View Full Version : Familar for selune cleric

2018-06-27, 08:27 PM
I'm making a cleric of selune human taking the ritual caster feat for find familiar spell mostly:smallredface: and all rest of the tool kit. I'm stuck between a bat or an owl. Which would be the best choice for the story.

2018-06-27, 08:38 PM
Owl is more of a cute, benevolent night creature, even though it's predatory as heck. Seems pretty socially acceptable to keep an owl on your shoulder though a social gathering, much like a trained falcon or hawk might be shown off.

Bats are slightly unusual, but on the upside you can hold a criminal close to your face and say "I'm Batmoon." -- before dropping the jerk off a building.

So... are you more of an educated aristocrat, or more of an edgy vigilante? (You're a rich git either way, of course.)

2018-06-28, 12:19 AM
Owls are Selūne's favored animals. On top of that, owls are one of the best familiars because Flyby lets them move to a creature, take the Help action, and fly away without reprisal.

2018-06-28, 01:10 PM
Owl would indeed be the classic choice. The wiki also identifies song dragons and weredragons as Her 'favoured monsters'. You could maybe homebrew a 'baby song dragon' stat block if you were feeling really adventurous.

2018-06-28, 01:14 PM
Owl is not only fitting, but one of the top tier Familiar choices do to Flyby.

I had once a Wizard at my table with an Owl familiar named "Hooter".