View Full Version : DM Help ****Spoilers for Storm Kings Thunder**** Question about encounter

2018-06-27, 01:44 PM
***************Spoilers for Storm Kings Thunder Ahead******************************
So my players just finished freeing the people of nightstone and are on their way to Bryn Shader. On their first day a cloud giant castle should come to them. Making their way into the castle they meet a friendly cloud giant. Here is my question: How do I make sure they know this giant is friendly. However I have dropped hints to my players through npc that giants are becoming a problem. I don't want them to break out into a fight. How do I accomplish this? Thanks

2018-06-27, 02:04 PM
Have the cloud giant hail them, invite them in the castle, and generally be friendly and fun. Offering them food and booze, answering their questions, etc.

2018-06-27, 03:54 PM
I know the giant you're talking about. Honestly, he's basically worthless to the entire story. I've run SKT twice, and both times my players basically said "who the **** is this guy, and why the **** does he even exist?"

Were I to run AKT a third time, I'd remove him completely and just role play the characters walking to whichever town they want to go. There really isn't a time crunch in SKT anyway.

If you DO want to use him, I recommend playing him a lot like Mordin Solus of Mass Effect 2 & 3. Super hyper-active and really quirky and fun. At least then the players will get a memorable experience, if not a useful one.

2018-06-27, 04:16 PM
Here is my question: How do I make sure they know this giant is friendly. However I have dropped hints to my players through npc that giants are becoming a problem. I don't want them to break out into a fight. How do I accomplish this? Thanks

**Spoilers, obviously...

Have Zephyros hail the party, show that he's not there to fight. Have him be sorry for what the other cloud giant casle did to Nightstone. He can be the first to answer questions about the Ordning and what that means for the characters. (Don't mention he has a magic staff to your power gamers)

The townsfolk can corroborate that it wasn't his castle that threw the boulders into town. His magic hat tower would be instantly recognizable.

I think Zephyros plays an important part on laying the foundation for later chapters. Specifically, that not all Giants are out to crush the little folk on their way to a higher standing in a new Ordning. It prepares them to meet Harshnag, and possibly work to save the Storm Giant King, instead of murdering their way through the Maelstrom.

2018-06-27, 08:47 PM
You don't need him and deleting him from the story would mean the players won't be asking 'why doesn't he DO something useful'. If he's the source for any germane info, you can have the Harpers or other organization pass it along.

2018-06-27, 09:13 PM
You don't need him and deleting him from the story would mean the players won't be asking 'why doesn't he DO something useful'. If he's the source for any germane info, you can have the Harpers or other organization pass it along.

The "Why doesn't he doe something useful" bit is easily explained away, though.

His simple answer could be, "I've tried, but the council does not hear my warnings. They believe I spend too much time with the little people. Learning their ways and the things they do. They feel I've lost touch with my own kin."

This not only shows he's gentle and not a threat; but this grants the chance for the characters to roleplay, and possibly sympathize with him - giving them that extra "Urmph" to say, "We need to do this for ourselves - and for him."