View Full Version : Empire 4: Northern Trade Talks

2018-07-04, 11:43 PM
It was an overcast day for Yondar. Dark Clouds encroached overhead as the mist of the woods muted the colors outside of the Yondarian capitol of Hearth Meera as it swirled against its darkwood and stone walls. Inside the city it was warmer with the every day bustle of Yondarian life driving away the misty pall with its frantic energy. Varia was conversing with her advisers about the meeting of the minds she was going to have, and the nature of the minds that were being brought to bear.

A table had been laid out with maps and charts of the Inyaka region along with some notes that had been prepared by Baern, Jerald, and Galea. On another table some light repase was prepared foods and fruits of the non greasey variety (Baern almost threatened civil war when his good maps were requested for a function with food in it), and in the wings were servants with alcohol with varying degrees of potency as the meeting would require of it.

2018-07-05, 09:03 AM
The lazarites had not been invited to this party but the magi in Ti Linnad had reported it as soon as invitations had arrived for the Premier to attend. The Arndok was not normally one to condone crashing an event but in this case she had made an exception. When the lizard-scaled head of the Coatl Perijanist Church arrived in the mountainous forested interior of Yondar she did so armed only with a ceremonial dagger and accompanied by only four mercenaries of the Black Company as her escort. Her brown scales, normally painted at their tips with gold, silver, and bright colors are dull having their paint worn down by travel and no attendants to see to its application. Her black and golden reptilian eyes were difficult to read but they seemed forlorn perhaps? Or maybe guarded. The physiology of the lazarite made them difficult to read by those unfamiliar with their expressions.

The small delegation stopped when confronted in Hearth Meera announcing themselves as representatives of the Isles of Lazar and the Coatl Perijanist Church requesting audience with the Queen of Yondar and her esteemed guests.

2018-07-05, 01:23 PM
The rush of wind overhead signaled the arrival of the Linnadi delegation. Two pegasi landed before the walls of Hearth Meera, and two Pylliar dismounted and entered the city. Collissa led the way, as the more experienced traveler in the far north. Annedriu followed behind, his eyes eagerly taking in the sights of the city as they approached the meeting hall. The two diplomats saluted the Queen, then stood to the side of the hall, awaiting the other delegates.

2018-07-05, 03:24 PM
Lieđđi av Aanaar was not by any means large of stature, short even among her relatively short people. But the strange, human-like Rhunite certainly bore an air that commanded respect, the now middle aged woman's somach swollen with her pregnancy, surounded by fur clad warriors of the northern isle and their allies from Saaremaa. Beside her stood another taller woman, a few years more advanced than the Rhunite, a warmly clad native of the northern peninsula, her and her warriors appearing to fit the mold of the south a bit more noticeable. Kaisa av Saaremaa's arm was locked with Lieđđi, almost escorting the Margravine as a husband might. An announcement proceeded their arrive, and soon the the Margravine and Duchess were presented to Yondar's esteemed Queen.

2018-07-05, 08:34 PM
A flickering crackle of raw power accompanied the high ranking sorcerors who had arrived to attend these events so important to the health and prosperity of the northern states. The doge herself was accompanied by two other power brokers both nearly glowing before calming. Their aura with the twisted veins of juxtaposing faiths.

Coming in, no gifts were presented but the servents did provide low bows and the doge herself provided a nod of her head. "We are grateful to be offered a spot at the table for this historic event of our blossoming nations." Eyes traveled out toward the various collection of other guests, and she immediately recognized the raw power of the east.

Next her eyes fell on the representatives of the nation of Ti Linnad they were by far the greatest threat to their sovreignty especially now that so many smaller kingdoms had just given up without a fight. This nation was also becoming more and more influenced by the dangerous entrappings of the singular coatl diety.

A single hand moved to her throat and for a moment she recognized what a stranglehold these dissparate forces had on her people and their dream but then when her emotions began to bubble her companion moved to her side running his hand over her head and stole away those unnecessary concerns and fears. Her mind steadied and she began to consider how to approach this situation.

Fire Tarrasque
2018-07-05, 08:37 PM
The Cesarians, as the first important delegation to arrive, come in force. A full delegation of ten courtiers, alongside a shepherd, led by Vividius Lucan, a major landowner and businessman temporarily deputized by the crown, specifically for this meeting. In a polite gesture, they have brought a gift, per tradition, and mostly out of respect. This gift was a small group of sheep, or at least those that were not eaten during the journey.
As the Cesarian delegation arrived, a final warning was given.
"Remember, we are not here for pleasure. We are here for the good of the state. Do not indulge yourself to far into the drink. But if you must... I assume they'll be lenient."
And with that, they waited for the negotiations to begin.

2018-07-06, 11:17 PM
D̨züssätt arrives at the meeting accompanied by a handful of courtiers, mostly wealthy merchants, and a member of the Thousand Swords, having left the rest of his guards behind in town. Dressed in court silks with an ishkat fur cloak, he pays his respects to the host before backing off, content to not play a major role in a meeting he was not even invited to. He was here, supposedly this meeting was about trade, if anyone desired to open negotiations with him they had the opportunity.

2018-07-08, 10:52 AM
Regno's Arrival

Tyber was tired.

This was a months' long trip, far away from his wife and daughter. Yet... he was the Heir. Soon to be the second Imperial Sultan of Regno, after this trip! His father-in-law Tutum was perhaps the only person Tyber would see as more tired then himself, and the Weeping Sultan deserved his retirement. Plus... Tyber was ready. So, as exhausting as the meetings with both the Company of the Crescent and the Omanush Convoy leadership was, this was a bit of a vacation for himself in some ways. And Yondar was a wonderful place, even when the weather was a bit overcast.

Tyber looked back at those gathered behind him, as they walked in to the hall. Regno had not been... invited to these Northern Trade Talks, exactly, but with so many Sultanate merchants that did business in the area - as well as a few debts owed for things that Regno helped with years ago - it was not difficult to find out that they were happening here in Hearth Meera. Plus, it offered several opportunities, of which Tyber planned to take advantage of. The Sultanate, in his opinion, was a bit soft when it came to some things. Friendship was one thing, but being taken advantage of didn't sit well with the future Sultan.

He had shared these thoughts with some of the people with him; like himself, they were Speakers for Initia, and could send messages mind-to-mind through their Rune of Thought. Also like himself, they agreed that - without a disaster like the plague, or the wars of Regner - there was no reason not to be a bit more... imposing with their diplomatic requests. It made for a quiet journey for the sailors, even if Tyber and the other Speakers were talking all the time from their individual cabins.

Even some of the Legionnaires that were guarding the Heir and the Speakers were excited to be part of the conversation, though only the Captain was more than an Initiate. Tyber shared his 'strategy' with the Captain now.

<Yondar is an ally, Captain. Ever since they stood up for the eradication of the plague, I have been in favor of their efforts. Yet... they promised us payment for a large amount of students at our Academy in Bratus. It's been over a decade since that wave of students came and went, and what does Regno have to show for it?>

<Not a lot, Heir Tyber. Friendship with Queen Varia.>

<I do not doubt the usefulness of this, Captain. She would surely help us however she could, in a time of need. Honor would demand it. Yet... honor also demands that promises be kept.>

<That is why,> another thought-voice 'spoke' up; one of the Speakers nearest Tyber, <I am here, isnt' it, my future Sultan?>

<Indeed, Speaker Habar. Your mother was last here, imploring to the nations of the world that we work together to combat Crabbin' Fever. I hope that the Queen allows you to stay.>

And, Tyber thought to himself, that I don't have to press too hard to convince her.

With that, they arrived near the Queen herself, and Tyber stepped forwards, awaiting his turn to be presented. When it arrived, and he was announced as 'Heir Tyber Sortis, of the Imperial Sultanate', he gave the traditional Regnan greeting; he stepped forward to quickly hug the host, and said, "Queen Varia Chalun va Meera, blessed are the Elements upon your home. Mighty are the families in your realm!"

Stepping back, Heir Tyber continued, "Imperial Sultan Tutum Sortis, my father-in-law, wishes you good fortune this day, and I personally apologize for Regno showing up like this. As the Heir to the Sultanate, I was traveling to meet friends and allies across Emjata, and I could not pass up the opportunity that this trade talk presented to do just that to so many in Inyaka. I hope we might have a moment of your time to talk? About continued friendships?"

The Beginning of Additional Friendships?

Other Speakers and their Legionnaire bodyguards spread out throughout the guests, notably reaching out to the diplomats from Ti Linnad, the visitors from Glen Gwitna, the Doge from Lindeen, and the representatives from the Isles of Lazar. They approached respectfully, and awaited to be spoken to.

2018-07-08, 03:24 PM
Regno's Arrival

The Beginning of Additional Friendships?

Other Speakers and their Legionnaire bodyguards spread out throughout the guests, notably reaching out to the diplomats from Ti Linnad, the visitors from Glen Gwitna, the Doge from Lindeen, and the representatives from the Isles of Lazar. They approached respectfully, and awaited to be spoken to.

Lindeens doge was delighted to look upon representatives of the most powerful nation in the north (perhaps all of Emjata?), and when she approached she even offered the slightest of smiles and a bow, and as she inclined herself slightly the servents next to her who pulsed with raw power (some of which was stolen from Initia) bowed even lower. "I did not know Regno would be attending these events."

Stepping forward she examines them her vast research on various faiths had her looking for the various tattoos they had garnered basic understanding of. The academy Initia temple in the capital was still lacking much of Initias more in depth knowledge and the Doge was greedy for anything alien or unfamiliar from a faith she had her sorcerors actively practicing. Its why she made so many calls out to those magi come to Lindeen, be granted a place to learn and grow, test the core of your gifts without "moral" pitfalls.

"So why does the grand nation of Regno approach my humble self, I had every intent to go see the prince myself tonight, in fact I was giddy at the idea we could do business?" An excitement rose in her eyes before one of her companions ran his hand through the Doges hair and all of that delight and want drained from her face and she went neutral and stone focused. "I am hoping we can work together."

2018-07-08, 04:01 PM
Lindeens doge was delighted to look upon representatives of the most powerful nation in the north (perhaps all of Emjata?), and when she approached she even offered the slightest of smiles and a bow, and as she inclined herself slightly the servents next to her who pulsed with raw power (some of which was stolen from Initia) bowed even lower. "I did not know Regno would be attending these events."

Stepping forward she examines them her vast research on various faiths had her looking for the various tattoos they had garnered basic understanding of. The academy Initia temple in the capital was still lacking much of Initias more in depth knowledge and the Doge was greedy for anything alien or unfamiliar from a faith she had her sorcerors actively practicing. Its why she made so many calls out to those magi come to Lindeen, be granted a place to learn and grow, test the core of your gifts without "moral" pitfalls.

"So why does the grand nation of Regno approach my humble self, I had every intent to go see the prince myself tonight, in fact I was giddy at the idea we could do business?" An excitement rose in her eyes before one of her companions ran his hand through the Doges hair and all of that delight and want drained from her face and she went neutral and stone focused. "I am hoping we can work together."

Speaker Statera of family Sortis bowed to the Doge, her long black hair tied back in a single tight braid. Her guardsman Legionnaire (after some small political wrangling) just happened to be her husband, but he was not much for chatting or even much for Initia, preferring to let his wife do the talking. "Honored Doge, the Sultanate has noted that Lindeen takes a - carefully balanced - interest in Initia, and we would be pleased to work together more; that is, actually, why I am here. I am Speaker Statera, of family Sortis. My father was the previous Grand Magus, Viclean's, younger brother. This affords me some political pull, but I am not anywhere near the line for the Sultan-hood. I am quite pleased to see my cousin-in-law, Heir Tyber, take the throne... and allow me more time for my research."

"Which brings me back around to you and your people." Statera smiles, and launches into her pitch. She doesn't bother with mincing words, and chooses to be very straight forward and earnest. Even if a bit long winded, but that's her family for you. "There's a mental connection that Initiates have; it does not reach far enough, however, to speak more than say, across this room. So we don't actually know very much about Lindeen. And... the first Speaker to create a full accounting is certainly then eligible to try and advance to the rank of Magi. That, Honored Doge, is what I want more than anything. A chance to be a full Magi, in every sense of the way that Initia means it. Would you be interested in having an ambassador to Regno in your midst, within Lindeen? I would be pleased to travel with you, find out more about your people - all of them, not just the Initiates - and help the Sultanate to better understand you and your own. I assure you, that would make it easier to do business with us, and I could advise you on Regnan matters."

Statera holds up a cautioning finger, "For instance, while it is not an insult to call him prince, the correct title for the future Sultan is 'Heir'. The current Sultan's male blood relatives are princes. Heir Tyber is the heir to the Sortis Family patriarch - which also happens to be the line of the Sultan at the moment, and hopefully, for the future to come."

2018-07-09, 02:20 AM
Varia was not surprised that other nations were poking around at the talks, she had prepared for a larger crowd but was unsure what their aims were. Never the less she greeted each of her guest personally, directing them to the tables, drinks, and other representatives of other nations as she felt necessary.

A discussion of Gold and Land

Varia gathered Lieđđi of Rhune, Vividus of Cesaria, Collisa of Ti Linnad, and Vashta of Lindeen around the maps and notes she had prepared, and said, "Thank you for joining me today. I brought you together as members," she motioned to Collisa and added, "and supporter of, the Inyaka region; or at least the regions east of the shrouded lands. If you will look south to the Badan, I believe you will find that the nations in that land have organized economically to establish protectors of trade of the region and it is something similar that I would suggest for the lands of Inyaka. I also believe that Lady Collisa and her colleague from Ti Linnad might have an offer that would be of interest to Vividus and Vashta, or not, such is the way of trade."

The queen turned to the map, "I propose that we organize to protect the Inyaka region from potentially abusive foreign acts, economically or in terms of faith. Your kingdoms will maintain autonomy of their trade and methods of worship and can invite outsiders to your lands as you feel is reasonable. Trade with the fallow nations wouldn't be restricted except against those who would seek to do harm to the economy. In terms of faith, those kingdoms from outside of Inyaka would be barred from influencing them, unless they were being asked to do so at one of your behest, while your nations would be free to spread your faiths within these regions, within reason. If you would wish to join me in this endeavor we could divide the fallow regions up between our kingdoms to provide protection and guidance to."

Thyme with Regno
Varia approached the new sultan and returned his greeting. Smiling she said, "Heir Tyber, It has been a while since a representative of Regno graced these halls; I do believe it was your mother who last spoke about the great plague that was ravaging Emjata. But I do believe that you are not here for tales of meetings long past, so what brings the Sultanate to my lands?"

2018-07-09, 01:27 PM
The North
Collissa gazed intently at the map before speaking.

"The Northern Council would not be opposed to this pact. We have, of course, a great interest in the strength and unity of our neighboring regions, and such an agreement would strengthen our bonds. Indeed, we have laid the groundwork for such with our agreement to honor the Rhunic faith."

Annedriu stood and addressed Vividus and Vashta.

"As the Queen says, we do have offers to make. Firstly, the option of joining the Northern Council under a Minor Council is always available. While, unfortunately, I cannot promise that we will be entirely disconnected from the world beyond Inyaka" - here he turned to look at Vasha for a moment - "the Northern Council will always do its best to honor the wishes of its members. And a member could influence the Council in their favored direction."

"Secondly, we wish to extend the opportunity to exchange economic investments among our regions. Should you allow the Northern Council to purchase exports from your regions in the next few years, we will return the favor."

Annedriu whispered something to Collissa as the Regnan delegates approached. She chuckled, and with a wave of her left ear beckoned the Speakers forward as she replied, "Yes, those are the Regnans. An interesting bunch, aren't they?"

She stood forward and saluted the Speaker. "Greetings, friends from Regno. What may we do for you?"

2018-07-09, 04:36 PM
Geldis Relnos, rather busy with other tasks, nonetheless deigned let the Regnan speak his mind.

"Yes, yes, what is it now?"

Discussion of Gold and Land

Geldis Relnos, the Gwitna Delegate, approached the negotiations between Yondar, Ti Linnad, Rhune, and the like, and glanced over their shoulders before beginning to speak in a quiet but serious tone.

"This proposal is an interesting one not because of whom it includes, but whom it does not. Queen Varia, are you under the impression that the Gwitna Coalition, the Isles of Lazar, and the Kingdom of Dvatla are all nations on the subcontinent of palmor? Because I can assure you that they are not. They are just as Inyakan as any who has been invited to this table, so their exclusion certainly arouses some suspicion as to who you intend to protect "Inyaka" against. If this is intended to be a pact to turn against your Inyakan brothers and cast out their traders and missionaries, then say so in plain and simple terms, rather than disguising it as some sort of pan-continental agreement."

2018-07-09, 05:02 PM
Discussion of Gold and Land
"Ah," Varia answered Geldis's accusation. "You are correct, to a point. Inyaka consist of so much territory that it is hard to be precise. In this case I am talking about the regions east of the shrouded lands, and north of the mountain range, which locally is known as Veknar's spine." [Regions 94-105] "Such as swath of territory yet does not have a name, and I am neither presumptuous enough to give it one nor inclined to foster confusion by doing so."

She motioned over to the land south of the mountain range. "And you will have to forgive me, but this idea is one that I have stolen from the kingdoms of Gwitna and Lazar. We are acting in protection of our lands, and those surrounding them much as you do yours. I am not calling for a mass purging of merchants or pilgrims, but I am requiring a certain amount of local oversight involving the practices of faith and trade."

Glancing over at the representatives of Cesaria, Lindeen, and Rhune. "Though, I do not believe that it would be reasonable to dictate the religious and economic practices of Cesaria, Lindeen, and Rhune, I would hope that expressing their desired vision of trade and faith within their lands could be done with as little bloodshed as possible."

Having a talk-a with Devalta
Varia made sure the tongues of the attending representatives were adequately lubricated with wine and other liquor when she noticed D̨züssätt of Devalta. Approaching she greeted him warmly with a glass of wine, "D̨züssätt, It is a pleasure to have you attend this meeting, yet you seem to be standing off to the side. Was there something the Kingdom of Dvalta would like to discuss with Yondar? Perhaps talk of trade?"

Something Something Lazar
The appearance of Lazar was troubling to Varia, part of her reasons for the talks with the other Northern Inyaka nations had been due to their religious zeal in sending missionaries to the north. Any decision was surely to ruffle some feathers (or grit some scales?) with the religious nation of the South. Still, duty and hospitality required that she meet with them. Approaching Arndok of Lazar, Varia greeted the representative. "I bid you welcome to Yondar, what business would Lazar like to discuss between our nations?"

2018-07-09, 09:01 PM
Speaker Statera of family Sortis bowed to the Doge, her long black hair tied back in a single tight braid. Her guardsman Legionnaire (after some small political wrangling) just happened to be her husband, but he was not much for chatting or even much for Initia, preferring to let his wife do the talking. "Honored Doge, the Sultanate has noted that Lindeen takes a - carefully balanced - interest in Initia, and we would be pleased to work together more; that is, actually, why I am here. I am Speaker Statera, of family Sortis. My father was the previous Grand Magus, Viclean's, younger brother. This affords me some political pull, but I am not anywhere near the line for the Sultan-hood. I am quite pleased to see my cousin-in-law, Heir Tyber, take the throne... and allow me more time for my research."

"Which brings me back around to you and your people." Statera smiles, and launches into her pitch. She doesn't bother with mincing words, and chooses to be very straight forward and earnest. Even if a bit long winded, but that's her family for you. "There's a mental connection that Initiates have; it does not reach far enough, however, to speak more than say, across this room. So we don't actually know very much about Lindeen. And... the first Speaker to create a full accounting is certainly then eligible to try and advance to the rank of Magi. That, Honored Doge, is what I want more than anything. A chance to be a full Magi, in every sense of the way that Initia means it. Would you be interested in having an ambassador to Regno in your midst, within Lindeen? I would be pleased to travel with you, find out more about your people - all of them, not just the Initiates - and help the Sultanate to better understand you and your own. I assure you, that would make it easier to do business with us, and I could advise you on Regnan matters."

Statera holds up a cautioning finger, "For instance, while it is not an insult to call him prince, the correct title for the future Sultan is 'Heir'. The current Sultan's male blood relatives are princes. Heir Tyber is the heir to the Sortis Family patriarch - which also happens to be the line of the Sultan at the moment, and hopefully, for the future to come."

A momentary crease of consideration took the doge who seemed doubtful for a moment looking her up and down wondering what exactly she wanted to examine and a defining paranoia took for her for a blink of time before she nodded her head. "You may come to Lindeen and act as an ambassador for your country BUT on a few conditions, we be allowed to send representatives from our home to yours and we be allowed to learn more about Initia. Furthermore all of your mail will be monitored before sending it home. I am not trying to be openly deceitful but I want you to understand some of our research is sensitive and we have no interest in releasing it to outsiders for now especially in the earliest stages of the relationship. If you agree to those terms we are willing to bring you with us and set you up in the Initia sector of our city comfortably until a formal embassy can be built."

A discussion of Gold and Land

Varia gathered Lieđđi of Rhune, Vividus of Cesaria, Collisa of Ti Linnad, and Vashta of Lindeen around the maps and notes she had prepared, and said, "Thank you for joining me today. I brought you together as members," she motioned to Collisa and added, "and supporter of, the Inyaka region; or at least the regions east of the shrouded lands. If you will look south to the Badan, I believe you will find that the nations in that land have organized economically to establish protectors of trade of the region and it is something similar that I would suggest for the lands of Inyaka. I also believe that Lady Collisa and her colleague from Ti Linnad might have an offer that would be of interest to Vividus and Vashta, or not, such is the way of trade."

The queen turned to the map, "I propose that we organize to protect the Inyaka region from potentially abusive foreign acts, economically or in terms of faith. Your kingdoms will maintain autonomy of their trade and methods of worship and can invite outsiders to your lands as you feel is reasonable. Trade with the fallow nations wouldn't be restricted except against those who would seek to do harm to the economy. In terms of faith, those kingdoms from outside of Inyaka would be barred from influencing them, unless they were being asked to do so at one of your behest, while your nations would be free to spread your faiths within these regions, within reason. If you would wish to join me in this endeavor we could divide the fallow regions up between our kingdoms to provide protection and guidance to."

The doge scoffed, "you speak of religious freedom in the presence of an official from Ti Linnad? I don't mean to be rude but his nation has the serpent of Xincoatl wrapped around its throat, furthermore he is connected to the blighted kingdoms to the far south. It feels like a hypocrtical road to follow as long as these chains hang around that nations neck no matter how powerful it is."

2018-07-09, 09:44 PM
Having a talk-a with D̨vatla
Varia made sure the tongues of the attending representatives were adequately lubricated with wine and other liquor when she noticed D̨züssätt of D̨vatla. Approaching she greeted him warmly with a glass of wine, "D̨züssätt, It is a pleasure to have you attend this meeting, yet you seem to be standing off to the side. Was there something the Kingdom of D̨valta would like to discuss with Yondar? Perhaps talk of trade?"

D̨züssätt nods his head in a polite, if slight, bow. "Honestly, I am here largely to be here: to be seen. There is some interest in trade back home, particularly in darkwood. Though I understand we aren't exactly alone in that interest. If you yourself have any proposals we are, of course, happy to listen and consider them."

Fire Tarrasque
2018-07-09, 10:31 PM
Gold and Land

Vividus, after having considered the statements of others, spoke his piece.

"Your proposition is... Interesting. While you doubtless have secret motives, seeing as you specifically only included one of the more powerful empires of the region, and also conveniently the one that you have sworn fealty too. Lindeen, a country we have rather notable interests in maintaining a healthy relationship in all ways has some clear issues with this idea. I also, do not feel inclined to not join such an organization. However, we of Cesaria are not averse to a trade deal. My question is: Why not attempt to join the existing organization? Do you plan to launch some sort of trade war, because that would certainly be averse to our interests. While your offer is intriguing, I would like a little more information."

The Northern Council
"And as for this... We would certainly not be averse. However, we may again wait to see Lindeen's response.
A more active coalition is too our liking, and an established group makes an invitation less suspect. Your words however, do sound ominous. I must ask, again, are you planning something for the immediate future?

I realized the color I used for dialogue there was horrendous. It was this. Yeah.

2018-07-10, 11:36 AM
The Arndok was pleased she had been permitted entrance to the talks. Given the rumors she had heard of their content she had suspected she might find herself ostracized. Indeed it seemed the north was deeply afraid of her and those who adhered to her god wherever they may have been even outside regions claimed by any known power.

"This one wishes only to witness these proceedings, Your Grace. The Isles hear tales of fear and hate towards ourselves and our brothers in faith among the northern realms. Ignorance can be a terrible tool of oppression by those who wield it both wittingly and accidentally."

Gold & Land
The Arndok had been quiet but as the Cesarian Vividus spoke he opened a moment to express her own concerns which the northerner had insinuated.

"The gentleman from Cesaria raises the point which I have myself been troubled by. If this is a measure intended towards peace and by all my perceptions seems prompted by fear of the power of Xincoatl's church in Ti Linnad and elsewhere then why were neither I nor Gwitna invited to this event? Why must I show up here as an unwelcome guest intruding on what appear to be backroom collaborations?"

The lazarite leader stepped forward closer to the table as she continued.

"Allow me to propose to those gathered here a new resolution, a true Inyakan resolution. I invite all of you, Ti Linnad, Cesaria, Lindeen, Yondar, and Rhune to join the protection and prosperity already offered by the Badan pact composed of Lazar, Gwitna, and Coatl. To whit I shall be happy to extend on at least my own behalf the assurance that no region or holy site within this much enlarged expanse to be covered shall be pressured towards a faith unwelcome by that region's sovereign and all legitimately acquired trading posts will be respected and rights to their bounty upheld by all partners of this pact."

"As a show of good faith I offer to those who will break bread with their neighbors to the east who have so long lived in the north alongside them the gifts of Surplus Production and Heavy Wooden Armor. However, if you choose to instead create amongst yourselves an exclusionary pact intended to malign my homeland, my people, and my church I shall have no recourse but to see in such an establishment that which the gentleman from Cesaria already rightly identifies, the attempt by Rhunic Animists to create for themselves a seceded portion of the continent in which they alone might thrive as the preeminent faith."

The lazarite leader was sincere in her convictions having contemplated on the journey and concluding upon hearing the firm proposal out of Yondar that if the uniting of the north could not be prevented it could at least be neutered by tying in with the existing institutional stability brought about in the east. Being an elder partner in a pact with the north would be far superior to the leader of an opposition party to the northerners.

"While neither Cesaria nor Lindeen are our brothers in faith neither are they yours and to them I offer this chance to enter a pact balanced and checked by the spiritualism of the north and the godly mission of the east that they may choose for themselves the most bountiful path for their own peoples. As I have said, I do not desire conflict and by words neither does Yondar or Rhune. If such is the case I hope we might all find prosperity in cooperation as neighbors rather than struggle in needless opposition."

2018-07-10, 12:56 PM
A momentary crease of consideration took the doge who seemed doubtful for a moment looking her up and down wondering what exactly she wanted to examine and a defining paranoia took for her for a blink of time before she nodded her head. "You may come to Lindeen and act as an ambassador for your country BUT on a few conditions, we be allowed to send representatives from our home to yours and we be allowed to learn more about Initia. Furthermore all of your mail will be monitored before sending it home. I am not trying to be openly deceitful but I want you to understand some of our research is sensitive and we have no interest in releasing it to outsiders for now especially in the earliest stages of the relationship. If you agree to those terms we are willing to bring you with us and set you up in the Initia sector of our city comfortably until a formal embassy can be built."

The doge scoffed, "you speak of religious freedom in the presence of an official from Ti Linnad? I don't mean to be rude but his nation has the serpent of Xincoatl wrapped around its throat, furthermore he is connected to the blighted kingdoms to the far south. It feels like a hypocrtical road to follow as long as these chains hang around that nations neck no matter how powerful it is."

Colissa stepped forward, her ears flattened atop her head and her eyes narrowed. "You may not mean to be rude, but you are nevertheless. Your scholars have no knowledge of the Coatlean practices, nor can the Council be considered to be 'chained' by our faith. While the Lazarites' efforts to spread the faith in our lands have been welcome, the Northern Council has never imposed the faith upon any, and has even risked conflict with our brothers-in-faith to defend the Animists of Rhune and Yondar, as I am sure either the Margravine, or the Queen, or the Arndok could tell you, if you listened. Nor have you any interaction with the south upon which to base your veiled insults against the Kingdom of Whitefeather. Speak no ill of what you know not, lest you become a fool in the process."

Gold and Land

Vividus, after having considered the statements of others, spoke his piece.

"Your proposition is... Interesting. While you doubtless have secret motives, seeing as you specifically only included one of the more powerful empires of the region, and also conveniently the one that you have sworn fealty too. Lindeen, a country we have rather notable interests in maintaining a healthy relationship in all ways has some clear issues with this idea. I also, do not feel inclined to not join such an organization. However, we of Cesaria are not averse to a trade deal. My question is: Why not attempt to join the existing organization? Do you plan to launch some sort of trade war, because that would certainly be averse to our interests. While your offer is intriguing, I would like a little more information."

The Northern Council
"And as for this... We would certainly not be averse. However, we may again wait to see Lindeen's response.
A more active coalition is too our liking, and an established group makes an invitation less suspect. Your words however, do sound ominous. I must ask, again, are you planning something for the immediate future?

I realized the color I used for dialogue there was horrendous. It was this. Yeah.

"If your questions are directed at us, I can tell you that there are no plans to launch a trade war in the northeast," responded Annedriu, "nor any other sort of conflict that you might imagine. My words were not meant to be ominous, merely to inform."

The Arndok was pleased she had been permitted entrance to the talks. Given the rumors she had heard of their content she had suspected she might find herself ostracized. Indeed it seemed the north was deeply afraid of her and those who adhered to her god wherever they may have been even outside regions claimed by any known power.

"This one wishes only to witness these proceedings, Your Grace. The Isles hear tales of fear and hate towards ourselves and our brothers in faith among the northern realms. Ignorance can be a terrible tool of oppression by those who wield it both wittingly and accidentally."

Gold & Land
The Arndok had been quiet but as the Cesarian Vividus spoke he opened a moment to express her own concerns which the northerner had insinuated.

"The gentleman from Cesaria raises the point which I have myself been troubled by. If this is a measure intended towards peace and by all my perceptions seems prompted by fear of the power of Xincoatl's church in Ti Linnad and elsewhere then why were neither I nor Gwitna invited to this event? Why must I show up here as an unwelcome guest intruding on what appear to be backroom collaborations?"

The lazarite leader stepped forward closer to the table as she continued.

"Allow me to propose to those gathered here a new resolution, a true Inyakan resolution. I invite all of you, Ti Linnad, Cesaria, Lindeen, Yondar, and Rhune to join the protection and prosperity already offered by the Badan pact composed of Lazar, Gwitna, and Coatl. To whit I shall be happy to extend on at least my own behalf the assurance that no region or holy site within this much enlarged expanse to be covered shall be pressured towards a faith unwelcome by that region's sovereign and all legitimately acquired trading posts will be respected and rights to their bounty upheld by all partners of this pact."

"As a show of good faith I offer to those who will break bread with their neighbors to the east who have so long lived in the north alongside them the gifts of Surplus Production and Heavy Wooden Armor. However, if you choose to instead create amongst yourselves an exclusionary pact intended to malign my homeland, my people, and my church I shall have no recourse but to see in such an establishment that which the gentleman from Cesaria already rightly identifies, the attempt by Rhunic Animists to create for themselves a seceded portion of the continent in which they alone might thrive as the preeminent faith."

The lazarite leader was sincere in her convictions having contemplated on the journey and concluding upon hearing the firm proposal out of Yondar that if the uniting of the north could not be prevented it could at least be neutered by tying in with the existing institutional stability brought about in the east. Being an elder partner in a pact with the north would be far superior to the leader of an opposition party to the northerners.

"While neither Cesaria nor Lindeen are our brothers in faith neither are they yours and to them I offer this chance to enter a pact balanced and checked by the spiritualism of the north and the godly mission of the east that they may choose for themselves the most bountiful path for their own peoples. As I have said, I do not desire conflict and by words neither does Yondar or Rhune. If such is the case I hope we might all find prosperity in cooperation as neighbors rather than struggle in needless opposition."

"Ti Linnad holds no opposition to this pact, either, " replied Collissa, "though we control no lands on the Badan coast. Even so, if the existing pact members allow, the Council may join the Badan Pact, and will respect whatever decisions are made here."

2018-07-10, 09:07 PM
Gold & Land
"We should also desire to invite Dvatla," the Arndo said, motioning for one of her guards to gain the Dvatlan diplomat's attention to this conspiring if he had already retired to drink or food.

"Let this be, truly, a pact of Inyaka not to interfere in the freely conducted commerce and worship overseen by the rightful reigning sovereigns of the collective lands of Inyaka and on into Palmor through Coatl if our brothers in faith accede to honor an expanded treaty. Perhaps others might offer trade bounty to the collective wealth of our land, bestowed upon us in divine splendor to explore and utilize." at this she eyed the Pylliar having heard of recent educational advancements made in the lands that might prove useful within the Isles among the Children of the Flame.


A black-scaled lazarite guard of the Arndok, while his high priestess charge is distracted by talks with the many foreign powers, quickly and quietly approaches the Lindeen delegation depositing a note with the highest ranking member he is permitted to see and departing as if nothing had passed by.

Within the folded note is the following message.

Sorcerer and magi need not be foes. You seek power and we seek Xincoatl's supreme reign. We ask not to disturb your capital in which you have balanced the faiths both old and new but to your south in the lands bloodlines play to claim let us work together. Work is being done to arrange the appointment of magi Kasiri to oversee the church in this area. Magi Kasiri is a member of a group of lazarite magi who believe in pushing the limits of magical theory no matter the cost. The bearer of this note is a member of the same group. There are enough to man the mission under Lindeen at least though the Arndok is not a member and neither must she know of the activities pursued in Lindeen in such an arrangement. It is up to the Doge to decide.

OOC: Let's do a corruption plotline together if you want. :smallsmile: I don't quite know what your corruption thing is but I do dig the sorcerer-defiler angle. I'd love to work with you and what I'd like to do is turn 100 full Coatl Perijanist under your rule. For you it can serve as an experiment on putting one whole region towards a particular type of sacrifice/ritual based magic like CP and for me a chance to have a corruption scandal of magi-sorcerers to use in part of a future downfall once I've peaked and ridden the wave of being the biggest Organized religion by HCs. In that way in the future it falling to a diffuse bit of religions will be very plausible or even likely.

What's being offered IC here is protection from inside the church to do heresy out west because they're almost as curious as the Lindeen about mastering magical power (albeit earnestly through Xincoatl rather than as the Lindeese appear to be by tricking Xincoatl into handing out more than he otherwise would.)

2018-07-11, 03:21 AM
"Allow me to propose to those gathered here a new resolution, a true Inyakan resolution. I invite all of you, Ti Linnad, Cesaria, Lindeen, Yondar, and Rhune to join the protection and prosperity already offered by the Badan pact..."

D̨züssätt's eyes narrow somewhat as he listened from a little ways back from the group. "I invite all of you, Ti Linnad, Cesaria, Lindeen, Yondar and Rhune"? Perhaps a mere slip. Perhaps a meaningful slip, even if not intended. The Lazarites can't be happy about what N̨am's up to back at the strait. The Coatleans should've kept their pet on a tighter leash, and now his victory over the would-be emperor has made an awkward situation all the more uncertain.

"...I shall have no recourse but to see in such an establishment...the attempt by Rhunic Animists to create for themselves a seceded portion of the continent in which they alone might thrive as the preeminent faith."

A telling comment. The prince couldn't decide which he liked less: conveniently forgetting to include D̨vatla in a list of Inyakan powers or the objection to a region of Emjata that Coatl couldn't squeeze itself into. Might as well say they consider our own preference for keeping foreign faiths foreign as a threat.

"We should also desire to invite Dvatla," the Arndo said, motioning for one of her guards to gain the Dvatlan diplomat's attention to this conspiring if he had already retired to drink or food.

"Let this be, truly, a pact of Inyaka not to interfere in the freely conducted commerce and worship overseen by the rightful reigning sovereigns of the collective lands of Inyaka and on into Palmor through Coatl if our brothers in faith accede to honor an expanded treaty. Perhaps others might offer trade bounty to the collective wealth of our land, bestowed upon us in divine splendor to explore and utilize." at this she eyed the Pylliar...

"We have no objection in principle to greater trade across Inyaka." D̨züssätt steps forward towards the group gathered around Varia's maps, having been directly mentioned, finally. "We are always open to discussion about developing and strengthening trade. It's not so long ago that we helped Lindeen access the marble trade in Zachodnie." He inclines his head in a slight bow to the Doge as he continues forward. "We will remain open to any who desire mutually profitable relations, regardless of what deal is decided here, so long as it is not clearly to our detriment."

2018-07-11, 01:35 PM
Gold and Land

Varia calmly listened to the other representatives air their grievances. She was silent for a moment as she sorted her thoughts out before speaking to Vashta and Vividus.

"You speak of hypocrisy and secret motives, but what I am asking is for you to take the first steps of building trust between our nations. Yes, I asked Ti Linnad to be here because I felt your kingdoms should have the opportunity to consider a similar offer that Yondar and Rhune were given. Declining, or accepting, the offer has no bearings on the offer I have put forwards to you, which I might add is an offer of an organization built on a foundation that as a nation your faith, and nearby lands, should be determined by you not some foreign kingdom; foreign kingdoms including Ti Linnad and the Whitefeather Empire. That our lands should prosper through trade rather than let it be susceptible to brigands and thieves. Additionally, I would propose that our nations to lay out a plan and support each other in our efforts to bring the fallow kingdoms into the fold if possible"

The Queen glanced over to Arndok as she continued to address the representatives of Cesaria and Lindeen, "Now, I suppose Arndok of Lazar brings up a point. Lazar was not invited to these talks specifically because these regions are of direct importance to Cesaria, Lindeen, Rhune and Yondar as neighboring regions. And while I believe Arndok's next point would be about the importance of their faith, and those who follow it, I'd like to reiterate the point that I am asking for this organization to be regulatory in nature, not punitive. The emphasis is to restrict further influence from outside the region, not to root it and purge it. And, should any of us decide to reinforce their vision of faith upon their lands, I would ask that they do so with as little bloodshed as possible, and to be open to discussing the change with the leader of the religion diplomatically if possible."

Varia straightened her dress as she took a moments respite and then said with an emphasis towards Arndok, "Now, it may seem that I am unduly focusing on Coatl Perijanism, and Lazar; this is only because they are topical. I bear no ill will towards Coatl Perijanism, or those who practice it, and I am sorry if this sours relations between our nations, but boundaries must be drawn."

Turning back to Vashta and Vividus the Queen added, "This is all that I ask of you, to put aside your grievances and suspicions and consider my offer so that we might better the region as a whole. I understand that you may wish to take some time to think over and do not expect an answer immediately, but I hope that in the future we can work together on this."

Talk-a with Dvalta
Varia nodded at the man's statement, "Sadly I'm afraid that we can ill spare any Darkwood, save 'Ridi'r's, which are in it are to the winds, meaning that is we will neither support for or against them should someone challenge it. 'Have'qa'qagr, the new leader of the 'Ridi'r people, did great insult to his guests at the tournament. Unless he begins acting more befitting of a leader I'm afraid his people, and trade, may very well suffer."

The Queen drank from her glass of wine as she sought to change the subject, "If trade is too dull, then perhaps service? I understand you are looking into the death of your late King Vekhglis. Perhaps you could use some more eyes and ears?"

2018-07-11, 02:45 PM
"I'm afraid I do not understand your Grace. You say 'boundaries must be drawn' and I am more than willing to agree that boundaries set by the individual powers collective through treaty ought to be recognized but where my confusion arises is you seem disinterested in my proposition that your replication of our Badanese treaty, which you say was taken as inspiration, be instead replaced with an expansion of the treaty which has kept the east stable through much turmoil to encompass in its demesne the northern and western powers of Inyaka as well."

"I see no need to divide the lands of Inyaka up arbitrarily between multiple regulatory trade and faith blocs and regrettably the only conclusion I feel capable of drawing is that the Yondarians and perhaps Rhunites as well wish to establish a separate bloc replicating but with no desire to cooperate with the pre-existing bloc established by my predecessors in the east. In swearing to Ti Linnad while consolidating power for yourselves and your own faith it seems that in extending this offer to Cesaria and Lindeen alone you seek to control them in this pact with the blunt force of three votes to their collective two. I understand there are many here who fear the church I herald but allow me to remind all gathered that I have sought not to interfere in claimed lands and I come before you now humbly asking for peace and inclusion where I have found divisiveness and exclusion attempting to plant the seeds of war."

"I offer you my assurances that the same courtesies extended to those whom I have broken bread with in the east will be extended to the north under an expanded agreement and in establishing a pan-continental contract of respect for trade and faith we might assure needless conflict and bloodshed is avoided by direction through a strong institutional channel."

The lazarite woman spread her hands palm outwards as she concluded.

"There is a phrase in some of the Church's holy texts whose sentiment appears too in a number of treatises written by philosopher kings and it is this; Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. We all may not share a faith or an identity but if it is truly peace being sought here today and respect among neighbors I move to scrap the Yondar Plan, to abolish the Badan Pact held by myself and my fellows, and to instate in their place a unified Inyakan Contract respecting faith and trade among members. To such a treaty I should happily put forth the Isles in support."

Fire Tarrasque
2018-07-11, 05:23 PM
Gold and Land

D̨züssätt's eyes narrow somewhat as he listened from a little ways back from the group. "I invite all of you, Ti Linnad, Cesaria, Lindeen, Yondar and Rhune"? Perhaps a mere slip. Perhaps a meaningful slip, even if not intended. The Lazarites can't be happy about what N̨am's up to back at the strait. The Coatleans should've kept their pet on a tighter leash, and now his victory over the would-be emperor has made an awkward situation all the more uncertain.

Firstly, Queen Varia, you are aware that Ti Linnad just accepted the offer too join the Badan pact, correct? It seems to me that the topic of this discussion should turn from some hypothetical Inyakan alliance to the offer to join the pre-existing Badan pact. And on that topic, this seems an offer we would be foolish to refuse. Seeing as Ti Linnad has already accepted, this pact's power is undeniable. It would be downright foolish not to accept a pact already joined by two of our three largest neighbors, whatever the purpose. An offer of two valuable technologies on top of that makes it easily the best offer we could possibly hope for. Though any attempts to infringe on the worship of our rightful ruler Dejan will be met with immediate resistance. Of course, in accepting this,
Cesaria would mean no disrespect to the great kingdoms of Regno and Dvalta, or our neighbor Lindeen should they choose to not take the offer as well.
I would like to ask why Regno and Dvalta were not also invited though.

Technological Aspirations (w/Yondar)

Queen Varia, on another note, whether you choose to follow Ti Linnad or not, there is a trade that we would like to make that I had forgotten to mention. Yondar has perfect the art of the diplomatic expedition? However, your problem is that you have nowhere to use those for, correct? You would require a further development in your technology to do this. Cesaria would completely willing to produce and share such a technology. If you would be worried about assurances for Cesaria to not simply take your knowledge and leave, we would be willing to, for instance, stake our membership in the Badan pact on this, or anything else you might request as assurance. Would that be acceptable to you?

To fix capitalization. Yes really.

2018-07-11, 09:08 PM
Of Gold and Land

"Yet again you have insinuated that Yondar and Rhune have some nefarious design in creating our own 'Bloc.' I will state for the third time that under the, as you put it, 'Yondar Plan' the nations involved will have the sovereignty of their trade and religion respected. There is no ruling council over this decision, no votes, no obligations beyond the request that the Kingdoms cooperate to keep a watchful eye over the region. Ti Linnad's connection to the region would only be through it being the Liege of Yondar and Rhune, unless Cesaria or Lindeen wishes to accept vassalage as well, but they would be held to the same restrictions as other kingdoms outside of the region; they would be free to make beneficial trade, but in matters of faith they would have to approach the kingdom in question they wish to spread theirs to diplomatically." Varia glanced over to Vividus and added, "This being why Ti Linnad's interests in the Badan Bloc matters little to me. As separate entities protecting separate regions there would be little need for conflict between the two."

Queen Varia turned back and addressed Arndok, "But let us talk about conflict. You have insinuated twice that the Rhunic Animist kingdoms are attempting to create our own region dominated by our faith, which as I have stated multiple times we are not. Yet what of Lazar? If you are so concerned about the potential imbalance of power within this 'Yondar Plan' then why are you so willing to invite four nations not affiliated with Coatl Perjanism into the Badan pact? Glen Gwitna, the Isle of Lazar, the Theocracy of Coatl, a common thread among these nations is not just Coatl Perjanism rather an utter domination of the faith in their lands. Sure, you've said that you'd respect our faith, but you have also stated that you have restricted your missionaries to areas not directly under our control. So I must ask, if the thought of having to approach the kingdoms of Rhune, Cesaria, Lindeen and Yondar diplomatically to seek their blessing to spread your faith in our nearby lands, even more so in our kingdoms themselves, would bring you to mention war, then I wonder what would happen if our kingdoms joined your pact and, in the fullness of time, expanded into lands seeded with Coatl Perjanism and sought to uproot it in favor of our own relgions? Would we retain the right to our own religion then? Or would this be seen as an act of aggression answerable only by sword and fire?"

Fire Tarrasque
2018-07-12, 08:47 AM
Gold and Land

You bring up fair points, and Cesaria would be willing to join a "Yondar Pact" as long as it did not limit our membership in the Badan pact as well. There should be no concern from either side in that case. However, seeing as the so called Yondar Pact has almost no membership, we would enjoy some sort of incentive. The Badan pact promised us the secrets of several technologies. I see no great benefit from the Yondar Pact for anyone, Yondar itself included. We would like some incentive.

2018-07-12, 08:56 AM
The Arndok was silent for a moment in response to the Yondar Queen's commentary. She glanced across the table catching the gaze of the Cessarian representative a moment longer. Whatever their difference in spiritual beliefs certainly she felt more akin to the stranger in this moment than any of these other petty tyrants for at least they shared a recognition of opportunity for real wealth.

"Queen of Yondar, I speak of conspiracies of Rhune because I can think of no other reason you should desire to exclude your many other neighbors. As you have acutely ascertained the understanding I refer to as the Badan Pact came about from a brotherhood of faith whose shared values discouraged infighting and war among his faithful. In this origin it was exclusionary and now you openly claim to seek its replication among your own cabal without even the pretense of shared cultural hegemony. Either it is a Linnadi ploy to bring the independent kingdoms north of them into their web without so brute an exertion of force as vassalage, it is a conspiracy of Rhunic Animists to preserve territories and people for themselves, or it is as you claim a venture to ensure peace and prosperity among neighbors and to ensure no unintended harm befalls your fellows."

"If it is truly the latter then I cannot fathom why you continue to elude and reject my offer to enjoin my own existing honorable reputation upon the Badan with your new project. Indeed, why was it that I was not invited to begin with? Nor any of your other neighbors? If you wished not be accused of conspiracy act not conspiratorially."

The Arndok again spread her hands palm outwards to demonstrate honest intentions.

"You speak in hypotheticals of a war-mongering Isles and Church in the north where in fact there exists none. I come offering to respect your kingdoms, to offer you gifts, and to encourage peace among neighbors and yet you accuse me of heinous crimes I seek to bind myself apart from. Surely, I would have no reason at all to respect a pact that did not extract from me my consent to respect it. I attempt now under laborious efforts to offer my consent to the pact you have proposed and broaden its scope to all of Inyaka to befit the title you have sought to claim and yet in my efforts of inclusion I am accused of oppression or some hidden evil. What evil might I carry out by agreeing to respect your kingdoms in matters of trade and faith other than extracting the same offer from you? I even offer technological marvels as apology for my intrusion but I am coming to feel that despite protestations to the contrary the exclusion of so many from this call to meet was intentional conspiracy and not merely oversight or another mortal fallacy."

2018-07-12, 08:48 PM
Gold and Land

"Again I must state with the absolute necessity that this faith followed by Ti Linnad and Glen Gwitna and of course the lazarites is one of expansionism and human sacrifice they are Proselytists of the highest order and if we are to keep our unique ideals and belief systems alive letting them directly into the alliance is folly. That being said if they are willing to only convert in regions WE agree to before hand and not engage in aggressive expansionist policies I am willing to sign an agreement for the sake of mutual trade and health of our regions, BUT at the first sign of insurrection or betrayal by the Xincoatl block to do anything under handed I think Ti Linnads vassals must agree to abandon their liege lord and join us in the defense of unique faiths, dogmas and ideals as without their support we could never hope to stop the flood from the east. We far nations of the north must be very careful and willing to work together should these promises of religious tolerance and comraderie be a mere trap." She declared looking to each of the smaller nations, like her easily swept aside individually by what could be the xincoatl flood but perhaps an impenetrable wall if they could join together.

Isles of Lazar

A human from the Lindeen delegation will bump into the same warrior many hours after the note is delivered apologizing briefly before moving on.

An interesting proposition, your faith is already a dominating force with the armies of four nations at your command you could do this without me... But I understand when it comes to zealots they cant see past their own scripture. We will work with you, but any signs this is a trap and we will find a way to rip Ti Linnad from your faiths grasp. We will show you the gifts your gods can grant if only you risk a little more.

OOC: Love it! I am all in corruption is fun and I am happy to work with you and help make this happen.

2018-07-13, 11:58 AM
Of Gold and Land

Varia shook her head at the Doge's request it puzzled her that the woman couldn't get over Yondar's and Rhune's relationship with Ti Linnad. She had reiterated herself at several points that their Liege would have to adhere to the same diplomatic stipulations within the region she had outlined, the same as any other outside kingdom. She said, "It would seem folly to cut ties with an ally, and liege, over the actions done by people who only have the most basic of connections with them. With one of the many faiths in you land being Jaelong Bo, this would be like your kingdom being held accountable for the actions of the Confederated Northern Syndicate. No, Yondar will not let their relationship with Ti Linnad be held hostage by the actions of others."

As she glanced over to Vividus, "Pacts such as this must be weighed on the merits of the long term, not short term gains. I have put forwards offers of assistance with growth and expansion for those who wish to join us in this endeavor. It may not seem like much, but it will strengthen your kingdoms over the long run more than a few scraps of esoteric knowledge."

Beep Beep Mr. Sheep.

Queen Varia shook her head. "Our expertise with expeditions came at a hefty cost, indebting us to the Sultanate of Regno, and I cannot justify handing out the details of such a process on a whim, much less on an offer of knowledge and technology that has yet to come to fruition yet. But there is something of trade that I would wish to speak to you about. It has come to my understanding that you are seeking to dominate the trade within your kingdom and those regions nearby. While I can understand the desire to trade in local goods, I would feel it is necessary to warn you against your current actions. First, I have found that it is stronger, economically speaking, to have a wider variety goods rather than a narrow monopoly. Second, attempting to monopolize a trade will pit you against other kingdoms who would seek the same resource and, depending on the resource in question, you may find yourself in a trade war of your own making or worse."