View Full Version : Rogue / Hexblade - Stop at level 3 or level 5 of Hexblade?

2018-07-02, 11:00 AM
Hello everyone, looking for some advice.

I'm currently playing Rogue / Hexblade Warlock and I'm at level 3 in both classes. Our DM informed us that we will soon hit level 7 and I'm deciding if I should take my next level in Rogue or Hexblade. My original though was to take the next two levels in Hexblade to get the extra attack from the Lifedrinker invocation, plus the ability to keep Hex for 8 hours for some extra damage. However, I'm wondering if I'm better off just stopping at level 3 of Hexblade and going all Rogue from here.

My main attack at the moment is Booming Blade for an extra 1D8 of damage with a chance of another 2D8. However, I won't be able to use Booming Blade with multiple attacks. Is the extra attack worth delaying uncanny dodge for another 2 levels of and giving up 1D6 in sneak attack dice?

Willie the Duck
2018-07-02, 11:26 AM
Between the benefits of Booming Blade (especially so often getting the rider, given that you can disengage), plus the extra d6 SA, the damage is a near wash. So it depends on how often you out -and-out miss, meaning that two attacks benefit you by giving you two chances to land your SA damage (of course, with more levels of hexblade, the SA damage isn't that impressive).

I'd say, don't do it just for the attack. Do it for things like the 3rd level spells or longer Hexes (have you had a lot of trouble keeping Hex up?).

2018-07-02, 11:32 AM
Remember that the "Extra Attack" (Thirsting Blade) isn't the only benefit from level 5 Warlock. You also get Eldritch Smite and 3rd level spells, which are quite worthwhile.

It depends heavily on playstyle, though -- I'd eventually hit Warlock 4 for the ASI, but if you think you'd rather the extra survivability Uncanny Dodge affords you ASAP then go to Rogue 5 before investing any more in Warlock.

It's very much a personal/playstyle call more than a strictly mechanical one.

2018-07-02, 11:37 AM
I struggle with extra attack versus melee cantrips also.

This is why it is good to be an eldritch knight extra attack and a melee cantrip (or some other cantrip)

Yes, your melee cantrips become less useful if you are using extra attack. One thing to keep them more useful is warcaster. Booming blade is the perfect choice on someone already committed to motion.

Extra attack is numerically better than a cantrip attack, I think.

d8wpn + 4 stat + d6 hex + 3d6 + d8 BBlade
d8wpn + 4 stat + d6 hex + 2d6 AND d8wpn + 4 stat + d6 hex

In addition to two attacks making landing SA more likely the Extra attack option is d6 + wpn bonus(at least 1 probably) + stat better
The two are closer to the same without Hex up.

I would look at what else you are getting with level 5 warlock. 3rd level spells like counter spell and hunger of hadar, extra cantrip. faster ASI advancement.

If you do decide to stop at 3rd warlock (which isn't a bad choice) I would switch to tomelock for rituals and guidance to improve your skills

The melee cantrip (which has a loudness disadvantage for your rogue) becomes better @11th and nothing much happens to the extra attack.

2018-07-02, 02:12 PM
Also, remember that if you have extra attack and Eldritch Smite, you'll be able to smite someone prone, and then you'd get advantage on your second attack, thus pop your sneak attack while in the thick of it.

2018-07-02, 02:40 PM
Either way you will be fine, but I would go for the extra attack and 3rd level spell slots first. That's a solid offensive base to work from, and even though you would be delaying Uncanny Dodge (and potentially Evasion,) remember that dead enemies do no damage.

Saving Eldritch Smite for crits using 3rd-level slots is damn good spike damage, and good luck to surviving that on a SA. The extra attack just increases the chances of this happening.

2018-07-02, 07:24 PM
Honestly both ways are very good.
I'd choose primarily on whether I felt in safety so far (or I know about upcoming dangers).
If you don't feel life-threatened, Warlock first: not that Extra Attack Invocation is that necessary for you, rather that you get 3rd level spells AND you get much closer to Greater Invisibility which is arguably the only spell you really want (invisible enabling Hidden as bonus action, most spells won't work on you, you get automatic advantage while enemies get disadvantage... Basically you'll get possibly as much mileage defense-wise of this spell as you would from Uncanny Dodge as long as you have good concentration, otherwise don't expect too much of it).

I'd personally go Warlock 5 (bump attack stat) > Rogue 4 (Warcaster/Resilient: Concentration) > Warlock 7 > Rogue 5 > Warlock 8 (the other feat). But honestly arguments for other plans would be as legitimate.
>> Just go towards whatever you feel is your next immediate priority.