View Full Version : Glyph of warding in Adventurous League.

2018-06-23, 10:40 PM
Let's say I would want to cast a glyph of warding in an AL session on my shield with surface as a choice and it would not trigger until the end of the scenario. Would it still be active on the next scenario or would it be 200gp loss.

Thank you for your answers.

2018-06-23, 10:50 PM
I don't know about the AL-specific ruling, but keep in mind that if a Glyph of Warding is placed on an object and that object is moved even 10 feet away from where you cast the Glyph, the spell ends. So if you put it on your shield, I hope you're planning on staying exactly where you are - the moment you move 10 feet, you lose the glyph.

2018-06-23, 10:58 PM
I don't know about the AL-specific ruling, but keep in mind that if a Glyph of Warding is placed on an object and that object is moved even 10 feet away from where you cast the Glyph, the spell ends. So if you put it on your shield, I hope you're planning on staying exactly where you are - the moment you move 10 feet, you lose the glyph.

You get 2 choice when you cast the glyph, put it inside an object that can be closed or on a surface.

The moving restriction apply only if you are chosing an object, not a surface. Meaning you could store a buff on your shield for 200 gp worth. If you store a damaging spell, you become the target or the center of the aoe.

2018-06-23, 11:20 PM
Errata has stated that the object or surface cannot move. I would imagine the AL would follow the updated rules.
As a side note, every object has surfaces. Trying to declare a surface is not an object, especially a clearly stated object like a weapon or shield, would absolutely not fly in my game. But that's just me, ymmv

2018-06-23, 11:22 PM
Let's say I would want to cast a glyph of warding in an AL session on my shield with surface as a choice and it would not trigger until the end of the scenario. Would it still be active on the next scenario or would it be 200gp loss.

Thank you for your answers.

A shield isnt a 'surface'. Its an object.

As per the spell:

'If you choose an object, that object must remain in its place, if the object is moved more than 10 feet from where you cast this spell, the glyph is broken and the spell ends without being triggered.'

2018-06-24, 01:01 AM
Errata has stated that the object or surface cannot move. I would imagine the AL would follow the updated rules.
As a side note, every object has surfaces. Trying to declare a surface is not an object, especially a clearly stated object like a weapon or shield, would absolutely not fly in my game. But that's just me, ymmv

Seems like also that the effect has to be harmfull also as a restriction. Well I can understand they don't want people to abuse it but I feel like the idea to store a buff against gold and 2 spell usage is a great idea. May be they could've allowed it up to a certain set level. Level 1 spell for level 3 cast, level 2 for level 5, level 3 for level 7 and level 4 for level 9. And it cost 2 spells.

I guess I don't need to investigate this anymore to bring it in my AL games. It will never happens.

Thank you.