View Full Version : Echoes of the Past: A Star Wars Story

2018-06-23, 02:18 AM
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...



It has been one thousand years since the second Sith Empire returned from beyond the Unknown Regions and laid siege to the New Republic.

During the ensuing war, the Sith hunted down and destroyed the Jedi Order in the face of a far greater tragedy, the death of the Force. Without the protection of the Jedi, the Galaxy fell to darkness.

But time moves on, and in its ebbs and whorls, what was may yet be again, for a prophecy tells of the return of the Jedi. But it also warns against their return. For if they fall, they will forever extinguish the embers of hope in a galaxy in need of rescue....

The Variseel Starliner blows through space. Its hull gleams as it cruises past the majestic splendor of the Burgola system, where the gases from the three stars are slowly being siphoned away by the black hole in the center of their orbits. The gases mingle and coalesce, and where the streams collide, streams of rainbow color are created to create wondrous patterns in the blackness of space.

Aboard the starliner, life progresses. Credits are made, or lost, in the casinos. Dancers dance for their meals, traders make deals. Smugglers look for work. Food is prepared. Life.

In stark contradiction, life aboard the Star Destroyer Korut's Vengeance is very different. Troopers train rigorously in one of the many gyms, techs repair TIE fighters, walkers, and ground vehicles. Pilots fly simulated dogfights against each other. Officers generate reports, and a Dark Lord of the Sith stands at the front facing viewport looking past the pointed bow of his ship. An officer approaches him and bows when he reaches the Dark Lord's side.


"My lord. We have tracked the smuggler to this transport ship. According to its broadcast signal, it is the Variseel Starliner. A luxury vessel for some of the more upper class citizens of the Rim worlds."

"But we are sure that the smuggler came here?"

"We are, my lord."

"Very well. Get us in range, and board the vessel. Then bring me the smuggler. I will interrogate him. Personally."

"As you wish, my Lord."

The officer bows again, and goes off to issue the commands to the rest of the ship.


The call comes in on the official channel. The code signal checks out. It is confirmed. Darth Sel'at is hailing you. Or at least, his Star Destroyer is.

Variseel Starliner. You are hereby ordered to heave to and prepare to be boarded. You are further ordered to open the hangar bays and permit our forces immediate access to the Starliner.

Feel free to include your lives up to this point. Only the Sith players know anything of the orders to stop the vessel, though a Perception check DC 15, will notice the ship powering down its main drive.

2018-06-24, 09:37 AM
Psulla the Hutt squirms, trying and failing to get comfortable in the stands at the duelling arena. Clearly this so-called "luxury cruise liner" was designed by and for biped midgets. I may yet have to get used to much worse discomfort than this, Psulla reminds themself with a grimace. Life as a fugitive debtor isn't going to be all chuba thermidor and hookahs.

Psulla tries to focus on watching the fights,
looking for a duellist who shows the right potential to become their next protégé. There are several bouts going on at once, so this takes some concentration. A dark-skinned human, head-fur gathered into what looked like a brace of black tentacles, catches their attention, as does a feisty Trandoshan. Perhaps one of them might be looking for the kind of opportunity that only a Hutt's patronage can provide. Of course, before that there's the small matter of building up sufficient reserves of credits to charm the right people and pull the necessary strings. Now, which one to bet on first...

Psulla catches sight of a tough-looking human male making his way towards where they're sitting. That face... he looks familiar. Yes, I'm sure I've met him before, working private security on Nar Shaddaa. Brennan, isn't he? Or Benran? Second name Burseck? Psulla can't tell yet whether the human has recognised them, and hopes not. Running into someone who might be in contact with the Ketuvummiut clan lords would be bad news. Could the lords have even hired...? But no, there couldn't possibly have been time for that before they'd boarded the liner. Could there?

2018-06-24, 05:53 PM
Psulla thinks back over the various rumours and tidbits of information they've gleaned over the last few hours, simply by keeping their ears open in the cantinas and duelling arena. Often, given some time to sift, Psulla's subconscious can find revealing patterns in seemingly unrelated snippets.

Gather information (1d20+11), take 10 = 21. Not looking for anything specific. What do I find out?

2018-06-25, 09:29 AM
TH-30 idly scans the crowd with visual and auditory sensors, cataloging observations about those individuals he recognized. "Is there a particular reason you wanted me here?" he asked while 'sitting' in the stands, one leg tapping out a rather disgruntled message in morse code to amuse himself. "I mean I understand why you want to mix with this crowd, I'm just curious as to the purpose of my presence. Unless you're wanting somebody that can rig a lotto table, I suppose."

2018-06-26, 12:56 PM
Brenran Burseck

Brenran smiles in the comfort of the large seats at the stadium. The fight below invigorates his senses. “Reminds me of the frontier.” He says to the droid beside him. It is tapping out a rhythmic pattern and it only helps to pump Brenran’s mood up. He starts nodding with it until he feels compelled to stand up. Nothing would be a downer today because a Sith is coming.

“Come on TH, I think I see someone. You can bring that scary frame over so this Hutt doesn’t try to crush me.” Brenran smiles at the people he walks in front of and makes his way across the stands. The symbol on his uniform and the droid with him are glaring reminders that the biggest fish is right here.

"I mean I understand why you want to mix with this crowd, I'm just curious as to the purpose of my presence. Unless you're wanting somebody that can rig a lotto table, I suppose."

Brenran turns around and points at TH-30. “That is a great idea. This is why you are with me. People need lots of sources to draw inspiration from, and you just have that, mmph. You know?” Brenran clenches his fist. A Sith coming.

Moving closer to the Hutt, the muscles in his face loosen and his vision blinks twice before he is able to calm himself. “Psulla! No way. This is just great.” Brenran looks left and right, trying to find a place to sit down beside the Hutt but not on him. “I did not expect to see you again! What a pleasant surprise. I so enjoyed working with you.”

Brenran turns to TH-30. “TH, This is Psulla the hut, I tell you about him all the time.”

He turns back to Psulla and points a thumb at the droid, “I never know what he knows with all the mindwipes and restraining collars. And how are you Psulla? What are you doing on a big fancy ship like this? You’ve really come up in the world. Did you know a Sith is coming?”

2018-06-26, 03:39 PM
Brenran Burseck

Brenran smiles in the comfort of the large seats at the stadium. The fight below invigorates his senses. “Reminds me of the frontier.” He says to the droid beside him. It is tapping out a rhythmic pattern and it only helps to pump Brenran’s mood up. He starts nodding with it until he feels compelled to stand up. Nothing would be a downer today because a Sith is coming.

“Come on TH, I think I see someone. You can bring that scary frame over so this Hutt doesn’t try to crush me.” Brenran smiles at the people he walks in front of and makes his way across the stands. The symbol on his uniform and the droid with him are glaring reminders that the biggest fish is right here.

"I imagine my insignia does more to intimidate than my physique, but I've got your back," TH-30 replied ruefully, legs folding out beneath him to follow dutifully behind

Brenran turns around and points at TH-30. “That is a great idea. This is why you are with me. People need lots of sources to draw inspiration from, and you just have that, mmph. You know?” Brenran clenches his fist. A Sith coming.

"Eloquently put," came the dry response. "Setting mmph output to 2.3 eurekas, sir."

Moving closer to the Hutt, the muscles in his face loosen and his vision blinks twice before he is able to calm himself. “Psulla! No way. This is just great.” Brenran looks left and right, trying to find a place to sit down beside the Hutt but not on him. “I did not expect to see you again! What a pleasant surprise. I so enjoyed working with you.”

Brenran turns to TH-30. “TH, This is Psulla the hut, I tell you about him all the time.”

He turns back to Psulla and points a thumb at the droid, “I never know what he knows with all the mindwipes and restraining collars. And how are you Psulla? What are you doing on a big fancy ship like this? You’ve really come up in the world. Did you know a Sith is coming?”

TH-30 was too busy scanning Psulla and searching his files on the hutt to even absentmindedly correct the rather simple misleading statement. "Toogi, Psulla Ketuvummiut Theremme," he murmurs deferentially, not wanting to truly take part in the conversation but neither wishing to be rude to somebody they might do business with.

2018-06-26, 04:17 PM
One two Three. One Two Three. The rhythm of the fight. Stay on the balls of your feet and watch till your enemies weak. Meras was never one to throw a punch that wasnt a haymaker. Jabs in her mind were a waste of her time. Why prolong a fight when you could end it in one strike? This was how mos tof her fights would go. The other fighter tossing out fancy combos or spinning front flips accented with a kick. TO which Meras would respond with a single Haymaker with enough strength to cause a gamorean to crumble...which it would when it hit. In fact, her last fight was a bit of an upset when she delivered a fist directly to the face of a rather burly looking Aqualish, slamming his head into the mat underneath the sparring fighters. "Figured as much" were the only words the fighter spoke as she turned from the ring, hood on and hands in her pockets, a stick of sugar coming out of her mouth as she returned to the locker room

That prize money was gonna be hers, So far all the tomato cans have been pummled out,. leaving her and the other actual challengers. Including a female trandoshian who's she seen sparring a few times around the gym. She seems like she can take at least one his from Meras. She takes her hood off and wraps it around her waist as she makes it to the locker room, stretching her arms as she gets ready to start work on the punching bag, in preparation for her next bout "Hammerstrike to the collar bone. Elbow to the throat. Right haymaker to sternum"

2018-06-26, 05:26 PM
“Psulla! No way. This is just great.” Brenran looks left and right, trying to find a place to sit down beside the Hutt but not on him. “I did not expect to see you again! What a pleasant surprise. I so enjoyed working with you.”

Brenran turns to TH-30. “TH, This is Psulla the hut, I tell you about him all the time.”

He turns back to Psulla and points a thumb at the droid, “I never know what he knows with all the mindwipes and restraining collars. And how are you Psulla? What are you doing on a big fancy ship like this? You’ve really come up in the world. Did you know a Sith is coming?”

TH-30 was too busy scanning Psulla and searching his files on the hutt to even absentmindedly correct the rather simple misleading statement. "Toogi, Psulla Ketuvummiut Theremme," he murmurs deferentially, not wanting to truly take part in the conversation but neither wishing to be rude to somebody they might do business with.

Psulla breaks into a warm smile – as wide as the human's arm is long, and entirely fake – as the biped folds his second pair of limbs and positions himself in a nearby seat, looking directly at the Hutt. No point letting their nervousness show, whether the encounter is a coincidence or not.

Good evening, Burseck! Psulla turns to the droid, switching naturally from Basic to Huttese. Achuta, droi. The thing has even more limbs than a biped, like a Harch almost. Boonta only knows what they're all for. What brings you aboard this fine vessel? Psulla seems to recall this human having little or no Huttese, so reverts to the language in which he addressed them. Many Hutts would continue in their own language, thinking it beneath them to use the human tongue. Psulla, however, is equally charming in nine languages, and finds that talent works to best effect when their interlocutor doesn't need to spend any mental effort translating.

As for myself, I am here to seek new opportunities. One can't let oneself stagnate, you know – even if one grew up in a swamp. Ho ho ho!

I was just admiring these fighters. Honestly, I don't know how you humans don't fall over all the time, never mind when you're being hit in the face. But you're one to know a good fighter when you see one. Have you noticed any with unfulfilled potential? I'm on the lookout for a new addition to my stable.

A Sith, you say? Anyone important? I wonder what for. Are they hoping to finally catch "Soft Hands" Velar, the famous smuggler? Or is the Anoat governor in trouble? No harm in showing they know who else is aboard – it's the talk of the cantinas, after all – and if Burseck and his many-armed droid have turned murishani, they might forget they've seen the Hutt if they can give the pair a higher-value target.

2018-06-27, 01:46 AM
Rhessi had just torn off a bandage when her sharp senses picked up the changes. The sounds of the engine powering down as the ship ended its trajectory.
Scowling, she strode off from her room and toward the nearest employee.
"Why are we stopping?"

2018-06-27, 06:53 AM
Alares orders another drink, although he hadn't drunk the first. Mind sharp before any deal, or else he’ll end up in the midst of a jungle fighting a no man’s war, with little chance to get paid. His hand doesn’t move, but one of his face scars itch.
He was at what he supposed was the shadiest cantina there was in this large luxury vessel. The hour for the meeting was now, if the contact was correct his employer should be here now.

Around him the normal sort of different species and sentient. Non-humans that lived on the fringe. Sith society didn’t want them anymore, but needed them. But in the underground all was the same as always was. People, whichever race or planet of origin tried to live, to survive.

He looks at the bartender as he brings the second glass of cheap Correlian Whisky “Do you recommend a good place to buy supplies aboard?” - new money could mean new things!

2018-06-27, 11:23 AM
Brenran Burseck

”What brings you aboard this fine vessel?”

Brenran proudly points to the insignia on his chest, ”I have the pleasure of being stationed on this, pleasure cruise! It is going to be the best.”

”As for myself, I am here to seek new opportunities. One can't let oneself stagnate, you know – even if one grew up in a swamp. Ho ho ho!”

”Ha ha ha, Couldn’t agree more. Like, I like the frontier and fighting, but I really needed this change of pace you know? And a big businessman like you, you need to be growing all the time right? Expanding out. Good for you.” Brenran’s laugh is drawn out to match Psulla’s, and it makes him seem nervous when he looks around them. He jumps right into the rest of his words with enthusiasm.

”I was just admiring these fighters. Honestly, I don't know how you humans don't fall over all the time, never mind when you're being hit in the face. But you're one to know a good fighter when you see one. Have you noticed any with unfulfilled potential? I'm on the lookout for a new addition to my stable.”

Brenran looks at the ring. ”I can tell you when they are doing good… you know what. TH, can you see like odds and things on the fighters? How was that last one?”

He leans in towards the Hutt like he is whispering, ”TH is really good at math. A little moody for a robot, but completely worth it.

”A Sith, you say? Anyone important? I wonder what for. Are they hoping to finally catch "Soft Hands" Velar, the famous smuggler? Or is the Anoat governor in trouble?”

Brenran taps his head with one finger and starts nodding. ”So that’s why you called me over you sly Hutt. I like it, we can get the cargo he was bringing.” Brenran stands up to say farewell and starts looking around. Then he pulls out his commlink. ”Here, match this channel, it’s not private, but you can get ahold of me on it.”

2018-06-27, 04:45 PM
”I have the pleasure of being stationed on this, pleasure cruise! It is going to be the best.”

Psulla relaxes a little. Funny-looking as humans' faces are, the Hutt has learned to read their expressions at least some of the time, and this one doesn't seem to be hiding anything. Still, can't be too careful...

”Ha ha ha, Couldn’t agree more. Like, I like the frontier and fighting, but I really needed this change of pace you know? And a big businessman like you, you need to be growing all the time right? Expanding out. Good for you.”

Psulla grunts non-committally, unsure if this is supposed to be some kind of size-related joke or if the human is just a bit oblivious to his choice of words. Of course, I am a perfectly healthy weight, they think, but these skinny midgets seem to find something funny in our build.

”I can tell you when they are doing good… you know what. TH, can you see like odds and things on the fighters? How was that last one?”

”TH is really good at math. A little moody for a robot, but completely worth it.

The bookmakers are offering 5:1 on that one to win the tournament, Psulla remarks, lifting a lazy hand towards the dark-skinned female human. The same on the Trandoshan who was here a short while ago. They turn to the droid, unconsciously slipping into their native language.

Good droid, do you estimate those odds to be fair, or is there a chance for a canny gambler to profit?

”So that’s why you called me over you sly Hutt. I like it, we can get the cargo he was bringing.”

”Here, match this channel, it’s not private, but you can get ahold of me on it.”

Psulla punches the number into the memory of their own comlink. Perhaps your squad's records will show that they did not recover as much contraband as they were expecting, hm?

But why don't you tell me what you know of this Sith dignitary who is to grace us with their presence? Psulla hopes the human is sharp-witted enough to pick up on what they aren't saying out loud – that drawing attention from the wrong sort of official could be a risk not worth taking.

Waiter! A drink for this gentleman, please!

2018-06-27, 05:14 PM
Attention, Attention. This is the Captain. We have been ordered to come to a stop for an Imperial control. Please have your identifications prepared for inspection.

After the announcement ends, a small turbulence broke out among the non humans. They began to hurriedly begin searching for their identity cards, their travel papers, and making sure there is nothing wrong with them.

2018-06-27, 05:24 PM
Good droid, do you estimate those odds to be fair, or is there a chance for a canny gambler to profit?

TH-30 observed the fighters in question briefly, before shaking his head and responding:

"The two are not equals, at least not in this arena. The trandoshan Rhessi's reputation drives her odds higher than they perhaps deserve for an unarmed duel, while the human...it's subtle, but there's a mix of self-defense techniques hidden beneath that brawler bravado. I've yet to nail down the style, though that may be because it's a mixed breed martial art rather than a purist approach, which indicates a desire for practicality and versatility taking precedent over pride."

TH-30's faceless head glanced upwards to the intercoms, before sighing softly at the resulting agitation that swept through the crowd. "Though it may be some time before you will have opportunity to take advantage thusly," he added in Basic. "Sir, are you aware of if our assistance with the search will be necessary?" he asked Brenran, voice modulator taking on a terser, more official-sounding tone now that the possibility of being 'on-duty' was at hand.

2018-06-27, 06:19 PM
Obviously I have some papers if I'm fighting here, right?

Rhessi hissed to her previous audience.
"You and your red tape." She headed back toward her rooms to scrounge up some papers.

2018-06-27, 07:00 PM
Meras narrows her eyes. Great. Just what she needed. Thugh, maybe if she's lucky she'll get to smash some of there faces in. Noticing Rhessi starting to rush off for more papers she thinks to herself. If her compitition goes down, the prize money should be easier to get... She punches the Dummy, as if beating that thought from her Head

"Red tape and Red Lightsabers. Tends to be their favorite color. don't look like too much of a challenge, these guys tend to enjoy a chance to get there blades tested."

2018-06-28, 12:10 PM
Brenran Burseck

The drink bounces across Brenran’s taste buds and the coolness warms his gut only the way alcohol can. He thinks over the Hutt’s words for a bit.

”But why don't you tell me what you know of this Sith dignitary who is to grace us with their presence?”

The Hutt seemed to be clever enough, and it wasn’t real that Sith could hear everything said along with their name… ”This is a Dark Lord. I mean Sith, when I say Sith. Darth Sel’at is knocking on our door. Honestly, I have some mixed emotions about the whole thing, but I think my excitement is winning out. Yeah, no matter what, it is probably going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to see a Sith slaughter some people."

Attention, Attention. This is the Captain. We have been ordered to come to a stop for an Imperial control. Please have your identifications prepared for inspection.

Brenran leans towards Psulla, ”Knock, knock. The biggest fish is here.” His muscles pull his serious stare into a an excited smile.

"Sir, are you aware of if our assistance with the search will be necessary?"

”You are right TH. Always one step ahead. Let’s go and see if we can assist in the hangers.”

Brenran’s arm snaps to his head in a salute. ”Psulla.”

Once they start walking through the crowd he looks at TH over his shoulder. ”Let’s see if we can get in on the confiscation squad. We want to get their records and forms so we can use them after they leave. Also, we can take inventory of the ship while they are here.” This could be a big win. With the help of Psulla and maybe a fighter or two, they could be on their own ship soon. Well, they could have their own ship soon. This is an exciting day. A Sith is coming!

2018-06-28, 12:54 PM
”You are right TH. Always one step ahead. Let’s go and see if we can assist in the hangers.”

Brenran’s arm snaps to his head in a salute. ”Psulla.”

Once they start walking through the crowd he looks at TH over his shoulder. ”Let’s see if we can get in on the confiscation squad. We want to get their records and forms so we can use them after they leave. Also, we can take inventory of the ship while they are here.” This could be a big win. With the help of Psulla and maybe a fighter or two, they could be on their own ship soon. Well, they could have their own ship soon. This is an exciting day. A Sith is coming!

TH-30 nods, absentmindedly calling up a map of the ship in his visual field to guide them towards the hanger. "Hopefully we will draw enough attention they'll think our assistance useful, without drawing scrutiny towards our actions. A fair warning going in, my usefulness in skirting the rules may be a bit more...limited than normal, directives being as they are."

2018-06-28, 01:07 PM
Brenran Burseck

"Hopefully we will draw enough attention they'll think our assistance useful, without drawing scrutiny towards our actions. A fair warning going in, my usefulness in skirting the rules may be a bit more...limited than normal, directives being as they are."

”That’s a good point. We can follow their directives while they’re here if that helps you. We’ll still get to see a Sith up close.” Brenran felt his body vibrate. The excitement made him giddy. He made his way across the ship and headed for the hangers.

2018-06-28, 03:22 PM
Psulla bids the human and his droid farewell with a lazy wave of their hand as the pair return to their duties. There could be a good opportunity here to work together with these two and start building up some capital. As long as the Hutt is careful not to slide into a Sith trap. It could be a setup. Psulla's intuition didn't think so though.

Psulla subtly pats the roll of flimsiplast tucked into their bandolier. A Hutt needing papers to prove who they are -- the very idea!

Hutts don't walk, of course: they slide :smallsmile:

2018-06-30, 12:54 AM
Meras lets another hefty blow land on her training bag, looking up in the stands and seeing a good amount of folk starting to scramble for papers, including the Hutt that had been eying her. She looks to the trio that were conversing, and mumbles to herself

"Guess everyones got important buisness when the Sith show up. Lets hope they just leave all of us be."

2018-07-03, 10:01 AM
"Sithspit!" AK stands at the bar as the aliens around him seem to be distressed.

He had experience in these things, papers in order and credits.

If the contact wouldn't show up he might as well drink the Corelian Whisky. Things would become boring very fast!

2018-07-03, 08:05 PM
Meras grits her teeth. Keep punching the bag. Keep punching the bag. Ignore the sith, it should be quick. But, there was an inkling. Right in the back of her mind. Something would go wrong, and like last time, the dung would hit the fan. Meras walks away from the dummy, leaving it swinging as she walks to an information Kiosk, checking the map she evaluates where the sith might be bording. She was just going to see what was going on. Just, watch. Just stay calm. She puts her jacket on, and puts the hood up, making her way to where the Sith might board, her Vibroknuckles tucked inside her coat

2018-07-05, 12:43 PM
Before the announcement, Aimy was walking down the hallway looking at a brochure about the various activities taking place on the starliner. She was trying to figure out whether she wanted to enter one of the various competitions happening. She could definitely use the money, though she really didn't need the attention. She starts mumbling a bit in the middle of trying to convince herself not to do it. The captain's announcement interruptions her, and she mentally sighs. I had no idea I'd have to worry about this in this environment. she thinks, going into her bag to retrieve the papers contained in folded leather casing. No need to worry, I'll just have to trust those credits where sufficient enough to get the best services. She makes her way to a group of people near some chairs and sits down to wait for the inspectors to reach her. She pushes her cloak from her lap and rests her hands there with the false information that was her identity now.

2018-07-09, 11:50 PM

The Sith give your papers a cursory glance, run them through a hovering droid that seems to be made to scan papers, but nothing seems to happen, you get your identifications back, and are sent into one of many dining rooms to wait while te Sith finished their search. One eager young lad looked up at an officer and inquired about what they were looking for, to which the officer ruffled his hair, told the boy that they were looking for a fugitive, "An ugly Xeno fugitive," and sent him on his way


The Sith take quite a bit longer to process your papers. You are lined up and forced to pass through several machines. One machine draws a sample of blood from you, and it isn't very gentle about it. Though it does apologize for the pain it inflicts, its "Excuse me, I do beg your pardon,' seems just a bit too sardonic to be truly genuine about having caused you any distress. You are roughly passed from one machine to another. Or rather, all of you would be, had one of you not been to large to handle in such a manner. But the Sith are also none to bashful to keep their comments and jokes about Psulla and their weight to themselves.

Brenran and TH-30

"You there!" AN officer calls out to you. "Are you in charge of this so called security force?"

2018-07-10, 05:54 AM
AK looks at the harm inflicted at the non-humans and sighs.

He doesn't say anything. Words are not his style, but he has to stop himself from interviening as a child gets tested.

Killing was one thing, and at a certain point had to be done to the galaxy to work and move foward. But abusing... Not his thing.

Againt his will he moves to the droid and says "easy there.".

2018-07-10, 09:37 AM
Rhessi growls at the sith as they take her blood but otherwise avoids causing trouble. After going through processing she took a look at Psulla's treatment and the comment about her weight.
"Watch out on the insults you make on that one. It's said the fattest Hutts get that way by swallowing humans like you whole. A runt like you? Wouldn't even give them indigestion."

2018-07-10, 02:07 PM
"You there!" AN officer calls out to you. "Are you in charge of this so called security force?"

Brenran beams at the officer who questions him. ”You must be from Korut’s Vengance.” He straightens to attention and puts up a salute, and he watches for the other officers hand to follow in response. Brenran relaxes his salute first.

”Please show your Imperial credentials to the droid and tell me, what I can do to assist you. We are so happy to help. I’m Brenran.” He turns his head to the droid, trying to look into TH-30’s sensors, and brings a smile back to face the officer.

Behind the officer he sees a civilian coming their way. It was a fighter from the pits he saw earlier. A human, luckily. A short dark skinned female that Brenran couldn’t help but continue to look at, he had been spending too much time with the droid as his only company. With any luck, he would be able to claim her registration as a fighter as enough credentials for the check. If TH-30 could perform the check.

2018-07-10, 08:44 PM
And so the bureaucracy begins. Sorting Humans from aliens and the Like. Whatever it was they were looking for wouldnt be solved that easily though. She kept walking, doing her best to to not attract too much attention to herself by the various Sith Soldiers moving about there place. But, Apparently, one of them seem to be staring at her now. Wonderful

Meras steps by Brenan, gritting her teeth as she keeps walking, but..she does Stop, turning to see if he's still looking "What? You want an autograph or something?"

2018-07-10, 10:45 PM
AK looks at the harm inflicted at the non-humans and sighs.

He doesn't say anything. Words are not his style, but he has to stop himself from interviening as a child gets tested.

Killing was one thing, and at a certain point had to be done to the galaxy to work and move foward. But abusing... Not his thing.

Againt his will he moves to the droid and says "easy there.".

If droids could give death glares, this medical droid would have.

“I don’t tell you how to perform your primary function. I am operating well within my operational guidelines. Allow me to continue, or I will report you for maintenance and memory wipe.”

Rhessi growls at the sith as they take her blood but otherwise avoids causing trouble. After going through processing she took a look at Psulla's treatment and the comment about her weight.
"Watch out on the insults you make on that one. It's said the fattest Hutts get that way by swallowing humans like you whole. A runt like you? Wouldn't even give them indigestion."

“Oh, is that so?” The Sith says. You can tell he is sneering by the way his voice sounds coming through his helmet speaker.

“Looks like we found ourselves an insurrectionist. Seize her and bring her along for questioning.”

One of the Sith troopers pulls a pair of binders from his belt, and another levels his carbine at Rhessi.

The one with the binders speaks, gesturing with her binders. “The easy way?”

She nods her head to the leveled carbine. “Or the hard way?”

2018-07-10, 11:56 PM
"How about the fun way? Where you're not a coward and we fight like creatures that have spines," Rhessi glanced at Psulla.
"Or maybe you can shoot for almost as well as a creature without."

2018-07-11, 01:53 AM
“Yeah. Sure. Hard way it is. Good. I like it when it gets fun.”

Initiative if you intend to resist.

2018-07-11, 10:47 AM
Does the Sith guy look like he's going to be fighting alone?

2018-07-11, 05:12 PM
After a cursory glance at the various Sith operatives around her, Rhessi opts to not resist.

2018-07-11, 07:40 PM
“Damn.” The Sith with the binders says.

“We never get any of the fun on these patrols.” She snaps the binders on, almost tight enough to make them hurt, and gives Rhessi a shove to the back to get her moving.

“Alright, Xeno. Let’s go.”

The Sith continue their inspections. Things do not improve. Several more aliens get hauled off, one of whom tried to escape before being casually blasted down. Several children get stunned when they began taunting the troopers.

The Sith continue to search the ship, and it soon becomes apparent they are searching for something specific.

2018-07-11, 07:46 PM
Meras jolts up, looking down the hall as the echos of a blaster shot comes down the halls. She grits her teeth, ballinf her fists "Sith..." she says, simply staring down the way "Shooting unarmed civilians I suppose..."

2018-07-12, 01:15 PM
“I don’t tell you how to perform your primary function. I am operating well within my operational guidelines. Allow me to continue, or I will report you for maintenance and memory wipe.”

AK takes the hand and backs away slightly, glaring at the droid. He smiles. A crooked smile, without any energy or heat.

"My gun, is an ancient, heavily modified DLT-19 rifle. During my years with it, I changed every piece of it. Bit by bit. But now it sends a plasma bolt at extremely high temperatures, making it on par with more recent developments. It can make a hole on that plasteel wall or even any person, droid or beast." he continues deepening the smile "I don't want to bother you kind droid, I am sure you are working at full capacity. Please continue."

2018-07-16, 12:55 PM
Meras looks back to Brenan, sighing as she continues down the hall to the sound of the noise "Someone sometime needs to show these people what happens when you try to oppress other people with your own power. Thats not how you fight. Square up again those who can, not against those who cant"

2018-07-16, 04:55 PM
Brenran beams at the officer who questions him. ”You must be from Korut’s Vengance.” He straightens to attention and puts up a salute, and he watches for the other officers hand to follow in response. Brenran relaxes his salute first.

”Please show your Imperial credentials to the droid and tell me, what I can do to assist you. We are so happy to help. I’m Brenran.” He turns his head to the droid, trying to look into TH-30’s sensors, and brings a smile back to face the officer.

Behind the officer he sees a civilian coming their way. It was a fighter from the pits he saw earlier. A human, luckily. A short dark skinned female that Brenran couldn’t help but continue to look at, he had been spending too much time with the droid as his only company. With any luck, he would be able to claim her registration as a fighter as enough credentials for the check. If TH-30 could perform the check.

The Sith obliges, inserting a code cylinder into an appropriate receptor. After a few moments, his identity is confirmed. Lieutenant Drem Levan, Imperial Intelligence.

AK takes the hand and backs away slightly, glaring at the droid. He smiles. A crooked smile, without any energy or heat.

"My gun, is an ancient, heavily modified DLT-19 rifle. During my years with it, I changed every piece of it. Bit by bit. But now it sends a plasma bolt at extremely high temperatures, making it on par with more recent developments. It can make a hole on that plasteel wall or even any person, droid or beast." he continues deepening the smile "I don't want to bother you kind droid, I am sure you are working at full capacity. Please continue."

“You are clearly developing errors in your programming. I suggest you proceed to maintenance for a memory wipe.” The droid moves on, continuing to take blood samples.

Meras looks back to Brenan, sighing as she continues down the hall to the sound of the noise "Someone sometime needs to show these people what happens when you try to oppress other people with your own power. Thats not how you fight. Square up again those who can, not against those who cant"

The Sith lieutenant, overhearing this, stops in his tracks and turns back to face Brendan and Meras.

“Is that so? Perhaps you would like to show us. If you are able to.”

But before anything else could happen, you hear the sound of ion engines screaming past the hull. Not really out of the ordinary, under the circumstances, but what is is when you hear laser blasts begin striking the hull!

The ship rocks, and a lot of people are sent falling to the floor.

Without a word, every Sith trooper on the ship, including those escorting Rhessi stop for just a moment. Then they all begin to run, heading for their dropships. One of them shoves Rhessi, shouting at her to get a move on!

2018-07-16, 07:26 PM
Meras looks the sergant up, and then down. Her fist tightens, as one reaches into her coat..and then the ship quakes. An attack? or was it pirates? Were the sith going to destroy the ship! Carless monsters. Meras though,..well, it works to her advantage. Seeing the Officer..she charges him, drawing her vibroknuckles and attempting to send oone of her well known Krayt Crushing punches into his chest

[roll0] Attack! [roll1]
[roll2] Attack against fort to knock prone if it hits! Damage THreshold is COnsidered 5 less for her Unarmed attacks!

2018-07-16, 08:50 PM
Rhessi takes advantage of the distraction to head in the opposite direction, hoping to just be too damn inconvenient to drag onto the ship during a crisis just for mouthing off to them.

2018-07-16, 09:48 PM
This is going well. The droid should be able to copy the Identification format. Brenran nods to the soldier when Meras passes by.

When the ship rocks from the blast, Brenran looks between the three others in the hallway. ”What is that! Are they shooting at us?” It was apparent how small of fish that they had become in a seconds time.

”TH! How far to some ships?” The panic is starting to set in and the hallways look the same.

Seeing the Officer..she charges him, drawing her vibroknuckles and attempting to send oone of her well known Krayt Crushing punches into his chest.

Brenran laughs when Meras takes her swing. Not at her, but at the sight of her doing it.”Woah! Look out. You must have pissed her off bad. She was good in the fighting pits, so I wouldn't provoke her like that.”

He steps back and draws his blaster, ready to shoot if attacked.

2018-07-17, 01:52 PM
It seems that there was no problems with her papers, and she puts them away after they are looked over. Sighing, she makes her way to the designated dining room. Her relief gave way to disgust when she see the way some of the non-humans where being treated. She has to stop and recompose herself a bit before finding somewhere else to sit, preferably by a window so she can get a view of space. While she was there to observe people, it was a nice view. Not like she couldn't pay attention to both anyways. She was in the middle of making some notes about the reactions around her when the blasts shake the hull. Her casual tourist/researcher half facade breaks and she reaches to steady herself so she wouldn't fall. "What now?" she says aloud, looking out the window if she had managed to find one earlier. Realizing she was calmer than someone without military training should be in this situation, so she feints worry. Which isn't too hard, as she still had no idea what was happening. First there's apparently a fugitive aboard the ship which prompts a search. Which is fine, considering. But now they are straight us being attacked! Who where they? Pirates? Someone else after the stowaway? Or where the Imperials so degenerate that they are firing at a vessel with there own men on it because they are that impatient?

2018-07-17, 04:14 PM
The Lieutenant ignores the attack, and continues running down the corridor, apparently not hearing Brenran’s comment.


Rhessi takes off, but after a couple of blaster bolts miss her as she turns a corner, she hears the woman trooper call out to let her go, and to “get their sorry asses back to the dropships.


Aimy, ironically, is in a position to see what is going on.

First, she sees a large triangular vessel, which she is told by a passerby is a Star Destroyer. Probably the Korut’s Vengeance.

Several minutes later, she sees a second Star Destroyer drop out of hyperspace a hundred or so kilometers from the Vengeance. It immediately opens fire on the Vengeance, and soon after, swarms of TIE fighters can be seen coming from the new ship, heading for the Starliner.

2018-07-17, 05:32 PM
The Ship shaking must have thrown off her punch, and the Lieutenant Runs off, apparently evacuating the troops from the ships was more important. She looks back to Brenan "I'd put that blaster down If I were you."

Suddenly, the ship shakes again, more explosions? Other ships? She sighs and shakes her head "Ugh, Forget this. Im going to go find an escape pod... Or a ship to steal. Seems were about to start exploding" She says, checking an infostation for a map before heading off in a direction of some sort of hanger bay perhaps

2018-07-17, 07:25 PM
Rhessi then inspects her cuffs, hoping to find a weak point.

2018-07-18, 10:14 AM
Brenran lowers his blaster and smiles. “That’s a great idea! We should confiscate a ship.” He skips forward to catch up with Meras.

"Come on TH!” He calls out to the droid. He keeps pace with Meras and shares her concern about exploding into little pieces of space debris. It would not be a fun time. “Can you fly? I think I might know somebody that has a ship, he’s an old friend, well, he’s not old, but we haven’t seen each other in a while. Before today, we saw each other today, but before that, we had not seen each other for a while. I know that he’d be happy to have somebody like you on board. We were even discussing betting on you in the fighting pits. You and this Trandoshin. Even with all those claws, the droid thinks you will win.” Brenran smiles and keeps pace. It's nice having someone to talk to.

2018-07-18, 10:40 AM
Another series of blasts rock the Variseel Starliner. Emergency bulkheads begin slamming into place in sections that are suffering atmosphere loss. Series of lights begin illuminating the way to the escape pods. The Starliner was built for luxury, and she isn’t a warship. You aren’t sure how much time you have to get anywhere.

Rhessi, looking over the binders, is unable to find a weak spot. And what’s worse, when she struggles with them, trying to get a better view of the damn things, they get tighter. No time to worry about them now, you need to get off this ship!

2018-07-18, 10:56 AM
Aimy waited to see the severity of the damages before trying to find a way off the ship. Indeed the craft did not let up so she gets up and heads for the nearest escape pod/ship. She already knew where a large amount of them where, if not all. This wasn't even on purpose, she merely took notice as she went through the ship as she was used to having to know that information. Well, it least that it was smart to. She feigns worry as she makes her way.

2018-07-18, 12:42 PM
Meras makes her way to the escape pods, The fighetrs heavy steps echoing down the hall as she jogs "Just keep moving. Better to be trapped in a pod then be space dust!"

2018-07-18, 12:46 PM
"Just keep moving. Better to be trapped in a pod then be space dust!"
Brenran huffs as he runs beside Meras, "How...pragmatic...of...you..." He keeps an eye out to see if the droid is following.

2018-07-18, 01:41 PM
TH-30 keeps up as best he can - he was built to be good at many things, but running marathons wasn't one of them - while analyzing a map of the ship to locate the nearest docking bay or escape pod.

2018-07-18, 10:28 PM
Rhessi ran after the slow-moving droid - hopefully it knew a way off.

2018-07-20, 04:11 PM
You all make your way to the escape pods. You arrive just in time to see the last one close up and blast out of the ship. You are also able to watch in horror as it is blasted out of existence by TIE fighters. You can see, far off in the distance, the two Star Destroyers exchanging turbolaser broadsides.

With no more escape pods, and the fact that they seem to be getting shot down, you realize that you have to get to a docking bay and steal a ship. Hopefully one with a shield generator.

Moments later, a Trandoshan woman wearing binders comes running in, shortly after TH arrives.

2018-07-20, 04:49 PM
Meras slides in her boots as she stops in time to see the pod destroyed "SHould have expected as much! Nothing can ever just be easy then..." SHe looks around to teh folks who made it, including now the fighter from the pits, "Seems like were some of the last ones left then. Besides the Imperials. Congrats on staying alive so far" she says, looking about the group "Right then, to t he docks. Lets hope some ships are left and unlocked" She says, already starting to move

2018-07-20, 05:29 PM
Upon hearing this, Rhessi is all for whatever plan involves her getting the hiss away from here.
No escape pods? Maybe these people would get a ship.

2018-07-20, 06:13 PM
TH-30 pauses to consider the situation. In situations such as these, allying with random civilians and warriors might be for the best if they were to survive, and he could always deal with them later if necessary. "We may be better off absconding with a more maneuverable and defensible vessel. Can any of you fly worth a damn? he asked, as he began herding the small group of sentients out of the escape pod bays and towards the hangar. If worst came to worst after they got away from this Sith infighting, and the meatbags took issue with a couple of Sith onboard, he could secure a vacsuit for Brenran and screw with the ventilation/internal atmosphere systems until they suffocated or froze.

Come to think of it, I'm not even the slowest in the party. How is Psulla keeping up?

2018-07-20, 06:28 PM
Meras keep movins, but looks back to T3 "I....I use to Pod race. Stil know a thing or two about Piloting I think"

2018-07-21, 12:45 AM
"That's great! I believe in you," Rhessi encouraged.

2018-07-21, 12:29 PM
Aimy arrives in just enough time to see the last escape pod taken. She lets out a sigh and an knowing nod as the pod is shot. She isn't the only one to be left behind. At least they have heads on them, as they calmly start to head for the hanger. At least a lot of them. She's about to answer on the subject of a pilot, but someone else speaks up. No need to possibly draw attention to me by showing off my skills. she thinks to herself while following. Taking a look around the ship, she thinks better of the situation Then again I have no idea what podracing is, and this is a pretty dire situation. "Um, I have a bit of piloting experience as well." she says speaking up, sounding like she was sure of mediocre skills.

2018-07-21, 05:19 PM
"I also believe in you!" Rhessi added.

2018-07-22, 04:22 PM
You reach the docking bay, and you manage to get through the door just in time to see the last of the Imperial shuttles clearing the mag field.

Looking around, you see a couple of other ships. One of which, a shining, chromium hulled skiff, has its ramp down. The body of a well dressed Bothan woman lies on the ramp. Her body is still smoking from the impact of several blaster bolts.

Another to the other side of the bay is a very different ship. This one is old and battered, and looks to be a relic from a long past age of starship construction. Its wings are folded up above its squat squarish body, and it looks like its seen its share of laser blasts over the years.

Both ships look to be large enough to carry all of you, but which one will it be?

2018-07-22, 10:08 PM
Looks between the two ships. Expensive, or reliable. "Like I said, I USED to. Never said I won." She looks to Aiwen "You w ant to fly, Be my guest" She says, running to the battered looking ship instead of the shiney chrome one. Tatoine had a lot of ugly ships and skiffs. Thing is, they were tough ugly ships. Maybe that works for this place to.

2018-07-22, 11:23 PM
Rhessi had been eying the liner. It was looking like the better pick to her, though in hindsight she might have considered that the craft might not have had weapons.
But, restrained as she was, and not the best pilot even without restraints, she wasn't in a position to be picky and ran after the person who might pilot a ship.

2018-07-23, 04:42 AM
AK barges into the docking bay as he sees a group of sentients looking at two vessels to make his escape.

He recognizes some of then - the Hutt especially had been a good client.

He looks at the vessels present trying to ascertain wich is better.

2018-07-23, 11:02 AM

"Umm, do you not like dead bodies?" He questions as he follows Meras towards the old ship. "I don't know exactly anything about ships, but that one just looks nicer, no? I figure that you know what you are doing. Come on TH!" He helps to try to do little things, opening the door and hurrying everyone inside.

2018-07-23, 11:18 AM
Ak turns to the others after his quick inspection and says "The newer one has more speed and maneuverability, wich seems something we could use right now to try to escape this madness."

2018-07-23, 12:57 PM
Upon seeing the two ships her initial reaction is to go for the newer one, chalk it up to living a life of luxury and having the best. It also seems to perhaps be closer in design to what she's use to. But even though she wasn't used to the concept of old and viable from personal experience, she did hear grizzled soldiers and adventures talk about it. And there was the possibility of custom modifications. Meras speaks before making her own decision. "I meant no offense, you just didn't sound to sure." She would move towards the newer ship, but more slowly, as her instinct tells her to slow down and she hadn't fully decide yet. Her hand moves towards her weapon underneath her cloak. AK makes his opinion known about the two. She speaks quietly, "That is probably true about speed, I mean, weatlthy people do seem to enjoy faster vehicles. But we are going to have to deal with whoever is on the ship now." In case it escaped the others, she would gesture to the body with her right hand. Hopefully they would notice that the wounds where fresh. At this point, she had also made a decision to go with the newer ship. She would rather talk this out, but from the dead Bothan she assumed this wasn't going to happen the easy way.

2018-07-23, 01:50 PM
TH-30 idly analyzed both ships and compared them to his databases as he ponders the presented options.

I have three basic questions, and skill suggestions for what might be relevant to them, for each of the ships:
What are the standard capabilities of a ship of these models? (Knowledge (Technology)? Int-based Pilot check? Some combination?)
What kind of reputation do these ship models have? (Gather Information? Knowledge (Galactic Lore) maybe? Some combination?)
From what I can tell where I'm standing, how good a shape are they in right now? (Mechanics? Perception? Some combination?)

Please lmk what checks I should make to analyze the ships based on these questions. I've yet to roll since I don't want to assume anything. :smallsmile:

2018-07-24, 03:26 PM
"The G-1100 is more of a cargo ship than a blockade runner by a long shot. Long-term, it could be superior due to potential modularity, but that's not what we need right now. The Royal is faster and more maneuverable, and thus serves our purposes better for right now; additionally, we may be able to fetch quite a price for it should we escape this, and we will then be able to afford to look for ships that are more customized to our needs...although I suspect the Royal is guarded, or at the very least occupied." TH-30 presents his information to the rest, while drawing a blaster and eyeing the body at the Royal's ramp.

2018-07-24, 05:13 PM
Meras rolls her eyes, skidding on her boots as she changes directory, running toward the chrome dome "FIne then! Lets take that one! Either way, Lets just Leave!" She says, not much caring for cover as she pulls out her vibro Knuckle, charging inside the Ship

2018-07-24, 08:56 PM
Meras runs up the ramp, ready for a fight. Her eyes sweep across the well lit corridor. She charges through the corridor, into the ship's luxurious common area, and finds...


There is no one here.

2018-07-24, 09:42 PM

Brenran follows Meras to the other ship and gives a thumbs up to TH-30. He bends down and drags the dead body onto the ship. "Hello!" He calls out to the empty vessel. "You are under Imperial protection now." He nods his head at everyone on board and smiles.

2018-07-24, 10:07 PM
"I guess I can't be picky," Rhessi determined as she switched direction to go to the ship the others were getting inside of.

2018-07-24, 10:58 PM
TH-30 ignores the irony of the statement 'under Imperial protection' given the circumstances at hand, but makes his way onto the ship instead of commenting.

2018-07-24, 11:41 PM
Meras lowers her guard, shooting a look back at Brenan "Under imperial Assult you mean?" SHe say's, looking for the piloting chair to get ready "Hey Lady, If you think you can do a better job, Please stop me. I'd rather not crash into another ship..."

2018-07-25, 08:29 AM

"Under imperial Assult you mean?"

Brenran frowns. "I didn't come barging onto the ship ready to attack. I even brought their friend here in." He lays the dead Bothan out of the way. Then he moves and helps everyone up the ramp.

2018-07-25, 08:44 AM
"Is the Bothan really dead? Or just KO-ed?" as AK as he looks at the imperial carrying the body.

He enters the ship and goes to the fallen sentient to check if alive or dead. And if dead for some identification or gear he could use.

In battle you used what you got your hands into.

2018-07-25, 10:08 AM
Aimy sighs at Meras' straight forward charge, but then again they really didn't have much time. Hopefully she was sturdy enough to take some hits while she comes in and sweeps up whoever may be in there. Not too far behind Meras, she fully draws her sporting pistol. A bit surprising, there seems to be no one in the ship. But they hadn't checked the whole thing yet. Staying alert, she looks for the cockpit. Hearing the bit about Imperial protection she scoffs. She didn't know all the details, but from what she could tell the Empire cared little for individual people, in their employ or not. She also feels better about her decision to drive given the new information Meras lets out. "Given the situation you really can't blame us for being ready for combat. Besides, she was referring to the fight outside. Not you personally... At least I don't think so. And who will you protect us against? I have the feeling neither Star Destroyer out there cares about you." If she finds the cockpit, she would approach carefully and look over it quickly before holstering her weapon and sitting down.

2018-07-25, 10:12 AM
The Bothan is dead. There is no doubt of that, one of the blaster shots was to the back of her head.

In her hand is a remote of some kind, likely a control for the ramp. She has no identification on her, but your search reveals a credstick, a small data pad, and a datastick.

There is no one else aboard the ship, but as you search, you hear the hull of the Starliner begin to strain as portions of it begin to buckle under the ferocity of the assault.

The cockpit of the ship has two seats, and no room for bystanders.

2018-07-25, 10:16 AM
TH-30 looks around for the engine room, ready to do what he can to keep this ship in one piece.

2018-07-25, 10:39 AM
Alares closes the hatch with the command after the pockets the itens and secures himself, finding a place to stay during lift off "If any of you know how to pilot, this would be a good time to start this piece of bolts and escape. And a co-pilot as Plotting an hyperspace route takes time!" he screams.

2018-07-25, 11:30 AM

"Given the situation you really can't blame us for being ready for combat. Besides, she was referring to the fight outside. Not you personally... At least I don't think so. And who will you protect us against? I have the feeling neither Star Destroyer out there cares about you."

"Oh, I like that. You are a real, big picture person. Okay!" Brenran nods his head in agreement.

He looks around for seats to strap into and straps in the Bothan, and then he straps in next to it. It is probably best that he doesn't report in until details of the attack were secure. If this is an attempt to overthrow a particular Sith, he should be alright, but if this is an attempt to overthrow all the Sith... That would be a delicate matter.

2018-07-25, 12:15 PM
Rhessi, knowing that she's not much of a pilot, leaves the two people who mentioned that they were pilots to it and begins searching the ship for something that might be used to uncuff her.

2018-07-25, 12:28 PM
Aimy straps into the pilot's seat. The controls are already powered on, and the engines are already on standby. Apparently, the previous owner was trying to get out of here as fast as possible. And so, presumably, are you.

Normal takeoff, no check.
Full throttle, Pilot check.

2018-07-25, 12:53 PM
Meras takes a seat in the co-pilot chair, looking at the buttons with a sense as if she may be in over her head. She gulps and looks to Aimy "Well, Shall we? Im saying we gun this thing into full throttle, worry about the issues latter" She flicks a few switches, getting it ready for take off!

"Everone Strap in! And Trandoshan, maybe hold someone who looks like they cant. Like the Imp. He looks like he might take a fall." She says with a chuckle "Punch the big picture right in there..." She trails off, shaking her head "Bolts, Keep that Engine Gunning, I think were going!"

2018-07-25, 02:42 PM
Aimy hits the throttle and opens it up wide.

And just in time as well, because just a moment later, a massive fireball erupts from the bay.

With the shields up, You hardly feel the laser blasts that ping off the invisible force field.

Meras knows enough about piloting to know that a course needs to be calculated by the navicomputer. But when she turns to it, she sees a course is already calculated and ready to use. She doesn’t understand the coordinates it lists, but the course is labeled, “Leg Three.”

2018-07-25, 03:25 PM
Meras looks over the coordinates in utter confusion. Leg three? This some sort of Race? Not knowing where else the can possibly go, she shrugs and selects COurse three as there location "There was a course already set. Gun it!"

2018-07-26, 05:56 AM
As the ship flies, Alares, strapped in, turns the datapad on and browses it (inserting the stick if possible).

2018-07-26, 08:33 AM
The datapad is encrypted.

2018-07-26, 08:49 AM
Rhessi continues her search of the ship to the best of her ability, hoping to find something that can cut through the cuffs.

2018-07-26, 11:02 AM
After taking a second to put her hood down, Aimy expertly flies the ship out right in the nick of time. She looks over to Meras, "Relax, as long as you know something about piloting, you'll be fine co pilot." Her next concern was where they should go to, but Meras speaks up about the navicomputer already having a course set in. "I don't like the idea of jumping in blind," she says looking out of the ship, more than likely seeing a TIE fighter or two. "But I guess we have no choice." She takes a deep breath, and then engages the hyperdrive.

2018-07-26, 02:26 PM
Aimy’s Hands dance over the controls. She deftly guides your ship through the rapidly expanding debris field caused by the slow destruction of the Starliner. As you clear the hull, you can see the duel being fought by the two Star Destroyers. One of them, presumably the Vengeance, is doing badly. It is firing far slower and more irregularly. Even from here, you can see massive rents in the hull, where fire pours out into space, to be quickly extinguished when it burned all its available oxygen.

Then there is a blinding flash, a light so bright it causes you to cover your eyes or look away. When the flash subsides, you see a broken Star Destroyer, it’s once massive wedge hull slowly drifting in two pieces, each of them away from each other.

Then realspace blurs as the ship enters hyperspace.

You all gain 100 XP for surviving the destruction of the Variseel Starliner.

2018-07-26, 03:47 PM
Rhessi, giving up her search, approaches Brenran.

"Excuse me, I have an... unorthodox request." She inhaled a bit, then went for it.
"I need you to rip off my hands."

2018-07-26, 04:34 PM

Brenran stares a cold stare, long practiced by imperial officers. It breaks into a smile, "Let noone say Brenran Burseck wouldn't rip off someone's hands if they asked nicely!"

It takes him a moment to get himself ready. He readies the vibrobayanet and breathes deep, "This is going to hurt like hell." Then Brenran lowers his weapon and pulls out a security key.

"Then again, why stain our new ship with blood?"

2018-07-26, 04:36 PM
Meras sits back in relief "Better some Sith Dogs then us" She says, now standing up from her chair and stretching after such an encounter. She looks down to Aimy, the pilot who got them out of this "Thanks for taking the Wheel. Names Meras" She says, walking back toward the rest of the group...and stops as she hears the Trandoshian request that Brenan cut of her hands. SHe blinks..and walks toward the Trandoshian. "Wait...here" she says, raising up her hand and keeping it folded...before bringing it down on the cuffs twice

( First Strike) [roll0]
(Second Strike) [roll1]

2018-07-26, 06:57 PM
Rhessi’s eyes widened suddenly and she released a reptilian laugh.
”I like you!” she decided with a loud smile.

2018-07-26, 07:18 PM

Brenran smiles pleasantly, "Thank you! You have a real positive attitude. I hate to do this, but I need to go check on TH, you'll love him, he has a great attitude... for a droid."

Brenran approaches TH carefully. "Hey Theo, I have a delicate question. Trandoshins don't have any weird instant mating rituals like humans do, do they? Like, say, if I freed a Trandoshin from imprisonment, we aren't married... or i'm not her next meal am I?"

2018-07-26, 07:23 PM

Brenran smiles pleasantly, "Thank you! You have a real positive attitude. I hate to do this, but I need to go check on TH, you'll love him, he has a great attitude... for a droid."

Brenran approaches TH carefully. "Hey Theo, I have a delicate question. Trandoshins don't have any weird instant mating rituals like humans do, do they? Like, say, if I freed a Trandoshin from imprisonment, we aren't married... or i'm not her next meal am I?"

Galactic Lore: [roll0]

"This sounds like one of those questions where you perhaps forgot to ask before following through on the answer you've yet to receive. Is that the case here?"

2018-07-26, 07:39 PM

Galactic Lore: [roll0]

"This sounds like one of those questions where you perhaps forgot to ask before following through on the answer you've yet to receive. Is that the case here?"

"She just asked so nicely, and I figured that it wouldn't do any harm." The worry in his tone fades, they probably don't have anything like marriage. "I think it is in our best interest to know if one of the crew will kill me if I see some ladies and go flashing my badge around when we get to a port."

Brenran calms down and frowns at the droid. "We need to be careful how we check in. Our ship was destroyed, and a Sith Destroyer was destroyed. This smells like a civil war, and I have a feeling at least one side thinks that we are on the other."

2018-07-26, 10:22 PM
When Brenran ran off, Rhessi shrugged and decided to take a look at that secret compartment, now that she had her hands free.

2018-07-27, 06:18 AM
As the ship goes into hyperspace (and escapes doom) Alares unstraps himself and goes to the others. "Is anyone good with computers? I have a datapad that needs to be unlocked."

2018-07-27, 10:45 AM
Meras shrugs, taking a seat and leaning back. Might as well catch a nap during hyperspace. She looks to Alares "Ask The droid. he Might be handy" She says, a self satisfied chuckle coming out.

2018-07-27, 04:44 PM
Rhessi begins to inspect the secret compartment she uncovered. She just manages to open the thing when she hears a hissing sound coming from the compartment.


Some kind of gas is coming from the compartment, but it doesn’t seem to affect her.


Aimy, still in the pilots chair, sees a red light begin to flash on her control panel. The light is labeled Security.

2018-07-28, 02:24 PM
Nothing seems to be there to meet them on the other side, so Aimy relaxes a little. She would try to get used to the ship's systems and then see of she could scan the area. "No problem, of course I wouldn't leave people to their deaths when I can help it. My name is Aimy." she replies to Meras before the woman walks off. She also intended to bring up a star map to figure out where they were, but then the ship's security goes off. "What now?

2018-07-28, 05:47 PM
Rhessi continues opening the hatch. Worst case scenario, she’d pass out.

2018-07-28, 11:16 PM
Rhessi pulls the panel up, this time knowing that at least one booby trap is on the panel, checks for more.

And she does find one. This one is meant to harm. She pulls the panel up just enough to try and disarm it, but before she get far, the panel opens too far, the grenade inside detonates!


2018-07-29, 08:45 AM
TH-30 sighs almost imperceptibly, before raising his voice modulator volume to a more appropriate decibel range: "WHICHEVER ONE OF YOU IS BLOWING HOLES IN A SHIP DURING HYPERSPACE TRAVEL, CEASE IMMEDIATELY." Returning to normal volume, TH-30 begins making his way through the ship towards the source of the explosion, knowing that whatever just got blown up will be his problem, and thus better dealt with sooner than later.

2018-07-29, 03:16 PM
Meras Jumps in her chair once the sound of an explosion echoes through the halls "I thought this Hunk of junk was new!" she yells, running down the hall to see the rathe comical to some scen of the after math of a grenade to the face "Oh...kay...Are you alright Trandoshian..damn. I dont think we introduced ourselves. Names Meras. You?"

2018-07-29, 03:34 PM
TH-30 enters the room and surveys the mess. "What blew up?" he asked as he examined the room.

2018-07-29, 03:48 PM
”I found a secret compartment here,” Rhessi explained, examining her burnt arm.
”It has something of a trap in it. I’m sure it will be fine.”

2018-07-29, 04:34 PM
TH looks around the room and sees the compartment Rhessi is explaining. From what the droid can tell, there was several objects inside. There are the remains of a datapad, a ruined cache of spice, and another lockbox about 30cm x 30cm x 30cm. This lockbox is scorched from the grenade explosion, but seems to be intact.

2018-07-30, 02:51 PM
Given other would check, Aimy would stay at the controls, looking for a com and asking "What's going on?" over it after wait a bit for someone look into it. She would also annouce. "By the way, we have a travel of time of a day. From what I can tell there is nothing at the destination though."

2018-07-30, 10:40 PM
Rhessi lifted the box out of the destroyed safe to show it off to Theo.
"Can you open this?" she asked.

2018-07-31, 04:19 AM
Alares goes to the droid and is surprised by the explosion. "sithspit" he vociferates, as he adds in his mind "bloody amateurs are going to kill us..."

As he reach the droid he asks "Little one can you help me with this?" he asks showing the encripted pad and drive.

2018-07-31, 07:57 AM
TH-30 takes the box in two hands, while four more remove a myriad of tools from his chest cavity and get to work cracking it open.

(Mechanics [roll0])

2018-07-31, 08:50 AM
There is a sharp click as the lockbox pops open. TH sees that the first three centimeters of the box are yet another mechanism to protect what is inside the box. This time, it looks to have been a simple injector built into the box near the locking mechanism.

Beyond that, there is a soft violet padding, that seems to occupy the most of the entire interior of the box. But in the center is a bluish white crystal. A dodecahedron, approximately five centimeters by five centimeters by five centimeters. It seems dull and lifeless, lacking any of the luster that a real gem would. TH can also see runes etched into its multiple facets, but none of them correspond to any language known in his databanks.

2018-07-31, 12:51 PM
Meras looks down at the..odd box. A Crystal? not Like anything she's seen just yet. It..looked a little valuable at least. Might sell for a few hundred credits. Maybe more to some rich collector or something like that "Well then. thats something. Must be the most expensive smuggling ship I've ever seen...so uhh..who wants to touch it?" She says, already moving to try and hold the crystal

2018-07-31, 06:17 PM
"Go for it," Rhessi allowed.

2018-07-31, 08:39 PM
Meras picks up the crystal. It is surprisingly heavy for a crystal it’s size. Once taken out of its case, it shines a bit more in the better light, but it still doesn’t luster the way you think it should. Apart from being able to better see the runes etched in its surface, nothing seems to happen.

2018-08-02, 01:26 PM
Meras shrugs, Putting back the Crystal "Eh, Rih people and there jewls" She says, not knowing what ever this might be "See, If we have no where to go, I s ay we head to Tatoine. Good place to disapear for a bit. And there might be a few people looking to pick up some missing Sith straglers" She says, looking to Brenan with some slight contempts "Anyother strange boobytraps in this place? Or soemthing we could use to learn about the previous owner?"

2018-08-02, 06:23 PM

"It is so nice that you think of others that way."Brenran smiles at Meras warmly and then turns his gaze to the crystal. He turns to TH-30, "Are we being followed or tracked? That is really expensive, and if the explosion is any telling, Robert, He thumbs towards the the Bothan. "Really didn't want us to find this thing. Which probably means that someone else really does. Maybe nowhere is the best place to be?"

2018-08-03, 09:36 AM
Aimy would take a few moments to try and familiarize herself with the ships systems. At least a familiar as she could be given this wasn't the type of technology she was used to. Not that she didn't do any research on the general tech of these parts, but there was still variant between races and it wasn't what she spent her life with. Feeling she learned enough for the moment and her curiosity bugging her, she would decide to see what alarm and explosion were about. She wasn't worried, it seemed calm and no one was reporting otherwise. She finds her way to the group and takes in the scene. "This is what all the fuss is over?" she says now looking at the crystal, though she also makes note of the boxes, what was spice, and the remains of the datapad.

2018-08-03, 10:19 AM
"Difficult to say. Tracking through hyperspace is a pipedream, but if you could spy on where somebody was headed - or if, say, they had preset coordinates in the navcomputer and you were aware of their destination in that way - you could head to where you think they'll be and they probably wouldn't be too far ahead of you. If we're being followed in such a manner, we won't know until we get...wherever we're going, but if that's the case I can try and quickly reroute us when we arrive for somewhere less dangerous." He picks up the remains of the datapad skeptically. "...loathe though I am to say it, this may be beyond my skills to repair," the droid deadpans. "I'll still give it a shot though...if nothing else, there may be some random parts that are salvageable that can be used for upgrading other computers at a later date."

2018-08-03, 01:39 PM
Alares goes to the droid and is surprised by the explosion. "sithspit" he vociferates, as he adds in his mind "bloody amateurs are going to kill us..."

As he reach the droid he asks "Little one can you help me with this?" he asks showing the encripted pad and drive.

TH-30 nods, a bit unhappy to find the exploded datapad wasn't even worth its weight in scrap at this point, and turned his attention to the more intact one.

Use Computer: [roll0]

...aaaaaand in case it's useful somehow...

Mechanics: [roll1]

2018-08-03, 03:47 PM
As the ship goes into hyperspace (and escapes doom) Alares unstraps himself and goes to the others. "Is anyone good with computers? I have a datapad that needs to be unlocked."

Alares goes to the droid and is surprised by the explosion. "sithspit" he vociferates, as he adds in his mind "bloody amateurs are going to kill us..."

As he reach the droid he asks "Little one can you help me with this?" he asks showing the encripted pad and drive.

Fortunately, the data encryption isn’t all that hard. There are a series of logs that are just a few sets of numbers. Not much to go off of, but presumably they meant enough for the smuggler to know what was going on.

The rest of the data appears to be a journal. This is much more interesting. The last entry on the pad is talking about getting off the Starliner before the Sith intercept “the package.”

A few entries before that complain about the pay, the smuggler’s former partner, and mention her client, A Dark Lord of the Sith named Selena.

2018-08-04, 05:21 PM
Meras smirks, looking right at Brenan "Arnt I?" She hisses almost, pearly whites showing as she starts heading out of the room "Lets just hope that wherever were heading, that Crystel sells enough for all of us to comfortably go our seprate way. i doubt this ship was made with the Idea of taking..What. Five people? Gonna get crowded if we start sleeping"

2018-08-06, 06:09 PM
Brenran wears a stupid smile as Meras hisses at him. He turns his gaze back to the crystal and picks it up, slowly twisting it in his fingers. ”This is a Base Sith crystal.” He holds it up to let the light hit it and the runes show, and he lowers his voice.

”I’ve seen the power that something like this can give first hand.” He moves the crystal out, into the middle of the group. ”Back on Coruscant, during my first assignment there, we were tasked with breaking up a smuggling operation. These Gamorreans were being led by this one named Gorge Greentoes. You know how Gamoreans are,” He spreads his hands out, ”Big.” He smiles and chuckles.

”They were slaving in the underground, and eating the slaves that were worthless. To infiltrate, I had to get picked up by some this side gang called the Gamorean claws. They were mostly humans working for Gorge Greentoes. I sat in a lockbox about the size of this ship’s control room for about a week before we got shipped. It was crammed, probably double of what we got on here. One of the slaves with me had one of these crystals and I took it when she died.” He lowers his head down and brings the crystal to his chest.

”I spent a lot of time thinking about her, and a lot of time trying to figure out what it was, sometimes to only forget about my hunger.”

Brenran thrust the crystal back into the air for all to see. ”I finally figured out it’s secrets! It really helped me out when Gorge Greentoes and his thugs opened up the containers. It was me unarmed and them, ready to smack down some unruly slaves. But, this crystal gave me the power of the BS.” He laughs and plops the crystal back down. He wipes a tear from his face and doubles over in laughter. He falls back into the seat beside the dead Bothan, and nudges it with his elbow to let it in on the joke, and regains his composure.

2018-08-06, 08:15 PM
"What exactly does this BS do?" Rhessi asked the postulating Sith.

2018-08-06, 08:28 PM

Brenran thinks for a moment, "It gives you the power to make what you say reality. It only works for a moment."

Brenran stands up and looks around. "I'm going to start inventory on equipment in the ship. If anyone comes up with anything else to keep busy, let me lend a hand." He winks at Rhessi and turns and starts pulling equipment out.

2018-08-06, 10:03 PM
Rhessi squinted at this.
Is this a human gesture of courtship? Is the sith boy romantically inclined toward me?
She shook off the idea and went off to claim the actual bedroom for her own.

2018-08-07, 09:46 AM
Meras arches a brow, trying not to show too much interest in the story? As soon as he starts almost sounding like a good person, Meras has her suspicion of the story...and then has it confirmed by the end. She sighs "Ha Ha Ha. Yea, Very funny" she says flatly. SHe looks to the Trandoshian "He's lying."

2018-08-07, 03:35 PM
While she was mildly interested in the datapad, it was frankly none of her business. Honestly she was more curious about the crystal as it was a more mysterious object. Brenran knowing of it really grabs her attention, but as he speaks it becomes obvious he's just being silly. At first her face shows her loss of interest, but it slowly becomes a grin. She lets out a small chuckle when he is done. It wasn't that funny, but she appreciate his attempt at humor. Besides, it would be smart to at least be friendly with the people she was stuck will. And if they thought of her as some ignorant person all the better. "Let me see that is you don't mind." she asks holding a hand out as a gesture of being ready to receive, rather than trying to force someone to.

2018-08-09, 01:43 PM
There are a couple of months worth of food aboard, most of it is compatible with your biologies, but it is Bothan fare.

There is a couple of crates with various cargoes in it, mostly standard interplanetary shipping worth maybe a couple thousand credits. There are a couple of other crates with more exotic cargo, along with manifests on where they are going. Artifacts for museums or private collectors. A case of designer slave collars for Dubo the Hutt. An ancient astromech droid, one of the old R series, not used for a couple of hundred years.

A case contains two blaster pistols, a breathing mask, and a standard utility belt.

2018-08-09, 10:58 PM
Meras heads back into the room, picking up the crystal and dropping it into Amy's hand "Knock yourself out. As far as it looks to me, it's a overpriced paperweight. not that there's anything bad with that. THat means I might be able to afford a speeder, maybe an X-wing. either way. I think im gonna head to the cockpit And with that, she heads back to the co-pilot chair and looks at the navi-computer...no point in really changing where to go though. Not like she had any idea's besides home. Anyway, wherever this 'middle of nowhere' might be it could be intresting

2018-08-12, 02:48 PM
The Shadow reverts back to realspace with a soft whump.

Unsure of what exactly you will be expecting, you are surprised to find... Nothing. No ship, no Star Destroyer, nothing but the inky blackness of space.

Further decryption of data found on the ship finds that this is to be expected. Apparently, the former owner had some dealings with several Sith Lords and seemed to enjoy making her wait.

Goddess, but these Sith love making me wait. Almost as much as they love making an appearance. Shock and Awe. Standard Imperial drek...

Three hours later, a small craft drops out of hyperspace. Too small to be military. But then you receive a transmission. The voice on the other end of the transmission is cool and feminine.

The stars align, and within the swell of light, how many shadows are cast?

2018-08-12, 03:59 PM
"Guys, this is a password. We need to answer it. I think the answer is "as many as it takes,"" Rhessi suggested.

2018-08-12, 06:36 PM
Meras's eye twitches. Great, more sith. Why did she decide to follow this path? Why did she deserve this of all thigns. She looks back to the Trandoshian, seemeingly having a right idea. Meras looks to the communicator, pulls at her collar, and lowers her head to speak
"As many as it takes?"

2018-08-12, 06:49 PM
”My next guess is “six,” Rhessi.

2018-08-12, 07:07 PM
There is a pause.

There is the sound of a hand being placed over the commlink.

The pause lengthens.

2018-08-12, 08:12 PM

The words of the exchange assault Brenran's ears. "Hmm, that's interesting. I figured the answer would be 'mine', or 'none'. Irregardless, I believe that we should be as honest as possible right now."

2018-08-12, 08:45 PM
Mera's looks to Brennan "Actually, why dont you take the comms Mister Sith. Maybe you know a code?" She gets back on the comms "Everythigns fine over here, just uh..., getting the crystal ready. So, yep. Everything is...everything is fine yea"

2018-08-12, 09:01 PM
Another voice, harsher than the first, suddenly speaks.

Prepare to dock. Have the crystal in plain sight.

2018-08-12, 09:41 PM
"Oh, not the one I blew up, I hope." Rhessi looked at her scorched arm.
"So, we jump them and ask them what the deal is here?"

2018-08-12, 10:17 PM

Brenran's face muscles tighten and his brow pushes down. Meras's words are not meeting her actions. Rhessi's words were truer, showing her worry. Why?

"You two should calm down. When you order food, the server doesn't jump you and ask questions, they just give you your food. Does it matter to you if the server changes? No, you are happy that you get your food."

The ship they are in is sleek, shiny, new. The crew is diverse with plenty of fresh insight. But, the shock of the starship being destroyed is still fresh, and they are nervous.

"I'm going to put ole Robert in a more respectable place. You two should practice your breathing, and get the droid put away. If this is a Sith, T H will be forced to obey em."

He turns to put the Bothan in the real bed and cover her respectfully.

2018-08-12, 10:41 PM
Mera's pinches her brow, and then rolls her shoulders, seemingly doing some stretches, she tucks an arm behind another and pulls "Right then. Put the droid away. Your right,m maybe tuck him with the body" She says, bitting her lip

"As for the crystal, eh, just a bit burnt..and that ship dosent seem that big I think She cracks her knuckles, "They try anyhting, we can take care of them, easy enough" she says, heading toward where the crystal was located

2018-08-12, 10:43 PM
"You're not the one who was just set aflame," Rhessi muttered. She stayed right next to Brenran.

2018-08-13, 02:26 AM
A few minutes later, you hear the dull thump of the docking collar attaching itself to your ship. Seconds after that, you hear a second thump, followed by a loud *Beep!*

There is a knock on the airlock. Opening the hatch, you let in a dark-haired woman wearing red and black armor that has been molded to fit her like a second skin. She holds a blaster rifle, ready to be drawn up at a moment's notice, but right now, she seems to be looking you over with obvious disdain. After seeing everyone assembled, and seeing that there is not going to be a fight, she signals back to her ship. "We are clear, my lady."

Moments later, another figure glides into the room. Her black robes barely flutter as she steps into the common area on the Shadow. Then she just... stands there, for just a moment that seems to stretch on...

Then she reaches up, and her gloved hands push back the cowl of her hood to allow her snow white hair to tumble down her back. Her face is so pale, it could have been sculpted in marble. And as you all see her, you realize she is probably, for a human anyway, one of the most beautiful creatures you have ever beheld.

My name is Sela, Dark Lady of the Sith. You are not the smuggler whom I hired. Give me one reason why I should not just kill you all and take what I have paid for?

2018-08-13, 02:25 PM
The feeling of Oh Bleep is in the air for Meras as the woman steps on the Ship. Shew was a looker, that was for sure, but underneath that surface was certainly darker then any part of space. She clenches her fist, teeth grinding as she watches the Dark Lady of the Sith herself walk on board there ship

Well...Cause a few other Sith of yours shot her dead I think...while shooting each other. Wonder why this gem is more important then whatever that is" She says, folding her arms "Unless that was the reason they were shooting at each other" They could blow up the shadow, kill the Lady of the Sith and her guardian "As for not killing us? Dont know. I was thinking you were planning on doing that to the Bothan anyway"

2018-08-13, 02:56 PM
TH-30 hears 'Dark Lady Of The Sith' and straightens up. "Astromech model, prime-designation TH-30 at your command, my Lady. Previously stationed as security and technical support aboard the Variseel Starliner. The cruiser was brought to a stop for inspection by the arrival of Darth Sel'at's "Korut's Vengeance", obstensibly to locate a smuggler if I'm not mistaken. Mid-inspection a second Destroyer arrived and opened fire on both Korut's Vengeance and the Variseel Starliner. We--" one arm gestures to the group as a whole, "--escaped aboard a rather fast ship whose owner we found dead on the loading ramp, believing it to be our best option for an expedient exit at the time."

2018-08-14, 03:05 PM
There wasn't much time before they got there answers about the mysterious coordinates. Hearing the announcement, she would put the crystal in her cloak and head to the airlock. She would open the airlock, as she figured she should be there to talk just in case. While a more a soldier than anything, she was still nobility after all. She steps back after open the hatch, and takes a good look at both of the women whom board the ship. Wow, Aimy thinks, momentarily taken back by the Sith's beauty. She would go to speak, but Meras and the droid beat her. Nodding at what TH says, she would add her own bit. "Because we have no intentions on not giving it to you." she says, slowly reaching in her cloak and retrieving it. "Though I'm a bit concerned about what you intend to do to us, whether or not we cooperate." Given Selena was closer, she would hold it out to her.

2018-08-15, 03:56 PM
The feeling of Oh Bleep is in the air for Meras as the woman steps on the Ship. Shew was a looker, that was for sure, but underneath that surface was certainly darker then any part of space. She clenches her fist, teeth grinding as she watches the Dark Lady of the Sith herself walk on board there ship

Well...Cause a few other Sith of yours shot her dead I think...while shooting each other. Wonder why this gem is more important then whatever that is" She says, folding her arms "Unless that was the reason they were shooting at each other" They could blow up the shadow, kill the Lady of the Sith and her guardian "As for not killing us? Dont know. I was thinking you were planning on doing that to the Bothan anyway"

Her laugh is melodious, and only adds to her already considerable charisma. Oh, no. I don’t shoot the agents I have operating for me. Unless they betray me, of course.

TH-30 hears 'Dark Lady Of The Sith' and straightens up. "Astromech model, prime-designation TH-30 at your command, my Lady. Previously stationed as security and technical support aboard the Variseel Starliner. The cruiser was brought to a stop for inspection by the arrival of Darth Sel'at's "Korut's Vengeance", obstensibly to locate a smuggler if I'm not mistaken. Mid-inspection a second Destroyer arrived and opened fire on both Korut's Vengeance and the Variseel Starliner. We--" one arm gestures to the group as a whole, "--escaped aboard a rather fast ship whose owner we found dead on the loading ramp, believing it to be our best option for an expedient exit at the time."

Really? That is certainly... interesting news. Sela’at must have been after my courier.Thank you, droid, for the report.

There wasn't much time before they got there answers about the mysterious coordinates. Hearing the announcement, she would put the crystal in her cloak and head to the airlock. She would open the airlock, as she figured she should be there to talk just in case. While a more a soldier than anything, she was still nobility after all. She steps back after open the hatch, and takes a good look at both of the women whom board the ship. Wow, Aimy thinks, momentarily taken back by the Sith's beauty. She would go to speak, but Meras and the droid beat her. Nodding at what TH says, she would add her own bit. "Because we have no intentions on not giving it to you." she says, slowly reaching in her cloak and retrieving it. "Though I'm a bit concerned about what you intend to do to us, whether or not we cooperate." Given Selena was closer, she would hold it out to her.

Darth Sela holds her hand out for the crystal, and Aimy places it in her hand. Thank you, child. She places the crystal inside her robes, and then turns to each of you.

So. Now that I have what I want, it is time to decide what to do with you. I am inclined to leave you to your own business, after all, you didn’t make me track you down. It also leaves me wondering if you be so inclined to undertake a little excursion for me. I would be willing to finance you, of course.

2018-08-15, 04:00 PM
”Would it be dangerous?” Rhessi was pretty sure that if her arm hadn’t taken an explosion earlier she would be ready to take this lady down.
Though there was nothing stopping the ship from blowing them all up after, so...

2018-08-15, 05:40 PM
"Considering it's coming from the Lady of the Sith herself I can only guess that, Yes, it will be. For us or the people we may be sent to murder. Considering..you know, sith and there talent at that. Also backstabbing, massacre and apparently hair and skin care now" She rasies a brow "Fancy that, your guard there carrying a thermal detonator, or is it your shampoo bottle"

2018-08-15, 10:31 PM
The soldier quirked an eyebrow. Then she pulled a cylinder from her belt, and pressed a button on the side. The device emitted a beep.

“Would you care to find out?”

Sela sighs, and looks almost bored.

2018-08-16, 07:31 AM
Meras looks at the cylinder, and then back to the guard, keeping her hostile glare. She lets it hang for a few seconds.... "Fine then. Guess I'll stop pushing buttons if you dont push that one" she says motioning to the cylinder "Whats the job"

2018-08-16, 09:49 AM

Brenran listens to the exchange between the ragtag crew and the Dark Lady of the Sith. He was exuberant to finally meet a Sith, and what a Sith it was. He drops to a knee before the Sith and stands back up smiling. He looks the guard holding the thermal detonator up and down, then at Sela, then back to the guard. ”Your funeral.” He mumbles to the guard.

”It is such an honor to meet you, Dark One, Lady Sith, Sela?” He waves his hand, it doesn’t matter.

”We would be happy to operate this vessel under your tutelage. I know some of the crew here is hesitant, or maybe even violent towards you,” His muscles hold both a smile and a frown in his face and his arm makes it’s familiar gesture of a thumb pointing. This time it is directed at Meras.

He pushes himself closer towards Sela and in a quieter voice says, ”She can be a bit much. It’s like, okay, we get it, you want to hit everyone.”

”Anyways” His lips pull back into a smile. ”With proper paperwork, Ship Codes, Aliases, and clearances, we will be happy to carry on whatever mission you deem important enough to send us on. We’ll be happy to pick up right where the late owner of the ship left off.” His other thumb forms to point towards the bedroom. ”And, personally, if you have any information on her family or closest relatives that we could get her body back to, maybe the payment from this job, and let them know what happened to her, it would really go a long way to show the crew here that you care about your employees.”

2018-08-16, 10:57 AM
Meras looks at the cylinder, and then back to the guard, keeping her hostile glare. She lets it hang for a few seconds.... "Fine then. Guess I'll stop pushing buttons if you dont push that one" she says motioning to the cylinder "Whats the job"

The soldier just smiles at the glare.


Brenran listens to the exchange between the ragtag crew and the Dark Lady of the Sith. He was exuberant to finally meet a Sith, and what a Sith it was. He drops to a knee before the Sith and stands back up smiling. He looks the guard holding the thermal detonator up and down, then at Sela, then back to the guard. ”Your funeral.” He mumbles to the guard.

“No. Yours.”

Kari. Enough.

“Yes, my lady.” The soldier presses another button, the device beeps again, and she reattached it to her belt.

”It is such an honor to meet you, Dark One, Lady Sith, Sela?” He waves his hand, it doesn’t matter.

”We would be happy to operate this vessel under your tutelage. I know some of the crew here is hesitant, or maybe even violent towards you,” His muscles hold both a smile and a frown in his face and his arm makes it’s familiar gesture of a thumb pointing. This time it is directed at Meras.

He pushes himself closer towards Sela and in a quieter voice says, ”She can be a bit much. It’s like, okay, we get it, you want to hit everyone.”

”Anyways” His lips pull back into a smile. ”With proper paperwork, Ship Codes, Aliases, and clearances, we will be happy to carry on whatever mission you deem important enough to send us on. We’ll be happy to pick up right where the late owner of the ship left off.” His other thumb forms to point towards the bedroom. ”And, personally, if you have any information on her family or closest relatives that we could get her body back to, maybe the payment from this job, and let them know what happened to her, it would really go a long way to show the crew here that you care about your employees.”

You have the ship. Letting you keep it is payment enough, as I see it. Dump her body, bury it somewhere. It doesn’t matter to me. Or, frankly, for her. She has no family, though, I would imagine that the famous “Soft Paws” has more than a few bounties in her. You could likely collect some of those, if all you desire is money.

Sela motions to Kari, and the guard presses a button on her wrist guard. Moments later a droid floats in, its repulses making a soft hum as it keeps the droid aloft.

I would tell you that my job for you is simple. Or easy. Or even safe. But I can’t, so I won’t.

As you may have surmised, or perhaps you haven’t... You do seem to prefer thinking with anything other than your brains, yes? But that isn’t terribly important, at this point.

What is important, is that you all understand this. If you accept this job, I will expect strict confidentiality. You will be acting on my behalf, but not under my authority. If anything happens to you, I will disavow all information on you, your job, or your activities.

Sela quirked one perfectly arched eyebrow over her cold eye.

Do you understand?

2018-08-16, 11:16 AM
Rhessi nodded, smiling with a confidence that her wound didn't quite back up.
"I've done Sith jobs, madame. Lay it on us."

2018-08-16, 01:13 PM
"Understood, my Lady."

2018-08-16, 04:21 PM
Meras rasies her right hand "I promise I wont tell the other Sith that there leader also does things behind there back without them knowing" She says, a tad sarcasticly "Just tell us what we have to do"

2018-08-16, 11:45 PM
There is a flash of movement, followed by a sharp snap-hiss. In the blink of an eye, a new light source casts the room in deadly red light. The tip of a lightsaber blade was pointing directly at Meras.

I have tolerated your flippant attitude long enough. Sela’s voice had grown deadly cold. Get. On. Your. Knees.

Kari, standing behind and to the left of Sela, raises her rifle into her shoulder.

2018-08-17, 07:45 AM
Meras's eye's go wide. Her heart stops. Breath catching itself. She could feel it. The heat. More intense then the Tatooine suns. Meras grits her teeth, trying her best not to show fear in the face of the weapon of the sith..but, it was a hard thing to do. Yet, she was left with only a few options. Fight and die? Run and die? Or...kneel. Maybe a counter attack but..that was positive thinking at best.

Meras didnt speak...but she went down on One knee. Once she made contact with the ground, she could feel her blood boil. Showing weakness like this. To a sith? She crushed her teeth hard enough to crack

2018-08-17, 08:51 PM
My job for you is not so important to me that I would not just blast this ship from space to teach you manners in your final moments.

For a minute, she stands there, blade held in Meras’s face. For a minute, she lets the tension build.

Remember your place.

Then you hear the blade shut off.

2018-08-17, 09:10 PM
Meras grits her teeth...playing out ways she might try and get around the light-saber, but each of them ending in death. Or worse. She balls her fist, shutting her eye's and waiting for her death. Is this what the other fighters felt before they died?

Then, the lightsaber shuts off. She opens her eye's, slightly amazed that she has her life. She even feels the breath leave her lungs from the suprise. She stays knelt a bit longer, still in shock before slowly standing. Angry..but not willing to speak up about, instead looking away from the Lady of the sith

2018-08-17, 09:20 PM
"So. The job." Rhessi prompted.

2018-08-18, 01:47 PM
Will go to someone else. I no longer believe I can trust you with it.

Sela motioned to Kira. The soldier lowered her rifle back down as she turned to leave.

2018-08-18, 02:04 PM
Meras had nothing else to say to the Sith. She herself turns, heading back to the cockpit to check the navigation computer. There's always someone looking for a few hired guns and the like. Or somewhere she could go to grab herself a ship and go it alone again. Better then working alongside the sith

2018-08-18, 04:27 PM
The two Sith depart, along with their droid. Moments later, you hear the docking clamp retract.

2018-08-18, 09:36 PM
Meras clicks her way through the navigation controls "Right, SO that happened. I Vote we go to Nar Shadda Personally. That or tatoooine. Good drinks in both those places"

2018-08-18, 09:49 PM
"I'm going to perform some diagnostics, see what parts of the ship's system are most in need of maintenance and replacement. Either of those locations will be useful for either upgrading this vessel or acquiring a more appropriate one for...whatever it is we as a group intend to do together. If anything." The droid goes quiet for a moment. "If my assistance in planning out a hyperspace would be of any help, do not hesitate to call," he adds, before skittering off to elsewhere in the ship.

2018-08-20, 07:56 AM
Meras waves a hand "Yea Yea sure, we'll find you a nice Oil bath in Nar Shadda. Maybe a few cute Astromech droids to keep you company or something." She says, adjusting the cordinates

2018-08-21, 04:30 PM
Rhessi approached Brenran.
"Hey. Sith lady said we could keep the ship as payment for the job she didn't hire us for. I think we should gun it before she shoots us down or something."

2018-08-21, 07:38 PM
Meras decides they spent enough time in the middle of dark space. And..so one had any objections! She taps a few coordinates and punches it to the destination of her Leisure. Nar Shadda.

2018-08-21, 08:30 PM
You power on the Shadow’s engines, and start to fly off. As you come about, you see the Sith ship, sitting a kilometer out. As you engage the hyperdrive, it happens.

An explosion rocks the ship!

Warning indicators flash all over the cockpit. You don’t know how extensive the damage is, but from the read outs, your hyperdrive has taken damage, and you won’t be making it to Nar Shadda.

2018-08-21, 08:35 PM
Meras falls from the pilot seat, foolishly not putting on her seatbelt. She checks the shields and then walks back to the main deck of the ship "What in the hellis happening! Did that Sith..Is she trying to kill all of us! Metal arms! Check the engines...or something you fix stuff right!"

Meras Grits her teeth, knowing that there going to need to be able to tear themselves out of this Hyperlane. She gets seated, hands wrapping around teh controls "Right then, Im gonna try and tear this Bird out of this. Hold onto your seats! or Help, HOpefully."

2018-08-21, 10:09 PM
Rhessi ran toward the source of the blast with the intent of putting out any fires.

2018-08-21, 10:33 PM
TH-30 immediately returns to the cockpit and begins taking the necessary actions to safely drop out of hyperspace with a damaged engine - messing around with the engine while in hyperspace is a good way to end up scattered halfway across a star system from yourself. Once he's done what he can in the navcomputer, and provided some piloting tips to Meras, he removes a fire extinguisher from his internal storage and proceeds towards the damaged portions of the ship, all with one thought in his head: if she wanted them dead, they would be, and thus she does not. Repairs are acceptable.

Pilot (Aid Another for Meras): [roll0]
Use Computer: [roll1]

2018-08-22, 06:54 AM
Meras grits her teeth, grabbing onto the controls "This does not control like a pd at all! HOLD ON!" she yells, pulling back on the controls and trying to force the ship out of hyperspace. First threatened they were attacked in space by two star destroyers, then threatened by the Lady of the Sith herself, and now this! What a time to be alive. For now


2018-08-22, 03:57 PM
Between TH30s astrogation and Meras listening to the droid about when to drop out of hyperspace, you revert back to real space and begin spinning as Meras fights the controls. Seconds later, the ship comes under control, and you find yourself heading toward a planet that at least appears habitable, though you can plainly see that it is not Anoat, the system you were trying to reach.

In fact, when you check your galactic coordinates against all the data available, you find you are in a system that doesn’t appear on the charts at all.

2018-08-22, 04:05 PM
Aimy was not in the mood to help the Sith, it sounded like trouble she had no business in. For once she was happy about Mera's mouth... If you ignore the fact it got them nearly killed. She races for the cockpit to help, but Mera gets things under control with the help of the droid. "See? You're not so bad!" she compliments, looking over her shoulder to see what was going on.

2018-08-22, 06:59 PM
Rhessi returned to the cockpit after looking for fires and looked at Brennan.
”Never mind that question. Maybe we can sell the ship and get one that works here.”

2018-08-26, 07:32 PM

Brenran remains strapped into his seat. His face muscles are relaxed, but he can feel heat radiating outward. The Bothan blood on the floor keeps shimmering light into his eyes. The familiar burn is pleasant.

The Trandoshin is right, they should have gunned it. The yells and words from the others turn to murmurs in his ear canals.

2018-08-28, 10:42 AM
Now sitting in the copilot's place, Aimy makes a sensory scan with the help of TH-30. She looks at it and nods to herself. She would turn the com on so anyone not in the cockpit would hear her. "It seems this planet is not inhabited. We're going to have to make do with whatever we can get from the ship itself unless we find some natural resources. There is one curiosity however, I'm detecting an unusual energy signature down there."

2018-08-28, 11:24 AM
"Let's go there," Rhessi offered.

2018-08-29, 08:18 AM
Meras straps in! "Just Land the thing Before it explodes again!

2018-08-29, 11:16 AM
Aimy nods "Sounds good to me," She waits to see if there's objects before she takes the controls and tries to land the ship near the signal, taking it easy so she won't ever exert the ship.

2018-08-31, 07:25 PM
You home in on the energy signal.

It is in the middle of a massive jungle. You start looking for a place to land your ship, and you find two places that could work. One is outside the jungle, in the grasslands that run up to where the trees start, but is far away from the signal, maybe two days travel, depending on the ground conditions.

The second is a vast clearing inside the jungle, much closer to the signal, but it appears to be marshy swampland.

2018-08-31, 07:42 PM
"Only good things have happened to me in swamps. Let's land there," Rhessi advised.

2018-09-01, 02:18 PM
Meras Grumbles, Looking down at the green, swampy Planet "Ugh. I miss the desert. Just get close to the enrgy signal. Maybe it's a new Ship"

2018-09-01, 02:23 PM
Rhessi shook her lizard head.
"Swamps are alive. Swamps are growing, moving, teeming with life. I suppose you might prefer the desert if you'd rather be somewhere dead and stagnant."

2018-09-01, 03:25 PM
Meras looks up at Rhessi, and almost without missing a beat responds "Yes. Yes I do. Less bugs and all that"

2018-09-01, 03:54 PM
Rhessi knocked on the scales of her left arm with her charred fist.
"I'm sorry, I briefly forgot how pathetic a defense your skin is."

2018-09-03, 01:28 AM
With no objectios to the site, Aimy pulls the Shadow into a gentle course that will allow you to make a, relatively, smooth landing. The ship sinks as its struts settle into the swamp, but you are fairly certain that you will be able to lift off again with little difficulty.

Taking a bearing on where you are in relation to the power signal, you set off into the swamp. Life teems around you, and you can hear the noises of creatures going about their own lives. More than a few things come out to take a look at you, but most of them flee when they realize you are either not food or predators. But of course, that is not always the case. More than once you can feel eyes upon you, and you begin to get the feeling that you are being watched.

Perception checks, if you please.

2018-09-04, 12:57 AM
More than once, you get the strange feeling you are being watched. But try as you might, you can't seem to find the source of the feeling. Soon enough, the ground firms up, and you find yourselves in the jungle, where dense foliage makes progress slow.

The feeling of a hidden watcher sends shivers down your spine, despite the heat and oppressive humidity. As you press on, you start to hear the sound of running water, breaking on stones. You come to a river that seems to be flowing away from where you are heading, and so you follow the river, finding an easier path in the shallow banks of the river.

As you clear away the trees in front of you, you find yourselves facing a large open clearing. The canopy, high overhead, has grown over the clearing, providing a translucent green umbrella over what lays before you. What appears to be a ruined city, its building in various states of collapse and decay. Here and there, buildings have fallen into the river, diverting its course, as the river unable to erode the material of the buildings, has diverted around, through, and over the ruins, leaving in its wake a scene of breathtaking beauty, and somehow, sadness. You can tell the city was once great, but it has been abandoned for quite some time.

https://preview.ibb.co/kEaSCz/bp_O6e_FH1om_Z7_Hhr_W1p_Rs_Rt_P8_LSTis_SG5lx_Vbn_B CLSm_M.jpg

2018-09-04, 03:42 PM
Meras's boots squelch into the mud beneath her, crisp leaves cracking and wigs snapping. her annoyance at the humid atmosphere of the planet seems to do a good job of distracting her from whatever watcher might have spotted them "Of all the words in the Galaxy it had to be some muddy..Humid...Oh...oh..okay" She says, turning the corner and,...well, seeing what used to be a city. An ancient one by the looks of it. She looks about the fallen, stone buildings, blocking the water and some of there path. She cant help but question how far out this goes..or what might be inside.

"Im gonna try and get to a vantage point" Says teh brawler, as she starts moving toward a building, stretching before she runs and jumps up, trying to climb up the wall

[roll0] Jump!
[roll1] Climb!
[roll2] Acrobatics!

2018-09-05, 08:48 PM
Meras scrambles to the top of a collapsed building, using the larger stones for handholds. When she reaches the top, she sees... more of the same. More collapsed buildings, more ruins. While buildings that have been swallowed by the jungle. Except for one building. This one building alone stands out. Mostly because it isn’t ruined. It is a low building, just one story high, capped in a dome of solid marble. The building gleams in the greenish light, almost beckoning you toward it.

2018-09-05, 09:26 PM
Meras narrows her eyes, spotting the strange building from from her vantage point "Hey. Ome of the buildings in the distance is in tact. Actually, More then that, Looks modernish by comparison. I think thats where we should go next"

2018-09-05, 09:39 PM
"Yeah let's go. Worst case scenario we find somewhere to live for the rest of our lives." Rhessi heads to the building directed.

2018-09-06, 07:40 AM
TH-30 follows along quietly.

2018-09-07, 12:52 PM
You walk through the city, and even with the destruction evident around you, an odd feeling of calm, of peace washes over the organics.

All around you are the remains of a city, a great city, from the looks of the crumbled remains of buildings. As you enter a plaza, there is a great statue. Or at least a part of one. All that remains is the base, onto which has been carved an expression.

“The Force will be with you, always.”

2018-09-16, 08:33 PM
Mera's rasies a brow "THe force? THat thing the sith use...Damn it is this something that lady would have wanted" Meras almost hisses as she speaks. Her usual anger has been sated...the calm of the city almost eerie. She keeps moving further into the plaza, seeking what else may be found..perhaps an entrance nearby?