View Full Version : WoD Need to Create a New Discipline

2018-06-30, 01:49 AM
I'm in a bit of a weird situation in our VtM game. My Tremere has recently discovered he has some sort of crazy abilities. My ST ran the initial scene, but has tasked me with creating the specifics (subject to his approval of course, but we have a pretty good working relationship, so I guess he trusts me to not do anything too outlandish)

Problem is, I have little to no experience with homebrewing, and I'm really just not all that full of ideas. You guys have been wonderfully helpful before, so I was hoping for more assistance. I really just need some place to start, precise mechanical details aren't as important at this stage.

Here's what I know so far:

* The character can crystallize his vitae outside his body at will, with at least some control over the shape, although he hasn't attempted anything complicated yet

* It "feels more innate, like your other disciplines, as opposed to being some kind of Thaumaturgy"

* Whatever these powers are, they're the result of the character's sire performing some kind of unspecified Thaumaturgical experiments on him at some point, although whether it's something that was always there and just unlocked, or whether the sire created the abilities herself has not been specified.

* None of the PCs or NPCs who know about it have seen anything like it before IC (and yes, several of them do have high Occult)

We were thinking something that involved the physical manipulation and/or transmutation of vitae (his own and possibly others'), but I'm having trouble coming up with things that fit the tone of Vampire and aren't just duplications of Path of Blood or Quietus.

If it helps, the character is a Tremere, of Russian origin, Path of Blood primary, built fairly jack-of-all-trades, but particularly good at interrogation/torture and taking a hit. We're using V20 for our system.

Thanks in advance!

2018-06-30, 09:17 AM
First thought? Similar to the Thaumaturgical path of Conjuring (http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Thaumaturgy_(VTM)). Low levels, you create simple items out of blood, but they dissolve after a while. As you advance, you get longer duration, more complex objects, etc.

There might also be a power to let you store blood indefinitely (i.e. you can hide it as crystals around your body and lair), and possibly enghoul people and maybe increase blood potency to more easily blood bond people.

2018-07-05, 08:14 AM

Homebrewing a Discipline is a cool idea... also quite brave.

How about something like this -


Anything made with this discipline can be absorbed by the creating Kindred as a Reflexive action on their turn, as long as they are in skin contact with object.

Level 1

At this level you can create crystals of blood, these keep indefinitely (like the Tremere Ritual that allows Vitae to keep it's potency as long as it's stored in a sealed container).

You roll Intelligence and Survival, DC 7. For every Success you Crystalize 1 point of blood. The shape can be anything, but it fits in the palm of your hand (it cannot be bigger or smaller than this), and is a solid object (no complex or moving parts, as if the object were made of a solid piece of glass or wood), it still retains the colour of vita, with an odd sheen. You cannot use this ability again until all the crystals of blood have been absorbed. The crystals

Level 2

You can do the above power to other people as long as your skin is touching them, except they roll soak (Also DC 7) and their successes are deducted from yours, it deals damage equal to the number of blood crystals you create, lethal to mortals, bashing to supernaturals. You can create the Crystals in your hand or around their body.

The crystals made by this ability last until the end of the scene, upon which they turn back to blood, they can only be absorbed by the Disciplines user OR the original target (if that target is Kindred). The blood retains any special properties it should have had as long as it is crystallized (i.e. Werewolf blood requires Frenzy rolls etc)

Level 3

You can create a defensive barrier a part of your body as a reflexive action. When an attack hits you, you may make an Intelligence and Survival Roll DC 7, if you succeed you may spend any amount of blood (Up to your generational maximum) to create a temporary shield around that body part. This shield soaks all damage (including aggravated) except the damage caused by Sunlight.

In addition, if you have any blood crystals in contact with you, you may use them to fuel this power, and go above your normal generational maximum blood expenditure per turn.

Level 4

When using the first level power, you may expend a willpower point when activating it allowing you to use the power again before the previous one expires. This way, you can have used the first power several times to create a large number of crystals.

Level 5

When creating Crystals with any level of this discipline you may expend a Willpower Point to allow someone else to use the crystals you create. (Other than the target of the ability). They cannot use the Crystals for anything except reabsorbing, but may do this as many times as they like on their turn as a reflexive action, and it allows them to spend more blood per turn than their generation would usually allow (as long as all the extra blood used is in the form of Crystals, in contact with their skin)

How does that sound?

Mr Blobby
2018-07-09, 01:12 AM
Suggestion: Hit Requiem for Bloodline signature Disciplines.

One that jumps out at me: 'Bloodworking' [Mekhet Clanbook].

2018-07-18, 12:52 PM
I like what ShadowImmor did above here but I would change up Level 5.
Level 5
When the character strikes a target with an attack that does at least 1 health level of damage after soak using this weapon, the kindred can choose to shatter the weapon and impose a level of a blood bond on the target.