View Full Version : The Wild Card: Matsuda Kai

2018-06-26, 10:47 AM
Kai finds himself sitting in an apartment. It's nothing special, as far as they go. A little messy. A little cramped. He's sitting on his couch, a pot of ramen on his lap while something plays on the television. He doesn't know what it is - it's just something, some kind of noise to fill the space outside his head. He feels like himself, at least - he's got his favorite t-shirt on, the ramen is the good kind, with the cute girl on the pot, and he has nothing to do.

Then, his front door opens, and he sees his father standing there. Something like his father, anyway - the same suit he's been wearing since Kai's mother left. Same haircut. All that's different is that he's a little...greyer than normal. It takes a moment to notice, but it's like his suit has seeped into his skin and there's not a dash of color left. No brown eyes, and his skin, though always a shade too pale, is like paper. Even if he squints, Kai can't even tell where the suit starts.

"Hello, Kai-kun." The elder Matsuda greets, not stepping into the room. "I've come to offer you a job." His voice seems more and more droning by the second, almost like it's recited. "Again. You've fallen off the tracks, but you can salvage your life. You can be filing paperwork by the end of the day."

When Kai gets up, takes a step to close some of the distance, he feels something rush through him. He looks down and sees that the colors on his clothes have faded by a few shades, his clothes cling to him. And when he thinks about stopping, his vision blurs, and the room around him changes. A few more ramen boxes are laid around, the television's dirtier, and he can feel stubble building up on his jaw. And he feels less youthful than he did a minute ago.

"Don't just stand there, Kai-kun. You don't know how sad it is, to see you like this." His monochromatic father chides. "Insurance isn't as boring as you think. You're not a teenager any more - you should have grown out of this rebellion already. I'll even lend you money for your first suit."

So! Here's the deal: You'll control Kai and his Persona, with his Persona's goal being to get Kai to accept a contract with it and Awaken.

Right now, the scenario in the room is that: If Kai takes a step towards his father, he'll become more monochromatic, more dull, and his clothes will cling to him like a second skin - along with changing into a suit. If he replies to his father without approaching him, he'll get older, slobbier, his apartment subject to entropy.

When he accepts his Contract, you can think of some suitably awesome way to break the scenario and be awesome.

2018-06-27, 09:22 PM
Kai's head snaps up as he starts awake, nearly sending his pot of ramen flying. Catching it, he sets it safely on the endtable and rubs the cobwebs out of his eyes. "Jeez, man, you need more sleep..." He has a feeling he'd been dreaming about something really strange--something about a man in blue, and a deck of cards--but the details slip away before he can grasp them.

He's just getting comfortable when the knock comes. "The hell?" He's not expecting anyone...probably best to ignore it. Just someone selling something...

"Hello, Kai-kun."

Kai blinks. When did he get up?

Something in his dad's voice sets his teeth on edge even worse than usual. "What are you talking about?" Snappishness creeps into his voice--the a**hole really has the gall to come to his place and read him this act? "Last I checked, I'm doing just fine."

No sooner have the words left his lips than he's gripped by the feeling of something being off. There's something in the air...it clings to him like sweat, like needing a bath, his skin crawls. When was the last time he aired this place out?

"Don't just stand there, Kai-kun. You don't know how sad it is, to see you like this. Insurance isn't as boring as you think. You're not a teenager any more - you should have grown out of this rebellion already. I'll even lend you money for your first suit."

Like this? Kai feels his hands curling into fists. "You've got some balls, you know that?" There's no keeping the anger out of his words now. "What, you can't be happy unless I'm as miserable as you? I already said I'm doing just fine, so leave me the hell alone!"

Something's wrong. The carpet looks like it hasn't been vacuumed in weeks. And when did all this garbage pile up? This isn't how it should be--this is his place, his one island of independence from his family and this whole f***ed-up world, how could he have let it get like this?

A stab of pain through his head cuts into the confusion, making his vision blur.

I am thou...

Kai is holding his ground for the moment. Let's turn up the pressure and see how he handles it.

2018-06-27, 09:40 PM
"I've heard it all before." Matsuda-san says, without inflection, without even a shift of his hand. "Leave me alone, father. I don't want to do anything, father. My colleagues have mentioned it. Their children are working now. They stopped saying it. So I can't leave you alone." His eyes can't even muster the energy to look around the degrading room. "It's not normal."