View Full Version : Speculation Homebrew stream ideas/guesting?

2018-06-22, 08:42 PM
First HELLLOOOOOOO there GitP, been a bloody while! (Apparently my last post was in like... 2013 jesus.) I had a question for you guys and request from some fellow DM/Homebrewers!

So I've been streaming for a bit on twitch, just random games mostly for friends. They've been loving it and sharing it, I'm not really here to promote that but if anyone *is* interested in bull****tery in random video games shoot me a message and I'll link you. What I am here for is to ask for some random concepts or idea's people have had for fifth edition homebrew content, be it monsters, subclasses, classes, quests, feats, races, subraces etc. Also would anyone be interested in coming onto a livestream with me to discuss homebrew content in 5e and do live homebrewing with me?

I preface this with, if it is something you're interested in, it's all very rough sketch style, meaning far from balanced so don't expect that! I continue with, the reason I'm asking. The reason I ask all this is because some friends of mine who I've DM'd and are always complimenting my homebrew asked me why I never published any of my stuff, my reasoning is cause I just make it for myself and most of it is like... Not well put together, or well tested, nor is it written out well IMO. They kept pushing and pushing and then one of them just said "why don't you just livestream yourself making this stuff?"

That prompted the idea to do my Homebrouhaha, where I just make random things that come to mind, or are suggested by donators/subscribers, and just enjoy doing what I love doing, homebrewing random stuff for D&D which may never see the light of day in anything but my private tables.

SO if you're interested go ahead and post here with some idea's and I can add them to my little concept doc that I have on google docs. If you have any other suggestions for what a D&D homebrew stream could include or want to join on someday go ahead and pop a note in here as well! Though if you *really* wanna contact me to join me or you have some awesome idea's contacting me on Discord is probably better, tag is [The] Force#8008. I know there's some awesome idea's in this community, I've had some great conversations here in the past as well, which is why I jumped here before anywhere else! Thank you all in advance!