View Full Version : Player Help low constitution rogue

2018-06-24, 10:58 AM

I'm starting to play rogue for a new campaign but my constitution is very low

I have like 6 hp, we are 3 guys and 1 gm

I'm playing tabaxi rogue with the skulker feat (we all started with a feat, just for fun)

i just need advice on how to not get killed on the 1 or 2 lvl

i can die very easily so how can i avoid or what can i do?

maybe play style or item that i'm not aware of

just need advice or tips

thank you :)

2018-06-24, 11:00 AM
Don’t get hit is one nice thing. If you Hide a lot that could help,

At level 3 you can go Mastermind. Dodge as an action and Help someone attack as a bonus action from 30 feet away.

2018-06-24, 11:06 AM

I'm starting to play rogue for a new campaign but my constitution is very low

I have like 6 hp, we are 3 guys and 1 gm

I'm playing tabaxi rogue with the skulker feat (we all started with a feat, just for fun)

i just need advice on how to not get killed on the 1 or 2 lvl

i can die very easily so how can i avoid or what can i do?

maybe play style or item that i'm not aware of

just need advice or tips

thank you :)
Use a bow at low levels so as to not get too close to combat. There won't be that many ranged weapons for the first couple of levels, so staying out of the way should be good. Dart in and out of cover where available.

You should have more than 6hp at level 1, unless your CON is 7 or lower - the HP for a 1st level Rogue is 8+CON. That would mean you've rolled for stats, and with a CON of 7, I'm guessing you didn't have much call over how they were placed. If your CON is that low, you're honestly going to have issues with being a glass cannon for pretty much your entire career - I'd suggest paying a lot of attention to cover and using your cunning action judiciously.

2018-06-24, 11:34 AM
Don’t get hit is one nice thing. If you Hide a lot that could help,

At level 3 you can go Mastermind. Dodge as an action and Help someone attack as a bonus action from 30 feet away.

im going for arcane trickster
and what can i pursuit for better constitution?
sure I can up by 2 point at lvl 4 but then I'll be weak
my dex will stay low

2018-06-24, 12:31 PM
What are your stats now? How were they allocated? How did you get them? Can they be changed around or has the campaign started? We can help if you answer these questions and more, on Giant in the Playground.

2018-06-24, 01:09 PM
What are your stats now? How were they allocated? How did you get them? Can they be changed around or has the campaign started? We can help if you answer these questions and more, on Giant in the Playground.
ok so
STR=10 DEX=17 CON=6 INT=14 WIS= 13 CHA=14
it was highest of 4 rolling
and i put the lowest at CON just for the role playing
its matching my back story
but i did not expected that low
and maybe i can change them but the GM don't like to change such things

and thank you all for the answers!

2018-06-24, 01:16 PM
Yeah you’re quite fragile with 6 Con, but like others have said you can do fine by using ranged attacks and making good use of cover. Levels 1 and 2 will be done quickly, although you’ll always have very low hp. I think it’ll be a fun character to build, selecting your wizard spells wisely to counteract your fragility.

Willie the Duck
2018-06-24, 09:14 PM
and i put the lowest at CON just for the role playing
its matching my back story
but i did not expected that low

I applaud your commitment to the RP. The game does not reward you for that concerning Constitution. Of all the stats, it is one of the hardest to live without a moderate-to-high level of.

That said, a lot of characters are fragile at level 1. You are just especially so. I would suggest that this tabaxi should be a bit of a 'fraidy-cat until you've gained a couple of levels. As in, tell the party that when things get violent, you don't hang in the back plinking with your bow, you leave. At level 4, consider getting Toughness. In the long term, this character will be quite useful, but never as a melee rogue, AFAICT.

2018-06-24, 09:43 PM
Yikes. Yeah go ahead and get toughness and resilient constitution as you next ASIs. 17 in Dex is fine for now.

Make sure your expertise is in sneaking. You want to never be caught.

Mobile might help as well but considering your race and class I don’t think it’s nessesary. If you ever get caught in melee remember to disengage with your cunning action and Tabaxi sprint away. If you had mobile you’d be able to claw them and the. run and hide.

2018-06-24, 10:02 PM
6 Con is gonna be too low for a Rogue. Can you trade Skulker for Tough as your free feat? You could put +1 in Dex and Con and then take Res(Con) to round Con to 8 if you make it that far.

I doubt you make it that far. I recommend asking to trade stats.

2018-06-24, 10:13 PM
My Advice: Don't let a Bugbear get a surprise round on you.

Beyond that just follow the advice above.

2018-06-24, 10:23 PM
Remember, you can move-attack-move, and as a Tabaxi, you can double your speed as you need. Frankly, I think Burglar is the best subclass for Tabaxi, because of that bonus-action dash (And I think Hide is also an option? Away from books, so can't remember). The Acrobatic feat might be more useful than Toughness. You won't be able to attack much, but being able to gut someone in the middle of a 120' movement is pretty useful. Of course, "Scoot+Shoot" should be your default combat strategy when you're forced to fight (Melee really isn't your place).

2018-06-24, 11:11 PM
I've played Tabaxi Swashbuckler and it was great. The free disengage you'd get would be just what you need.

2018-06-25, 02:28 AM
First, thank you all for the answers, really

Yeah you’re quite fragile with 6 Con, but like others have said you can do fine by using ranged attacks and making good use of cover. Levels 1 and 2 will be done quickly, although you’ll always have very low hp. I think it’ll be a fun character to build, selecting your wizard spells wisely to counteract your fragility.

About the spells I think i will take "find familiar" I just think is really cool

That said, a lot of characters are fragile at level 1. You are just especially so. I would suggest that this tabaxi should be a bit of a 'fraidy-cat until you've gained a couple of levels. As in, tell the party that when things get violent, you don't hang in the back plinking with your bow, you leave. At level 4, consider getting Toughness. In the long term, this character will be quite useful, but never as a melee rogue, AFAICT.[/QUOTE]

How can I gain XP if i will not fight?
There are other ways?

6 Con is gonna be too low for a Rogue. Can you trade Skulker for Tough as your free feat? You could put +1 in Dex and Con and then take Res(Con) to round Con to 8 if you make it that far.

I doubt you make it that far. I recommend asking to trade stats.

The GM gave as the feats so I don't think i can change that

2018-06-25, 02:41 AM
Call me skeptical but I dont think this is a viable build. You'll have 9hp at level 2 and just 12 at level 3. If you take +2 Con at level 4, it'll bump you to 19. If you take Tough at level 4, it'll bump you to 23. You're not going to make it that far.

Willie the Duck
2018-06-25, 06:19 AM
That said, a lot of characters are fragile at level 1. You are just especially so. I would suggest that this tabaxi should be a bit of a 'fraidy-cat until you've gained a couple of levels. As in, tell the party that when things get violent, you don't hang in the back plinking with your bow, you leave. At level 4, consider getting Toughness. In the long term, this character will be quite useful, but never as a melee rogue, AFAICT.

How can I gain XP if i will not fight?
There are other ways?

There are three pillars to the modern D&D game: social, exploration, and combat. Your character is supremely balanced to those first two (a rogue with positive Int, Wis, and Cha, as well as interesting racial benefits which supplement this is awesome out-of-combat). If the party does not appreciate a character who can help with every problem except a fight (including meaning that the spellcasters can devote their entire load-out of resources to the fight instead of other, problem-solving, spells), and the DM does not award xp for getting the party to and from fights without resource-expending incidents, then you are in a party that will never reward this RP-based decision you have made. If that is the case, then it is a good thing to discover now.

Regardless, I stand by my position. Maybe at level 4 or 5 you will be have the hp to stand in the back (hopefully from hiding) and shoot (running after getting hit even once), but for now, you should stay out of the fights.

2018-06-25, 11:15 AM
1)Exploit your hide bonus action + Skulker + Range attacks, that makes you great for hit in the dark attack

2) Your worst enemies are AOE spells, so try to keep some distance between yourself and your team (from 25 to 35 feet)

3) Make sure to take Expertise on Stealth (you will need it)

4) Get Find Familiar so you can always help in more ways even if you stay far away (also, if your familiar is in the way, its most likely that it is going to get attacked than you).

5) Always ask the DM what kind of weapon the enemy have on hand and in their backs (thrown weapon and range weapons are dangerous), if you can get a horse, this is even more important, so you can use your horse in combats that the enemy is mainly melee to always be out of their range.

6) Have in mind, that unlike most PCs and enemies, you have climb speed, so that's another way to get out of range of melee enemies.

7) If the enemy have range / thrown weapons, go back to the basic tactic of hit in the dark with your bow (Attack, and hide every turn, your expertise should make it hard for the enemy to get to you)

8) If, for some reason, you cannot hide in a turn, ALWAYS end your turn with cover (best case scenario is full cover, but at least 1/3 would do)

2018-06-25, 11:41 AM
1)5) Always ask the DM what kind of weapon the enemy have on hand and in their backs (thrown weapon and range weapons are dangerous), if you can get a horse, this is even more important, so you can use your horse in combats that the enemy is mainly melee to always be out of their range.

Why would he want a horse? A tabaxi rogue is faster than a horse at level 2.

Also - remember that while he may always be one hit away from going down in a fight, downed=/=dead in 5e.

2018-06-25, 11:45 AM
Why would he want a horse? A tabaxi rogue is faster than a horse at level 2.

Also - remember that while he may always be one hit away from going down in a fight, downed=/=dead in 5e.

A riding horse have 60 speed, as you can always make it use its dash action every turn without costing you anything, you got 120 speed and still keep your bonus action for other things.

a Tabaxi rogue only have 30 speed, 60 speed with dash bonus action (you would want to keep your action for attacking), if you use your feline agility, you will have 120, the same as the horse, but only for one turn (as the other turn you will need to stay still).

Note: Is true that you're faster if you want a quick way to leave combat, but the point of the horse is to stay in combat but always out of range of melee characters

Note2: Is not something that he NEEDS, but something that would become quite useful in some combats, in the others, just leave it the horse to the Wizard so it can always stay out of range of enemies, the Wizard will thank you.

2018-06-25, 12:10 PM
Call me skeptical but I dont think this is a viable build. You'll have 9hp at level 2 and just 12 at level 3. If you take +2 Con at level 4, it'll bump you to 19. If you take Tough at level 4, it'll bump you to 23. You're not going to make it that far.

This isn't just skeptical, it's a blatant overreaction. 6 Con isn't ideal, of course, but it doesn't make a character non-viable. He'll have the same HP as a Con 10 Wizard and that's fine. After all, if you don't get hit, your HP don't matter and Rogues also have tools to mitigate or negate incoming damage (Uncanny Dodge and Evasion at 5th and 7th respectively). If anyone can rock a 6 Con, a Rogue can!

Tips for the OP;
- Stay at range. Sneak Attack works just as well with a bow as it does a dagger and as a Tabaxi Rogue, you have the tools to keep out of reach of melee oriented foes. Grab the Mobile Feat as soon as you can (perhaps even see if you can swap Skulker for it), because it will allow you to use terrain to your advantage (bonus action Dash with Mobile doesn't just double your speed through difficult terrain, it effectively quadruples it compared to anyone chasing you).

- Work with your party, not against them. This is good advice for any character, but for you especially, it will be important to use teamwork for you to stay standing. Use your "tanks" as blockers, work out strategies with your casters for when they cast control spells and so forth.

- Don't try to shore up your weakness, rather play to your strengths. I get the impression that you instinctively know this, but wasting a Feat on Tough or an ASI on Con is only going to make you mediocre. As CTurbo mentions above, you're never going to have enough HP to stand up in a straight fight, even with heavy resource investment, so why bother even trying?

- Con Saves may be a problem for you, so Resilient (Con) may be an option, but as per my last piece of advice, I probably wouldn't bother. Just try to avoid them if at all possible! One advantage of taking Resilient (Con) is that it opens the opportunity to take a +1/+1 ASI in Dex and Con later, but on the other hand +1/+1 in Dex and Wis is already an option for you and a solid one at that.

- With low Con, many of the Arcane Tricksters best spells may prove difficult to maintain when you do take damage. I might advise pursuing a different Archetype. Swashbuckler is a little too melee focused for my liking, but it is mobile and you get to utilise that 14 in Cha. Mastermind gives you additional party-friendly boons, which is always nice and it also allows you to play uo the "smarter than you" aspect of the Rogue! Thief is better than it looks on paper and would be my recommendation, especially if you're planning on being a sneaky-sneaky Rogue (as evidenced by your taking Skulker).

2018-06-26, 10:44 AM
thank you all guy
you really helped me to start the game with positive vibes