View Full Version : Scion of the Dark Goddess IC

2018-06-25, 03:57 PM
Nona tasted sweet victory. And got screwed by fate as a reward.

It had been going so well. The local lord just so happening to have died a peaceful, natural death, leaving his lands to his son, who became the new lord. The young lord's wife-to-be, beloved by all in the small land, suddenly exposed to be a treacherous harlot, revealed by personal records and witnesses. A vicious poisoning by the traitor woman healed by the beautiful healer Nona, who had been caring for the late lord and his son. The healer, heroic yet modest, seemed to want nothing in return, only wanting to be by his side and aid the young lord in this difficult time. And soon, she was rewarded regardless, the young lord taking her as his wife.

Gaining access to the lord's inner circle, gaining their trust, removing the old man from the picture, smearing the woman who could have become a threat, and engineering circumstances to become the young lord's savior, proceeding to seduce him with spell, word, and body. The wedding ceremony was not far off, and it would have secured her position as the secret power behind the young lord, who appeared like a strong leader to the public, but in private hung on every word spoken by Nona. She enjoyed riches and comforts and glamor by day, and the eager, skilled attentions of her slave husband-to-be by night, each day increasing her power over him.

Until she awoke one morning to being surrounded by slavers all wearing masks, easily overwhelming her, putting her into chains and gagging her. Stripped of all her possessions and her herbs, she was told by their leader (who she can only call White Mask, lacking anything else to name him) that he had been watching her for a while, and gave the young lord evidence of all her crimes, which the shocked young man confirmed soon after. The slavers were rewarded for their services, and Nona was dragged through the streets, her name and crimes made known in the small lands, many rotten fruits and a few stones hurled her way. The western lands of Erudin would never welcome her again.

It has been weeks since then, stuck in a small cell on a waggon, traveling to the north and east. She was healed and cleaned up, put into chains and then the cell, with but a few rags to cover her. Her belongings were long sold, she was told, and the Masked Circle (as the slavers were called) so far did not fall for any of her tricks, seemingly knowing her too well. For the first time in a long while, Nona was powerless. They seemed to get further away from the usual cities, she saw pine trees along the way, most certainly far away from Erudin by now. Some land she has not been to yet. Society was tribal up here, she heard, but with some degree of coin from trade with the more "civilized" lands nearby. Nona would fetch a nice price, and they would soon arrive.

Yet another dark evening stuck in the cell. Another evening of staring at the shadows, having little else to do, everything dark around her.

And the shadows stare back.

Dark eyes are visible ever so slightly in the dark, Nona's eyes soon adapting, recognizing more and more. A hauntingly beautiful face, the eyes sharp and inescapable, the woman sitting opposite of Nona, beyond the bars of her cell, leaning against the wall, one arm resting on an elevated knee. "It had been going so well," she says, her voice rich and deep, the tone almost sultry without her seeming to go for that impression. Nona has met this woman before, briefly each time, in different places. They rarely shared more than a few moments, but this woman left an impression, Fiora her name. And she seems to have taken an interest in Nona, for better or worse.

"Quite the unfortunate situation you're in. I hear you will be sold to the highest savage bidder, though I guess the accompanying warnings will scare some away. Not letting you into the wild. Not letting you have herbs. Being a pathological liar. Just a few things the Masked Circle mentioned. But I hear a few of these savages like their slaves more... challenging." Fiora pauses for a short while, her gaze unwavering, Nona unable to look away.

"I feel you could use some help. And help is something I can provide. Should things become too much to bear, if you are looking for a way out or an opportunity, all you need to do is speak my name thrice, and I will come to do you a favor. After all, you are far too intriguing to rot away in a cell or be thrown in front of savage swine." Fiora falls silent again. The faint camp sounds coming from outside almost feel like intrusions in the dark.

2018-06-26, 08:06 AM
Would that help include getting me out of this situation...before I even have to endure the slightest depravation with whomever?

2018-06-26, 09:37 AM
"If you would like. Or you can try your hand at attracting a good savage buyer for yourself and go from there. Up to you if you would like someone to balance out what has been done to you. I would have liked to see what you could have done as the young lord's wife, but it seems you ruffled a few too many feathers on your way there. Outside force interfering, only fair to have another act on your behalf." Nona expects a smirk of superiority or a certain glint of self-satisfied glee, but Fiora remains sitting as before. The offer to help her now and at points in the future, having been extended to the captive Nona. And if Nona had to hazard a guess, she would like to believe Fiora is an admirer of hers.

2018-06-27, 01:07 PM
You know what. I will take my chances with the savages. Even without my magic, it shouldn't be too hard for me to attract a rich buyer. One with more than two coins to his name. A good household always has plenty of spaces to get overlooked and find what I need.

2018-06-27, 05:27 PM
Fiora nods, slowly, deliberately. Now Nona sees the hint of a smile, looking forward to what Nona will achieve. "As you wish. I wish you much success, Nona. And should misfortune still haunt you, remember my offer." Fiora rise, briefly outlined against the faint moonlight. "A word of advice. This tribe has an inner circle. Their upper class equivalent, but not necessarily the only wealthy members of the tribe. Attempt to attract a buyer of said circle, and you will not need to gain entrance to it." With that, Fiora walks away to the side, out of Nona's side, silent as the night. Her words and the memory of her silhouette in darkness follow Nona into her dreams that night.


Two days later, the caravan reaches the tribe. What little Nona is able to see through the little barred window looks like what she expects from savages, land transitioning into a collection of tents. But she can also spot bigger, more permanent ones, and even halls in the distance. This seems to be a permanent settlement. The slavers come, retrieving Nona as well as two other slave women. They make a point of gagging Nona, having no time for her tricks, guiding the three women towards a large red tent with several masks atop the entrance. On the way, Nona sees the savages, many of them dressed simply, with hides and leathers, as she expected. But some seem to be of higher status, wearing pelts and furs and feathers. She also sees a lot of commerce, surprisingly. Seems like these savages know the value of money and the power it can bring. And they seem to enjoy exotic goods. Like slaves.

Inside the tent, there are three poles, each woman chained to one, arms held high, not giving them much room to do anything. Two slavers guard the entrance, and White Mask, the leader, is inside the tent, with a few associates. Nona, still gagged, still dressed in her scant rags, gets a look at the other two women. They briefly met every now and then, spoke little. One is a young human woman, barely more than a girl, really, red hair and freckles, obviously scared. Sold into slavery by parents who had too many bad habits. A pretty one, with the undeniable air of innocence still clinging to her, doe-eyed to boot. Probably a good housewife. One could say she is hardly a willing slave or an experienced one, but she does have qualities that attract buyers.

The other woman, meanwhile, is an elf. Fell into the slavers' hands because of gambling debts and bad deals. Thrillseeker, possibly worked as a doxy on occasion, sly, most likely a thief and trickster, good at putting on an act, but lacking in class. Short and full-figured, aware of her own charms and how to use them, but again, lacking in class. Does not seem to be entirely opposed to being a slave, given the right buyer and tasks. Will no doubt find a buyer, at the very least one wanting her for her body and implied skill and willingness.

Several savages enter the tent, mostly men, but a few women are present as well. White Mask gains their attention. "Thank you for coming. As always, I will give a short introduction for each slave and then you may examine them yourselves, as you want, though I asked you not to touch any of them unless you have bought them." There are a few nods in the crowd, acknowledging that this is pretty much business as usual.

White Mask gestures to the young human woman. "This one used to be the daughter of an innkeeper, hailing from the western coast. Good work ethic and stamina, good for housework and child rearing. Inexperienced as a slave, but docile and unlikely to cause any trouble, and she is still a virgin." There seems to be a fair share of interest in the young woman, who is lightly shaking while averting her eyes.

Then, the head slaver gestures to the elf, who smiles to the potential buyers, right on cue. "This one willingly sold herself into slavery, hailing from the Aceros States. A former doxy with a mischievous streak, so some care and discipline will be necessary. Not much use for housework beyond basic chores, but good as a servant and pleasure slave." The interest in the elf is obvious, and she herself adds "I can hardly wait to serve my new master," the obvious implication underlined by a suggestive sway of her curves.

And finally, as White Mask gestures to Nona, one particular savage, a broad-shouldered man with a wolf pelt, long black hair, and a few feathers in it, asks "Why is that one gagged, White Mask?" The question is obvious, but the savage still asks it to let the slaver cut to the chase.

"This one is today's specialty goods and not for everyone. A temptress of unknown origin who was worming her way into the position of a young lord's wife with subterfuge and enchantments and a fair bit of ruthlessness. This one will need to be handled with care, she must not have access to plants and herbs with which she does her magic, and should not be left unguarded, until she is properly trained or broken." Nona can see how most of the clientel loses interest immediately, and it seems White Mask seems to be expecting this. To her surprise, not everyone is losing interest, however, for better or worse. "Those who can deal with that will get a beauty you will be hard-pressed to find anywhere, an intelligent and capable envoy, and possibly the services of a witch. And I hear she is quite gifted in bed. In short, this one is a challenge, but those who are up for it will reap plentiful rewards." And it seems this tribe contains people who like challenges. Or slaves with more character, it seems. And the slaver warned them, so no hard feelings if things go wrong. The savage who spoke before does so again. "Remove her gag and we'll judge ourselves."


As the potential buyers look at the slaves, Nona can pick out three potential buyers, the rest dissuaded by Nona's potentially dangerous nature.
- The first is the more high-ranking savage who spoke earlier, examining her closely, but not in a dumbly lustful way. There is something wolfish to his smile and eyes. He seems to show some interest in the elf and young woman, but Nona gets the sense that he could very much walk out of the tent without buying a slave and be fine with that, seemingly not in need of a slave, so Nona will need to give him reason to want her.

- The second is one with a hood and plentiful paint on face and chest. Wiry, with a staff, and a strange look in his eyes, along with his occasional grin. If Nona had to guess, he might be a medicine man or something of the sort, but it is hard to get a read on him (though Nona has never been all that great at getting a read on people). A bit of a wild card. He also seems to have an interest in the young woman, speaking with her, the young woman seeming a little unsure at first, but calming a little as they speak, even showing a little hint of a smile towards the end. The young woman seems to be Nona's biggest competition here.

- The third is seemingly a warrior. Dressed more commonly, though he seems to be successful and in possession of enough money to afford a slave. If she had to guess he is most definitely part of the commoners. His intentions are also the most obvious. He disregards the young woman, instead eyeing the elf and Nona, especially their respective assets. He seems to like how the elf undresses him with her eyes, lets her chest sway, and talks to him as if she would love nothing more than to warm his bed. Most definitely the easy mark of the three.

(Assume that everyone of the three will come by to examine her. Post how Nona interacts with each of them, along with appropiate skill checks, if any, both of which will determine who will decide to buy Nona)

2018-06-28, 08:35 AM
Nona resists the urge to curl up her lip in distaste at both of the other slaves, neither of them represent any sort of a challenge to her. The young woman is suitable only for cooking and cleaning duties, and no one would be interested in purchasing her for such things, and while the elf tries to rival her in their respective talents, she does so without class, almost giving it away.
Nona knows the best way to really attract someone's interest is to pretend to completely disinterested in them, almost ignoring them when no one is near to her, and only answering questions with brief answers at best.
Her biggest target is the rich savage and the potential medicine man...seeing the first as a way into the inner circle and the second as being the one who would have the most access to the things she needs. To those two, she appears to give slightly more thought to her answers...to the third, (whom she has little interest in being sold to), she mimics the "airhead pleasure slave" answers of the elf, hoping to make it coin flip between the two, one that she intends to lose.

[roll1] rich
[roll2] medicine man
[roll3] third...deliberately avoiding using her full skill to deter his interest

2018-06-28, 12:28 PM
Nona finds that her strategy leads to the medicine man's interest gravitating further towards the young woman, and despite her best efforts to sabotage her own efforts at "enticing" the warrior, Nona still manages to make it awfully close... and a bit in her favor. Worst of all, a woman, looking like the tribe's equivalent of a trader (and a fairly successful one, by the looks of it), seems to be talking with the elf, with the latter seeming quite intrigued for some reason. And the trader shows exactly zero interest in Nona.

Fortunately, Nona is successful in gaining the inner circle savage's curiosity throughout his examination, and she can tell he is far from a dumb brute. As his last inquiry, he says "So, let me be clear with you. I am not in need of another slave, but I do tend to come here to cultivate relations and maybe get a gift for a friend. But you seem to be interested. And do not want to be bought the warrior over there who was busy talking to your chest, if I needed to guess. So, here is your chance to pitch yourself to me, and why I should consider a flower with so many barbs as a slave." Nona doesn't get much of a read on the savage, but she can tell he is watching her response closely.

2018-06-28, 08:19 PM
A rose is considered the most beautiful and fragrant of flowers, and it has more barbs than any. What is the point of anything that has no challenge? And if you are here to cultivate relationships, then I am clearly the choice. You can see that I am not from around here, obviously, so you would be starting with a foreign relationship, and one nodding to the elf with more than 2 brain cells to rub together or one nodding to the young woman who actually has a spine.


2018-06-29, 05:49 AM
The inner circle savage takes her words into consideration. The potential customers and White Mask move away for negotiations. Nona eventually watches the medicine man walk to the young woman, having her chains and collar removed. They exchange words and the young woman seems... hopeful, showing a little smile as she walks away with her new owner. Next, Nona sees the trader woman come to the elf, having her chains removed, but very much leaving her collar on, with a thinner chain attaching to it like a leash. The elf, all in all, seems intrigued, and if Nona had to guess by the way the elf is swaying her hips, she may be looking forward to what she will be used for.

Finally, Nona waits a little longer, before the rich savage comes for her, removing her from the presentation pole, but leaving her collar and cuffs on, with thinner chains attached. Nona is getting the impression that she only just barely scraped by. "My name is Silas Blackaxe, and I am your new master now." Silas leads Nona out of the tent and through the settlement, past the commerce, and towards a fenced area. The guards recognize Silas and open the gate, allowing them entry. "New slave, Silas?" "Just so. A little experiment. Tell the others that should she try to leave without me or one of my own, capture her and let me know."

The inner area is more spacious, with a few quite large tents and several permanent structures. Nona sees a hall towards the back, most likely for meetings of the movers and shakers, as well as the residence of the tribe's chieftain. This area seems to be where the more important and notable people live, and Nona also sees a few outsiders, so perhaps more important relations and deals happen here as well. Of particular note is a local trader she spots along the way, his residence both home and shop, it seems. One specializing in magical items.

Her new master Silas leads Nona to his residence, a multi-storied house of stone construction she would not have expected to see in a savage tribe. The interior is clean, well-made, well-maintained. There are symbols of the tribe and hunting trophies, wooden furniture made to be sturdy but with a certain flair. Nona is led to a living room, where three women are. One is a tall, athletic human woman, with a main of dirty-blonde hair, dressed like a tribeswoman, with face paint and feathers, who is all in all quite impressive (and imposing) in appearance. The second woman is massaging the first one's shoulders, possessing an elegant and slender half-elven body, dressed tastefully like a cross between a maid and a concubine, with a collar that looks more like an artful choker (and decidedly more comfortable than Nona's). The third is a younger aasimar woman, tending the fireplace at the moment, dressed fully like a servant girl, if a high class one, with a more simple (but still comfortable) choker.

The tribeswoman looks to her right, spotting Silas and Nona, the latter with some scrutiny. "Welcome back. You got yourself another slave?" With her voice implying the question of why they would need another one.

"Call it an experiment. I could use an envoy, and I am hoping to shape this one into that role. However, she will need some work." Silas looks to Nona and gestures to the tribeswoman. "Nona, this is Tira, my wife. You owe her as much loyalty as you do to me and her word is your command. I expect you to be on your best behavior. I took a risk buying you, I advise you not to make me regret it."

Tira rises, the half-elven woman withdrawing her hands and standing by, but her eyes are fixed on Nona. The aasimar seems to continue her duties. Tira feels twice as big as herself to Nona as she walks over, and she feels that she must be a hunter or warrior. Silas' wife examines their new slave, grasping her chin firmly, but not with unneeded pressure, to have Nona look her into the eye. This woman is dangerous, and her eyes are too sharp compared to what Nona expects from a savage. "She will need some breaking in, you are telling me. She will work around the house for now." Silas seems to be in agreement with that, clearly having had the thought as well.

Tira speaks to Nona directly now. "This is Avelera, our main servant, over there is Reeka, our maid. Both are your superiors. And you are not allowed to leave the house unless ordered to and in the company of one of us. Serve us well, and you will live a good life. Don't, and you will feel the consequences of spitting on our goodwill." Tira lets it sink in (her presence oppressive) and releases Nona's chin, going back to her seat and a sheet of parchment. "Reeka, take the slave and clean her up."

"Yes, mistress," the answer coming promptly, the aasimar's voice calm and steady, her response sharp. She rises and comes walking over with quick, quiet, measured steps, having a certain inherent dignity to her. Reeka takes the chains from her master Silas, removing her cuffs at his command, but leaving the collar and leash for now. Silas joins his wife at the table. "Come," is all the aasimar says, a walking bastion of calm. Meanwhile, the half-elf's expression is inscrutable, letting her gaze linger only a little bit before returning her attention to her masters with effortless elegance.

(Nona gets to make a first impression in this scene, afterwards she will be taken away by Reeka to be bathed and dressed, so you also can post what Nona will do there, if anything)

2018-06-29, 07:54 AM
I am sure you will find my service to be more than acceptable.
She allows Reeka to lead her away, but her eyes are constantly on the move, seeking any sort of plant or herb that can be later purloined or have a cutting taken from

2018-06-29, 02:52 PM
Tira is difficult to read, but Nona thinks she did well with conveying a subservient impression.

As Nona is lead through the house and up one floor, she spots nothing usable, this household not big on decorating in this way, and she may need to start her schemes without her magic for now. They briefly step into a small bathroom where Reeka opens a valve near a small tub, water pouring out of a tank, before heading into a room beside it, looking like a room where the servants can get themselves ready for whatever duties they need to fulfill. Reeka opens a wardrobe, with various outfits in it, the servant then efficiently but gently removing Nona's rags, unceremoniously throwing them into a small basket, to be disposed of. She does a quick examination for anything obvious, asking Nona to look one way or another, open her mouth, raise her arms or turn around. Nona gets the sense that this is merely a routine check and Reeka's calm voice has a nice, soothing quality to it.

"I will do a more thorough examination after I have cleaned you and cut your hair. Your clothes will be chosen then as well. You have a large bust and rear, so you will get some of mine for the time being. It is up to the master and mistress, as well as your conduct, whether you will be granted clothes of your own." There seems to be no ill will in Reeka's voice, simply telling things as they are, once again in that voice that's almost like a massage after having been treated like dirt or property for weeks.

Reeka takes off Nona's collar and guides her back over to the bathroom, closing the valve, retrieving oils and soap, and directing Nona into the tub. The woman expects the water to be cold, but finds it warm instead. The last bath she took was back in Erudin, with the young lord. Not many thoughts about cleaning were spent then. Reeka lets Nona soak for a few minutes, then begins to personally clean her from head to toe with the same gentle efficiency she showed before, not rushing, but not spending overlong either, Nona's scalp tingling pleasantly and relaxingly as the servant tends to her hair, together with her voice. The mentioned thorough physical examination follows after, including intimate areas, implying knowledge of a healer. And finally, a haircut, mostly to correct the neglect Nona has suffered throughout the last few weeks. All the while, Reeka asks Nona about her notable skills, education, the languages she speaks, sexual experience and any training she may have received in that regard, experience with negotiations and diplomatic situations and trade. After, an outfit is picked for Nona, consisting of a short black skirt and a red top, hugging her curves, and a simple choker-style collar, chain getting re-attached.

(Interject as desired and/or continue)

2018-06-30, 08:37 AM
I was a healer, like yourself. Those slavers branded me a witch, Ive seen witches and what they can do, and I cant do anything like that. I've studied the roots and herbs of the world, their power to cure, their power to bring out the best in us...thats not witchcraft but people like to say it is. I dont use magic to cure people, magic is unreliable. Magic comes at a price...roots and herbs ask for nothing in return.

2018-06-30, 04:34 PM
"They can do good or bring harm, depending on the user, for they are as impartial as nature," Reeka says while adjusting Nona's clothes. The aasimar smiles, and seeing the expression feels good to Nona. "But being a healer honors you." She seems to believe Nona about being a healer, earning sympathy from the aasimar. Once they are done, Reeka leads Nona out of the room, displaying her to her new masters, along with a short report of what she learned. Silas and Tira seem to approve of Nona's appearance and her being a healer, but Silas still mentions the warnings of the slavers about keeping Nona away from herbs, doing magic with them. They trust Nona too little yet. For now, Nona is relegated to housework under Reeka to see how she does and how her conduct is going to be like. Fortunately, the aasimar seems to be a fair superior, not dumping all work on Nona, instead dividing the work between them.

(At various points in the game, a period of time will pass during which Nona can do something or work toward something. In this case, Nona will spend the next few days doing housework and being evaluated. I'll need to know how Nona behaves during this time and what she works towards. She could, for example, work towards improving her relationship with one of the other slaves, or start putting a plan into motion. Roll skill checks as appropiate)

2018-07-02, 08:52 AM
When Silas expresses his doubts about Nona and herbs, she is quick with the response...They lied to you. After all, consider what they are, slavers. Do you think that you can believe anything such honourless people say? But she does not press the issue, just letting that comment sit and do its work. For the most part, Nona does her work quickly and efficiently, without comment or complaint. She gets to know the exact layout of the house, and the routines of its people and also tries to assess the interpersonal relationships that are going on.

2018-07-02, 03:50 PM
Everyone looks to Nona as she gives her response. "Slavers are not to be trusted blindly, yes. But I have a hard time imagining what they would gain by telling me that your talents are dangerous instead of being that of a healer like you say. Would it not have been much more beneficial to them to sell you as a healer and also fail to mention any other faults?"


As Nona serves under Reeka's direction (sleeping in a little chamber of her own at night, right beside the one of Reeka; it's not luxurious, but not uncomfortable either), she learns the following:

- Reeka is the main housekeeper and cook, but apparently also organizes documents of her masters at times and cares for their physical wellbeing. She also usually is the one to go and keep the house stocked with food and drink.
- Avelera, the half-elf, is the main servant, attending them and guests, handling a few matters in their absence with business contacts and friends of theirs. She also acts as a secretary of sorts at times, as well as a pleasure slave, for guests as well as her masters (though mostly Silas, Tira seeming to only want normal massages once or twice).
- Silas seems to be the head of the hunters' caste, also involved with trade of the goods that come out of the hunts. He often is out during the morning hours and the early afternoon to attend to the business. At noon, he returns home to have dinner with his wife. He once or twice had Avelera join him in his bedroom during the afternoon when Tira was out, and once took her with him to a deal negotiation.
- Tira seems to be the owner of the property and the one directing the household, but seems to be just below Silas in the informal hierarchy of the house. She seems to handle administrative tasks of her husband's business and seems to be a respected member of the warrior caste, though the latter apparently had to take a backseat in favor of the former. Tends to be out in the afternoons and still engages in personal physical training.

As for relationships:
- Silas and Tira seem to have a functioning marriage and judging by the sounds coming from their bedroom on the third floor during one night, they still seem to have some mutual attraction as well. Silas seems pretty happy with his situation (especially with now three beautiful women in his life), while Tira would like some more warrior duties in her life again, but decided to help her husband for the good of the tribe. She would also prefer it if her husband would share a bed less often with Avelera, even if she agreed that one of the slave woman's duties is to provide relief, Tira denying Silas children until he commits himself more fully.

- Avelera is part of the business as the secretary, though obviously only Silas and Tira have any real say. She does seem to enjoy the degree of importance this gives her, as well as her duties as a pleasure slave, seemingly serving with class and eagerness. Her having a very good relationship with her owner is probably a big bonus. Meanwhile, her relationship with Tira is strained. The mistress of the house does recognize that she is serving well, but doesn't like how intimate she is with Silas, which seems to make Avelera a bit more careful about how often and openly she responds to Silas' advances, and makes her be at her best behavior around Tira. Avelera seems to enjoy having another slave beneath her to delegate work to.

- Reeka seems to be trusted by both Silas and Tira, appreciating her work ethic, efficiency, and reliability. Her relationship with Silas is pretty ordinary master-and-maid, with Avelera much more often the target of his attention, though Nona has seen some implications that while Reeka did as she was asked by Silas when he wanted the generous aasimar, she doesn't show much of any interest in him that way. Reeka's relationship with Tira is much closer, the mistress of the house requesting her attendance much more often than Avelera's, to discuss matters of the house, assist her during administrative tasks, and to tend to her during and after training. The warrior Tira seems to have an appreciation for a healer like Reeka and they seem to have a close friendship, without muddling the lines between master and slave, both of them seeming to be comfortable in their respective roles.

- Avelera is Reeka's superior. Avelera seems to be be quite satisfied with Reeka's work, while Reeka seems to have little issue with having someone above her. The half-elf seems to abuse her position to a certain degree, shifting more work towards Reeka than may be necessary, especially if it helps with preventing Reeka from attenting Silas or important guests. Avelera wants to stay superior and first in mind for her masters, not wanting Reeka's natural beauty and poise to make things difficult for her. At the same time, Avelera seems to be interested in the aasimar, Nona having spotted a few "accidental" touches in passing, and one instance of outright groping alongside an intimate offer when Avelera thought no one else was around. So far, Reeka does not return those attentions, and does not speak out about them either to her masters.

As for Nona's relations with the others:
- Reeka is treating Nona well, and the aasimar's presence is comforting one. She appreciates Nona's work so far, and Nona allegedly also being a healer has scored her points. Out of everyone in the house, Nona has the best relationship with Reeka.
- Avelera seems to see Nona as possible competition, making sure to shift more work towards her. She is also sure to keep Silas' attention on herself. If her behavior towards Reeka is any indication though, it might be possible for the half-elf to develop some desires for Nona under the right circumstances.
- Tira is skeptical of Nona as a person, especially seeming to keep a close eye on anything possibly intimate between her and Silas. She is demanding, but she acknowledges good work.
- Silas seems to keep tabs on Nona, most likely also asking the other women and maybe his guests about their opinions (and Nona is pretty sure Avelera is not relaying her actual performance, without making it seem like she is trying to sabotage Nona). She can feel Silas finds her intriguing, and if his amorous tendencies are any indication he would not be opposed to conquering her, but he is smart enough to be on his guard for now.

2018-07-02, 04:36 PM
Everyone looks to Nona as she gives her response. "Slavers are not to be trusted blindly, yes. But I have a hard time imagining what they would gain by telling me that your talents are dangerous instead of being that of a healer like you say. Would it not have been much more beneficial to them to sell you as a healer and also fail to mention any other faults?".

To ensure that I was sold to into the worst possible situation so they can report as such to the people they got me from. While they werent about to refuse your money, they probably thought it would be even better if I had been sold to the warrior who first expressed interest in me. They didnt have to spend any money to get me, and judging by the conditions I traveled in, not much to get me here, so anything I fetched was gravy. They will probably still go back and report I was sold to some grubby peasant who was already beating me on the way out of the tent.

2018-07-02, 04:49 PM
Silas seems to take her words into consideration. "Quite the tale. Well, if you serve loyally, you will have little to fear." With that, he lets Nona get back to her work.

(The findings in my last post were gathered during the days after the above scene. Anything you would like to do based on those?)

2018-07-03, 05:49 PM
Nona continues to do her work as best she can, not even engaging in any sort of passive aggressive behaviour. She makes the most effort to befriend Reeka, and seems to also be as helpful as she can to Tira. She has as little to do as possible with Avelera, she is polite to her when they are forced to interact, but makes no effort to bring herself into interaction with her. She likewise limits any of her dealings with Silas, both to reassure Tira that she is not a threat, but also to fuel his thoughts about what she might be like. She is forever on the lookout for any sort of plant or herb material, anything to get her "magic" back.

2018-07-04, 01:33 PM
Nona's non-confrontational course seems to bear fruit. Avelera seems to ease her scrutiny a little, returning to her own agenda for the most part. Tira appreciates having a hard worker, even if Nona can tell Tira warms slowly. As a warrior, she seems to have an affinity for judging people by their work, actions, and achievements. Once, she allows Nona to join Reeka during her attendance of Tira's training and the aftercare (which includes a massage), which also drives home what a physically impressive woman Tira is.

Throughout the days, Nona and Reeka become closer, the aasimar reciprocating Nona's efforts to befriend her. Soon, they are having friendly chats during work and Reeka begins to help Nona get ready in the morning. Needless to say, Nona has plenty of charm and Reeka is hardly immune to it, smiling when she sees Nona, telling the witch that her plan is coming along nicely. She gets to know the aasimar better, who is a thoroughly pleasant woman to talk and work with. Things just feel a little better with her around, and Nona finds she doesn't even need to fake smiles directed towards Reeka. However, Reeka still has a duty to fulfill, and thus watches Nona closely, but the vigilance does not at all come from a hostile place.

After a few days, in the morning, Reeka invites Nona to join her in the kitchen to help with preparing dinner for the masters (Silas and Tira currently out of the house, Avelera being with Silas), something she so far has not been allowed to do. The meal they are preparing will take quite a while to fully cook, though that will happen pretty much by itself once everything has been added and is in place. While they are working and Reeka's back is turned, Nona does see something. There are a few herbs present, but most of them are too weak to be much use, separated for far too long from nature and not having been prepared in the way Nona does to preserve their magic. But there are a few particularly fresh herbs. Enough for a single spell. Nona knows she will not be able to smuggle the herbs out of the kitchen under Reeka's watch and they won't have any effect if added to food or drink. So this opportunity can only be used right in this moment, or it will soon be gone.