View Full Version : Lords of Creation: New Roots (IC)

2018-06-26, 03:23 AM
Lords of Creation: New Roots

Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing. Before there was nothing, there were monsters. Vast, innumerable, inscrutable, monsters. These were the Titans and their existence was war, strife and terror. All of Creation was their battlefield and the slaughter was endless, for there was no start to it. They warred until only five remained, a single Titan from each tribe. One of Fire, One of Water, One of Air and One of Void. With their dying breath they struck one another and so the Age of Titans ended.

But things such as the Titans can't truly die, and with their breath and into the Nothing they breathed Creation anew. From the corpse of the Void Titan, all of the Void itself stretched as a dark curtain. The Earth Titan's body hardened as it smothered the flames of the mighty Fire Titan only to be doused by the Water Titan and thus The First World was born, cradled in the Void. The Air Titan was last to fall, its body cloaked about its fallen cousins like a burial shroud. But what of the life that burned within the mighty beasts? Ah, these became the Gods. Eleven born from the essence of the Titan who lay dead and forever beyond the Creation they had become.

- Uusi Juuret

2018-06-26, 11:22 AM
Blackness. Eternal blackness. Silence. The Void stretched, seemingly forever.
Than something moved. Somehow, a piece of the Void itself became aware. A young man, formed out of the Void, moved upon the First World.
He knew nothing, he was nothing... for all he knew, he was the last survivor. "Why?" He asked. Why was there a 'here' and 'there'? Why was there 'mud' and 'water' and 'air' and 'fire'? Why was this place what it is?

Well, the child of the Void Titan worked with what he knew. A shard of the Sun. A globe of deepest sea. A stream of howling wind. An orb of sturdy stone. And underlying all of them, past the building blocks that made them, was the Void. Tiny spheres of light dancing their eternal dance in a field of infinite emptiness, a tribute to the Titan that sired him. The Void was in all, and it birthed all. With a simple command, the four elements took on life.

Fire birthed first. Fire spoke, fire danced, fire hungered! From the Void, came Life! Burning itself out and renewing itself, the Fire Elemental was the first to take to the skies in search of new life.
Earth came second. The ground remained resolute, but the world around it changed to be as itself. Stone and crystal manifested, bringing order from chaos. The Earth Elemental rose into the first mountains.
Air sang, and rose, and flew third. The skies hummed in a flowing chorus, stretching the breadth of the world, setting forth on their endless journey.
Water flowed last, relaxed, settling upon the lowest ground, and patiently waited for the new life that was sure to come.
From them, many children would be born, and they would mate with the world and make many children of all kinds. They were his messengers, his scouts; if any of the children of the other Titans lived, they would find them. For they would be filled with an emptiness, only able to mimic the Titans they came from, and searching always for others of their kind. They would always be first children of the Void, as Nothing sired Matter, constantly searching to return to the Titans from which they came.

"Seek out the children of the Titans." Omaz spoke. "Find in them what I cannot give you, and create what our Titans could not. Go forth, beings of Matter, Children of Nothing, and fill this First World with Wonder."

Create Mythical Life (4 AP): Elementals [Domain Progress: 4/10 Creation (Matter)]

2018-06-26, 01:15 PM
Tharago Khan, the Primal Roar of Creation

For a long while, the Earth Titan's body was still in death. Nothing seemed to change as the elementals came into existence and moved across the earth. All was quiet, all was still.

Then suddenly, a great rumble came from the Earth, as if the Titan itself were suddenly about to rise from the dead. Huge cracks started to from in the earth as suddenly a massive figure burst forth from the earth, causing rocks and lava to spew forth everywhere. The figure rose to it's full height, stretching higher and higher until it's reptillian head scraped the sky itself! Thargaro Khan unleashed a mighty roar, which echoed across the First World and into the void itself.

"WHAT A WONDERFUL SLEEP!!!" Khan boomed in a voice that shook the very earth beneath them. Granted, Thargaro Khan couldn't remember when exactly he went to sleep, nor much about anything before he woke up. But he wasn't about to shout that to whoever might be listening, and he was much too interested in where exactly he was. First, he needed his weapon. Reaching down into the hole in the earth he emerged from, he pulled out a massive axe with a head the size of a continent. He slung the weapon over his shoulder, the blade still glowing and flowing with the red hot lifeblood of the Earth. With his weapon in tow, Thargaro Khan set off to explore the world.

Start with 16 AP (I'm assuming this is how much we start with)

5 AP to Create Major Combat Artifact: Worldsplitter Pulled from the very heart of the Earth Titan's corpse, Worldsplitter is the trademark weapon of Thargaro Khan. A continent sized greataxe, the blade still flows with fissures and veins of lava, which occasionally drip off the blade as the Khan swings it in combat. Only the strongest of the strong can even lift Worldsplitter, much less weild it in combat.

16-5= 11 AP


5/10 towards Fire (Volcanoes)

2018-06-26, 01:53 PM
A rock sent flying by Thagaro khan crashed into the sea sending out massive waves and waking Yuna, who slept in the rock. "Too noisy" Yuna muttered as she climbed from the now broken rock. As she stood up the elementals of the land surrounded her looking for meaning. Standing as tall as Yuna they were curious if this was truly a child of the titans.

Yuna glared at the assembled creature "I give you a simple question, which of you is greatest? The Titans fought for this very goal and created us in their failure. Continue their fight among yourselves and leave me be." With these words the elemental looked nervously among themselves unsure of what would come next. They quickly scattered with the others of their kind. Despite this the thought remained and Yuna knew that they would fight some day.

Finally alone, Yuna looked upon her naked form and found something lacking. From the corner of her eye she saw a glint of light, gold! It would be perfect, Yuna plunged her right arm into the vein and when she pulled it out she found a golden sleeve of armor ending in a clawed gauntlet. Yuna's Claw a fitting weapon.

AP 16/16
Teach mundane concept (1): War
Create Major Combat Artifact (5): Yuna's Claw
AP 10/16

2018-06-26, 04:25 PM
Wah was born not with thunder, not with war, not even from nothing. Wah simply became, from the Void, from the empty space that surrounded The First World. In that moment it spied conflict and so it turned, snatching from the world below flame from the very core of the world, mud from the bottom of the oceans, water from the waves and wind from the skies. Then. It fled.

Long did it run, into the Void and beyond and there it found a home. A battlefield, all battlefields, ancient and discarded. So too was Wah, old before old and without purpose before purpose. A home fit for one who only wished to toil until he broke. Wah had found and forged The Forgotten Dark, for in its search he created unknowingly the very home he sought.

Wah, The Forgotten Dark

Stretched beyond reason, forgotten by all in the shuffle of recreation, lay the endless expanse of sea. Beneath lay destruction, yet no hand could ever touch. Skeletons of forgotten nothings rose to the surface before falling back into the darkness below. No waves crashed, no wind to guide sails, no heat to warm a body and no earth to make a home. It was all that Wah could ask for. A tapestry to work its works upon in silence and solitude. A place where it could hide its shames, only revealing when they were required for if there was conflict there would need to be those who made the tools to wage it. So Wah took its bounty from the First World and began its first work.

With the mud of the First World Wah crafted vast Kilns yet the mud dried and water was precious. So Wah took the dark ocean to wet the dry earth and soon the bodies of the Kilns were born. Wah placed the flames from the very core of the First World, the last remains of Titanic energies, and place them within his Kilns yet they burned too hot and so he took the chill of The Forgotten Dark to temper them. He filled his bellows with the winds of the First World yet they blew too hard and too fast and so he crafted a second pair to blow the dead and stale air of the Forgotten Dark to bring heat back within them. He filled barrels, made from the very Kilns, with the waves of the First World yet water was scarce...yet too abundant and so Wah supplemented his quenching pits with the waters beneath his feet. So the Umbra Kilns were born.

Yet there was still work to be done and from the Kilns Wah began to forge filaments and reeds, great silks and spiderweb and so made a home. The Gloam. A giant raft city that Wah could travel upon and on across the endless waves of the Forgotten Dark.

In this creation, Wah witnessed the birth of the Dark. A tangible thing, infecting and lacing all that he made. With each roar of the flames and each gust of the bellows, and each sail and tent that the Gloam gained, Wah saw how the Dark worked within them. So Wah toiled and worked and sweat and brought forth the first life born from the Forgotten Dark. They were small motes each, buzzing like static and silent in their work. They were the Umbralings, elementals of The Dark. They would toil, they would work and they would keep the Gloam afloat for they had no mind but their work. They had no soul for they were born before it. No free will, for they served The Dark wholey.

With each Umbraling born however Wah discarded the waste. The Dark was not pure for The Dark was merely a shade and the shadows that tinged its edges were cast off. Yet they were of the Dark as well and with each burst of smoke from the chimneys of his work house the shadows flew afield and far. These small spiders, Murk they would be known, flew on filiments of fragile shade until they touched the waters. Adverse to such contact they began their works until they wove nests of shadowtuff that reached into the dead sky. Wah too felt pride at the resilience of these cast offs, and felt kinship with them. Wah's Gloam slowly moved about these nests and he would call them the Cimmerian. Safe from the seas, the Murk Spiders grew and under the watchful and vigilant eye of Wah the Dusk Weavers hatched. These much larger spiders gave him a feeling of love for they too worked to refine and to change the world around them. How too, was he, like them. Dilligent and crafty, yet shying away from contact. Wah fell in love with spiders and all other eight legged creations.

First AP: 16

Weave Plane - The Forgotten Dark (4AP): Beyond Creation lies The Forgotten Dark, a pit where the wars of the Titans fell after Creation was reforged. The Forgotten Dark appears as an endless sea of darkness with dead sky above. No wind moves through this place and there is no bottom to the endless ocean. Now and then, a forgotten chunk of titanstuff surfaces though sinks just as quickly. [Darkness (Elemental Dark) 4/10]

Marvel {Alter Land} - The Gloam (1AP): The Gloam is a collection of woven reed rafts, small workshops and roughspun tents that drift upon the endless Forgotten Dark. Wah makes his home here and is attended to by his simple creations. [Crafts (Weaving) 1/10]

Create Major Artifact - The Umbra Kilns(5AP): Forged from titanstuff either taken from The First World or pulled from the Forgotten Dark, these massive kilns form the base of Wah’s workshops. The Umbra Kilns burn with elemental purity as their fuel is sourced from Earth, Fire, Water and Air however owing to the scarce nature of these things in the Forgotten Dark they are augmented by the plane and its ever present ocean. Anything made from these Kilns are thus forever tied to The Dark. The Umbra Kilns provide a 1AP Discount to Create Major Artifacts. [Darkness (Elemental Dark) 9/10]

Create Monstrous Life - Umbralings (1AP): Umbralings, sometimes known as Gloamings or Dark Elementals, are the slag left over from the Umbra Kilns. Pure beings of Elemental Dark, Umbralings exist to serve and are excellent craftsfolk when given very precise instructions. An Umbraling can create any simple tool given enough resources. [Darkness (Elemental Dark) 10/10]

Create Monstrous Life - Murk Spiders (1AP): Abundant in the Forgotten Dark are the Murk Spiders, tiny motes cast from the chimneys of the Umbra Kilns, Murk Spiders tend towards massive swarms as they float through the air on strands of silk. The bite of the Murk Spider is harmless in small numbers though they slowly poison the blood, the toxins unable to flush from the bloodstream much like lead. A high quantity of bites is fatal. [Animal (Arachnids) 1/10)]

Marvel {Alter Land} - The Cimmerian Nests (1AP): Rising from the dim waters of the Forgotten Dark are the Cimmerian Nests, large webs woven from Murk Spider Silk at the sites that Murk Spiders were first cast into the air by the Kilns. The Nests are a hazard for the Murk Spiders defend their homes. [Animal (Arachnids) 2/10]

Create Monstrous Life - Dusk Weavers (1AP): Born within the Cimmerian Nests and thought to be the next stage of Murk Spider life, Dusk Weavers are hand sized arachnid covered in fine hairs. Dusk Weavers patrol the Nests and their bite is much more toxic than their cousins. Dusk Weavers order the lower and higher reaches of the Nests. [Animal (Arachnid) 3/10]

5AP - 4AP - 1AP - 1AP - 1AP - 1AP - 1AP = 2AP

Domain Gained - Darkness (Elemental Dark)
Actions Toward
Weave Plane - The Forgotten Dark (4AP):
Create Monstrous Life - Umbralings (1AP):
Create Major Artifact - The Umbra Kilns(5AP):

Juicy Kisses
2018-06-26, 07:50 PM
Soairse, The Beauty of Death

From the breast of the last water titan, a beautiful woman was born. She grew from its breast like a coral from the bottom of the sea. As her eyes opened, she found herself staring at the titan's decaying face. A tear began to form from her newborn eye. However, this year was not from sadness due to her deceased parentage. Rather, this tear formed from awe. The titan's decaying corpse was an object of divine beauty for the newborn goddess.

She sat and watched the corpse for a short time, before eventually tearing a strip of flesh from its bosom, crafting the thin leather into a fine red dress which melded into her form. The goddess's eye turned to the open sea, ever watchful for another of her like.

2018-06-26, 10:48 PM
Agir - Ember and Spark

The flames were smothered, encased in earth, entombed, but the embers smoldered even as the last breath of life retreated from the sole remaining Fire Titan. Soon all that remained was a tiny flicker of heat, of energy, and of potential. It moved of its own volition, travelling upward through the tiny fissures and cracks of the fallen Earth Titan. Breaking through it was almost extinguished by water...almost, but it strove ever upward fighting through the deep oceans left behind by the Water Titan. For long moments, stretched out seemingly over an eternity it struggled and waned, but it would not die...it could not die. Finally it crested the ocean and burst into a roaring column of fire as it breathed the air that shrouded the First World.

The skies above the First World became an inferno as Agir struggled to contain his enthusiasm and joy. It was then that he realized that the entire world was blanketed in cold, lifeless water, "This will not do," he proclaimed, and the column of flame shrank becoming a small humanoid boy. Bronze-skinned, and dressed in a simple loincloth, the boy god reached his spindly arms down toward the water. Plunging to the depth of the vast oceans, he grabbed a hold of the earth and rock beneath the waves and heaved. The land rose and the waters drained away revealing mud and soggy earth for miles in every direction.

In his left hand he conjured a small ember that burst into an infinite cascade as he waved his hand across the land, and in its wake all manner of green things sprouted and grew from the earth. In his right hand he conjured a spark that blossomed into an infinite fountain as he waved his hand across the land. In its wake all manner of animals, birds, and insects populated the earth.

Alas, however, the plants soon wilted and the animals began to suffer and die, for all was cold and dark. There was naught but the void beyond the blanket of air that surrounded the First World. "You are but a silly child Agir, without fire there can be no life!"

He raised both hands to the heavens and conjured an enormous ball of flame in the void beyond the sky. Then he laid down in the green grass and basked in its warmth for a moment lazily trailing his finger across the sky.

Beginning AP 16
Create Land - 2AP: The Verdant - a continent roughly the size of South America of many biomes and a diversity of life.
Create Mythical Concept - 4AP: "The Ember of Life" - Animism(places, creatures, and lifeforms all possess a distinct spiritual essence)
Create Mythical Concept - 4AP: "The Spark of Free Will" - Souls(all sentient life is possessed of an immortal spiritual essence). Agir makes no claim to ownership over these souls, and their numbers are limitless.
Create Land - 2AP: "Roj" - The sun is a simple ball of eternal flame that circles the First World in a regular path, rising in the north and setting in the south. One orbit of the First World takes approximately thirty hours.

16 -4AP -4AP -2AP -2AP = 4AP

Claim Domain: Life(Passion) 10/10 = The sun(2 AP), Animism(4AP), and Souls(4AP)
Still working on what next Domain/Portfolio is next; needs to fit the creation of "The Verdant"(2AP)

2018-06-27, 01:12 AM
Nebkuz, the Beacon

The finger of a Fire Titan had been severed, but did not die. Flung into the void it writhed in the cold emptiness, pained by the dark and the chill. From within kindled a different spark, something somehow awakened within the scrap of primordial flesh. It hated the Void. The Void would smother, would choke the fire back into nothing. It had to become something that could pierce the Void itself. It had to become strong enough to illuminate the growing dark. It had to become Light. The fire titan scrap stretched itself, the blaze of its body burning hotter and brighter as it transformed itself into something that could repel the choking dark. A serpentine form took shape, with an underside adorned with dexterous tendrils, the whole of which was filled with a misty light. Translucent armor hardened around the light, a shell of magic to house and shield the newborn luminescence.

The light felt a flush of strength within, and saw that there were others below that seemed to form from the remains of what had come before. Intrigued by the aftermath of the Titan's struggles, the glimmering beast looked on as sparks and fragments left over coalesced into something new. There was a firmament, and upon it figures began shaping the raw matter into things of entirely different natures. One of them hung a great clump of something in the void itself and wreathed it in light. Well, not quite light but it glowed with a radiant warmth all the same.

What might this? mused the great glowing worm. It is light-similar but not of whole light. What strangeness... Ignoring the ember below, the luminous creature wrapped itself around the thing, unhindered by the flame. A good start, but being more to it now. The being coiled itself tighter and yet tighter around the mass and from its body began to seep a shining fog that clung to the earth and flames. The primal energy changed color, changed intensity, became something more than what it was. The earth compressed and cracked, shifted, rearranged itself to better support this new energy. The tendrils along the underside of the beast burrowed, etched, slithered across the surface of the mass, delicately tweaking here and there, leaving sluices and tunnels throughout which the enlightened not-fire flowed.

All at once the being released what had once been raw flame to reveal a gleaming sphere of purest crystal through which the altered radiant energy flared and poured through, ever-moving across the surface and throughout the hidden pores and channels throughout the center. This light shimmered brighter than the fire it once was while still radiating warmth, its radiance roiling and coruscating in every direction around the sphere. The being of light hung in the space between this beacon and the firmament below and felt satisfaction.

A good light. A strong light. A welcomeness for potentiality. I am believed and pleased.

Turning its focus to the fiery presence below, the creature reached out with its voice not-a-voice. It hoped that the being was capable of hearing it. It had not yet encountered something to talk to.

Not-light maker, well has done. I have come from cold dark to what is this to seek. To seek more light and I have found. Alike to me are you made of the light, though you are not-light. Not-light being is more acceptable than otherwise and for it I am glad of the meeting. I am light called by Nebkuz. You are light called by..?

Alter Land - 1AP: "Roj" As per the description above, the sun is no longer merely a ball of earth and flame but an intricately carved sphere of translucent crystal wreathed in radiant energy. This energy is different from fire in that it is a superposition of solid and liquid, coating and flowing throughout the crystalline structure which refracts the light it gives off in all directions.

Alter Land - 1AP: "Truelight" The flame of the sun has been changed into an entirely new substance created by an inspired Nebkuz: Truelight. This material is difficult to define by physical standards as it effortlessly shifts between a solid form and a thick liquid. It is safe to touch, only giving off a pleasant warmth but to look at it directly for too long can cause blindness. Truelight is the purest manifestation of radiant energy and is anathema to those that are made of darkness.

AP spent towards Domain: Light (Elemental Light) - 2/10

Juicy Kisses
2018-06-27, 02:05 AM
Saoirse, The Beauty of Life

Saoirse watched the water ripple about in the dark ocean before her, when suddenly a luminous force appeared in the sky above her deep domain. She swam to the surface of the ocean, spotting the bronze skinned boy inland resting upon his grassy knoll. She arose from her sunken home and sprouted slowly into the air, swimming as though it were water. She swam, hovering just above the ground, over near the boy. She watched him for a moment before finally approaching,

"A marvelous thing I spy up there. Be this your doing, boy?"

She called out to Agir. This ball of flame brought so much life, therefore it must be a wonderous creation. For if there was no life then how could there be death? And without death, Soairse thought, there was no beauty.

2018-06-27, 03:25 AM
Wah, The Void

With his work finished, Wah then moved back into the Void. For the Forgotten Dark was his home for certain...but it was bet to stretch one's legs. How else would you gather supplies?

And what he found...


Accursed for it held The Dark at bay. Hateful for it revealed the toil of ones hands. Dispised for there was no compromise as it sought to infringe even on the lighter shades of the Element he had come to embody. The Dark was as much a part of him now for he had bled into the oceans of The Forgotten Dark and it had bled into him. Conflict. He remembered. It was the birth of their world and already it was waged on the lands below. Lands.

Things were moving swiftly.

Wah returned in a hurry to The Gloam but only for a moment as it gathered the ingredients needed. It wove hastily, without the Forge, with his own hands, a multitude. They were Stars, each unique in their own way and Wah was swift to scatter them across The Void. A promise. An urging. That the Dark and Light not need be enemies. That even the Dark needed the Light, just as much as the Light needed the Dark.


Create Land -The Stars (2AP): Woven from The Void, Fire and the Forgotten Dark, these distant lights are a promise to The Light and all of Creation that The Dark can coexist without conflict. Should a being reach any star, they appear as small paper lanterns of pure white silk. [Crafts (Weaving) 3/10]

2AP - 2AP = 0AP

2018-06-27, 03:35 AM
Trychu, The Divided

Once the heat of the sun landed upon the world what appeared to be a large rounded rock began to crack, from within steam and light began to pour until the shell finally fell apart. A man, curled on the ground began to rise on multi-jointed legs, long clear wings uncrumpled and stiffened down his back as flashes of orange covered his body. Ah, the heat is good, though it is too wet. The lush greenery provided home for many insects, though it also sustained much other life that preyed on his kind.

Rising high into the air on flitting wings of shimmering heat Trychu surveyed the continent that had been raised, greenery and life flourished everywhere. He spied an area in the centre of the land that he found pleasing and decided he would make his home there. Focusing the Truelights energy on a hundred mile wide area the plants began to burn and perish, the animals within became disorientated and dehydrated as their bodies collapsed from exhaustion. Only a few survived, mostly insects as their small hard bodies burrowed under the sands created from the burnt lands, though a few hardy animals adapted and supplied the area with what little life it could. Trychu smiled as clouds of flies gathered around the dying bodies re-purposing them as food for the land.

From the decaying bodies eaten by maggots and flies new life sprang, tough plants that needed little water and stored plenty grew sparsely. Ants, flies, bees all flocked to these areas drinking what little fluid they needed to survive and sheltering in their small holes. Trychu sat for a moment in the centre, heat from his body causing the air to waver and blur, he focussed on what he wished for next, he needed to protect these lands from encroaching water and chill. Raising his arms slowly, the surrounding haze began to create forms, defined figures that weren't quite there. Heat devils were created and they roamed the land, they resembled Trychu though their bodies were translucent.

Marvel {Alter Land} - 1AP: Creation of a vast desert at the centre of the continent, it is roughly circular with a diametre of 100 miles. There is little life within, mostly insectoid though a few animals still live off these insects.

Create Monstrous life - Fire Devils - 1AP: Solidified heat waves, taking the form of a person (as we know them) similar to Trychu, multi-jointed limbs, appear to float rather than walk. They are made of pure heat and protect the desert from too much rain and greenery while tending to what little life survives.

AP Spent: 2AP

2018-06-27, 08:29 AM
Soairse, The Beauty of Death

From the breast of the last water titan, a beautiful woman was born. She grew from its breast like a coral from the bottom of the sea. As her eyes opened, she found herself staring at the titan's decaying face. A tear began to form from her newborn eye. However, this year was not from sadness due to her deceased parentage. Rather, this tear formed from awe. The titan's decaying corpse was an object of divine beauty for the newborn goddess.

She sat and watched the corpse for a short time, before eventually tearing a strip of flesh from its bosom, crafting the thin leather into a fine red dress which melded into her form. The goddess's eye turned to the open sea, ever watchful for another of her like.


As the coraline goddess tore the flesh of the fallen titan it bled. The dark waters of the deep sea panged with salty taste. Blood was followed by small spools of fish nibbling, scuttling and ripping the titan. Like a pack of rabid piranhas the sea life frenzied over the fallen's titan's blood. Their feeding continued jumping joyfully at each other's maws with drunken abandon. They fed, on the titan and on themselves, until only one remained. It was a, small, six finned shark. His flesh was pale and ragged with wounds from where the other fishes had tried to eat him, and pockmarked with the teeth of many of his peers that had stuck to him.

For a moment he shone like a joyful garnet contemplating the carcass of what had once been the water titan. Salty blood still pooled, but not it was much as the blood from the shark as the blood from the deceased elder. Like this Uijak took to the waters swimming and moving filling the waters with the joy of death and the hunger of living. And salt, copious amount of salt.

Initial AP 16

Marvel => Bless 1 AP Salt! Salt fills the waters of the prime material, and forms part of every living being even if in a minute part. It comes from the blood of Uijak and the Water Titan and it has powerful properties if used correctly. A little salt is necessary for life, plain water is inert and without substance, but too many salt and nothing may life, it can be used to salt grounds and field making sure nothing grows there. A pinch can make food more savory, a nudge can preserve it, and a bunch can make it unedible. Some grains can add control to a magician's spell, a full circle can completely ward him from ambient magic.

Salt's properties make it a valuable commodity, once societies find how to use it.

Salt has always a greater presence wherever Uijak bleeds, i.e. the deep parts of the sea, but it finds it's presence everywhere as it is intrinsically tied to living beings. Where salt concentrates life is harder and harsher, but those that survive are themselves stronger. The creatures that live deep under the sea can be stronger and more powerful than those on land due to this.

(Clarification: While by salt we normally visualize NaCl, table salt, this blessing isn't necessarily constrained to that, any salt can be traced to this. If a god would like to alter this action I would appreciate if at least table salt is left on Uijak's premise and it doesn't make salt not tied to life).

[Trade (Payment) 1/10]

Left Over AP 15

2018-06-27, 08:30 AM

As the boy god lay upon the grassy knoll tracing the route of Roj across the sky something...someone came and wrapped itself around the great orb of fire. Curious, he leaped up to watch in wonder as the being transformed the orb of raw flame into a something more...something truly majestic. Gone was the pale yellow and orange light replaced with a brightness that drove away the shadows, a powerful translucent white light. The warmth remained, in fact, it was vastly superior to what it had been for the warmth was more steady, more constant, and even more life-affirming. "This is better, in all ways."

That which had wrought the magnificent transformation spoke to him, and in the moment he was joyous for he was not alone!

"Nebkuz, I am gladdened at our meeting, and my heart sings for what you have done. I am Agir, and in my youthful exuberance did not fully comprehend the needs of that which now lives upon this world. Thus I am indebted to you. Where you seek light, I seek life, but what is life without the light I ask? Nothing it seems, and so life follows the light or at least it should I suppose for I created Roj to sustain the life that I unwisely unleashed without thinking. I am the spark and the ember. Though I cast light, it is not my purpose and pales in comparison to your being."

T'was then that the goddess approached from the vast oceans. While the light sang to him and lifted his heart, there was something about her....an essence of death and melancholy. She was beautiful to be certain though and she came forth from the cold waters that now warmed under Roj's illumination. He knew her not, yet recognized that which was death and decay for was it not also part of him. Though the joy of the light retreated at their meeting, a longing and need for her filled the place in him that it vacated. His blue, sorrowful eyes locked on her as she spoke to him, "T'was I that cast the ball of fire into the sky, but t'was Nebkuz who made it perfect. You name me right, for I am just a boy and a foolish one at that." Running his soot covered hands through his unruly hair nervously and stammering, "I am Agir, but if you prefer you can name me Boy my lady, for but a boy I am forever destined to be."

2018-06-27, 09:24 AM
Time passed. When the elements returned, they were consumed by War. Water doused Fire, Air eroded Earth, Fire evaporated Water and ionized Air, Earth choked Fire and restrained Air; the battle went on and on. Omaz immediately understood what caused the Titans to wage mortal battle with each other. But this time, he determined, it was going to be different! Maybe War was out, and it was too late to put it back in, but it didn't need to end this way. With a wave of his hand, Omaz intervened.

'Cast aside your differences. See the common ground, for you all are children of Void, emerging from Nothing. Know that you all have a Purpose, that you all are sparks of Creation, and that Union is possible.' To prove his point, Omaz held Water and Fire to each other. As they evaporated, he spoke: 'Water and Fire, together, become Air.' They became Rain, which fell upon the ground. 'And Air nourishes Earth.' The elementals looked in understanding. In a deep chasm, a volcanic vent brewed. 'Water is married to Fire.' He bid Water to relax upon the Earth. 'Water and Earth become Mud, and nourish new life.'

The Void god smiled kindly. 'Do you see now? You need not War, when Harmony makes many more fruits. We are not our Titans. Peace is possible in our time.' He waved his hands outwards. 'Now go forth again, my children, and be a shining example of what the elements can do when they work together.'

As the elementals left, Omaz smiled. They told many stories. Other gods have awoken! Many beings out there, just waiting to be met! And now the Sun was a beautiful orb of pure white light. And in the skies, pure starstuff hung, ribbons of pure white, a promise of peace. Truly, this was a majestic world. He was glad he came. Omaz took from the starstuff, infusing it with the light of the sun, and formed himself robes. These robes were reflective, bending light away yet accepting it, mirroring the world around that he so yearned to learn more about! Forming a simple stick made of the same reflective material, Omaz picked himself up, and began on his long journey.

It sounded like a good idea at the time. But Razade made a good point, Matter's waaay OP. So I'm changing a few things. Taking inspiration from the world, the elements often clash with each other, but in the process create something new. So what domain do I replace it with? Chaos, perhaps, or a different Creation domain. Transformation? Synthesis?

Hmm, from the way this post is going, Omaz is rapidly becoming a peacemaker between elements (and changing alignment while at it). So let's go with that. Domain change to Community (Peace) 4/10.

Create Mundane Concept (1 AP): Unity [Community (Peace) 5/10]
AP left: 11/16

2018-06-27, 09:46 AM
Farah the Wind

Breath was life and life was breath. With a mighty surge of his lungs, the Air Titan had let out a mighty breath. Because if one breath in your existence could be considered mighty than it should be your last. The invisible breath swept over the things to see in this world letting the wind touch their faces as she looked over them.

This was it! This was life! This was life?

The last breath of the air god wanted to be heard, to be seen, and so it coalesced into a more proper form by returning to and then taking a few more pieces of the Air Titan and wrapping them around herself. It felt warm being in skin, like home, but also constricting, constraining. She had observed the mortal realms and saw those that were the first to fly- incests. So she too flew with insectoid wings attached to a small, slender woman who wore an expression of passion and defiance. But also, the barest hint of amusement that turned to joy. From the body of her Father she took one final boon- his heart, encased in a jewel.

"I AM ALIVE!" Farah exclaimed, more loudly, "I'm the wind! Whoosh!" She chuckled happily, before flying as fast as she could around the world thousands of times. As the wind swept lightly over the trees making them sway in what almost sounded like music as the wind herself joined in with a song. This song and this wind formed together into a swirling noisy vortex eventually becoming a
typhoon over the oceans.

Okay, I'm going to have to add a fairy like description to her appearance because being without form seems cool but it's unpractical.

AP: 16

Create Major Artifact (The Heart of Storms) [5]: A jewel on a thin string that Farah always keeps with her, secretly the heart of the Air Titan. This is a Curse Artifact that brings disastrous weather.

Curse (The Musical) [1]: This is the musical episode of LoC. But really, the world will operate under the rules of a musical from it's foundations with the mortals not knowing that it's odd. They will feel compelled and unable to resist belting out their feelings in the form of song from time to time, or random citizens won't be able to stop becoming the backup dancer in the heroes big number. You can reveal secrets that you didn't mean to in songs, you can take the advantage in a song. The people are aware of when they're being forced to sing or dance but can do little to hold it back like a sneeze, it will come out eventually.

Create Organization (The Bards College) [1]: Although little to base an organization on yet, one day a group of like-minded individuals will come together and use what they can study and research about their musical world to benefit themselves. They'll teach you how to do a sly look-away instead of actually revealing your secrets, or retaining the information that someone may have sung to you. It's the power to learn how to pick your songs for the occasion or imbue your songs with the power to inspire or terrify, or even start a song before the universe can. They also record the best and most memorable songs in a written form. Being a bard is using a fundamental power of the universe to your advantage. [Domain Life (Love)]

Bless (The Wind) [1]: The world has wind now by virtue of the wind being alive, let it flow and bless this place with it's windyness.

Curse (The Endless Hurricane) [Heart]: In her excitement Farah has created a hurricane that will continue to endure for many spins of the Roj. This is a gigantic storm traveling over the waters in Farah's wake. It eventually makes it way to deserts of the Verdant.

AP: 8

Juicy Kisses
2018-06-27, 12:20 PM
T'was then that the goddess approached from the vast oceans. While the light sang to him and lifted his heart, there was something about her....an essence of death and melancholy. She was beautiful to be certain though and she came forth from the cold waters that now warmed under Roj's illumination. He knew her not, yet recognized that which was death and decay for was it not also part of him. Though the joy of the light retreated at their meeting, a longing and need for her filled the place in him that it vacated. His blue, sorrowful eyes locked on her as she spoke to him, "T'was I that cast the ball of fire into the sky, but t'was Nebkuz who made it perfect. You name me right, for I am just a boy and a foolish one at that." Running his soot covered hands through his unruly hair nervously and stammering, "I am Agir, but if you prefer you can name me Boy my lady, for but a boy I am forever destined to be."

Saoirse, Gorgeous Child

The decaying goddess swam down to the boy from above, performing a small flourish as she made her way towards him. As she approached, she began to ruffle his hair and caress his cheek,

"A gorgeous child you are. Your youth is the spark of life itself! Do not call yourself foolish, for you have already done more than I could ever hope to, but you have inspired me. I too must create beauty in this world!"

The decaying goddess raised her ear, listening to the fear and anger of those creatures who had died before Roj. She took those emotions, fear, hate, confusion, and gave them life of their own. Spectral forms began to appear across the land, taking the shape of those creatures who they had once been a part of. The forms wandered about, as if purposeless in their new life.

AP: 16
Create Mythical Concept(Undeath) 4AP: The residual emotions of creatures after their deaths can sometimes bring them back to a semblance of their old life. Most commonly, this takes the form of ghosts which wander the land. However, more powerful creatures and be summoned into existence through focusing this effect with magic. This type of magic is called Necromancy. [4/10 Undeath(Necromancy)]
Create Mythical Life(Ghosts) 4AP: Spectors made up of the emotions of recently dead creatures. These beings lack a true soul, rather existing as an image of the life they once had. They frequently appear due to extremely powerful emotions surrounding one's death. This most commonly occurs from fear, or vengeance, but it is not impossible for them to appear from happier emotions as well. [8/10 Undeath(Necromancy)]
Ending AP: 8

2018-06-27, 12:38 PM
As Nebkuz listened to Agir and the newcomer, a strange thing occurred in the void above. Lights began to glimmer, distant flickers in the darkness. Nebkuz saw these and believed them to be a result of its own efforts, a byproduct of bringing truelight into creation.

Hearken above! it exclaimed in its strange manner of speaking. The void is of shining light. Is a beauty and for it I am gladdened. Sure a sign of light strength and that dark is not to be the eternalness.

Nebkuz basked for a time in the light of Roj, oblivious to the conversation between Agir and Saoirse, and gazed upon the stars above with pleasure until it saw in the distance a presence of Dark, hurling the lights into the void. What is? A one who is of the Dark as I am of the Light? It is not what should be. It has not a right to be handling the Light this way!

Taking to the air Nebkuz rushed to the shrouded creature, furious. You! Dark thing! What right do you handle the Light? What right do you hang the Light so far and alone in the cold Void? Answer it!

2018-06-27, 02:30 PM
Yuna climbed from her rock and was surprised to see that the world had reshaped, she now stood on a continent and out before her was an immense man with an ax. Now this would be someone to fight, forget the squabbles of those creatures this would be a battle.

Yuna pounced from her rock shattering the earth and leaving a crater behind her. She soared through the feeling the wind buffet her as if it were alive, everything is changing. There was no time for this thought, she was fast approaching the colossus and had to act quickly. She brandished her new claws and collided with his chest ripping into it.

Yes, blood, combat, truly this most be the meaning behind our life. Yuna fought with the man for a long time trading blows and when it became obvious that no one would win on this day. Seeing this Yuna stopped "Well fought Colossus But I think I have done my fill this day. " With that Yuna spit upon the ground her blood mixed with it and she had a thought. Time to make my warriors.

She scooped up her spit and some dirt rubbed them together and then scattered the dust. From each tiny grain new life began to spring, wrapping around themselves until suddenly there were people all around Yuna. They looked akin to her but their ears were that of a feline and tails flicked around there hips. "You are the Yunai! My chosen warriors and you shall spread across this world! Grow strong and I will come back to guide you further!"

Before stepping away Yuna realized they all stood naked including her glorious for, She decided to pull out a thread of her hair and began to weave. Suddenly she had a resplendent red and black gown to accompany her claws. From the hem she took small pieces of cloth and handed them out to each of the Yunai, and each one grew into clothing for them.

Finally Yuna began to walk away from the new tribe and wandered off into the hills to find something new and exciting in this world. Left alone the Yunai found the crater their make had formed and found it defensible it shall be their new home, Yuna's Cradle.

Marvel (alter land) 1: A massive crater in the southwest of the continent
Creat Sapient Life 2: The Yunai a race of sapient catfolk who are imbued with conflict in their blood. They will take the crater Yuna maid as their home naming it Yuna's Cradle.
Create Mundane Concept 1: Clothing
6/16 AP

2018-06-27, 03:46 PM
Thargaro Khan

Thargaro Khan wandered the earth, Worldsplitter slung over his shoulders. As he walked, he saw the first continent spring up and sprout life. The sight was a wonder to the Khan, and it made him want to try his hand at it himself. The giant god waded out into the ocean and swung his massive axe into the air. With apocalyptic force, Worldsplitter rammed through the water, sending up jets of superheated steam. The axe split the earth beneath the water, and streams of lava shot up out of the earth, causing the very bones of the dead Earth Titan to shift. Another continent burst from the sea, the lava on this new landmass quickly shifting and hardening into new earth.

This new continent had been given richer soil thanks to the lava that had once covered it. This caused the plants there to grow stronger, taller and more wild. As the Khan walked across his new continent, plants began to sprout up at his feet. These plants grew tall and wild, the trees grew so thick that it created a canopy among their branches, allowing creatures to walk among the trees as easily as they could on solid earth. Soon a tropical continent had grown up among a ring of volcanoes on the center of the island. And it was at this ring of volcanoes where Thargaro Khan made his first throne.

11 AP to start with.

2 AP to Create Land- Igniterra: Igniterra is an untamed land. A huge island continent that sprung up around a ring of seven volcanoes, the cooled lava has made the earth of Igniterra incredibly rich. For this reason, the plant life has grown incredibly wild and thick, thus creating the first jungle of the New World.

11 AP-2= 9 AP

Domain Progress:

Fire (Volcanoes) 7/10: 5 AP for Create Major Artifact: Worldsplitter, 2 AP to Create New Land: Igniterra

2018-06-27, 03:53 PM
Yin-kipmae broke swiftly from the body of the water Titan, running with sheer boundless joy across the lands barren and empty as they were, as the prince ran the land flowed up beneath his feet and filled itself with countless things, trees that competed over sunlight, insects that competed over those trees, birds that completed over those insects and wilier creatures, hunters that competed over these birds and with the birds, a never-endiing competition where the prize was the right to live another day,

As Yin-kipmar stopped at a stream the hunter prince looked up at the lands around him, recalling an old story of titanic wisdom. That was when his eye was caught by two groups of otters snapping at each other on the riverbank, hissing and running up and down as each group tried to claim the carcas of a large pike. With a smile Yin made a gesture with his plays and a strange scene played out, at once each clan began stretching in mind, spirit and body. Forging something new, a new race but two new peoples. As one clan dragged the fish's tail into the river and the other dragged the head up onto land Yin knew many centuries of craft and competition waited.

Creat Sapient Life (2): The Yatkip: The Yatkip are a predatoral species that occupies either lakes, slow moving rivers, estuaries and coasts or warrens beneath the earth and the open plains as their preferred habitat. With few predators capable of challenging the hunter's favoured most of their time is spent hunting, as each has a body around 5ft long and a rapid metabolism they take food from many sources, whether that is pulling clams, muscles and oysters from the seabed, hunting seals as they come up onto the beach or catching animals unaware as they drink from rivers. On occasion they even chase prey put on the open ground running with speed and showing impressive leaps to bring them down. Yet their habits of mobbing sharks and bears alike and driving them off with ferocity and numbers appealed to the hunter.

Form Society (2AP): The Red Ravagers: A society of Yatkip that dominates the open plains. They live largely is small camps moving every few months when supplies in their region run low, typically these bands are in groups of around twelve to forty individuals. Each band is led by a redstripe, a title bestowed upon those who have brought down a beast of the plains

Form Society (2AP): The Blue Beast-takers: A society of Yatkip that dominates the open watery regions, they almost all live at redrock, a large island at the crux of a delta with a distinct red colour. Led by fifteen councils led by a blue mark who have hunted and killed a great beast of the water.

6/10 Society (Rivalry)

2018-06-27, 06:14 PM
As Nebkuz listened to Agir and the newcomer, a strange thing occurred in the void above. Lights began to glimmer, distant flickers in the darkness. Nebkuz saw these and believed them to be a result of its own efforts, a byproduct of bringing truelight into creation.

Hearken above! it exclaimed in its strange manner of speaking. The void is of shining light. Is a beauty and for it I am gladdened. Sure a sign of light strength and that dark is not to be the eternalness.

Nebkuz basked for a time in the light of Roj, oblivious to the conversation between Agir and Saoirse, and gazed upon the stars above with pleasure until it saw in the distance a presence of Dark, hurling the lights into the void. What is? A one who is of the Dark as I am of the Light? It is not what should be. It has not a right to be handling the Light this way!

Taking to the air Nebkuz rushed to the shrouded creature, furious. You! Dark thing! What right do you handle the Light? What right do you hang the Light so far and alone in the cold Void? Answer it!

Wah, The Void

What had it wrought, to make one so wroth. Wizened and slow, the Shroud raised a hand to shield itself from the indomitable cascade of light. "What right?" A question, the question, it hung in the air like lead, rasped by cracked and parched lips. "No right, no rights. We are to work and work I have done. By what writ have you to question? The Stars are where they must be, to hide their workings from prying eyes. The Void, cold, is warmer by their presence. A promise, etched in Dark. Eternal, Light and Dark must be. There is your answer, presented."

2018-06-27, 09:09 PM
Though it lacked a definable face, Nebkuz glowered visibly at the words of the dark one. I do not believe in it. Light is not to hide. Light is to shine! For all to see of the Light in its vibrantness! To know of its rightness!

Plummeting back down to the surface, Nebkuz coiled upon itself and began to glow brighter and brighter. Something could be seen taking shape within its body, something of similar form to the god itself. As the shape grew in definition it split apart, first becoming two, then four, then many more shapes. With a flash of light Nebkuz unwound itself and flung the shapes far and wide. They rapidly grew in size as they fall to earth, becoming quite large in a matter of moments. Upon hitting the ground they settled for a moment, their vaguely-formed bodies gradually growing in definition before settling on a long, thin, many-legged form similar to their creator. They crawled along the land briefly before they began to burrow, sliding through the rock and soil with ease.

As Light above, so does Light below. Nebkuz beamed. These shall seek the Dark for supper and leave Light where none before was! No more will Void hide beneath the Light!

Create Mythical Life - 4AP: Lumoraz, Eaters of the Dark. These great centipede-like creatures burrow deep through the earth seeking pockets of magical or mundane darkness to feed upon. Their manner of actually ingesting the absence of light itself is difficult to discern, but in their wake they leave pools of truelight, a natural byproduct of their strange digestive process. Lumoraz are not hostile, usually ignoring those who are in their path and detouring around them so as not to cause harm, but individuals capable of generating magical darkness can attract the great beasts' attention and will find that the Lumoraz are acutely intelligent telepathic organisms with a perfect photographic memory. They may even be offered safe chaperone through the twisting tunnels of the earth by the luminous beasts, or, if needed, an emergency teleportation to the surface. In the event that a Lumoraz comes under attack, it often burrows backwards through the dirt and rock, firing radiant pulses of scathing light at its attackers that can make short work of lesser creatures.

AP Spent towards Domain: Light (Elemental Light) - 6/10

2018-06-27, 10:55 PM
Agir and Saoirse - The Verdant, First World

Saoirse, Gorgeous Child

The decaying goddess swam down to the boy from above, performing a small flourish as she made her way towards him. As she approached, she began to ruffle his hair and caress his cheek,

"A gorgeous child you are. Your youth is the spark of life itself! Do not call yourself foolish, for you have already done more than I could ever hope to, but you have inspired me. I too must create beauty in this world!"

The decaying goddess raised her ear, listening to the fear and anger of those creatures who had died before Roj. She took those emotions, fear, hate, confusion, and gave them life of their own. Spectral forms began to appear across the land, taking the shape of those creatures who they had once been a part of. The forms wandered about, as if purposeless in their new life.

He blushed furiously at her words and touch, "You honor me Lady with your words, but in truth, I do feel a fool, for I know not what to do...in fact, I didn't really know what I was doing when I made these things." He turned slowly in a circle gesturing to prairies, forests, mountains and lakes of The Verdant, all teeming with life, "Now that I think upon it, I don't really think I 'made' them, rather I think their existence...their life was preordained and I was merely sent to set them free."

Blinking his sorrowful eyes, "I think....because i am merely a boy, I might be an instrument of a greater power."

Somehow, though he be the author of free will, the thought was a comfort to him, "Yes, indeed, I serve a higher power....a calling if you will. Tell me Lady, are there others like us? Like the one that transformed Roj above? Even now I....I feel life being formed and burgeoning both here and in the void beyond the skies. T'is a strange thing, because I know them not, and could not tell you what they are, but a warmth greater than myself fills my breast because I have....faith, faith and belief in their existence."

It was then that he became cognizant of what Saoirse had made, and he studied one of the apparitions in awe, "What is this? It has neither the Spark nor the Ember, and yet is animated as if alive. It is like a memory...an echo of what once was, but it continues to be. It is a marvel. I am humbled to be here to witness its making."

He turned to her again, "I would see much and more. I would seek out those like us and learn of their creations!"

2018-06-28, 03:07 AM
Wah, The First World

The Shroud sighed, thin body exhaling its stress into the Void that was once its home. "So too, this shall pass." it mumbles, wringing calloused and cracked hands as light stretched in dark places. It longed for the simplicity of a burning forge and the sound of hammers yet how could one work if they did not know the surfaces of its project? The First World, the simple ball of mud that was once so much more. A flaming core, an expanse of clean waters and fresh air. It had seen it once, at the dawn of time yet others like the Light had worked upon its surface.

It descended. Low and slow it came to The Verdant, the first land. A beach, simple and silent was its first experience of another's work. Waves lapped at clean sand and in the distance mountains rose. The Shroud had not the energy but he had a mind and plans were forming, for beneath the good earth there was a bounty. And so Wah foraged from the trees and made for itself a simple sack and put all the things it thought to take home inside. Sand and shells, small crabs, little rocks, leaves, all things alien to the Forgotten Dark.

And so, moving inland, Wah began his journey into The Verdant.

2018-06-28, 05:46 AM
Farah the Wind

Breath was life and life was breath. With a mighty surge of his lungs, the Air Titan had let out a mighty breath. Because if one breath in your existence could be considered mighty than it should be your last. The invisible breath swept over the things to see in this world letting the wind touch their faces as she looked over them.

This was it! This was life! This was life?

The last breath of the air god wanted to be heard, to be seen, and so it coalesced into a more proper form by returning to and then taking a few more pieces of the Air Titan and wrapping them around herself. It felt warm being in skin, like home, but also constricting, constraining. She had observed the mortal realms and saw those that were the first to fly- incests. So she too flew with insectoid wings attached to a small, slender woman who wore an expression of passion and defiance. But also, the barest hint of amusement that turned to joy. From the body of her Father she took one final boon- his heart, encased in a jewel.

"I AM ALIVE!" Farah exclaimed, more loudly, "I'm the wind! Whoosh!" She chuckled happily, before flying as fast as she could around the world thousands of times. As the wind swept lightly over the trees making them sway in what almost sounded like music as the wind herself joined in with a song. This song and this wind formed together into a swirling noisy vortex eventually becoming a
typhoon over the oceans.

Trychu, The Divided

Trychu was sat meditating in the vast desert he had created, Fire Devils patrolling the area, when suddenly a gust blew through and sand was sent flying. It gathered into a ferocious storm, a hundred foot wall of moving sand, the first sandstorm created by the god of air releasing herself. Trychu caught a glimpse of the god of the wind as she passed and he was intrigued, leaping to the skies carried by his own wings and the updrafts of heat. His hand ran through the sandstorm raging in front of him as he climbed, the heat from his body turned it to glass at first the shards fell however most began to float before hitting the ground. Crystalline wings carrying clear bodies, as creatures flew from the storm, a likeness of himself with triangular heads and multi-jointed limbs. They looked as of glass though the movements were fluid, two stingers protruded from their forearms and antenna from their heads. Those that did not fly buried themselves into the sand mandibles as hard as diamond breaking through rock creating a burrow system to call home.

The flying Apis and burrowing Formica had been born from his hands as he dived through the remaining storm towards Farah he coated his own body in glass armour of a similar design to the Apis with two knives on each forearm protruding past his hands. As he approached the Goddess of Wind he slowed and opened his hands in supplication, his own wings beating fast creating a haze which distorted his now crystalline body. He had no words for her, he was curious about her form, similar to his own yet very different. She was eager and almost dancing on the wind she made.

Create Sapient Life (Apis) 2AP - Flying crystalline humanoids with stingers on their forearms and antenna. They communicate through touching antenna, and speech. While they look glasslike their bodies are soft and mobile though there are no visible organs they still bleed and if dissected have a vaguely insectoid interior, it appears that their skin simply bends the light to appear clear. [2/10 Life(Apis)]

Create Sapient Life (Formica) 2AP - Burrowing creatures akin to ants, with six legs/arms, three body sections, and mandibles which can crush rock. They enjoy the constant temperature of below the surface and have created a system of caves which they have begun to inhabit. Their arms/legs have opposable thumbs and fingers to allow their use in construction, digging, and crafting. They have a similar internal and skin structure to the Apis though their skin is slowly becoming darker to help absorb what little heat from light sources and less clear. [2/10 Life(Formica)]

Form Society (The Wind Walkers) 2AP - The Apis created a nomadic society that roams the desert riding thermals created from the wind and heat. They have already had many altercations with the Fire Devils which roam the area though neither actively search for a fight. [2/10 Society(Travel)]

Form Society (The Underhives) 2AP - The Formica have created a hive based society where there is a single matriarch and all others are male. Most are workers though there are a few who have developed to be larger and more aggressive forming groups of soldiers to protect the underhives from encroaching species. [2/10 Society(Mining)]

Create Major Artifact (The Fell Stingers) 5AP - Two large blades which protrude from Trychus forearms. These are crystalline and delicate in appearance though this should not fool any god. The blades are jagged and would tear any flesh they penetrated. [5/10 Fire(Smelting)]

AP Spent: 13
Previous AP spent 2
Total: 15/16

2018-06-28, 08:25 AM
Farah the Wind

"Whoooosh!" The goddess exclaimed as her typoon moved onto the land becoming a massive hurricane that threw sand in every direction. This storm moved across the deserts with aimless abandon as it continuously traveled over the dunes with no sign of stopping. Farah was just surprised upon reaching land instead of sea and her eyes widened.

"There's more? Wonderous!" She giggled madly, then watched in amazement as things got swept up in her storm. Her small spritely form flitted about on borrowed insect wings to examine them before noticing their master beckoning to her. The kinship was unmistakable. It was a thing that had life like her!

"How could this become any better?" Farah offered, slowing down and allowing the eternal hurricane to take on more of a life of it's own. "You are like me! Right? Right! We are alive.." She looked wistful for a brief moment, her head lulling to one side before she returned her gaze to Trychu.

"Who are you? Did you make these things?"

2018-06-28, 08:53 AM
Wah, The First World

The Shroud sighed, thin body exhaling its stress into the Void that was once its home. "So too, this shall pass." it mumbles, wringing calloused and cracked hands as light stretched in dark places. It longed for the simplicity of a burning forge and the sound of hammers yet how could one work if they did not know the surfaces of its project? The First World, the simple ball of mud that was once so much more. A flaming core, an expanse of clean waters and fresh air. It had seen it once, at the dawn of time yet others like the Light had worked upon its surface.

It descended. Low and slow it came to The Verdant, the first land. A beach, simple and silent was its first experience of another's work. Waves lapped at clean sand and in the distance mountains rose. The Shroud had not the energy but he had a mind and plans were forming, for beneath the good earth there was a bounty. And so Wah foraged from the trees and made for itself a simple sack and put all the things it thought to take home inside. Sand and shells, small crabs, little rocks, leaves, all things alien to the Forgotten Dark.

And so, moving inland, Wah began his journey into The Verdant.

Yuna, The Lioness

Yuna wandered aimlessly through the world unsure of what to do next. As she walked she stumbled upon a strange looking man picking through the land. Yuna followed him from a distance for a bit observing his actions until finally her curiosity grew to great. She pounced from the brush and landed next to the man. "What are you doing?" she asked, curiosity dripping from her words. "What purpose do you find in these little things?"

2018-06-28, 08:57 AM
Trychu, the Divided

He nodded, his eyes never leaving the figure before him. He was confused, he knew there were others but they were so different, giant, decaying, childlike, unknowable. The Goddess in front of him was almost made from the same mold but different enough to not be related. "I am alive, my children are now alive, your storms gave me clarity when they clouded the desert."

He smiled, this was the destruction that brought new life, "Only the greatest destruction can create the greatest beginnings. It was with the Titans as with their children." His wing beats matched hers as he danced around her viewing her body from all angles. She was less insect like than he, but clearly had some resemblance his body flashed orange in a display of his powers as the air around him shimmered, he reached a hand out to her, his fingers clicking as the joints straightened and rubbed against each other forming a more human hand.

"I am Trychu, creator of the desert below and of the crystal beasts within it. Who are you that flies so fast?"

Juicy Kisses
2018-06-28, 12:43 PM
Agir and Saoirse - The Verdant, First World

He blushed furiously at her words and touch, "You honor me Lady with your words, but in truth, I do feel a fool, for I know not what to do...in fact, I didn't really know what I was doing when I made these things." He turned slowly in a circle gesturing to prairies, forests, mountains and lakes of The Verdant, all teeming with life, "Now that I think upon it, I don't really think I 'made' them, rather I think their existence...their life was preordained and I was merely sent to set them free."

Blinking his sorrowful eyes, "I think....because i am merely a boy, I might be an instrument of a greater power."

Somehow, though he be the author of free will, the thought was a comfort to him, "Yes, indeed, I serve a higher power....a calling if you will. Tell me Lady, are there others like us? Like the one that transformed Roj above? Even now I....I feel life being formed and burgeoning both here and in the void beyond the skies. T'is a strange thing, because I know them not, and could not tell you what they are, but a warmth greater than myself fills my breast because I have....faith, faith and belief in their existence."

It was then that he became cognizant of what Saoirse had made, and he studied one of the apparitions in awe, "What is this? It has neither the Spark nor the Ember, and yet is animated as if alive. It is like a memory...an echo of what once was, but it continues to be. It is a marvel. I am humbled to be here to witness its making."

He turned to her again, "I would see much and more. I would seek out those like us and learn of their creations!"

Saoirse and Agir, An Hand Outstretched

Saoirse let out a laugh at the boy's words.

"You truly believe yourself a fool it seems. I think you are more, you just don't realize it. You know not what to do? Then create! Create life! For without life there can be no death, and without death there can be no more beauty! You ask are there more like us? There must be! Let us go, hand in hand, and find them. I shall follow your brilliance. Side by side, you shall walk with life and I shall walk with death."

Saoirse outstretched her hand to the small lad, offering it to walk side by side almost as if mother and child. This child could bring more life to this world, Saoirse needed that, therefore she needed him. Only better if they could be as friends, she thought.

2018-06-28, 01:14 PM
Yuna, The Lioness

Yuna wandered aimlessly through the world unsure of what to do next. As she walked she stumbled upon a strange looking man picking through the land. Yuna followed him from a distance for a bit observing his actions until finally her curiosity grew to great. She pounced from the brush and landed next to the man. "What are you doing?" she asked, curiosity dripping from her words. "What purpose do you find in these little things?"

Wah: The Verdant

It had not expected another God so soon, if at all, and certainly not one who could stalk him through the shadows and boughs of the First World. With barely concealed annoyance the Shroud took a step away from the sudden intrusion having only just stood from picking up a particularly vibrant flower. "Picking flowers." it states sardonically, holding the bright purple thing towards the Lion Goddess with deliberate movements. "They have value. What are big things, if not composites of the small? What would work be worth if it were not to make beauty such as this?"

2018-06-28, 05:10 PM
Agir and Saoirse - The Verdant

His heart rejoiced as he took the goddess's hand, and began to walk. With each footstep, the boy god left behind an ashy print, and from those prints sprang enormous Fire Maples - growing to towering heights and crowned with leaves a riot of varying yellows, oranges, and reds. They walked but a short distances before the two were born aloft by a cloud of Embers and Sparks. The boy god laughed, unable to contain his joy. They flew low, but swiftly over the land, crested a chain of mountains and descended again until they came to the far eastern shores of The Verdant. There upon the beech were two figures both alike and much unlike to the boy god and his companion.

"Come, Lady, let us see what this is about."

Agir released the goddess's hand and strode forward upon his spindly tanned legs and bare feet. As he approached he saw one figure hand the other a purple blossom and say, "...beauty such as this?"

He paused as he looked past the blossom, at the givers hand. It was calloused, worn, and dirty. Agir studied his own soot covered hands, then looked again noticing the givers simple home spun clothing much like his own unassuming attire.

In his youthful exuberance he forgot his manners and broke into their conversation, speaking to the giver, "You are a maker....like me, but also not like me for you bear the wisdom of experience and age in your face and form. I am Agir. Who are you and from whence did you come?"

Fire Maples are mundane life. There is nothing magical about them, though they do possess a slightly more powerful Ember than other species of trees.

2018-06-28, 05:36 PM
Wah: A Gathering on the Verdant

Yet more travelers, yet more Titanborn and none like him. There was no Dark to be seen yet...perhaps some lingered in the leather clad lady. All spied over a shoulder as a boy...the boy...strode forward. A Light like the traveler in the Void yet dimmer, less loud. "Wah." he states, moving to keep all Gods at his front as cold recesses regard them each in a turn. A lady, a boy and a warrior. Truly strange these travelers were. "I am Wah" he repeats, a hand moving to run through the coal beard long and ragged "and I am of the Dark."

2018-06-28, 06:38 PM
Agir, Soairse, Wah, and Yuna - The Verdant

"The Dark?" The boy god's sorrowful eyes belied his innocent smile, "I met another like us named Nebkuz, and he is of the Light." Pointing his blackened finger to the sky, "It was he that made the Roj to shine like a beacon for I had simply formed it for warmth."

Looking again at the wizened old man, "There is beauty in the dark as there is beauty in the light. It is colder, but also peaceful and quiet. Roj does but circle the First World and darkness follows the light. It is a time of rest and of contemplation of both physical and spiritual renewal. There is a wisdom and strength in you...I can feel it, but too do you seem wary and uncertain of our meeting, which I believe not to be chance."

Motioning Soarise forward, "The Lady emerged from the Water, Nebkuz came from the Light, you are of the Dark, and I am from the Fire." His blue eyes fell upon the leonine warrior goddess, "I am Agir, and would much like to know you as well. Your bearing is that of one of the great hunting cats of the savanna, but you are like us are you not?"

As he spoke, the winds stirred and the sky began to darken as far out to sea The Endless Typhoon made its way toward The Verdant's far shores.

2018-06-28, 09:39 PM
Yuna: A Gatheirng on the Verdant

Yuna took the flower from Wah and held it for a moment gazing upon it's beauty. She loved the flower and all its complexity, quickly Yuna lost herself in the tiny form. So much so that she didn't even notice the two new figures standing before them. Finally when one directed a question to her she felt the power of his voice and broke herself from the moment. "I am Yuna, I come from the earth. And yes, it would seem we are of kith and kin."

Yuna rose form her crouched hunting pose and stood to her full height, claw clenched tight. Quickly she wove her new possession into her hair.

"This place is fascinating, but I don't believe it will stay like this, if these moments since our creation are anything to go on it will fall apart quickly. Forming something new.

Juicy Kisses
2018-06-29, 01:41 AM
Saoirse, Something New

Forming something new, the lion said. This phrase stuck in Saoirse's mind. Something new, something new, but what to make of this something new? Perhaps it did not need to fall apart, as the lion had said. Change, yes, but not fall apart. If this world were to continue, it would need maintenance. In their travels, Saoirse had seen many corpses sitting about the land. They sat frozen in their beautiful form. Perhaps they could be the canvas for her something new? Her mind immediately went to work. She performed a flourish in her space floating just above the ground, and weaved her divine energy across the land. It flowed down into the earth below her feat and spread through it like a current. It flowed into all creatures deceased in this world. In many, it did not take, but in some the energy transformed them. A small fungus would begin to grow within these corpses, and they would become creatures to be known as ghouls.

From the ground just below her floating form, a mushroom began to grow. Ogblugad, Saoirse named it. It would be her first child.

Saoirse looked to Yuna, gesturing to the flower woven into her hair, "You wear death upon your head. You truly know real beauty." she let out a smile and outstretched her hand to stroke her cheek.

AP: 8
Curse(The Rot), 1AP: In 1 in every 100 corpses, a fungus will begin to grow. This fungus grows and turns them into creatures known as ghouls. Those who are fed upon by ghouls also undergo this transformation. [1/10 Pestilence(Decay)]
Create Monstrous Life(Ghouls), 1AP: In 1 in every 100 corpses, a fungus will begin to grow known as the root. This fungus feeds upon the mind of the decayed creature, and takes over their body. The body will then rise, and hunger for the flesh of the living. It will begin by hunting those who it was familiar with in life, mimicking it's old self to trick them, but will slowly branch out mauling every creature it sees and leaving the remains to transform into new ghouls. [2/10 Pestilence(Decay)]

2018-06-29, 02:02 AM
Thargaro Khan- The Coming of Thunder

From his throne among the seven volcanoes of Igniterra, Thargaro Khan looked out upon the world. To the East he saw the land of the Verdant, he saw the other gods communing with each other. He saw the strange light-eating insects burrowing around under the earth, he saw the crystalline creatures of the desert and even the strange furry creatures of the waters. Thargaro Khan was amused by them, the gods have the power of creation and everything they shape is so tiny and fragile.

"My creations will not be some weak spark of life struggling to stay alive. They will be powerful, and stand high above all others!!

Thargaro Khan rose up, raising his axe in the air and slamming the butt of the weapon into the ground. Igniterra shook as her seven volcanoes all began to erupt in unison. The lava began to flow and shape itself at the Khan's feet. Suddenly, as the earth grew soft from the immense heat, the Khan plunged his great arm into the earth.

"My creations will have the strength of the Earth Titan itself!!

And with that, Thargaro Khan tore something from deep within the Earth, something strong an ancient. The force shook the entirety of the New World. The Khan looked at the slab of stone in his hand. Fittingly, the obsidian hunk seemed to take on the shape of a massive saurian creature. Taking the great Skull, he plunged it into the side of a volcano, causing lava to spill from the skull's eye sockets and down the side of the mountain.

As the lava flowed from the skull to the jungles, something happened when the lava touched the abundant life of Ingniterra. There was a flash and the sound of thunder, again and again across the lava flow. Sprouting forth from the lava were towering reptillian creatures, covered in vibrant scales and standing like giants over the other creatures of the world. These creatures, birthed by fire and thunder, pulled themselves from the lava flow and looked up to Thargaro Khan, and the skull torn from the very earth itself. And with that, this new race of saurian giants went off into the jungles of Ingniterra.

9 AP to start

3 AP to Create Minor Artifact(Divine Favor: Create Monstrous Life): The Titan's Skull- While hardly large enough to be the true skull of the Earth Titan, The Titan's Skull is nonetheless a shard of the very bones of the earth itself. Placed as a focus of elemental might as well as a reminder from the Khan to the creatures of Igniterra. The Skull channels the primal strength of the Earth Titan itself into the very lifeforce of the creatures of the wild continent, making them larger and stronger than the creatures of the Verdant.

4 AP to create Mythical Life- Thunder Lizards: The Thunder Lizards are Thargaro Khan's favored children, born to stand taller and stronger than the other sentient life of the New World.
While their exact appearance varires depending on the Thunder Liziard Clan, all of the Clans consist of saurian humanoids, covered in scales and standing at least 10 feet tall. The Thunder Lizards hold strength as the highest virtue, and therefore the clans often fight each other to prove who is the strongest in the Khan's eyes.

The tribes of the Thunder Lizards include:
Clan Bloodhorn: Menacing Thunder Lizards with three large horns sprouting from their heads, the warriors of Clan Bloodhorn are known for their brutality. They often go into a bloodrage when in fierce combat, often leading them to gore their opponents upon their sharp horns.
Clan Windblade: The smallest of the Thunder Lizards, standing only about six feet tall, Clan Windblade makes up for it in swiftness. Having learned to hunt on the jungle floors using the sharp talons upon their feet, Clan Windblade relies on speed and agility in combat.
Clan Blacktooth: Large muscular saurians with great jaws and large sharp teeth, Clan Blacktooth has the unique ability to communicate amongst each other with subsonic 'hums'
(This is true about T-Rexes, look it up). This makes Clan Blacktooth masters of stealth and subterfuge, despite being among the more powerfully built species of Thunder Lizards.

9 AP-3 AP-4 AP= 1 AP

Domain Spending:

10/10 for Fire (Volcanoes):5 AP for Create Major Artifact: Worldsplitter, 2 AP to Create New Land: Igniterra, 3 AP to Create Minor Artifact: The Titan's Skull

Domain Claimed: Fire (Volcanoes)

4/10 for Creature (Saurians): 4 AP for Create Mythical Life: Thunder Lizards

2018-06-29, 02:11 AM
Wah, A Gathering on the Verdant

The winds whipped bare flesh already scored by darkness and as the rains began to fall he simply stood to bear witness to the birth of something new. Another traveler. There was some Dark in this too it thought. "Are we done then? There are other things to gather, the Light will not rest. Chance or not, I am away from my forges too long. The storm is nice, however. if you wish to stand out in it."

2018-06-29, 04:02 AM
Ogblugad, Something New

The mushroom below Saoirse quivers and grows, 6 limbs growing from it's form - three legs and three arms equidistant around it's stalk-body. Above each arm a circular mouth opened up and each surrounded by three discolorations in the pale flesh, taking in vibrations in the air, changes of light, and tasting the air. It flexed it's body and the cap of it's form shifts into a wide orange brim with spots of purple and yellow. The being looks about at the assembled beings and lets out a burst of spores, after which it's soft voice reaches out to the other beings, chipper and curious. "I'm alive, and mother has named me. I am named Ogblugad. Welcome! No... Greetings! Yes! That sounds right. You are all so fascinating! The smells and vibrations! Fantastic! But I smell something else... something nearby calls to my maw... Excuse me..." The spores seem to coalesce as thin mist that comes from the underside of his cap, and he infuses some of his power into the spores. He has a feeling it will be helpful in the future.

The Creeping shuffles away a short distance and comes upon the dead corpse of a local creature. The Rot has not set into this one yet and Ogblugad's three maws open and close and it's sensory spots shimmer as it takes in the scent. ~This is a waste just sitting here. I should make something to clean it up~ Scraping up some of the ground, Ogblugad shapes it into a canine form with large shoulders and great fangs. He gives it bright red eyes and coarse, matted fur with red stripes on a light brown coat. As he breathes a bit of life into it, the creature shakes it's shoulders and glares about with more than simple animal intelligence. It looks down at the corpse and it's wide jaws unhinge as it bites into the flesh, tearing out huge chunks of the corpse. As the creature devours the body, small bumps grow on it's back. They continue to grow until The creature devours the last of the body, leaving only scraps. The creature groans and lays down, letting out a cry as the bumps on it's back burst, each producing a miniature version of the beast. The babies swarm over the scraps, eating as much as they can, fighting each other as Ogblugad watches on, odd face not giving away any hints of emotion. The creatures then flee, leaving behind no trace of the corpse. The babies that were able to feed grew in size as much as three times. The first one is tired but moves on, it's back covered in scars from the "birthing" of it's offspring.

The fungal deity moves on, seeking out the smell of dead and dieing. He creates a few more of these Corpse Feeders, spreading them across the Verdant. The creatures only eat the dead, fleeing from still living creatures and ignoring life that lacks flesh to consume. They themselves always seem to know the direction to the nearest corpse and their coarse fur is surprisingly tough and resistant to being cut or burnt. Ogblugad also scatters his spores as he travels, encouraging the growth of new fungal organisms. One particular stretch of land after his creation of the Corpse Feeders causes massive forests of mushrooms to grow, many of the large toadstools are made of a fibrous substance with qualities similar to wood.

16 AP to Start
5 AP to Create Major Utility Artifact(-1 AP cost to Curse action 1/week) - Divine Spores - The spores that come from Ogblugad are charged with a great deal of his energy to let him spread his spores at a vast distance with a variety of effects. While most such effects would be deemed as good by the Creeping, most life forms would disagree as these effects often include the premature decay of plants, organic structures, and creatures of flesh, the spreading of detrimental fungi, or can cause other inconveniences.

4 AP to Create Mythical Life - Corpse Feeders - Large beasts that resemble wide-faced hyena with light brown fur and red stripes down their back, these creatures exclusively consume dead flesh. They can sense dead flesh for miles, and often can detect those near death. However they always wait for the dieing to cease to be before going in to feed. When feeding they reproduce by growing their young in their backs in a strange form of budding. The young burst from the parent's back when it has consumed a large amount of flesh, eagerly looking for scraps to consume before scattering. With thick fur that resists being cut or burned, Corpse Feeders can often ignore many predators. The creatures have some intellect to them and can be negotiated with by creatures that offer them corpses.

1 AP to Alter Land - The Fungal Forests - A large swath of huge mushroom "trees" that have grown on Verdant near the location of Ogblugad's birth. This also creates a variety of mundane fungi and lichen.

AP Spent: 10

Remaining: 6

AP Spending: 5 AP spent on Divine Spores to get Disease(Famine) 5/10

2018-06-29, 08:38 AM
Farah the Wind

"Outstanding!" The goddess exclaimed, clapping her hands together. From what was barren and boring there was now those mortals to observe. "Do you think I could create something? Perhaps I should pluck one from the sky and open it up to understand better.." She mused, before biting on the end of her fingernail.

"Ah, wonderous, how often might my storms destroy their peoples and I may watch them recover? Or not.. but something new may arise.." Farah swayed with the wind not using to being this still, but then she started to spin around with Trychu in a winged dance while giggling once more. "Their children." She whispered quietly before reaching up and clutching the sky heart she wore. The wind herself took his hand as they circled around each other, their relatively human hands linking them.

"I'm the wind! But you can call me Farah."

Juicy Kisses
2018-06-29, 10:50 AM
Saoirse, An Offered Hand

Saoirse watched as her new child pronounced about and himself created something new. She let out a small chuckle and waved to the sprouting god. Looking back to the gathering, she heard Wah's wishes to return to his home. She looked upon Wah, "I was born of the water, it too is a very dark place. Perhaps we are of similar ilk, then? Before you go, I propose that we be friends. Never hesitate to call upon me, should you need an ally." and with that she bowed to the dark god.

2018-06-30, 03:51 AM

The wandering shark explored the waters of the world. While doing so he kept feeding he kept feeding on the fishies growing in power and strength. Soon he realized that the hunt now left and after taste. As if he was eating the memories of those he hunted. Their potential. Sometimes when his belly was too full he spat and it was as if ghostly memories of his food tried to escape. He entertained himself on hunting those and eating them again.

As he hunted and ate the shark grow larger. What had been at first a baby shark was now a great hunter. His changes were more than growing in size and intelligence. He realized he could pull some of the memories of those he had devoured, of their potential, and shape them around himself empowering himself with what those he had eaten could have been. He would shape the lantern of an angler fish and feed it with his own luminiscence creating a lamp which could shed light much farther than he normally could, he could form the secondary mouth of a moray and devour the prey that he had already devoured, he could veil himself the chameleonic skin of an octopus disappearing form sight, or borrow the tools of the sword fish...

As he grew more skilled with this new found tools the god grew more perceptive of the souls, the animating spirits that flared within each creature. That made him more perceptive of other creatures. Creatures that until that point he had confused with simply water. The shark had found a new prey and he took to hunting water elementals with gusto. From them he learned much. He learned the aftertaste of the void. And was left with a hollow curiosity to wander farther than he had ever traveled.

The shark swam, as he did he hunted, and as he hunted he practiced his new craft. He shaped the soulstuff into tendrils of water like those of an elemental and used them to hunt both living and ghostly prey. Eventually the god reached the edges of land.

Dry land made him extremely unhappy, what was the meaning of it? Wasn't life the hunt and the thrill? Wasn't he the great devourer? The one who pushed the wheel? Why would there be need of land? Why would anyone want to hide from him? Would they grow complacent?

Yin-kipmae broke swiftly from the body of the water Titan, running with sheer boundless joy across the lands barren and empty as they were, as he prince ran the land flowed up beneath his feet and filled itself with countless things, trees that competed over sunlight, insects that competed over those trees, birds that completed over those insects and wilier creatures, hunters that competed over these birds and with the birds, a never-endiing competition where the prize was the right to live another day,

As Yin-kipmar stopped at a stream the hunter prince looked up at the lands around him, recalling an old story of titanic wisdom. That was when his eye was caught by two groups of otters snapping at each other on the riverbank, hissing and running up and down as each group tried to claim the carcas of a large pike. With a smile Yin made a gesture with his plays and a strange scene played out, at once each clan began stretching in mind, spirit and body. Forging something new, a new race but to new peoples. As one clan dragged the fishes tail into the river and the other dragged the head up onto land Yin knew many centuries of craft and competition waited.

Creat Sapient Life (2): The Yatkip: The Yatkip are a predatoral species that occupies either lakes, slow moving rivers, estuaries and coasts or warrens beneath the earth and the open plains as their preferred habitat. With few predators capable of challenging the hunter's favoured most of their time is spent hunting, as each has a body around 5ft long and a rapid metabolism they take food from many sources, whether that is pulling clams, muscles and oysters from the seabed, hunting seals as they come up onto the beach or catching animals unaware as they drink from rivers. On occasion they even chase prey put on the open ground running with speed and showing impressive leaps to bring them down. Yet their habits of mobbing sharks and bears alike and driving them off with ferocity and numbers appealed to the hunter.

Form Society (2AP): The Red Ravagers: A society of Yatkip that dominates the open plains. They live largely is small camps moving every few months when supplies in their region run low, typically these bands are in groups of around twelve to forty individuals. Each band is led by a redstripe, a title bestowed upon those who have brought down a beast of the plains

Form Society (2AP): The Blue Beast-takers: A society of Yatkip that dominates the open watery regions, they almost all live at redrock, a large island at the crux of a delta with a distinct red colour. Led by fifteen councils led by a blue mark who have hunted and killed a great beast of the water.

6/10 Society (Rivalry)

Uijak and the Otters

So enthralled was the Shark on his own introspection that he almost missed the otters jumping on him on coordinated attack. They were crafty hunters attacking him from the blind spots trying to subdue him and get him out of water. So surprised was the Shark that he bellowed a prickly laughter when the otter hunter's eyes widened on spotting the six fin's of the shark and how his pallid skin was ridged with teeth and scars. He swatted at them playfully, his anger at the land and the land dwellers put aside and focusing in the hunt, he had never before been challenged by those creatures and wanted to see how they hunted. Their fangs and claws might not have been sharp enough to break his skin but they had borrowed claws made of stone. As the shark bled salt on the otters he took a bite of one or two taking arms and heads with him and tasting the memories of their souls. With satisfaction he let them take him out of water, tie him up and beat him with sticks and stones. He bled salt that dumbfounded the otters but other than that he played along eventually acting dead, immobile.

And then he moved. Not by his own means but by the hunting party that carried him towards a much bigger prey. As he so traveled over land he saw that the rocks were red and that the air that had ben above the waters so was above the lands. They carried him towards their gathering. Apparently hunting a big beast, such as he was, was a rite of passage and the otters had favoured sharks for their ferocity. There would be a feast that night. A feast on his salty flesh. Something that enthralled and elapsed the god.

The whole clan gathered that night around the six finned's sharks corpse. There was dancing and singing. There was joy in the celebration of the hunt. A hunt well taken a hunt well done. Little did they know that it was his hunt they were celebrating, yet the shark god lay still. He still was quiet as they started partaking of his flesh. Goring him with stone and feeding of his salty entrails. He didn't move when all his flesh was taken and his bones were exposed. His bones didn't even move when the otters tried to clean them after the feast. As if they had been stuck there. For months, years, it would share place with any prey they gather. Sometimes a flicker of ghostly light was rumored to be seen in the eye sockets when a particular large or ferocious beast was presented. Many hunters would after a hunt, honor the remains of the shark and try to move them to no avail.

Some months after the feast many otters gave birth at once, those that had eaten the flesh of the six finned shark. All the babies were normal, without defect, if most of them had a lighter coloration or even white fur. They were raised on the traditions of the Beast-takers as hunters. One of them in particular was the craftiest hunter the Yatkip had ever known. Fear was unknown to him and he jumped to take on beasts much greater than him without doubt nor shout. He was a silent hunter, a bit ostracized by his hind for his snow white fur and his dark glassy eyes. It didn't help that he was the most skilled in the new arts that the Yatkip had developed stilled after the six finned shark's owns magics. They took parts of the beast they ate, they turned them into weapons, but they also took their spirit and reshaped it to fill their needs.

The elders called this skill "soulmelding" binding to their soul the spirits of the devoured and the hunted. And it was divisive among the Yatkip society whether using it was good or not. Many argued that it was just a tool, not unlike the stones that they sharpened into knives, others claimed that it diluted the otters original essence. It was not the only thing that had changed on recent years. The redrock though had changed since the shark had first visited it. The salt of his blood so abundant when they had hunted him, had flown and encrusted itself into the rocks. Soon the Yatkip learned that they could use it to salt their food and both make it tastier and preserve it. Salt was a valuable gift of the six finned god and while it was at first abundant soon proved to be scarcer. The new generation of hunters some times took payments in salt, to bring back to their families.

Change would keep coming to the Beast-takers though. On the snow white otter's coming of age hunt what he hunted puzzled the elders, and everyone. He hunt water. A sphere of water that somehow maintained its shape and at the same time threw tendrils at those who dared approach it. Many got a cut, or worse drowned, when growing closer. The elders didn't know what to do about it and they started arguing. That was certainly no beast, and as such he had hunted no beast, but was that a bigger or a lesser hunt? Fear panged the discussion for they remembered too well the last time someone had seen those water tendrils. While the argument was under way the white furred otter reached for the skeletal shark jaws, and raised them above his head. Expectant silence filled the gathering as the white otter's skin was suddenly pockmarked with shark teeth and the other bones on the altar turned into salt.

Uijak the Sunken Lord, had finished his hunt for a worthy form to travel over land. As he left the Yatkip settlement many followed on entourage.

Initial AP 15

Create Sub-Concept (of Souls) (2 AP): Soulmelding (Incarnum). If all things have spirits those spirits can be imitated and used. Incarnum is the art of turning what once was into what could have been. It requires the practitioners to be strongly familiar with what they are imitating, if they have eaten some of the creatures flesh all the better, but those skilled in its use can reshape their souls into closer approximations of the creature they are imitating. In doing so the body follows. It is extremely rare and difficult to do a complete transformation from this for doing so would most likely irrevocably change the creature's soul permanently into the new creature. It is for this reason that most practitioners keep themselves to changing parts of their spirit. Skilled practitioners can change several parts at the same time, normally coming from different donors. [Incarnum (Adaption) 2 /10]

Create Major Artifact (Utility, create minor artifact) (5 AP) The Shark's Crown, this is Uijak's shark form jaw so he never forgets his original shape. It allows him to take other shapes through incarnum without risk. [Incarnum (Adaption) 7 /10]

Infuse Major Artifact (The Shark's Crown) (3 AP) The Shark's Crown, is the first soulmeld. Uijak's previous experiments with incarnum had been basic and fleeting manipulating it on its raw form, the crown though has a defined shape and allows the Sunken Lord to better create soulmelds with it. Incarnum practitioners can shape a minor version of the shark crown (it obviously is not at relic level) when doing so they gain a better understanding of soulmelds.[Incarnum (Adaption) 10 /10]

Gain Domain [Incarnum (Adaptation)]

Create Mundane Concept (1AP): Salary, salt (or on the future other valuables) can be used to pay someone (a worker) for their time (work). It is also to pay others with more esoteric payment, such as knowledge. [Trade (Payment) 2/10]

Create Organization (1AP): The White Otter's entourage. The first ever mercenary band is originally formed by Yatkip from the Beast-taker's clans, with whom it maintains good relationships, is a travelling company who have a strong bond for contracts. In particular they look for payment through rare, exotic, flamboyant treasures. They are disciplined soldiers of fortune, fighting for the best bidder but not prone to betray anyone for money. Each soldier tends to be pretty wealthy, carrying and flaunting their wealth with them, and well outfitted. [Trade (Payment) 3/10]

Create Minor Combat Artifact (1AP): The teeth's coffer. This coffer carried by the White Otter's entourage is filled with shark teeth's made of salt. Salt that can easily be exchanged for goods, weapons and tools. As such the entourage is particularly well equipped. [Trade (Payment) 4/10]

Remaining AP 2

2018-06-30, 06:10 PM
Nebkuz, the Beacon

Nebkuz grew restless. There was Light above, and there was Light below, but as it surveyed the lands between there were only a few instances of Light and even those it found... lacking. There must needs more presence of Light. This can not do as it is. But what mayhaps this? Far below it spotted some Yunai who were hunting prey. Within them it could see a glimmer, a spark. Interesting. Light is within... It flew further and saw the same amongst the Yatkip, and across the ocean it saw similar sparks within the Thunder Lizard tribes. Inside they glitter. Inside is a Light that is a beauteous thing. I must make it known in them that Light will help!

Making haste back to the Roj, Nebkuz focused its energy upon the crystalline core. The stone shimmered, radiating a blinding pearlescent aura which was magnified by the truelight it was bathed in. The flare of light was enough to make it seem bright as noon across the whole of the lands for a number of hours. Some of the primitives below had their fortunes improved by this sudden excess of warmth and illumination and began to think themselves blessed and protected by its Light, forming a rudimentary following of similarly-minded peoples in their respective communities.

Nebkuz undulated with satisfaction at the powers it had bestowed upon the fragile dwellers below, pleased with their gratitude. The small ones inspire of the Light. It is a goodness. It watched the distant peoples as it rested on the sun, finding itself a little tired from the exertion, further ideas of what a Lighted spark could be capable of forming in its mind as it rested.

Create Mythical Concept - 4AP: Lucency
Nebkuz daydreams about ways to use Light, inadvertently bringing into reality Lucency, the art of channeling one's internal Light into external effects. Any effects which could be achieved by manipulation of Light can be wrought through Lucency; illumination, heat, projection or invisibility are but a few potential applications of this discipline.[Elemental Light 10/10]

Create Mythical Sub-concept - 2AP: Abjuration
The science of protecting oneself and/or others, Abjuration is a refinement of Lucency into powerful wards, barriers and shields made wholly of Light. Being tied to the element of Light, Abjuration is harder to manifest in beings suffused with Darkness and can be used to greater effect against such beings. [Protection 2/10]

Create Mundane Concept - 1AP: Heliotheism (Sun-Worship)
Those who were granted the power of magic by the Shining Flare look to the sun and its benefactor as a guardian presence, grateful for their blessings. [Zeal 1/10]

Teach Mundane Concept - 1AP: Heliotheism (Yunai, Yatkip, Thunder Lizards)
Following the Shining Flare, some of those who received the Light's blessing of magic will give thanks to the sun and its patron for their abilities and teach those who come after of the Beacon of Light's blessing. [Zeal 2/10]

AP spent towards Domain: Light (Elemental Light) - 10/10

Acquired Domain: Light (Elemental Light)!

AP spent towards Domain: Faith (Protection) - 2/10

AP spent towards Domain: Faith (Zeal) - 2/10

2018-07-01, 07:02 AM
Wah: Igniterra - Among the Yunai

Wah nodded as simple response to the bow. He'd presumed correctly, there was the Dark in at least one of these. A comfort, but Wah was not a God of such and so felt little. "I shall in time return to the Dark, join me there at your leisure and we will speak more. A friend is a thing much like a jar. It takes time, work, sweat at the wheel and once it is done much can be placed within it. I should like to see the work put in, before I judge the vessel finished."

Wah then turned, regarding the warrior who had taken the Night Blossom from his fingers. "An invitation is yours as well. A warrior needs a blade and none better than made at my Forge." Another nod to the Lion Goddess before Wah finally turned to the Light. "Boy. I've no quarrel with you. Let us keep enmity from forming, for the Dark and the Flame are but two sides of a coin and without the fires nothing can ever truly be made. I've no invitation for you, for the Dark cannot abide your presence but perhaps in time we shall find a place to speak."

And with that, the Dark God was gone. There was another land, another place to find materials. Igniterra, it seemed would be its name, and the Dark descended upon it and found life more quickly than before. They were not Travelers but the spawn of them. Catlike, the Warrior's brood. The Yunai. Wah came at night, when the sun was hidden and only the stars shone to shine their light upon the world and took the form of a majestic lion whose mane was made from the Dark itself. The Prowl they would call him and he taught the clothed warriors to separate even finer threads for grander purpose.

He created for them Those Who Ate Iron. The size of a hand, these beasts roamed the forests and caverns of Igniterra and ate the minerals found in the dirt and stone. Their fangs were like drills and dripped mercury and lead, their silk was iron and emerald and could be worked like any simple thread and so too did The Prowl teach the Yunai the craft. Wah was pleased and with another step he was gone as dawn approached for The Prowl could not walk the Crater when the sun shone high.

Wah fled into the Earth, deep into the caverns beneath the volcanic island and found out the Dark within the caverns beneath as he walked with Those Who Ate Iron. His voice was not suited to singing but sing he did and he called to the Dark beneath. Those Who Ate Iron knew the tune and began to spin vast webs in the mighty caverns. Wah joined, working the earth to mighty spires so that the spiders could work their lines between and before long The Dark Web was born. Wah smiled, for the work was good. Here, perhaps, would be the home of the Dark. At least for a time.

Wah then returned to The Forgotten Dark. For it was his home and the Dark's as well.

AP = 4AP from Roll Over

Create Advanced Concept - Weaving (2AP): Wah teaches the Yunai more than simple clothing. He teaches how to build tents, how to build blankets and all manner of other wonders. [Crafts (5/10)]

Create Monstrous Life - Those Who Ate Iron (1AP): Spiders that dwell in the mountains of Iginiterra, primarily in the Crater, and devour minerals. They weave spider silk made of the refined metals and gems. They do not fear larger creatures though their bite is potent and dangerous as their venom is made from heavy metals that they ingest.[Animal (Spider) 4/10]

Marvel {Alter Land} - The Dark Web (1AP): Deep in the caverns of Igniterra dwells the home of Those Who Ate Iron. These webs are dangerous, sharp and dwell with The Dark. [Animal (Arachnid) 5/10)]

2018-07-01, 10:39 AM
Agir - The Verdant

The boy god was gladdened at the amiable nature of his kin, and thought what a wonder it was to meet those born of the earth, the water, and the darkness. Then, however, Saoirse summoned...or created another with nothing more than the force of her will. He was dumbstruck at how effortless it had appeared to be.

Is that it then? The power to create and destroy, to weave and unweave life with a thought or wave of one's hand?

He was troubled by the thought, and then the one spawned of the darkness issued not a welcome nor invitation, though his words spoke of peace there was no warmth in them.

"I....I suppose I understand," was all he could manage before the other hastened off.

The storm was now in full force, about to vent its full rage upon the shores of The Verdant, and as the child stood buffeted by the wind he felt small and despite the presences of the others, very much alone.

2018-07-01, 08:22 PM
Farah the Wind

Farrah grew restless, as was her nature, and drifted briefly from the other immortal. Interesting though he was she assumed he wouldn’t stray far. This was mostly because Farah couldn’t really imagine herself not being the center of this new universe with all these wonders and experiences thus far simply to entertain her. It was the way it had seemed to her thus far, even the world brightened at her arrival with the creation of the Roj. Though it had nothing to do with her.

“Whoosh let the waters part for the wind!” She laughed with an odd timber and parted the seas with a powerful gust. From the water rose more land to reclaim the oceans and it smashed against the Verdant with an audible crack shaking those lands. “Oh.. amazing! I didn’t know it would cause a reaction quite like that.” Farah said quietly before biting her lip in excitement. The waters churned at the cursed hurricane that still treaded between land and sea, desert and shore, and now even more due to the impromptu landscaping.

When all was finished the desert still lay in the middle of the lush Verdant but on one side where once there was still greenery before the sea now had horrible jagged rocks and a gigantic mountain range in it’s place. On the other newly raised continent it was the same story on that side; a jagged mess that became mountains that were quite steep but were still able to support the mountainous life that now dwelt there. It connected the Verdant to the new continent of Oustoraria but also separated by it.

Upon the new lands of Oustoraria lay miles of deep dark jungles with swamps and swampy areas surrounded by thin strip of salty beach on all non-mountainous sides. There was nothing but the sticky wetlands of miles of damp jungle here with lagoons, lakes and swampy bogs. There was scare few rivers but what few there were rushed at a deadly pace and usually ended in waterfalls. But it was teeming with life from monkeys to exotic birds and even the Jaguar, the deadliest predator in this jungle so far.


This incredible display attracted the attention of a vast number of what she came to know where Wind Elementals. She stopped them and questioned them deeply. Who were these mortal things like her? Who made them? What are they doing..


“I’m sorry ma’m but we serve and report back. That’s our job. We’re meant to find those of the Titans.. those like you.”

“Report on me... to whom?” She inquired with some curiosity. These particular wind elemenrals explained that they didn’t know for sure but it was another. Like her and the other one she’s found that still lingered in the sky nearby. It was worth looking into, either with or without her godly companion. When it was finished her normally cheerful and savage expression turned into a scowl.

“Those who are of the wind.. SHOULDN’T have a task!” And with a crash of lightning she obliterated that wind elemental. The others either scattered or tried to explain their purpose but she started to gather them up and encase them in flesh as a punishment. They would be like her, wind in a fleshy prison but unable to break free like her. It was a trade for them. The pleasures of the flesh but without the freedom of being wind. “As long as you wanna act like slaves I’ll make you slaves to your desires. This should be great fun.” She chuckled, as she imprisoned the last of these Wind Elementals still within sight of Trychu.

AP: 12

Create Land (Oustoraria) [2]: An impressively sized Mesoamerican style continent the size of a large continent attached to the Verdant by way of the Tollos Mountains. It’s just denser and denser jungle as you reach the center. It also has plenty of swampy areas and it’s just a wet humid densely jungled place. [Domain Water (Swamps)]

Alter Land (Tollos Mountains) [1]: These high peaks stand tall over the desert and the jungle connecting them but also apart in its own little chain of an ecosystem. You can’t reach them from the lush parts of the Verdant that the desert now separates straight through the middle except for on the far side.

Create Monstrous Life (The Roc) [1]: The Roc is a gigantic majestic bird about the size as a typical fantasy dragon if not larger. They possess no real intelligence beyond that of a predatory bird but their size, speed and strength are legendary. [Domain Animals (Birds)]

Bless (Thunderbreath) [1]: They can also breath lightning like typical dragons breath fire. So they are incredibly deadly monsters. [Domain Animals (Birds)]

Create Mythical Life Sub-Race (Sylphs) [2]: A fantastically beautiful race descinded from the Air Elementals. This is a horrible corruption of over a quarter of all Air Elementals and they have an increasing population because Sylphs will attack Air Elementals in an attempt to “convert” them. Tainted by Farah and imprisoned in flesh they have been driven insane and care only to folllw their own flippant and arbitrary desires. They revel in pranks and the pleasures of the flesh, instead of only observing they interfere and cause havoc. They’ll fall in obsessive love with a mortal and make them fall in love with them too before tearing down everything about their life in the pursuit of mad love before discarding them. They are wind sprite who dance and sing and torment mortals. Nominally they also attend to Farah and do her bidding as her personal servants. They look similar to typical fantasy faeries with butterfly wings. [Domain Life (Love)]

Curse (The Curse of Flesh) [1]: The actual curse which was first used upon the Air Elementals that forced them into flesh and malevolence. This also grants the Sylphs the ability to create more of their kind from ethereal beings. [Domain Life (Love)]

https://serving.photos.photobox.com/10529402a3c7edb49ede2341494888f4403746d3691fee65f4 e4678561412134aa9cfc4f.jpg

AP: 4

2018-07-01, 11:48 PM
Tharago Khan- The Khanate of Igniterra

The Thunder Lizards spread through the jungles of Igniterra. Some dwelt in the sheer mountainsides of the great volcanoes. Others dwelt on the jungle floor, others it's vast canopy. They formed their tribes amongst themselves, the massively built sharp toothed hunters formed Clan Blacktooth, the flying mountain dwellers Clan Skyspear, the three horned berserkers Clan Bloodhorn, the small but ferocious claw toed hunters made Clan Windblade and the tall ones with long necks formed Clan Stonehoof. The clans proceeded to interact, sometimes trading and other times fighting each other. Before long, these tribes began to fight, each one seeking power over the others. So the tribes called out to Thargaro Khan, asking who amongst them should rule the others.

Thargaro Khan thought long and hard about this. He had little care about how mortals governed themselves, but these were his children. He must set an example for them. He reached out a massive finger and pointed to the skull that he once smashed into the side of a volcano.

"Each tribe will send their leader to the Titan's Skull. The strongest amongst them will rule Igniterra!!"

Soon each Thunder Lizard clan sent their champion, all of them meeting in the shadow of the Titan's Skull, on an island between two lava flows. They all engaged in one on one combat with the others, fighting in simple duels until death or someone yeilded. It soon came down to two combatants: the champion of Clan Bloodhorn and Windblade. Bloodhorn's champion, Serrox, was a massive three horned demon of a warrior, unafraid to shed blood and crush his opponents with his mighty warhammer. His opponent was Tyrokk: the smallest champion, not even the largest among the already small members of Clan Windblade. A black and red pattern on his scales, the thunder lizard fought only with a spear.

How long the two fought it was unclear, but for the longest time the two seemed evenly matched. Serrox would swing his hammer with force enough to split stone, and Tyrokk would nimbly dodge out of the way, getting in a few quick strikes at the Bloodhorn warrior. Eventually, it became clear that Serrox was growing tired, and Tyrokk took his chance. Instead of leaping out of the way of Serrox's hammer, he lept past it, stabbing his spear through his arm. As Serrox roared in pain, he dropped his hammer as Tyrokk kicked the saurian in the chest, sending him sprawling on the ground. Tyrokk quickly stood on his opponents chest, pointing one of his clawed toes at his throat. The three horned giant met the eye of his opponent, nodded and yeilded.

Thargaro Khan smiled down upon his people's new leader. He said nothing, merely nodded at Tyrokk with approval. The Windblade champion turned around, raising his spear and roaring to the sky. The people, his people, responded in kind.

5 AP as of Rollover

2 AP to Create Society- The Igniterran Khanate: The Thunder Lizards believe in strength above all else, and that is seen in their society. The tribes are split by the different variations of Thunder Lizards, each one ruled by a chief. The Clans, like most societies, develop grudges, make alliances and even fight each other. However, all Clans must answer to the Khan: the chief of the Clan who has proven himself to be the strongest on Igniterra. The word of Khan is the ultimate law in Igniterra, and he can weild it as long as no one challenges his rule (which would be decided in a trial by combat).

2 AP to Create Hero- Tyrokk Khan of Clan Windblade: Tyrokk Khan is the first Khan of Igniterra, and therefore their greatest warrior. Small for a Thunder Lizard (Clan Windblade's members only stand about six feet tall), Tyrokk is often underestimated by the 'larger' chiefs among the Clans of Igniterra. A dangerous move, since what Tyrokk Khan lacks in size he more than makes up for in speed. Since Clan Windblade are 'group hunters', Tyrokk is also a surprisingly good tactician.

1 AP left


8/10 for Creatures (Saurians): 4 AP to Create Mythical Life (Thunder Lizards), 2 AP to Create Society (The Igniterran Khanate), 2 AP to Create Hero (Tyrokk Khan of Clan Windblade).

2018-07-04, 08:13 PM
Yuna, Mother of Many

Lost in new thoughts, Yuna barely registered the invitation to the Dark. She nodded her head and walked away into the Verdant. What breeds war? Resources, Homes, Other People. This world is too empty at the moment not enough to feel the need to conquer. She walked for quite sometime thrashed by the incredible storm that blew over the land she realized a place to start.

Using Yuna's Claw, Yuna pricked her index finger and a small droplet of blood form on it, quickly she flicked the small droplet to the ground. From her blood new life began to form and within moments dozens of people stood before her, unsure of what they were supposed to do. They stood tall, skin as black as the obsidian of Igniterra, their eyes devoid of features. "You shall be know as the Rukar, and I am your creator Yuna. Enjoy the world while you can, and be ready when the war starts." Yuna then leaped away flying out over the water.

Yuna came to a stop over the water and sunk herself beneath the waves. She pricked her middle finger the same as before and let the blood fuse with the water. It quickly bubbled and rose into more people. These people had Gills that flayed out from their necks and flaps of skin between their fingers and long toes. They also had long powerful tails that ended in fins. "I name you the Ilannes, take the sea for yourselves if you can." Yuna then propelled herself out of the water and found herself headed to a new land.

She landed on Oustoraria and found it lacking any peoples, perfect. Yuna pricked her fourth and fifth fingers. She flicked one droplet to the left and the other to the right. To Yuna's right rose a figures with brilliant feathers, they bore the heads and claws of birds but lacked wings, and to her left formed a most impressive people. White skinned and horned with eyes that seemed to glow with pure light. "You shall be the Pagros" Yuna said pointing to the Bird men "And you the Ukhan" Pointing to the horned people.

Yuna felt she had added to this world, and in time what she truly wanted would come to pass.

Create Sapient Life(2):[Rukar] A race of darkness, they can see well at night and but are unfazed by the day they will seek the gods to learn what to do.
Create Sapient Life(2):[Ilannes] A race of the waters they can swim and breath water.
Create Sapient Life(2):[Pagros] A race of flightless birds there intelligence will leave the world open to them if they are given the chance
Create Sapient Life(2):[Ukhan] A race of light that will walk the First world for themselves and will be wary of the gods.


Divine evolution: Life (Fertility)
Create Sapient Life(2):Yunai
Create Sapient Life(2):Rukar
Create Sapient Life(2):Ilannes
Create Sapient Life(2):Pagros
Create Sapient Life(2):Ukhan
Doain Gained: Life (Fertility)

2018-07-07, 06:40 AM

Uijak's campaign over land with the otters was an interesting one. He learned how the land dwellers lived, looking for growth beyond the yoke of the hunt. They would farm, grow plants and barter. There were some who had never killed in a frenzy. There was a weakness in the land dwellers that the Sunken Lord couldn't help but associate to a lack of salt on their lives. They had escaped the sea and grown complacent. Weak.

The god's mood soured as the White Otter company traveled over land and saw how other people's lived. For there were many creatures, many species more intelligent that the fishes of his sea and albeit that more unknowing of how things actually were. Here over land none would die with a salty serving of water on their lungs. Here they were beyond his reach.

In such a dark mood the god decided to cleanse himself of his assumed guise and return to the waters. He left the mercenary company on the hands of the oldest and most cunning otter and returned to the sea. As the sea's current touched him he felt momentarily whole again. As a shark he danced and played with the tides. He chased the water elementals and found the Ilannes bearably tasteful in their attempt to take over the sea's. It was in one of those hunts, as he was prowling after some Ilannes hunters that the god reached what once had been sea and was now Oustoraria. A vengeful madness gripped him. Up to that point Uijak had been a hunter and a killer but he had been alien to malice. Now he pledged to retake the lands and drag them under the sea eternal.

He took the Ilannes hunting party and broke them, remoulding them to his likeness, to better be the tools that they needed to be. To be generals, to be conspirators, to be philosophers, to be assassins, to be changers. What had been fishmen were much more. Their skin changing toughening in small sharp denticles like those of a shark, below the skin he filled them with the cromatophores of the octopus and his own bioluminiscence. He adapted their eyes so they would see lights, colors, temperature, radiation, magic, and powers to be. He split their tails into a miriad of tentacles so they would be able to walk on the damned land if the need arose. He bound the adaptable wiliness of the water elementals to their flesh so they would be capable of further change. He changed their innards, so they would survive on almost anything, including the gases expelled from the vents deep in the sea but would thrive when eating sentient creatures. He changed their souls, tying them with incarnum and the ghostly emotions of those they ate. He taught them all he had learned from above land and structured them into rulers. And when he was satisfied he hid them, he concealed them as mere Ilannes they would sunk the lands into the water in his name but things were not ready yet. He gave the Niuhi, for that's what they decided to call themselves, a map of what had once been sea and left it with them so they would know what needed retaking and how to reach it.

It was in this way that the first Nihui explorers lead the Illanes hunters into the caverns below Igniterra, filling them with water and speeding their advance.

Initial AP 2 + 4

Create Sub-Race (2/2 +1 = 2AP; Mythical Race): The Niuhi normally resemble the Ilannes and camouflage themselves as such even if their bodies are larger. The biggest difference is their tentacles, for they do not have a tail, but they normally conceal them by disguising them as if they were a tail. Their skin is normally white, but can change colors pretty fast to mimic the environment, like Uijak they can also emit bioluminescence. But what is the strongest with them is their minds and souls. They are masters of soulmelding, splicing and modifying the spirits of living and dead alike. They are natural practitioners of lucency and abjuration. The Niuhi grow stronger and smarter by devouring the intellect of sentient creatures. [Blackwater (Aberrations) 2/10)]

Create Society (2 AP): The Kahu'Nihui, Nihui are few in number and prefer to live ostracized from each other rarely coming into contact. It is rare that more than a score would be together at the same time since they are apex predators. Most Nihui prefer to live simple lives surrounded by Illanes who are only concerned with taking over the sea. The Nihui society is then a parasitistic one that uses other less advanced creatures as catpaws. As each Nihui is powerful enough to challenge the others the internal workings of the society are regulated by strong trading agreements, be they trading slaves, riches, territory or knowledge. [Trade (Payment) 6/10]

Conceal Action (1 AP): The Nihui are adept infiltrators, they appear as brutish Illanes, or slightly changed Illanes to anyone who attempts to identify them. [Blackwater (Aberrations) 3/10)]

Divine Favor (3 - 2 = 1AP): The Charts of Salted Currents, in the hands of the Kahu'Nihui these charts show what was once the ocean floor and pushes the ground to remember what it once was, allowing them to alter land. [Blackwater (Aberrations) 4/10)]

Alter Land (0 AP, the charts): The Dark, the caverns below Igniterra, are connected to the underdark, the ocean floor and the lower levels are filled with water and wandering Ilannes hunters led by the Kahu'Nihui.

2018-07-10, 05:23 AM
Yin had spent a few years watching the Yatkip, some amongst their number grew mighty, and won fame in countless contests, one even developed a power all to similar to his own and journeyed off to hunt beyond the horizon. But now it was time to journey once more into the Wild lands of the hunter.

Slipping into a forest of great and old pine trees Yin slaughtered many creatures, bears, boar, bison and bobcat all fell under his fangs. And he saw, now and again, that other hunters walked these paths. Yet this simply would not do, for what good was the hunt without challenge or prize? So he walked through an archway of birch that stood in a small clearing, wiped his bloody maw on the roots and beyond made a new home for the hunt. With trees that reached to the heavens revealing rabbits the size of boars, boar the size of elk and elk that reached to the heavens like the elephants. Predators here grew in strength as well, falcons that could carry unwary hunters to the sky and bears with hide near impervious to any mortal weapon. Each beast perfectly adapted to a life of conflict and competition, one that demanded cunning as well as might, one that would test the limits of any mortal hunter attempting to end it.

This was the forest of Drasnaga, and it would be his new home.

Start: 16
Weave Plane (4AP): The Drasnaga Forest: A endless hunting ground, filled with ferocious and dangerous beasts, this is where the hunter king makes his lair and waits patiently for prey

Bridge Plane (2AP): At current there is only one grove that takes applicants in and out of the Drasnaga, but more can be created by finding a grove of birch in the forest and wetting their roots with the blood of animals you have hunted.

Create Monstrous Life (1AP): Drasnaga Beasts: These are found inside the Drasnaga forest but they can slip through the gaps to find themselves on the material plane. Huge, agressive and terrifying versions of ordinary beasts they are a great challenge for even the mightiest hunter.

Bless (1AP): He that brings down a beasts of the Drasnaga through the hunter’s way will forever more be blessed with sharp cunning, endless stamina and lightning reflexes.

2018-07-13, 03:58 PM
Uijak and what would become Iz'eb, Yatpik lands

The shark was content as the creatures that had changed under his care. He stood back and relaxed for a second of introspection. And he heard them, the prayers. The Yatpik of the White Otter company were telling him of their travels. Of their adventures. From them he learned of the Drasnaga forest and how it was filled with trees and beasts beyond what they had seen before. A powerful prize for the hunt that his initiates would bring down.

He resumed his form that of a white Yatpik pockmarked with shark teeth and went to investigate the forest. He saw the trees there and the beasts and knew that they were not of the prime. He took one of the growing trees only a bit taller than a saproling.

He stepped back for an instant, leaving the world into the void. He took some time. He let the world spin before deciding where he was going to plant the first tree that would change the surface more to his liking while those below expanded the domains of the waters below.

Igniterra was by far the greenest land and on closer inspection he saw the thunder lizards and their strength was something that would help his tree grow strong.

Uijak and Iz'eb, Igniterra

Deep in the jungles of Igniterra is where the shark god, still in Yatpik form, planted the saproling. He then raised his hand to his mouth and bit hard. The god bled salt that the saproling drank thirstily. Sea salt not being for the weak made the tree grow strong. Earth's salt not being for the living soon the tree crossed beyond. The god's salt not being for mere mortal things the tree reached into the divine.


The introspective's god voice was that of the deep and sure rumble of the darkest current. It pulled Iz'eb into being.

"Wake, and wreak."

2018-07-13, 04:50 PM
The Shark and the Log

Alas, Iz'eb did not wake.

Oh, the tree did grow, god's salt made it appear at times during its slow life a horse chestnut, an ash, a honey locust, a sycamore, a hedge maples and even a sweet gum. It's tempting to wonder if the other God would've stayed for a mortal trees aging? Would he have stood year after year, harvest after harvest, as the branches grasped the air and light? Luckily none would have to find out - for the tree, in a mangrove appearance, grew for the benefit of the God's perception. Perhaps a mortal came a picnicked under the god to be while the god was just a mortal tree.

But that's half the secret? Trees are barely mortal already.

And so the mangrove that was sometimes a sycamore grew and flourished until it was the greatest tree in the forest, perhaps the world. One could call it a world tree - but no - its leaves may have perhaps just provided slight shade to the rest of the canopy. But, perhaps because it grew to accommodate the attention of one who was non-arboreal, those things of bone and haste, rot set in. One could see the telltale burnt orange of soft bark set in in rivets and rivers along the base.

And so, as the rot encircled the great young and old giant the trunk began to splinter as the rest of the tree bore its weight down upon it. The crack of the bark may have been the saddest and loudest sound the young world may have heard, louder even than the tumultuous blast of the tree falling onto the forest floor. As the tree fell, it dragged other trees down with it, since no tree (even lone guideposts alone in the deserts) truly dies alone. Remember too that like all trees, animals – more than can be counted, had made their home on the tree and most of them would be broken and maimed in the crash. The dirt too – one doesn’t think about the dirt, a fall of a great giant like that? The soil would liquefy and turn into runny mud.

And now a log, on the mud ruined forest ground – surrounded by dead animals and worse, dead trees, the once-tree finally became a god.

Iz’eb did not wake, but Iz’eb finally became something sleeping.

The fall cracked much of the great tree’s branches and Iz’eb’s sap ran out – a heady substance of chartreus and maroon. It smelled like . . . it smelled like what one may do. It smelled, to the god of the ocean, like a world that was ocean. Salt, adversity, and triumph. The sap came slowly – ever so slowly dripped into the liquefied ground and mixed into the muddy ruin, some of the broken squirrels sank. Some of the mosquitos and other insects that laid still shocked from the fall became encased – gems to be.

The wind blew into the forest and the leaves of the dead god fell off their ornamental stalks. One could hear them say:

What do you want to do?

2018-07-17, 04:23 PM

The question stayed on the air like a soft mist - blank and expressionless, waiting for the unwary. The dead tree did hurry for an answer, it was content to just let the question remain there, hanging, until something or someone stumbled into its noose.

But the patience of a tree is a mysterious thing - one would think that they are just there, content to exist motionless, stationary, islands to themselves. But it is not so, a tree is always busy, it is always doing. Even when it is dying. Even when dead the work remains.

The muck of the liquefied ground burbled as the heavy sap of the dead god seeped deep beneath the soil. The fur of the small creatures crushed by the impact or rendered dead by the shock of the fall sank alongside the exoskeletons of thousands of insects that none took notice of. Their bodies were blood offerings to the roots, the Roots, that endless and incalculable maze of those still living and those still dead.

It would be wrong to say that some twigs came to life, for twigs were once alive. No - instead they came back to life, dressed in nothing but the nakedness of nature. In the dirt they formed into beautiful maidens - skin the color of ash-trees, one eye green and the other purple, hair that changed like the seasons. These were the dryads, not so much sisters of trees as they were the trees. Some were even the dryads of the great mushrooms of those strange other forests.

These many sisters and mothers vanished with a silent pop, the sound of acorns hitting the ground, with a silent flight, the sound of a dandelion’s ruderals colonizing new dirt - and they went home to themselves.

Start 16 AP

4 AP Create Mythical Life - Dryads. Each is tied to a tree such that if the tree dies, they die and vice versa. They can travel from any one living tree to any one other living tree with but a thought.

End 12 AP

2018-07-18, 09:41 AM
The god stood there in silent introspection. It was as if something important had fled from his mind busying itself with alien thoughts. Live rose and fell while the shark god reflected. What did it want? Up to a point he had just wanted to live on the cycle of life and rebirth, then when it had been broken entertainment, a fleeting distraction... When his own introspection had gotten the best of him and many had risen from the sea escaping the salt and death below the waves he had wanted to strike in anger. To drown the world back into the waters. But... The question. What did he want?

"I want to be acknowledged and respected, the strife and death that comes from it are necessary for life. Too many have fled above land escaping the clean simpleness of the cycle of hunter and prey below the waters. While that is not necessarily a bad thing I do feel displaced. Help me get purpose."

OoC: I almost went too meta there.

2018-07-18, 02:34 PM
The Shark and the Log

The answer comes from the living God. It comes like the crashing of waves and the spray of salt. It comes like erosion. It comes like time itself. It comes with a question.

Purpose . . .

What is purpose for a living tree? Purpose is to continue living. Just that. To live, to survive - and to do either is to provide. Those walking animals without roots in the ground think the circle is life and death, death to life. But not so - the circle is giving and receiving. Give and Receive. That is the answer of purpose to a living tree. . . but, alas Iz'eb is dead.

What is purpose for the dead? Could it be that there is none? That purpose is what makes life worth living, and if you have purpose when you're dead then you had no purpose to be alive? Sure, the living tree thinks, the cycle of gifts and checks continues. Your body gives when you die, but that is your body, not you. What you are your dreams, not your body. Even the tree. Even the dead ones.

And so what is the purpose of dreams? The splintered wood on the forest ground thinks on this question as its blood-sap, the very stuff of dreams, quickens and turns to gems dropping into the mud. Perhaps it is to give and receive as well? If you take your own dream and you give it to another so that they may share in that dream and you share in theirs. Purpose is found by finding purpose.

The soft murmur of the fungi growing in the shadow of the log answer the Shark.

I cannot give you purpose, but I can help you look.

The final leaves still left on the branches fall away, and the ground begins to harden finally. More like clay than mud now. Swirls of chartreuse and magenta bisect the ground like rivers.

As you said, strife is necessary for the living. You are still alive and thus you must strive. Without the use or allusion to any of your strength or power try to convince one mortal to drown themselves. Perhaps with this task you’ll see what is necessary for you to remain alive and what is necessary of the dead.

There is a tree that grows in this world that is called the suicide tree. It blooms only once and when it does its seeds fall onto the sunless ground. The seeds need the sun to grow, but far beneath the canopy, there is only darkness. Soon after the tree blooms it dies, falling and tearing a great hole in the canopy. Killing itself and killing others so that its children may live. The gift.

The suicide tree’s sap runs fluorescent green. A single drop, ingested, kills any mortal. It stains water and milk too easily, it putrefies food, and it is useless if merely doused in blood. No, the only way it kills is through willingness. Is this another gift?

Is the receipt always and always death?

The cycle may be giving and receiving, but no one said that the gift wasn’t poison.