View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] Looking For Magical Beast

2018-06-26, 07:59 PM
Hey all, looking for a monster, wonder if you folks could help me? AFB at the moment.

Needs to be a Magical Beast, 6HD or more. The lower the CR the better.

Ideally would have a vaguely humanoid form, or ability to assume some kind of humanoid form.

An Aranea with class levels works, but I was hoping to find something that didn't require class levels.

It needs to "inherently" be a Magical Beast, so nothing with templates please.

Cheers - T

The Viscount
2018-06-26, 08:37 PM
How humanoid do you want it?

The Gambol (MM2) is built somewhat like a baboon or mandrill, CR 5 for 8 HD.

There's always the old classic of Girallon, CR 6 for 7 HD.

The similarly classic but less famous Gray Render is CR 8 for 10 HD.

The various Varrangoins from FF have wings instead of arms, but I would say are still fairly humanoid in shape. Their CRs for the ones above 6HD are 10 and 11 for 8 HD each.

On the more obscure front, the Limbo Stalker from Planar handbook has some fun abilities, CR 8 for 8 HD.

2018-06-26, 08:49 PM
Here's the thing; most of the weird, mostly humanoid creatures fall under monstrous humanoid rather than magical beast. Best you're going to get is something pretty ape-like.

2018-06-26, 09:24 PM
What about Urskan from Frosburn? 5HD, CR5, Large Magical Beast(Cold) in bear humanoid form, has intellegent and it's own language, could use armor and weapon.

2018-06-26, 09:34 PM
How humanoid do you want it?

The Gambol (MM2) is built somewhat like a baboon or mandrill, CR 5 for 8 HD.

There's always the old classic of Girallon, CR 6 for 7 HD.

The similarly classic but less famous Gray Render is CR 8 for 10 HD.

The various Varrangoins from FF have wings instead of arms, but I would say are still fairly humanoid in shape. Their CRs for the ones above 6HD are 10 and 11 for 8 HD each.

On the more obscure front, the Limbo Stalker from Planar handbook has some fun abilities, CR 8 for 8 HD.

Cool, I'll look into those.

Here's the thing; most of the weird, mostly humanoid creatures fall under monstrous humanoid rather than magical beast. Best you're going to get is something pretty ape-like.

Yeah, true. Unfortunately, MH doesn't work for what I need.

That's why something like an Aranea would be good, but is a bit lacking in HD.

What about Urskan from Frosburn? 5HD, CR5, Large Magical Beast(Cold) in bear humanoid form, has intellegent and it's own language, could use armor and weapon.

I'll look at them too, but would need at 1 least class level...

If I was going to include class levels, Jackalwere (FF) and Seawolf (Sto) would also be options.

In fact, Jackalwere is very fitting for my purposes, the more I think about it. :smallsmile:

2018-06-27, 08:26 AM
254 results for Magical Beast (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/lists/monsters&tablefilter=magical%20beast)

A Gray Render (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/grayRender.htm) (large, 10 HD, CR 8) is roughly humanoid in form, and you can apply the Dungeonbred template to get it down to medium size without changing its type, HD, or CR.

A Senmurv in Fiend Folio (large, 3 HD, CR 3, advanced (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/improvingMonsters.htm#advancedMonsterChallengeRati ng) to 6 HD it's CR 4) is more or less humanoid but with wings for arms. Again you can apply Dungeonbred to make it medium size.

Even an (advanced) Owlbear (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/owlbear.htm) could work, depending on just how humanoid-shaped it needs to be.

2018-06-27, 12:49 PM
Well, Gray Glutton (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/grayGlutton.htm), despite it's Int 2, "has a vaguely humanoid form"

"The Dying of the Light" adventure (Dungeon #84) have Large Gargoyles - 7 HD, CR 4*
* Due to their Large size, the gargoyles are worth 175% XP.

As a last resort - how about to use the Despoiler of Flesh (Book of Vile Darkness)?
The artifact allows the wielder to reshape the flesh of any creature, as with a polymorph other spell except that any shape that the wielder can imagine can be bestowed, whether a creature actually exists in that form or not. If a form is bestowed that is unwieldy or untenable, or that was created without careful forethought, the creature simply dies. For example, the wielder could change the form of a wolf into that of a human known to him. He could then (using the Despoiler of Flesh again) give that human purplish black skin and tentacles for arms. If he attempted to also give the victim six spider legs and batlike wings large enough to carry him aloft, the form would simply collapse under its own weight into a pile of fleshy goo.