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2018-06-25, 10:05 PM
Pierrot High School, Capsberg, Capellia

Heather stands at the podium at the front of the class room. She is a fellow student, and class president. Her hair is brown, long, and tied into a ponytail with a white bow. Her face is heart strong, with high cheekbones. Overall, she wears a professional outfit and outlook.

The usual suspects are sitting around as well. Framboise, the most alpha girl of the class, is sitting towards the front. She is a tall, impressive woman, with lovely golden curls. Next to her is her companion, Lily, who is thin and delicate, with a long black black in her hair. Behind them is the bespectacled Gary, literature club president, who has dark grey hair and is reading a good book.

Heather finishes arranging her notes. "May I have your attention, just a special announcement. We have a new transfer student." She waves in someone from outside. A tall nephilim woman with blonde hair and blue eyes and horns walks, wearing a school uniform from a Frontieran private school. A nephilim, and worse, a nephilim. "This is Abigail DeToundra," Heather introduces Abigail. Worse yet, judging from the name and light hair, an Alexandrian. Nephilim eye color match their horn type, but blue is also typical of an Alexandrian. The presence of an Alexandrian is jarring, even surprising. The relationship between those peopel and Capellia has cooled, but is still too chilly for some. "She will be joining our class for the year."

"A pleasure," Abigail says. She has a distinctive posh accent. "Thank you for welcoming me." She gives a slight bow.

2018-06-25, 11:14 PM
Melody stares deadpan at the new girl. She very deliberately reaches to the empty chair she usually keeps her backpack on and slides it back from the desk and clears it of her stuff. She's leaves the chair one quarter turn to the aisle to present the most welcoming placement possible.

2018-06-26, 12:24 AM
Amber was sitting in the back of the classroom as usual. However, unlike usual, she was paying more attention to what was going on at the front of the classroom. There was a new girl, and Amber wanted to figure out what social clique she would end up in. Just don't be a new Framboise fan girl, she thought to herself.

Just Helping
2018-06-26, 05:00 PM
Cassidy Dunn

Cassidy gave a small wave to the new classmate, genuinely wishing her welcome. She was a bit curious about the new girl, but did not pay much heed to her being Alexandrian. After all, Cass was odd as well, right?

2018-06-27, 11:18 AM

Sitting near the back of the class, Jericho kept his hands together and his lips sealed tight. He gave the new girl a quick once over through his specs, but didn't want to make eye contact with her just in case she thought about starting a conversation with him...

2018-06-27, 10:18 PM
Pierrot High School, Capsberg, Capellia

The new girl tries to take a seat near the front, which is close to where Framboise is. "Don't even try it, neph. I wouldn't want any Alexandrian anywhere near me," Framboise says while casually while examining her nails.

"We always do what Framboise says," Lily tells Abigail placidly. "It's better for everyone is you stay in line."

"Uh, I don't get it, but okay," Abigail says, looking for a better spot. She sees Melody's actions, and Cassidy's wave and goes ahead and takes that see. "Thank you. However, I am confused by your invitiation, given the cold reception I have been receiving." She gives a respectful nod to Alex, a fellow nephilim. "I don't understand the circuitous methods of flagging me down. Though, I suppose that waving is the closest to a proper greeting I could have expected."

2018-06-27, 10:40 PM
"Oh, dearie! You just been talking to the wrong people. Don't mind Framboise and her git. They're nothing but privilege and dollars holding them up. You want quality people, stop being blinded by the bling. That's when you'll find us!" Melody gestures to her close friends.

2018-06-27, 11:24 PM
"You see, Abigail, some people int this world are satisfied being daddy's little brat, who blindly follow what i can only guess is their parent's prejudices." Amber adds to Melody's comment.

Just Helping
2018-06-28, 12:29 AM
"I just wanted to say hi if you sat somewhere else, but... Don't worry, most of us won't be like them." Cass hoped that people would stop getting hung up on Abigail's heritage soon enough.

2018-06-28, 02:12 PM

Jericho nods to the other's statements, but only offers a quick, pale nod. That's the best he's got.

2018-06-28, 02:58 PM
Pierrot High School, Capsberg, Capellia

"I can't say I empathize," Abigail says. "Where I'm from, nephilim are treated better. This place sure is strange." Abigail scratches her head. "What's wrong with being affluent? My family is quite wealthy as well." She looks around at the group confused.

"Why are we here," Framboise asks Heather suddenly.

"Excuse me, what?" Heather asks, confused.

"The teacher isn't in, so we aren't doing anything. I have better things to be doing. We should just leave early," Framboise says, examining her nails.

"I agree with Framboise," Lily says, pushing up her glasses.

2018-06-28, 03:02 PM

Alex simply listened to the class's reaction to the transfer student, while also thinking about her. So she's a nephilim too, hm? That raises the total in this class to two. Hearing his friends immediately try to make her feel welcome he smiled a bit. That's what they did with him too, made him feel welcome when others didn't or tried to avoid him... and they've been friends ever since.

"And even if others will listen to them, Melody will still keep throwing friendship at you. That's how she is." he said, nodding in the Melody's direction

2018-06-28, 04:08 PM
"Abigail, I think it might be better to focus on the positives. make some friends who don't judge you before they know anything of substance about you, and ignore the unnecessary bit of fluff that thinks it's important." Amber says.

Just Helping
2018-06-28, 07:32 PM
"I think it's more that they like showing off, than anything about the money itself," Cass commented, as if being called a show-off wasn't an insult. Her family wasn't exactly poor either, just on the frugal side.

2018-06-28, 09:20 PM
"It's easy. Don't count on dollars to define you. In a nation where race is a factor find people who don't care about it. We don't watch your money or race to decide if we like you. That's all on you, ha!"

2018-06-29, 02:31 AM
"Alright, let's move the topic along before we start sounding like a broken record. No need to dwell on these kinds of things too long." Amber said really not wanting to continue the current topic.

2018-07-02, 09:40 AM

Abigail laughs nervously, then pauses for a second. "No, still don't get it."

"Yeah, whatever," Framboise tells Heather. "I'm outta here. This is a waste of my time." Lily and Framboise leave early.


It's a lovely nice, with a pleasant breeze flowing through the air. The sky is cloudless, revealing a tapestry of stars in the sky. The alternates are hanging out or patrolling the cobblestone streets of the town.

Suddenly, all of them notice some spirit wolfs. These beasts can be dangerous. Someone should do something about the mysterious and incorporeal beasts. Especially before they eat anyone, or any of the innocent spirit sheep that are current destroying someone's lawn.

2018-07-02, 02:34 PM

In his attempts to constantly find peace, Jericho was sitting on the roof of a local church doing his homework and listening to his music. He'd often come here for a quiet space to work on his projects or schoolwork. Tonight, however, it would seem fate was against him.

"Sigh... Why is it always me?" Jericho packs his bag and stands tall and straight, stretching out one hand as a powerful gust of wind begins to circle him. "I guess it's time for-"


"-me to take over!" A taller, handsome man steps forth from the wind, a wide smile adorning his face, his outstretched hand skillfully gripping a blade. "Oh yes." He his eyes scout the area. "It's been so long since I've been able to walk around. That Jericho guy really doesn't like me much." He shrugs deviously. "Wonder why."

"Oh look! He left me something to play with!" Aegis spots the wolves and gleefully steps off the roof of the church, gently touching down onto the ground and making his way towards the group of enemies. "So good to stretch!"


Just Helping
2018-07-02, 06:33 PM
Cassidy Dunn, Earlier...

Cass had just barely finished her homework, books still open, when she looked out her window to see the city below. It's about that time, isn't it? An uncharacteristic smile stretched across the girl's face as she closed her book and stood, making her way to the roof of her building to be alone for what came next. Cass made sure she was unseen, quickly looking around as a glow already began to appear around her. As always, she felt safe, and beamed as the light overtook her...


The black-clad woman patrols the city, her grey eyes beaming with glee. The wolves of the night are quickly apparent, as is the figure looking to enter the fray.

"Hello, Aegis!" she calls out, uncaring about ideas of stealth or subtlety. She begins approacing the wolves from the opposite side of Aegis. "You weren't about to hog the fun for yourself, were you?" As if on cue, Bob steps around a corner and into view from behind Scorch, ready to dutifully charge into the fray.

2018-07-02, 07:34 PM
"With One Thousand Lies, I call the Shadows.
With One Thousand Lies, I abolish Light.
With One Thousand Lies, I convene the Dark.
With One Thousand Lies, I dance in the Night!"


tick tick ping

tick tick ping

The sleek figure of Jezabelle, attired as always like some voodoo witch doctor complete with skull mask and tophat, approaches with a comfortable saunter. "Hello, delicious ones! And hello, Scorch, Aegis! How ARE you doing?"

2018-07-02, 08:02 PM
Alex Kennedy, Earlier

He was lying down on his bed. His homework was finished quite a long time ago and it felt as if time was crawling ever so slowly.

He was thinking about his parents, his family. They were doing their best to do things the regular way. The mundane way. They wanted to make him feel welcome. He still didn't know, despite doing it for some time, how to break news to them about his powers. Did they have that happen too? Is his alter ego going to combine and become one with his regular self eventually? Or is that something else and they would worry? Should he even tell them?

His eyes moved towards the cat-shaped cloak in his room, watching the pendulum tail waggle back and forth. If he remained in his room, he will just go crazy thinking about it and still won't be any closer to answer, at least not right now. He put on the hoodie and went downstairs before leaving the house, saying only that he will be coming home a bit later. It was time. Time to axcellerate.


The figure wearing a dark pink cloak that seemed to shimmer and obscure his body jumped off a roof of nearby building before proceeding to run down the wall, jumping off at what he deemed a proper height and landing in the middle of ground with a flip, the energy from his body, especially his arms, invisible to regular people but pink to those nearby, trailed behind him. As he stood up from his crouch after landing, as some of the trail began to evaporate, the energy emission intensified before forming two glowing blades around his arms. "A party going on and I wasn't invited? Thought you guys had better taste than that."

2018-07-03, 01:00 PM

Aegis waves casually at Scorch. "Me? Hog all the fun? Never." He said casually, rolling his eyes. He'd totally planned on hogging all the fun.

He eyes Scorch up and down, but his attention is quickly drawn to the approaching Jezabelle. "Oh, hello." A little lewdness creeping into his speech. "I do love it when you call me delicious." He winks playfully, but nods to Scorch to take a position to fight at the same time.

Upon Axcel arriving, he smiles charmingly. "Looks like we've got a full house. I do so hate sharing my fun." He chuckles as he takes a battle stance.

2018-07-03, 02:15 PM
Jezabelle cups Aegis' chin in her free hand, "Oh, sweetness, did you count on account of little old me?" She gives him a mock pout. "Poor thing, we are still missing one. Don't worry, we can get started" Jezabelle bumps her hip against Aegis before pulling her hand away, "when we're all present, lovey!"

2018-07-04, 01:59 PM

She didn't have much motivation to do her homework, but how would she get people to listen if she didn't occasionally set a good example. Putting the books away she decided that she had enough for one evening and needed to let go.


Flare walks over to the gather crowd, "Looks like I running late tonight, were you all waiting for me to start the party?" She says. Sidling up to Aegis clearly putting on a layer of mock timidity, she continues, "How thoughtful of you, Surely you can share a bit of your fun with me, right?"

2018-07-06, 12:31 PM

Aegis considers grabbing Jez around the waist to "rebuff" her behavior, but as soon as he begins reaching he gets a side full of Flare. "Oh, dear. I'll share a bit of 'fun' with you any night." He winks slyly.

2018-07-06, 02:37 PM

"Anytime you want to have some fun just let me know, handsome." Flare says giving Aegis a quick peck on the cheek.

2018-07-06, 05:18 PM

He shrugged with a smile at the antics of his group.

"I don't think our sex appeal is going to distract the wolves. Sure would work on anything else."

He grinned towards Flare. "Mind if I take you up on that offer, Flare?"

Just Helping
2018-07-06, 05:28 PM

Scorch smiled behind her mask, happy to see her comrades getting along so well. "Don't leave me out," Scorch began, strutting over toward the group (careful to keep Bob between her and the oddly-sedate wolves). "We have plenty of time for fun tonight, after all." Anyone could hear the glee in Scorch's voice, though from what might be less clear.

2018-07-06, 05:30 PM
His grin almost seemed to get bigger as he began to chuckle. "We wouldn't dare to leave you out, Scorch. You're one hot lady, after all."

2018-07-06, 05:33 PM

"Anytime? That's a pretty bold offer, how abou-" He reflexively tightens an arm around Flare's waist when Axcel wants in on his action, but relaxes it a little immeditely. No reason to be touchy, after all. "Don't be a spoil sport, Ax. These wolves aren't going anywhere fast." He chuckled, because honestly they probably could go somewhere fast. Much faster than him, in fact.

"Leave you out?" He smirks at Scorch. "I wasn't under the impression you wanted in!" He winks and holds out his other arm.

2018-07-06, 06:58 PM

Flare takes a brief moment to consider Axcel's proposal, before Aegis hugs her with his arm. Flare laughs, "Sorry Axcel, I think I already have something going on right now."

Just Helping
2018-07-06, 09:17 PM

"Aww, thank you~!" Scorch reaches the other heroes, with Bob separating them from the wolves. Scorch quickly wraps an arm each around Aegis and Axcel, trying to hug everyone possible. The same gleam never leaves her eyes.

2018-07-07, 02:52 PM

Axcel, while a bit surprised by Scorch's hug, decided to hug her back with a smile. "Anytime, Scorch~"

2018-07-09, 03:54 PM

There are 10 Spirit Wolves surrounding a dozen or so scared and innocent (albeit damaging to lawns) Spirit Sheep on a street.

This is a suburban neighborhood at night. There are a couple of parked cars on the street, but it's otherwise empty as most citizens have taken to bed.


Just Helping
2018-07-09, 06:30 PM
Scorch (and Bob)

"All right, let's get to it!" Scorch lets go of Aegis, Flare, and Jezabelle first; twisting around Axcel, she wordlessly directs her mechanical servant to charge the nearest wolf it could. While Bob charges forth, she lets go of Axcel and reaches into her bag -- pulling out an Alchemical Fire, lobbing it behind the wolves in the back (trying not to burn the sheep this time).

Bob -- Charge Attack: [roll0] vs AC for [roll1] slashing damage. Targeted wolf must make DC 13 Strength save or be knocked prone.

Scorch -- Alchemical Fire: anything in 5 feet of impact must make DC 16 Dex save or take 4d6 fire damage.

2018-07-09, 07:00 PM

When Scorch twisted around him as she let go, he started doing a twirl of his own the moment she stopped, before he bent his leg at the knee and jumped towards the wolves, his energy blades at his arms at his sides as he spun, letting the alchemist fire hit first before he landed, bringing down his arm towards the uncharged wolf, as the energy vibrated and hummed with power as it slammed into the wolf.

Hone the Blade(No action specified, seemingly I can do it at any point?) (7 psi points): +4 to attack and damage for 10 minutes
Move action: Get towards wolves.
Bonus Action: Brute Force: Brute Strike(7 psi points)
Action: Booming Blade(With Soul knife as weapon)

To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1] psychic damage + Potent Psionics [roll2] psychic + [roll3] thunder damage + [roll4] psychic
If it willingly moves before end of its turn it also takes [roll5] thunder damage

2018-07-10, 07:54 AM
Jezabelle raises her cane and points it at the next nearest wolf. "You may consider yourself cursed, pup!" Bolts of darkness ripple down the length of the cane and pulse off from it's tip to pound the wolf.

Bonus Action
Hexblade Curse on Wolf #3

Eldritch Blast + Agonizing Blast at Wolf #3
To Hit [roll0]
To Hurt [roll1]
To Hit [roll2]
To Hurt [roll3]

Edit: Mistake on my part. All rolls should be less by 5 points.

2018-07-10, 11:37 AM

The dashing man dashes forward!

Aegis will cast Booming Blade and attempt to hit one of the wolves.

To Hit

Weapon: [roll1]
Booming Blade: [roll2]

2018-07-11, 01:30 PM

Flare summons six tiny meteors around her and send two of them towards the wolves, focusing on any wolves standing next to each other.

two 5 ft radius bursts of fire damage that ignores resistance to fire.
dex saving throw DC 17 or [roll0] damage
rerolls for 1s [roll1]
dex saving throw DC 17 or [roll2] damage
rerolls for 1s [roll3]
and Flare is wreathed in flames that damage melee attackers for 1d4 damage, and shed bright light out to 30 ft. and dim light out another 30 ft.

2018-07-14, 08:47 PM

Axcel charges the first spirit wolf, cleaning finishing it off with a thundercrack!

Combining their efforts, Scorch and Flare burn down two wolfs that were standing a little too close to each other.

Jezzabelle and Scorch's pet Roboar, Bob, beat the crap out of another wolf, taking it down.

Aegis moves up, citting another wolf with another booming attack!

The wolves retaliate, organizing to attack the nearest foes! They flank Bob, Aegis, and Axcel, and snap at them with their toothy maws!

Versus Aegis
Advantage [roll0][roll1]
Damage [roll2]
DC 13 Str or fall prone

Advantage [roll3][roll4]
Damage [roll5]
DC 13 Str or fall prone

Advantage [roll6][roll7]
Damage [roll8]
DC 13 Str or fall prone

Advantage [roll9][roll10]
Damage [roll11]
DC 13 Str or fall prone

Advantage [roll12][roll13]
Damage [roll14]
DC 13 Str or fall prone

Advantage [roll15][roll16]
Damage [roll17]
DC 13 Str or fall prone

Player turn!

2018-07-14, 09:05 PM

Flare shoots three fiery rays and two more meteors at the wolves, focusing on the ones attacking Aegis.

scorching ray attack rolls, fire damage that ignores fire resistance
damage rolls here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23221780&postcount=12)
attack[roll0], 12 damage
attack[roll1], 8 damage
attack[roll2], 9 damage

two 5 ft radius bursts of fire damage that ignores resistance to fire.
dex saving throw DC 17 or 8 damage
dex saving throw DC 17 or 8 damage
and Flare is wreathed in flames that damage melee attackers for 1d4 damage, and shed bright light out to 30 ft. and dim light out another 30 ft.

2018-07-14, 09:07 PM
Jezabelle points at the wolf attacking Axcel with her cane and at the wolf on Aegis, "Get off of them! Those boys are claimed! Find your own bones!"

Eldritch Blast + Agonizing Blast
Axcel Wolf
To Hit [roll0]
To Hurt [roll1]
Aegis Wolf
To Hit [roll2]
To Hurt [roll3]

2018-07-15, 10:43 AM

He could feel the wolves strike against him, but as he was about to fall he turned that additional momentum into a spin that he finished with strike towards one of the wolves that struck him.

HP: 54/73
Psi points: 45/64 (Already taken into account this turn's expenditure)

Strength to avoid falling prone [roll0]
If I fall down I use some movement to get up.

Bonus Action: Brute Force(7 psi)
Action: Booming Blade against one wolf that hit me.

To hit [roll1]
To hurt [roll2] + Potent Psionics [roll3] + Thunder [roll4] + Brute Force [roll5]
If he moves [roll6]

Just Helping
2018-07-17, 03:06 PM
Scorch and Bob

The roboar emotionlessly.bore the onslaught of lupine attacks, withstanding the first inly to be brought low by the second wolf. Steadily rising to its feet, Bob lines up its tusk for a strike on the wolf that felled it. Meanwhile, Scorch pulls out a flask of acid, chucking it toward the wolf threatening her creation.

Bob attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage on a hit.
Scorch attack: DC 16 DEX save or 5d6 acid damage

2018-07-19, 10:21 AM

"Nice try, pup. Mind if I give it a shot?" Aegis smiles charmingly and takes another whack at the wolf.

Sorry, been so very busy!

Aegis will cast Booming Blade and attempt to hit one of the wolves.

To Hit

Weapon: [roll1]
Booming Blade: [roll2]

2018-07-22, 12:49 PM

Aegis and Flare are able to defeat the two wolves by aegis with their concerted efforts.

Axcel smashes another spirit wolf with an enhanced blow, dissipating it instantly.

Jezzabelle blasts a wolf near Robob the Roboar. While Bob fails to strike the wolf, Scorch is able to finish it off with some acid.

Two wolves remain to be dissipated. They strike at the nearest

Attack on Axcel

Attack on Bob

2018-07-24, 03:21 AM

Flare shoots a bolt of fire and the last two of her meteors at the remaining dogs.

Fire bolt cantrip [roll0] to hit
[roll1] 9 fire damage that ignores resistance to fire
rerolls for 1s [roll2]

two 5 ft radius bursts of fire damage that ignores resistance to fire.
dex saving throw DC 17 or [roll3] rerolls for 1s [roll4] 4 damage
dex saving throw DC 17 or [roll5] rerolls for 1s [roll6] 10 damage
and Flare is wreathed in flames that damage melee attackers for 1d4 damage, and shed bright light out to 30 ft. and dim light out another 30 ft.

Just Helping
2018-07-25, 05:17 PM
Scorch and Bob

Scorch surveyed the field, seeing that only two wolves remained. She looked over at Axcel, and gave a quick nod -- they'd end this now. Smiling beneath her mask, Scorch ran and jumped up, spiking an acid into one of the wolves. Axcel would finish the other.

(And Bob, the loyal porcine creation, would wait to kill any straggler.)

Scorch Attack: DC 16 DEX save or Wolf takes 5d6 acid damage

Bob Attack: [roll0] for [roll1]

2018-07-25, 05:36 PM

Seeing that only two wolves were left, he knew what to do, and he knew Scorch also knew. He sliced into one wolf, seeing that during it a spray of acid hit the other, and with a twirl he raised his arms and caught falling Scorch in his arms before bringing her in close.

"Scorch, did you fall from heaven, because your beauty made angels sin?"

He shot her a grin at that. A cheesy pick up line, perhaps, but they knew each other.

HP: 44/73
Psi points: 43/64 (Already taken into account this turn's expenditure)

Bonus Action: Brute Force(4 psi)
Action: Booming Blade against one wolf that hit me.

To hit [roll0]
To hurt [roll1] + Potent Psionics [roll2] + Thunder [roll3] + Brute Force [roll4]
If it moves [roll5]

2018-07-25, 06:12 PM
Jezabelle eyes the remaining wolf as she approaches it at full saunter. She points at the beast once more, each instruction punctuated by a bolt of black energy.

To Hit
To Hurt [roll1]

"Play Dead!"
To Hit [roll]1d20+4)
To Hurt [roll2]

2018-07-26, 09:07 AM
Some Streets
The Team

The team attack is successful at defeating the offending spirit wolfs, with minimal damage to the the parked cars in the nearby driveways (Scorch had gotten acid on one of the cars, stripping some of the paint). The wolves dissipate into the ether.

The spirit sheep are huddled in the the street, terrified and bleeting. "Wait, stop!" yells a soft voice, accompanied by the tapping of shoes.

A woman wearing a cloak over a dress and carrying a shepherd's crook is running towards you, golden, wavy hair bouncing as she moves. She has soft, youthful features and beautiful blue eyes. She places herself between you and the sheep. "Please spare these little ones," she pleads, holding her crook in front of herself with shaking hands.

2018-07-26, 09:15 AM
"Oh, aren't you darling!" Jezabelle looks the girl over like the wolves had been looking at the sheep, "Spare them? Dearie, we just saved them. Now who are you and what are you doing later tonight?"

Just Helping
2018-07-26, 07:41 PM
Scorch (and Bob)

Scorch giggled, smiling behind her mask. "Such a charmer." Scorch made herself comfortable, looking up at Axcel -- sadly, the moment was a bit ruined by some kind of sheepherder intruding. She seemed nice though, so Scorch looked over to her and waved, still in Axcel's arms.

"I spiked one with acid!" Scorch contributed with cheer.

2018-07-26, 08:13 PM

Still holding Scorch in his arms, he turned towards the girl.

"We only killed the wolves, lady. They were the ones eating the little ones."

2018-07-27, 10:48 PM

Flare looks intensely at this Sheppard looking girl, "Are these your sheep?"

2018-08-01, 11:24 AM

"Looks like Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, and didn't know where to find them." A warm smile spreads across Aegis' face as he steps forward and takes a slight bow towards the shepherd girl. "You've left them alone, but now they'll come home..." He winks at her, mustering all his charm. "... wagging their tails behind them." He takes her hand and gives it a kiss. "Fear not, we're not here to do harm. We've only deterred their predators."


2018-08-01, 12:29 PM
Some Streets
The Team

"Uh, w-what?!" the Shepard says, blushing as she steps away from Jezzabelle. "I am the Shepard. These are not my sheep, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't leave them alone!" Aegis's words seem to calm her down, as does the kiss on her hand, but she is confused. "Why are you saying you were throwing acid at them?" She glares at Scorch.

At this time, a whooshing sound is heard and them something plummets at the ground. With a crash, a man appears, having plunged a spear into the ground as he lands. He's wearing a bomber jacket, and has black, windswept hair. He pulls off his goggled and lets them hang around his neck. This is Vaulter, master of the Guild. Everyone here has been invited at one point, but most alternates are too mercurial to agree to such an arrangement. "Hello heroes!" he declares, but then he pauses when he sees Jezzabelle. "And guest." He walks up to Shepard and puts a hand on her shoulder. "I see you met my Guildmate, Shepard."

Shepard nods. "Though, frankly I'm not too interested in fighting. I only joined so I could get help if someone attacked the sheep."

"Yes, I was arriving with that in mind, but I see that was cleared up for me. Thank you again, heroes."

2018-08-01, 01:34 PM

Flare continues to focus on Shepard, obviously annoyed about something and letting it sink into her voice. "Well, if you are so concerned about these sheep, then you should take them somewhere else where they aren't vandalizing random people's lawns." by the time she finishes she has raised her voice to something of a half yell.


Just Helping
2018-08-06, 10:53 PM

Scorch let everyone get their turn in before looking to Shepard, a serious look on the mad bomber's hidden face. "I throw acid at wolves... because they keep tripping."

After managing that with a straight face, she looked to Vaulter. "Wait, guest? Do we have a new friend?"

Ambiguous innocence, thy name is Scorch.

2018-08-07, 06:00 PM

With a twirl he left Scorch standing on the ground as he stared towards Vaulter.

"Jez is part of our group, I'd appreciate if you didn't exclude her like that."

His eyes moved back to the Shepherd "Meanwhile, you are too overreacting on those sheep. Didn't even let us get a word in before accusing us of trying to hurt them. These are the thanks we get?"

2018-08-08, 11:05 PM
Some Streets
The Team

Tears well up in Shepard's eyes as Axcel scolds her and, more importantly, Flare yell at here. "I-I was going to move them, but I want to make sure they're safe," Shepard says, and then she begins blubbering incoherently.

Vaulter interposes himself between Shepard and the team. "I won't have you insulting a member of my Guild, sirs. It does not become you to attack an innocent woman such as Shepard, either," he says sternly. "Either way, Jez conspires with artifacts of maleficent malignant intent. I am right to be concerned about her motives." He grips his polearm more tightly, ready to defend his companion.

Another alternate in mechanical armor comes jogging up to the team. Another woman, not that you could tell through all of the armor. "Sir, I believe the threat has already bee-," the woman starts, before noticing the tense moment. Despite this, her tone does not change. It's completely flat, far more reserved than most alternates. "Will there be an altercation?"

2018-08-10, 08:49 AM
Jezabelle adopts a haughty pout onto her teasing face, "Aww! You caught me! And here I planned to sacrifice these spirit sheep to the deep dark gods of the wolves? By slaying their heralds? No, dearie," she opens the top button of her blouse, "My deep dark desires are far more fleeting and bleating."

2018-08-11, 05:26 PM

"If you do not try to fight us, we will not fight you. We did what we thought was right and that's all. Don't like us or how we do things? Too bad."

Just Helping
2018-08-12, 09:47 PM

Scorch looks over to the armored woman who just arrived. "Nah, I think he's just jealous of Jezabelle's powers." She looks over to Vaulter. "It's cool, I am too, kinda. But I can set stuff on fire, so it's all good." Scorch wasn't about to pay any mind that setting fire to things caused collateral damage -- that's not her style.

2018-08-13, 05:28 PM

Aegis stands up and raises a hand for everyone to calm down. "Now, now. No reason to jump on the poor girl." He pats Shepherd's hand gently between his. "No one's perfect." His face takes a wide grin as he "quietly" whispers out of the side of his mouth "Except me."

Clearing his throat, he adds. "I'm sure almost losing her sheep to wolves is more than enough to scare her into being more attentive with her flock going forwards."

He eyes Jez as she unbuttons her shirt, but manages to keep himself under wraps for the time being.

2018-08-13, 06:17 PM

"Being inattentive with her sheep is one thing, but then implying we might attack the sheep after coming to thier rescue is another." Flare says in mock indignity at the insult, while grabbing one of Aegis's hands in both her hands and trying to look up at his eyes with her best puppy dog eyes. "Now, Vaulter. I'm perfectly willing to see what you got if you keep all this up, but i really doubt you are ready for the large number of fires a real fight is likely to start. I mean these lawns would much rather have these sheep here than have the property damage that would result, not to mention the houses and the sheep themselves."

2018-08-13, 06:17 PM
Some Streets
The Team

"I've seen Vaulter leap for miles. I don't think he wants for anything," the armored woman says placidly.

"Yes, thank you Harper," Vaulter says. "But you need to watch what you say, Axcel. I am precisely here to deal with wrongdoing. I appreciate your assistance, but you should watch your company."

"N-no," Sheperd says, grabbing Vaulter by the shoulder. "Please don't fight. I hate fighting." She looks over the Guildmaster's shoulder. She tries to make eye contact, but, seeing Jezzabelle, she decides against it. "I'm sorry. They're not even my flock, or I guess I am their owner. I dunno. They mostly wander around and I find them. Then I gather them in places where they won't disturb people. And yes, it does scare me, losing them I mean," she says, finally looking at Aegis as she finishes speaking.

"That may be, but these people still-" Vaulter starts before being interrupt by some disembodied giggling.

One a nearby house, something crawls down the wall. It's another woman, with incredibly long, dark hair. Her face is pale and gaunt, and shows a wicked smile and wild eyes. She is perpetually covered in some kind of liquid, causing her skin to sheen, her clothes to cling, and her hair to clump. Her motion, clinging to the vertical surface with her back turned to the party, is unnatural and disturbing. She looks over her shoulder as she hangs upside down. "I'm sorry, this is too much fun," she says. She continues to chuckle.

"Kraken!" Vaulter yells angrily. Harper positions herself in formation with Vaulter, getting ready for a fight.

"Hello, Vaulter," the woman says anxiously. "I am excited to see you, too. It's always so nice to see the town alive at night. So many passionate people, really giving back to their community." She giggles again. "Also, I brought a friend. Say hello." She gestures to her right, pointing out a woman in a feathered shawl and hood, sitting on nearby roof.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with you, would it?" Vaulter says accusingly.

"Oh ho ho ho," Kraken laughs, "maybe it did."

2018-08-14, 01:28 AM

In contrast with the soaked appearance of the woman that introduced her, the young girl sitting cross-legged on a roof not far from the group appeared almost ethereal, weightless and illusory. She glanced in Kraken's direction briefly, face impassive. She turns back and waves at the group, mumbling out what was probably a greeting as she stands up and hops down from the roof silently.

2018-08-14, 08:53 PM
Some Streets
The Team

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sunshine," Kraken says to Strixa, frowning in disappointment. "My apologies, this is Strixa. She's a little shy." She whisper-yells the last sentence.

"Surely another ne'er-do-well. Tell me, do all of your acquaintances sew discord as you do?" Vaulter asks accusingly.

Kraken laughs heartily, nearly falling off of the wall. She stumbles her way on the ground, so she is standing as she clutches her gut, laughing. "Oh, this is swell. Don't ever change, Vaulter. You're far too fun as you are," she says, wiping a tear from her eyes and sighing contently. "So, I've heard some good rumors lately. You want to know what I know."

Vaulter doesn't answer. The Guild merely stares at Kraken and Strixa wearily.

Just Helping
2018-08-14, 09:13 PM
Scorch and Bob

Scorch looks up at the owl-themed heroine. "Hi Strixa!" calls out, waving to the cowled newcomer. "I'm Scorch, and this is Bob!" Bob jumps up a bit, poorly imitating a dog. "I set stuff on fire, and he's a robot! We're heroes!" Yay! New friend!

2018-08-15, 02:00 AM

Strixa speaks in a voice that sounds barely above a whisper, though clearly audible, "There's a difference between being shy and preferring not to talk, Kraken." She glares at Vaulter from under her hood as she approaches him, "I don't get in loud arguments with allies, if that's what you mean by "ne'er-do-well", sir."

Assured they weren't attackers, she then lowers her hood and shakes out her hair, giving him a humorless smile to Kraken as she waves at Scorch without glancing in her direction.

2018-08-17, 11:24 PM

He nodded with a smile in Strixa's direction. While he'd go for anything to stop Vaulter from talking, and it being appearance of a cute alternate is even better.

2018-08-23, 10:22 AM

Bored by Kraken and the Vaulter, and not immediately interested in the newcomer, Aegis decides to direct his attentions elsewhere, slowly rolling his eyes till they fall on Shepherd. "So." He says quietly, to not interrupt the flow of the conversation at large. "What's your shtick? You herd sheep, or do you have mind control powers that make people like your flock? I'm just trying to understand the getup, Bo Peep." He raises an eyebrow.

2018-08-23, 12:04 PM
Some Streets
The Team

Kraken gives Strixa a respectful nod, thanking her for her help. They would talk later, but Kraken has something to do.

Vaulter lets Aegis pass to speak to Shepard. He straightens up a little when Strixa addresses him. He covers his face with a closed hand and clears him throat. "Very well, if your intentions are pure, then I have no quarrel with you."

Shepard blushes and looks to the side, gripping her crook. "Oh! I uh... wouldn't want to do anything like that. I get the sheep to move by being kind to them, that's all. I don't like fighting or anything. I just want to keep them safe. I want to keep everyone safe, but since I'm so weak, I really can't." She looks back at Aegis. "What about you?"

Kraken begins beaming when she sees Shepard and Aegis flirting.
"Aegis and Shepard
Sitting in a Tree
K I S S I N G"
Shepard looks super uncomfortable.

"Kraken, stop it. Tell us what you're here to say or leave," Vaulter says sternly.

"Ah, so scary," Kraken says with a grin. "I have it on good authority there is a new spirit in the industrial district. It's quite a fickle one, too. I can't get it to do anything I want. It just attacks people."

"What?!" Vaulter yells. "You mean people are in danger and you've been wasting our time with your games?"

Kraken's grin grows, almost reaching the black, wet hair sticking to the sides of her face. "Hehehehe! I guess so."

Vaulter puts a hand on Aegis's shoulder. "Sorry, but I'll need your help. Harper, help Shepard move her sheep. Everyone who wants to aid me, come with me."

"Right, sir," Harper says, posing no objective. "Come along, Shepard," the armored woman says, gesturing for Shepard to follow.

"Ah, sorry, we'll see each other again," Shepard says to Aegis. "Hurry up, little ones, there is more grass with me," she tells the sheep, waving the crook at the spirit sheep. The spirit bleat and comply, marching along with Shepard and Harper.

2018-08-23, 12:58 PM

Aegis hears out Vaulter entirely before responding to Shepherd's question, but then leans towards her and gives her a little wink. "I keep everyone safe."

With a grin, he turns back to Vaulter and clasps his arm in a hearty handshake (with compliance or not). "Here to help." He looks over at the other rag-tag group of combatants. "I expect we can get a few extra hands." He gives a little wink that could be to Jez or Flare, but he'd never let slip who it was truly for. "Let's move out."

2018-08-24, 03:13 PM

"So we're not light the place on fire and seeing who beats who?" Flare asked rhetorically, "Well maybe this next fight will be a little more of a warm up. Lead the way!" She says to no one in particular while wrapping her arm in Aegis' arm.

Just Helping
2018-08-24, 09:40 PM
Scorch and Bob

Scorch smiled and nodded, whistling to call Bob to her. "Here, boy!"

Bob obediently runs over, looking everything like a puppy except for its dead metallic eyes. Scorch reaches up and pats her creation before hopping on Bob's back. "Let's go hog wild," she calls out, giving one last pun for the road before following Vaulter.

2018-08-26, 08:16 PM

With a quick twist, he jumped into the air and spun before landing on Bob, right behind Scorch.

"Mind if I catch a ride?"

His eyes moved towards Kraken as the boar started moving.

"Yo, Kraken. Can we just work with you and Strixa and completely skip Vaulter? Not only is he a complete white knight but just no fun!"

2018-08-30, 05:35 PM
Some Streets
Construction Site

Agreeing with a hearty handshake, the team moves with Vaulter.

Kraken continues to taunt Aegis, singing her nursery rhyme.
"First comes love,
Baby in the carriage,
Then comes daddy for
the shotgun marriage."

The team heads deeper into the city. It's not long before they find gashes in the ground, unsual for any natural beast. They lead to an old construction site, which is eerily silents. The steel skeleton of a stillbirth building lies barren, draped in rotting plastic skins and rusting in the years of a recent recession. It howls and creeks in the wind.

"Come on, the trail leads here," Vaulter says. He heads deeper into the maw.

Kraken giggles mockingly when Axcel asks to join her. "How interesting. However, I'd rather watch you squirm. Strixa is her own person. Ask for her help if you want it." She pats Axcel on the cheek with a damp hand. The fluid that stays behind when she withdraws drips off his face. "Don't worry, I'll always be watching." She says ominously as she crawls up a nearby building, and through the reflection on a window, disappearing.

Make me a Con save

2018-08-30, 07:50 PM
Con Save [roll0]

2018-08-30, 11:39 PM

"So are you sure there is actually something interesting here?" Flare questions Vaulter. Looking at the environment they find themselves in she adds, "maybe we should start telling ghost stories to pass the time."

Just Helping
2018-09-01, 12:19 AM
Scorch and Bob

Bob slowed as they approached the abandoned shell of a building. Scorch remained silent at Kraken and Axcel's interaction, feeling somewhat off about it but trying not to think about it. She looked at the damage, investigating it for any kind of clue for the upcoming engagement.


2018-09-02, 02:08 PM
The team
Abandoned construction

Vaulter crosses his arms. “Kraken may be a troll, but she’s usually honest when she gives her tips. However, she usually doesn’t offer anything until things have gotten worse. The wolves were likely a distraction.”

Scorch’s Investigation does yield some proof. There are large footprint in the dirt, accompanied by smaller scuffs.its hard to make out in the dark and against the soil and rust, but there is fresh blood as well.

Just Helping
2018-09-02, 02:14 PM
Scorch and Bob

Scorch notices something in the damage, and hops off of Bob. Looking closer in the dirt, she sees the blood. It's fresh...

"There's blood!" Scorch calls out. She follows the footprints, trying to see where the trail leads. "It's fresh, but..." She trails off. Not seeing any wounded immediately is a bad sign.

2018-09-02, 04:43 PM

"oh, something interesting?" Flare goes over to Scorch, "we should follow it." She says eager for something entertaining to occur.

2018-09-02, 05:20 PM

Wiping off his cheek whatever it was that Kraken left on it, he followed Scorch and others

"One is crazier than I thought, the other is a white knight, Strixa seems to be unaligned. Feels like they want us to join Guild just to have some decent members, other than Harper. I'd rather stay as our own group with you and others, Scorch."

2018-09-02, 06:05 PM

Strixa glances about, looking for something. Apparently finding it, she quietly casts a spell and then raises her voice, not directing it at any one person, "I request your assistance in locating an entity we believe has passed by recently, Raccoon. If you can hear me, I and my companions mean you no harm."

Casting speak with animals.

2018-09-05, 03:06 PM
The team
Aborted construction

"Wait, let us wait until we hear what this adorable rodent has to say," Vaulter says. "I am concerned, but your safety is as valuable as that of any other. I don't want to lead you into danger if we can learn more first." The raccoon makes some noises. They are nonsensical to everyone but Strixa. "Oh, uh. Well. Yes, that."

"Oh, hi dere. What's a classy broad like you doin' out here in the boonies. Should somethin' with smooth legs liek yours be out on the town," The Raccoon tells Strixa as it stands on its hind legs, in Raccoon. It has a bit of an accent. "So yer lookin' for a big mook. Runnin' around here, carryin' some guy. I think it went that way. Don't think anyone else came through here, except the lady who can go through glass." The Raccoon gets on all fours and beckons for you to follow.

Between the Raccoon and the trail, you're able to make your way through the maze of the abandoned building. There is a very large humanoid figure, circling around an unconscious figure. It's dark, and the creature is difficult to make out, even with good night vision. It carries a greatsword as it paces around its captive, letting it drag on the ground. Other than the sound of the blade scraping against the dirt, the creature makes no noise.

2018-09-11, 06:03 PM

Strixa side-eyes vaulter, "Raccoons aren't rodents. And based on this one's tone of voice I wouldn't call it adorable either."

"We, or rather I and the man over there, know glass-lady, yes. She's nominally with us. I appreciate your assistance. I also appreciate you not referring to me as a 'broad'. I am a huntress, sir Raccoon."

Following the raccoon quietly, she crouches and hides behind a pillar, analyzing the creature with her wide eyes silently. She speaks out loud in the same whisper-like voice as earlier without addressing anyone in particular, "I am unsure of the nature of the creature. Perhaps one of you might identify it for me. Their captive seems to be at the very least unresponsive. We should assume immediate hostility. As for you, sir raccoon, you are free to leave if you wish. I don't wish to see you hurt should conflict ensue."

Just Helping
2018-09-11, 06:40 PM

"Hm?" Scorch looked up, walking over to help their new friend. Her knowledge of the arcane quickly supplies what the creature is -- an alternate, like herself (an esper, like Cass). Scorch knows what's wrong with it, as well.

"It's... like one of us," Scorch begins, not sure how to explain an alternate to someone who wasn't one. (Where they all alternates? Scorch wasn't sure.) Existential thoughts aside, Scorch continued.

"Like one of us, but something's wrong with them. They'll attack people until it goes poof."

Scorch signals Bob, assuming to attack the aberrant alternate at any time.

2018-09-12, 02:23 AM

"Oh? maybe this will be a fun fight. I was started to get bored to sleep by everything." Flare says excitedly, "I suppose we have no choice but to make this thing go poof for the safety of people? here let me protect the unconscious body from the fight. don't get too close now."

Flare gets ready to place a outward facing fire wall around the body on the ground.

2018-09-12, 10:10 AM
AC: 19

"If we need to deal with him, that's what we're gonna do."

He says as he focuses. This battle is going to be more serious and he needs some protection.

HP: 44/73
Psi Points as of the end of this turn: 39/64
Mastery of Force(Inertial Armor) ACTIVATE: 2 psi points

Also knowledge(arcana) roll to get more info on this guy

Bonus Action: Aura Sight: Assess Foe(2 pp)
Assess Foe (2 psi). As a bonus action, you
analyze the aura of one creature you see. You
learn its current hit point total and all its
immunities, resistances, and vulnerabilities.

2018-09-14, 09:30 PM
The team
Aborted construction

The beast looks in your general direction. Did it hear you? Either way, it hasn't attacked yet. Instead, it kicks its hostage sadistically.

Hit Points 153

Damage Resistance Cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, And Slashing From Nonmagical Weapons That Aren't Silvered
Damage Immunities Fire, Poison
Condition Immunities Poisoned

2018-09-15, 02:39 AM

Barely noting the preparation of her erstwhile partners, Strixa focuses on the creature, whispering under her breath in some arcane language. Discordant birdsong fills the creatures head as she does so, and she stands up and steps out into the open.

Casting Dissonant Whispers as a 5th level spell, Imma need a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw for half damage and resisting running away from me as its reaction.

Damage: [roll0]

2018-09-17, 01:55 PM
The team
Aborted construction

The Beast looks at the team as Strixa performs her incantation. It glares at her menacingly.

[roll1] Adv.
The beast takes 12 damage

It recoils slightly at the force of the spell. However, it doesn't seem persuaded to back down. The Beast appears to be resistant to magic. What a troubling and resilient monster.

2018-09-17, 10:31 PM

"Fire, poison and nonmagical weapons won't work on this guy, just a heads up."

He said that, before rushing in towards the alternate and cutting at it with one of his hand blades that remanifested.

HP: 44/73
Psi Points as of the end of this turn: 39/64

Bonus Action: Manifest soulknives

Action: Cantrip Booming Blade

Attack roll [roll0]
To hurt [roll1] + Potent Psionics [roll2] + Thunder [roll3]
If it moves [roll4] Thunder damage

2018-09-18, 01:50 PM

Aegis sighs and takes a step forward. "Halt, villain. Your real foe is me." He presents himself grandly and points at the beast.

Aegis will cast Compelled Duel. Wisdom save 16 negates.

2018-09-19, 04:09 PM
The team
Aborted construction

Axcel does damage to the beast with his psychic weaponry!

The beast growls and resists Aegis's taunting spell!

[roll1] adv

2018-09-19, 05:49 PM

Flare moves next to the unconscious body away from Axcel and Aegis, and teleports back behind vaulter with the body, leaving behind a small burst of Thunder. "i'm not really gonna be much use with that thing."

HP 82/82
Thunder Step cast as a 5th level spell
can teleport up to 90ft with one other person.
10ft radius from previous location takes [roll0] thunder damage DC 17 Con save for half damage.

Just Helping
2018-09-19, 08:38 PM

"Aww, no fire? But this is the perfect place..." Scorch rummages through her bag, walking forward as Bob stays put for this fight. She pulls out a small stone that smells of ozone.

"Never used one of these before..."

As Flare teleports back with the victim, Scorch flicks the stone over to the ground, near the corrupted Alternate. A clap of thunder sounds as it strikes!

Scorch throws a Thunderstone such that the 10 foot emanation only targets the Beast. It must make a Con DC 16 save or be flung 10 feet and knocked prone.

2018-09-26, 10:45 AM
The team
Aborted construction

Versus thunderclap


Versus Thunderstone

The beast takes the full brunt of Thunderclap, but the thunderstone is ineffective! The beast attacks the team's frontliners.

[roll4] Magic Slash and [roll5] poison

[roll7] Magic Slash and [roll8] poison

[roll10] Magic Slash and [roll11] poison

2018-09-30, 05:21 PM
Flare shoots it with a crossbow.

attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] nonmagical piercing

Just Helping
2018-10-01, 06:20 PM

Scorch sighs, seeing the ominous-sounding stone completely fail to do anything. "Oh well, I guess I have acid..."

Scorch takes out a vial of Alchemist's Acid and throws it at the creature.

DC 16 Reflex or it takes 5d6 acid damage

2018-10-02, 04:56 PM

"Ow." Aegis says, gritting his teeth. "Not how I wanted that to play out."

Can I use a reaction to cast Shield after all of this?

To Hit

To Hurt
Weapon: [roll1]
Booming Blade: [roll2]

2018-10-05, 11:47 PM

Strixa steps deftly forward into melee range of the best, delivering a deft slash at it with her rapier as flames erupt along its length.

Casting Green-flame Blade.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

If I hit, expending one use of inspiration to use psychic blades: [roll3]

2018-10-09, 12:25 PM

Nimbly dodging the strike that was aimed at him, he grinned and cut back in a way that almost formed an X with the trails left behind his blades.

HP: 44/73
Psi Points as of the end of this turn: 39/64

Bonus Action: Dual Wielding: Soulknives
Action: Attack

Attack roll 1[roll0]
To hurt [roll1] + Potent Psionics [roll2]

Attack roll 2[roll3]
To hurt [roll4] + Potent Psionics(If first hit missed) [roll5]
Edit: I forgot I don't add the key ability to damage on second hit.

2018-10-11, 09:41 PM
The team
Aborted construction

The team is able to pummel Werewolf into submission. It's projected form shifts and shimmers before it lets out an ear piercing scream and disappears entirely.

Vaulter is quite shaken. "I've never seen an Alt like that before," he says. He runs over the body, crouching down and examining it. "They look safe to move. We should get them somewhere they can get help." He turns back to the team, and nods solemnly. "Thank you, I don't think I would have been able to take that beast myself."

Just Helping
2018-10-12, 09:31 PM
Scorch (and Bob)

"No problem, Vaulter. Just doing what we can." Scorch walked over to the body to confirm its condition. "They'll be alright for now. We can move them on Bob, if you know a good place to go."

Scorch calls Bob over, and the mechanical boar obediently walks over. It leans forward, in preparation for riders to hop onboard.

2018-10-18, 11:31 AM

Helping load the body onto Bob, Aegis frowns. "We'll have to keep an eye out for more Alts like that." He looks at the surroundings. "They could be a real problem."

"Call on me any time someone is in trouble." Aegis thuds his closed fist against his own chest, a sort of promise gesture.

2018-10-19, 09:08 AM

Strixa sheathed her rapier and looked at the spot where the alt had vanished, a look of mild disappointment on her face. "You would've hoped it'd put up more of a fight for looking so tough."

2018-10-22, 09:51 AM

He had a bit of smirk on his face.

"Or we are just too good" He said, to Strixa.

"However, if you have any more trouble with alts like that, feel free to call us again. As much as I don't want to be working with you, I'd say this is more important than that"

2018-11-06, 12:11 AM
The team
Aborted construction

"Yeah, me too," Vaulter says to Strixa. "This just demonstrates that the power of teamwork is more powerful than any force in the realm. I'll happily call for you again when the city is in need of your aid." He looks around. "Still, I do wonder what could make one so strange and powerful, and not to mention aggressive. I guess we won't know until whoever controls it recovers from the backlash of it having it's body destroyed."

2018-11-07, 03:19 PM

"Alright, enough sappy stuff, I think it's time to go," Flare says making to leave. "Unless someone else knows where there is a party?"

2018-11-10, 02:01 PM

"Dunno, been bored this whole evening, but not sure whether to continue patrolling city or not. What you guys think?