View Full Version : What forms would Dragons use?

2018-06-24, 04:08 PM
Most Metallic dragons get the change shape action at adulthood, and the others once ancient. They can turn into humanoids or beasts with CRs less than or equal to their own.
My question, is what these dragons might use this ability for besides the obvious “blend in with humans” and “fit through doors.”
Any ideas, serious or oddball, are welcome. I’m curious how you have seen dragons use their shape shifting to the fullest.

Sariel Vailo
2018-06-24, 04:24 PM
I had an npc silver dragonborn be in reality a dragon but he would be a lone adventurer who would occasionally drop hints. His thought process its easier to move in my own scales even if im bipedal.

2018-06-24, 04:30 PM
One could take over a gang of Doppleganger.

2018-06-24, 04:44 PM
Haven't actually run this, but I've had a campaign idea stuck in my head that involves dragons quite a bit, especially dragons in disguise. The dragon in question is masquerading as a moon druid, and the truth would be revealed by slip-up like talking in animal form, "Wildshaping" more than twice a day, or surviving a hit that said animal really shouldn't be able to. Thought it might be a good way to integrate mechanics with the story.

2018-06-24, 05:03 PM
I think it would be cool to use their shape change to develop Draconic culture a bit.

Specifically how do Dragons perceive mortals? which races have the most impact on it or are the most ancient. In the Warcraft setting for example, Dragons almost always use Elven forms because Elves are one of the most ancient and sophisticated races who developed a kingdom of magic. The Dragons use their forms because most dragons are pretty old (and also traditional) and they may see Elves as the most superior of all the mortals.

Similarly, depending on what kind of world you have, Dragons might favor one form or another when walking among mortals. Of course if a dragon needs to be a certain form to not attract unwanted attention, he would most likely do so, but as to what they favor it would be a cool insight into the culture of your world to look at the mortal races through the eyes of these immortal, magical beings and think about which mortal THEY think would be the most beautiful, admirable, or captivating.

Maybe dragons take on forms of other monsters even, or shapes that they find pleasing.

2018-06-24, 05:13 PM
It's much easier to ambush someone when you're mouse-sized than when you're ancient dragon-sized.

Half-dragons have to come from somewhere. Though that fit with the "blend with humans" part.

Assuming they can choose any NPC stat block, dragon shapechanged into an Archmage is much better spellcaster than dragon in its natural form. There are some non-D&D precedents for that.

2018-06-24, 05:15 PM
Winged Kobold - Easy to fit places, easy to sneak around, doesn't sacrifice aerial mobility. (I can't imagine a natural flyer being content to walk.)

Winged Unicorn - "Look at how pretty and unthreatening I am, that's right get closer. Oh hey thanks for the virgin sacrifice, I'm flying away with her now." - oh wait unicorns are Celestials now, maybe just a winged horse (with a decorative horn).

Owl - Not traditionally hunted, easy to fit places, doesn't sacrifice aerial mobility, good hearing, good eyesight, easy to look behind you.

2018-06-24, 05:45 PM
Winged kobold gets picked up by random jerk.


who you calling tiny, tiny?

Best day ever :)

2018-06-24, 06:02 PM
I generally give this to all Dragons, Chromatics getting a variation of Alter Self instead as a Spell, usable At-Will.

Dragons in my Setting are closer to Humanoids than in most settings. Most have a default humanoid form that genelally reminds some of the characteristics in their Dragon Form. Others might have more than one form they shift from.

Animals would generally be animals from their environment. Predators (carnivors) over prey. Winged creatures over non when it's more benefical. And magical beast might be slightly prefeared due to sharing in magical nature.

For example, a perfect form for a Silver Dragon who does not care to be unnoticed but wants a relativelly low profile wile hunting could be a Blink Dog, or a Griffon. On the other hand, if trying to keep a very low profile, the same dragon could become a small house cat for some time, until it decides it's time to take a Humanoid form, and "pass off" as a "Druid or Wizard" in disguise. It could hide the fact it's a Dragon indefinitelly untill the time is right.

2018-06-24, 08:12 PM
I only have a single dragon of the relevant age and type so far, an adult brass female. She spends most of her time in various nondescript human forms to better mingle with people, mostly hanging out in taverns. She loves stories, and it's easier to get people to talk to her if she's not big and imposing and scary. Most locals know it's her, since she's the acknowledged protector of the city, but pretend not to so she doesn't get annoyed. Because an annoyed dragon is no fun to deal with.

She once was dragonborn, but became a true dragon due to a divine miracle a few hundred years ago.

2018-06-24, 08:17 PM
Why be big, frightening, and ugly, when you can be small, cute and fluffy?

Clearly, dragons love to spend a lot of time as cats.

2018-06-24, 08:18 PM
Why be big, frightening, and ugly, when you can be small, cute and fluffy?

Clearly, dragons love to spend a lot of time as cats.
Explains the sheet arrogance of cats--they're really dragons in disguise.

Sariel Vailo
2018-06-24, 08:28 PM
Why be big, frightening, and ugly, when you can be small, cute and fluffy?

Clearly, dragons love to spend a lot of time as cats.

makes sense

2018-06-24, 08:34 PM
We had a gold dragon that was a koi in the koi pond of a monk dojo

2018-06-24, 09:52 PM
Why be big, frightening, and ugly, when you can be small, cute and fluffy?

Clearly, dragons love to spend a lot of time as cats.

Explains the sheet arrogance of cats--they're really dragons in disguise.

This theory makes WAY too much sense.

https://preview.ibb.co/bDf8n8/dragonfire_adept_tibbit.jpg (https://ibb.co/gU2cfT)

2018-06-25, 06:24 AM
This theory makes WAY too much sense.


Your image is broken, by the way.

I'm thinking of doing the following:

1. Give a magic item that acts like the warlock invocation that lets you see shapeshifters' real appearance.
2. Make it clear that it works by revealing what the creature believes in its heart that it is.
3. As they're walking by a group of cats, say that they all appear to be dragons of various colors.
4. Watch the panic.

Are they really dragons pretending to be cats? Or do cats just believe that they're dragons?

Or maybe many Earth cats are dragons who are observing humanity. Kind of like the extradimensional mice from A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It would explain so much...

And if I don't post again, I was probably offed by the cat-dragon mafia.

2018-06-25, 07:26 AM
Regarding Dragons transforming into cats, I 3xtend this to kobolds going after rats to feed the stray cat population so that any potential dragons are well fed.

2018-06-25, 05:42 PM
Your image is broken, by the way.

Fixed, thanks for the warning -- it had appeared to be working for me.

Now I'm using a new hosting service (imgBB for anyone else suffering from the same Imgur service change issues).

BBQ Pork
2018-06-25, 07:04 PM
Maybe to appear as another monster .

Let's say the dragon has an equal or lower CR rival.
1 Shape change into a slightly lower CR version, do some rampaging, leave an obvious trail towards the rival's lair.
2 Let some adventurers defeat or weaken your rival.
3 Kill the wounded winner. Profit.

2018-06-25, 07:11 PM
Maybe to appear as another monster .

Let's say the dragon has an equal or lower CR rival.
1 Shape change into a slightly lower CR version, do some rampaging, leave an obvious trail towards the rival's lair.
2 Let some adventurers defeat or weaken your rival.
3 Kill the wounded winner. Profit.

Ooo, slight variation on that -- lead adventurers through a series of level-appropriate encounters, then when they're high enough level to be a threat, turn into an elf princess and beg them to slay your real rival (who is another dragon roughly your own CR).

2018-06-25, 07:12 PM
Most Metallic dragons get the change shape action at adulthood, and the others once ancient. They can turn into humanoids or beasts with CRs less than or equal to their own.
My question, is what these dragons might use this ability for besides the obvious “blend in with humans” and “fit through doors.”
Any ideas, serious or oddball, are welcome. I’m curious how you have seen dragons use their shape shifting to the fullest.

I could see a *green* dragon using a similar ability to infiltrate and gather information - as a small bird that won't attract attention, a rat in a kitchen, or a bat in the rafters of a tavern. Eavesdropping onto rumours and scandal, to then be repurposed into manipulating the local populace. One could posit some of the smaller metallics doing similar, but for amusement.

2018-06-28, 05:13 PM
Funny, 'cause in my campain, a mastermind type mob boss, the guildmaster and a stray cat the party keeps encountering are all in fact the same Green Dragon who considers the guild (and the party) his "pet project" and wants to train them past their natural abilities to turn them into his personal group of elit soldiers :P

2018-06-28, 05:21 PM
I’m actually running a campaign right now where the main NPC protagonist was a polymorphed dragon. He was the leader of the rebellion against a tyrant king. Then he died and epic death. But I’ve used the poly to make some into subtle creatures like owls or rats to watch someone they didn’t trust or follow someone without them knowing so they can see their actions along the way. One campaign I had a silver dragon request the party to get mammoth tusks without killing the mammoths (not really hard but can be tricky) and the dragon morphed and followed them and when they killed one because they failed to knock it out and it attacked he denied their reward.

2018-06-28, 09:19 PM
In my last Campain, My Socrorcer had a few Dragons show up over and over,

these are the forms they took

Bronze Dragon- middle age looking man who would switch to animal forms to get on a boat to party.
Silver Dragon- Stole my Sorcerer's look for no reason.
Mithril Dragon- Turned into a sword
Bahamut 1st an Old man, then For ****s and giggle he made himself look like Tiamat,

2018-06-29, 08:39 AM
4Chan has a lot of ideas about this, if you think your sanity can take it. 😋

BBQ Pork
2018-06-29, 08:46 AM
Ooo, slight variation on that -- lead adventurers through a series of level-appropriate encounters, then when they're high enough level to be a threat, turn into an elf princess and beg them to slay your real rival (who is another dragon roughly your own CR).

I like it.

2018-06-29, 08:48 AM
In my current campaign, a bronze dragon took on the form of an old retired gnome scholar living in a hut.