View Full Version : M&M 3 Slasher RPG. 3/4 players

2018-07-03, 11:05 AM
You are in the main library of the North American superhero Academy. Right now, you have been doing some research into the academy. As it turns out that the academy had a second Campus and it is across the lake. But you were told that for some reason that know one is aloud on the island at this time. The Library is fairly typical as there are books large number of books and reading areas and large tables to spread out materials for projects. (The library is also, having three levels to it and you are one the sub level reading area. (I think now would be a good time to introduce your selves to your class mates.)

2018-07-03, 10:45 PM
John lands outside the library, he was running late and he needed to get started studying. He's dressed in a simple black t-shirt and jeans, he left the cape and tights in his room. He loved it here at the school, but was fully aware what would be expected of them, and he intended to be ready, and that meant study.

2018-07-06, 02:35 AM
Madison, on the other hand, is fully encamped at one of the reading tables, over a dozen texts about local history and several reference books of geographical surveys stacked around her. One of the bigger history books is open to nearly the halfway point, and she's several pages deep into note-taking by the time John arrives. She might not have been the brightest or best student on campus, but she'd never been one to slack off. She addresses John without looking up, as he approaches.

"Glad you could make it. Do you know if any of the others who got the email are coming?"

2018-07-10, 11:59 PM
From the stacks walks out one of the strangely studious local students. Sarai Goldman is, in so many ways, a disappointment to both her parents. Not that she minds. IT's up for debate if her hair is naturally that jet black color or if it's just what she likes. The pale skin color though is apparently natural, as well as brown eyes. Though it's usually the choice of outfit that people notice, she's noticed. Today it's a black buttonup blouse with a grey with white trim bustier over it. A matching grey mini skirt, stockings, and black leather flats completes the outfit. She's carrying out a whole armload of books about, of all things, local supernatural reports and the like.

Still, she gives the other two a nod, then a smile... even if it seems a little nervous about something. It shows mostly in how she startles at sudden noises.

2018-07-11, 06:06 PM
John waves at Madison as he approaches the table. "I think so." He sits down. "So you look fairly well entrenched, how's the studying going?" Hearing a sound, he turns and sees Sarai approaching. "Hey, you made it. Have a seat."

2018-07-12, 10:34 AM

Professor Azazel Walks over to your group and asks if he could have a seat with you. As he then asks. “Would you three be interceded in an extra credit activity ?”

2018-07-12, 02:55 PM
"Yeah, I've been working on this," Madison responds. She finally looks up halfway through, and a smile brightens her features. It quickly turns forced, though. "—for a little o-oh, it's the witch. Hi Sarah." There is literally no way in hell she doesn't mean that name as a jab. Fortunately, she doesn't get a chance to say whatever else was on her mind, because Prof. Azazel shows up and—

"I thought that's why we were all here. You sent that vague offer to a handful of the kids in your class. We showed up. So what's the assignment, anyway?"

2018-07-16, 10:24 PM
"Hi Madison." The 'Witch' offers level as can be. "And that's why we're here professor. Though I dare say I had some other research I was doing as well." She for the moment remains standing however, and watches Madison that way only two people who both know of eachother and who've had a history can do.

2018-07-17, 12:13 AM
"Of course Professor, whatever you need." John was thankful for the distraction.

2018-07-17, 02:20 PM
Azazel smiles as he says "Well there was a Demand Robbery last, that I have taken an interest in. And I have the recreation of the store. I was going to give it out tomorrow as an for the second year students. but I was willing to let you guys have a crak at it. For some bonus marks. If you are intersted."

2018-07-21, 02:03 PM
"I am, sounds like fun. How about you guys?" He looks at the others.