View Full Version : Player Help Shakespeare's Barbarian

2018-07-02, 04:49 PM
Hey there, I'm building a decidedly sub-optimal barbarian and was hoping for some assistance.

Concept is essentially instead of your normal savage or tribesman this barbarian is an Actor, who just happens to be a buff guy. He normally gets roles as intimidating guards, villains, or the meaty sidekick, but is looking to get his "Big Break" as a main character in a heroic tale. After a round of tryouts at "the Big City" (Waterdeep Maybe? Any Forgotten Realms cities have a theater scene?) he still couldn't get the part, and decided to take a yearlong hiatus to become an adventurer, and learn how to be the hero by actually being a hero.

Key skills will be Performance, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion(Although this is probably the CHA skill I could skip the most). Actor is also a required Feat for thematic reasons. I've spoken to my DM and variant human is allowed, but I'm also starting at level 5 if there's a better species and I could ASI the feat.

Right now I have

14 Str
12 Dex
16 Con
10 Int
10 Wis
14 CHA

With Actor as a V. Human at level 1. I'm not sure whether to ASI CON or STR to start, and I'm trying to figure out what Path to choose. Totem certainly looks the most useful, but I'm trying to concentrate more on being thematic than optimal. Any ideas?

2018-07-02, 04:51 PM
Strength based valor BARD?

2018-07-02, 05:07 PM
It does sound like you're playing a bard that might be dipping barbarian, rather than a straight barbarian.

If you're committed to pure barb, it looks like you have everything you need. I'd start cranking STR so you're not left in the dust in battle.

Either way, I'm a fan of the concept. It sounds like something that would be great for the upcoming Dragon Heist AP.

2018-07-02, 05:58 PM
I did something similar with an Aasimar Barbarian.
Mine is Fallen, for thematic purposes, and the Str bump.

Depending on what sort of actor you want yours to be, you might consider making him a Zealot of the patron god of the arts, perhaps?
Their Rage being them going into character, method-like, and not breaking character until the fight is over. Including shrugging off blows that would've felled a lesser performer.

As for ASI.. I agree with pumping Strength up to a 16 ASAP. And to 18 by 12th level at the latest of you can help it.
Just to make sure you are relevant in the fights.

I can tell you that playing a Barbarian that doesn't seem very 'barbaric' as the stereotype goes.. is quite fun to do.
Mine wound up saving the Paladin from getting kicked out of a shop, and robbed of the things she was trying to sell.
Though she really should've known better than to try and use Intimidation to get a better price for the weapons she picked up after a fight..

2018-07-03, 03:53 PM
I think I will go with Zealot, and substituting "Getting into character" for Rage is fantastic. Now to find a God of the arts that isn't Corellon . . .

2018-07-03, 03:54 PM
I'm trying to concentrate more on being thematic than optimal. Any ideas?

Name the character Well-Read Sonja.

2018-07-03, 05:52 PM
I think I will go with Zealot, and substituting "Getting into character" for Rage is fantastic. Now to find a God of the arts that isn't Corellon . . .

Be sure to enter your Rage with a solemn look on the face, then do the 'face wipe' some actors do to help them transition into their character, and speak the words "Aaaaaand... scene!". After 2 or 3 uses of Rage, the DM and fellow players will associate that action with you going into your Rage.

I'm doing the same for my own Barbarian, with him sipping from his jug as he kicks off the Rage.
In a session or 2, maybe sooner, depending on the frequency of fights, they'll learn to expect what happens when that sip is being mimed.
Namely, people are about to get hurt badly. And it's not gonna be him.

2018-07-04, 02:30 PM
I think that this seems much more like a roleplaying decision than a mechanical one. I would really just make this a barbarian that has certain personality traits, skill proficiencies and feats. Levels of bard or something could help, but are really unnecessary. That's just my 2 copper pieces on the matter, though I understand if you want to emulate this mechanically. I am just saying that is completely unnecessary.

2018-07-04, 04:44 PM
Frenzy Barb has fear effects that fit with a charisma-based character. If your DM will work with you on refluffing some totems that could be nice too - instead of animal totems, maybe they could be acting traditions or something. Bear Totem is perfect for stunt guys who have to wear flame suits.

Some levels of Bard or Rogue really make this a lot more functional. Barbarian levels really make those classes into great action heroes, which is what you want to be in the end I think.

One thing that might be fun - don’t kill anyone (humanoids) early in the campaign. Your an actor. You’re trained to soften your blows, and you’re not a killer. Just knock them out. Many situations that works just as wel anyways.

2018-07-05, 01:01 PM
Name the character Well-Read Sonja.

Bravo, sir!

2018-07-05, 01:27 PM
I'd swap the Str and Con, personally. Otherwise seems solid. Maybe look at Zealot for a flashy-Barbarian? Or Wolf Totem, perhaps.

2018-07-05, 01:44 PM
The overall chassis you have is fine, and I love the idea of subverting expectations, but you still need to determine the source of your character's rage. Your character might not be a savage or brute, but you must still articulate the fury in his heart.

I would really consider "refluffing" your rage as an absolute last resort. Otherwise, you completely sabotage your subversion of barbaric expectations; if you don't have that one attribute that makes a barbarian a barbarian, you might as well just be a fighter.

2018-07-05, 01:48 PM
I would choose Totem Barbarian, and go for a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon style of performance. Tiger / Tiger / Eagle would be an excellent blend, giving you that Theatrical Wushu look - Soaring through the air and striking hard.

Maybe grab a couple levels in Paladin on the way. Crown, Devotion, or Redemption Oaths would give you more utility that can be accessed, even while raging, while refluffing the divinity for a monastic vibe.