View Full Version : DnD5e backstory stuck

2018-07-04, 10:30 AM
What are the primary elements of a basic DnD5e backstory? I want help making one from outside of our group.
I have random rolled profile and stats for a tabaxi rogue 1st level wannabe swashbuckler. Not a thief per say and definitely not a puss n boots... more a curious khajit, a far traveller type.
I'm certain a good backstory doesn't need to be an elaborate essay but, danged if I ain't dangling.

2018-07-04, 10:43 AM
How and why did you become an adventurer?
What ties do you have in the world? Family, friends, political party, pet rock?
How did you end up where the campaign starts (or where it's at when you enter it)?

2018-07-04, 11:22 AM
One thing I like to do is roll on the trinket table, and then find a way to explain how and why that soecific trinket led you to become the person you are today.

As an example, let's say I roll a 97. That's a tiny mechanical crab or spider that moves when you're not looking.

How did that little device lead your tabaxi to become a rogue/swashbuckler. Answer that question, and you'll have a solid background. :)

2018-07-04, 11:31 AM
You might try picking a few of each personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws from background templates that you think will be fun to portray, or which you feel a comfortable headspace within. Then start asking why? To all of those things.

Lets take the Far Traveller:

Personality - I have my own ideas about what is and is not food, and I find the eating habits of those around me fascinating, confusing, or revolting.
Why do i have these felines* about food?
Maybe you lived an extremely primitive life subsisting on raw foods, gathered nuts berries and especially fish. The notion of cooking perplexes you. Why are these people burning perfectly good fishes? Now you have a background of self reliance in the wild.

Ideals: I'm far from home, and everything is
strange and wonderful!
This seems to imply that you are excited by all the new things around you, you could have been scared of change but instead you are eager to learn about this world apart from what you knew.
Maybe there was a time when fermented fruit juice in a glass bottle wasnt such an oddity. Maybe there was a time early in your life where architecture, social norms, and commerce surrounded you, then external forces beyond your control displaced you into the wilderness. Civilization is a distant memory just now coming back to you, familiar but not too familiar but not too not familiar. What happened?

Bonds: So long as I have this token from my homeland, I can face any adversity in this strange land.
- combining with: Though I had no choice, I lament having to leave my loved one(s) behind. I hope to see them again some day.

You have a token what is the token?
It is an object with high emotional value to you. It reminds you of something important.
It is an object with powerful connotation that symbolizes your drive to adventure. It represents the suffering of your family, a yoke of oppression which you will free them of someday. Its your reminder of your past and why you must press on.

Its an ear tag used to track/discern beasts. When you were young your village was attacked, or targeted, its people subjugated, and now your people find themselves trapped in a wizards private wildlife preserve/hunting demiplane. You escaped. How? Who owns the demiplane? How will you exact revenge/free your family?

Flaw: I have a weakness for the new intoxicats* and other pleasures of this land.
I should probably be doing something heroic right now but look... These hookers and blow arent going to do themselves.

Backstory: I was a mad wizards pet in a zoo demiplane. I escaped and am now preparing to liberate my family. But i keep getting distracted by the glitter of society.

At least thats how i do it.

Good luck friend.

2018-07-04, 11:36 AM
One thing particular to tabaxi to think about, what's your obsession? Deciding what interests your character will go a long way towards filling out your backstory.

2018-07-04, 11:46 AM
Gato' family are members of the ironclaw clan. One of the ruling houses of nine in a politically isolationist and mysterious homeland. If was after he dicovered the carcus remains of his trapped mother and sister who were victims of the "Skinners" Gnolls that hunt tabaxi for there pelts; that he left home in search of his father Southpaw Silversands.
Is this what you mean?

2018-07-04, 12:56 PM
Controversial opinion incoming: Why do you need a backstory?

To me, there's a difference between a background and backstory. A backstory is a retelling of the stuff that happened in your past which informs your decision. By comparison, the background is just the general overview.

Pick a background, then let your backstory get filled in as needed in game. You don't need to know if you have siblings until someone asks, and then you can make up the answers.

Note: Only do this if you're comfortable with improv. Some of my favorite characters I've come to table with haven't had fully fleshed out backstories, but developed over time.