View Full Version : Chromatic dragon allies

2018-06-30, 04:04 AM
Who would ally with chromatic dragons during war?

The situation is that, due to an unintended series of events, a 1000 year old empire of chromatic dragons has declared war on the metallic dragons, the giants, and everyone that refused to bow to them. Based on the amount of people that would band together to fight the chromatic dragons, however, in seems that this world-shattering war that the PCs will attempt to avert will actually turn out to be a massive army going up to the chromatic dragons and pounding them to dust. Who could the chromatic dragons ally with?

Some notes about this world:
The drow and duergar were betrayed by the chromatic empire 1000 years ago, so they aren't going to help, and some drow are even going to fight the empire

The dragonborn were actually created by the chromatic empire only 1000 years ago as a slave race. Many slaves escaped, so the chromatic dragons choose to either A) pretend to care about the slaves or B) get tighter security. So, dragonborn are soldiers are fighting on both sides of the war.

A gnomish country was conquered by dragons early on, so other gnomes are going to send a fleet to combat the dragons

Vlaakith has sent 1112 githyanki to the red dragons as allies.

2018-06-30, 04:11 AM
Those that worship dragons like kobolds would lilely be an easy start, as would those that respect strength like orcs. Sounds stereotypical but there are other options.

As powerful magical creatures those with more ambition than scruples might sign on in hopes of getting their hands on magic, power or other benefits.

Mercenaries. Dragons are well known for having large amounts of gold.

Dragons are also known to be intelligent and cunning. It would not be a stretch for some to be coerced into service by various means, blackmail for example.

Oh, and those with political reasons to ally themselves with a powerful empire that might otherwise be enemies. Like their neighbours or those with trade ties.

2018-06-30, 04:22 AM
I could see a blue-dragon run human part of the empire that would probably stay loyal. Same goes for elves under the thumb of Green dragons, as both the blue and Green dragon should be fairly reasonable as long as you can follow orders.

In fact, since this is an empire, I'd expect blues and greens to do most of the administrativia, so this empire could quite easily have a big human and or elvish population quite willing to fight for their scaly masters.

That's assuming you're using the stock dragon alignments and interpret the LE alignment as 'smart evil overlord', which doesn't have to be the case.

2018-06-30, 07:42 AM
Lizardfolks can be convinced to serve evil dragons pretty easily.

2018-06-30, 09:14 AM
Githyanki and Red dragons have been bros for a few editions now.

2018-06-30, 11:06 AM
I think that, based on the lore I've read, the standard action to take when you're an evil empire on the brink of defeat is to make a deal with Asmodeus. Which always works out *super* well, of course.

But seriously, maybe you could give them some fiendish backup.

2018-06-30, 12:01 PM
In all honesty, justifying the dragons working together with each other is far more difficult than finding an army for them.

Sorlock Master
2018-06-30, 12:30 PM
In all honesty, justifying the dragons working together with each other is far more difficult than finding an army for them.

I was thinking this. Chromats are all arrogant and think there the best ever.

That being said you don't necessarily need allies for the dragons. They would probably try to corrupt office holders in the opposing army by promising to expand thier lands and power for service, or lack there of.

2018-06-30, 05:38 PM
Thanks for all of the help!

I think that I'll order one army of fiendish mercenaries to go, along with an ancient horror looking to ally with then dragons. Oh, and corrupt officials that have been coerced into allying with the chromatics, or at least not fighting them.

2018-06-30, 07:06 PM
If you have Tiamat in your setting, you can use her fiendish connections as the reason for Infernal support. She's calling in all her markers to keep her power base alive.

2018-06-30, 10:45 PM
Thanks for all of the help!

I think that I'll order one army of fiendish mercenaries to go, along with an ancient horror looking to ally with then dragons. Oh, and corrupt officials that have been coerced into allying with the chromatics, or at least not fighting them.

Additionally some aberrations might be very interested in cooperating in exchange for spoils, slaves, and humanoid brain snacks.

Some intelligent undead might be willing to make the same bargain, for necromancy experimental materials (including metallic dragon corpses), or blood, or just for dragon spells that the ancient chromatic dragons have been hoarding.

They wouldn't want to fight in the same divisions as the undead or aberrations, but some of the less-friendly fey might be interested in removing civilization from their territory, and the return of nature which would tend to accompany that removal.

2018-07-01, 07:53 PM
My 5c

White - I can see them forming small armies of orcs, ogres, etc. Beings who would respect power, and possibly live in those harsher areas. Also, they wouldn't be looking to the dragon for massive insights into strategic planning. Just a "go and kill" take.

Black - lizardfolk. Generally most swamp-dwellers could be under this blanket, but lizardfolk would definitely line up for that.

Green - Greens would probably end up with weird ragtag assemblages, because they are more about subterfuge and politics. They might have a blackmailed cohort of minotaurs, a conclave of druids who have to fight, lest the dragon let their protected groves fall, etc.

Blue - blues, I totally see as being the ones most capable of organising proper militaries. They understand the value of troops, the importance of keeping those troops content and complacent, and of their usefulness. Hobgoblins, human mercenaries, maybe some evil-aligned sphinxes.

Reds - honestly? Reds would be all "SCREW EVERYONE, I DON'T NEED ANYONE ELSE BUT ME". They are too angry and arrogant to really form alliances (except the gith, which is a more politically complex thing involving deals with Tiamat, etc). Kobolds, sure, but honestly, reds don't ally with them so much as are worshipped by them. They don't need the kobolds, but it's nice to have someone to shine your hoard and worship you like a god.

2018-07-02, 04:06 AM
Huh, aberrations hadn't even occurred to me at all.
Undead, I'm going to use as the aforementioned ancient horror.
Fey... I like the idea of trying to reclaim land, the red dragons are currently trying to cut down the enemy armies food supply by having kobolds release plagues of locusts into enemy crops, and burning from above if they get the chance. So, a fey looking out for nature would not ally with the red dragons burning it all down, although non-nature fey such as redcaps could work, if the dragons could get the redcaps to not murder their own troops.

The greens and blues are in charge of the troops, as the white dragons would accidentally eat them, the red dragons would burn them all if one looked at them funny, and black dragons would torture for fun (as they are the most sadistic of dragons)

As for why the dragons are working together... basically, an ancient red dragon and an ancient white dragon want to expand, loot, eat and kill. Many other dragons and Tiamat also want this. The other dragons that are neutral or against this don't really have much of a choice, since going against two ancients, a dozen other dragons, and their deity's wishes would be suicide. I have created a list of major political figure for the dragons, just in case the players try negations. Obviously, political relations are pretty shaky, so an intelligent player could possibly cause the entire empire to implode if s/he puts his/her mind to it.

2018-07-10, 10:47 PM
if an empire believes (for whatever reason) the chromatics will win, that empire may aline with them in hopes they will be spared the same fate as the losers. This could even be a good, if not confused, emperer who is just looking to save the lives of his citizens. When push comes to shove, if you have to save your family, you may join the side of evil.

I would also see if the dragon could find some more intelligent aberrations (beholders, illithids, etc). Those things could be convinced to join the dragon for ownership of some city/nation and some fresh brains and magical items.

A dragon might even have spells to gate in some demons and bargain for their service.

Plenty of options; but the key thing is to weave in lore as to why this happened. It makes it more flavorful. Maybe while the PCs are spending months amassing armies, equipping them with the proper anti-dragon equipment, trying to convince kingdos to join them, or even convince evil powerful NPCs to join them (an evil NPC nation may not like the idea of being ruled by dragons, so will join the "good" guys...better to have a good neighbor you can subjugate later than an evil one who will try to conquer you); during this time the evil dragons are doing the same and such rumors make way to the PCs. Now thy have a sense of urgency. In the end, the battle will come down to the PCs, some close allies vs some of the leader chromats and their allies. All the other creatues, kingdoms, etc is for story and flare.

2018-07-11, 04:25 AM

Nasty enough to not feel squeamish about dragon allies, powerful enough to have the dragons grudging respect, smart enough to be an ally with their own agenda rather than a tool and importantly less of a rival - the split between land and sea take the pressure off the relationship as less competition for territory.