View Full Version : Can I bond someone else's weapon? also custom+large weapons

2018-06-26, 11:36 AM
My main query is can my eldritch knight bond with someone else's weapon. this is to serve a multiple purpose, both regarding our orc bezerker barbarian who goes full crazy RP (which I love). I want to offer to bond his weapon so if we are ever captured, out pops both my sword and his great axe...

However, my other motive is when he loses his temper with no enemies about. one bonus action and I can disarm him so he cant cut our squishier players in half.

other queries are regards custom weapons, can I make a weapon which is also a tool, like a sword with a lockipicking swiss army knife for example.

and finally we may need to be part of a siege, can I bind to a siege weapon so I can have different options. might have to find some way of carrying ammo it thats what a portable hole if for. (totally havent got a drawing of an upside down portable hole filled with boulders as an ammo clip for a catapult)

2018-06-26, 11:43 AM
If that person will let you have their weapon for an hour to perform the binding ritual, I don't see why not.

As for a weapon that's also a tool, you'd have to ask your DM, though if you were in a position to find a blacksmith or some other artisan capable of making one and had the gold for it, I'd allow it as a DM.

For siege weapons, the specific text of the summoning bonus action says it teleports "to your hand" which at least implies that it has to be a weapon you could reasonably hold in one hand, and it really does seem to me like a siege weapon is outside of the spirit of Weapon Bond.

2018-06-26, 11:59 AM
the questions were in order of how important they were so am fine if the consensus is that a siege weapon is too big. I wondered if the 'in your hand' rule prevents it also being on the floor, like a trebuchet appearing with its crank in your hand (giggity). that last option was just for fun so I don't have to turn up to a BYOB (bring your own ballista) party, empty handed :)

2018-06-26, 01:10 PM
My main query is can my eldritch knight bond with someone else's weapon. this is to serve a multiple purpose, both regarding our orc bezerker barbarian who goes full crazy RP (which I love). I want to offer to bond his weapon so if we are ever captured, out pops both my sword and his great axe...

Why not, I don't see anything in the text that says you can't hand your bonded weapon off to another person, just no disarming.

can I make a weapon which is also a tool, like a sword with a lockipicking swiss army knife for example.

I'm sure the Gnomes would love to do that...but watch out for 'splosions...

can I bind to a siege weapon
While it may not be in black and white that the size of the bonded weapon must be something you can wield in one, or both, hands, I would lean toward the no side as well. I can imagine summoning your trebuchet and watch it sever your hand...

I wondered if the 'in your hand' rule prevents it also being on the floor, like a trebuchet appearing with its crank in your hand (giggity)

If you wanted to rule it that way, have fun...but I'm not sure, as a player, if I'd be happy that the evil dreadnaught's captain just popped a ballista out from the aether and launched it at my party.