View Full Version : Help me stock the Aboleth’s vault!

2018-06-25, 05:39 AM
OK my subterranean dungeon crawl is nearly complete. However, I still have two hidden vaults in the Aboleth’s lair. This ancient Aboleth is responsible for the destruction of the original habitants of Cragmaw castle and has taken over a cavernous lair that was once the home of a Myconid society.

So what would an Aboleth keep locked away? Doesn’t seem like the slimy boss is all that motivated to hoard treasure. So what then? Got any good ideas for traps or nasty traps or guardians? Maybe the small caverns are not actually vaults...but prison cells or??

This is for a party of 4-7th level characters.

So what are your creative ideas?

2018-06-25, 09:55 AM
Aboleth love to keep/make Deepspawn, and Chuul. It's not a hard stretch to imagine a dominated former adventurer relegated to guard duty either.

Traps could involve trap doors dropping aboleth slime onto invaders from the ceiling or having then fall into it. This could lead to either having invaders forced into heavily patrolled waterways, or have these traps far away from water so victims drown.

Other traps would probably be paralyzing or just debilitating in nature, Aboleth tend to collect and dominate creatures, rather than directly destroy.

Chuul in particular love to collect magic items, although they don't know why they do it.

An Aboleth would also likely have divination related magic items possibly in its main pool, as they collect lore and slaves in equal amounts.