View Full Version : Miniatures New to warhammer tabletop

2018-07-01, 07:06 AM
Hi folks! I figured this was the best place to ask

Does anyone know where i can find some cheap or free books for the warhammer tabletop? Im about to get into learning it by buying the starter kit that has orks and marines but realized i don't think,it has any rules with it ( also if anyone has recommendations just say)
Any help would be awsome!

2018-07-01, 07:26 AM
Hi there!

We have a big thread for Warhammer 40,000 over here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?557261-Warhammer-40K-Tabletop-Thread-XXXIV-Situation-Normal-All-FAQ-d-Up) where you can get a lot more specific help. The Orks/Marines starter box is very old (about ten years old, I think!) so while it does have rules in it, the rules are out of date. The rules for 40k are available for free on Games Workshop's website, but you'll also need the rules for your specific army to play it - those are in the Indices or Codices. Alternatively, you could get the current starter set (Dark Imperium) which includes the core rulebook (all the free rules, plus lots of neat extra stuff) and a small army for both Space Marines and Death Guard, plus the rules you need to play with both.

2018-07-01, 07:13 PM
Hi there!

We have a big thread for Warhammer 40,000 over here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?557261-Warhammer-40K-Tabletop-Thread-XXXIV-Situation-Normal-All-FAQ-d-Up) where you can get a lot more specific help. The Orks/Marines starter box is very old (about ten years old, I think!) so while it does have rules in it, the rules are out of date. The rules for 40k are available for free on Games Workshop's website, but you'll also need the rules for your specific army to play it - those are in the Indices or Codices. Alternatively, you could get the current starter set (Dark Imperium) which includes the core rulebook (all the free rules, plus lots of neat extra stuff) and a small army for both Space Marines and Death Guard, plus the rules you need to play with both.

I think OP means the snap fit stuff (that's US only IIRC). It's a re-release of the AoBR stuff in a small set of packs.

But yeah, for the OP, the other thing you can do, depending on where you are, if you can get into an actual Game Workshop store, they're usually pretty happy to run you through a starter game and paint a mini with you as well as help you get started. I can't vouch for the quality of the staff everywhere, but they should be helpful enough if you let 'em know you're getting started.

As LeSwordfish mentioned, check out the latest 40k tabletop thread that was linked above - there's plenty of guides and such for starting an army on a budget, but the most important thing is that you like the army that you start as it will be much better to play what you like instead of what someone tells you is good.

2018-07-02, 07:51 AM
i literally found out yesterday that there is a warhammer store close ( aka 2hrs away) by so that was the plan to go there actually lol..that would also help figure out where im starting cause i find ..many..many books at a used bookstore and i had no idea what anything was