View Full Version : Hellbreaker

Darth Ultron
2018-06-22, 11:24 PM
Endless darkness and endless falling for an endless time.....

Then there is light again....and the fall stops.

The sky is a bright purple color, and it is bright as full daylight...but oddly there is no sun in the cloudless sky.

All round is an unfamiliar landscape of rock and ice and snow, stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Huge, high mountains are around, blocking long range sight.

The air is cold, and not just cold physically, but a deeper unearthly cold as well...

Introduce yourself....and linking your character sheet here is a good idea.

2018-06-23, 05:18 AM
Among the various petitioners in Hell, an odd wisp seems to slowly grow larger and larger until it takes the shape of a warrior, clad in shining mithral armor with two exotic short swords sheathed across his back.

He is not like the others who form into lemures or other lesser devils. He seems human, albeit with infernally red eyes, ivory white skin and dark, thick hair the color of night. He can only recall one sensation, the desire for vengeance. He feels as if he has been betrayed, by how or by whom escapes him. Still, this sensation gives him drive and purpose in the bleak realm he finds himself.

The man stands upright, unsure of who or where he is, he breathes in and feels a strange heat throughout his body, tinged with darkness. It is painful at first, but he bends and sculpts it and finds he is able to call it forth and shape it to his will.


*Note- He starts each day with three points of burn I searing Flesh to activate his Elemental Overflow and Heat Adaptation

He looks across the Hellscape to get some sense of bearing, an inkling of what dangers he must face and what paths lie ahead.

Perception Roll [roll0]

I had a thought regarding how his blasts work when he uses them. Draining blast is usually meant to work on elemental subtypes, but devils are immune to fire as well, and it would be interesting to maybe have some sort of aouldrinking effect if I finish one off with a draining infusion. Aside from that, I took Void as my expanded Element, sort of a whole "Dark Flame" motif. Anyway, however you want to handle it is up to you.

2018-06-23, 05:22 AM
Sorry, I guess I can't preview a post with a die roll without it taking the coding out.
Perception Roll [roll0]

Darth Ultron
2018-06-23, 03:24 PM
To the North Three large worm like creatures with vague human faces slide down a nearby snow bank. Each creature is about six feet long and a mix of yellow and white in color.

Suddenly, human looking male, though you can only see his older face, in a white robe is standing a couple feet to the south, watching you.

Nghia Sugimoto "Ah fresh frail meat. Fallen into Diyu. No Life. No Future. No Honor. No Eternity.

I am Nghia Sugimoto. You are a nameless beetle now, but for the scroll, what was your life name?"

An auto drinking effect? I'm not sure what you mean?

It is 'cold Chinese Hell'....

2018-06-23, 05:15 PM
Turning to face the man in the robes, yet also watchful of the worm-like creatures, he says, " I . . . I cannot remember. Even if I did, I would not give my name away so freely. Such things have power. Call me Wandering One, for that is as fitting as any name for now. Where am I and how did I get here?"

Diplomacy check [roll0]

Sorry, posting from a phone, weird it did not autocorrect. Typos might happen. What I meant was "soul" drinking effect. Draining infusion works by ripping out elemental matter of the same type (so a fire draining infusion rips out fire energy rather than hitting it with fire energy). One thought was I could drain fiendish energy instead and somehow use it. Again, that would be a Homebrew thing and totally in your control (sort of feeding off of every monster I defeat). The thought was similar to how in Devil May Cry you collect souls to pay for abilities and whatnot. Of course, you can completely ignore that too, since you are going with an alternate Hell (I'm not familiar with Chinese lore, but I'm guessing something similar to the Japanese Yomi from Shinto mythology). If it is a non-fire dominant Hell, then that changes things a bit and I have less to worry about involving elemental issues. It was just a thought given the theme of the setting

Darth Ultron
2018-06-23, 06:33 PM
Nghia Sugimoto "Names do have power. Wandering One. I see your transition has left you some wisdom.

You are dead. You died. This is the afterlife.

This is Baator. Hell, if your a Clueless Prime. This is Stygia, the Fifth Circle. Diyu, in The Kurlduri Mountains.

This is a place for those with no honor, who lead a life without honor, and died with no honor. It is as hard and cold as an honor-less heart.

You died with no honor, so you are here."

This: Draining infusion ignores any damage reduction, resistances, and immunities the creature might possess.

2018-06-23, 08:13 PM
"Then what reason is there for me to stand before you? Are you offering me a way to reclaim my honor? That which was lost? I see no others standing before you. I am granted agency, so I suspect I can find some way out. Are you going to stand in my way? If so, I am already dead, I have no memory, I have no honor, so I have nothing else to lose."

Yes, that was the one. It specifically works on creatures with an elemental subtypes. Devils, while immune to fire, lack a subtypes, which is why there might need to be an exception. However, using Oni instead would circumvent that, since they have elemental subtypes.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-23, 10:06 PM
Nghia Sugimoto "Death changes souls, make them fit in here more. Like those three over there. Most souls that fall here become what they are Larva. Every so often a soul comes down that does not change, at least not right away. That is why I am here.

Re-claim your honor...not likely. You are here, you are dead. It's over.

This is Hell, there is no way out. Not for you.

Quite right, you do have nothing to loose. You are a font of wisdom, may right a whole fllowing stream of deep wisdom. And, you are right. Toss down your weapons, relax your defenses, bow in the show and close your eyes. I can make your final ending to nothingness quick and painless...well, all most painless."

Draining infusion only effects creatures with the fire subsype. So, that is like 50 monsters of the 1,000 some in the rules.

Or were you trying to say you want Draining Infusion to effect every creature no matter what type it has?

2018-06-24, 04:08 AM
"Well, you must be pretty low on the Infernal pecking order if you came all this way to speak to me in person. I must hardly be worth much, so who sent you? Or are you just a bottom feeder, come to feast on the dregs of the underworld, in which case I will cut you down? I am hardly impressed by your posturing and taunting."

The wanderer's hand hovers over his kodachi, ready to draw and strike at a moment's notice, taking in the threat before him and not forgetting the threat behind him.

Sense Motive [roll0]
Intimidate [roll1]
(And if necessary) Initiative [roll2] using Foolhardy Rush to close any distance between us during the initiative roll.

Don't worry about it, it was a house rule idea anyway. It was more targeting devils specifically (in addition to those with the fire descriptor), being the main denizens of Hell. But you said you were going a more Chinese route, so it is irrelevant and you can just keep it as normal rules or however you see fit.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-24, 10:28 PM
Nghia Sugimoto "Bottom feeder? You are in the Fifth circle of Hell, you are in the bottom. "

Nghia's white robe falls away to reveal his white fur covered body and black claws on his hands and feet. His face is animal like, with a large fanged maw.


Round 1
Starts with the two of you 15 feet away from each other.

2018-06-25, 12:28 AM
Is that after my Foolhardy rush during the initiative roll? That closes the distance by 40 ft? So we were conversing from 65 ft away? Somewhat important since Iaijutsu Strike is a full round action still. Also, you won initiative, so does he just flex and stand there? It sort of determines my action, whether I do kinetic blast or sword strike. I'll work with the assumption he just stands there and flexes and I am still 15 ft away after the rush. I edited my sheet to reflect my burn and noticed some math errors I made (lowered my HP and blast attack, but upped blast damage).

Gritting his teeth, the wanderer draws upon his inner flame and let's out a burst of hellish black fire.

Gather Power (Move Action)
Composite Blast Negative Energy and Fire with Burning Infusion
Starting Burn = 3, Infusion Specialization + Gather Power -2, Net Burn = 1
Attack roll = [roll0] (vs Touch AC)
If critical = [roll1]
Spell Resistance? [roll2]
Damage = [roll3] Half Fire and Half Negative Energy

After attack, assigns him as target of challenge.

2018-06-27, 11:49 PM
As the smoke clears, the wanderer inches closer bringing his hand down to his sword handle.
I take a 5 ft step towards my challenge target, waiting for his response.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-28, 02:15 PM

I meant for the round to start with the two characters 15 feet apart, a bit far, but not a huge distance to have a conversation.

2018-06-28, 05:36 PM
Ok, since my character uses Foolhardy Rush from Order of the Flame. It allows me to take a move action as initiative is rolled, but before anybody acts. It is subtracted from movement the following round (but says nothing of losing the 5 ft step, since it does not count as moving during your actual turn). I just realized I rolled less than 11 on the initiative die, so it did not trigger, but either way, blast attack.

2018-06-30, 04:05 AM
Ummm, I took my action a few posts ago . . .