View Full Version : Creating an Elemental Summoner class

2018-06-25, 01:25 PM
I'm creating a new custom class for an upcoming campaign, and I'm looking for some fun/interesting ideas to finish building it. The character will be an "elemental summoner", and he will have the ability to summon various elementals (earth, fire, water, wind for now) as an innate ability, some limited number of times per long rest (I'm thinking equal to the summoner's int modifier). The creatures will be based on the elementals from the monster manual, but customized and modified to be level appropriate as my summoner levels up. The elementals will constitute the vast majority of the character's power, so I'm planning to make them about as powerful as an equal level fighter class. In combat, my character will summon the elementals and let them do the fighting - he will be able to cast some support spells to assist the elemental, but in the interest of balance he won't be casting fireballs, countering spells, or anything like that.

In order to keep the elementals level appropriate, I'm planning to creature formulas for their stats that reflect my summoner's level and abilities. For example, a summoned earth elemental will have 12x summoner level HP, while a fire or water elemental will have 8x that number. Armor class will start slightly lower than the elemental's AC in the monster manual, but will scale based on my intelligence modifier, for example, giving the earth elemental between 15 (level 1) and 20 (level 20) depending on my int modifier. Each elemental will begin with a single attack, and as my summoner levels up they will become more powerful. At level 5, for example, each elemental will gain multiattack.

In order to make things scale well, I'm looking for interesting abilities that make sense for the elementals to gain at higher levels. For example, I currently have the fire elemental gaining a "flame shield" at some point that deals 1d10 fire damage to any creature starting its turn within 5 feet of it. There are a couple of elemental abilities in the monster manual that I am already adapting, but I need more powerful abilities, especially for the higher levels.

So, if anyone has any cool ideas for elemental abilities, or general summoner abilities or features, I'd love to hear them!

2018-06-25, 01:30 PM
Isnt that a Conjurer? They get the most important elemental summons, and don't lose concentration to conjurations.

2018-06-25, 01:36 PM
Soo, if you do make an elemental summoning class, make sure to give it the option of casting Conjure Elemental as an action, rather then 1 minute. I really makes no sense to me why the spell takes 1 minute when other spells, like Conjure Animal, are an action and can potentially be deadlier.

2018-06-25, 02:01 PM
Soo, if you do make an elemental summoning class, make sure to give it the option of casting Conjure Elemental as an action, rather then 1 minute. I really makes no sense to me why the spell takes 1 minute when other spells, like Conjure Animal, are an action and can potentially be deadlier.

The elemental summoning ability will be an innate class ability, not a spell, and it will require one action to perform. He will be able to have one summoned elemental active at a time, and having one will not require concentration.

2018-06-25, 02:03 PM
If you were making an elemental summoner as a new class...

Pay attention to the Moon Druid shapeshifting rules as a base in power and frequency. Make sure the summoner has to use their action to control their summons, or power can get really crazy. I'd give them access to Mold Earth, Shape Water, etc as cantrips. Maybe build as a half/third caster for spells, with summoning being its own thing life wildshapes.

2018-06-25, 02:07 PM
i doubt something like this requires its own class. What would the subclasses be?

You might do better with Conjuration Wizard (modified to likeing) or Elemental Patron. \

Also there are lots of elementals that are lower CR for summons. Mephits for example should be somewhere to start with.

2018-06-25, 02:49 PM
i doubt something like this requires its own class. What would the subclasses be?

Sure, it doesn't require a new class, in the same way that I'm not required to play D&D... but it's fun, so I'm going for it.

I guess you could basically think of this as a modified conjuration wizard, with the differences being that I am making the summoned elementals stronger, and I'm reducing the wizard's regular spellcasting abilities to counteract the stronger elementals and balance him out. Like I said, I'm not going to be throwing around fireballs or lightning bolts, the summoner will almost be sitting the combat out and just letting the elemental do the fighting. That said, here are some of the elementals I have come up with. They are based on the basic CR5 elementals from the monster manual, with the same stats, movement, senses, speed, resistances, etc., but made to scale with my summoner level (for example, hitpoints are based on my summoner level, and abilities such as multiattack are only unlocked when my summoner hits level 5). Here's a very rough draft of what I've got so far:

Air Elemental
Hitpoints: 8 x Summoner level
Stats: 14 str, 20 dex, 14 con, 6 int, 10 wis, 6 cha
AC: 17 + Intelligence Modifer
Speed: 90' flying
Damage Resistance: lightning, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities: poison
Condition Immunities: exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poison, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses: darkvision 60', passive perception 10
Air Form: Can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing
Slam Attack: + summoner's spell attack to hit, 1d8 + 3 damage
Level 2: Whirlwind - Each creature within 5 feet of the elemental must make a strength saving throw with a DC equal to the summoner's spell save. On a failure, the target takes 1d8 x summoner intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage and is flung 20 feet away from the elemental and is knocked prone. On a successful save, the target takes half damage and isn't flung away or knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a wall or a floor, it takes 1d6 additional bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a dexterity saving throw vs. the summoner's spell save or take the same damage and be knocked prone.
Level 4: Deflect Projectile - As a reaction, the air elemental can call upon the power of wind to attempt to redirect one projectile within 30' of it. Roll a d6 - on a 1, the trajectory of the projectile is not sufficiently effected, and it functions as normal. On a 6, the projectile is redirected in a favorable manner and can strike one creature of the air elemental's choice instead. On any other number, the projectile is deflected and has no effect.
Level 5: Multiattack - The elemental makes 2 slam attacks
Level 6: Elemental Restoration - Bonus Action - The elemental calls upon the surrounding elements to replenish and restore its vitality. If it is in contact with any air (IE not underwater), it regains 1d4 x summoner level HP. This ability can only be used once during the elemental's existence.
Level 9: Howling Wind - Bonus Action - The air elemental conjures a howling torrent of wind that surrounds it within a 30' radius. Spells with a verbal or somatic component cannot be cast while within this radius, and anyone within the radius that is currently concentrating on a spell must make a constitution saving throw against the summoner's spell save DC. On a failed save, the spell ends. This ability can only be used once during the elemental's existence.

Earth Elemental
Hitpoints: 16 x Summoner level
Stats: 20 str, 8 dex, 20 con, 5 int, 10 wis, 5 cha
AC: 16 + Intelligence Modifer
Speed: 30', 30' burrowing
Damage Resistance: force, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities: poison
Condition Immunities: exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, poison, unconscious
Senses: darkvision 60', tremorsense 60', passive perception 10
Earth Glide: Can burrow through nonmagical unworked earth and stone. While doing so it doesn't disturb the material it moves through
Slam Attack: + summoner's spell attack to hit, 2d8 + 5 bludgeoning damage
Level 2: Stone Skin - As a reaction, the elemental's skin hardens and turns to stone, granting it +(summoner int modifier) to AC, and reducing its speed by half until the the elemental chooses to end the effect.
Level 4: Stone Roots - Bonus Action - The earth elemental calls upon the power of nature to grab one creature that is in contact with bare earth, stone, or a similar material. The creature makes a dexterity save vs the summoner's spell save DC, and on a failed save the target is restrained for one minute. On its turn, the restrained creature can use an action to make a strength check vs the summoner's spell save DC to break free from the restraints.
Level 5: Multiattack - The elemental makes 2 slam attacks
Level 6: Elemental Restoration - Bonus Action - The elemental calls upon the surrounding elements to replenish and restore its vitality. If it is in contact with bare earth, stone, or a similar material, it regains 1d8 x summoner level HP. This ability can only be used once during the elemental's existence.
Level 9: Jagged Stone Skin - Whenever the elemental uses the Stone Skin ability, its skin hardens to sharp points that deal 2d8 piercing damage to any creature that touches it or hits it with a melee attack. Additionally, it cannot be grappled by another creature unless that creature is at least two sizes larger than the elemental.

Fire Elemental
Hitpoints: 12 x Summoner level
Stats: 10 str, 17 dex, 16 con, 6 int, 10 wis, 7 cha
AC: 14 + Intelligence Modifer
Speed: 50'
Damage Resistance: radiant, necrotic, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities: poison, fire
Condition Immunities: exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poison, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses: darkvision 60', passive perception 10
Fire Form: Can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Illumination: Sheds bright light in a 30' radius and dim light in an additional 30' radius.
Slam Attack: + summoner's spell attack to hit, 2d6 + 3 fire damage
Level 2: Flame Shield - Any creature that touches the fire elemental or hits it with an attack takes 1d10 fire damage. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the fire elemental takes 1d10 fire damage.
Level 4: Hurl Fire - The fire elemental throws a ball of elemental fire at a target within 60'. The target makes a dexterity saving throw equal to to the summoner's spell save DC, and on a failure takes 1d8 x summoner level fire damage and bursts into flames. At the start of each of the creature's turns, it makes a constitution saving throw vs the summoner's spell save DC. On a failed save, the target takes 2d8 fire damage and stays aflame. On a successful save, the fire is extinguished.
Level 5: Multiattack - The elemental makes 2 slam attacks
Level 6: Elemental Restoration - Bonus Action - The elemental calls upon the surrounding elements to replenish and restore its vitality. If it is near any sources of fire, it can draw upon the fire to regains 1d6 x summoner level HP. This ability can only be used once during the elemental's existence.
Level 9: Firestorm - The fire elemental explodes in a large burst of flames. Each creature within 30' of the elemental takes an amount of fire damage equal to 1d12 x the summoner's level, and the elemental is destroyed.

Water Elemental
Hitpoints: 12 x Summoner level
Stats: 18 str, 14 dex, 18 con, 5 int, 10 wis, 8 cha
AC: 15 + Intelligence Modifer
Speed: 30', 90' swimming
Damage Resistance: acid, cold, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities: poison
Condition Immunities: exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poison, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses: darkvision 60', passive perception 10
Water Form: Can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing
Freeze: If the elemental takes cold damage, it partially freezes, and its speed is reduced by 20' until the start of its next turn
Slam Attack: + summoner's spell attack to hit, 1d8 + 3 damage bludgeoning damage
Level 2: Drown - Each creature within 5 feet of the elemental must make a strength saving throw with a DC equal to the summoner's spell save. On a failure, the target takes 2d8 + 3 bludgeoning damage and, if it is large or smaller, it is grappled. Until the grapple ends, the creature is restrained and cannot breathe, unless it can breathe underwater. On a successful save, the target takes half damage and isn't grappled. The water elemental can grapple up to 1 large or 2 medium or smaller creatures with this ability. At the start of each of the elemental's turn, each grappled creature takes 2d8 + 3 bludgeoning damage. As an action, a creature within 5 feet of the elemental can pull a grappled creature out of it by succeeding on a strength check vs the summoner's spell save DC.
Level 4: Frozen Footing - Bonus Action - The water elemental sprays water onto a 10x10' surface within 30' and freezes the water. The surface becomes difficult terrain for one minute, and any creature who moves across it or starts its turn on it must succeed at a dexterity save vs the summoner's spell save DC or be knocked prone. The water elemental is not effected by this difficult terrain.
Level 6: Elemental Restoration - Bonus Action - The elemental calls upon the surrounding elements to replenish and restore its vitality. If it is near any sources of water, it can draw upon the fire to regains 1d6 x summoner level HP. This ability can only be used once during the elemental's existence.
Level 9: Frozen Consumption - Action - When the elemental ends its movement in an enemy space, it may use its action to freeze itself solid, trapping any creatures within the space inside of its frozen body. Until the elemental chooses the end the effect, the creature remains inside of it, frozen, paralyzed and unable to breathe. At the start of each of the elemental's turns, the creature takes 2d10 + 5 cold damage. On each of its turns the captured creature can use its action to attempt a strength check vs the summoner's spell save DC to break free. On a successful save, the creature breaks free and the water elemental takes 2d10 force damage.

Any thoughts?

2018-06-25, 06:08 PM
I'd tie it to warlocks. Have it be a patron. Give them some invocations specific to them. Make it require spell slots and the power level is determined by spell slot used.
No more than 2 attacks on the elemental. Require them to take invocation (req lv 5) to do second attack (like bladelock)

Either way, if you make them Comparable to fighter you're stepping on fighter's toes

2018-06-25, 06:13 PM
I'd tie it to warlocks. Have it be a patron. Give them some invocations specific to them. Make it require spell slots and the power level is determined by spell slot used.
No more than 2 attacks on the elemental. Require them to take invocation (req lv 5) to do second attack (like bladelock)

Either way, if you make them Comparable to fighter you're stepping on fighter's toes

Magnetic Kitty had a good idea. I can't say I agree what you threw out before, kind of too much compared to a standard character.

2018-06-25, 06:19 PM
Tying it into Warlock seems like it would be the least legwork for you and your player, adding a new Patron option.

- Take the Demon summoning spells from Xan's and substitute Elementals.
- Buffs to summoned creatures akin to Conjurers, Necromancers and Shepherds could be done via Patron Features
- Add in an elemental critter as an options for Chain Pact Familiar
- New patron also allows you to pick out thematic spells to add to the spell list

2018-06-25, 06:51 PM
If warlock: I think maybe make them an avatar of the player in elemental form (same stats as the player). Deal fire, ice (water), or whatever type air elemental deal.
They have the same hp max as that of the player when they are summoned and an a.c. equal to 10 + profiency? Capping at 16.
Damage maybe scaling with pact

Or make them a ranger revised subclass
follow animal companion rules. Give them like a stat spread to put in like maybe

4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 14
(Comparable to animal and they can dump a mental)
Make them a bit easier to resummon and a bit more frail if you want them to be summoner esque. Maybe can summon on any rest or you can burn slot to res them with a minute casting or something
Give each element a light ability and give them a d6 attack dice like an animal. D8 hit dice and go on level
To change elements they must resummon it.
Reflavor ranger to be int and make its abilities more arcane instead of nature
So instead of tracking maybe identify or whatever.
Use AK or EN spell list

2018-06-25, 07:03 PM
There is some nice thematic synergy for elemental warlocks too, like Armor of Agathys, Hellish Rebuke, Minions of Chaos, Otherworldly Leap, Tomb of Levistus, Gift of the Depths, etc

Sorlock Master
2018-06-26, 03:46 AM
You are going to be stupidly OP if you do this.

2018-06-26, 05:45 AM
Tying it into Warlock seems like it would be the least legwork for you and your player, adding a new Patron option.

- Take the Demon summoning spells from Xan's and substitute Elementals.
- Buffs to summoned creatures akin to Conjurers, Necromancers and Shepherds could be done via Patron Features
- Add in an elemental critter as an options for Chain Pact Familiar
- New patron also allows you to pick out thematic spells to add to the spell list

That would be cool! Give them Conjure Minor Elementals and Conjure Elemental in their expanded spell-list. The patron feature could then increase the duration of both spells and remove the concentration from Conjure Elemental.
Depending on the chosen element, they could have either a dust, ice, magma, or steam mephit as their familiar.

2018-06-27, 12:22 AM
I can't get the idea of a summoner out of my mind, so I'm working on building one, I have been for a few days now. When it's polished enough to share I'll post it, probably by Friday.

2018-06-30, 01:42 AM
Here's what I came up with. I tested out various + prof bonuses to summons, and other options. Went with a d6 because with all the extra health a summoner can conjure, giving them any more didn't make any sense balance-wise. Int for summoning as they would have to study on how to bind creatures, Charisma seemed a natural secondary save.
Starting off using your action to have summon attack, and then have the option at higher levels to have the summon forsake its reaction so you (both) can do more damage, albeit without AoO, etc. This actually balances out okay as a Level CR/2 monster doesn't have the best odds of hitting a CR monster, and pairing it with a cantrip attack and eventually a lower level spell can do more damage, but has lower "accuracy." Half-caster with highly specialized spell lists, although that's just my rough draft, it obviously still needs a bit of polish, currently fluffless and all.

The Summoner

Level Prof Features
_1st +2 Summon Ally, bonus skills
_2nd +2 -
_3rd +2 Summoner perk
_4th +2 Ability score improvement
_5th +3 Attuned Assault
_6th +3 Summoner perk
_7th +3 Summoner's Strength
_8th +3 Ability score improvement
_9th +4 -
10th +4 Attuned Spellcasting
11th +4 -
12th +4 Ability score improvement
13th +5 -
14th +5 Summoner Perk
15th +5 Enhanced Summoning
16th +5 Ability score improvement
17th +6 -
18th +6 -
19th +6 Ability score improvement
20th +6 Master Summoner

Spell Slots


Class Features
Hit Points
1d6 per summoner level

Armor None
Weapons Simple Weapons
Tools Choose one type of artisan's tools.
Saving Throws Charisma, Intelligence
Skills Choose any three from Arcana, History, Investigation, Performance, Persuasion, or Religion.

Source of Attunement
At first level, choose your summoner's type of binding, Elemental Binder, Fiendbinder, Naturebinder, or Weirdbinder

You know two cantrips of your choice from the summoner spell list. You learn additional summoner cantrips of your choice at higher levels.

Summon Ally
Beginning at 1st level you can use an action to conjure a creature from your chosen type. Choose any creature of your chosen attunement of CR equal to half your summoner level or lower. The creature statistics are average for a member of its kind.
In combat, your summoned ally shares your inititative. You may use your action to direct it to attack as appropriate for its form.
You may give your summon may a single piece of equipment to use. The equipment must be appropriate for your summons form. When your summoned ally vanishes, the item in its possession return with it. If it is later summoned again, it retains the items it had.
If your summoned ally would be destroyed or reduced below 0 hit points, it immediately vanishes. If you call out again with your Summon Ally ability, it is restored to full hit points, and cured of any and all conditions it had.
Your summoned ally is unable to use any abilities or spells that recover hit points or summon other creatures. Your summon is also unable to use any Legendary actions if it would normally have them.

You can use this ability twice. You regain expended uses of this ability during a short or long rest. Your summon persists for a number of hours equal to your summoner level. You may only have one active summon at a time.
If you use your action to conjure another ally, your first summoned ally disappears. At the end of a short or long rest your summon vanishes.

Beginning at second level you have learned to how to cast spells which related to your type of binding. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability.
Spellcasting focus: your focus is your connection to your type of influence, and may take any form, with only you knowing the item is your key to binding the type of creatures you chose at 1st level.

Attuned Assault
Beginning at 5th level, whenever you use your action to cast a Cantrip, your summon may use its reaction to attack your target, if able.

Summoner's Strength
Beginning at 7th level, whenever your summon can see you, it gains advantage on all saving throws.

Attuned Spellcasting
Beginning at 10th level, whenever you use your action to cast a spell, your summon may use its reaction to attack your target, if able.

Enhanced Summoning
Beginning at 15th level, you and your summoned ally share each other's strengths. While your summon is active, you and your summon use the higher hit points, armor class, initiative bonus and saves between you both. For example, if summoned ally had an armor class of 18, your armor class would become 18, unless it was already higher, then your summon would share your total.

Master Summoner
At 20th level, you may use your Summon Ally ability an unlimited number of times.


1st Level: You gain proficiency with the Arcana and Investigation skills.

3rd Level: Detect Elements: You may concentrate for 1 minute, and after doing so learn about any magical fire, air, earth, and water within 100ft. You learn the general direction of the magical elements, but not the specific number or power.

6th Level: Elemental Resistance: As a reaction, you may gain resistance to a source of fire, cold, lightning, or thunder damage. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest

14th Level: Primeval Ward: You gain the damage resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities of your active summoned ally.


1st Level: You gain proficiency with the Intimidation and Persuasion skills.

3rd Level: Otherworldly Persuasion: As an action, you may make a Intimidation or Persuasion check with advantage against a creature within 10ft of you. You must finish a short or long rest before you may use this ability again.

6th Level: Planar Cage: You may cast Magic Circle once without expending a spell slot. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

14th Level: Fiendish Resistance: At 14th level you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


1st Level: You gain proficiency with the Animal Handling and Nature skills.

3rd Level: Calm the Wilds: As an action, you may attempt to charm each beast or plant creature within 30ft of you. They make a wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting save DC. If they fail the save, they are charmed by you and are friendly to you and other creatures you designate.

6th Level: Breath of Life: You can cast Life Transference once without expending a spell slot. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

14th Level: Vivid Regrowth: As an action, you may cause a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence Modifier, minimum 1, to regain hit points at the start of their turns equal to your half your summoner level, rounded down, for one minute. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.


1st Level: You gain proficiency with the Insight and Investigation skills.

3rd Level: Telepathic Vision: As an action, you can see through your summoned ally's eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn, gaining the benefits of any special senses that the summon has. During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses.

6th Level: Alien Mind: You have resistance to psychic damage and are immune to the charmed condition.

14th Level: Otherworldly Metabolism: At 14th level any critical hit against you is treated as a normal hit. In addition, as long as you have an active summon, at the start of each of your turns you regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier, minimum 1. This ability is only active if have no more than half your hit points left. You don't gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points.

Elementalbinder Spell List

Bonus Cantrips

Control Flames
Mold Earth
Shape Water


Lightning Lure
Magic Stone
Produce Flame
Ray of Frost
Shocking Grasp

1st Level Spells

Burning Hands
Chromatic Orb
Earth Tremor
Feather Fall
Ice Knife

2nd Level Spells

Earth Bind
Gust of Wind
Maximillian's Earthen Grasp
Scorching Ray
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm

3rd Level Spells

Erupting Earth
Lightning Bolt
Melf's Minute Meteors

4th Level Spells

Conjure Minor Elementals
Storm Sphere
Wall of Fire
Watery Sphere

5th Level Spells

Control Winds
Wall of Stone

Fiendbinder Spell List

Bonus Cantrips

Poison Spray
Vicious Mockery


Acid Splash
Chill Touch
Control Flames
Green-Flame Blade
Toll the Dead

1st Level Spells

Burning Hands
Charm Person
Disguise Self
False Life

2nd Level Spells

Aganazzar's Scorcher
Ray of Enfeeblement
Scorching Ray
Shadow Blade
Spider Climb

3rd Level Spells

Gaseous Form
Stinking Fiend
Summon Lesser Demon
Vampiric Touch

4th Level Spells

Charm Monster
Fire Shield
Summon Greater Demon
Vitriolic Sphere
Wall of Fire

5th Level Spells

Flame Strike
Infernal Calling

Naturebinder Spell List

Bonus Cantrips

Produce Flame


Acid Splash
Booming Blade
Control Flames
Primal Savagery
Thorn Whip

1st Level Spells

Animal Friendship
Create or Destroy Water
Faerie Fire
Guiding Hand
Speak with Animals
Wild Cunning

2nd Level Spells

Beast Sense
Flaming Sphere
Lesser Restoration
Spike Growth

3rd Level Spells

Call Lightning
Dispell Magic
Plant Growth
Sleet Storm
Tidal Wave
Wall of Water

4th Level Spells

Dominate Beast
Greater Invisibility
Conjure Woodland Beings
Control Water

5th Level Spells

Greater Restoration
Transmute Rock

Weirdbinder Spell List

Bonus Cantrips

Mage Hand
Minor Illusion


Chill Touch
Sword Burst

1st Level Spells

Arms of Hadar
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Dissonant Whispers
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Unseen Servant

2nd Level Spells

Crown of Madness
Detect Thoughts
Hold Person
Mind Spike
Phantasmal Force

3rd Level Spells

Enemies Abound.
Hunger of Hadar
Hypnotic Pattern
Major Image

4th Level Spells

Dominate Beast
Evard's Black Tentacles
Dimension Door
Sickening Radiance

5th Level Spells

Contact Other Plane
Dominate Person
Rary's Telepathic Bond

And I think that's got to be 85% of how to make a Summoner in 5e.

2018-06-30, 01:25 PM
I like the idea of a class that focuses on summoning things.

It would be cool to have 3 or 4 things out on the battlefield. Could have some good synergy with other classes.

2018-06-30, 02:11 PM
So, at one time I was thinking of basically a pokemon class. Ok, I'm a nerd, what of it?

A few ideas I had that could apply:

1. Base the class around a rogue (but not a rogue) light armor, simple weapons, d8 hit die.
2. Start at 1st level with a 1/4 cr elemental, celestial or fiend. You'd be elemental like a mephit, of course.
3. Have an ability to shield your pet, using your own hp. Edit: Alternately, add the two's HP together for a pool they share. This has the nice effect of making it important to not use the pet as a replaceable expendable while still making both pet and owner stronger.
4. Have an ability to forgo your action to provide a help action to your pet at range or add your proficiency to their attack or ac. Something like that where it's clear they're drawing on your power. I'm in favor of a light show Anime style.
5. Let them evolve, perhaps using the moon druid animal CR table as a guide so that you have one elemental bound to you that gets stronger as you grow in your experience and bond.

that sort of thing.