View Full Version : Help me get faster!

2018-07-05, 12:16 PM
Hello all.

I have a build that I have been working on that I could use some help on. Originally I was trying to build a character that broke the jump skill. That got me focusing on speed as a way to increase it, which led to an added challenge to make the character fast enough to break the sound barrier. Here is the current build.

Race: neraphim

Starting stats: Str 18 dex 10 con 16 int 10 wis 10 cha 8

Lvl 1: Wildshape Ranger, skilled city dweller (exchange ride for tumble)
Feats: power Attack, battle jump, vault
Flaws: murky eyed, shaky
Trait: quick
Lvl 2: Wild Shape Ranger
Lvl 3: Wild Shape Ranger
Feats: dodge
Lvl 4: Wild Shape Ranger
Lvl 5: Wild Shape Ranger
Lvl 6: Barbarian (lion totem,whirling frenzy)
Feats: Speed of cheetah
Lvl 7: Wild Shape Ranger
Lvl 8: Fighter
Feat: mobility
Level 9: Warblade
Feat: Spring Attack
Maneuvers: sudden leap, wall of blades, iron heart surge
Stance: Leaping Dragon Stance
10: Blade Dancer
11: Blade Dancer
12: Blade Dancer
Feat: Leap Attack
13+: Blade Dancer
My speed on a charge at this point would be 2,800ft.

Fast movement from Blade Dancer 90
Quick trait +10
Haste +30
Dark creature +10
Rapid wrath- doubles speed
Speed of the cheetah x10 once per hour.

I need 767mph to break sound barrier. Doing the math, that would be 6,750ft per round. To get there I need to increase my base movement by 29ft. Once I double it on a charge, and factor in rapid wrath and speed of the cheetah, it get me to 6,760. That should be very doable.

Any suggestions to get me there would be appreciated!

2018-07-05, 12:29 PM
You would need to find space for 8 levels if not gestalting, but you could consider the Rokugan Ninja, from the 3.0 setting. At 8th level they get Speed of Darkness: when in Light or no armor, they increase their base speed by +5 ft per point of Constitution modifier. Not much on the face, but you can then pump Con to directly increase your speed, and there is an additional clarification-this is considered a bonus to you base movement, factored in before other other modifiers including multipliers. With Blade Dancer resetting your base speed to something ridiculous, you may be able to shave a couple other effects and still breach the Sound Barrier, depending on how much Con you can scrape up.

2018-07-05, 03:05 PM
I did some searching, and found an armor enhancement and crystal that will net me 5ft each, that leaves 19 feet to go.

2018-07-05, 05:45 PM
Just for ease of reference, which bonus types (enhancement, etc.) do you have covered already?

Off the top of my head, there's Speed of Thought for a +10' insight bonus (requires 13 WIS, though, so might require some tweaking on this specific character), which can be had for a quick dip in PsyWar. A dip in Cleric or another domain-granting class for the Celerity domain gives a +10' typeless bonus. Similarly, a dip in Ardent for the Freedom mantle would give a +10' typeless bonus. The Dash feat isn't exactly very good, but it's a +5' typeless bonus with no real prereqs (weirdly enough, though, it's not a Fighter bonus feat).

And of course, you're already using Barbarian and trading away your fast movement. If you're really optimizing for the extremely specific goal of just running faster than the sound barrier and not for the goal of making the best possible melee charger, you could give up lion totem (I assume you mean spirit lion totem) and get your fast movement back.

2018-07-05, 06:02 PM
If you can swing it; the worg pelt soulmeld bound to the feet chakra and invested with 4 essentia will net you 20 more, untyped.

The Magister
2018-07-05, 06:56 PM
I've used this template a few times to good effect. If it's not to your liking, then you can always trim it down until it's all about increasing your speed.


2018-07-05, 10:39 PM
Just for ease of reference, which bonus types (enhancement, etc.) do you have covered already?

Off the top of my head, there's Speed of Thought for a +10' insight bonus (requires 13 WIS, though, so might require some tweaking on this specific character), which can be had for a quick dip in PsyWar. A dip in Cleric or another domain-granting class for the Celerity domain gives a +10' typeless bonus. Similarly, a dip in Ardent for the Freedom mantle would give a +10' typeless bonus. The Dash feat isn't exactly very good, but it's a +5' typeless bonus with no real prereqs (weirdly enough, though, it's not a Fighter bonus feat).

And of course, you're already using Barbarian and trading away your fast movement. If you're really optimizing for the extremely specific goal of just running faster than the sound barrier and not for the goal of making the best possible melee charger, you could give up lion totem (I assume you mean spirit lion totem) and get your fast movement back.

Blade Dancer gives fast movement just like a Barbarian, only it scales up to +90 as you take levels in it.

Haste is a +30 enhancement bonus which I'll get from boots of speed.

The Quick trait is an untyped +10.

Collar of umbral metamorphosis Grant's the dark creature template for another +10 untyped.

The quickness armor enchantment is an untyped +5.

Armor crystal of alacrity is a +5' morale bonus to speed.

Rapid Wrath just flat out doubles your speed.

Cheetah's speed let's you burn a wild shape charge to make a charge at 10 times your normal speed.

This will be an interesting character. He will basically be a dragoon from final fantasy. Making insane leaping charges, dealing a bunch of damage with pounce. Then when it comes to his turn he can hop away with the sudden leap manuever or belt of battle, and then jump and charge again.

Next I'll need to find a means to go ethereal so that I can go through walls and do this indoors.

2018-07-06, 02:27 PM
If Pathfinder material is legal, there is a "Quickling" template for +3 LA that quadruples your base movement speed (for all movement modes) amongst a few other bonus like dodge bonuses to AC, and some free feats.

2018-07-07, 11:17 AM
Blade Dancer gives fast movement just like a Barbarian,

Actually: wild shaping ranger has fast movement also, so you have it from lvl1.

You have the ability to wildshape, wouldn't that be a much easier way to get a fast movement speed. I'm not well versed in all movement modes and speeds this game has to offer, but a 'kir-lanan' has a flyspeed of 90, and still has arms and legs for weapons and stuff.
It's a monstrous humanoid, so not available to you, but that can be fixed with a mere 3 levels of 'master of many forms'. At that point negating the need for 10 levels of 'blade dancer' If you skip those 10 levels, and level 6 of wildshape ranger, you've saved the 8 levels you need for ViperMagnum357's suggestion.

I'm sure other people here will have faster moving mosters to change into.

2018-07-08, 10:54 PM
Well, there is the old "Chuck E Cheese (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=16924331&postcount=9)" build, for speed optimization. It maxes out at greater than the speed of light, though (I believe) there was some errata on Complete Champion that made it illegal. You might check it for some ideas though.

2018-07-09, 05:24 AM
Earlier thread: Mach 4 and +1,200 to hit (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?362045-Mach-4-and-1-200-to-hit).

There was also a post in an older thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=15535646&postcount=34) that lists several speed buffs.

2018-07-09, 08:51 AM
Thanks guys!

2018-07-09, 12:57 PM
Not to be a spoilsport, but under 3.5's standard "two doubling is a tripling" you'd "only" be going 11x base speed, not 20x, so you'd need to significantly increase base speed to break the sound barrier. But note that eight levels of Wizard or Sorcerer is enough to Polymorph into a Dark Wyrmling Gold Dragon (fly speed 200 ft.) which when combined with the Haste spell and the Dash feat brings you up to base fly speed of 235 ft. or 245 ft. if your DM rules that the Quick trait carries over when you're Polymorphed. Either way, a much more respectable base speed than a mere 140 ft. It doesn't get you all the way (you'd need a base speed of 614 ft. to get there with an 11x multiplier), but it's closer. Or just polymorph into a perigrine falcon and convince your DM that if a real-life one can normally dive at over 200 mph with an in-game base speed of 80 ft., then that's a 22x speed boost right there, so even if you can't carry the spear in that form you add the 10x boost to get a 31x boost on a base speed of 80 ft. + 30 ft. (Haste) for a total of 4030 ft., or roughly 50% the speed of sound. Still not quite there, but pretty good for the lactose-intolerant.

EDIT: combine perigrine falcon with master transmogrifist's ability to sub in a base speed of 200 ft. from dark gold dragon, and when you Dive and burn your wild shape for 31x boost, you've broke the sound barrier by about 8%.

2018-07-09, 01:08 PM
Not to be a spoilsport, but under 3.5's standard "two doubling is a tripling" you'd "only" be going 11x base speed, not 20x, so you'd need to significantly increase base speed to break the sound barrier.

PHB p. 304:

"When applying multipliers to real-world values (such as weight or distance), normal rules of math apply instead."

Speed is a real-world value, hence you use normal multiplication.

2018-07-09, 03:52 PM
PHB p. 304:

"When applying multipliers to real-world values (such as weight or distance), normal rules of math apply instead."

Speed is a real-world value, hence you use normal multiplication.

In which case the above build is still a simple way to go faster than Mach 30, or over Mach 1.4 if your DM didn't accept the perigrine falcon argument and you were "only" using the base speed for a Hasted Dark Gold Wyrmling dragon.

2018-07-10, 10:06 PM
a quick google search on rapid wrath (as i hadn't heard of that) led me to a thread elsewhere discussing this exact thing.

here is that other sources answer, which also links to the chuck. e. cheese build :

Round 1: Activate Belt of Battle to cast Footsteps of the Divine(Fharlaghn) as a Swift Action, expending 7 Turn Undead attempts to Persist the spell via Divine Metamagic and then Extending it via Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend. Between Extend Spell, Suel Arcanamach and Spellcarved Soldier, Footsteps of the Divine lasts for 4 days.

Chuck drops the rod as a free action, drawing a scroll of Favor of the Martyr as a move action and as a Standard Action he makes the DC 27 UMD check to cast the spell from the scroll. He succeeds on a 1.

Max Turnage casts Owl’s Wisdom on Chuck.

Round 2: Chuck chooses to “employ a burst of truly inhuman speed” to gain +10ft to his land speed(in addition to the +50 ft from selecting Farlanghn) for every round remaining in the spell’s duration. There are 4 days minus 1 round remaining in the duration, so Chuck gets +576,990 ft bonus to his land speed, for a total land speed of 576,070 ft. His Jump check is +230,416. That’s a 43 mile long jump.

As a move action, Chuck draws his Scroll of Greater Visage of the Deity from his pack. Thanks to the spell being on the Cleric list and having a Wisdom of 19, all he has to do is make a DC 18 Caster Level check to activate the scroll. His caster level for Cleric spells is 9. Too bad he can’t just take 10. Oh wait, yes he can thanks to Arcane Mastery! So by taking 10, he succeeds on the check and casts Greater Visage of the Deity as his Standard Action gaining +4 Charisma and a fly speed of twice his land speed, or 1,152,140 ft.

As a swift action he activates his belt of battle to get a move action, which is used to draw his Staff of Greater Celerity.

He then proceeds via Divine Impetus for 1,104 swift actions which translate to Full-Round actions from the Staff of Greater Celerity. Favor of the Martyr protects Chuck from the nasty side effect of daze. How he uses those actions depends on what he wants to do.

and is further explained in another thread off of wizards:

Footsteps of the divine says you can expend the spell to add "...an additional +10 feet to your speed per round remaining in the spell's duration." Therefore, you gain a bonus of 10 x 10 x 60 x 24, or 144,000 ft/round. Times FIVE for the Run feat gives 720,000 ft/round, or 120,000 ft/sec.

To put this in perspective, this hypothetical cleric is running at more than four times Earth's escape velocity. He's running so fast that an atomic clock could detect the relativistic time dilation he undergoes as he moves. He's running so fast that, if this weren't magic, his body would be torn apart as he instantly accelerated to 100 times the speed of sound.

By strict RAW, I think this is legal. Persistent Spell states, "Spells of instantaneous duration cannot be affected by this feat, nor can spells whose effects are discharged." Since footsteps of the divine (the spell in question) has Personal range, and its duration entry is "1 round/level" rather than something sensible like "1 round/level or until discharged", it would seem to be a legal target for Persistent Spell. (DMM: Persist is also not required; footsteps of the divine is only Cleric 3rd.)

excepting that errata put out changed the wording on footsteps of the divine so that it can't be persisted anymore :(

and then you can try finding the jumplomancer build, ( It attains a movement speed of 25,800 feet, which works out to 2,932 miles per hour.) but it's been archived on wizards, although you might be able to find a reposting of it on another board, but builds it this way:

The above-linked variant uses a combination of Extend Spell, which doubles a spell’s duration, and the Rainbow Falls magical location from Complete Mage, which triples it (1/day Transmutation only). That gets you a duration of 120 rounds; you discharge it around later for +1,190 ft. bonus to your speed. Add in cheetah’s speed for a (relatively) minor speed bonus, and the ability to sprint to multiply your speed by 10. Throw some other bonuses in there, and then sprint on a charge.

The build also adds in five levels of Exemplar, and the Leap Attack feat to take a huge Jump, taking advantage of the bonus that high speeds give to bonus and the Exemplar’s ability to substitute some other skill for a Diplomacy check. With +10,347 to that check, anyone who sees the jump is automatically made fanatical to your cause.

Also, it should be noted that the parameters in the question don’t prevent Pun-pun, unless you want to call that a shortcut. Most TO endeavors ban infinite loops (like Pun-pun). Without such a restriction, Pun-pun can have any movement speed he cares to give himself.