View Full Version : Curse of the Crimson Throne [Part One: Edge of Anarchy]

2018-07-02, 01:40 PM
It is, by all accounts, a typical day in Korvosa. There is little out of the ordinary as one would go through the streets, witnessing the bustle of the city. Rumours abound that king Eodred II is sick and incommunicado, the latter part is certainly true, and wild rumours circulate throughout the city. For some few, the day brings something new; A touch of fortune and destiny.

Sometime during the day or evening, you find that there is an unfamiliar bookmark in your spellbook. It marks out your spell Silent Image, and is a card, depicting a man gaining divine inspiration. It is finely made and looks quite expensive, with silvered edges. You've seen street corner diviners with similar cards, though none as fine, and the art of cartomancy was a subject you might remember in passing from the Academae. On the flip side, there is a message written in bold ink. (see thus labelled spoiler)
In the morning, Sonia finds a card on the inside of her shield, depicting a dragon with rainbow-hued wings. Youve seen traditional Varisian Harrow cards often enough to recognize one, but this is of finer make than most. On the flip side, there is a message written in bold ink. (see thus labelled spoiler)
Sean, recently returned to Korvosa and making purchases to replenish his supplies after his journey there later discovers a card among his purchased gear, depicting a fan of peacock feathers, which upon closer inspection seem more like daggers. On the flip side, there is a message written in bold ink. (see thus labelled spoiler)
As you visit upon and practice with the relics of Erastil in your possession, you find a card placed beneath his rapier, Scorchbark's Pride, depicting a female character balancing life and death On the flip side, there is a message written in bold ink. (see thus labelled spoiler)
Some time after noon, Marcus finds his pocket contains something that did not belong there: a card depicting a mob of the downtrodden amidst the fires of rebellion. On the back side, there is a message written in bold ink. (see spoiler below)

I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

At the appointed time, in the indicated place, the door to the 3.Lancet street is invitingly slightly open, with candlelight coming from within.

The interior of this small, humble home consists of a single cozy chamber filled with a fragrant haze of flowers and strong spice. The aroma comes from several sticks of incense smouldering in wall-mounted burners that look like butterfly-winged elves. The smoke gives the room a dreamy feel. The walls are draped with brocaded tapestries, one showing a black-skulled beast juggling human hearts, and another showing a pair of angels dancing atop a snow-blasted mountain. A third tapestry on the far wall depicts a tall, hooded figure shrouded in mist, holding a flaming sword in a skeletal hand. Several brightly coloured rugs cover the floor, but the room’s only furnishings are a wooden table covered by a bright red throw cloth and several elegant, tall-backed chairs. A basket covered by blue cloth sits under the table.

Atop the table is a second note, in familiar handwriting.

Thank you for coming. I had to step out for a bit, but shall return shortly. Please, have a seat while you wait. The basket under the table contains bread and drink for you.

There is indeed bread and wine in the basket. Nothing exquisite, hardly even good, but it fills the stomach.

For each of you, I'd like a short description of your daily life, such as it is, and how you react to what is to come (see spoilers). You arrive in the order of posting.

2018-07-02, 02:11 PM
Sean Quickbeam raises an eyebrow at the invitation. Fate? A trap? Few knew he was coming. Suspicious.

He arrives at the site an hour early, loitering a short distance away, keeping an eye on the entrance. he doesn't enter, yet anyhow. Best to see if any others are similarly summoned. He has little enough to do otherwise; newly arrived, no work nor clear plans to find any. Few remaining friends and a family that would give a cold welcome. Best not to involve them anyhow.

Plenty of time to watch.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-07-02, 02:43 PM
The mid-morning sun shines, wagons clack across the busy streets, townsmen yell greetings or arguments to their neighbors, and Marcus is savoring the feeling of walking through Korvosa as a free man. No need to skulk about, no need to survey the entire crowd for good marks, just another citizen standing tall with a well-worn coinpurse jangling at his belt. For the past few weeks he had been picking up swing shifts as a dockworker, pitching camp in a tent city with the other migrants working at the waterfront, and life seemed almost entirely dissociated from the bloody troubles of Marcus' past. In the right light, if you squinted, the scars riddling his torso could almost be mistaken for birthmarks.

Today, Marcus stops to find that some deft-fingered berk has slipped a strange painted card into his pocket without slipping out any coins. This means he does probably owe them at least 2 gold worth of his time, despite the... distressingly reminiscent contents of the message. Going back to the abandoned corner of the lot where he had been hiding his glaive among planks of wood, Marcus dusts it off and makes sure to loosen the peacebond before setting off to 3 Lancet Street. An indiscretion, perhaps, to bring such a weapon of war into a private dwelling, but anyone talking about sending Lamm to his fate should by all rights have the steely-edged determination to at least forgive that particular faux pas.

On arrival, however, Marcus is disarmed by the revelation that there's no one actually there to greet. Just an enigmatic note and a series of ostentatious tapestries that seem designed to intimidate (which they do). Letting out a frustrated sigh, Marcus reaches for the provided basket and takes one of the tougher-looking pieces of bread. At least he can take some of this tension out on the roll as he chews.

2018-07-02, 06:13 PM
When he sees the invitation, Kiyan is sitting in a deckchair on a building site, attempting to research Vanish while watching two builders, who are wearing hats and scarves despite the warm weather. Some explanation is perhaps necessary. A close look would reveal that the "builders" are in fact skeletons, which Kiyan has temporarily animated to perform some dangerous work on the construction site. He's there to keep an eye on them, and is making productive use of the time for his own purposes. The whole process is safer for all involved than using living builders, and Kiyan obtained the skeletons...if not legally (trading in and animating corpses being illegal in general) then at least with the permission of their original owners. While it's not strictly allowed, a poor person at death's door is often quite happy to sell their corpse - to be collected after they've passed away, of course - in return for enough money for their families to comfortably live on for long enough to work out some more long-term solution. And he can use the skeletons, plus his unique abilities, to perform jobs like this both safely and cheaply.

Turning back to his spellbook after a lengthy contemplative pause, something sticking out of it catches his attention. Flicking quickly to the relevant page, he's relieved to note that the book itself looks untampered with. He then gives his attention to the new bookmark that's been added. Hmm. Cartomancy seems to have been rather popular in the city lately, although Kiyan can't see the attraction himself. It's always struck him as a rather vague form of divination, whose results are so open to interpretation that they provide no practical guidance at all. And the results are almost as likely to harm the diviner as to help them, according to his limited understanding. There are plenty of other, more effective, ways of divining. Proper magical spells, for a start - there's a whole school for divination, after all.

Still, he knows enough to see that this card seems particularly finely made, and on an impulse, decides to cast detect magic on it before flipping it over and reading the message. His eye is drawn to a single phrase. "Others like you will be there"? Others with innate magic in their blood? Or others who use necromancy to animate dead? Or maybe...no, rereading the message, it's probably just others who've been harmed by Lamm, or want to seek his downfall. And given what Lamm has done - the children he's enslaved, the youths he's condemned to a painful shiver-related death, and more - stopping him would indeed be entirely just, and the right thing to do. Whatever the city watch might say. Kiyan does suspect, though, that the "justice" this mysterious author claims to seek may be more accurately described as "revenge". Still, though, beggars can't be choosers. He'll go along to this meeting. If the writer does have a solid plan to bring Lamm down, and doesn't seem like he's doublecrossing them, then Kiyan decides he's prepared to help. For now, though, he decides it would be wise to keep his necromantic activities secret. The writer may well already know, but if he doesn't then Kiyan sees no reason to add to that knowledge. It already seems a little too thorough...

Kiyan turns up at around the appointed time that evening. He's no longer accompanied by his undead, and a quick glance at his spellbook (after casting Mage Armour) has allowed him to prepare Charm Person and Colour Spray in place of the spells he had ready before. Glancing around, he enters the room to find a single person there helping himself to a roll. He quickly reads the note on the table, before speaking.

"So...are you our host returned earlier than planned, or does he intend for us to all meet one another before he reveals himself?"

Casting mage armour shortly before reaching the place. Then swapping out my two prepared spells for the above two, via fast study. Costing me two arcane pool points, which I don't expect to get back in a hurry. (Hey, my archetype says I have to prepare a necromancy spell every day. It says nothing about having to have a necromancy spell prepared all the time...And there really aren't any good 1st level necromancy spells, especially when you decided not to bring your undead with you.)

2018-07-02, 10:51 PM
Stifling a slight yawn as he begins his morning prayers, Istakkos blinks in surprise as he spies the card hidden away amongst his relics. He brushes his hand against the ornate back, wondering if this too is meant to convey some message, and tucks it thoughtfully away. Still he focuses after a moment, and continues with his daily oblations, caring lovingly for each weapon in turn before returning them to their sheathes and strapping them on.

The monotony of his trek toward the East Shore is thankfully broken by the colorful and boisterous hawkers hoping to catch the attention of passersby. While the card and its message burns in the back of his mind, his duties come first. Several hours later, he has finished his work outside the gates, repairing a damaged community garden, with a promise to return and help the neighborhood track down the culprit.

The Shoanti turns up outside the cottage at Lancet street just in time to see another man enter, one of the others called here by the mysterious note-writer? He follows not far behind, knocking briskly on the still open door before ducking inside, the small home not quite built for a person his size. Catching the tail end of the other's question, Istakkos waits quietly to hear the response.

2018-07-03, 04:46 AM
Sonia notices the card shortly after waking up. It was her daily routine after all, to inspect her equipment in the morning. The card was easy to spot, wedged in one of the straps on the back of the shield. Upon reading the words on the card, Sonia felt a sudden wave of unease and nausea. The reminder of Lamm brings her back to the time she dragged herself to the Pantheon of the Many, collapsing in front of the Iomedean priests. Further, the notion of someone so easily slipping in so easily at night shook her.

Sonia was staying in the shared housing for fellow Iomedaen clergy. It was sparse, but functional. Sonia first calmed herself down by sticking to her routine. She checked her weapon and armor, searching for signs of wear and tear. She then took inventory of her supplies. Finally, she examined her clothing. Keeping its appearance pristine was impossible, but it was important to be a good representative of the church. After the gear check, an hour of prayer. In the mornings, Sonia preferred the quiet contemplation of The Acts rather than direct prayer. After prayer, a simple breakfast of bread, fish, and raw root vegetables. The dormitory lacked the funding for more indulgent fare, but what they had was filling and nutritious. If it weren’t for the memories of Lamm, Sonia’s stay would be rather pleasant.

Walking to an open area next to the dorm, Sonia began her sword practice. In truth, she was not the best. She was no slouch, but she lacked both the raw strength or the practiced technique of the more senior fighters she knew. Still, practice was important. Sonia hoped it would help re-center herself, as part of her routine. But as she swung her sword, she felt the fear creep in again. Her imaginary opponent became Lamm at times, cackling as he riposted with a fire poker. And other times it was a figured cloaked in shadow. Whether that represented the mysterious intruder, or some other force, Sonia couldn’t tell. But she fell into the idea, swinging with more and more ferocity until a voice called out to her.

“Slaying demons, are you? Must be, if its giving you that much trouble,” Said Ivara. The red headed paladin was standing a few feet in front of Sonia, near the path of her practice. If Sonia came close to striking her, she didn’t react.

“No, Ivara. I just got caught up in remembering something, is all.” said Sonia, averting her gaze from the paladin.

“Hmm, I see. Well, chin up, young one! Plenty of time for you to move on. As long as you live there’s time. Think you’re still up for making the rounds today?” Ivara said. Sonia smiled, as Ivara’s attempt at cheering her up seemed to be more of the same: following the routine. Still, she agreed.

After several hours of assisting with sermons, rites, and generally assisting the faithful, Sonia felt much more whole. Her work at the Pantheon was much like her current meals: simple but fulfilling. But she hadn’t had her fill yet. There was one last bit of business for today.

The fourth to arrive, Sonia is visibly uneasy at first glance. She seems well aware that her appearance stands out quite a bit. She is clad in chainmail, wearing a sword at her side and carrying a shield with Iomedean symbol of the sword and halo on the front. Around her neck is a holy symbol of the same. Her physical stature isn’t very impressive, though those who grew up in similar conditions would probably recognize the lean athleticism of a former street urchin. The most striking aspect of her appearance is her face. She would be reasonably pretty, if it weren’t for the scars on the left side of her face. Whatever struck her mercifully missed her left eye, but left numerous burn scars along her left cheek and neck.

Sonia simply walks past anyone still near the entrance, finding a spot where she can stand and see everyone present. She thumbs the holy symbol around her neck as she looks over each person.

2018-07-03, 06:32 AM
Sean watches several enter the building. An odd assortment.

Deciding the time has come, he enters himself, giving a nod to those already present and staying near the door.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-07-03, 12:59 PM
Marcus coughs at the unexpected address by one of the other guests, but quickly shifts into a full-face smirk to respond to Kiran. "I'm flattered that you'd mistake me for such a clever and ambitious man," he says, rising from his seat and dusting off the sleeves of his dirty jacket. "Or even that you'd mistake me for a homeowner. No, I'm just a humble dockworker named Marcus, formerly a caravaneer and probably called here today because of my... past..."

His voice trails off and grows faint as he gives a strange look to the scarred Iomedean who walks in, followed by a piercing glare at the hulking Shoanti he earlier failed to note and an equally piercing look at the doublet-clad sellsword who's last to enter. "Small world", he mutters.

2018-07-04, 05:02 AM
"Your past? Then, we all got the same message, right? About... Lamm?" Sonia says, the last sentence coming out hesitantly. She has trouble making eye contact with the others in the room, but takes a few steps forward anyways, placing herself at the center.

"I don't know what happened to you, but clearly someone else thinks we share something in common. And, if you came here because of that, maybe you want to confront that past. The same as I do. I won't ask us to trust each other, or tell our stories. But let's acknowledge our shared goal, if we indeed have one. I am looking for Gaedren Lamm, for what he's done to me." Sonia says. She manages to meet the eyes of anyone who is paying attention, though she still holds her holy symbol tightly.

2018-07-04, 05:13 PM
Kiyan is slightly surprised that a cleric of Iomedae has apparently been invited to this. That may lead to some complications...he's quite glad he decided not to bring any undead along. On the other hand, despite taking the usual necromantic blind spot to an extreme, he has to admit that they do generally try to do the right thing. Perhaps this will turn out to be more about justice than revenge, after all...

He decides to probe further into the cleric's attitude, and also those of the others who've arrived. "Indeed. If Lamm can indeed be defeated, then we should do so and stop him from bringing harm to anyone else." How they respond to that will reveal a good deal about their motives, Kiyan reflects.

2018-07-04, 10:31 PM
Istakkos shifts as the others share their motivations for being here today, lightly tracing an old scar on the back of his hand, one of many. "Yes," he agrees solemnly, fishing the card from his pocket. "I'm here for the opportunity to... repay Lamm for everything he's done for me, as you all must be. I wonder if the author of these notes knew how well their message would be received."

2018-07-05, 06:53 AM
Sean shakes his head, frustrated. "Killing Lamm will make an opening, someone else will take his place. But I intend to pay him what is owed regardless. The author of these notes knows far too much. I am barely back in the city and very few knew my plans. If you are all summoned here as mysteriously as I, then we should be on our guard."

2018-07-05, 02:31 PM
Not a moment after Sean has spoken, the door flies open dramatically. A woman, pretty nice-looking at that, wearing a mysterious smile and a variety of coloured scarves and garments. She greets you and closes the door behind her, taking a seat at the small table and beckoning you close as the room seems to dim

“Thank you for coming, my friends, and for putting up with my unconventional method of contacting you. I have reason to remain hidden, you see—a vicious man would see great harm done to me if he knew I was reaching out for help. This man has done something terrible to each of you as well. I speak, of course, of Gaedren Lamm, a man whose cruelty and capacity to destroy the lives of those he touches are matched only by his gift for avoiding reprisal. You see, a year ago, his thieves stole this, my harrow deck, from me. It is important to me, an heirloom passed down through a dozen generations, and also my sole means of support." she says, gathering the cards from you to complete the deck, mixing them in, manipulating and weaving the cards amongst each other with casual skill, fanning them out and folding them away dramatically before carrying on with her story.

"When Lamm’s pickpockets stole it, my son Eran tracked them down and returned my deck to me. But Gaedren had him followed, and soon after he left my home, Gaedren’s thugs murdered him. “I sought help from the Korvosan Guard, but they turned me away. And so I asked around. I paid bribes. I consulted my harrow deck for advice. And recently, I was rewarded—I found out where Gaedren dwells. He can be found in an old fishery north of here, at Westpier 17, where he trains abducted children to be pickpockets and counts his stolen treasures. But I need your help. I cannot hope to face this man on my own, and the Guard moves so slowly that if they were willing to help, Gaedren would certainly know of their coming well in advance. And even if they arrested him, what guarantee would I have he would be punished? This criminal has evaded the law for decades. But you know of these frustrations as well, for word on the street has it that Gaedren has wronged each of you, too. So there we are. It is time for him to pay.” she says, looking each of you in the eye as she speaks, her voice carrying both her conviction and faith in you.

2018-07-05, 02:44 PM
Put off by the dramatic entry, Sean raises an eyebrow skeptically . "That's it? All there is to it? Waltz in, kill him, and walk away? I doubt revenge is that simple."

2018-07-05, 03:48 PM
I forgot to mention her name. It's Zellara.

"I didn't say it was easy. You all know him. This is his lair. But he is there, now, that much I am certain of." Zellara says, a bit theatrically, trying to sound ominous for her next declaration, "He doesn't know that his hideout has been discovered yet, but waste too much time and this opportunity, the only opportunity, will slip through our fingers."

2018-07-05, 04:30 PM
Kiyan raises an eyebrow at the woman's appearance. She wasn't at all what he had been expecting, although in retrospect perhaps the harrow card should have tipped him off.

"I for one would love to put a stop to Gaedren's activities, and the sooner the better. But...not to sound cliched, but how do we know that we can trust you? You seem to have located a lot of people with connections to Lamm. Do you have some proof that you're not working for him yourself, and planning to lead us into a trap?"

Sense motive on Zellara: was she telling the truth back there? [roll0]
Also, looking to see what nationality she is.

2018-07-05, 04:30 PM
"No, it's never that easy. It might bring some relief, but as you said, it won't stop someone else from doing the same. Even if taking his life is the only way, that won't erase all he's done. I won't have closure that way. It must be dismantled, as much of it as I can. I will provide aid to those hurt, and I will ask my church to assist me. Those who follow him willingly must be shown that they have a choice in causing others suffering, that there is a better path. Whether it is justice to prevent more harm, or revenge to erase his presence from this city, it will help more than simply killing a man." Says Sonia, nodding at Sean to acknowledge his point. She then takes a seat across from the woman.

"For this opportunity, I must thank you. I swear upon Iomedae that Gaedren Lamm will be punished for his crimes. My name is Sonia Regilia, daughter of Kaelus Regilia." says Sonia, looking at the fortune teller with earnest eyes.

2018-07-06, 06:33 AM
Seans lips tighten, thinking. "I don't suppose all your work gathering information found a back entrance?"

Foryn Gilnith
2018-07-06, 08:06 AM
"You're all pretty cerebral, aren't you?" Marcus lets out a short laugh before starting to avail himself of the wine provided by their host. He grows animated as he talks, leaning forward in his chair while his eyes are backlit by a fiery orange glow. "The way I've always heard it, revenge is pretty much as simple as: walk up to someone, paunch them like a game hare, then run like hells out of Dodge. Only business we'd have with any back entrance is plugging it up to make sure that rat bastard can't run out before we separate his body from his -".

Cough. Marcus catches himself, leans back into his chair, and takes a last swig of the wine to calm his nerves. "If we really can get some Iomedean church staff to come along and take Gaed's current crop of lambs into safekeeping, that would be great. I'm just saying we should keep the core plan nice and simple."

2018-07-06, 08:54 AM
Sean arches an eyebrow, "Walking in and getting killed is very simple, yes."

2018-07-06, 01:50 PM
You know Lamm well enough that he knows people that know people. Informants, for one. Even if you managed to convince the Iomedeans or the watch to intervene, he would likely hear of it before long. Better to strike fast.

"He killed my son" Zellara says. "And you know he is a repulsive man. There is nothing in his power to give me that would dissuade me from revenge."

2018-07-07, 11:39 PM
"Well, at the very least, we'll need to make sure Lamm doesn't get away. Let's get closer to the fishery, then decide a plan of action. If we need to scout the area out first, so be it. But I've been around Lamm before. He won't hesitate to throw away property or people away if he smells danger. So please, whatever we do, let's move quickly," says Sonia, who gets up and begins walking to the door.

2018-07-08, 10:39 PM
"Moving quickly would be best," Istakkos agrees. "Lamm keeps an ear out for situations just like this. But I believe scouting the area, quickly, is the most prudent course of action if we are to prevent him from escaping through some back alley we missed.

2018-07-10, 06:51 AM
Sean sighs, "Blaze of glory it is, then."

2018-07-12, 03:09 PM
"Wait a moment before you leave" Zellara says, taking out her cards again. "Would you not learn a bit of your future?" she asks, mixing her cards before holding them out at you. "Pick a card. Reveal your fate"

Sonia draws The Crows, depicting the avian as a thief. “A card that represents loss. But you… you never lost your faith, nor the drive to bring Lamm to justice”
Sean draws The Avalanche, a card depicting a landslide. “A great disturbance in the future. You stand at its centre, but whether as the cause or cure, I cannot say.”
Kiyan draws The Rabbit Prince, depicting a rabbit in princely garb. “A good omen. A sign that your life will take a turn for the better.”
Istakkos draws The Peacock, depicting a fan of peacock feathers, which upon closer inspection seem more like daggers. “I see a change. Growing to fulfil a new role.”
Marcus draws The Juggler, depicting an impossible feat of juggling. Houses, gold bars and beasts dance through the air. “Another powerful symbol. Fate revolves around you, shaping destiny in your favour”

"There is more, if you would hear it"

Everyone gains 1 harrow point. Kiyan and Sean gain a second Harrow Point. They can be used as follows:

Dexterity Rerolls: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to reroll an initiative check, Reflex save, attack roll modified by Dexterity, or Dexterity-based check. The PC must abide by the new result (although if he has additional Harrow Points, he can use them for additional rerolls).
Dodge Bonus: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to gain a +1 dodge bonus to his Armor Class for one encounter. He can spend up to 3 Harrow Points per encounter to increase his Armor Class in this manner.
Speed Increase: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to increase his base speed by 10 feet for one encounter.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-07-12, 04:30 PM
Marcus stretches his legs and gives an approving sort of half-smile to the card, turning it over a few times and looking at the design. "My favor, eh? Not bad," he calls out, projecting his voice to address the whole room while his hands jump into gesticulation. "But I'm a little more worried about the Crows. If she hasn't lost her faith or drive yet, in the past, doesn't that mean she's due for a loss in the future? Maybe the kind of loss that people around her should catch before it spills? Say, I think I would like to hear more; what exactly does this fortune-telling mean?"

2018-07-13, 06:29 AM
Sean arches an eyebrow, "A great disturbance. Well, the cards like to state the obvious."

2018-07-13, 11:56 AM
Kiyan takes his card absently. This whole thing seems to be starting much more quickly than he'd expected, and he's wondering if he can find an excuse to go and get his skeletons. And whether he can keep their nature concealed from the cleric.

2018-07-13, 02:16 PM
Sonia takes her card, and nods slightly, "There is no struggle worth fighting that does not have a chance of loss. Iomedae's Acts would have no weight, if we were infallible. The best we can do is improve ourselves, every time we fall. Still, if there is more, I would like to know."

2018-07-14, 04:20 PM
"The cards can show the past, present and future" Zellara says, sweeping the cards from your hands and mixing them into her deck, making the cards flip and dance with grace before laying out nine cards on her table.

"It takes skill and experience to interpret what they see." She flips the first column of cards. One depicts a theatre scene with a mock knight facing a mock dragon, another a man surrounded by lingering ghosts of his past, and the last a man fending off attacks from all sides. "These cards represent our shared past. That despite all our hardships at the hands of Lamm, we have remained true in our commitment to bring him to justice. That despite moving on with your lives, his influence still hangs over you. That despite everything he has done, we remain here." she pauses for a while here, before bringing herself back into focus and flipping the next row.

The first depicts a heavenly figure blowing a trumpet, the second depicts a crone with a beautiful mask, and the third depicts a man receiving divine inspiration. “These cards represent the present. Turmoil. A change in power? Shifting of allegiances? Plans coming to fruition.” She turns the final trio of cards.

Here the first card is inverted, and depicts a figure covered in sores with unhealthy pallor. The next depicts a giant bearing the remains of a monster it has overcome and the last depicts a dwarf toiling in his forge. Zellara takes a moment to read the cards here. “These cards represent what is to come. The future. The sickness inverted represents success against adversity. The next is the rise of new power. The Forge represents coming together. Unity will be your strength in times to come.”

The address of Gaedren Lamm's latest hideout hosts a derelict old fishery. A wooden structure built along the harbour line. Just another run-down building on the surface. A ship well past a seaworthy status is at the adjacent, rickety pier that runs past the building. There are two double doors on different shoreside walls. Most of the building hangs over water.

2018-07-15, 11:03 PM
"At least the cards are on our side," Istakkos chuckles, tapping the card nearest to him gently. "Does anyone have special knowledge of the area? I have no particular affinity for water myself."

2018-07-17, 04:24 PM
Sean pauses in thought, frowning, "Water means less avenues to easily escape, though one properly prepared could turn it to his advantage. Our quarry is probably prepared, or we are safest assuming that anyhow. Best not to let him to the water if we can help it."

2018-07-17, 06:10 PM
"A lack of escape routes is also a double edged sword. A cornered foe fights three times as hard. Still, I think it would be best if we stick together and attack as a group. No telling what kind of defenses he has inside." Sonia leaves her sword at her side for now, but retrieves the shield from her back.

2018-07-20, 04:02 PM
Sonia has been looking restless for the past few minutes. Having enough with scanning the building for any signs of her target, she instead walks straight towards the fishery.

"I won't let Lamm get away. Let's do this now while we have a shot at taking him by surprise," Sonia says, before she reaches a set of double doors. Shield out in one hand, another rests at a door, ready go through. She looks back at the party expectantly.

2018-07-21, 06:47 AM
Sean has his bow ready. He gives Sonia a nod.

2018-07-21, 10:32 PM
"Agreed," the inquisitor responds. He thinks for a moment, before unsheathing the ornate rapier hanging at his hip.

2018-07-22, 07:44 AM
Kiyan says nothing, but quickly flicks through his spellbook once more.

2018-07-23, 09:16 PM
"I'm not the best at the front lines, but I'll do my best. Phew, here we go then," says Sonia, tensing up for a moment before pushing hard on the door. She moves through, shield held up in front of her chest. Those with fighting experience may notice that she has not drawn her weapon yet. She moves cautiously, prepared for an attack from the start.

If the area is dark, Sonia will cast Light on her shield.

2018-07-25, 03:05 PM
It turns out that the front door is tightly locked, and refuses to budge from the initial push. There are two doors, a double one to the left, and a single door to the right, in addition to the one you can now tell is locked. Furthermore on the left, stairs lead down to another single door on a lower story.

This close, you can smell the stench of old fish and brine.

2018-07-26, 06:40 AM
"Breaking it down will be too noisy. Think the rat is underground?" Sean nods to the stairs down.

2018-07-28, 04:29 AM
"Well, I should have expected that. Anyhow, he could be. I'll check that one next," says Sonia, looking sheepish. She takes a quick look around before going down the stairs, just to make sure their target isn't sneaking out. Then she heads downstairs, trying to move quickly while also not making too much noise on the stairs. She tests the door at the bottom. If it opens, she signals the others with a wave.

2018-07-28, 07:11 AM
The door downstairs is just as locked.You might get lucky with the other doors, or you could save time by breaking or picking one of the locks.

2018-07-28, 09:27 AM
"Well, I suppose the obvious question facing us is whether anyone has experience with lockpicking," Kiyan remarks. He's positioned himself near the back of the group, where he hopes to cast his spells without interruptions once battle begins.

2018-07-29, 10:00 PM
Istakkos' mouth twists in contemplation, "None, I am afraid. If we cannot enter quietly, we may want to consider going the opposite route, and making enough of a ruckus to draw him to us."

2018-07-30, 06:50 AM
Sean shakes his head, "I don't know anything about picking locks. I would rather try the other doors before doing anything loud. This is for nought if he escapes."

2018-07-31, 03:56 PM
"Alright, I'll try the one on the right then. If this doesn't work, we may need to try and break a door down. The longer we take, the more likely he'll spot us regardless of how loud we are," says Sonia, walking back up the steps and around to the other side, where the single door is located. She takes a moment to check the condition of the door as well, trying to judge how easy it would be to force open.

2018-08-05, 04:03 PM
The door on the right doesn't look locked.

2018-08-05, 07:23 PM
Sonia beckons the rest of the party over in an attempt to stay as quiet as possible. When they are near, she opens the door, and steps through, shield at the ready.

2018-08-06, 11:37 AM
Sean follows close behind, arrow nocked.

2018-08-09, 04:19 PM
You open the door, revealing a small office space. Unfortunately, it isn't empty. An older man is seated behind a desk, his mouth open in dumb surprise as he looks at Sonia, seeing the indistinct shapes of others behind her.

[roll0] Initiative for our good man here
[roll1] Another roll (don't worry, it's not attack)
[roll2] one more roll

2018-08-10, 07:12 AM
Sean side-steps to get a clear shot, drawing and holding, miniature thorned vines coiling around his arrow. "You are going to want to drop the wand and hold very still."ready action to energy blade via bow

bramble blast
att [roll0] (includes barrage bonus of +1 for inside of 30')
damage [roll1] + [roll2] piercing (magic)
reflex save or entangled and unable to move, space if difficult terrain

Your destructive blast becomes an explosion of thorny brambles, growing where it strikes. A bramble blast uses d4's instead of d6's as its damage die and deals piercing damage. The target of your bramble blast must pass a Reflex save or be entangled and unable to move. In addition, the target's square (or the blast's affected area) becomes overgrown with brambles and counts as difficult terrain. Breaking free of the entangled condition is a move action, requiring either a Strength check of an Escape Artist check against the bramble blast's save DC. A target may also destroy the brambles on a square or creature by dealing 3 damage per caster level to the bramble. This removes the entangled condition and destroys the difficult terrain. Brambles disappear after 1 minute.

2018-08-10, 07:54 AM
Kiyan follows up on Sean's lead, stepping to the other side of Sonia and pointing a hand in the direction of the man. "I'm afraid that you're worth precisely as much to us dead as alive. I strongly advise you not to do anything that will push us towards the former option."

A thin layer of ice begins to coalesce on his hand as he speaks, and the area around it seems to look somehow darker than it did before.

Readying an action to use one of my "bombs" on him if he tries anything. I also decided how to fluff the "bomb" being created, as a point of unnatural cold forming in his hand and then being launched at enemies when it's strong enough.

2018-08-12, 05:14 AM
"Don't try that again. I'm here for one person, but I will defend myself if need be. Tell me where the boss is." Says Sonia sternly. She has not drawn a weapon yet, but still has her shield up. She walks towards him as she talks, stopping next to the desk.

2018-08-15, 02:45 PM
"You think you are so tough. You walk out that door and maybe, just maybe, I won't have to kill everyone you ever cared about. Don't you know who you're dealing with?" the man says, lowering his wand. Wary. Afraid. But too proud to beg. And not at all careful about his volume.

You need to make him silent, lest he rouse the whole building.

2018-08-17, 06:39 AM
"We know you are a lackey for a monster. One more word and I will solve all your problems permanently. You want to live, be silent and you get to sit this one out."I saw we tie him up if he cooperates, gag him too.

2018-08-17, 02:07 PM
Despite Sean's efforts, Kiyan sees the man drawing in breath to shout out. Instinctively, he fires his magic towards the man, silently cursing the cleric for positioning herself right next to his target. He briefly considers just ignoring her presence in favour of killing the man as quickly as possible; but no, the last thing he wants is to annoy her already.

The blast of cold shoots towards the man. Initially almost invisible, it grows rapidly as it travels, and by the time it reaches him it's an apple-sized ball of blue-ish magic, with ice crystals forming on it. The man covers his face as it shoots past him, hits the floor, and shatters. The area around the impact gets visibly colder with small patches of ice forming, and the candle on the desk flickers and dies. The man himself, however, appears to have avoided the worst of the blast. Kiyan is already preparing a follow-up shot.

There is surprisingly little annoyance in Kiyan's tone as he looks over at Sonia. "Cleric, could I trouble you step back a bit, please?"

2018-08-20, 06:55 AM
Sonia's head whips around to look at Kiyan. Shocked at first, she quickly takes a few steps back. As she does so, she recites the beginning of a prayer, "I drawn upon the Light of the Sword, may my faith be as tempered as steel, my will as sharp as the blade." While reciting the payer, she holds her right palm facing up. A small ball of yellow light flares for a moment, and then there is a tiny blade floating above her hand. It's about the size of a dagger, but proportionally shaped like a tiny longsword, too small to actually wield in an adults hands. Other than the floating it appears mundane.

Rather than dismissive, her posture is ready for a fight now. Feat planted firmly, knees bent, shield held just below the eyes. Though in place of a normal sword, the floating toy sized longsword still hovers in the air.

2018-08-20, 12:31 PM
The threatened man, ready to shout for help, is blasted with necromantic energy. When Sonia steps back, he sees his chance. He pushes open the door near him and scrambles over it, clumsily but with enough alacrity that you can't capitalize on that. Sean launches his arrow, but between the desk, Kiyan and Sonia, there isn't a clear shot. He tumbles off his desk with a crash and a shriek of pain, screaming for help.

In the room that he entered, you start to hear barking.

I do not think that anyone was adjacent to take an AoO anymore. The tiny longsword doesn't threaten, Sonia stepped back, it seems that Kiyan wasn't adjacent either.

2018-08-20, 01:29 PM
As the man flees, Kiyan leaps to the corner that he'd previously occupied, launching a second blast through the door after him. His shot is poorly aimed and erupts in the air in front of the man, but the man is unable to stop his forward momentum and runs straight into the blast of necromantic cold. His dog is more fortunate, but still doesn't escape unscathed.

"Blast. Your turn, cleric."

Man takes 6 damage, dog takes 3. There's still a space between Kiyan and the man, if Sonia or anyone else wants to melee him.

2018-08-20, 01:45 PM
Sean pushes his way forward, trying to get a clear shot.move as needed to get a clean attack (30' move speed) (note: has precise shot via sniper sphere)

energy blade (assuming within 30') w/ bramble blast
damage [roll1] + 1d4 piercing + entangle ref DC 13

2018-08-22, 04:02 AM
Sonia grits her teeth as she moves forward to take up the gap left next to the door. As she rounds the corner, she points her a finger at the old man, and her longsword flies like an arrow towards him.

2018-08-26, 09:26 AM
The man is dead, but the barking dog attacks the closest intruder. It jumps with a growl, jaws open. It grabs for Sonia's arm.

[roll0] Bite
[roll1] damage

2018-08-27, 06:57 AM
Sean frowns, drawing and loosing on the dog.energy blade [roll0]
damage [roll1] + [roll2] entangled w/ Ref DC 13

2018-08-28, 03:51 PM
The dog falls over, slain by Sean. It's quiet.

2018-08-29, 06:39 AM
Sean pauses next to a door, looking back at his companions. "Likely they are warned now. May be best to strike before they can make further preparations."

2018-08-29, 11:14 AM
Kiyan moves over to the man's dying form, and bends down to touch the man's head. He hasn't done this very often before - come to that, he hasn't killed people very often before either - but the process is quite simple for him. With an act of will, Kiyan draws the dying man's waning lifeforce into himself. The man exhales slightly, but there's no other visible change as he expires.

Now, Kiyan thinks wryly, for the difficult bit. Again, he taps the man's corpse on the forehead, but this time he's channelling his own necromantic energy into it. Normally he'd only do this with the permission of the body's owner, but given the evil this particular person had been associated with, Kiyan feels absolutely no guilt about using his corpse for an hour or so. Fortunately, the man was mostly hit by his blasts, so the corpse is fairly intact and not too covered with blood.

The corpse's eyes slowly open. Kiyan, looking at it, says one word: "Rise." He glares at Sonia, as if daring her to challenge his actions.

Consuming Life on the man, killing him and gaining 2 arcane pool points. Then using one spell point to reanimate the man's corpse as a zombie for 1 hour.

2018-08-29, 11:56 AM
The tiny sword comes whizzing back, floating like an angry insect around its owner. Sonia's brows knit into a scowl as she looks upon the blatant display of necromancy. She raises her right arm again, and with an exaggerated wave, the sword disippates into tiny motes of yellow light before fading away altogether. She shoots back a stone faced glare, entirely aware of the confrontation.

"Survival first. I'm not so much a fool as to put my life in jeopardy. At least not for men like them," she says, rubbing her right arm where she was bit. She exhales, straightens up, and walks to the next door, "And not while we have more important things to do. If you want to have debate on faith we can go to the temple later," she says, though her dry tone suggests that this is not a sincere offer. She waits for a moment by the door for the rest to move up, but she avoids looking back at the party. Perhaps because of the corpse? In any case, Sonia tries the door, bracing herself.

2018-09-01, 08:34 AM
Life force flows from the dying man to Kiyan. The man staggers to its feet, face slack and lifeless, its movements likewise bereft of any sort of finesse.

Sonia tries the left side door. As she pushes it open, he is greeted with the sight of a half-orc man with a bow. And an arrow coming at her. She still has moderate cover from the door, the greenskinned man too eager to wait and risk missing the opportunity.

[roll0] vs AC+4, damage[roll1]

You catch a glimpse of a bunch of children with pitchforks, no doubt here to fight "murderers out to kill everyone"

2018-09-04, 05:18 AM
Sonia tries to push forward to give her companions more room to maneuver. She keeps her distance from the orc though, and summons her sword again. This time it doesn't attack right away, but hovers threateningly near the archer.

"I'm here for Lamm! I swear on Iomedae's name to be merciful to those who surrender, if you just put those weapons down. But to those who do not wish to give Lamm up, or stop following his horrendous path, I will stop you here.

2018-09-04, 06:20 AM
Kiyan is pleasantly surprised by Sonia's willingness to cooperate, although he does wish she'd waited and let the zombie open the door. Still, too late to worry now...

He moves towards the doorway, and cupping his hands together, he casts one of the spells he was looking through earlier, augmenting its power with the some of the strength he just took from the dying man. The spell shouldn't harm the children, just knock them out for a minute or so.

Casting colour spray on the room, and burning a reservoir point to increase the DC by 1 to 17. Waiting to see how well the spell works before I give orders to the zombie, which I can do as a free action.

2018-09-04, 06:57 AM
Sean maneuvers for a clear shot over the children to restrain the half orc in the magically created vines already wrapping around his arrow. move as needed (up to 40'), energy blade [roll0] (cover penalties may apply; not sure how small the children are but I am guessing they will give soft cover)

damage [roll1] + [roll2]
reflex save 13 or entangled and immobile

2018-09-04, 04:24 PM
Some of the children fall down unconscious from Kiyan's spray of colours, but the half-orc seems to ignore the effect. Kiyan points at the offending person, and snaps out his order to the zombie: "Attack.

"Him, and only him," he adds more loudly as an afterthought.

The zombie moves forward to attempt to intercept the man.

2018-09-05, 03:29 AM
The half-orc manages to throw off the effects of the spell, and kicks at the halfling that didn't. "no sleeping on the job" he laughs. As the zombie lurches in to the room he chortles. "Who's the brain of the outfit now? Let's see them on the wall."
He drops his bow and grabs a flail from his belt, spinning it around before bringing it about with all his might, smashing at the zombie's head. The spiked head caves in the side of the head and nearly tilts the body to side. Frightened by the battle, the two kids huddle by another door, concealed behind the lip of a disgusting reservoir of fish parts.

The room stinks of fish and sweat, enough to make the eyes water. To the east, a large wooden trough holds a hideous mound of half-rancid fish, seaweed, and
brine. Filthy river water and fish blood stain the floor around this trough. A pair of wooden chutes lead from this trough through holes in the eastern wall into a larger room beyond. To the west, a desk and chair sit in one corner while a tall cabinet sits in the other.

East is "up" on the map.

2018-09-05, 06:40 AM
Sean grimaces at the zombie, and again at the gruesome damage done to it, but doing so does not interrupt his attack, sending another enchanted shaft toward the half-orc.move up to 40' to clear soft cover, energy blade [roll0] w/ bramble blast
damage [roll1] + [roll2] piercing
Ref DC 13 or the usual