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2018-06-27, 02:22 PM
Combat Maps (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DwoT7zjAY593S5r-XibCPG0vqgHe7iZAkMNEXRwKylk/edit?usp=sharing), OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562397-Tales-of-the-Blood-War-(OOC))

Tales from the Blood War

The City of Doors

Start with a torus, take a knife and hollow out its inside, then on its inner ring place a sprawling metropolis. That is Sigil, the City of Doors.

From any point on Sigil, one can look up to see the great curve of the city, its districts and peoples suspended at unnatural angles. Gravity keeps everything attached to the nearest arc of the ring. It can be vertigo-inducing. It is breathtaking, both figuratively and literally, as the air is thin. Our protagonists got used to the air eventually, after their first week or two. The city is otherwise temperate on the chilly side and an unsourced cool wind occasionally circulates, supplying much needed fresh air to the various wards.

The city is labyrinthine. Alleys snake between haphazard, rubble-walled buildings and tall, arcing stone bridges rise from the cobblestone streets to alongside the vaulted domes and trussed rafter roofs. The streets are congested with traffic, mostly humans, githzerai, bariaur, and tieflings, but among them walk the occasional elf and dwarf. Rarer still but not unknown to the city, fiends, celestials, slaadi, and modrons carve wide paths through the throngs, their conspicuous forms standing out even among the varied silhouettes of the city.

Sigil thrives.

The Palace of the Jester

Sigil is a city of impossible architectures, and preeminent among these is the Palace of the Jester, a sprawling building built from large stone blocks, featuring grand arches and lofty towers and ornamented with house-sized murals and tall stained glass windows. It has many entrances and exits and sits neatly in a lightly populated plaza in the Lady's Ward. There is no traffic in and out of the Palace; it is quiet and those who look at it feel disquieted. Except for the occasional upper-class figure and their entourage using the Palace for business, most stay clear.

The Palace's halls echo with one's footsteps. The interior is only lightly furnished and without decorations of any sort. Stone and wooden tables, chairs, and empty shelves dot the rooms in their various forms, as befits the rooms' probable functions. The lighting is dim and the sconce candle flames flickering along the walls cast deep shadows behind every object and angle. It does not help that the rooms are vast, the cold stone floors wide and the rafted ceilings tall.

The name on the letters our protagonists received was Tethra. It was an obscure name, and asking around Sigil did not reveal who it was. Only after our protagonists began probing their more powerful contacts did they learn that Tethra was a planewalker and patron of adventurers, in particular, adventurers involved in events of cosmic scope. Working for him was a fast route to power and importance in the planes, the contacts would say, but the danger was commensurate. "Be sure you know what you're asking for."

Tethra's letters had included detailed instructions on navigating the maze-like Palace halls to the place of meeting. The time was set to noon, or 'peak' as the locals would say. The actual message was sparse: W.R.T. the Blood War. Don't be late.

Our protagonists file into a room, as directed by their letters. Perhaps they took the time to first scope out the place and make sure their fellows were not threats. Either way, they were not late when they eventually arrived.

A ray of light from a stained-glass window strikes a table formed of smooth stone. There are no chairs or furniture in general to speak of. Just beyond the table is a human, dressed in an elegant but simple outfit consisting of a red, buttoned shirt and dark vest. In his arms is a matching cloak.

"Tethra," he says, "collector of lore and occasional acquaintance of adventurers. I'd heard you've been asking about the Blood War. Usually, travelers such as yourselves are recruited by the fiends or factions of Sigil relatively quickly, and if you haven't been approached yet, you will be soon. But I thought I'd cut in before they get the opportunity, as I've been looking for a new group. I come with an offer and intend for you to work together." He pauses, as if deciding what to say next. "Let me get straight to the point, actually. The tanar'ri glabrezu Ashiethema possesses a scroll of prophecy. I'd like to read that scroll, as you might guess—prophecies are virtually never good and always annoying, but ignoring one is foolish. The problem is, dear Ashi is on the run from infernal and abyssal forces both and I'm not interested in tracking her to whatever divination-impervious hole she's hiding in. Now, if you'd be willing to assist me in this, and retrieve the scroll for me, I offer each of you a wish.

"If you have any problems with what I've said, or have any questions, now's the time to ask. I'd be very astonished and worried, in fact, if you had no questions."

2018-06-27, 03:31 PM
Will had been in Sigil, again, for a few weeks, asking around, spending what coin he had, and looking for more work to refill his purse, the last job had been cut off short, but they were rewarded for their waste of time, and now he was restless.

Well, his lips were, he himself didn't like to exert much, except maybe his fingers and hands while he held some cards, and counted the coin he was going to win.

Dashing a devilish smile to his opponents, he was genuinely happy, he hand't needed to resort to cheating, and he was in high hopes to win this hand, he mocked surprise when his opponent revealed his hand, it was a good hand, but his smile crept across his face as he revealed his own. Marshal to cog, he had a noble flush, beating his full house. He nodded kindly as he collected his winnings, minus what he owed the house....which left him with a few gold coins, deciding to walk away (which was rare indeed), he realized he was almost late for the meeting!

Heading out, he followed the intricate directions, Will was never one for intellectual tricks, and hated mazes, it was a wander he stayed in Sigil at all, but the jobs were good, and plenty, and his desire to get broiled up in the Blood War was real, he thought it would either kill him, or elevate him to greatness.

And so he entered the meeting room, a few others arrived, and he eyed them conspicuously, this wasn't his first, 'Assembling of the adeventuring party' gig, and waited for everyone, and then his guest to start speaking.

A wish? that was quite the reward, something must be wrong with this particular Glabrezu, well, maybe more wrong, they all had their quirks.

He is the first to speak up, a question forming on his tongue the moment he heard the man speak: "What is thiis Ashi running from, exactly? And where did this prophecy come from?"

2018-06-27, 05:44 PM
Having spent the previous month or so in Sigil, brushing up on her lore, and establishing a reputation as a minor sage, Eilyra finds herself to be ready for the next step in her plans. I've been out of circulation for five thousand years or so, but now that Sarya's been dealt with, and I've had a bit of time to pick up some of the things I've missed, it's time to move on. Recovering the manse would be a good goal, but it's far beyond my resources for the moment. No one knows I'm alive, yet, and I have some time before the name is declared dead, but not much. Getting resources and backing quickly is going to be risky, and the only real option is the Blood War. I've got the information, but I can't wait around hoping... At that moment, a brief knock sounds on her luxurious apartment, and a letter pushes through the slot, the decorative sigil clearly marking it as Tethra's. After checking it for magical traps, Eilyra somewhat gingerly picks it up, and reads it. Well, that's certainly good news. His reputation's fairly solid, and I'll certainly survive the job, so...

The next day finds Eilyra dressed in her white leathers, with her sword between her wings, and her pouch at her side. With her diadem and necklace serving to enhance her burning hair, and golden eyes, she certainly looks the part of a noble adventurer. Of course, her wings, horns, and tail detract from this somewhat.

Still, she strides confidently into the room, without an ounce of hesitation, and calmly takes a seat, far from the door, and watches her would be companions as she waits. Soon enough, Tethra enters, and she listens. Must be quite the scroll, for Tethra to be after it, and it sounds like Ashiethema knows it. Finding her isn't going to be easy, nor is acquiring the scroll. But where did the scroll come from? That might offer some hint. Now, Ashiethema...
Eilyra consults her memories, hoping to recall something useful about the galbrezu. [roll0] Know: Planes

2018-06-27, 09:46 PM
Having asked around, Verik Karn had planned to see Noto Korabas about possible employment opportunities; it now appeared that another potential employer had gotten wind of him and sent him an invitation. After his usual breakfast from his treasured horn of plenty, he dressed and planned his route through the city.

ooc: Heroes' Feast temp hp [roll0]

Taking only minor precautions - for now - he casts mage armor and sets out. The handsome dark-gray-skinned half-elf may not look as impressive as some residents of Sigil, but neither would he be mistaken for someone at the bottom rung of society; for one thing, the skeletal wolf that paces by his side conveys the impression that he is not one to be trifled with lightly.

Although he's been in Sigil for some time now, every journey through the city presents a possible learning opportunity given the diversity of residents and shops, and he keeps an eye out for anything he's not seen before.

Arriving at last at Tethra's meeting room, he greets those present. "Good afternoon."

After listening to the human's strange tale he says "Tethra, will you cast the wishes yourself? I would like to make clear that should I take this job and be killed along the way, I should be resurrected - if need be, via my payment.

Also, do you need the scroll itself, or merely the information on it? And do you wish to deny others that information? These points may come into play should the possibility of alliance with some of the pursuers present itself."

2018-06-27, 10:01 PM
"If you can grant wishes ..." begins a nondescript human male resting a hand on the stone table. His other hand is in a cruel-looking spiked gauntlet. "Then you could also arrange for a manifestation of metafaculty or the like. And it also means you're smart enough to know that. So, the glabrezu ... has divine protection? Not much less can deflect such a scrying."

The man doesn't give voice to his less answerable concerns. How could a lesser diviner help when powerful mages are barred? Are this group expendable? How likely would he be to get closer to his true goal if he survives? No value to be had in asking those questions -- particularly since one learns more by listening than by talking.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-06-27, 11:19 PM
On her way to the meeting, Flavia hustled through the streets of Sigil thoroughly unconcerned with the locals. At times she even forgot to maintain her illusory disguise, letting it slip to reveal the vacant eyes and sunken, pallid cheeks characteristic of the walking dead. Such an irritating city. Never in all her years would Flavia have guessed that the multiverse's most bustling metropolis would be so... provincial, in the end. Nothing but closed-minded fools, pecking at their philosophical obsessions as if the gods didn't exist - as if the entirety of creation outside of this city didn't exist. If the Serene Lady's protection over Sigil were a test of character set up by the Godhead, no doubt everyone in the city would be considered an abject failure.

However, she can take a great deal of solace in the fact that that's not her burden to bear. The entirety of her present burden, in fact, is contained within this room - a frightfully enigmatic mage who has extended an equally enigmatic offer to an equally frightful group of personalities. Every instinct in her body screams at her to take in more of the impossibly complex situation before doing anything, but she's been too well trained to just sit back in complete passivity.

"Divine protection isn't always hard to come by," she says, gesticulating with a bone wand whose tip is a stylized dragon's head. "And neither are wishes, for that matter. Unless I misremember, demons like glabrezu can grant them to the living. Likely not 8 at the same time, but if it wanted to tempt but one of us with a counteroffer, a weak will might be swayed... I take it our benefactor has done some pre-vetting before deciding to snatch us from the hungry maws of the Factions, and that we're all people who can be trusted to keep an agreement?"

Reposting art as a visual reference. This is almost exactly how Flavia looks - shaved head, one gloved hand, no visible weapons, one visibly exposed scroll. The only difference is that she has a haversack whose leather comes from serpents' skin rather than cows'.

2018-06-28, 02:02 AM
The Palace of the Jester

"The prophecy originates in the halls of Susurrus in Tu'narath," says Tethra, "originally penned by Queen Vlaakith of the githyanki. Several copies were produced and distributed in secret. Verifying their existence was a taxing exercise, but locating the most accessible copy proved significantly easier. It changed hands quite a few times, before ending up in our glabrezu quarry's possession. I had a chance to retrieve it myself, but was careless and let her escape." He sighs as he recollects. "In any case, I considered dropping the matter and cutting losses, since I've no real need of the prophecy, but then you conveniently show up.

"Unfortunately, you won't be the only group in pursuit of Ashiethema. Both the baatezu and tanar'ri want her, but I don't know who represents the baatezu's interests. The tanar'ri balor Orennenunos has dispatched agents to hunt Ashi, who I believe is a former subordinate of his. There are probably other interested parties. I don't know. I want the scroll, though. Not just what's written on it, but the copy originally made in the gith queen's court. I'd prefer you don't share its contents with other parties; the sages of Tu'narath kept them secret—or tried to—for a reason. But I'll reward you as promised provided the delivered prophecy is the genuine article. That's all I ask.

"When you complete the task, I will be casting the wishes from scrolls. They were gifts from Grand Sultan Marrake ben Lazan of the City of Brass. In fact, if you'd prefer, I could just give you the scroll. I've no idea how powerful the stored wishes are, so I make no guarantees besides that they are, in fact, genuine scrolls of wish. As it happens, I also have scrolls of true resurrection, obtained from—uh, that's not important. If you should die but your companions carry out your mission to completion, I'm willing to raise you as your reward.

"I could have arranged for a casting of metafaculty, but haven't. As you say, I'm pretty confident that the effect trumping divinations is either deific or superdeific. A place that comes to mind is the Spire. Well, I've already asked some rilmani explorers to comb its tunnels for Ashi, which they are doing as we speak, so you won't have to look there. Probably.

As for vetting—" Tethra frowns "—I did only the minimum necessary. You'll not be collecting on dead companions' rewards, so there's no incentive to betraying one another. As for betraying me and running off with the prophecy, well, it would not be ideal, but more or less identical to the present situation, so I'll take that chance."

Eilyra is practically an expert on glabrezu.

The tanar'ri glabrezu, like all of their abyssal cousins, is a Chaotic Evil creature. It is huge, taller than a cottage, and possesses two powerful claws with which it grapples, as well as an array of magical effects such as dispel magic, mirror image, reverse gravity, and power word stun. However, despite visual similarities to the more destructive tanar'ri, the glabrezu is actually closer to the succubus in function. Targeting greed rather than lust, the glabrezu tempts mortals with its power of wish, available once per month—though it cannot use its wish for its own ends. Of course, it tries to debase an otherwise good or lawful soul. Weaker, evil conjurers who try to summon a glabrezu will often find themselves killed for inconveniencing it. This also has an added bonus of bringing a new soul into the fold of the Blood War immediately.

It is immune to electricity and poison, can see in the dark, telepathic, possesses true seeing, and has various damage reductions and energy resistances. It is unnaturally charismatic and tough, but has average reflexes at best and about as smart as an unusually clever human. In times of need, it can attempt to summon other tanar'ri to assist it. The glabrezu ranks highly in the abyssal hierarchy. They are considered true tanar'ri, to be contrasted with the least, lesser, and greater tanar'ri, which is to say they are the highest caste of tanar'ri. They are typically captains of large regiments—insofar as one could attribute such organization to the tanar'ri—serving directly under marilith generals and balor lords.

2018-06-28, 05:37 AM
Listening, and considering, a rather worrying problem quickly comes to mind for Eilyra. We're going to need a description, and a lead of some sort. She could be hiding, well, anywhere, if she found a deity to help. Still, best to seem confident. Resting calmly in her chair, the half fiend speaks up for the first time, her melodic voice giving no sign of her demonic nature. "What can you tell us about Ashiethema?" The strange name flows smoothly from her practiced tongue, without a trace of hesitation.

2018-06-28, 08:40 AM
Appius frowns a bit at Tethra's comments about prophecies. In a way, it's due to divination magic that he's here at all. Still, though, that magic did say that he would find allies and a clear route once he got to Sigil, and this seems to be it. A wish spell wouldn't be enough to bring Lucia back - and nor would a true resurrection, come to that - but it would at least help him find one of the components he needed for the ritual. Or perhaps he will come across something else to guide him to the components.

"While I would of course have a great deal of use for a wish, as I imagine would most of the other individuals in this room - incidentally, I think I would prefer to have mine in scroll form. I don't suppose you happen to have a scroll of miracle available as an alternative? No? Ah, well, I can always ask someone else to cast it on my behalf when I've decided exactly what to use it for, I suppose. Where was I? Ah, yes - I would imagine you have some reason to think that we will be able to track down someone directly hidden by a Power? Other than general optimism, that is. Not that there is anything wrong with an optimistic attitude...ahem. Do you have information on where we could start looking, or any, perhaps more mundane, clues to Ashiethema's possible locations?

2018-06-28, 06:08 PM
The Palace of the Jester

Tethra shrugs. "In life, Ashi was a duergar sorceress named Imshuiri. She was slain by some drow adventurer, Drizzt or something. Her soul first formed on the Sixth Pyre, as a dretch or babau, I don't quite recall. As she advanced in the tanar'ri 'hierarchy', she underwent some transformations, and now she is Ashiethema the glabrezu. She once captained a strike squad aboard a ship of chaos. Also corrupted a few paladins, but one such fallen soul advanced much faster than she did in Orennenunos's army, becoming a marilith in a fraction of the time it took Ashi to advance to a glabrezu. Possibly upset with her balor lord, she ran off with one of his prized possessions, the scroll of prophecy. Which, mind, was initially taken from a pit fiend Orenn-whatever slew in battle, so it's not as though it actually belonged to the balor, not that property rights have any meaning to them.

"If you're worried about the divine protection she seems to have, I wouldn't be. Ashi may well be hiding in the domain of a god, and using their latent protection for herself, but the Divine Compact formed at the Godmoot following Thuon's death guarantees the gods will not actively participate in the Blood War and related mortal affairs. This matter of prophecy is quite related, or should be at least. Master Lothar assures me as much, and I trust his judgment.

"I'm not so certain where I'd start. Ashiethema's not an unknown name, so asking around the right wards may get you somewhere. Also, the ships of chaos are a Doomguard invention, and I suspect they'd know quite a bit about those piloting their crafts. Alternatively, the rilmani explorers I've paid to sweep the Spire's base and caverns are led by Carowelle the Cartographer. I've paid a substantial sum, so they're probably willing to help you in what little ways they can, if you mention my name. But if they'd found anything by now I'd already know, so I doubt it'd be a good use of your time."

2018-06-29, 05:35 AM
Eilyra listens intently as Tethra explains, already forming a plan. A former duergar sorceress? Probably more comfortable underground, even if she doesn't really remember. And hiding herself in some divine realm... she must be fairly skilled at stealth, to avoid attention. But finding her... If she stopped in Sigil before fleeing, then someone will know something, which might be our best bet. Stealing a scroll of prophecy is fairly pointless, unless you're involved, or want to sell it, so smugglers, perhaps? I think ignoring Carowelle is the correct plan, since I don't want to wander around in the caverns. So, smugglers, and ambushing a group of Doomguards.
With a plan in mind, Eilyra nods slowly, before she asks another question. "With that in mind, can you think of anything else that we would need to know? Find the scroll, don't let Orennenunos or the other interested parties keep it if they find it first, and return it... here? Or would you like it delivered somewhere else?"

2018-06-29, 09:48 AM
"Seems like we should go speak to these Doomguards, Ships of Chaos sounds ominous and fun, all wrapped up into one delightful trip."

He then pushes out mentally to everyone except Tethra [[Who's with me?]]

Foryn Gilnith
2018-06-29, 10:17 AM
As Tethra elaborates on the details of the situation, Flavia reaches into her rucksack for a small wooden board on which to take notes. In lieu of any ink or parchment, however, sand rapidly flows out from and over the sleeves of her robes, forming itself into text on the 'page'. However, for lack of space, the writing is swept away and started anew every time the page concludes, so it's anyone's guess how any information is stored this way.
Taking 10 on autohypnosis to memorize, to clarify.

Still, it's a chance to listen and not talk, which is always a lovely position to be in. And with the presence of a telepath in the room, apparently there's the option of simultaneously listening, not-talking, and communicating with others - an option Flavia is happy to seize. [[I support this plan; the Doomguards are pleasant enough folk and we'll have plausible deniability that would be lost by overtly throwing around the name Ashiethema.]]

2018-06-29, 10:50 AM
"Speaking" mentally, Eilyra's voice sounds different, less, well, demonic. For all that, it sounds very coolly clinical.[[Investigating where she's getting supplies from, or where she got her supplies from is another possibility. But if you have contacts in the Doomguards, they are a reasonable initial step. Alternatively, we can throw Anathema's name around, eliminate our competitors, and interrogate them.]]

2018-06-29, 11:25 AM
Will casually relays everyones thoughts to everyone, smiling as he does.

[[Perhaps we can do all three? I'm not one to split parties up, but the more seeds we sow, the easier our job will be]]

2018-06-29, 01:40 PM
Syrus awoke stiff and his head punished him with a constant pounding. Eskelior decided to celebrate the night before after he received the name and location he was looking for.

Elven wine, approximately 1 bottle each from what Syrus could recall. The two men chatted for hours before they said their final good byes, it was bitter sweet but all journeys must come to an end...

Syrus gathered his belongings and headed down to the inn keeper and paid what was due.

Thank you Ma'am, have a pleasant day. Syrus spoke softly with a smile towards the bitter jaded woman. He knew she didn't care about pleasantries but that didn't mean Syrus couldn't be civil.

He opened thr parchment note and started to follow the directions.

Syrus stood in the corner of the room, listening to the others while his pounding skull finally started to subside.

Syrus cleared his throat after what appeared to be a long moment of unpleasant silence.

It would seem once we decide who is going, the only thing left to do is start our introductions and pleasantries in route to the ships of chaos.

2018-06-29, 10:57 PM
Strande feels the soft push of an attempt at mental contact and opens himself to it. From the others' eyes he guesses the thought was cast broadly. [[ My exposure to this place and its factions is limited, but for however much help we can provide each other, I will come with you. ]]

"Hm. Ominous and fun. Those go together like hedgeclippers and cheese," he murmurs to himself.

Syrus cleared his throat after what appeared to be a long moment of unpleasant silence.

It would seem once we decide who is going, the only thing left to do is start our introductions and pleasantries in route to the ships of chaos.

"Who?" Strande looks surprised. "Each person is rewarded one wish no matter how many go, and I would presume a larger group would have more chance of success. Regardless -- I'm Strande, a wizard, body-worker and luck-bender." As the man retrieves a traveling pack from under the table and moves toward Syrus, his state would make any cynic scoff at his claims. One of his legs is twisted badly and the hunch of his back is highlighted -- and this is someone who claims to work with bodies and luck?

Strande extends his hand in a greeting and continues, "May the Neverending Road bless us both. What's your name?"

2018-06-29, 11:18 PM
Verik has experienced telepathy before, though he hadn't expected those in this group to have the ability.

He speaks up. "I'm in, for the job. Verik Karn is my name. Tethra, what time frame do you have in mind?

If we split up, I can assist in asking around the Lower Ward. Such information gathering is not my specialty, but I am glib enough to play along and can handle myself if things turn rough. Do we have anyone among us with a long record of success in such matters?

By the way, I know a thing or two about fighting fiends, but I rely on sorcery to do so."

2018-06-30, 12:58 AM
I'll go where I'm needed. I know a few things about sneaking around and I know a thing or two about locks...

Oh, where are my manners, I'm Syrus the wandering fist fighter. He smiled slightly as he preformed a shallow bow.

2018-06-30, 03:21 AM
The Palace of the Jester

"One more thing," says Tethra, "or two, rather. When you're done, send for me." He draws three scrolls from the folds of his cloak and lays them on the table. "In case the first sendings fail. As for a time limit, I want the prophecy before it's worthless. I've no idea when that will be, so don't lose too much time on trivialities." He adds to Appius, "If I happen across a scroll of miracle, I'll let you know." Then speaking to the group: "So we have a deal, I think. If you succeed in this, there can be further business—I always need talented adventurers. Good luck." He puts on his cloak, smiles, and vanishes, leaving swirling dust where he stood.

2018-06-30, 09:58 AM
Politely remaining silent while everyone else starts talking, Eilyra nods at Tethra's mention of an unknown time limit, and she quickly places the scrolls into a scroll case in her bag. With Tethra's departure, she looks over her would be companions, judging them. An interesting collection. Perhaps they'll do. Perhaps not. I'll see. "My name is Eilyra, and I'll see this task through. I'm skilled with my sword, or my magic." She nods sharply, before she continues. "Consulting the Doomguard is our best lead, so Ms." She looks sharply at Flavia, her eyes flaring with a burning light. "Would you be willing to lead us to your contacts? I imagine the Doomguard will be rather miffed about losing one of their ships."

2018-06-30, 10:56 AM
Magi do love their flashy exits it would seem... Syrus chuckles slightly after Tethra vanishes. He turns his attention back to the group standing about.

It would seem I have a new group of companions on thia newest adventure. Syrus thought to himself.

I agree, these doomguard may prove useful in finding this scroll. They most likely have already devoted alot of time and resources into finding their ship.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-06-30, 01:52 PM
Flavia smiles softly upon seeing Eilyra snatch up all three of the scrolls, a smile that grows wider as she's glared at. "I am Flavia. Acting head of House Wyvaras, Lady Marcher of Orv, Sixth Seat of the Citrine Tower, 52nd Xiantao-Shindo-Jeulji, and a host of other meaningless titles that I presume none of you recognize. There are so many different spheres that people hail from, after all." Her voice reverberates into itself slightly, the way magically induced sound often does, and Flavia reflexively raises a hand to brush aside hair she no longer has.

"As for the Doomguards, I'm not sure my acquaintances rise to the level of 'contacts', really, but if nobody has specific leads I do know a handful of Sinkers willing to chat over a game of hillsraze."

2018-06-30, 04:02 PM
The orc raises his head from his otherwise silent position, cross-legged, against the wall.

I concur with the mistress, he says, nodding in Eilyra's direction. And we seem agreed on where to start. I have no experience of these Doomguard, though. Or indeed of much else around here. I'm afraid I'm.. new in town. This being the first time I have traveled away from my home plane for any appreciable length of time. His posture is curiously defensive, not as in expecting attack, but perhaps a air of slight bewilderment, as if determined that whatever happens next is not going to disturb him.

I've had only a few... encounters... with fiends, so most of what I know comes from books. They tell me that a marilith is itself not a creature to be taken lightly.

As for me, I am known at home as Sol-Tan the Destroyer, commander of the Legion of Doom, although no doubt they have acquired a new one by now. As we are not at home, Sol-Tan or Soliton would easier. I have been valued in the past for my skill at war. While not wearing armour, his sword, bow, arrows and war club give an indication of what direction those talents lie in, although he also carries a battered wooden rod, shod in brass, and heavily if inexpertly carved. He rises to his feet in a fluid motion.

His eyes flick towards Flavia, and then quickly away. I have some knowledge of magic, but I'm mostly self-taught, so I'm afraid I won't be up to the standard of some of the others. I'm keen to pick up what I can.

2018-06-30, 04:05 PM
Appius speaks out loud, not quite trusting this telepath to relay everyone's messages honestly.

"Appius Diabolus, skilled archivist. Naturally, I'm able to cast a wide variety of magic, but I must admit a slight preference for summoning magic. It's so often the case that the easiest way to solve a problem is to get someone else to do it for you, don't you find? Recently I've also been focussed on learning divination magic, in order to find components for an extremely important ritual. You see...but yes, perhaps that's a story for another time. Anyway, these divinations may not be able to pinpoint Ashiethema, but they may be able to help us to follow more mundane leads more successfully.

2018-06-30, 04:18 PM
Listening, Eilyra smiles, before she speaks up again, her voice quite reasonable. "I'm reasonably familiar with the various creatures of the planes, so I will be able to provide information regarding what we're encountering." She stands abruptly, clearly preparing to leave. "Now, from the sounds of it, Lady Wyvaras, you do have the best chance of getting useful information out of the doomguard. Mr. Diabolus, how reliable do you think your chances of divine useful information are? There are enough of us to split into two groups, with a reasonable chance of success. If you can divine something useful, you can lead a group after it, while the rest of us follow the Lady Wyvaras, as insurance against something going wrong."

2018-06-30, 07:52 PM
The Palace of the Jester

As the party plans, two humanoids float into the room in quilted robes that trail in the air beneath their feet—if they even have feet at all. Their thick white hair forms bizarre shapes and their wrinkled faces carry naturally serene expressions. Deep eyes hidden under their brows' shadows scan the room and spy the party. They exchange worried glances but continue on their duties.

One draws from its robes hammers, nails, pry bars, and saws, and the other a bucket of a sand, silt, and clay mix and thick, wooden planks. They begin moving around the room, renovating faded sections of the walls and weakened rafter supports. Their sawing and hammering fill the air.

Anyone who has spent an appreciable amount of time in Sigil automatically recognize them as dabus, servants of the Lady of Pain. Day and night, they maintain Sigil's infrastructure faithfully, and can be seen pretty much anywhere in the city, hammering away in its grimy corners and dark alleys. They virtually never communicate with anyone but themselves, using rebuses that manifest midair like visual illusions.

So where's the split party headed?

2018-06-30, 09:06 PM
Syrus glared at the dabus working on their renovations. He got chills up his spine every time he saw them. They where... Unnatural.

That and he had a few bad experiences with very similar "workers". They always seemed to be the cities eyes and ears no one ever pays attention to.

Well, I'm ready to go. Name the groups and we can discuss our plans in route.

2018-06-30, 10:22 PM
Before the group breaks up, Strande mentions two useful talents. "I can make brief mental contact like a sending spell, though beginning takes a bit of time. I'll contact your team in ... a third of a peak-cycle? Half a cycle?" And after hearing the answer, he adds to his own team, "I can also produce a divination, for instance on where we might best begin. That too would take time -- a hundred human breaths, give or take."

2018-07-01, 03:39 AM
Appius considers Eliyra's question. "How reliable will my divinations be? More so if we have a specific question to ask. Other than "Where is the tanar'ri Ashiethema?", since it sounds like that has been blocked. Very irritating. Anyway, in my experience, more specific questions tend to give more specific answers. I have also only prepared one divination spell today, so unless you're willing to wait until tomorrow we only get one question. I do have one or two other, more powerful, spells, but I would prefer to avoid using them if possible - they are somewhat draining. It may be better to do some preliminary investigation using more mundane means, in order to target our question more precisely."

2018-07-01, 08:45 AM
Eilyra listens to Strande and Appius's words. Best to let experts do their thing. After they finish, she speaks once more. "Sounds reasonable. From how everyone's been introduced." She pauses for a moment, and looks around at all of the party members, to make it clear she wasn't addressing anyone specifically. "I'd suggest that Syrus, Will, and myself follow Lady Wyvaras as she investigates her contacts, to provide backup if needed. Appius, you and Strande both have divinations, so having you work together increases the chances of you succeeding. If Verik and Soliton go with you, you should have a fairly well rounded selection of talents." She pauses again, before speaking her final words. "Any questions?"

2018-07-01, 10:42 AM
Verik says "Sounds reasonable to me.

I should mention that from now on, breakfast will be on me. I have an item that can produce a "heroes' feast" once a day, protecting from poison and fear and providing a few other minor benefits. I already used it today though, as I didn't quite know what to expect from this meeting. It takes an hour to take the feast."

2018-07-01, 11:07 AM
"Although I hope to avoid bloodshed, we are of course dealing with the fiends and should be prepared for a fight. Since we're sharing out magical abilities, does anyone have weapons or armour which are lacking in enchantment? Today, I have one remaining use of each of the spells Greater Magic Weapon and Magic Vestment, which will simulate the effects of a moderately powerful enchantment on their respective items, for a duration of several hours. They won't produce any fancy effects, just make it easier to hit or to block blows, respectively. On the other hand, they won't interfere with any more exciting enchantments you might already have. Since they will last for a while, if we are splitting up, it would be wise to determine whether anyone needs the spells now. I also have other magic that can benefit us, but that is shorter term and would be better saved for when we think we need it. And for the record, I am quite happy to prepare more instances of those spells in the future, if more than one of you needs them."

Retroactive casting note: before arriving at the meeting, Appius cast his long term buffs on himself. Namely: Divine Insight, Magic Vestment *2 (shield and armour), Greater Magic Weapon (Morningstar), and Superior Resistance. These will all last for at least 11 hours, which should hopefully be enough to get him through the day.

To save a bit of time, OOC the enchantment is +2 in both cases. And will go up to +3 when Appius hits level 12, which hopefully shouldn't be too far away.

2018-07-02, 10:13 AM
Verik casts a spell on his skeletal wolf. "Armor for Biter the Mighty. If any of you want mage armor let me know. It will not help though if you already wear armor."

2018-07-02, 10:26 AM
Not hearing any questions concealed in the sudden offers to cast spells, Eilyra lets those conversations come to an end, before she speaks up again. "In that case, Lady Wyvaras? If you'd care to lead the way?" She looks to Appius before she continues. "Appius, may you find success with your divinations. I'm confident you'll find the right question. We can meet back here in one cycle, to consider our next steps."

Foryn Gilnith
2018-07-02, 12:20 PM
"My kingdom for a status spell..." Flavia mutters while the sand she was using to take notes flows and forms into a small 3D model of Sigil, bisected down the middle the way many maps of the city are. Giving it a quick look-over, Flavia sticks a sky blue sewing needle into a section of the uniformly sandy-brown model before presenting it to Eilyra and Syrus. "We're heading to Rat-au-Feu on Berkshire, near the Clerks edge of the Guildhall Ward. I usually just run the thoroughfares, so if anyone knows a shorter route, they are by all means welcome to take the lead."

"Oh!", she adds, snapping a finger and turning to point at Strande. "Also, if you're going to send for us using telepathy, please make absolutely sure not to contact me. Talk to Eilyra, or maybe Will or Syrus. I've been told that making mental contact with me can be... tetchy, depending on the spell."

2018-07-02, 12:40 PM
Syrus raises an eye brow at the mention of sending being troublesome to one of his companions.

I don't have any magical abilities just skill and a few tricks. You can send me the message and I'll relay it.

Syrus absent mindedly starts to crack his neck and knuckles. As much as he agreed he wasn't expecting a fight, he hoped for one.

He only had a handful of sparring matches with Eskelior the last few weeks. It was about time to try out his new found talents.

2018-07-02, 12:51 PM
Eilyra shakes her head at Lady Wyvaras's search for a quicker route. "Flight would be faster, but there's less chance of being ambushed on the thoroughfares. I'm confident that whichever route you choose will work." She pauses for a moment, before she looks at Strande. "It seems that Syrus would be the best contact, should you need to do so."

2018-07-02, 07:38 PM
Strande seems to share Syrus's heebiejeebies about the dabus' presence. After recognizing the choice for contact -- "Syrus it is, then," -- he readies his pack again and makes to leave.

"Between the building itself and the workers, I feel like I'm intruding here. Could we walk down to that gorgeous fountain I saw nearby? It should be on the way to the Lower."

Appius, Verik, Soliton and Strande head to the Singing Fountain through the relative quiet of the Lady's Ward. The diviner's afflictions slow him much less than they look like they ought; he keeps up a moderately quick pace. As the four walk, he comments, "The dabus seem fundamentally ... off ... to me. I'm accustomed to taking strange and grotesque shapes, and I've undergone a disturbing transformation myself, but those ... not threatening ... but deeply unsettling."

The fountain rings loud with music, but Strande doesn't seem to mind. He goes to the edge of a large bowl, sits on the ground facing the moving water, and tries to focus on pulling an answer from the ether: How should my three companions and I begin investigating the location of the prophecy scroll recently taken by the glabrezu Ashiethema?

2018-07-02, 09:03 PM
Verik says "The dabus probably know much of what goes on in this burg. Though I'm not sure how one would go about it we might try getting a tip from them at some point. But to start with, the divination sounds good to me. By the way, should we feel the need for more privacy I can cast a rope trick."

2018-07-02, 11:51 PM
Guild Hall Ward
[Will Scarlet, Eilyra Dlardrageth, Flavia Wyvaras, Syrus]

The streets of the Guild Hall Ward are wide and teem with craftsmen and merchants. Carts are laden with carved boxes, brass bells, ceiling-height mirrors, wood-and-glass water clocks, bolts of Maztican linen, sheets of Riedran crystal, and more exotic fares, such as clockwork animal toys the size and fragility of figurines and telescopic lenses of incredibly precise construction imported from one of the cog-cities of Mechanus. All of this and more can be found in the Ward, though actual sales happen in the neighboring Market Ward. Here the artisans tinker and saw and hammer and the merchants share drinks at round tables and hatch their next petty conspiracies. Shops, offices, and apartments form blocks of tightly packed buildings three to five stories high. Voices of workers and their masters ring out.

There is industry. There is organization. Oh, there are also dabus, toiling away in the shadows.

The Great Gymnasium, a monolithic and sprawling building of veined marble and engraved colonnades, can be seen anywhere from the Ward. Downward and chordwise is a web of moderately trafficked alleys. In one of these alleys is a small shop, the Rat-au-Feu.

Guild Hall Ward, the Rat-au-Feu
[Will Scarlet, Eilyra Dlardrageth, Flavia Wyvaras, Syrus]

The Rat-au-Feu is a moderately upscale place masquerading as a downscale place. 'Controlled chaos' would be a good description for it; tables and chairs are arranged seemingly randomly but with good spacing and comfortable accouterments, abstract paintings and tapestries of harsh, conflicting colors hang on the walls, and shaded lamps and chandeliers of various, incongruous designs dimly light the rooms. There is a darkwood bar, behind which an elf woman polishes a glass with a bored expression.

A quiet hum of conversation fills the air, interrupted by the occasional clinking of glasses and mugs. No one serves any other—all pick up their own drinks at the bar. Most patrons are playing a variety of card and board games, some local, others obviously not. Small, murmuring crowds form around particularly adept players, but the rest match up and play one another sitting in long rows, shaking hands over victories and losses and consulting a bulletin board for their next opponent.

A bariaur in a tattered, once-fine vest moves to greet the visitors. "Aye, cutters, what'll it be?" He is Semion Windhollow, a rugged and handsome old creature, former revolutionary and present devoted Sinker. He has accumulated a great deal of experience playing various prime board games, hillsraze among them, and is something of a community organizer in these niche circles. "Why, if it isn't the Lady Marcher herself!" He spreads his arms in greeting.

Lady's Ward
[Verik Karn, Strande Pinyarchik, Appius Diabolus, Soliton Beaugard]

Beds of fragrant flowers line the wide and paved streets of Lady's Ward. Carriages drawn by Arcadian ponies and privately owned sedan chairs with even teams of lifters take up most of the road, but there is plenty enough space for the rest—the wealthy and influential in their latest colorful fashions, and the stern, red, and ever-present Harmonium patrols—to maneuver without having to maneuver. There is the sound of metal boots and hooves and the quiet chatter of successful politicians and merchants, mostly banal matters spoken in tones accustomed to obedience. There are well-mannered families strolling through alleys flanked by rows of elegant shop facades, selling everything from books to clockwork to magic item imports, the selection with not quite the variety of the Market Ward's, but certainly a bit more discerning and pricey. There are also sophisticated restaurants and bars, and the occasional office with only a street name and number, whatever service they provide not needing advertising.

Leaving the dark halls of the Palace of the Jester, one steps into the cool afternoon fog of Sigil. The City Court, a tall marble building with distinctive red clay-tiled roofs, is immediately in view. The sprawling, brutal stone-brick City Barracks and Prison can also be seen, in opposite directions.

Lady's Ward, the Singing Fountain
[Verik Karn, Strande Pinyarchik, Appius Diabolus, Soliton Beaugard]

It is a fountain topped by fountains topped by fountains and so on. Water cascades down its milky metal form, gently but persistently emitting from some unseen font. It is tall, towering in a literal sense, such that one must crane one's head all the way back to appreciate its cloudy heights. It is sprawling, its lowest pool easily two hundred feet across, rippling with tiny waves that lap softly against its perimeter. Each pool emits a sonorous hum as water strikes it, the grand sum forming a discordant melody.

Even outside the sprawling red-brick plaza, one can hear the fountain. Closing in, there are some lovers and children playing at the side of the fountain. Only one, a pale woman in a black dress, sits alone at the side of the pool.

She watches the party with curiosity. When Strande performs his divination, she approaches.

Strande hears whispers in his mind: Seek the ones for whom material is transient yet action eternal. Knowledge (the planes) to identify.

The woman in black, a human who moves as a will-o-wisp glides, silently nears and waits for Strande to finish his divination. When he is done, she says in a soft voice, almost singing along with the fountain's harmonies, "Travelers from afar seek the future's wisdom in Bragi's waters. I am Black Marian." Knowledge (local) to recognize name. "There's more to be heard in the reflection, if the travelers would offer coin in the name of the Skald's Friend."

2018-07-04, 01:37 PM
Calmly following Lady Wyvaras's lead, Eilyra keeps a careful watch out as she confidently follows behind the other woman. Not seeing anything out of the ordinary, she walks into the Rad-au-Feu behind her, and calmly moves to the side, to allow Will and Syrus to enter, before she starts to wait for Lady Wyvaras to respond.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-07-05, 06:31 AM
Flavia stalks through the streets of the ward with a foul look on her face and narrow, predatory eyes. Slow. Too slow. The party's pace is that of normal human walking speed - a fair bit faster, actually - but it would still be child's play for any determined troublemaker to make a move on them. And while a group of this size and stature would almost certainly outclass the predators of the local food chain, it is so tiresome to have to teach fools about the proper pecking order of things. Finally arriving at the Rat-au-Feu, Flavia lets out a sigh, puts her face in her hands for a few moments to compose herself, and then opens the door with a soft smile and a warm, wide-eyed gaze.

"Ey up, blood." Flavia raises a hand to greet Semion. "I'll take a Pimm's Vapors, but I can't really kick back today since we've got some business... I'll be right out with it, us bashers are on the heels of some addle-coved demon who thought it would be smart to run off away from the crew of a ship of chaos. Trail's run cold, though, so I got to wondering if there's anyone from the shipwright circle here who'd be up for a game and some gab."

She then steps aside to indicate the 3 other members of the party with a wave of the arm and a smirk on her face. "I've even brought some lovely fish to pair with our spirits."

2018-07-05, 05:48 PM
Guild Hall Ward, the Rat-au-Feu
[Will Scarlet, Eilyra Dlardrageth, Flavia Wyvaras, Syrus]

Semion sits the party at a quiet, out-of-the-way table and brings a small glass of liquor, one for each member of the party and an additional one for himself. "First round's on the house," he says. He lifts his glass and downs it all, either when the others follow suit or when he sees they have no intention to. "Alright now, this fiend you're fixing on, he'd be right barmy to just blitz on out of a ship of chaos. But if anyone's barmy, it's the fiends. Barmy and canny, that is, in their own special way." He chuckles. "Well, I'm not lanned on fiends or ships, but you could always get the stype from Factol Pentar herself, if you can find her. If not, dear old Ely practically calls the Armory kip, and he knows every little dark about the ships. In the meantime, we got some Anarchists and Sinkers in the case, who maybe'd share some of the chant they got. I'm happy to share what little I know, if you've got anything to ask. And while you're here, why don't play a few games? You might score some jink out of the poor sods."

Playing hillsraze is an Intelligence check. Flavia has a +2 circumstance bonus on it. The results of your check, minus 1d20+4, is your gold income (or loss) from playing. The total amount gained or lost cannot be more than you possess. Asking around the Rat-au-Feu for information is a Gather Information check. Playing a game of hillsraze, won, drawn, or lost, will give a +2 circumstance bonus to this check.

Lady's Ward, the Singing Fountain
[Verik Karn, Strande Pinyarchik, Appius Diabolus, Soliton Beaugard]

Strande has an inkling of who is being referred to in the divination, but is split on two interpretations.

The ones for whom material is transient yet action eternal. It could refer to the Transcendent Order, one of Sigil's factions, or to the Ring-Givers of Ysgard.

The Ciphers (another name for factioneers of the Transcendent Order) hold esoteric beliefs regarding the nowness of experience and its relation to being and action. It is quite abstract and makes Strande's head spin, but he knows enough to understand that it is about action without thought, to be contrasted with acting without thinking, a distinction which has to do with awareness of one's circumstances. To extend the idea, one can be said to have reached the Ciphers' enlightenment if one can act wisely immediately without planning or hesitation, by simply being wise. To be is to act, and vice versa.

The Ring-Givers hold similar ideas, that one must focus purely on what's real, such as arcana and religion, and disregard all other trappings, such as wealth, possession, and beauty, as digressions and detractors from true achievement. "A berk only gets as good as she gives," is a common motto. They are called 'Ring-Givers' since they do not hold onto material wealth (i.e. "rings"), but rather, pass it on when it is convenient and relevant for them to do so. They have in recent years been gaining power as a philosophy in the planes, though not enough to be considered a faction of Sigil (and thus are unable to enter the City of Doors, lest the Lady of Pain maze them).

Appius knows the name 'Black Marian' quite well.

Black Marian is to the Singing Fountain as a ghost is to its tombstone. She is its keeper, and has been for as long as anyone can remember. A beautiful, pale human, apparently in her late twenties but known to be much, much older, she is said to be able to hear one's future in the Fountain's harmonies. She is a priestess of Bragi, god of poetry and music, and her exquisite singing, which can be heard daily at various points in the day, is said to be appropriately divine. Just as the Fountain is a font of power for Bragi worship, so too is it a perfect companion to Marian's ballads. Sullying the Fountain's waters is a quick way to earn her ire, and that of the plaza's heavy Harmonium presence.

For a sum of coin, Black Marian will draw some of the Fountain's water in a silver ladle and offer it to a customer. The customer is then silenced, and when they next open their mouth, they will instead echo the Fountain's harmonies, singing in tune. Upon hearing the customer's song, Black Marian will then whisper their fortune into their ear. It is said her fortune-telling is astonishingly accurate, though only occasionally topical. How distant in the future the fortune read is depends on how much coin she is offered.

Some are convinced that Black Marian is not truly human, that she is one of the powers of the Outlands and the Fountain is a font of the Well of Urd. Rumors are that, if she wishes to, her songs can enthrall even sirens. She has had a number of powerful and wealthy suitors, all of whom she turned down. With the coin she makes through singing and fortune-telling, she manages a comfortable if meager standard of living at nearby inns, giving the rest of her wealth, the vast majority, to charitable causes. Curiously enough she has enemies, despite her unfailingly kind demeanor to any who come before her. Her Fountain has been sabotaged in the past, but the community chipped in each time to get it clean and running again.

2018-07-06, 12:44 AM
Syrus eyes the liquor carefully. He JUST got over his hang over a few hours ago...

It would be rude not to accept though, that little voice in his head chimed in.

Syrus lifts the glass and downs it with Semion. The familiar burning of strong alcohol making its way into his stomach.

This is why he preferred wine...

Syrus watched the group go about their business until he caught sight of the curious game the guests where playing.

My luck is terrible these days but I must ask, how do you play this particular game?

2018-07-06, 05:44 AM
A lot of sigilese. I suppose a population existing in almost total isolation would develop their own language. Makes me wonder, however, just how much activity the portals actually get, in terms of trade. I'd expect that to prevent the isolation needed, unless only the wealthy really deal with travelers? Or maybe it's meant more as an attraction by people? Doesn't matter, I suppose. Now, reading in between the lines, Lady Wyvernas seems to be of the opinion that some alcohol might loosen lips. Taking her narrow-backed seat, sitting so her wings were to either side of the back, and her tail through the gap in the bottom, Eilyra raises her glass, looking at it strangely for a moment, before she speaks, her melodious voice fitting smoothly into the low hum of conversation. "I can drink to that. May we all find success tonight." Without another word, she downs the spirits, before putting the glass gently on the table. "Now, let's play." She looks around, her brilliant mind quickly putting the rules together, before she approaches a likely looking group, just finishing their own game, with an open seat at their table.
"Mind if I join in?" As she speaks, she reaches into her pouch, and produces a scattering of gold coins.

Eilyra will happily drink the alcohol provided by others(And gently encourage them to do so), while she plays. As the night goes on, she'll try to act drunker over time. As she's immune to poison, she shouldn't actually get drunk.
She'll also play for as high stakes as she can.
[roll0] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll1](Opponents)
[roll2] Gather Information(Ships of Chaos, Ely(Armoury), Doomguard, Ashiethema(Subtly))
[roll3] Spot [roll4] Listen(Keeping alert, and an eye out for cheating.)
She'll continue playing while she has time, gathering information as she goes. I don't know how many games she can manage past the first, but...

[roll5] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll6](Opponents)
[roll7] Gather Information(Useful/relevant info)
[roll8] Spot [roll9] Listen(Keeping an eye out for cheating.)
[roll10] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll11](Opponents)
[roll12] Gather Information(Useful/relevant info)
[roll13] Spot [roll14] Listen(Keeping an eye out for cheating.)
[roll15] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll16](Opponents)
[roll17] Gather Information(Useful/relevant info)
[roll18] Spot [roll19] Listen(Keeping an eye out for cheating.)
[roll20] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll21](Opponents)
[roll22] Gather Information(Useful/relevant info)
[roll23] Spot [roll24] Listen(Keeping an eye out for cheating.)
[roll25] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll26](Opponents)
[roll27] Gather Information(Useful/relevant info)
[roll28] Spot [roll29] Listen(Keeping an eye out for cheating.)
[roll30] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll31](Opponents)
[roll32] Gather Information(Useful/relevant info)
[roll33] Spot [roll34] Listen(Keeping an eye out for cheating.)
[roll35] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll36](Opponents)
[roll37] Gather Information(Useful/relevant info)
[roll38] Spot [roll39] Listen(Keeping an eye out for cheating.)
[roll40] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll41](Opponents)
[roll42] Gather Information(Useful/relevant info)
[roll43] Spot [roll44] Listen(Keeping an eye out for cheating.)
[roll45] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll46](Opponents)
[roll47] Gather Information(Useful/relevant info)
[roll48] Spot [roll49] Listen(Keeping an eye out for cheating.)
[roll50] Hillraze(Eilyra) [roll51](Opponents)
[roll52] Gather Information(Useful/relevant info)
[roll53] Spot [roll54] Listen(Keeping an eye out for cheating.)

Re-Posting, since I messed up the rolls.

2018-07-07, 11:21 AM
Soliton, silent and stoic, holds his tongue for a span of seconds, before realising that no one else is talking.

How much silver? he asks, trying not to sound intrigued.

2018-07-07, 02:26 PM
"Always a relevant question," agrees Strande. "Though I'm intrigued by the notion of hearing a reflection, Sigil has more wonders than my pocket has coins. In any case, I'm pleased to meet you, serene one; may the waters of life ever fill your well. Who is the Skald's Friend?"

2018-07-07, 07:16 PM
Verik is intrigued by the words of the comely human seer, but is not at all sure of whether to trust her. He holds his tongue until more is said.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-07-08, 09:17 AM
Flavia orders a dull green drink that, from a distance, would probably be mistaken for acid; the fact that it hisses and pops upon making contact with her tongue only drives in the similarity. Really, the only sign that she didn't just knock back a vial of acid is the price tag; in any case, she's in no condition to be drinking anything else afterwards. Casting a couple of spells, she moves over to Syrus and ushers him to a seat.

"It's more simple than some of Sigil's native games; come, we can walk you through a practice game. There are some berks around here who'll probably be more to your taste than the weedy people our party is composed of anyway... Flavia keeps an eye out for the flow of the room and any opportunities to subtly slip a question into the chatter.

As per the OOC post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23201705&postcount=88), Flavia breaks even playing Hillsraze. She is going to cast Divine Insight and Wieldskill, make a Gather Information check of 44, and then recast Divine Insight since its duration is hours/level.

2018-07-09, 10:41 AM
Will had been quiet as they walked, which was unlike him, he was caught in some strange reverie, perhaps a day dream of grandeur, fantasies of magnificence? Who knows, he shook himself out of his stupor and frowned at what was going on.

Mentally, he reaches out to everyone present [[Did anyone catch that?]] he asks, not understanding a word the man spoke, following along, he watches as they play some games "So, we're playing games now?"

2018-07-09, 10:43 AM
Focusing on a response to Will's question, Eilyra tries to respond mentally. [[A lot of sigilese, but the short of it is that he doesn't know, but he does know some people who might. And that some of the gamers here probably know a bit.]]

2018-07-09, 11:13 AM
[[Ahh, that would make sense,]] He smiles mentally, somehow sending the reaction without words [[I shall endeavor to help then]]

He eyes Semion, wandering something.

DM: would Tongues help Will speak/understand Sigilese?

2018-07-30, 09:12 PM
Guild Hall Ward, the Rat-au-Feu
[Will Scarlet, Eilyra Dlardrageth, Flavia Wyvaras, Syrus]

Flavia plays well, but so do the other Rat-au-Feu patrons—niche games inspire niche mastery in their gamers, and sometimes niche knowledge too. She expertly discovers as much when some patrons let slip, in the circuitous way that conversations do, that a tanar'ri hunting party, led by an expert hunter by the name of 'Merihatha', had come to Sigil recently on the trail of a mutinied captain. A few careful prods reveal that the mutinied captain was a glabrezu. It is not hard to determine that mutinying glabrezu captains are quite uncommon, so one could be fairly certain of who Merihatha's quarry is.

I think there is a good argument that tongues translates Sigil's distinctive Planar Cant. As much as tongues is a terribly overpowered spell :smalltongue:, I'm ruling that it allows one to understand Planar Cant.

Lady's Ward, the Singing Fountain
[Verik Karn, Strande Pinyarchik, Appius Diabolus, Soliton Beaugard]

"Apologies," says Marian, "Bragi is the Skald's Friend and the Skald's Friend is Bragi, for who else but our wandering muse could be a friend to all skalds? His proxy, Lady Tharissa, is here in the City of Doors, wandering, singing, and aye, petitioning, as her station requires. She can teach you more, but like myself, we believe that the best way to understand Bragi is to sing."

2018-08-04, 10:06 AM
The names and references elude Strande, but he's rather enchanted by the lady's voice and serenity, and he digs out an offering of coin. "For Bragi, then."

Let's say, 21 gold. Updated my myth-weavers sheet.

2018-08-04, 12:10 PM
Still confidently playing Hillsraze, Eilyra continues her information gathering efforts.

2018-08-05, 09:20 PM
Guild Hall Ward, the Rat-au-Feu
[Will Scarlet, Eilyra Dlardrageth, Flavia Wyvaras, Syrus]

Eilyra plays a series of games, winning a grand total of thirty gold pieces. Her opponents are well-behaved—not cheating, and polite in loss and victory. Most thank her for their game. The few that do not still offer at the very least a courteous nod. Two, the ones who lost the most coin, slink off to the bar to order strong ones. While deflated, they do not appear to harbor grudges. It appears being good sportsmen is a part of the Rat-au-Feu's subculture.

"Bravo," says Semion, clapping, "you're a natural blood. Could be playing in the tourneys. Interested?"

Lady's Ward, the Singing Fountain
[Verik Karn, Strande Pinyarchik, Appius Diabolus, Soliton Beaugard]

Marian smiles and accepts the coin silently, placing it in a half-filled pouch at her side. She draws from the fountain's waters with a silver ladle, murmurs a quiet spell (Spellcraft check at DC 15 to identify as purify food and drink), and holds it to Strande's mouth, offering him a drink of crystal-clear liquid.

2018-08-06, 05:36 AM
Noting the distinct lack of cheating with some concealed surprise, Eilyra returns the favor, declining to cheat as she played the new game.

With Semion clapping, Eilyra looks up at him, her burning gold eyes meeting his for a moment, competitiveness flaring within them, and she frowns slightly, as she mulls it over for a few moments before speaking. "Perchance. When?"

2018-08-23, 10:59 AM
Will stands behind Eilyra as she manages to get an in with the common folk here.

[[Perhaps you should, this could be our in, I'll wander around, recon a bit?]] He wasn't sure of the places rules on cheating, but there were no signs, and no had said anything about using telepathy...

2018-08-25, 08:33 AM
Patiently waiting, Eilyra carefully tries to respond to Will without giving the game away. [[Potentially. I prefer to avoid gambling unless I know I've got an edge, and I'm doubtful of my ability to win Hillraze consistently. There's too much luck involved. But it could lead us to information, you're certainly right about that. But I think it depends on the when. If we can find the other hunters? Then there's no reason to lose the entry fee. And given more time, I could practice, and get better at the game.]]

2018-08-25, 10:03 AM
Verik says "Good luck, Strande. If this works out for you I will also try it."