View Full Version : What items are you attuned to?

Lord Vukodlak
2018-06-24, 11:12 PM
One of the new innovations to 5e is attunement slots. So now in some cases you have to weigh the pros and cons of one item vs another because you can't have easy access to both.

So this topic is just to share what items has your character dedicated one of the 3 attunment slots too. Not simply in theory but in actual gameplay.

For my wizard he's attuned to some Bracers of Defense+2 AC, an Astrologers Sextant which acts as a wand of the war mage+1 but also grants advantage on checks made with navigators tools.
The third is an item called the Templar Icon which adds cure wounds to my list of spells known and it doesn't count against my prepared limit.

My wizard gave up using his Cloak of The Jaguar(like a cloak of elven kind but it whispers unintelligible words into my ears that would drive me mad if I understood them) to make room for the Icon and I had previously insisted the Staff of Frost go to the Warlock of the group as I felt giving the warlock new abilities was better then saving me a few spell slots.

My Bard has nothing so unique, cloak of protection, eyes of the eagle and an Instrument of the Bards, he did have a set of boots that added +2 to initiative but he gave them up for the eyes of the eagle.

So what items are in your characters attunement slots and if applicable what did you give up using for the ones you have.

2018-06-25, 12:48 AM
My mystic is attuned to a Hat of Disguised that grew in power as I level up. From the basic version, it then gained Minor Illusion, Alter Self & Seeming (1/day), and the ability to change the hat into another type of headgear. I also have a ring that gives psychic damage resist and advantage on saves against charmed. The 3rd slot is usually a weapon, which i have not found a good one to stick with, so it changes often.

2018-06-25, 01:15 AM
My Cleric was given a Wand of Binding that he attuned to. The DC being 17 was the big selling point, really. His own DC is a lousy 13..

My Fighter is in a game where the limit for attunement is a bit different. The DM gave us all equipment slots, to mark when he have something magical equipped in there. More items need to be attuned, but the 2 items I have are "Lost & Found", a dagger whose location I will always know as long as we're on the same plane of existance. We've used it like a sort of tracking device already.
The other is a Ringbof Sustenance that was added from an older edition. My Human Fighter no longer needs to eat, and only sleeps for 2 hours every night.
It's greay flavor for his growing madness, because of the Great Old One patron he's got, due to some story elements unfolding the way they did.

2018-06-25, 06:32 AM
I have a Conquest Paladin/Hexblade, who has an Animated shield, with Spikes that deal additional Dagger tier Damage to a creature who fails against the Shield Master Shove, and a Spear, blessed by my God, that can be thrown and returns instantly back to my hand, and it gains bonuses to its attack and damage rolls if it hits the same target as the last creature hit within a minute, with a maximum of half my proficiency (i.e its a +0 Spear, then it becomes +1 after one hit, +2 after 2 hits, and when I get a +5 Prof mod, after 3rd hits, it becomes a +3).

I also have a magical saddle and suit of armour being made for my Steed, increasing its lethality, at the expense of my attunement slot.

Mr. Crowbar
2018-06-25, 06:43 AM
My Lore Bard is attuned to three homebrew items:

Amplifier: +CHA and one damage die to thunder damage, gain thunderclap cantrip.
Maiden Ring: As a Ring of Protection but also allows the bearer to walk on water and cast Bless.
Signet of Harmony: As a reaction when a save has to be made, all allies within 20ft gain +CHA to the save and regain 2x CHA mod in HP. You cannot use this ability again until after a short or long rest.

The signet has been kind of stressful since my normal defensive strategy is to stay far away from the action and it requires me to stick close to melee to MAYBE get a chance to use it. So far I've mostly just used it for the small AoE heal. I might switch it back out to a previous item:

Noise Canceller: 5 charges, expend 2 to cast Silence or 1 to halve incoming thunder damage. regain 1d3 charges at dawn.

2018-06-25, 07:05 AM

My Forest Gnome has a Wand of Smiles - it appealed to his sense of humor. Sigh.

Edit: while not attuned IIRC it sure seems like a burden to have it and hear all the negative comments from other players.

2018-06-25, 07:06 AM
I have literally never played in a game where there have been enough magic items requiring attunement that the limit has mattered :smallbiggrin:

2018-06-25, 09:12 AM
My kobold just bought three uncommon magic items from an otherworldly magic shop in the Shadowfel. I wasn't expecting the ability to do so, so I certainly didn't build the character around this - but when the opportunity presented itself, I couldn't resist...

As a Fighter1/Cleric (arcane) 6, with a natural 6 strength, it wasn't too hard to pick items...

Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Cloak of Protection and a Luck Stone.

Allowed me to sell my medium armor for some splint (I used all my money buying these items, so plate was out of the question) and trade my rapier for a longsword (my dex is only 14).

Now I can wade into combat with my spirit guardians and magic missiles like a real wizard!

2018-06-25, 09:15 AM
The one I've had the most enjoyment of was a Luckstone (or Stone of Good Luck). We make a lot of skill checks, and bonuses to saves are nice, too.

2018-06-25, 12:29 PM
Half-Orc War Cleric:
Luckstone (I've got a +9 to con saving throws because of this, it's exceptionally good)
Thunder's Home (custom magic scabbard that lets him cast Booming Blade. Crits spread the on-move damage to all enemies within 30ft)
Blade of Thunder (similar to a Sunblade but it does thunder damage and once per day can attempt to stun someone)

Half-Elf Eldritch Knight/Warlock Magical Detective
Gem of Seeing
Headband of Intellect
Staff of Withering

Human Barbarian/Rogue
Wraps of Deftness (attach to a weapon to remove the Heavy property and grant the Finesse property)
Goggles of Night
Winged Boots

2018-06-25, 12:51 PM
My half-elf Fighter 11/Ranger 1 has currently attuned a Wand of Fear, Eyes of Hawk and a homebrewed weapon for the Gunslinger subclass, which is a +1 Pistol with 1d6 eletric damage each hit (Very Rare)
Also a few items that are not attuned:
Broom of Flying (now my favorite item ever)
(something ) Flux (don't know the name in english, it lights and can cast Daylight)
3 +1 Daggers
And I think that's it.

2018-06-25, 01:14 PM
My Shifter Fighter5/Paladin6 has the following:

The Hollowblade - The sword of a petrified angelic general that has since lost the majority of its power, but can temporarily drain the essence of foes it slays. (It's a +1 sword, that when it kills a creature, gains +1d4 damage of a type based on the creature's alignment. Radiant for Good, Force for Neutral and Necrotic for Evil).
The Shield of Mourning - A magical shield that grants an extra bonus when allies fall. (When an ally drops to 0hp/dies, the shield grants an extra +2 AC until the ally is revived or the encounter ends, whichever comes first.)
Ring of Free Action

My Minotaur Barbarian (the only 5e character of mine that has hit Lv20, and also someone I've not played in about 2 and a half years now) had:

Hammer of the Wild Gods - +3 Maul that dealt 4d8 damage (I was already Large size, at Medium it did 2d8), granted Disease immunity, and could cast Cure Wounds Dominate Monster and Regenerate. It also granted bonuses based on me being a Totem Warrior, including a few passives:

Eagle - +3 to any Wisdom-based ability checks
Wolf - Flanking an enemy adds your Wisdom modifier (+3) to damage rolls against that enemy.

And choosing a single (and at Lv20, two) extra buff(s) while raging.

Rage of the Golden Bear - Increased size by 1 category (taking the weapon to 6d8 under my DM's rules), +10ft Speed, reduced physical damage taken by 5, and whenever I attacked, enemies within 10ft took 2d8 Thunder damage.
Rage of the Frenzied Lion - Could make an extra attack action as a bonus action.
Rage of the Leaping Elk - Doubles movement speed and allows movement through enemy spaces. Moving through an enemy's square (once/enemy/round) the enemy makes a Dex save or takes 4d6+Str damage on a fail, or half on a success.

Belt of Ursus - Increased Strength to 25, but boosted to 30 when attuned to the Hammer of the Wild Gods. Granted 1d6 regeneration each turn provided I had at least 1hp, and immunity to the Charmed and Frightened conditions.
Cloak of the Bear - +3 bonus to AC.

In hindsight, that game was pretty overpowered...

2018-06-25, 02:52 PM
I have a cleric 1 wizard x charlatan who uses religion to cheat people.
My attuned items are
-a robe of useful items,
-a ring that allows you to misty step 60ft 1/day with a willing buddy as a bonus action, and than return as a bonus action if you want.
-boots that can be attuned to any location and will let you return to that area as an action and come back as an action once a day. I haven't used the boots yet, but I don't think he realizes how that can be abused lol

The items I made are much better though...
-Magic mouth arcane lock manicals (yell when someone tries to escape)
-replaced one of my molars and my left testical with Drawmiji's Instant Sumon for emergency supplies
-had a metal bracelet with an extra arcane focus welded around my leg,
-a tiny backpack for my owl familiar to carry small items (right now it has a healing potion)
-leomund's secret chest with emergency items and tools I might find useful

I have a custom censor that I've enchanted to heck filled with any material component I might need in a secret compartment, arcane locked it, the handle is a immovable rod and I had attachments I welded to it and the head of the censor and a brass quarterstaff riddled with religous symbols so that it can become a mace or a spear,
Gave it 4 castings of magic mouth on 3 different doors and a top carving. Two of them are "answers from the gods" for when I'm cheating peasants, and another activates if my character dies with instructions on what to do with his stuff and body, the last one tells you how to recussitate me if I go down.
It also contains a ring with an eternal flame in one compartment, and a plain ring in a second to cast darkness on. It also has an arcane focus orb built into it.

He's paranoid.

2018-06-25, 03:19 PM
Abjurer Wizard:

- Headband of Intellect
- Robe of Stars
- Really bad +1 armor that requires an attunement slot that I just remembered I need to replace with the non-attunement kind.

2018-06-25, 04:02 PM
Soradin: Level 16, went through all of Storm King's Thunder and Tomb of Horrors

- the Rod of Lordly Might

- Belt of Storm Giant Strength

- Cloak of Protection. I may swap out the Cloak for my Rod of Absorption though


-Ioun Stone of Reserve. It's a special one from an AL Epic event that gives Bards Advantage on persuasion checks and forces disadvantage on all saving throws against charm spells

- Wand of Wonder

- Wand of Binding

Moon Druid, went through Tomb of Ahnniliation

- Gauntlets of Ogre Strength

- Staff of the Woodlands

- Ring of Evasion

2018-06-27, 02:43 PM
Well my party of 3 (casters) just got our first couple of magic items, and... it was weird:

1- A Wizard Necromancer got the Sword of Sharpness :smallconfused:

2- The other Wizard got a Robe of Stars (I CAST MAGIC MISSILE! I CAST MAGIC MISSILE! I CAST MAGIC MISSILE! :smalltongue:)

3- A Celestial Warlock got the Staff of Thunder and Lightning (chain pact).

2 of 3 of us got a weird magic item for our class and playstyle, but i guess the Necromancer got it worse (What is he going to do? go into melee and hit people with it, or give it to one of its zombies :P).

Either way... we are lvl 5, so those are pretty strong items for us.

2018-06-27, 06:46 PM
My main character is atunned to a homebrew artifact called 'God Slayer'. Anyone atunned to it things je is the one and only true God (or is destined to be). It is a great sword with vorpal and weapon of speed property. Further, it does additional damage to Gods (depending on demi/intermediate/greater) and it ignorse resistance and treats immunity as resistance instead. He is also atunned to the white dragon mask and a simple ring of resistance.

My second character (from the deck of many things), has levelled to lvl 19 and supports my main character. He has a belt of storm giant strength and is attuned to an artifact armor that halves all damage done from any source and gives advantage on saving throws v spells and magical effects. It is also counted as a full plate armor and shield +3, giving a base AC of 26. Lastly, he has an holy avenger long sword.

In my bag of holding we have a lot of other items: robe of the arch magi, holy avenger great sword, Rod of immovrability, Rod of security, some +2/+3 armors and shields and a lot of other stuff too. Anyway, we have a lot of items. One party member possesses the hand and eye of Vecna and another the book of vile darkness to name a few.

2018-06-27, 08:20 PM
Lets see...

Pallock: Artifact sword, belt of Strength, winged boots
Pirate: Ring of protection, Brooch of Shielding
Sun Monk: Cap of Water Breathing
Mage-Hunter: Ring of Free Action
Cleric: Artifact mace
Warlock: Cloak of Protection, Rod of the Pact Keeper, Periapt of Health

2018-06-27, 08:26 PM
Blade pact warlock, attuned to Cloak of Displacement, Ring of Spell Storing, and Ioun Stone of Leadership

2018-06-27, 11:50 PM
My Paladin has Harziwan, the Black Dragon Mask, and a Belt of Hill Giant Strength. I swap out the belt for other stuff when I want more variety. But that's my 'standard loadout.'

Yes, Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat features prominently in his life.

2018-06-28, 06:56 AM
Well my party of 3 (casters) just got our first couple of magic items, and... it was weird:

1- A Wizard Necromancer got the Sword of Sharpness :smallconfused:

2- The other Wizard got a Robe of Stars (I CAST MAGIC MISSILE! I CAST MAGIC MISSILE! I CAST MAGIC MISSILE! :smalltongue:)

3- A Celestial Warlock got the Staff of Thunder and Lightning (chain pact).

2 of 3 of us got a weird magic item for our class and playstyle, but i guess the Necromancer got it worse (What is he going to do? go into melee and hit people with it, or give it to one of its zombies :P).

Either way... we are lvl 5, so those are pretty strong items for us.

Necromancer dips 1 level of Martial for Medium Armor “just in case” ?

2018-06-28, 09:04 AM
Tempest Cleric 6, Sorcerer 3: Ironfang, Wand of Lightning Bolt, Amulet of Health: I have A Berserker Battleaxe that allows me to cast some cool spells from Hidden Shrine of Tomoachan, a Mace of Terror, and Shatterspike that I gave up to use Ironfang. Also have an unused Necklace of Prayer Beads and Cloak of Protection.

Light Cleric 10: Ring of Protection, Staff of the Python, and Helm of Telepathy: Have a Periapt of Wound Closure that is unused. AL Tomb of Annihilation didn't give me a whole lot of useful magic items

2018-06-28, 09:26 AM
8th Level Artificer (Alchemist)

Slot 1: Magic Lense Headband that provides Detect Magic at will.
Slot 2: Wand of Entangle
Slot 3: Wand of Lighting Bolt
Slot 4: Stone of Good Fortune

Non-attuned items: Driftglobe (crafted), cap of water breathing, Robe of Useful items (crafted), Wand of Magic Missiles

Spent some time and money creating a gauntlet that rotates like Hawkeye’s bow&quiver to shoot the different wands into my hand as needed.

2018-06-28, 10:09 AM
Allowed me to sell my medium armor for some splint (I used all my money buying these items, so plate was out of the question) and trade my rapier for a longsword (my dex is only 14).

Now I can wade into combat with my spirit guardians and magic missiles like a real wizard!

I hope you have enough money to upgrade to half plate since Arcane clerics don't get heavy armour proficiency.

2018-06-28, 10:28 AM
Moon Druid Level 8
Primal Mask - Common Druid Focus that allows you to cast a Druid Cantrip once per day with a successful nature check
Boots of the Mire
-Walk on water if water is no deeper than 5 feet.
-Leaves no tracks in Swampy Terrain and +10 Stealth
-Not uncomfortable or wet from Rain, Fog, or other non-freezing precipitation
-Con saves vs disease and poison at advantage

I've also picked up a that aren't versitile
Wand of Magic Missile
Custom Medallion that give +1 to saves and 1 casting of False Life a Day
Keen Dagger
+1 Bone Shield
Everburning torch

Level 4 College of Glamour Bard
Headband of Intellect (I'm good at ALL the skills now)
Falchion Bandilore (instruments of the bards)

2018-06-28, 04:05 PM
My lvl 11 Scout Rogue, Silver is currently attuned to a Ring of Free Action, Bracers of Defense, and Boots of Speed. Has a used up Nine Lives Stealer & read the Permanent Dex Boost Book. Fastest cat alive.

2018-06-28, 04:19 PM
1. Gáe Bolg
A +2 spear of sharpness
It has an ability in which you can spend your bonus action to summon the weapon back to your hand and can make attack rolls to anybody between you and the spear.

2. Displacer beast cloak

3. Belt of dwarvenkind

2018-06-28, 04:20 PM
On my Voodoo Bardlock:

-Helm of Teleportation: Refluffed to look like the Mad Hatter's top hat from ABC's "Once Upon a Time"
-Mantle of Spell Resistance: Combos great with the Shield Master feat for survivability
-Instrument of Illusions: It creates effects outside of the action economy and is pure RP gold

2018-06-28, 09:34 PM
On my Divine Sor

Ioun stone-Agility
Boots of Flying
Wand of Binding

I used to have gloves of Missile Snaring attuned. but i never used them and got like a session ago The Wand of Binding.

My Wizard doesn't have any but Her Chiwga has a hat of sweet Dreams

2018-06-28, 09:51 PM
On my 14th level Champion Fighter: Flametongue Greatsword and Armor of Invulnerability

On my 14th level Abjuration Wizard: Wand of the Warmage +2 and Ioun Stone of Reserve

2018-06-28, 10:10 PM
Bob the L13 Champion has Bracers of Archery, an Ioun Stone of Wis+2, and just got a Ring of Fire Resistance.

Letty the L9 Warlock has a Rod of the Pact Keeper +1

Gopher the Ranger5/Rogue1 has Bracers of Archery.

Everyone has a few minor non attunement items as well.

2018-06-28, 10:45 PM
Cloak of displacement
Boots of flying
Bracers of defense (or black dragon mask)

On my dragonborn paladin.

2018-06-29, 08:36 AM
This is an item my DM and I made together to fit my character who was reluctantly send out to adventuring by his god and saw his party members as the embodiment of that, he was tasked with keeping them alive, beeing it by killing things or healing them, that the healing hurt something fierce for a short amount was icing on the cake.

Battlehammer of Justice also known to dwarves as the "Heal or Deal-er" aka BoJu aka HoD.

- Wondrous item, uncommon, requires attunement
-You need a minimum wisdom modifier of 1 in order to wield and lift the Battlehammer of Justice.
-Your attack bonus equals your proficiency bonus + your wisdom modifier when wielding the Battlehammer of Justice.
-The damage the Battlehammer of justice does when it hits is 1d8 + wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage when wielded one handed and 1d10 + wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage when wielded two handed.
-The Battlehammer of Justice starts with a number of charges equal to your wisdom modifier and it regains 1d6 expended charges at dawn, the charges can never exceed your wisdom modifier.
-As a bonus action you can activate a charge, the next attack that hits will do radiance damage or the Battlehammer of Justice can be used for healing, the activated charge gets spent when the damage or healing is done. You can spent additional charges or a spell slot equal to your highest spell slot level minus 1, for every additional charge or spell slot spent this way the damage or healing will increase with 1 damage die per charge or 1 damage die per spell slot level of the spent spell slot. Any active charges on the Battlehammer of Justice dissipate at dawn.
-If you use the Battlehammer of Justice to heal, you make a melee attack against your target, if it is successful, the one being healed will be struck by the Battlehammer of Justice and feel a searing pain where the Battlehammer of Justice struck but instead of incurring damage your target will be healed, if the melee attack is unsuccessful but the Battlehammer of justice still connects with your target the target will be healed but will feel no pain.
-When the Battlehammer of justice has 5 charges you can expend all of them to have the Battlehammer of Justice unleash a blast of pure holy light dealing radiant damage equal to your maximum health to you and everything in a radius of 30 feet around you or you can expend all the 5 charges to have the Battlehammer of Justice unleash a blast of pure holy light healing you and everything in a radius of 30 feet around you for an amount equal to your maximum health.
-When you expend your last charge on the Battlehammer of Justice roll a d20 on a 1 the magic powering the Battlehammer of Justice is broken and the Battlehammer of Justice becomes a normal battlehammer.