View Full Version : Illusionist One Shot

2018-06-29, 06:36 PM
Hey everyone. I recently posted a thread about illusions as I am planning to run a one shot focused around illusions. So, I have all my rooms planned but I could use a little help on how to run the one room. The basics idea is for them to be in a room with exact copies of themselves. They will not beable to tell who is who unless they make investigation checks on each other. The question I have is how would you run this room? I know I could just say no metagaming and that you don't know if you are attacking your friend or a replica, but I feel like there has to be something better.

2018-06-29, 07:23 PM
What I'd try:

Every player plays his/her character and the illusion (which will basically copy their actions), if only one illusion is left they have "completed" the room. The player whos illusion is the last man illusion standing receives a boon or item (maybe something that can summon the illusion in the next encounters), every player who was knocked unconcious / falsely identified receives a curse (malus to Investigation checks maybe?). That way the players have an incentive to not only defend themselves but also their illusion, through arguing and maybe combat (depending on how keen your players or to PvP) but also have to weigh their own survival over that of their illusion. Best case scenario would be to have no one knocked out and have one player receive the reward. Worst case most of the group gets falsely identified as an illusion and receives a curse, but one gets the reward.

This may no work with all groups, but maybe it sparks your inspiration :)