View Full Version : Orc specific equipment 3.0/3.5

2018-06-30, 11:39 AM
Hey all, tried searching a few different ways both here and google in general, came up with a couple threads, but nothing quite definitive came up. Im in a 3.5 campaign, party's about level 11; 2 pcs are half-orcs, ones playing a paladin of heironeous (I know), the other a ranged fighter specializing in the orc shotput. The fighter is looking to pick up another orc-centric weapon. We all know about the awfulness of the double bladed axe, and the shotput is a given.
My question- is there an orc or half orc specific equipment list floating around somewhere I haven't found? Have dozens of pdfs of d20 sourcebooks at my disposal, but can't find a couple I thought I remembered. Can be anything wizards official 3.5/3.0

If not, let's start a list.
Orc shotput (arms & equipment guide)
Orc Double Axe (PHB)
Orc Razor (Savage Species, pg51)
Gauntlet of Gruumsh (Savage species, pg 51)(not orc specific according to description, but obviously fits thematically)

On a semi-related note, is The Quintessential Half Orc from mongoose worth the £3 for the pdf download?

2018-06-30, 12:06 PM
The only other one orc-specific weapon I'm aware of is the Crusher from Dragon #275; it's exotic melee two-handed weapon with 1d8 bludgeoning damage and X2 crit; like the Spiked Chain, it's a reach weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/weapons.htm#reachWeapons) which is also able to attack adjacent foes without using the Short Haft feat

2018-07-01, 03:38 PM
Amulet of wordtwisting from MIC, gives twice the bonus for orcs, plus tongues 1/day.

2018-07-02, 08:27 PM
Axe of Storms- a specific orc double axe, Arms and Equipment
Gruumsh's Revenge- +3 anti elf long spear, Arms and Equipment
Ettin Axe of Uruth, a sentient orc double axe, City of Splendors

Thanks for the replies guys. Will keep the thread updated as I find more. Anything on thematic or specific armors/items is appreciated.

2018-07-03, 04:50 AM
Kingdom of Kalamar's Fury in the Wastelands introduces several new items, spells, feats, prestige classes and so on for Orcs. (Check the index under 'new ...') These are the new items in it:

Weapons (page 43 and further):
Orc Javelin (Gnunognog): ranged, medium-size,
Orc scimitar (Uraak): melee, medium-size,
Orc greataxe (Urįrkha): melee, large
Orc shortbow (Nognoglut): ranged, medium-size,
Orc bowblade: melee, medium-size
Orc shieldblade: melee, medium-size
Oghor double axe (ka'hha): melee, large
Orc double bow blade: melee, large

Armor (also page 43 and further):
Orc leather (khu'ugug)-light armor
Orc studded (khu'okogn) -light armor
Orc scale (khu'oghor) -medium armor
Orc chain (khu'lanun) - medium armor
runt shield (gha'ugug)
battle shield (gha'okogn)

Magic items:
Enchanted Standard (page 49)
Orc arrows (page 50)
Armor piercing missile
Heart seeker missile
Pain missile
Horn of Grarg (page 52)
Potion of Trollblood (page 59)

The Quintessential Half-orc is about as good as the rest of the Quinessential series. Some parts are really fun and usefull, while other parts feel a bit like superfluous filler, or don't work well with standard 3.5 options and settings. However, I value it more than most other Quintessential books, because there are so few other resources expending on orcs and halforcs.

Among other things, Quintessential Half-orc has some interesting new feats, and a very decent list of new equipment (including about 25 new/variant weapons, 3 pages of different kinds of hide armor, and drugs). It also offers expended rules for raging, rules for alternative ways of using magic (blood rites and ritual scars), and descriptions + stats for different varieties of half-orcs.

Assuming those £3 are not going to ruin you, it is definitely worth it if your group likes character development and world/culture building, and wants to try something else than the limited range of options available for (half)orcs in the standard books.
It is less suitable for pure powerplayers or tacticians though. Especially the prestige classes are underpowered compared to those from WotC supplements.

2018-07-04, 09:22 AM
Son's of Gruumish Adventure - Hammer of Gruumish

Only one i can think of thats not listed..

2018-07-04, 03:19 PM
Black patch from Defenders of the Faith (page 26). 8,800 gp, grants a +2 competence bonus on ranged attack rolls and on saving throws against illusions, only functions for a wearer of orc blood (orc or half-orc).

2018-07-04, 09:19 PM
Kingdom of Kalamar's Fury in the Wastelands introduces several new items, spells, feats, prestige classes and so on for orcs......

Thanks for the info. Didn't have any of the Kalamar Books.

2018-10-31, 11:37 AM
Sorry about the thread necromancy, but stumbled upon an Orc specific relic.

Shield of the Severed Hand. MIC pg22

I'll get all this into a nice table soon with references for anyone interested.

2021-09-03, 09:03 PM
Sorry about the thread necromancy, but stumbled upon an Orc specific relic.

Shield of the Severed Hand. MIC pg22

I'll get all this into a nice table soon with references for anyone interested.


2021-09-04, 12:31 AM
Kingdoms of Kalamar: Fury in the Wasteland also has two alchemical substances orcs use (p. 33).

Ghunuk is a healing salve
Kharun is a tonic to stave off subdual damage from environmental effects, starvation and dehydration.

2021-09-04, 07:29 AM
The Fullmetal Mod: Thread Necromancy is a forbidden art.