View Full Version : Sick Pet Mouse ideas

2018-06-22, 06:11 PM
Just started on a new character with the urchin background and I've spent the whole day dreaming up creative, niche and downright absurd uses for his pet mouse. Can anyone aid me in my noble quest?

I'm talking casting Stoneskin on him and launching with a sling, or adding Fly and letting him divebomb unsuspecting enemies.

Purely hypothetical so please go nuts, but preferably doesn't result in the death of my beloved Lasershark :smallwink:

2018-06-22, 07:56 PM
Feed him various cheeses and you may be suprised by the results!!! (DQ 8 reference anyone?)

Get your Druid friend to cast Awaken on him at some point?

Play a Revised Beastmaster, but don’t advertise it.
Just wait for a moment when your mouse buddy suddenly leaps from your clothing without warning at an unsuspecting foe in a storm of fang and claws.....

Learn to cast enlarge and create a mouse of unusual size....

Falcon X
2018-06-23, 10:58 AM
Paint it yellow and teach it how to use a Wand of Lightning Bolt.

Declare that it is a great person, like a paladin or king, who has been transformed into a mouse and make it your life’s mission to restore him.

2018-06-23, 12:50 PM
The pet mouse an urchin character had in my campaign turned out to be a dragon which had accidentally been turned into the mouse by the wild magic unleashed by their innate sorcery manifesting. All entirely without their knowledge, of course. Just as well they were nice to their mouse, it turned back eventually...

2018-06-23, 01:24 PM
Polymorph it into a beetle, stick it in a wound, than unpolymorph it and let it eat the creature from the inside out

2018-06-24, 10:20 AM
Create a spin-off campaign after inserting it in a lower orafice of an enemy. It must find an alternate exit or surely perish.

Bonus points if you name it Lemmiwinks, and the BBEG Wikileaks.

Fire Tarrasque
2018-06-24, 10:53 AM
Worship the mouse as a deity and/or proclaim that it is (insert big important leader from background lore here) reincarnated.

King Owlbear
2018-06-24, 03:57 PM
Train the mouse to feed you a good berry whenever you are knocked unconscious.
The mouse should also wear any magic ring you find as a belt.
Since a lot of people use intelligence as a dump stat, find a headband of intellect and constantly refer to the mouse for advice.

2018-06-24, 05:52 PM
Name it Boo, and tell your other party members how it “likes the forest”.

Remknd them that not all are as trustworthy as Minsc (your self) and Boo.