View Full Version : Curse of strahd advise

2018-07-06, 03:14 AM
So im playing a lvl 5 ranger/ rest rogue and i have some questions

1) What would be a good favored terrain/enemy? I was thinking undead but i have no idea for terrain

2) What about healing? Should i grab some ranger healing spells like healing spirit and goodberry?

3) What would be some good skills to be proficient in? like is nature even useful?

4) any other advise without to much spoilers?

2018-07-06, 03:25 AM
I don't know too much about CoS, but here are my two cp based on what I can extrapolate.

1. It's Ravenloft, so that means the Ubervald, with thick forests and vampires and werewolves. FT Forests and FE Undead are probably good choices.

2. Rangers get terrible spells anyway, so yeah, grabbing two of the best healing and/or exploration spells in the game is a good idea.

3. I've head CoS can be a bit of a meatgrinder, so Medicine is probably a decent option. Other than that, though, I'm in the dark. Stealth, Perception, and Survival are probably good skills to have on principle, being a sneaky forest type.

4. No, you can't get proficiency with the cannon.

2018-07-06, 03:41 AM
I don't know too much about CoS, but here are my two cp based on what I can extrapolate.

1. It's Ravenloft, so that means the Ubervald, with thick forests and vampires and werewolves. FT Forests and FE Undead are probably good choices.

2. Rangers get terrible spells anyway, so yeah, grabbing two of the best healing and/or exploration spells in the game is a good idea.

3. I've head CoS can be a bit of a meatgrinder, so Medicine is probably a decent option. Other than that, though, I'm in the dark. Stealth, Perception, and Survival are probably good skills to have on principle, being a sneaky forest type.

4. No, you can't get proficiency with the cannon.

what other ranger spells would you recommend?

2018-07-06, 11:59 AM
1. Ravenloft has forests, mountains and swamps, mostly in that order. Undead are an obvious favoured enemy choice.

2. Yes, healing is of course useful. Lesser Restoration is often useful against undead but I don't recall us needing that very often. Pass Without Trace can help your whole party be stealthy so you can choose when to engage. I can think of a few places where Detect Magic or Locate Object would have been useful. Our Mood Druid did a lot of scouting in animal form...the various animal spells would be as useful as the DM allows them to be.

3. Stealth can be useful to see what you're getting into; Arcana due to the large amount of mysterious magical items and places; Religion to know about undead; social skills will be useful in the first half. Most of these aren't ranger skills of course...

4. Radiant damage is awesome.

2018-07-06, 12:04 PM
1) Undead and humanoids (human/elves) make up the majority of enemies.

2) Depends on your party. If there are Clerics/Druids/Bards around, then no, otherwise yes.

3) Survival, Stealth and the trapfinding kit (Perception/Invesyigation). The rest will be taken care of by others, probably.

4) Have darkvision, and be prepared to die.