View Full Version : Realing Needing A Game To Play Right Now....

2018-07-02, 09:18 AM
So I don't want to sound needy, but I could really use somebody to run any rpg game for me to play (doesn't have to be solo, others are what makes these games fun). Me and my family lost almost our whole house due to flooding, well technically the whole thing cuz it's so structurally unsound now that once our stuff is gone, it's getting bulldozed. My entire bedroom was in the basement which flooded the entire thing from floor to ceiling, then to the very top stair of the stairwell. Water even coming through our kitchen floorboards.
So if anyone feels like running a game I'd appreciate it. I just didn't feel it would be right to have this post over in the Recruiting threads.

Games I know how to play include tons lol but I really like Urban Arcana, Mutants and Masterminds, and of course I still love some d&d, Pathfinder, and others like that. Basically any d20, d6, or d100 games.

Thanks all who reads this, and I hope anyone else effected by these flash floods are safe and well!

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-07-02, 09:22 AM
Look in the Finding Players (Recruiting) subforum.

EDIT: Apologies, was just trying to help you achieve the goal of this topic.

2018-07-02, 08:03 PM
Oh thanks dude, you telling me that is making my whole day better after just losing 95% of my belongings. Me and my family are homeless now, but by all means, Please Correct Me instead of being friendly and supportive....