regarding the clothes. "That sounds rather strange, but I am not an academagician like Gramps here. I'll take your word for it."

"Who might benefit from a conflict between de Renlon and friends and the Duke? Probably too many to count. Since de Renlon seems to be associated with the Church of the Family, it could be some Talented vigilantes. Then again, if the rumors regarding the Duchy of Stahlberg arming against King Terric are correct, it could also be their plan to sow conflict here in Steadwick. Or someone in the Free Cities. Or the North. Or it could be local nobles feuding. I am sure an outsider could even include the Academy in the list, given that the Church is a natural opponent."

Samir's Emporium

Lucky is quite impressed by 'Baron's Left Hand.' He holds it in his hand and gives it a few tries to assess how well it would perform in battle. "Samir, my dear friend, you won't find any solace until you own every crown I make, won't you? But you know me too well..." Lucky gives the dagger another swing. "I am feeling sorry for this Baron Steiger fella, though. He is still not done paying his debts? I fear you will sell me his pantaloons the next time I visit, friend." He winks. "Anyway, I do quite like the piece, but 75 crowns sounds rather steep. I had his sword for 70 crowns if you remember. So how about a little discount?"

Take 10 on Appraise: 15
Take 10 on Diplomacy: 26

2019-02-26, 06:19 AM
"And... Minnie Ratjakowski, also known as 'Mouserat'. I believe some of our men already know of you. Before anyone says anything, though, let me underline that Private Mouserat is here on probation. Her 'deeds' aren't forgotten, but she supplied (and continues to supply) the Watch with enough information that Duke Aldhard has issued a pardon for her past crimes. It will probably be in her interest, though, to not fall back to her old habits. Anyway, welcome."[/COLOR]

Probation, eh? Typical Watch types--you give them a gift and they just keep on taking. The words rattled around in her mind, reminding her. Once you were a criminal, you were always a criminal. It didn't matter what they said about you being Talented when everyone else had just called you a litany of names. It didn't matter who they could protect you from. Hells, as a poor girl from the streets of Steadwick she couldn't even believe she was thinking this, but it didn't matter what they paid you...they would always do it with that look of derision in their eyes. Mouserat was determined to prove them wrong.

"Uhh.. Nice to meet you Minnie. You gave us quite the slip at the auction. You must have already briefed the Commander on the details, but it would be wonderful if you could also clarify a few details of your mission back then. Like who you sold the jewels to, and who this Marshal fella is."

Mouserat lets a wry smirk cross her face, the first and only emotion she's shown so far. "Now now, darling," she chides. "A lady doesn't kiss and tell."

Turning the conversation back to more current events, she chimes in: "No offense, boys, but I think I see why I got away. You always spend this much time pondering? Boss Lady gave an order to put the pinch on Broken Arrow, so what are we waiting for? Let's shake the bushes and see what scampers out."


Inside the shop, the young woman's head barely reaches the display cases. At eye level with so many weapons, at first her eyes light up...until she starts to see the collection of firearms. At that, her face grows a little paler and she seems visibly uncomfortable.