View Full Version : OoTS Sketchdump

2018-06-29, 03:47 AM
It's been a minute since I binge-read the comic start-to-finish, and since I had exactly nothing to do today, I figured why the hell not. It's also been a minute since I felt inspired to draw anything, so here's all the sketches I did today that are fit to share, in varying stages of completion!

(It took a little experimentatin', finding a median between my style and Rich's, but I think I managed to keep the stick-figurey charm.)




2018-06-29, 04:40 AM
Links aren't showing up because of... well... THIS nonsense (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562082-Issues-with-custom-avatar). I was able to go directly to them by looking at your post's source (and I really like some of these!), but you might want to find a different image host.

2018-06-29, 09:52 AM
Links aren't showing up because of... well... THIS nonsense.

Well, butts! Thanks for lettin' me know, I wound up using DeviantArt Stash. (And double thanks for going thru the trouble to see the pictures anyways!)

Lord Torath
2018-06-29, 11:19 AM
These are adorable! I love Tsukiko! So bouncy and full of energy! No inspiration for Belkar, though?

I really do like these. Full of character. I like the simplicity (more detailed than Rich's), and you really make their characters show through. Not much of an art critic myself, so I can't offer a lot of constructive criticism, other than to say "keep drawing! I'm enjoying them!"

2018-06-30, 12:39 AM
These are adorable! I love Tsukiko! So bouncy and full of energy! No inspiration for Belkar, though? ...Not much of an art critic myself, so I can't offer a lot of constructive criticism, other than to say "keep drawing! I'm enjoying them!"

Not so much a lack of inspiration, as a lack of badassedness. I made a couple of sketches that didn't look bad but that didn't feel Belkar-y. (I almost didn't post the one Durkon I finally got right 'til I reasoned that 'blank-faced confusion' is an emotion he'd display fairly often, being in unfamiliar lands.) Half the art is in the feel, not just the look, y'know?

I'll be updating this post with additional doodles--at the very least, I'll be adding a Belkar, a Xykon, and a MitD later to complete the set.