View Full Version : Missing: One Spell and a Wondrous Item

The Magister
2018-07-05, 02:38 PM
I've been losing my mind over the last few days. I've been digging through every sourcebook short of things like the MM and every issue of Dragon I have, and I can't find two things back that I'd very much like to add to my primary campaign: A spell that restores damaged/destroyed tomes and other texts and a tome that can store other books like a Kindle. Dragon #327 has something similar to the tome (the slate folio), but it's crude by comparison and just not as good as what I'm after.

I remember reading about both of these things just last year, but I've apparently gone stupid and have completely forgotten where. I'm well aware that I could simply whip up a nice batch of delicious homebrew, but it would save a lot of trouble to just use the originals. Does anyone know what I'm talking about, here?

2018-07-05, 02:53 PM
No idea about the first. The second sounds like the Tome of Tomes in Underdark. It’s an artifact but it really should just be a common magic item.

2018-07-05, 02:55 PM
Older editions had make whole, which was essentially a higher-level mending. You might be able to homebrew that back into existence if it isn't out there lurking in a hidden book somewhere.

2018-07-05, 03:38 PM
Doesn't the Rebuild Item Utterance do the former? AFB right now, but that might work.

The Magister
2018-07-05, 04:12 PM
No idea about the first. The second sounds like the Tome of Tomes in Underdark. It’s an artifact but it really should just be a common magic item.

The tome of books! Of course it was in the only Forgotten Realms-specific book I do not have, even though it's where the vast majority of my campaigns are set (and even the ones that aren't invariably have the party end up somewhere on Toril sooner or later, anyway). Thank you for the help.

Older editions had make whole, which was essentially a higher-level mending. You might be able to homebrew that back into existence if it isn't out there lurking in a hidden book somewhere.

I've already considered that, but I recall that one feature of this spell stood out as being really useful for some reason, even if it is specific to books.

Doesn't the Rebuild Item Utterance do the former? AFB right now, but that might work.

No idea what an 'utterance' is, but thanks, anyway. I'll check that out.

Well, homebrew it is, then. It will be easy to bust down the tome to a WI, but I'll never get rid of that nagging feeling that the spell will always be better than whatever I create in its place....

2018-07-05, 04:16 PM
Utterances are the 'spell' equivalents for Truespeakers, which are out of Tome of Magic (the same book which had the Binder in it). The class is generally considered underpowered to a great extent.

That said, there's no reason the spell you've forgotten should be 'better' than the one you make up. What is the effect you want that you think this other spell did? If you can't think of it, odds are that it actually didn't do anything nearly as impressive as you're imagining, and whatever you come up with will be better-suited to your goals.

The Magister
2018-07-05, 04:25 PM
Right, utterances. I've only ever used that book for the chapter about shadow magic. I'll look into that, then. The only reason I can't remember what the spell did, though, is because I was confident that I could find the bloody thing back without issue, so I only casually read the description. The one thing I remember for certain is that it was on a white page, so that rules out the FR books and I've already consulted the ToM (unless it was in there and I somehow missed it - I suppose I'll check again).

I have no issue with making one of my own - done it more times than I can count - but like I said, it's just an annoying little thought at the back of my mind. Like my finger after I busted it: It works just fine, now, but it's never going to stop hurting.

2018-07-05, 05:35 PM
Older editions had make whole, which was essentially a higher-level mending. You might be able to homebrew that back into existence if it isn't out there lurking in a hidden book somewhere.

Wait, older editions? Am I missing something (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/makeWhole.htm)?

2018-07-05, 05:47 PM
Doesn't the Rebuild Item Utterance do the former? AFB right now, but that might work.

Rebuild Item only works within 1 round, though. It won't fix something that was destroyed long ago. Or 12 seconds ago, for that matter. (Maybe 13 seconds depending on exactly how you count.) And don't forget that it has a range of touch, which is obnoxious.

Should work fine on a book that was destroyed right before your eyes last round, I suppose.

2018-07-06, 02:22 PM
Wait, older editions? Am I missing something (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/makeWhole.htm)?

No, you're not. When I wrote that, I, for some reason, thought I was in the 5e board. My bad.